SITUATIONS VACAAT7. CLERK WANTED in a Slate Quarry Office one with knowledge of Book-keeping pre- ferred.—Apply, stating salary required with testi- monials, &c., to Edward Williams, Braichgoch ØlIite Quarry, Corris, R.S.O., Merionethshire. PAINTERS and Paperhangers wanted at once. JE. -Apply, PEAKE, Aberystwyth. fTOOD GENERAL WANTED; 18 to 20, vJJ" country girl preferred small family com- fortable home.—Apply, Mrs Barrett, Rhydhir, Bow Street, near Aberystwyth. COOK-GENERAL, Wanted Strong reliable a Servant for Single Lady Age 26 to 28, good references. Answers not through Registry office, but direct from girl. Wages £ 16.—Miss TAYLOR, Paiat-teg, Aberystwyth. WANTED for near Welshpool, a good COOK who can attend to a small Dairy.—Apply, COUNT* TIMES Registry Office, Welshpool. WANTED for Borth, a YOUTH who under- stands Farm Work.—Apply, COUNTY TIMES Registry Office, Welshpool. WANTED for near Stockport, a HOUSEMAID WAITRESS in an Hotel. Good Wages afl Fare paid.—Apply, COCNTY TIMES Registry Office, Welshpool. WANTED for near Welshpool, an experienced GENERAL who can Wash and Iron well. Good Wages.-Apply, COUNTY TIMES Registry Office, Welshpool. WANTED for Oswestry, a good Plain COOK> not under 25. — Apply, COUNTY TIMES Registry Office, Welshpool. WANTED, Girl as GENERAL, about 18.— Apply, Mrs LI. S. Oliver, Dudley House, Gaa-street, Newtown. GENERAL Wanted. Early riser, strong. Mother's help kept; reference required. Girod wages. Write to Mrs Downing, 2, Clarendon YSrrace, Beaumont Street, Liverpool. TO TAILORESSES. Wanted several exper- ienced hands for Ladies' Tailor-made Jackets autbodices. Permanent employment to competent pwwns.- Apply to Bag 24, Royal Welsh Warehouse, Newtown. WANTED for an Hotel a HOUSEMAID WAIT- RESS.—Apply, COUNTY TIMES Registry Office, Welshpool. WANTED for Aberystwyth good plain COOK also an experienced Nurse and Young Girl aaiinder-Nurse.—Apply, COUNTY TIMES Registry Office, Welshpool. WANTED, Cooks, Housemaids, and several good Generals. — Apply, at once, GO the High- -lass Registry 21, Berriew street, elsh- pool. One shilling to be paid when lame is entered on the list and remainder when naited. Stamped -nvelope for reply. SITUATIONS WANTED. A LL WANTING SITUATIONS should apply .:1. to the High-class Registry Office, 21, Berriew Street, Welshpool. One shilling to be paid when clame is entered on the list and remainder when iiaited. Stamped envelope for reply. TO BE LET. TO LET.—Sitting-room and Bedroom to Lady or Gentleman with attendance, in the Village at. Marton, close to Post Office, Church and Chapel. Apply, Hotchkiss, The Villa, Mirton, Chirbury, Salop. nnO BE LET at May, Four Crosses, Railway _L Terrace, close to the Station; good house andgarden.-Apply, Miss Ryle, Rose Villa, Llan. fyllin. TO BE LET on 25th instant, a roomy and well- arranged SHOP occupying a commanding l^sition in Berriew Street, in the town of Welsh- jxjol, together with Dwelling-honse and Garden atUoining thereto.—Apply to Harrison and Winnall, Welshpool. TO LET, Cottage and Garden with 4| Acres of Good Grass Land.—Apply personally, SAKAH THOMAS, Middletown, Welshpool. TO LET, March 25th, Four Good Grass Fields wi<h Small Buildings clo«e to the Town cf Montgomery.— Apply, Mr LLOYD, Rectory, iierriew. TO BE LET from Lady-Day next, Old Shop, Cottage and Garden, Trewern, near Welsh- pool.-Apply to JOHN EVANS, 24, Broad Street, Welshpool. HOUSE TO LET. — Penhelig, Aberdovey, Dining, Drawing-room, 2 Kitchens, 2 Pan- tiles, 6 Bedrooms, Boxroom large front garden be:k entrance sheltered, sunny position. Rent, C22.-Apply. Hipkiss and Bassett, Achitects, Aberdovey and Aberystwyth. 4 LEXANDRIA TERRA.CE, MONTGOMERY, d TO LET. yearly or on lease, substantially- bullt modern bouse, containing 7 rooms, kitchen, cellars, garden, etc. Low rent.-Apply to Mrs Brown, Alexandria Terrace, Montgomery. TO LET, the FARM called Rhoshowyr, in the Parish of Darowen, seven miles from Machyn- lleth, with an extensive Sheepwalk for at least 500 eàeep. Apply to Major Bonsall, Galltyllan, Machynlleth. DESIRABLE DAIRY FARM TO LET. TO BE LET, from 3rd March, 1899, Brynairy Farm, containing 100 acres or thereabouts, tiearly all in grass, situate about one mile from Newtown, with good house and buildings. For particulars apply to Williams, Gittins, and Taylor, Newtown. TO LET, MINERS' ARMS, Goginan.—Apply, D. M. Davies, Aberystwyth. TO LET, a Fully-Licensed Hotel, in the Country, near Aberystwyth just rebuilt excellent staling for about 15 horses 40 acres land house pjt^tly furnished.—Full particulars from, J. E. JSaes, Auctioneer, Absrystwyth. fipo LET, 2 Havelock Terrace, Salop Road, -1- Welshpool 2 Sitting rooms, 4 bed rooms reat £ 18.—Apply at the house. SALE ts Y PRI VA TE TEE A T Y. FOR SALE. — Pedigree Yearling Shorthorn BULL. — Apply, E. Lloyd, King's Wood, Forden. FOR SALE ,BUFF ORPINGTON COCKERELS and PULLETS, single comb; fine birds, 11 Cck>k's strain, also Eggs for Sitting. Morgan, Pihes, Newtown. rino BE SOLD.— Bar Cottage, Llandysilio, be- J- tween Four Crosses and Llanymynech three bedrooms, Kitchen, back kitchen, with pump and paTHtry. Apply on the Premises. IMMEDIATE SALE. FOR SALE a most handsome SPANISH MAHOGANY GLASS BOOK CASE with 3 Large Cupboards for China and Celarette 6ft. 6in. by 6ft. 6in. on large Claws, cost nearly E40, to be eold for ilO. Also Massive Pier Glass 6 feet bv 6 feet Elaborate Frame, cost R,30 to be sold for i5, also Glass Book Case with sliding doors, 7 feet each way, price S3, must be sold.-Apply to view THOMAS MORRIS, Auctioneer, Broad Street, Welshpool. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, Colliery Proprietors and others. For Immediate Sale, a quantity cf small LARCH POLES, now lying on Trawscoed Estate, about four miles from Welshpool.-Apply to HILL, The Cottage, Welshpool. TIMBER TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, 779 I ine OAK TREES, numbered consecutively in white paint, 32 ASH TREKS, numbered 1 to 32, 9- ELM TREES, and 2 BIRCH, standing on Neuaddgoch Farm, in the parish of Kerry, 3 tmles from Newtown, Mont. Mr D. Tilsley, iiuilder, Mochtre, Newtown, will show the Timber. -Apply to Mr A. P. Howell, Llanbrynmair, R.S.O., Mont. POSTERS printed in all colours at the COUNTY TIMES Office, Welshpool newest type good etyle; moderate charges. MISCELLANEOUS. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements of Houses 01 Apartments To Let r Wanted, Situations Vacant or Wanted, Articles Wanted or For Sale, Lost or Found, and all small 4vertisements are inserted in the COUNTY TIMES the following charges, prepaid :— once 3 times 21 words Is. Od. 2s. 6d. >8 „ Is. 3d 3s. Od. 35 Is. 61 3s. 6d. 42 „ Is. 9d. 4s. Od. No Advertisement is Booked at a less charge rlan 2s. 6d. A GENTLEMAN will shoptly require Com- fortable APARTMENTS in Welshpool.— Address, with particulars and terms, A.B., COUNTY TIMES Office, Berriew Street, Welshpool. FOR HIRF,Plated Goods, Glass, China and I- Table Linen,-Apply, C. Jones, Waiter and Caterer, 3, Oswald Road, Oswestry. Special rerms to Caterers. WHY GET WET ? UMBRELLAS recovered, Gloria Silk, 4s. 6d., U with Tassell Victoria Cloth 2s. 6d. any, size, by return post.—F. C. PKEECE, Hair- dresser and Ornamental Hairworker, Oswald-road, Oswestry. 13 ATS RATS RATS !—A Truro Farmer X\s writes:—"After using a Is. 2d. Pot of HARRISON'S RELIABLE RAT POISON, I picked up 150 dead rats." Equally good for Mice, Moles and Beetles. Dogs and cats will not touch it. Vermin dry up and leave NO smell. Price Is.2d., 2s.3d., 3s.8d.; postage,2d.—G. W. HARRISON, Ckemist, Reading. Agent for Welshpool, W. Bishop forK)swestry, T. Williamson; for Newtown, Morgan and Sons. All Chemists. R. THOMAS & SONS, BUIUERS, CONTRACTORS AND UNDERTAKERS, BERRIEW ROAD, WELSHPOOL. HUGH DAYIES'S CCUGH MIXTURE NO MORE Difficulty of Breathing. NO MORB Sleepless Nights. NO M oRB Distressing Coughs. DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for COUGHS DAVIES'S COUGH M XTURE for COLDS DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for ASTHMA DAVIES'S COUGH M XTURE for BRONCHITIS DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for HOARScNESS DAVIES'S COUGE MIXTURE for ;NFLUEMZA DAVIES'S CJUGH MIXTURE for COLDS DAVIES'S CO if OH MIXTURE lor COUGHS DAVIES'S C JUGH MIXTURE for SORE THROAT DAVIES'S CJõJGE MIXTURE-Most Soothing DAVIES'S C3UGK MIXTURE warms the Chest DAVIES' COUGH MIXTURE dissolves the Phlegm DAVIES' COUGH M XTURE for SINKERS DAVIE; COU>'TH MIXTURE-for PUBLIO DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE SPEAKERS THE GREAT WELSH REMEDY. 13d. and 219 Bottlss. Said Everywhere. Sweeter than Honey. Children like it. "HUGH DAVIES, Chemist, MACHYNLLETH. W. WILLIAMS & SON TOBACCONISTS, Have the FINEST STOCK in the County of PIPES, POJCHES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, And every requisite for the Smoker. \LL THE LEADING BRANDS IN STOCK. l 4, CHURCH STaEET (Opposite the Bull Hotel,) WELSHPOOL. x sole Agents for the Celebrated L N PIPES, T KIRK & SONS' TOBACCO'S, and the Cele. brated GBD PIPES. TRY KIRK'S MILD PERIQUE MIXTURE. ESTABLISHED OVHR HALF A CENTURY. E. F. ALLEN & SONS, 68, MARDOL, SHREWSBURY. PIANOS & ORGANS By all the leading English and Foreign Makers, On the One, Two and Three Years' Purchase Sys- tem, or Wholesale Discount for Cash. Delivered Carriage Free by Road any Distance. NEW MUSIC 4 COPIES Is. 6D. POST FREE. PIANOFORTE TUNING.—Tunings contracted for by the Year. All orders punctually attended to in Town or Country. NEWTOWN, WELSHPOOL AND DISTRICT visited every fortnight. THE SYMPHONION." PENNY IN THE SLOT MUSICAL BOX. Placed in Hotels Free on Application. THE "GRAMOPHONE." TALKS, SINGS, PLAYS, AND DANCES. The Greatest Wonder of the Age. PRICE zE5 10ii. Sole Agents for Shropshire ALLEN & SOKS, 68, MARDOL, SHREWSBURY. DREW & CO., Wholesale Bottlers of Messrs BASS & CO'S INDIA PALE ALE, GUINNESS AND CO'S EXTRA STOUT (Under Guarantee to Bottle Messrs Guinness's Extra Stout onl) with their Trade Label), FINEST CHAMPAGNE CIDER, Ac., also MINERAL WATElt MANUFACTURERS. WORKS—KING STREET. ALL THE MINER VL WATERS ARE PRE. PARED FROM PURE SPRING ARTESIAN WELL WATER (the only Artesian Well boring in Oswestry) PUT UP IN CORKED BOTTLES, SYPHONS. PATENT STOPPERED BOTTLES AND THE LATEST KIND OF MACHINERY HAS BEEN INTRODUCED IN THE FACTORY, AND THE GREATEST CARE TAKEN TO ENSURE THE PURITY OF THE VARIOUS BEVERAGES, ALL OF WHICH ARE OF HIGH-CLASS MANUFACTURE. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS OF WATER FROM WELL OVER 200 FEET DEEP. 11 and 12, Great Tower Street, London, E.C., August 26, 1895. A sample of the Well-Water used by Mr Charles Drew, Oswestry, has been submitted to very care- ful chemical analysis in this Laboratory, and I find it to be a water of excellent composition and quality, bright and sparkling in appearance, and free from turbidity or deposit. It is particularly palatable to the taste, and I consider it to be well adapted for use in the pro- duction of superior Aerated Beverages and Mineral Waters generally. GRANVILLE H. SHARPE, F.C.S., &c., Analyst, Late Principal of the Liverpool College of Chemistry." TO BE OBTAINED OF ALL AGENTS OF THE FIRM, LICENSED HOUSES AND RESTAURANTS. Price List forwarded on Application. All Orders will receive every Care, Attention, and Prompt Delivery. DREW AND CO., Agents for Messrs. Bass and Co.'s Burton Ales in Casks of 9, 18, 36, and 54 gallons. Quotations on application by post or otherwise af the Offices, King Street, Oswestry. I ADD BESSES. I LAST WEEK. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL BALE AT TRADE HALL, WELSHPOOL. EDWARD HUGHES HAS PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING HIS 16TH ANNUAL SALE ,9 OF DRAPERY GOODS INCLUDING FASHIONABLE AND UP-TO-DATE NOVELTIES IN Dress Materials, Mantles, Capes, Jackets', Ladies' Shirts, Blouses, Costumes, Skirts, Millinery, Embroidery, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies' and Children's Under-clothing, zn-g Ready Mades, and Gent's Outfitting. We have Catalogued a selection from our Stock, but have found it impossible to specify the whole of the Goods we have to offer. Rï PLEASE NOTE-OUR TERMS DURING THE SALE ARE CASH ONLY. NO DISCOUNT. DRESSMAKING A s P E C I A L I T Y. JTM R. JONES AND SONS, COACH BUILDERS, NORTH PARADE & CAMBRIAN STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. THE OLDEST COUNTY FIRM. LONDON EXPERIENCE. ESTIMATES FREE BY POST. FRESH SALMON FROM THE TEIFY, WYE, AND OTHER RIVERS DAILY. DEALER IN WENHAM LAKE ICE. TITriTT A T>T\ d A Vr*T?T T FISHMONGER AND POULTERER. rliVyIJLArll7 ioiv X LICENSED DEALER IN GAME MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL SEA FISHERIES PROTECTION SOCIETY, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, NORTH PARADE AND TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTB. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPLY DESPATCHED. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 40 YEARS, SOLOMON HAMER & SONS, -I;, (OF LLANIDLOES), FAMILY BUTCHERS, CENTRAL BUILDINGS, MAENGWYN STREET, MACHYNLLETH, PURVEYORS OF THE CELEBRATED PLYNLYMON WELSH MUTTON. PATRONISED BY H.M. THE QUEEN, THE NOBILITY AND THE LEADING GENTRY. FAMILIES SUPPLIED DAILY WITH THE BEST QUALITY MEAT ON MOST REASONABLE PRICES. ALL ORDERS PER POST RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. SAUSAGES and BRAWN made Daily on the Premises. BRANCH BUSINESS AT ELDON ROW, DOLGELLEY. GYDE, 22 and 24, pIEH STREET, ABERYSTWYTIE19 FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITURE, VIEWS, &c. NOVELTIES IN ART GOODS FOR PAINTING. JUST PUBLISHED A FINE PHOTOGRAVURE OF LORD KITCHENER OF KHARTOUM, PRICE 2s. 6D. EACH. m emo ~~IZZ f & G. LLOYD, COACH BUILDERS, Alfred Place, ABERYSTWYTH. \A J Carriages made to order on the shortest notice. Experienced Men kept for all Branches. CARRIAGES FOR SALE. GRIMSBY FISH SUPPLY. SYDNEY HOUSE, 3, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. M. SMITH, (LATE OF PIER STREET, ESTABLISHED 1868), Has opened at the above address a First-Class FISH, GAME AND POULTRY ESTABLISHMENT, WITH OYSTER SALOONS ATTACHED. Dressed Crabs a Speciality. Wenham Lake Ice always on hand. Hotels and Institutions catered for, Best Prices given for Game and Poultry, any quantity. J TJIT^A'Q BOTTLED BY DISTILLERS ONLY, AND EXPRESSLY FOR US. "BLACK BOTTLE" TEN YEARS OLD. SCOTCH. PER DOZEN, 46A. CAN ONLY bE OBTAINED AT REA'S STORES, 48, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. TUITION. WELSHPOOL GRAMMARSCHOOL NEXT TERM COMMENCES SEPT. 19TR. Preparation for the UNIVERSITY LOCALS, PRECEPTORS PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SHORTHAND CERTIFICATE AND CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. I Over 100 passes during the last five years in above examinations. 30 Shorthand Certificates gained since 1893. Comfortable home for boarders. Moderate Terms. CAMBRIDGE LOCALS—ALL PASSED. HONOURS. RESIDENT MASTER, UNIVERSITY GRADUATE. Cambridge Local Examination Class now forming. T. F. HILES, Head Master. > THE COLLEGE, QUEEN'S PARK, OSWESTRY. PRINCIPALS THE MISSES HOULT. THE SCHOOL, which has been successfully JL carried on at Castle Buildings, is now re- moved to the premises in Queen's Park, so long known as the Salop School." The house, which was built for a School, is in every way admirably adapted for the purposes, having Large and Lofty School and Class Rooms and Dormitories, and Recreation Ground. Resident English and Foreign GOVBRNSSSSES, and visiting PROFESSORS. Preparation for Oxford Local, College of Precep- tors, and Music Examinations. Home Comforts. Careful Training. TERMS MODERATE. Next Term begins JAN. 19. Boarders assemble the day previous. Prospectus on application. MACHYNLLETH COUNTY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. The School will RE-OPEN in the New Building on JANUARY 17, 1899. The School Year is divided into Three Terms Fees JE2 per Term; L5 per year payable in advance Remission when more than one from a family. Head Master MR. H. H. MEYLER, M.A., Formerly Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford; and late Assistant Master at Mill Hill School, London, N.W. Assistant Master: MR. EVAN JONES, B.A. (LOND.) Inter. B.Sc (Lond.) University College of Wales. Assistant Mistress MISS LILY LUMLEY, Late Scholar University College of North Wales. First-class modern Education for Boys and Girls. Thoroughness of work secured. Chemical Labora- tory. Cookery and Laundry Work and Workshop. Playfield. Preparation for Examinations. Bursaries are granted by the Governors to Scholars sufficient to cover the estimated expenses of travelling to and from school. Intending pupils should send in their names on forms supplied for the purpose, to the undersigned, JOHN ROWLANDS, Clerk to the Governors, Machynlleth. LLANDOVERY COLLEGE. Three Months' Distinctions, Nov. 1897 to Jan. 1898. R100 a year for Mathematics, Trinity Coll., Camb. £ 100 a year for Classics, Bras. College, Oxford. 280 a year for Mathematics, Balliol, Coll., Oxford. R80 a year for Classics, Wadham College, Oxford. £80 a year for History, Brasetiose College, Oxford. X70 a year for Science, Exeter College, Oxford. R50 a year for Science, St. John's College, Camb. X50 a year for History, Magdalen College, Oxford. 950 a year for Mathematics, Jesus College, Oxford. N.B.—Scholarships have been gained, direct from School, in the four subjects—Classics, Mathematics, Natural Science, and History. An Old Llandoverian, who left the School in September, 1896, as a Mathematical Scholar (ELOO a year) at Hertford College, Oxford, and who gained a First Class in Mathematical Moderations in 1897, has just been elected Junior Mathematical Exhibi- tioner at Oxford. EVELYN HOUSE SCHOOL MARINE PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. PRINCIPAL: MRS ISSARD. HEAD MISTRESS: MISS CLEGG, L.L.A. tcambridge Teacher's Cert.) MUSIC MISTRESS: MISS BIGGS, (Conservatoire of Music, Wiesbaden.) Foreign Governesses. Dancing Lessons. PUPILS PREPARED for London and Welsh -t. Matriculation, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, and other Examinations; also for Entrance Scholar- ship at the University College of Wales. Boarders receive every care and attention. Terms Moderate and inclusive. Next Term commences JANUARY 18th, 1899. ABERYSTWYTH COUNTY SCHOOL. HEAD MASTER: MR. DAVID SAMUEL, M.A., (Cantab). SENIOR MISTRESS: Miss E. M. EWAKT, M.A. (Vict.), ASSISTANT MASTERS AND MISTRESS: MR. W. P. FULLER, M.A., (London), MR. THOMAS OWENS, MISS MAUDE HUGHES, B.Sc. (Loudon.) DRAWING: MR. J. H. APPLETON, CERT. ART MASTER. DRILL: SERGEANT-MAJOR W. J. LONG. EDWARD MORRIS, BARBER, BILL-POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, MAESGLAS, MACHYNLLETH. Bills posted and distributed in town and neigh- bouring district at moderate charges. £ 4,000,000 IIAYE NOW BEEN PAID IN RESPECT or RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, ALL ACCIDENTS, WORKMEN'S ACCIDENTS, FIDELITY GUARANTEE, BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. A. VIAN, Secretary AGENTS REQUIRED IN UNREPRESENTICD DISTRICTS. AGIINTS Mr. J. WILKINSON, Cambrian Railways, Newtown Mr. T. PRYCE, Cambrian Railways, Welshpool MR.T. KILVIN GTON, Cambrian Rtys, Aberystwyth 111111" 111111 IIIIIU" "11111111111111111111111""111111111"11111111" 111111" II III-I I "II I j Seeds, Trees, Bulbs, Plants, &c | 1 Direst from original A reliable source. (Priced Catalogues Post Free. B"d Warthous" JtaONS ^Soraerles, fte. CHESTER] PUBLIC NOTICES. JONES & YATES, SEED, CORN, & MANURE MERCIIANTS, WELSHPOOL, HAVE STOCKS OF 1 SEED OATS and BARLEYS. BEST Selected PURE BLACK Tartarian and WHITE Potato OATS (Grown in Scotland). Abundance and Poland OATS. BARLEYS (Montgomeryshire Grown): Stand- well, Burton Malting, Goldthorpe, Beard- less, and Chevaliers. BASIC SLAG PHOSPHATE POWDER), SUPERPHOSPHATE, BONE MANURES (ALL KINDS), GUANO, NITRATE OF SODA. AGRICULTURAL T E M p 0 VaYt u.. MIXTURES. CI? T? "T^ Q • PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURES. SWEDES! MANGOLDS!! TURNIPS! SOLE AGENTS FOR MONTGOMERYSHIRE FOR THE SALE OF 1 DAMARALAND GUANO, A HIGH CLASS RAW' AND UNBLENDED GUANO VERY RICH IN AMMONIA AND PHOSPHATES. J. AND Y. ATTEND NEWTOWN EVERY MARKET DAY. SAMPLES OF SEEDS AND PRICES OF MANURES SENT UPON APPLICATION. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE OR HIRE. NEW AND POPULAR MUSIC, SONGS, &c., AT WHEATLEY & SONS, PIANOFORTE and GENERAL MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 46, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. O BOOKING OFFICE FOR ENTERTAINMENTS, CONCERTS, &c. TUNING ANu REPAIRING. ESTABLISHED 1851. HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE, FOR MAROH ONLY. SIR OR MADAM, WE BEG TO INFORM YOU THAT WE SHALL GIVE 3S. IN THE POUND DISCOUNT FOR CASH ON ALL ORDERS TAKEN DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH TO ENCOURAGE TRADJ SO AS TO EMPLOY OUR MEN WITH "WORK BETWEEN TWO SEASONS. SUITS MADE TO ORDER PROMPT ON THE PREMISES FROM 35S. IN NEWEST STYLE AND BEST OF WORK- MANSHIP. AND WE ALLOW 4.8. IN THE POUND FOR CASH OFF BOYS' AND MEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING FROM THE L^RGRKST ASSORTMENTS IN MID-WALES, WELL MADE BY THE BEST MANUFACTURERS TO OUR SPECIAL ORDERS. ALSO LARGE STOCK IN EVERY SIZE OF 3HIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, BRACES, BELTS, GLOVES, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, RUGS, PORTMANTEAUS, MACINTOSHES, CARRIAGE APRONS, Ac., &c. J. RICHARDS & CO., PRACTICAL TAILORS, OUTFITTERS, & JUVENILE CLOTHIERS, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. EVERY REQUISITE FOR SALMON & TROUrl ANGLERS SPECIAL FLIES FOR WELSH RIVERS AND LAKES. FRED. W. COOKE. PRACTICAL ANGLER, NEWTOWN, N. WALES CATALOGUES FREE. ——cm——^W———g————111—111—BBRragfttBgWEO—B——. PIANOS AND ORGANS, BY ALL illAKERS. CASH OR BY EASY PAYMENTS. We pay and deliver on receipt of first month's IT payment, RELIABLE IRON FRAME PIANLOS, from 10s. 6d. per month till paid for. o IGANS, Seven (and Coupler's, 68. per month. Solid Cases, 5s. i per month. J. P., Wrexham, writes :—" I now take the opportunity of expressing to you my appreciation of the very beautiful Piano with which you have supplied us, which arrived quite safely yesterday, and has already been much admired." R. J. T., Pwllheli, writes I have received the organ quite safely, and am greatly pleased with it. It has exceeded my expectation s:both in appearance and tone. Thanking you foi the honourable way you conduct your business." RICHMOND JONES AND SONS, PIANO AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, 120, LONDON ROAD, LIVERPOOL. ALSO AT 353, PARLIAMENTARY ROAD, GLASGOW. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST FREE BY PO S T.—-MENTION THIS PAPER. AGENTi WANTED WHERE NOT REPRESENTED.