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n_ IMC ftvtV S^TTTH HFHICA7T G-WD LICIT FIC.ID- 'I'HE ROYAL MAIL jW INTEilATEDlATE WliA.UIUtS s^U.trom fnj.lrmvton JJS7 Saturday for South »i.d i-^st Stjs at Madeira and Tenerjfte. Apply to TIHJ TTIJTIOI? SHXP OOBEPANx (Limited), Canute Jtofta, gfthainptop. and South AJncan House. W to 90, Within. London, K.O. BILLIARDS & &AGATEUJS. JtElinsriG BRO.% u' -L r *"• caeapent house for vtv-t" J-.>. ,«/•«» w Prica lists and sa/n '<••• r(-e- fcjt. *■_ —- w X8TABLI8HED 18C1. &IRKBECK BANK 30, Southampton BuiMings, Chancery Lane, London. IALF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on 8 repayable on demand. 'fWo per CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the mini. I!1n monthly balances, when not drawn below £ 100. SfOOKS and SHARES purchased and sold. fI BIMtliKCK ALMANACK, with full particular, post FS AN ey Was ey SociL. b_ j repay thfltr /•SOU). «fi perfectly, »»4, Cost. a» bM»- wi(h Hollers, drt,,]p of user* &• .JV.' »»4 WU1 tell you. f .• „/ Mai -rlo. Follow A„k then. Ad- I /> ••-••• ..A ihr-.dons, and dress, Hi«h "t \.«\ they Weep linen UollK-rn, Lo«- b ? a u 111 u 1 j>o-» or X^atis- t, c-.l.-xr. They crete, Hi"1 f 3 la-t a>. years or r u *» T a a, cr 9. y*yl tys-jvc, ii e_ i' ii- iioirl >lnlrt, tys-jvc, ii e_ i' ii- iioirl atrfft.. » samis in f.ivKur-ooi.. n r^Xl-U.l^W^Lond^ FINEST BLOOD-FORMSNG TONIG.1 r». A SCIENTIFIC ORGANIC SPECIFIC. 8 <*}phly Approved and ReeofBm.end"i *>V the Medical | ^rRlVAT T.T7.n for: — Anaemia, Chlorosis, Poorness | I>I.I ■ of Blood, General Debility (either con-1 H n aJ stitutlona.1 or the effect of severs 'V'e £ t" 4 9 V iSS Loss of Appetite, NervousJDiSurae.&c. i !n.v.(\.s,t:ù awl :],r;uJlda¡:cd. evf'U ['Y Cnlldrd11l!, i sSEwBI< & CO.. pnarmaceiitfcal Chomiats. Ooi-ons s T]VERY GV3ARRJEC> WOFT^AN WT3 to ?Ty^SKFGA>5Brai.t^r to AKOLO-|iil|NCK K?^faPI^cAr.ITJI.-r, THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE; I TEARS' REPUTATION. IV ERS "illj I "UN", AL!! J VEGETABLE '[ b aPASBED FOB, ALL LIVEB AND BILI00 3 OTTICKE3T BEMIiDy FOB. PEVBH Si RHEUMATISM. ENSURE SLEEP. ABSOLtTTELY NO *^EE OF COLD SO COMMON WITH MEKCTTBY AMD OTHEB. MINERAL DBITG8. SAFE AND EFFICACIOUS IN ALL CLIMATES. OHE TBI1I SUFFICES TO CONVIMCE. kM.ty all Chemists and Medicine Vendors in Boxes, 134d. and SIt. w :'ION"S POWDERS, U4d- Per OINTMENT, isid. and 2/0 Th^01- Of Wholesale Houses, or from Mes»r». MOEISON A CO., BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 33. Euston Rd„ London. (, .B—fly. piUl art aiM prcptrtd vtith a Pearl Coating *kick rndtrt tnttelcss, but doen not interfere with their pTmpt_acUon: RHEUMATISM (JURED. 10. Brunswick I,oadon,W.C, has been thoroughly tyi r; 01 KheumatLsm af.cr much suffering, will gladly sena c^Particuii. to any sulierer on receipt of application to ner. I^ADir.3- eist FKIEJTD—Mde. LILLY'S W6a,T0a,touJ. hwmless F5.SLALE aUXTURE, ali irrcsralwit'.e-i 01 t)i<> female system. >evor tafl hio' V^ioiLS remedy kao'.ni. Testimonials, stamped envelope. 4 «■ post free: strcn««-st. 10, scal-d. Address B. Gr. LMT, Sli^ilHan, Colstoi St.? Bristol. SO years continued sucoew. n'ATTTIOir.—Genuine. CHLORO.DYNB. Bli pftferr?, 'Cf "!l3 ;-hi3 well-known remedy for WO ii^rlMLf" "W bears on the st^mp the name of AT'; -ALL ARS 1>od UC. a LOVELY cures ftUpTURF —^SiPORtAtir "HEW'L^SNCI THE PERFECTION QYSTEM OF INVESTMENT Is 4v (Registered and Protected) •I only method by which an income ia regularly aod Ir Ind. without risk of failure. CaPital secures a Weekly Profit of £ 2 to ^3, Capital secures a Weekly Profit of £ 20 to £ 30, tkLtao rata, the rules being so founded upon caution and ViS^Jion of loss that success is arsursd. This system is thj» RJfrt possible approach to infallibility. have been 110 losses. few jpfcAjrences permitted to clipnts in all parts. ) of £ 5 or &a MAY BB MAXtS. ^KuLpaid every MOMULI.Y. Capita-) withdrawable at ten Particular-! "v,Hn be »i>nt 3?-HIKE OF CHAROS iff^ aaareBS. Send at once to J5-8* HENRY MILLER, 14, Holborn, B.C. JOHN'S COLLEGE, GRIMSARGH, near PRESTON, LANCASHIRE. Principul:-REV. T. ABBOTT PETERS, M.A. W* Vice :-E. E. CHRI.STIi; M.A. by a stafi of Efficient Resident Masters (Graduates). .CTa COLLEGE DEPARTMENTS. ^t^SSlCAX SECTION. — The Classics, Mathematioe, Science, and Advanced English.. CLASSES, with special advantages for StMents («l»g for University Matriculation, Indian and Home ■bpo&jjoe, the Army, iledioal, and Legal Kxaminatwns. w^^JRCIAL SECTION.—A course of English, Latm, Spanish, Mathematics, Chemistry (Experi- »nd Theoretical), Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Land bur- it to the College is a PREPARATORY DEPART- goeiv b between the ages of nine and fourteen, who A JJ.,thorough grounding M English subjects generally; Algebra, Euclid, Latin, French, German, fcc. Ir^iiolS^014 tn Muaic (Organ, Piano, and Violin). terms, h*if yearly; Vacations, CHinstoas and Jfclir~,ier only. Eeligious Instruction, Church ot Kngianu. Cni1S2^erate; no extras. t GuJiJ6^ estate, 00 acres, is about 4i miles from Preston, 2frspZS?Sai'Bl1 Railway Station; is charmingly situated, hav- sWiSi ground and. woodlands, and is considered by the Sfslanii to be one of the healthiest districts in 3Pe»t» fact fully confirmed by the half-yearly medical ^}th th« home farm for the use of the Collega Connected Sl^aafn a chapeL also laboratory, workahw, apaoiouB ^'u.swiniming bath of 830 square yards, ana a adoket •<3r«e. reports of examinations, list of Rucoaasxul CS of the College buildings, reference to parents « ff^tland MSjsent students in all parts of England, Ireland, and T»^°loiii«!?oe and Spain, the United States, Brazil, Inula, "•■B, V' forwarded on application to the PrincipaL Tb-n JiPPlying- for Prospectus, state age of Student. COLLEGE HE-OPENS 19th September, 189#. ^T> W. a. COOKSON, SeoretiKT^ P SJttPORT-PALACE HOTEL, Birkdale Charming Seaside resort 111 own grounds. TurkiSi batha. Birkdale Pal«i«e Station I Uf11* -Tennis aolf.-B. A. F1CK, Majiaaer. *HY BREAK VP N.«ll.s? for Sample. "°pENEASY" LEVEE POCKET KNIFE. (fr?^sa^5^re' wiihout tnnching Blatle.i or n^inn th'mbuail. ^gyjajids sel!i.:p. MINTER & SANI'EIiS ipatcnteest ^igi^lChaiubei-London, E.C. AGENTS INVITED.. 'eiSiRILll' iii BOOTS & SHOES Far LanTits' & 'h i-uwicn's Whas, r!» VTVKr/ Of »U lea.liT!S ".ailers. O y y~A<\y/ AH genuine, >.tc,v<in'" ''< ;iNT'KfcSiil»A. ilAWWFACTO'SlL-. «'HCRSTBB.. 1^>(4S^ Kameof nearest A-r'nt sent on receipt jffORTAllOOLADIES! CS WIDOW Of the celebrated Dr. Poster tb, ol India, has a remedy which was discovered I ?2n o> ?,:tor 15 y- ars ago. Ia guaranteed to remove the ^L"RKUi^;pigr^aa^jes or Ob*truction xn 18 honxa. TestanoMato can be hadIon apnli cation !*• und-r oov^r 4t. 9d. Aadr6s»—• r"0STER PoRBSS. „ SW Vv 5a, llarwo- .d iioad, Fulham, London, S.W. Vv 5a, llarwo- .d iioad, Fulham, London, S.W. Ij^JBLE, Switzerland. HOTEL VICTORIA. ^?Jl^Po^te the Central Station. Freauen.ted ■ Vr^^rr comfortable house. __RjjTiC', ITopnetor. ^0]«^0~mi^V=Use ^}vall l CLARKSON'S UVO. o Hay Producer. Price *s. tc or^ W JUOU0I,AS,HUNGEEFORRftWttI.IAMS. sRSETUSfS, 2, £ 10 Julyl, £ 9; Aup.l, £ |. tal f Oct. 1, £ 8; Nov. 1. £ 7 fj" of n^^ly r lajmni,ths, £ 92 per cMit, sn S 8^°%iwpirD ^b. i ■■ £ 6 per cent. Anr 1 P „ a •• •• £ 7 „ „ M„v 1 ■' "■ •• £ 6 M June 1 ^LUSTKATED ^ANUAJJ. formpwfit| *h§Ual oSS^. lgt Of each month, and for v.-rli^vawals 0 ^ar&019^°f each morn),. Trial invt-rtrve,.te ot *0 fcOTjftT1?? »* made. We have not » dia^iMjWd L"6111- 5 HUNGERFORD, & WLIJ-.IAMs, Avenue, London, E.C., aua | 7^ ■LV Place de 1* Bourse, Paris.. ik i) i v, PST tTD,-Xde. LILLY'S C* n'.r rntilu-Z .fflXTT7BJ3, positiveanfl '•••.ei.m'V' <.f the ff-ruate fysMm. Never fall- |?? T known. lVjstlnionia^» stamped envelope. -itrong^t,10-,»-aU>d. AddressB.a.LIU.T, B |k| '• 'njit.j B i.-l.ol .i. Y"»' nnntinued success. ^AiyiELLED '"IS.™ LETTS 3 3. |D y .fP^l Nice Beach & Fine Sands. Kl;v KARA ME, ST. MALO, France. ^*orA. Much favoured bj the principal jtf J* £ gg.^g & I*xiW Booina. Lawn Tennis. Ac. W merchant makes ADVANCES I.1 *r'■1 *any responsible person, in ^1' II»H! Quicker,&nt ii^sithan • :'n'oK Loiters only. Address JjH 'Xtord -t. Lorj.i-jn. }i C. •w, )•! -i oo .■ PTTT? n- l.yr:im, Ci.r.-nirr. | 4 'T10B15 TYPEWRITER, £ 2 5S. a simple F "oj -s■- -it -k within the reach"*)?the f «4- v. 1 • «. pie in !i!a:iip-lj-ri">i tfiat, A ">.W '"iV !i -'I '> Tid tried at 2S. Fall ilall • /J :—l-'iee y Post. Mention 1F- I vi RA N! TE "MONUMENTS, >*»,i I ptions accural rri b -.•Of in .■> U: ,u> j w l. ,'oKiK, Sculptor, A ordeen# t F Sli/ J# J t,: £ D pPiSPENSAELEK) LADIES! L whJrle::¡n,q;d¡ are reliable rprnedyfora!! obst^ucttoiis 3nd irre ia lariticE, a medicine which cures (usually in a few Luur<;i- eases which l1rwo baffled the skill of the best tcftdical mell tie u lady neeuriesiiairosthe most obstinate & hopeless cases have been immecliately relieved by this Mrs. Wilrop., of Honor Oak Park, Forest Bin, say?: "YOlW inva'iia^l* remedy too3r immediate efi'oot;* In iss^ than i2 hours I was all right, after 14 vi-ea" a of misery and hopeless- ness." A properly certiGed guarantee Uencloaeti with a.1 Le,:t{. xnonials and miviicino. One p:>h:;(, at 4s. 611. S# usually sufficient for any case. Ladies find as once fully d'.rerted en- velope f0:r:J.Tt.ic.:lla. and proofu, I arili forfeit £ ]|C00 for every testimonial that is not eTlt1.ÍJI('. Thr.u>aiids of tostiia >n!la have benn received. EFtablished orer ICO years. Do 'HI mi cil by showy advertisements and other po-ca.l!e>1 >:i » '.fl-i-1' i',ro uttc-Iy wortHlees. Wr:t« P"i tr' • r.t !.jsc, X V > /'f,. ft i W K vTv •: rs; MED:CAL !«?.TrfoTE, •- 'Uijawij '• C:-iU'0 r -J. 'Uijawij '• C:-iU'0 r -J. ji'TKTCh Ct^rriir j:n&i wa fr-7'~?WkV'aamKb** x" Ii.-VC.NO, HMilt-mDkv% aniV1 IHa v iiVj •rir'- "v: s »•. » iK i»* Othjcr SAtKTins. EAST TERMS Fi%ua fj ■ 8 Id'- MONTHLY. t> /■: '■ "'S i> t LAEGS DIoCCuNT. L- 'j, CAKBIAGE PAID. «i i -I; l| Send at once for New $\ & Reason's Large Iilustra- *i J «J-y i'i-c>r C.r/yf C ted JUNO List of Ma- K IS chines, Fitting Parts, ESESEGGHSR! ■) AOT KSFETISSA wtxnopouTAX mauwro cc-„ 'f iTBOPOLITAIi"' lilachines. 5 -Mouthiy. n '"J'.10* u*t- ?> m '*0, BiBJOyagatc Streei V.'iaiout, Loiidou, E.C. M ^ntionjhw rajwr; Trf L'LST FQ^S SALADS, &c., &c. ii* PUBITY AND aCALITX GUAKANTEiiXJ I ASK YOUR GROOEE FOR I KST A.B. OVFH. LI'50 Y"SAP^S. SOTTTH"W AUK, LO-DON. HPHE ZOOLOGICAL SOCI KTY'S GARDENS, JL Retjent's-'iark, areOVUX dn-ily(esceptfliind'iys),iro-.u oa.rn. tillsujiset. Ailjnisnlon.ls.: on Mond-ays bd < i3:U;r^i;i'V,-ai ad. FEEDINCJ TlUIiS OF THE AMniALa Pr.T.icANS 2.SO p.m. LIONS ABU Tit,KR» f-'i OTTRHS 3.0„p.m. FKA-Lio.VS li.in. 3.3t,.aJ^-QFxf^^l^i::S youmg- meh snffering from Nervous F\! r.r<n, (.erortl Jv.-hiiity, Ac., due to youth,ni ik>w.u <-e, sisou.-l «end ior now Treatment, ST. LOUIS MEPICINB CO., 42, Uri.y's Inn Jload, T., r hn. T ONDON LETTER BUREAU, 131, Jermyn J swt S W LETTERS, TELEGRAMS. PARCELS, -T-l'pApKRi may be addressed here, and be forwarded again t "ir:ed a.nywyere.! for the c°J.1e;Ü;>JI of travellers. "ROURNEMOUTH — SUMMER HOLIDAYS JO THE HOTEL METROPOLE offers special attractions to Visitors at a sDeciallv reduced tariff. CRICKET, TENNIS, GOLF &C. Close to Pier, Gardens, Steamboats, &c. The most luxurious and best- appointed Hatr;l in the TOTO. Terms from 81- per d.8,y. Special quotations for fa'niliei. Apply JI inagej\ 90HO B ALING GRAMMAR SCHOOL, The Park, JLLi Ealing, London. 200 boys. Most successful results. Every modern app.iance. Commercial or classical trailing. Preparatory department. Terms very moderate. See Cambridge Examiners report. Boys prepared for any exam. Entire charge of children from colonies. Next Term Sept. 11,1896. Apply Dr. Brucesimthor lev. E. J. Hocklv, M.A. Branch i'or voung ladies. Superior advantage?. SCOTT'S "2g» TYRES. No Holes in Rim. j0mvnk Won't Puncture. NO HOOK8. flLIJ^iE>Dl WON'T SLIP. No Loose Screws. ^jul^OPC1^ Guaranteed. IHSISTO* HAVING TREM. THEY ARE THE VERY BEST 89, Chiswen St., London, E.C. MONEY LENT FROM < £ io TO ^2 :00 ON Note of Hand, Life Policies. Reversions, &e. No fees. Apply M- RICflEslkt, IT A TT T? T T? LONDON BUILT CAR-RXAOES. JLJ ,lvl,l Best Styles. New and Second Hand. Sale rtlltl 0r Hire. 811, OXFOBP STREET. LONBOS. — T ■. 'i ■" f ? i r,:i l fti lrreguianti.es, 0bstmctioaa 5 U »'V 0»»ilLl»« &C-. removal by an ikiiSOLUTBLT 1 iS ,\(i'fr)od WITHOUT HTSDICINii. C ] ji ieetion*. Greatest Discovery of Modern MetiVMi Ht-M-ioDe'd en velopefor particulars Jestimomalfc«o^ vr, ivi>.c .», wK-iieim vHiffh Holborn, London. W.Q. "T T TS Y M 0 U T H. — ROYAL M AIII 2 V FAM1L Y HOI Eli.. V-oci'- 'Mi'—andro. Gardens and .Sv.«», close to the pier,, ami «Uofni'.T' .S.:ve < of .Teisey and Guernsey packets. Also GOL::KS LlOifT HOTBL, for Gen^eirxen centrally Situated. At.:nU- f.ir Tarifls, j'ropnetor, L- N. i-J.APe. Switzerland. B ION A3 CO Canton Tesein. HOTEL DU GLACIER. Open from MAY till OCTOBER. BALLI. Proprietor TI*,TFE TEA- of Ask your Orocer for it. From 1/4 to B/4 por lb. ;j Wholesale: — LINDOO VAI.XJBEV TEA CO., il | TAB, Idol XMX^. IMXTDOV. K.O. j| TO LADIES. TVTACKENZIE'S FEMALE MEDICINE. Ivi Will positively remove the most OBSTINATE OBSTRUCTIONS, Irregularities, Ac., from any cause, in twelve hours. Guaranteed the most powerful and strongest in earth Failure is impossible. Ik acts like magic in the too-t long-standing and intricate obstructions. Ladies will Bavi' time, trouble, and expense by coming to an ex- perienced specialist at first. Post free, ander c°vev sernvflv nicked with full directions and advice (4s. 6d.) vo "Rluii LDfG^^AND SIXPENCE, WITH WRITTEN G UAUANTEE Of CURE, Vis L., of High Street, Morley, near Leeds, writes:- One'4s 6d packet cured me after FOUR MOMHS a. i^.y of mindTand af'er I had tried no less than hve iiVtixWnt so-c«lled remedies 1 My sister recommended me ta Miu and she is equally enthusiastic. Several ladies ttn" tohl me they have always been cured by you, when oilier tirms failed. S,n,l at once for 100-paged Book of Particulars and T"imoiiUls, which are sworn on oath before H r "•/ lie-Jtv's Coi-»n»issi'.ner for Oaths to be true and genuine. Ail ooen to in.-ij.^iion, and £ 10C0 given to anv ch:.nty if ,!}M. not genuine. A<!vice wilJingly n !> M' vri\ KNZIE, TrJiffortl S3, lM^cs Koad. S.W.—Avoid ImiUtions, Worthless an». i r;; ■ i«- us. pleasejgention pnger_ A PRIVATE CAPITALIST, memler of a J:±- well-known wealthy firm, having a considerable stun o. nniiinested money, is prepared to advance .he r{{,t not le:.s than ii0to £ 10,000 to persons of unanniM a on their uni Promissory Note, -without v. S.Wtv,or -Teliminarycharges v.„V.. Vrt<> ,.•/ ir.u for shovb or Ion# p^nols, Bt.v ir. o no? cmiiik **>■>,• ENGLAND'S MARRIAGE ASSOCIATION. (iin!T Pros, Founded by a nobleman, as siiggestcrl hj- ji- rrc^| which stated the great necessity of a STRICJ.LY TTCSTTTtJTTOTr that would study then clients ,,e^.taro oj brineinit about advantageous Marriages. We therefore beg to state this Association has been estab'r]0"hitmnunwfr'ou<: irjpnt thia proat and recofinised necessity. anu chat numerous palft p^eU wea^Uents are highly Phased with the work of the Association, as letters daily reeeived tMtify. All Tv-isliine to join the Association are requested to send ^rAV^trspa n^. AI.L CLASSES^UITOIX MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. ESTABLISHED IGOV. I CASH IMMEDIATELY ADVANCED, FROJ I £5 to To Farmers, Gardeners Carriers, Cowkeepors, Shopkeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen. Clerks, Clergy- men, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders and others, without Bondsmen, ON THEIR OWN SECURlTi', OA Note of Hand alone, repayable by easy instal- ments, or arranged to suit Borrower's own con- venience. All communications! are received am! kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honourable and straightforward transactions gnnranteed. NO ENQUIRY FEE. Intended Borrowers arc invited, before appl) JU?-* elsewhere, zo APPLY to J. A. BENNIE, 25 CHESTER STREET, SHREWSBURY. WEDNKSDAYS—AT 14,KING STlt.EJT,()SWESTHY N.B.—Town or Country distance no objee' [jettei s immediately attended to. Mr. R. can be seen any day at Aberystwyth by appointment T.TONET7! MONEY! 1 IMPORTANT TO BORROWERS it t, 0 to 2500 may be.obtained on Lna-I immediately. If You Want to Start in B.ian.ess, If You Want to Increase your stock If You Want to Furnish your Homes, If Yon Want to Pay your Re it, If You Want to Pay v iii- Debts, If You Want to Pay Out an Exu-ution ..VM-'TIT however uvsre- t or PRESSING those deman.ds I von can bo accommodated without delay by apply- !^J.THI^"ES?IBH^ED Private Loan Office., where busi- A in thorough IT txeTiuitie manner, viz. :— ,IEM(,NEF Lci-t on Borrow. -r'S^C-WI, Security, and a guarantee °^LBR^^?N.SSL?!WERSF(VEI Female), Farmers !■ TO Irnkceper;, Tradesmen, \\or<ciu(R Men.a .J AI^ C)I SSES VEBIILII'.p'withio 100 MILES of SHREWDY mSums »ARVIII« tvJB> £ 19, .-612.. £ 15, £ 20. £ 3 to £ »00. Y ° G Office Hours till 7 O'CLOCK P-M ENCios8(L Letters by Post immediatel v replied to, and No Enc os Stamp iiecessary for reply- No May. MR S. BERNSTEIN, ACCOUNTANT, 26, CHESTER STREET, 16 BENNETT'S "LLLL-L, BLESLINGHAM. K.B.-Mr Bermtein thinks it neces8aryto Caution Intend. s?rr.r*"«-; £ scri' position than the T TH^ AI,0VP address for Mr. B has now b en established at th- a JOV ,F & SOIN.. timo, and Borrowers CA^I dep P anywhere, cai.noi be obtained at this office L J NO 8'tanding I f Borrowers persist in FAD.NJR with PEOPTE OF J they have only themselves to blame if treated uniauiy. E5S¥GfMS]E2- r'K:.tJE!?t]] 2S^5B^2 p £ ^@yil w f Guaranteed for and v Thousands of Testimonials havii ooen ri;i:.si'. cu, BENSOH'S BBNSOI'S 3E?ja??iis3a. X.e/^es? Keyless jSsagHAXjajj r,eVt9]" msftTj:" SSfaTftii Sa Ui S* I 4pff j iJtrl § wEis iV". y h .01^ • fpar ea^iJ adi3 SgjSJ //»>y vs. 1/ X&Ca Ma H old -v x rn** Ii\ 'w I 1 ^_asS3S-5'' .A Vi A of f TAKEN IN I', J CHANGE. \V- ;n z. sent 1T30 on ,,t |J All fiood-3 Vv /& T V\ |M receipt of (M hi -Si Nnr I %fi raiOT' \'&tW ^FETS, Me. f -4 i > c^ansed. ira EH t DmrWe Londonr,A ^°?d for rough wear at a nvilo Tir -« u 1 [ T> PI VTKc%tr<old. low priee. Ites, I^ndon ^ad0. Threc-Qnarter Plate ia Enrn aL .welied with 13 RuLic.a.Cbrono- !ng,"ln. Leo,: Scoter Balance, Jewelled meter ;5al».i i'i Lircre Bi-rroi, aad Darcr) r.nd m Ruoies, St.ono Action> Dust Proof Kin" D.w1. Priec £ 5 5s. An Exact Tjme.Keeper. anii tetter value than any Keeps better time ihan, and is double the Sfrcnct-b Keyless Watch sold for iiO. niid Value of, any £ 5 5s. Wat-li made. In Sterling Price £ 5. in Extra Strength, Ste'l'Q" Silver, Crystal Silver Cases, with Stronjr Ci-ystal Gkiss. T Glass Cases. ° Made in Four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 5s. -.—No. 1, „ -.f, Vri 3 /VID'WPITJ, n • TT„I{' Gentlemen & Youths No. 2. Workinv Men; No.), KELSON S fc. VaMr&jJJ RINGS, m Half- Eailwav Men and Miners (as iIlnstrared);No. 4. Ladies, Hoop, Marquise. Gip>e} an(j ali odier designs, In massive 13-et. Gold C.ises. with Crvstnl Glass set with Brilliants, Rubies, fimeraicis, Pearls, Sap- Gentlemen's size. £ 12 12s. 9.10 10s. j phires, Opals, Turquoise, &c., or in piain gold. ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent post fr-e, and at my risk, to all parts of the World on reeeint of Draft, Ca^h, or P.O.O.. payable at G.P.O. CEND FOR BENSON'S BOO" of WATCHES from £ 2 2s. to £ o00. CLOCKS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS. BROOCHES. PLATE, ,%e.. &e. Sect, post free on appIieat.ion to ENGAGEMENT RINGS. BROOCHES. PLATE, ,%e.. &e. Sect, post free on appIieat.ion to JMJT WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • MM « H.H. THE QUEEN and RoYAL FAMILY. I Steam Factory: 62 ft 641:, L UDC, !;í/1r'E.. a:t1LL, And 28, ROYAL EXHANGE, KC.. and 25, OLD BO "D W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.-Applications for agencies invited. -=- no risk.






