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n II'. n. n e Celo/nrikte ZWarraated to REMOVE CORNS BY THE ROO I> when other remedies fail. Can be easily worn with tightest hoot, a.nd positively cares in week. No cuttirg required. Thousand1 of test; moniaU free, or Is. b tt'.o dent for 14 stamps b CHAVE & JACKSON, Che ui.-t*, Herefor i. J Rejuse Imitations. G. E. DAVIES, Chemist, bl60 Broad-street, Welshpool FOit THE BLOOD IS THS LIFE." AIV I" 3LQOD PURIFIER! gafflTAMD BESTOBFR For Cleansing and Clearing tb, B 00.1 from it mparities, it cannot be too nighly reco.rnn^nde i. For Scrofula, Sctirvv, Eczema, Skin aij j Biood Disease*. Pimples, and Sores of all kill'- it is a never-failing and permanent Cure. Cores Old -io I Cures Sor°s on the X-ck, Cores Sore Letfs, Cure- Pimples on the Faep. Cares ^'rurvi, Cares Eczemi., Cares Ulcere, Cares Bloo-f and S'ir r':=u-sex. Cure* Glandular S.I\ linge, Clears the Blood from a itnoure Matter, From whatever causo ari It is the only real specific for Rheumatic Pains. It rena)v-s the can. fr the blood and bone,. As this Mixture is pleasant to the .tar, warranted fre from Rnyt,t¡illjl injtuÎolJ, most delicate constitution of either s x -<-■ infancy to old age, the Proprietors lmfferers to give it a trial to test its vaino. THOUSANDS O1 TESTIMONIALS. "CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE is entirely tr from any poison or ra-tailic impregnation, dO"9 „ contain any injurious ingredient, ami is a good f1" uaeful medicine."—ALFREP SWAIN TAYLOR. M.,). Tosioologr tnr< r °Q Medical J urisprudenoe an.: «T *V ^.ST; GeoWs-road, HnU, Jan. 12, ls9<> <-n i °?Kht it was my duty to let you know wh Clarke'B Blood Mixtnre has done for m, "tr snffwrin* for tnnse years with abscesses on my arm an. i ?k ^doctors not hfing able to do me any "ood X am thankful to nay, after taking a few bottles V KUlth ■" 3 A°d M,lxtar,'< 1 restored to perfee, nfand wonhi have the whole world knov of your wonderful medicine.—Yours tr-nly, Mis. HOUGHTON. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cl,.n.-e th,, vitiat, ^nW^fy0U I"* itS im?nritlf-« bu-tint' through th ?•!?? P ♦ eruptions, and sores cleanse it wru-n mi nV4 fb,traot^ *nd in the veins cleanse itwh alTlunvfW,,m''<' wil1 tel1 *>u Keep your blxw l'tt. and the health of the system will follow. Sold in bottles 2s. 9rl. each' and in cqseq Mntaininr six titnes the qaantity, lis—sufficient to effect t periranent onre in the great majority «f louy- ■tardmff oas*e. VE NDERS ^VIISJS«. and PATENT AIEDICINl VENDERS throughont the Worid, or Bent to IOn. address on rewpt of 33 or 13:! "tamrJQ hv th ropnetnrs, THK I IXOOLX AND urnr AM, OUNTIK8 DRUG COM PA XT, LINCOLN 'Write for th" New Pam;)hl.t on Skin anti 'Vitn full dir>-ctions for did, ke., to Lincoln -Edland Cotinties Drug Cotrkl)any, Lincolu. Sent post free. TRADE MARK—BLOOD MIXTURE. ASK POK CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE' ,ln not be persuaded to take an Imitation. op rrr.mmfI.fJ m,- I Impurity of the -Enfeebled Existence. This medicine embraces every attribute required in a general and domestic remedy. In obstruction or congestions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or any other organs, these Pills are especi- ally serviceable p-id eminently successful. They should be kept in readiness in every family, being a medicine of incomparable "lhty for youog persons, particularly to those of feeble con- .;tutions. Jiliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lownes* of. spirits. These Pills effect a tmly w-nnerfu) change in debilitated constitutions, as they create a heau'hy appetite, correct indiges- tion, remove cxcess of bile, giddiness, headaciie, and palpitation of the heart* Mothers and .lighters. If there is one thing more rnan snot her for which these Pills are famous it is their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing th blood from ;,II :ni ^cs, reinovir.j; dan. gerous congestions, and renewing suspended secretions. Univer* sally adopted as th. one grand rcrrriedv for female complaints, these fills never foil, never we-ken ihe and alwayi bring about what iu required. "ndi^esticii, Stomr.oli, :1 Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from any tr- -ruers of the liver, stomac\ or other organs of Cige^ti»;ii. 'iivci iiTi"«nedi:ito recourse these PiiK. a^ ther^ is wj medic. Riiov.M ihu.t acts on these narticuUr complaints with such cc/:a..a biiccc^s. Nervous DebiLty. Persons who fe-el weak, low, :>] ner\"?us, may rest assured some serious aiJmt'nt is looming in trie distance, against which instant action shou!u be taken. reno^vned Pills present the ready means of ene^'g- ac ion en the liver, liberat- ing accumulated biiJ,, and l.iting "t 0; a 1.J :r^m the spirits and expelling a frJm the L Jy. Hollaxa^s P.la are the b: i rsmed j known in the worldfor th jö!iú: diseases ;— Agr- Head:1.c",e St^n; Gravel I Asthma Indij^snou Seconiary Sy nip- Bilious Complaints J.ivei Com;air.fs tc:ns. Blotchcson the Skin Lumbago Tio-Doloreas Bowel Compiuiau 1 i:e.; Uicers Debility J '.heumavi-M ,• Venereal Affections Dropsy i 't;>eiit on rin^ Wcnns of ail kinds Female Irregulari- fccrofnU, «r K.t.s Weakness from tie 1. j whatever cause, I Fevers of all kiadi Sore &c., Gout Sold at ,5(;r HotxrWAY'S Ks'.ab'ishmont, 78, Hew OzforA m. (late 5 i, also by nearly every fo.-pectabls a-;r .Medicine throughout I the Civilised Wu*IUi, in ivjxes IL; i'ou, at is. :;d., 2s. gd, us., 22s iad 13s. each. Full printed di -ecti ns ars at .1 t.) each Pot and Box, and CM be had 11: ..t.y .ai.^ua^e. H.B.—AcLvice Gratis, at tUo rove aduress, dail^. hetweea th«t upurs cf 11 or by is ties. 15—■»

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