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-—pqw———^ CARDIGAN.


—pqw———^ CARDIGAN. SCHOOL BOARD.—An adjourned ordinary meeting ef the Cardigan School Board was held at the Council Chamber on Monday week, the Rev R. J. Williams, chairman, presiding. There were also present Mr J. C. Roberts, Mrs Davies, Rev George Hughes, and Mr D. Morris. The reconsideration of the headmaster's salary was gone into, and it was proposed by the chairman, and seconded by Mr J. C. Roberts, that P,5 annual increase be granted to the headmaster, providing his depart- ment earned the highest grant. With regard to H. M. Inspector's recommendation that a piano be provided for the infants, department,it was pro- posed by Mrs Davies and seconded by the Rev G. Hughes that a piano be obtained. Mr J. C. Rob- erts proposed that no piano be provided, but found no seconder, and the original proposition was til- timately carried. The school staff was considered, and on the motion of the chairman .seconded byMrs Davies, it was resolved that an assistant master and mistress for the boys and girls department be obtained. ,i XMAS SHOW.—Visitors to Cardigan should not, fail to visit the premises of Messrs W iiliam Davies and Co., Royal Stores, where they will find a mar- vellous assortment of seasonable goods and novel- ties. Messrs Davies and Co. have long been re- nowned for their excellent stock of fruits of every variety, and they are largely used in the making of Xmas delicacies of every description. Without appearing extravagant in the choice of words, it is difficult to adequately describe the appearance of their window. It is tastefully arranged, and amongst other articles displayed are some very pretty assortments of bon-bons and crackers, and ornamental articles filled with chocolates, etc., suitable for Xmas presents. It may also be men- tioned that W. D. & Co. make a speciality of their tea at Is 7d per pound, which is of excellent value. If anyone should appear sceptical on this point, W. D. ok Co. will be happy to forward samples of this tea on receipt of a post card. Messrs William Davies and Co. intend moving into more extensive premises at an early date, in order to be able to cope more successfully with the increase of business. CHRISTMAS FAT STOCK SHOW.—A meeting of the committee of the Cardigan Christmas Fat Stock Show was held at the Council Chamber on Friday evening of last week, the Mayor (Mr Arthur Clougber) presiding.—The chairman said that the Clerk had drawn up a rough estimate of accounts, and he thought that there would be a balance to the good of fully £ 10. The balance last year was Llg 12s 8d. The gate money on this occasion was slightly less, and the collection in the North Ward bad not proved so successful as formerly.— It was duly proposed and seconded that all the money prizes be paid, with the exception of the dog classes, the money in those classes to be held over pending the receipt of a further letter from the Kennel Club.—Some considerable heat was intro- duced into the meeting by Mr J. Daniel drawing attention to the fact that certain rumours were afloat to the effect that a certain exhibitor at the show, and a member of the committee, had not complied with the rules of the show in the porker class. It was rumoured that the exhibits shown by this competitor had not been in his possession as long as the rules required.—The competitor in question here transoired to be Mr S. Morgan, butcher.—Mr Morgan did not see fit to absolutely deny the truth of the rumours, but satisfied himseff by addressing Mr Daniel in such terms as Johnny Daniel," and advised him to forward the matter to The Board of Enquiry," the same as he did with the water question."—Mr J. Daniel proposed that the matter be considered. Mr R. Havard seconded.—Mr D. Ivor Evans moved an amend- ment, and contended that the question could not be raised now as the matter bad not been objected to before.—The amendment found a seconder, and on the matter being put to the vote, five voted for the proposition, and five for the amendment. The Chairman gave his casting vote for the preposition. -After some further discussion, Mr Jones, N. and P. Bank, proposed that as a breach of the rules bad been committed, that it be left to the competi- tors, who had violated the rules, to return the prize money.—Mr J. Evans seconded, and the pro- position was carried.—A grant of £8 8s Od was unanimously voted to the secretary (Mr D. Morgan Jones) for the excellent services that he had rendered towards the show.—Mr D. M. Jones returned thanks, and the meeting terminated.

Board of Guardians.


Cardigan Town Council. ----