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& J. KETTLE ,I £ 11 Are now Showing a Fine Selection of i of Evening Dresses, Blouses, I I^BBB I^^MWONMIMWCTIRITIRNMRHWTMFFVTTRRTT.TT^1■■■■■TFWA—ARGM^IHIAEBRAKMMI^BFC'Y I And Everything for EVENING WEAR. K/ i—in yi iiii|iLJ(MiiJi,?r;rar3qB^aBi v* 10 & 11, HIGH STREET, BRECON. ■ linn i« 1111 ■"■ iprawwagiwwnwMiaBWBM— {' t. ."t k • -r" -'i, AGrEN s S Messrs. & SON, vVooHen ■ -Mrsrs, ■r^y Factory, BRECON. 1.cr) i:(' :n- 0§rw if^wpc^ 1 # > rSrte' *• «cpnnt«r -s i a x y.. V. wm lm' I <> ^z~M\ fwlxV''Mfa,] ■-■•'• M. IV | a(fr I /• 'f/M/lll/w/lik ^ie New Moccasin** Double Wear | ,'r '• -T w liii'/iim, m Le:-ther provides Boot -of cx'i'cn.if; i/' •'•■*»<, lightness and durability. llnl/ll! IP ^°'es are produced from Leather "<•" ll'lIlllllllJA 5annet} a p'^ces;. in ^Lich Chromic [ f." Oxides combine with the Hide Fu c h > ,1 '•• W III rsi- forming an insoluble light we'ehing and %}l[i$\\ flf5H0E« ^A.^nA. TLH&I?^ lieJ**? /ML "S /B f W/pik treated by a special process which f^H > vW V/> H^f *c-"lers it absolutely waterproof.$* j Calculated on a scientific basis it has I'll been demonstrated that a man wearing fi|jp Onrnr o 1 HaliC ^elSht Moccasins" for a day's 1 ,} u fj v' v( '» walking wiii lift 30 tons less than a man Wj$/ti ■' av %'lw "jg <.—•> /— Ksir.g ordinary boots sufficiently heavy | mjt/i(^t to give. equal wearing oualities. |. 'W k limit y/i ■ i'1 ftyillft'jft' V/ ■'AI UU/bm^f1! V A VlMhhi. M \9fe' ^'•• « by II S. GARRETT, ffj K • HIGH STREET, BRECON. w'Mmsr. mMmrnimmiEiiitik ^— — PIANOFORTE. Heins & Go's. NEW MODEL IRON FRAME. CHECK ACTION, TRICORD FULL COVT'SS. WALNUT OR ROSEWOOD CASE. HEAVY SCONCES. OECESTE PEDAL. Gu i-antofid for IVj; Y-. NETT CASH £ 16. Carriage Fice. WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A VERY SMALL PROFIT." HEINS & Co. Ltd., BRECON. I I umm miun annou^se^ents, London Pantomimes, Hippodrome, Coliseum, &e. World's Fair, Agricaltural HaIJ, December 24th to February 7th. Carl Hagenbeck'a Wonder Zoo und Circus, Olympic, December 26th to February 28th. ON Friday, January 9, for 2, 4 or 5 days; Monday, January 19, for 2, 3 or 5 days; Thursday, January, 29, for 2, 3 or 5 days, EXCURSION TICKETS wiii be issued to LONDON (Euaton), via Welshpool. Football and Hockey Parties. Picn; Tickets at a tingle fare and a third for the return journey are issued for a minimum of o Rdulta upon 3 days notice being givc,u 94 the Stations. Early Closing Excursions. TT^VER"^ WEDNESDAY until further notice, Half-day Excursion TicketE will be issued ii fr, ■ BRECON by the 1-20 p.m. brain, to TALGARTH, BUILTH WELLS, RHAYADER, I.lld inte nediate Stations. TOURIST TICKETS ^are isaued to Aberystwyth, Barmouth, Pwllheli, Rhyl, Abergele,Llan. dadno, Carnarvon Holytiead, Blackpool, Southpor' Buxton, MstJ^ck, The English Lake District, The North-Eust Coaat of England, Isle-of tlac, Scotland, and many other places. See Tourist Programme. For any further information respecting the arrangements shewn above, application should be made at any of the Company's Otficoi or Agencfe* er ?, C. L. Con&chv., Ir&filc Manager. Oswestry, Jan., 1914. S. WILLIAMSON, General Manager. ——— rSVERYW6i £ k j |g oioii'i send2 s?smijsfc>r o-; v ■ containing valuableintcrrMiinv a;. rrt*tl.«n „? *,j E riiity utj cnui't^y «twu(0ii.u or iciuuvua fgs K v/stmple (Twubs. Recommend.: tsyeminsuttlii&iowi j S M .is the only Safe, Sore and Genuine Reinedy. Never ■ fsils. fhci'sands of Testimonials. Established I8G2 M ■ fsils. Jttc:ä:1ds ofTestimonials. EstlbliihedIS62 ■ ?. BLAK^EARD^r^r'Dabfon-lanoJ.ojidon fr I LADIES. ST. DO JIINIC'S Therapeutic, Pilloias cure all irte.c,'alaritie3 from any cause in married or single, ihey act in a. few hours wonderful; marvellous results. Eve.y otae guaranteed.— Enclose stamp for rarticulars.-MADAME D. MACDONALI>,J;210, Wimborne Roed, Wintor, Bournemoutb, I I GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS PILE & GRAVEL PILLS iKORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS i GORGE S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS /EORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS lEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEOR IE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILL GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLH GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL REMEOY IS tiEORGE4 S K ii«L £ %GRAVEL|f M I ft" V PILLS }LS' ■ I ..< ¿/ /7/ ) t: -i. -1.: V' ( li I SAFE to take. j| I PBOMPT In action. r i h | EFFECTUAL In results. |j • FOR UPWARDS OF FORTY YEARS THESE PILLS HAVE HELD THE FIRST PL ICE IN THE WORLD AS A REMEDY FOR I Piles and Gravel, ind all the Common Disorders of the Stomach, I Bowels, Liver and Kidneys, lieh as Piles, Gravel, Pain in the Back and Loins, Constipation, Sup- pression and Retention of Urine, Irritation of the Bladder, Sluggishness ? the Liver and Kidneys, Biliousness, Flatulence, Palpitation, Nervous SM, Sleeplessness, Dimness of Vision, Depression of Spirits, all Pains rising from Indigestion, &c. THEIR FAME IS AS WIDE AS CIVILIZATION. TESTlMoNIKia. ————— I There is no necessity to despair of relief even though your Doctor gives your case up as hopeless. Read the following :-After having been under medical treatment for some time and suffering acute pain, I was induced to try your Pills. One box relieved me and the second completely cured me. I gave what Pills I had left to a friend of mine-a sea captain, and he has also been cured after long suffering. T. WOOD, Wood Street, Middlesbro'. THE CONTINUED DEMAND FOR THESE PILLS IS THEIR BEST RECOMMENDATION. The Three Forms of this Remedy: ,,Io. 1.—GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS (White label), No. 2.—GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS (Blue label). o. 3.-GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES (Red label) Sold Everywhere. In Boxes, 1/li & 2/9 each; By Post, 1/2 & 2/10' Proprietor. J. E, GEORGE, M.R.P.S., Hirwaiii, Abardare. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S FILE & GRAVEL PILLS GE RGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GE URGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE ft GRAVEL PILLS I GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLb GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLF GEORGE'S Pn.T." & GRAVEL PBXd GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLiS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILL: GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILl, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS a——■BM—■ miii • "r "■ m m. I MOTORS. MOTORS. MOTORS. A'y — .J' ,r-11 )I"'¡¡'¡' # c' -( "< .> "o0> ir'< | v ^<|r|V') I ¿é(':C-ë' 'J-= WE ILLUS A.TF, HE A BEAUTIFUL i Twc-Seater Ford Car. 20 h.p. Complete with Hood, Scr en. Speedometer, Head Lamv-s. Side and Tail Ivarnps. Ready for the ro'id. A mO I sOLE. AGENTS FOR B cECv.NSHIRE- I ■ RICH and Sons, ERECOM. Telegrams 11 Rich," Brecon. Telepnone 23. AEG is Reliable. FOR 30 years the JAEGER Co. have i maintained the world-wide reputation of their productions for purity of fibre, fidelity of description, and durability of wear. This reliability is a constant safeguard of 8 the purchaser's interest. When you buy a Jaeger garment you know that its Purity is guaranteed by the careful tests made in the Jaeger laboratory. And in addition you have the satisfaction of knowing that the extra durability of Jaeger makes for real Economy. Thus, whichever way you consider the matter, it is wisest to buy Jaeger. For man, woman, and child-for day-wear or night- wear-for all purposes and for all climates -Jaeger is the golden rule" of Health and comfort. Fully Illustrated Price List sent post free on application. t D. MORGAN & LEWIS, Tailors and Draptrt, BRECON. Tilufcnni Ne. P.O. 16. I I I E. LICHFIELD (Late Hannah Prieg), Fishmonger & Game Dealer CASTLE STREET, BRECON. Fresn Fish Twioo Daily. Agent for Palethorpe'a Royal Cambridge Satsagi Springfield Potted Meats, &c ESTABLISHED 1775. Telephone,P.O. 75. Telagrama, Lichfield Brecon .4 'ar. Before deciding upon Anthrocite Stoves See the U World's Best ot A. H. TYLER & Son, Builders, Decorators. Plumbers, &c., —- Bulwark & Lion St., BRECON. 77- 1! e4 P IM P THESE STOVES are eu,gaut in design |and finish, and embodies the very latest improvements, at the earcs time being tha lowest prices. Promptly fixed with sheet iron, or tiled back and with tiled hearths complete. ~;i Specially recommended by Institute of Hygiene and Medical faculty. Highest Award and Medai. tvoyai Sanitary Institutes and Health SxhiH i', Good Lines in GRATES, RANGES, MANTLE- PIECES, &0., at LOWEST POSSIBLE PBTCES. A.H.T. & Son having in their employ a large staff of competent tradesmen iu all lines of the Building Trade, Stoves, Enngey. Graces, &o., can be fixed promptly at first cost, by complete estimate or otherwise. Workshops & Building Material Yard: CANAL BASIN WHAB.F, I 'V Pianos! Pianos! Pianos! *Ui)riiz'ht iron GREAT SALE BÍf.(h-C}as Unrie:ht ZrOD Frame G-ranri Fully Guaranteed for Twenty Years. >0- THIS YEAR'S NEW MODElaS -r- BARGAIN PRICES for CASH nr on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. n HEINS & Co., Ltd., BRECON. | at HERLFORO 8c ABERGAVENNY. Established 1S30 & wwos.!1^ III"- iMm ——i—om«—v«aasB———i THL" RE- D I- IIE S TI .LOC^:L THE INDIA & CHINA TEA Co., Grocers and Provision Dealers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, HIGH STREET, Brecon. and at Hay, Knighton, Llandrindod Wells and Builth Wells. "W ,m |Syt.. L ".It Pf]gf.|H !r> A8tAJ.Vjr.tc IF I THE | j b*k r v. I** vjTA&US&TC' BAD Mjk WATO? (mvt f,y -j^- j" "P, AGENT FOR BRECON: A. H TYLER, House Decorator & Plnmbar, Bulwark & Lion St. 7 ..11