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THE VOLUNTEER CA^LP-, 2,000 AlEN UNDER CANVAS. ill The arrangements now in course of Vroce<^p0\ t'f connection with the volunteer camp OIl t e Marsh are such that we may anticipate tba d of future of Towyn as the camping groll11 Oil volunteer battalions is as good as settled. (il?r Saturday next there will be 2,000 men £ ,0 canvas in one of the most P'c*'V,1j cofl' spots on the Cardigan Bay Coast. These v*1 sist of the 2nd V. B. Royal Welsh, ntirnY0in".i* about 1,300 officers and men, and the 2nd iij.^ teer Batt. of the Cheshire Volunteers, tc c0TI>* 560 strong. The latter will probably be, manded by Col. Ashton, who will be atten parade by Major Hazlehurst, Captain AdJI1 ill Turton, and about 20 other officers. The ^rday» start from the various centres early on ba -o-g,d0 and arrive at Towyn about 7 p.m. will then form in line, and will be paraded shire Butlin. The advance party of the .eaCb0^ Regiment have already arrived. They 1 C^ Towyn on Tuesday afternoon in charge 0 Sergeant Davies. They consist of Jn officers and men, and have lost no o £ jS setting about making the necessary prepa for the arrival of their comrades. It is an i"e" that before to-night (Thursday), 1,134 e quired for the canvassing of the Cheshire for will be in readiness and that ail arraugenie' rj'j,e the reception of the men will be CODlplee, their advance party, it should be said arc high in oV, of praises of theCambrÜm Railways CoR'P^" tbtf Air. R. Bowen, the stationmaster and o eXpe^' officials at Towyn, who are most prompt) the tious and attentive in their efforts to ISC to tile anxiety and work of the fatigue party. l ti'e time of writing, none of the representatives1 ^p, Welsh Regiment have arrived 111 eUqnir'ef but our representative on making 1 was informed that they will CO ns' ly-,vet companies drafted fiom Hawarden, FdJJt, E, cÍ that Rhyl, and the North coast to Holyhead, au Li many of them will probably come fro cf'11 and other Irish towns. The whole wi ca,\flV manded by Col. Cook, A. D. C. ^Tflivdv1"0'1.3^ purposes has been obtained from the 1 reservoir and conveyed to the Dovev a|l is situated 3,000 feet from the main bv s the contract for the work having been e^eSj v a ■lohn Corbett to Alessrs Jones, ?reDch Edwards. The work of cutting t'lC jgted, commenced last week and is noW it speaks well of the promptitude an ]Uni^er(i' shown by Alessrs J. Davies and Sons, when we say that on Tuesday they p'P^j to successfully lay 2,000 feet v within the trench, which has i closed up, it being the iitenciol ilai"S Corbett that the supply of water to a fca shall be permanent. In addition to ^gr t stantial stone bridge has been erec e^ore es"' brook in order that the horses may be taken to the stables at Escuan Hall. the con'f0'" to thing that could be done to add to e&rL jj the Volunteers is being done. It anticipate the programme of the wee detn* be able to supply our readers wi c(>nflel account of the camp and the incH en therewith in our next issue. Printed and published by SAMUEL Q^ce, DAVID ROWLANDS, at their Prw Co" Berriew Street, Welshpool, in Alontgomery.—July 11, 1896.