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BRECONSHIRE, SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next A- 14 GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the County of Brecon will be held at the SHIRE-HALL, in Brecon, in and for the said county, on TUESDAY, the Fifth day of JANUARY next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. At Twelve o'clock at Noon the business relating to the Assnss- ment, Application, or Management of the County Rate or Stock will commence. The Court will also order and make a Police Rate, under the provisions of the 19th and 20th Victoria, c. 69, and of the several acts referred to therein. All Witnesses in any Appeal are to be ready in Court to answer to their names at Twelve o'clock at Noon on the above-mentioned day, when all Appellants and Respondents must also attend. Grand and Petty Jurors, Prosecutors, and Wit- nesses, must attend on WEDNESDAY, the Sixth day of JANUARY next, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. Depositions must be forwarded to the Clerk of the Peace seven clear days before the Sessions, and in all cases arising subsequently immediately upon being taken. And Notice is hereby given that all Persons having Claims upon the County must deliver in their accounts at the Clerk of the Peace's Office, SHIRE- HALL, BRECON, on SATURDAY, the Twenty-Sixth day of DECEMBER instant. And that all Costs of Prosecutions to be allowed by the County must be taxed at the same Sessions previous to or during which they shall be incurred, or they will not afterwards be allowed. And further, that all Appeals and Traverses for trial must be' entered with the Clerk of the Peace before the sitting of the Court at Eleven o'clock on TUESDAY. EDWARD WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Peace. Brecon, 7th December, 1868. [1198 TO POSTMASTERS AND OTHERS. THE Directors of the Castle of Brecon Hotel Company, Limited, are prepared to receive TENDERS for their GENERAL POSTING BUSINESS, which they consider can be managed to better advantage by one person having all under his immediate personal control. The coming-in will be moderate, and the Stables and Coach Houses will be Let at a low Rental. Any energetic industrious man having only a small capital, and some knowledge of the work, will find this an excellent opportunity of profitably employing his time and means. Arrangements will be entered into whereby the whole of the Posting arising from the Hotel-which is considerable—will be secured to the Lessee. The Horses and Carriages required, to be taken to at a valuation. Tenders, directed "THE SECRETARY CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL, BRECON," to be sent in on or before the 24th instant. Castle of Brecon Hotel, Dec. 10, 1868. [1200 In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN GRIFFITHS, late of the Town of Brecon, Builder and Timber Merchant. NOTICE is hereby given, that all CREDITORS and other Persons having CLAIMS and DEMANDS upon the Estate of JOHN GRIFFITHS, late of the Town of Brecon, in the County of Brecon, Builder and Timber Merchant, who by deed, dated the Thirteenth day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Eight, assured all his real and personal Estate and Effects to Trustees to be administered for the benefit of his Creditors, are required to send in particulars of their Debts, Claims, or Demands, to the under- signed, DAVID THOMAS, of the Town of Brecon, in the County of Brecon, on or bffore THURSDAY the Twenty First day of JANUARY, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Nine. Creditors omitting to send in their Claims as above will be excluded from the benefit of the first dividend. Dated this 11th day of December, 1868. DAVID THOMAS, 1205] Solicitor to the Assignees. THE NEW ENDOESING- PRESS Inks itself and gives a Distinct Impression.— Price (including Die), ONE GUINEA. No place of business should be without it. A specimen may be seen, or an impression from it sent by post, on application at the BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE. TO WLE MUMER CORPS. TARGET SCOSING CARDS, CONVE- niently arranged for five shots at three distances, ruled and printed on stout Card, as used by the 1st Brecknockshire Corps, may be had at the 11 BRacox COUNTY TIMES" Office, Brecon. Price Is. per dozen a single dozen Is. 6d. Postage 2d. per dozen extra. WANTED an active YOUNG MAN for the Counting House, from 18 to 25 years of age.—Applications, with references, stating salary required, to be made forthwith to "A. B. County Times Office. Security required. [1207 0 INNKEEPERS.-TO be LET, J_ with immediate possession, an old-established DOUBLE-LICENSED HOUSE, with convenient Stables, situate in Llanvaes, in the Town of Brecon, known by the name of the "NEW GREYHOUND," with a large Garden and about an Acre of Meadow Land. The Household Furniture, Fixtures, Brewing Utensils, Stock-in-Trade, &c., may be taken by valuation. For further particulars apply to Mr. JOHN PROBERT, Auctioneer, Watton, Brecon, or to the Landlord, on the premises. [1098 TO LET, the MILITARY ARMS," INN, Watton, Brecon, opposite the Barracks- Coming. in moderate. Apply on the Premises. [1208 PARSONS, FLETCHER, ana CO.'S, INDIAN RICE STARCH. (TRADE MARK, AN ELEPHANT.) This excellent STARCH, introduced by PARSONS, FLETCHER, and Co., has met with a success unparal- leled in the annals of the Starch Trade, and is known as the ELEPHANT STARCH. Ladies should insist on their Laundresses using this Starch, which, being manufactured by an improved process, is much purer, and consequently more glossy, requires no boiling, and is ENTIRELY FREE FROM THE DESTROYING EFFECTS TO THE LINEN so common in other Starches now in use. 22, BREAD STREET, LONDON. Sold in Packets of ilb., lIb., and lib., and in 41b. papers, by BENJAMIN THE GROCER AND BENJAMIN AND COMPANY, BRECON, And all respectable Grocers. [338 THOMAS THOMAS (of the Brecon Old Bank, Carmarthen), intends commencing BUSINESS in BRECON early in JANUARY next as a PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. MERCANTILE and TRADESMEN'S BooKsmadeup and balanced; Bills sent out, and Accounts collected. EXECUTORSHIP, CO- PARTNERSHIP, BANKRUPTCY, and other Accounts prepared. Books of PUBLIC COMPANIES examined and audited. LAW STATIONER. Documents copied and engrossed. HOUSE and ESTATE AGENT; Rents &c., collected. COMMISSION and INSURANCE AGENT. SURETIES given when required. The strictest PRIVACY in all matters may be relied upon. OFFICES WHEAT STREET, BRECON. [1206 HIGH STREET, BRECON. H HUGHES, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, • and NEWS AGENT, begs respectfully to announce that he has now added the BOOKBIND- ING BRANCH to his Business, and is prepared to bind books in every variety of Style or Pattern on the premises. Periodicals placed in publishers' covers. School Books and Libraries neatly repaired. All orders will be promptly attended to. [897 ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. DENTAL SURGERY. MR. EDWARD KING attends Monthly— BUILTH: The last Monday, at LION HOTEL. LLANDOVERY: On Saturday after the secon Wednesday, at KING'S HEAD HOTEL, from 11 to 2. Artificial Teeth fixed, from one to a complete set. Teeth stopped. Loose Teeth fastened, and Children's Teeth regulated. Residence—BULWARK, BRECON. [897 THE PLANTING SEASON. Hardy, Regularly Transplanted, and therefore well-rooted TREES & PLANTS. JAMES DICKSON & SONS beg to draw special attention to their exceedingly large and good STOCK of FOREST TREES, Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs,, Evergreens, Coniferss, together with all other Trees and Plants, the whole in fine healthy condition for safe removal. Price Lists post free on application. NEWTON NURSERIES, CHESTER. Also at LLANDILO, SOUTH WALES, and NEWTOWN, NORTH WALES. [1191 JAMES GRAFF, Practical FURRIER, CATTLE STREET, NEATH. Furs cleaned, altered, and repaired. The only Furrier in Wales. [1185 WHEATLEY KIRK, & EDWARD HOARE, CIVIL and MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ENGINEERING VALUERS, AUCTIONEERS, ARBITRATORS and SURVEYORS. Plant and Machinery of every description for Sale. MANCHESTER, and 1, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. [1097 JUST PUBLISHED, HP HE Second Edition of GWLADYS _IL WILLIAMS,an ENGLISH DRAMA bearing upon Wales. London: T. T. LEMARE, 1, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. It deals with Characters in the County of Car- marthen, and with scenes recently enacted there. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The reader need not be told that throughout this little Drama there is no false feeling-no base hero dragging his slow length through scores of pages—provoking what next V and I what next?' till the patient reader loses himself by a fortunate hiatus, or a skip' of some forty or fifty pages. No, this is neither novel high life, or low life, improbable or com- mon place, but it is a combination of those characters and qualities, and one that needs but be seen to be enjoyed by 'the forward child-understanding.—Nottingham, Review, It is the most interesting little book we have taken up for some time."—Leicester Journal. Y mae yr awdwr yn ysgrifenydd esmwyth a rhwydd, ac yn ymddangos yn gyfarwydd a theithi anhebgor nofel boblogaidd."—Y Tyst Oymreig. [902 A CHRISTMAS PRESENT! Acceptable to Friends at a distance. "BRECON AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD," Cloth gilt, handsomely Illuminated and Illus- trated, 3s.; or in Paper Covers, Is. 6d. Published and sold at the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" Office, Brecon. Sold also by the Booksellers in Brecon, and at the Railway Stations. By Post for 3s. 8d. or Is. 8d. in Stamps. [1203 TO DEALERS IN SPIRITS (Wholesale and Retail). SPIRIT STOCK BOOKS, as required by Act of Parliament, are kept in stock at the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, BRECON, Price 2s. 6d. each; by post for 32 stamps. [1072 CHEAP ENVELOPES FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. Per 100. Per bundle Per (250). 1000. tii x i 8. d. s. d. s. d. Blue Laid, ordinary 0 6 1 2 46 r" ? ^ality 08. 16. 5 0 CreamLaid,2nd quaiitJ 0 9 18 5 6 Large Buff, for enclo- sures In 2 0 7 6 Foolscap officials ""i: 2 £ g 0 22 0 (If Printed on, 3s. 6d. per i oOO extra.) AT THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, BRECON. [1199 IMP O R T ANT. IF you want to BORROW MONEY nt a cheap rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS, ifi Dock-street, Newport, Mon., and Insure your Lifp' and he will guarantee that, with approved personal security, you can have any sum from £ 50 to £ 2,000 for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years, repayable by fixed half-yearly or quarterly instalments. Office hours: 10 to 5. [174 ,IMPORTANT NOTICE. A MOST FAVOURABLE oppor- TUNE^ by which a sum of £ 20,000 can be 011ri sma^ outlay °f £ 1 only, by a bona- fide Money Transaction, established and guaranteed by Government. For Prospectus containing full particulars (which will be sent gratis), apply by tetter, address J. A. RINCK, 14, Duke Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. [^49 BEN JAM I NTH E G ROC ERe, JD HIGH STREET, BRECON & A ç 04. 0 + FIRST-CLASS THRASHING MACHINES, WINNOWING MACHINES, CHAFF CUTTERS, AND PULPERS, With every description of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, adapted for Steam, Horse, or Manual Labour. AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. N.B.—Carriage paid, by Rail, Twenty Miles from Works of Makers. -F,y HODGES & WRIGHT, B R E CON. F1062 BRISTOL PACKET COMPANY. JOHN PROTHERO Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS ef the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods intended for conveyance by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive his prompt attention. All goods to be conveyed by PBOTHEBO'S BOATs-from London, per Great Western and South Wales Railway, Newport,"—from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, per London and North Western Railway to Newport,—thence "per PROTHERO'S BOATS "-and all goeds from Bristol, 'per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOObs CARRIED and DELIVERED WITR OARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering goods!—PROTHERO'S BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, 1Bt Oct., 1863. [17 THE BRECON COUNTY TIMES" PRESENTATION ALMANACK. ADVERTISERS who desire to secure space for their Announcements in this A EXCELLENT MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISEMENTS are requested to apply at the Office, without delay, for Terms, &c., as the space allotted to Advertisements is limited. [1194 THE BRECON COUNTY TIMES, NEATH GAZETTE, And Advertiser for the Counties of BRECON, GLAMORGAN, RADNOR, CARMARTHEN, CARDIGAN, MONTGOMERY, HEREFORD, and MONMOUTH. Published on Friday afternoons, for Saturdays price (unstamped), 2d. This Paper, which comprises Eight Pages-Forty-eight Columns-has not only established itself as the COUNTY PAPER FOR BRECONSHIRE, But has acquired also such an extensive sale in the adjoining Counties, that (with two exceptions) it now enjoys the LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN SOUTH WALES In the important town of Neath its circulation exceeds by sixtimcs that of ALL OTHER LOCAL WEEKLY PAPERS COMBINED! From these facts it will readily be seen that it commends itself to the Public as one of the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE PRINCIPALITY. Advertisements are charged according to a very moderate uniform scale, copies of which may be obtained, free by post, on application. Copies of the Paper are supplied to Subscribers from the Chief Office, or any of the numerous Agencies, on the following terms :— If paid in advance. Credit. Delivered by Messenger, per quarter 2s. 2d 2s. 6d. By Post 3s. 3d. 3s. 6d. GENERAL PRINTING Is executed at the office of this Paper, NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY, and CORRECTLY, the possession of NEW and MODERN TYPE and IMPROVED MACHINERY (driven by Hydraulic Power), enabling the Proprietors to offer the Public advantages in these respects, as well as in regard to price, such as have hitherto been unattainable in this district. FINE and COLOR PRINTING executed in the best style of Typographic Art. Proofs by return of post when required. Carriage of Parcels prepaid to any Station on the Main Lines running from Brecon; Estimates furnished for any class of work, upon application, by post or otherwise PRINTING OFFICES,—CHURCH STREET, BRECON. [1068 WILLIAM FARR, PRINTER, AND PUBLISHER OF THE "BRECON JOURNAL," EEGS to inform his Friends and the Public generally that he has disposed of his NEWSPAPER and GENERAL PRINTING BUSINESS to the BRECON COUNTY TIMES" PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, in whose favour he respectfully solicits a continuance of the support so kindly extended to him during the past 17 years. THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, IN referring to the above announcement, beg to solicit, on their own behalf, the support of the inhabitants generally of the extensive district over which their business operations extend. The incorporation of Mr. Farr's Paper with their own renders the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" THE ONLY NEWSPAPER NOW PUBLISHED IN THE COUNTY OF BRECON, whilst, with regard to General Printing, they feel assured that but few Country Offices can give to their Customers the advantages they are enabled to offer, in style, expedition, correctness, and moderate charges. "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" Printing Offices, Church Street, Brecon. [1067 "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, BRECON. BOOKBINDING AT LONDON PRICES. NEWSPAPERS, &c. The Illustrated News," Illustrated Times," Punch," Tomahawk," Fun," Cottage Gardener," &c., bound in London Cloth Covers, or strongly Half-bound in Roan at the same price or Half-bound in Calf at a small additional charge. PERIODICALS. "Cornhill Magazine," Temple Bar," "London Society," "St. Paul' "Belgravia," Tinslev's ^ambers's Journal," Sunday Magazine," Good Words," Cassell's numerous publications, and all other periodicals, neatly and appropriately bound at very Moderate Charges. MUSIC Neatly Half-bound in Roan or Calf. PORTFOLIOS For holding Music, Prints, Drawings, Maps, &c., made to order. FAMILY BIBLES, Ana other Devotional Works, handsomely bound in Morocco, with Gilt Edges, Tooled Sides, and Backs. cc_ T LAW BINDING. ine Law J ournal Reports" arranged and bound in Volumes, as per Publishers' instructions, or in any other method which may be preferred. Circuit and Law Binding of every description. ACCOUNT BOOKS Of every kind ruled to pattern, and bound in the most durable manner. N.B.—The Materials for Binding, especially the Roan, Calf, Morocco, Cloth, and Marble Papers, have been selected with care from the large Stock of an eminent London Firm, and are of the choicest manufacture. The work being executed entirely on the premises one profit only is charged at the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE. [1069 THE BRECON COUNTY TIMES" RAILWAY TIME TABLE. THIS convenient TIME TABLE for the Pocket (with alterations for DEC. 1868,) may be obtained at the Agencies of the BRECON COUNTY TIMES, and at the various Railway Stations in the district. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. [1070 CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL. CHRISTMAS BALL. A BALL will take place at the CASTLE HOTEL, BRECON, on TUESDAY, the 29th of DECEMBER, 1868, under the following distinguished Patronage & LADY BAILEY, MRS. HOTCHKIS, „ E. P. PRICE. „ ELMSLIE, „ XIMENES, 1 91 DUMBLETON, „ BOLD. „ GOUGH, HON. G. C. MORGAN, M.P., MAJOR HOTCHKIS, H. P. PRICE, ESQ., COLONEL GWYNNE, H. XIMENES, ESQ., OFFICERS 23RD REGIMEUT, R. D. GOUGH, ESQ. STEWARD: WILLIAM DE WINTON, ESQ: GENTLEMEN'S TICKETS 10s. 6d. each. LADIES' 7s. 6d. „ [1201 CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL COMPANY, LIMITED. PERSONS desirous of Contracting to supply this Hotel with BUTCHER'S MEAT (per lb.), and COAL (per ton, delivered), from the 1st JANUARY to the 31st DECEMBER, 1869, are requested to send in Tenders, addressed to the Secretary, on or before THURSDAY, the 24th instant. The Directors do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. HENRY JONES, Secretary. Castle of Brecon Hotel, Brecon, Dec. 18, 1868. [1211 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE, INSTITUTED 1821. CAPITAL £ 550,000. DIRECTORS: Sir ROBERT J. II A EVE Y HARVEY, Bart., President. EDWARD STEWART, Esq., Vice-President. George Durant, Esq. Donald Dalrymple, Esq., M.P. Henry S. Paterson, Esq. Wm. Robert'CIarke, Esq. Henry Brown, Esq. George Edward Simpson, Esq. Wales Christopher Ilotsoii, Esq. Colonel James Cockburn. Charles Edward Tuck, Esq. Thomas Beevor, Esq. Secretary-Sir SAMUEL BIGNOLD, Knight, Surrey Street, Norwich. THE RATES of this SOCIETY are the same as at other Offices, whilst periodical returns are made to the parties insured. In proof of the public confidence in the Principles and con- duct of this Establishment, it will suffice to state that the total business now exceeds £ 80,000,000. A BONUS of nearly 50 PER CENT. on current Premiums will be paid to Insurers (whether losses have been incurred on their Policies or not) at MICHAELMAS and CHRISTMAS, 1868, and LADY-DAY and MIDSUMMER, 1869. More than zC392,430 have been previously paid in Bonuses. Insurers whose Premiums are due at Cbrist- mas are reminded that payment should be made within Fifteen days of that date. AGENTS FOR THE COUNTY BRECON MR. JOHN EVANS. HAY MR. CHARLES GRIFFITHS. [1209 A. D. 1720. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. (Established by Charter of his Majesty George the First) FOR SEA, FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES. OFFICES ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. OCTAVIUS WIGRAM, Esq Governor. JAMES STEWART HODGSON, Esq Sub-Governor. CHARLES JOIIX MANNING, Esq., Deputy-Governor. DIRECTORS. Robert Barclay, Esq. William Tetlow Hibbert, Esq. John Garratt Cattley, Esq. Wilmot Holland, Esq. Mark Currie Close, Esq. Egerton Hubbard, Esq. Edward James Daniell, Esq. Nevile Lubbock, Esq. William Davidson, Esq. Geo. Forbes Malcomson, Esq. Lancelot William Dent, Esq. Lord Josceline Wm. Percy. Alexander Druce, Esq. Charles Robinson, Esq. Fredk. Joseph Edlmann, Esq. Samuel Leo Schuster, Esq. Charles Hermann Goschen, Esq. Eric Carrington Smith, Esq. Riversdale lVm. Grenfell, Esq. Joseph Somes, Esq. Francis Alex. Hamilton, Esq. William Wallace, Esq. Robert Amadeus Heath, Esq. Charles Baring Young, Esq. Medical Referee, SAMUEL SOLLY, Esq., F.R.S. NOTICE.—The usual fifteen days allowed for payment of FIRE PREMIUMS falling due at Midsummer will expire on the 14th October. FIRE and LIFE ASSURANCES may be effected on advantageous terms. The Duty on Fire Assurances has been reduced to the uniform rate of Is. 6d. per cent. per annum. No charge is made by this Corporation for Fire Policy or Stamp, however small the Assurance may De. FARMING STOCK.—No extra charge is made for the use of Steam Thrashing-Machines. The Reversionary Bonus on British LIFE POLI- CIES has averaged nearly 2 per cent. per annum on the sum assured. Equivalent reductions have been made in the Premiums payable by persons who preferred that form of Bonus. The divisions of profit take place every Five years. Any sum not exceeding 215,000 may be insured on one Life. This Corporation affords to the Assured Liberal participation in Profits, with the guar- antee of a large invested Capital Stock, and exemption, under Royal Charter, from the liabil- ities of partnership. The advantages of modern practice, with the security of an Office whose resources have been tested by the experience of nearly a CENTURY AN* A HALF. AGENTS: CRICKHOWELL .Mr. G. A. A. DAVIES. Swansea, Mr. T. A. Marten; Abergavenny, Mr. Wm. Price, solicitor Cardiff, Lewis and Williams Brecon, Mr. John Morgan, Bank Carmarthen, Mr. Wm. Richards, solicitor; Chepstow, Mr J. Wright; Holyhead, Mr. Hugh Roberts, North and South Wales Bank; Llanelly, Messrs. Tate and Johnson, solicitors Aberystwith, Mr. R. Webster; Carnarvon, Mr. John Morgan Bangor, Mr. J. V. H. Williams Llandilo, Rev. B. D. Thomas Pwllheli, Mr. David Davies Cow- bridge, Mr. Thomas Rees, solicitor Wrexham, Mr. R. Hughes; Holywell, Mr. J. Powell Monmouth, Mr. J. W. Wightman Newport (Monmouthshire), Messrs Prothero and Fox Neath, Mr. H. Jone3, solicitor; Hereford, Mr. John Gwillim, jun., solicitor, also Mr. Richard Underwood, soli- citor Bromyard, Mr. John Bennett Kington, Mr. Thomas Price Leominster, Mr. Edwin Lloyd, soli- citor Ross, Mr, Wm. Powell Hooper, solicitor Milford, Mr. E. Hughes Denbigh, Mr. Eyton Williams, solicitor Dolgelly, Mr. David Pugh, soli- citor; Knighton, Mr. W. W. Archibald; Ruthin, Mr. John Jones. Prospectuses and all information may be obtained on application to any of the Company's Agents, or at the ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. 1210] ROBT. P. STEELE, Secretary. ECLECTIC MEDICINES ONLY WILL CURE. Just published, free for two stamps, A GUIDE TO THE CURE OF NER. VOUSNESS, by HENRY SMITH, M.D., of the University of Jena, author of the Volunteer's Manual," &c. A new Medical Work on the wonderful power of Eclectic or Concentrated Medicines for the Care of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, Want of Energy, and Prema- ture Decline, with Instructions for perfect Restora- tion to Health and Vigour without the painful Shocks of Galvanism or the use of Electric Belts, Ac. The WARNING VOICE is Illustrated with many Cases and Testimonials, Gives Advice and Rules for the Cure of all diseases by the use of the new Eclectic Remedies. Dr. SMITH invites all who have tried the falaely. called remedy, Galvanism or Electricity, to send a stamped-directed envelope for his new Pamphlet, which will be sent by return of post. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER, WITHOUT FEE.—Dr. SMITH will, for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers, on receiving a description of their Case, send his written opinion, with advice and directions for the most successful treatment and cure. Address, Dr. SMITH, 8, Burton-orescent, London, WX- [1187 THE CHAMPION LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS. These Pil!s are compounded from the recipe of one of the most eminent physicians of the present day (who, from purely philanthropic motives-knowing their excellent properties from experience-baa been induced to give the benefit of them to the public at large). They are prepared by an able and experi- enced chemist, and are acknowledged, by the faculty, to be the most valuable medicine for all disorders of the stomach and derangements of the liver ever prepared. It is a well-known fact that most of the diseases incident to the human race arise from a disordered stomach, and an irregular state of the bowels, and for want of a suitable remedy, taken in time, thousands of (at first) simple maladies become serious illnesses To guard against this great evil, and to preserve the blessings of health, these pills are confidently and earnestly recommended. They act generally on the constitution, cleanse the blood of all impurities; regulate the secretions, and give tone to the stomach; correct the morbid con- dition of the lWer. regulate the bowels, and, by, removing all impediments, restore elasticity and vigour to the whole frame. Sold in ooxes (with directions for use) Is. 1 Jd. «ml 7id. each (a saving by taking the larger size). Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Barclay and Son, London, and Retail by all Medicine Vendors. AGENT FOR BRECON:—MB. MORRIS, CHEMIST. K AYE'S WORSDELLS' PILLS. ——— This invaluable Medicine, which has been knowa throughout the UNITED KINGDOM for nearly half a century, and recognised by all who have tried it to be the BEST PURIFIER OF THE BLOOB, is admirably adapted to supply a great want—that of a remedy always at hand, easy of application, and eertain in its results. Its timely aid prevents, and its assistance cures, all Diseases, however caused; and where these Pills are persevered with DOCTORS' BILLS ARE UNKNOWN. Being a purely vegetable preparation, they may be taken at any time by either sex without fear of danger. Acting upon the bowels mildly, yet effect- ually, by their fine tonic, aromatic, and aperient properties, they remove all oppressive accumu- lations, regulate the secretions of the liver and bowels, strengthen the stomach, and purify the blood. Prepared solely by JOHN KATE, Esq., of Prospect Hall, Woodford, Essex. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines, at Is. lid, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. [428 ESTABLISHED NEARLY 40 YEARS. JO S LIN S' Squill and Ipecacuanha qj LOZENGES for Coughs, Asthma, and incipient Consumption. JOSLIN'S Squill and Ipecacuanha LOZENGES are invaluable to public speakers and singers. JOSLIN'S Squill and Ipecacuanha LOZENGES have a pleasant taste. JOSLIN'S Squill and Ipecacuanha LOZENGES are recommended by the faculty. Sold in Bottles at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d., and Tins at 4s. 6d. and lis, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Wholesale by Messrs. BARCLAY, SANOHB, SUTTON, and EDWABDS, London, and by J. L. DAVIES, CHEMIST, HAY. Agents at Hereford-Messrs. F. & A. MEBBICK, Cheltenham—Mr. GIBBON and Mr. SMITH, Chemists, High-street. Brecon-. Aberdare- Mr. J. JONES, Stamp-Office. Merthyr-Mr. THOS. STEPHENS, 113, High-street. Neath—Mr. W. HIBBEBT, Chemist. [71 pASSELL'S POPULAR HAND-BOOKS, 12mo, cloth, Is. each; free by post for IS >tamps Amusing and Instructive Experiment* Book-kcepinu Business-Chess-Civil Service (2s. &i.)-Dor"estic Redpes- Elocution and Oratory—Emc-rpencies—Etiquette—Gardening- Health and Physiology—Investments— Lette- Writing-Natura1 Philosophy—Our Domestic Pets-RailwaySituatlona. Now ready, a Cheap Edition, price 6s., of THE NORTH-WEST PASSAGE BY LAND; being tlie History of an Expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific through British Territory, by one of the Northern Passes in the Rocky Mountains. With Eight Illustrations and Map. By Viscount MILTON, M.P., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., &c., and W. B. CHEADLB, M.A., M.D. Cantab., F.R.G.S. Robinson Crusoe's imaginary hardships are as nothing to those endured by Viscount Milton and Dr. Cheadle. Spectator. The Large 8vo Edition of THE NOETH-WEST PASSAGB, with 22 Illustrations and Maps, is still in print, price 21s. (Six th Edition.) _4-