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I WEDNESDour o'clock.j


[No title]

Family Notices



X COAL COAST DUTY. In several of our papers, with much satis- faction we have inserted the proceedings of the Noblemen and Gentlemen in this and the ad- joining counties for establishing an Infirmary This certainly claims and deserves the^grate- ful approbation of every individual—and whilst recording our just tribute .of praise to these exertions, we cannot but lament, that similar public energies were not shewn in ob- taining a repeal of the Coal Coast Duty- 'Wh ich would unquestionably have < accom- plished an event that would have nurtured the poor, PREVENTED DISEASE, and added to the prosperity of the country through every department of society. Another opportunity, with pious wishes for its success, now offers, --stimulated by our former exertions, the SOUTH CAMBRIANS step forward todbtaiu it,— let us unite with our brethren, let the sense of each county be expressed in the strongest tei-iiis, and let. us prove to England, the hard- ship of being deprived of the comforts which they enjoy in common. and from which we are crneiiy excluded. for, aitli,)-ugll the tax itself is trivial at);d beneath the notice of either the minister or the country, it falls with dire, oppression- on those who, from their wretch- edness and poverty, imperiously claim oui exertion and protection.—VVe addn ss this to men of power and riches,—and let them Ire tier'< how delightful it wili be to receive the thanks and blessings of the poor and miserable— the only boon in this world they can have to;offer—and an off ring: highly acceptable even to tile OAINIPOTENT ''t( The l,aiicasiriati of Education un questionably constitutes one of the most bene- ficial institutions of the age—by the rapidity of this mode of iiistnutioti the hoy is not de- tained more tfiAn tweive mviittii fro in-, the use- ful occupations of life, in attaiuiiig the neces sary acquisitions oT reading and writing—soon becoming serviceable to "his parents, to his country, and to himself. We hail the auspi | cious period' near, when they will become ge- neral.—.The Rev. Charles Lloyd, K -ctor ot Whittington, oh our borders, Jias., withrpious benevolence, established both a boy;and.girl's* schoot upon this ptan and we trust that the example he has shewn will sjuead, like geuiai heal, through the pastors of the Principality,! to enable their piirishi<>neis toireadihe Holy Scriptures, and forward the true and itteasiti, duty of the Cure of Souls." We recom- mend to our enlightened readers a jjerusal of Mr. Lancaster's ingenious work. The Right Hon. GeOrge Rose,-Treasurer of iiis Majesty's navy, ?has appointed Mr. John Lewis, of the "Customs, -of the port-of .Ches- ter. a navy'agent in the- receipt of wages, nay, prize, aind bounty-money, for and in respect of the service of officers and., sen men, non-commissioned officers' -of- (natiiies, and marines oil hoard his Majesty's shi.ps, Sir W. W. Wynne, Bart. Member of Parlia- meet for the county -of has, with that princely munificence for-which he is so eminently distinguished, givefra building at Wrexhal11, sufficiently large to educate 500 poor children, on the Lancastrian plar besides subscribing very haiidsot-nely towards .the sup- port of the Itiq eXêulipJeso trulv noble, that we frusfit "ill lie followed by those who are alike blessed with-affluenee in every part of the kingdom, tH), as' his Majesty truly said lo Mr: Lancaster H h Jmped -in a short time he should not have a subject iii-iiis dominions who was uua-bie to read his bible r The brig Swan, Capt. iBevan, from Loudon io Swansea, with a valuable cjirgp of tiinber and- other goods, was captured on the night of the 14th of ovember last, betweeu Beachy ilead and the Owers, by L' Vicfoire French privateer, and carried into Fecamp, in'Franee. After endnring the most painfut anxiety and suspencefor upwards ot threemonths, respect- ing the fate of this vessel, the friends of the master and crew will be gratified to learn that they were all in good health four days after their departure; they were then in expecta- tion of being sent to the depot at Arras, and from thence to be distributed to different pri- j sous; it was thought the crew would he or- dered to Cambray, and the Captain and Mate to Auxerre, near Dijon. Captain Bevan's letter, containing the above particulars was received last weekr; although dated the 13th of November. A fine ship, the Trafalgar, was laimched at Chepstow, on Tuesday last, from the yard of Messrs. Bowsher and Co. on a principle rather new at that place viz. with a. boom across the stern, which is deemed a great security where the xiver is narrow. The vessel went off in a style very satisfactory to the builders, and highly gratifying to a numerous assem- blae of spectators. Early on Monday morning last, as Mrs. Ca- therine Roberts, gardener, of Cardiff, was on her way to Merthyr, the cart overturned, and falling on her, she was killed on the spol.- Owing to the darkness of the morning she got too near the edge of theroad,and.was hurled down a precipice; fortunate-ly the shafts broke, or the horses must have shared the "same fate. Mrs. R. had attendcdthe Merthyr markets for several years, and had many times toid her friends that they woutd some day hear of her being killed.'on' that road.-Ver- dict, accidental death Extract of a Letter from Liverpool. I atn now, by way of postcript, to acquaint you briefly of the most shocking accident which was ever known here, and which hap- 4 pened yesterday morning about half past ten O'clock when the- bclls -of,, the old-church frere ringing fortervife, the,stec),le;gave way, and the whotefej) upon the body of the church with a tremendous shock,-crushing eve;ry thing before it to atoms; the organ, gallery, pulpit, &e. sunk beneath the weight, some of the,stone* were thrown as far as the; communion table. The height of the rub- bish was immense—the spectacle tremendou and awful. Instant exertion was made to re- lieve the stitferers-ito less than twenty-one persons were taken out of the ruins dead, and amongst the number poor Mr. Molmeaux, the cooper, a respectable worthy man, and it is feared many more may yet be discovered.— Many of the poor children in the charily school at Moorfields, ilicti goiii- into the church fell victims—many also were carried out shocking spectacles, some without arms, legs, &c. Had it happened ten minutes later, when the whole were in the church, hun- dreds would have been killed.The clergy, I am told, were in the vestry with the clerk, and providentially escaped unhurt. It seems the steeple was in a decayed slate, and then repairing. We could have wished to have given fur- ther information on this melancholy subject, which we purpose iu our next., On "Friday last, a ewe belonging to Mr. WestmacoU". farmer, of i-t-al Cardiff, yeaned two lambs, one ofwhtch had but three legs, although in every other respect perfect, and the strongest lamb of the fwo. Extraordinary Family.—-Andrew Pearse, a very industrious man, w ho work* Messrs Hare and Son's floor cloth mauufactorv, Bristol, 'was married Jan. 2C, 1801. to Han- nah Taylor, by whom lie had fourteen chil dren, in little more than sh: years, with a. speedy.prospect of a further increase to the family. The children consist of three !oys, born Oct. I. 1801; two boys. Oct. 3, 1802 one hoy and a -ir! July 16,"l803 j two toys, Ma* 13, 1804 one hoy and a girl, Feb. 14, 1806 one boy, Nov..16, 1807. A gentleman, not very remarkable for the orightness of his ideas, having conversed with a ady of great reputed talents, afterwards ob served to a friend of her's, that she displayed oo wit whirle conversing with him. T dare' say hot," replied the other, for being a lady of polileness as well a%tileil t,. %lie I w -,I y, dapts her Connersatian to the capacity of heT company S • >>.

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----......--.:-LONDON, 4/H…

Political Swftmiary. -----