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Sales hit Indian. Msssrs. Jones, & Co. Sal-, of FAT and STORE STOCK at the KOSS15TT AUCTION MART. MrqsiiS BATTGH JONES, AND CO., will hold their "next month'y Sale of Fat a eel Store Stock at the Golden Lion, Ros-ett, on Monday, April 8th. 1878. Stock already entered: A Lot of Prime Fat Bullocks and Heifers Sevt-val CalviDg Heifers A Lot of Pine Wether Sheep Several Fat Calves Fat and Store Pigs Th° Property of A. Brilfonr, Xl'-ei.. F. Potts, Eso., 1 B~f,e'l Esq General Townsbend, E. Svvetenhani. Esq/iB.' s! Roberts. E-q., Mr J. Edwards, Mr Jones. Mr Wo 'ri-h Mr P. Williams. Mr Davie Mr Pritchnrd Mr Mrs Woolricli, Mr I?. YVoolrich. Mr K B. Samuel, Mr Bayne. Blew* ttnirnlcy, Mr Hinchc.iffe, Mr Dudleston, Mr L dsonie, and others. Farther entries respectfully solicited. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. 382e Highly important Sale of Valuable and Modern Household Furniture, handsome pisnoforte, plated poods, glass, chum, carpets bed and other linen, content* of urerv, horse, car iasies, harness, fcc., at No. *■>, Chester-s»iect House, Chester-street, Wr.■ xham. M^S^RS B\UGII, JONES AND CO. heir to announce that they have been favoured with instructions front Dr. Barton, who is leaving Wrexham, to prepare for a Rale of the above on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Oth and i th ot Aoril, 1878, an:1 the following Friday if necessary full par- ticulars whereof will appear in next week's advertisement. D tailed catalogues are in course of preparation and may be had 7 days before the sale on application to the Auction- ed if by po-t, on receipt of a postage stamp. The Auctioneers beg to cali special attention to the furni- ture, as tiIig particularly pood. 3;,4f THE MOUNT, WREXHAM. To be Sold by Aucion by •TESSRS. BAUGH, JONES. AND CO. on the premises IxL in A: unr Street, Wrexham, on "A ednwlay, the 10th .day of A- i-it next, fit 3 for 4 o'clock in the aftexnooL- and suhjoct to coi tlitions to be then produced, all that FTTE E- HOLD M -\NSION formerly called the Mount, and latterly known as the Workirsr Men's Hall, situate in Mount Street, in tlie Borough of Wrexham, snd now used as u orkma Man's Club and Institute. The land has an area of 2,923 squire Yards more or less, and the Building comprises 2 large dining-roOns. 2 billiard-rooms, library, bajrat-lle-room, 2 bath-rooms, 4 b-ilrooflis, w.c with gaj :md water laid on. For further information apply to the Auctioneers, or to Mr John Jones, Solicitor, Wrexham. Wrexham, 21st March 1878. 31if DESIRABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY AT NANT FROOD, NEAR WREXHAM. TO BE SOI D BY AUCTION by MESSRS BAUGH, JONES AND CO., at Mr Cowlishaw's, the Frood Inn, Frood, near Wrexham, on Monday, the 15th day of April. 1R7S at 4 for 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and tubject to conditions to be the-a produced. All that piece of Land containing Jths of an acre, together with a cottago thereunto belonging. situate at the nilt frood, Hiid now or late in tlie occupation of Au* L,. Barnrtt. The above property is situate near the Frood Ironworks, aul 13 well adapted for building purposes. For further particular? apply to the nnetioneers, Temple Row, Wrexham, or to Mr J. Allingion Hughes, Solicitor Wrexham. 354a SMITHFIE LD, W K EXlI AM. MESSRS BAUGH..TONES & CO., will hold their next SALE of STOCK in the above Smithfield, on Thurs- day, April 19, 1878. Stock already entered, viz. A lot of prime tat Boasts, A lot of useful Dairy Cows Several fresh Barrens, &(! fat Calves, A nice lot of Sheep, l.arnbs, and Pigs. Sale at Ten o'clock. h PRELIMINARY. Sd? of Growing Timber upon Pant Glas and Tan-y-Graig Fartc3, Eglwyseg, near-Llangollen, Denbighshire. To be Sold by Ticket, by MESSRS BAUGH, JONES, AND CO., at the Hand Hotel, .1.1.. Llangollen, on Wednesday, the 1st May, IS18, at Two for Three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions, a Ian?- Quantii y of (excellent sojind and well-grown TIMBER, eo<«Htii^oi Oak, A-h, Kim, Lint*. Sycamore, Alder, &o. t'other ~with a considerable extent of Wood, well adapted f,r Pit Wood. Farther particulars will appear in future advertisements, 8.\1.1 any information in the meantime may be obuwied from Mr W. F. In-rum, land agent, &c., 89, Chancery Lane, London, cr from the Auctioneers, Temple Chambers, Wrex- k im, 374c PRELIMINARY. Sale of Freehold Property near Cross Lanes, in the Parish of Marchwiel. in the County of Denbigh. To be Sold by Auction, by MESSRS BAUGH, JONES, & CO., at. the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, on Wednesday, the jjjuh day of Way, 187^. at Two for Three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to condition? to be tlif,n and there produced, ail that compact 198TATE called" Little Bedwell,'r being part of Maes-y-Nant EstJJe. consisting of a Dwelling-house. Farm-building, vnd Ho'.nestNHi, t tier ether with all those severd fields pieces or parcels of hu d (in a j'ing fence)containing in tne whole by n.dmeltsuren\en!4I;a. Sr. 8p. rnOIC or less, situate m the parish of jyt"rehwiel, in the County of Denbigh, and now in the occupation f Mrs Mtll, whose tenancy expires at ii icliaelnias uat. The whole of the land has been pipe drained by the pro- jmetor and is in a cood state of cultivation. There are some timber trees and yount: thriviiiif plantations pruning upon the r,-ti te, and iC adjoins and has a JOII fwutage to the b;h n.ad lradintr from the town of Wrexham to btmsror Isacot'l. stnd is distant from llieformer miles and te Litter place U miles. The property is bounded on the one side by Msics-v-Nsmt •aad on the others by lvnos belontri"? to •r. W, "W V. >nn, &trt., and the snid Turnpike road; ana i* very eligibly sitaated for theertCtion of a g. ntlemau « residence. Particulars and lithofiraphed plans of the Estate are in a.3ur2e of preparation, and in the meantime further tniorn.a- tino may be obtiuaod from H. Tiumphivys, F.q.. solicitor, Wrexham, or from the Auctiollpers, Joiiiplo Chambers, Wrexham. Messrs Davie s (\,ud. Armor. MONTHLY SALE OF FAT AND STORE STOCK AT DENBIGH. MESSES DATIESAND ARMOR lsare rewired instruc- tion* to SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, the 9th ot Aoril, 1S78 (lieubiph Fair Day), in fre-nl. of the H >y.tl Oak, ,it It a.m. prompt— A numb or of i r*i-ne Fat Cattle and Two 2-yi i.r-old Pedisjree Bulls The above Stock are the property of T. Fculkes. Esq., Graig; StessrsW. Kdld,.P!a¡; Xewydt1, E. I.ov.iaj'lc, Llwjn, a-id other.-1. N i{ —The Auctioneers wish to draw atteution to tnc above Stock, beinff perfectly ripe, of excellent quality, and of heavy weights. Further entries to the above Sale are rc^cvtully Royal Oak, Denbigh, March 27th, 18?8. Messrs. Dew e Son. LLANRWST, DENBIGHSHIRE. MPS-PS W DEW AND SON are instructed to SELL "BY"AUCTION, at the Eajrles Hotel, I.kurwst, ou Tueedny, the 3(th day of April, 1878, at Two o'clock in the nfternoon, a most desirable and compact Freehold FARM, Yn«d Pe'jyfron," containing 42 acrca or thereabouts, in the ,r«T)?tion of Vr William Jones. This Faim is beautifully Sed, with eood approaches and within 200 yards of the turnpike road leadir.fr from Lhiurv.at to Abergele, and one mile frem the town of LIanrwbl. and corumtina3 a wide ex- of nicuitaiu and well-wooded icenery. Also a valuable and attractive Freehold RESIDENCE, fed Plas Issa." with out-buillliugs, garden, and grounds, situate near the town of Llaurwst. Alflf. ?f>ver,d acres of Accommodation and Budding LAND, contignous to the Llaurwst Railway Station. Thp Accommodation L :.nd on the east aide of Plas Issa w.TrL dfvidc'™ to Six lote, suitable for the erection of Villa RSneVs and the L nds on the south side of Bias Issa and i-i i-t- »iif. street leinling from the town to the way'statiom will be divided into twenty Buildingr Lots. Particulars and plins may & rwg^' the Auctioneers atBan^.r and Rhyl, and of Messrs Firry Jones und Son, solicitors, Denbigli. 2 £ r Birch. SAIjE OF FARMING STOCK. MR BIRCH be;rs to announce that be lui3 been honoured with instruoiions front Mr William "Wiiliama, Ty C*nol, near Ruabon, to offer for SALE, about the last w^lc ia April, the whole of his Live and Dead lARMINor .vroeK. Full particulars next week. 358e WKEXHAM SM1THF1ELD. The next mart sale will be held on Thur.-day, April I 1,1878. MR BIRCH bess to inform bis numerous friends and customers that the following stock «ias bov-n already entered for sule, comprising- Prime Fat Beasts. Prime Fat, Sheep and Lambs. Fat and Store l'igs. Calves, &c. The. vroTiertv of the snpy>ort^rf of this mart, including Suniwi Yorke, Esq., A. J. Clark, Braasey V*id J. Walker. Esq., T. lirassey, E«sq., E. l<ewis, Esq., jrSafS T Milhsran, K. J. Roberts, T. Evison, T. Roberts, J. Sandbach,- Huxley, J. Pi^ott, J. Sanabaon. jan., Lee, — CHiffe, &c., &c. -k Sale to commcnce with fit cattle at ten. o e-ack Office: Marchwiel, Wrexham. 8380 biy udin. Mr. Snaps SALE OF Bl.YMBO WATER WORKS SHARES. MR SNAPE will offer for Sale by Public Auction, at the Lion House, Wrexham, ou Monday, April 8, 187S, fifty fully paid up £ 10. SHARES in the Brymbo Waterworks Company. Limite 1, they will be offered in one or more lots as may be determined at the time of sale. S do at Five o'clock. 3720 -==-==-=-=::=:=-==-=-=-=-=====-==-==-====-===-=-===-==-===- -=:=. Messrs ovor aad StswarcL. CHESTER IIORS3 FAIR, APRIL ISth, 1S73. MESSRS GLOVER AND STEWARD wiiMioid their next monthly horse sale at Orosvenor Paddock oil the above day,—Gcosrenor Chambers, Chester. 363a Mr Lovatt. PRELIMINARY. HOLLY BANK, RUABON ROAD, WREXHAM. Sale of very superior modern Furniture, handsome Pier Glasses, &c. MR LOYATT has been honoured with instructions by the Executors of the late Mrs Mary Evans, of Holly Bank, to SELL BY AUCTION, the whole of the valuable and elegant FCRNITliRE In Walnut, Ml1h{)glIlY, :ludEhony, contained in I):ui:vcr. Drawing, and Bedrooms, with other housekeeping requisites. Further rartienlars and day of SaI" in future ad vertiso- ment. Old Swan Inn, V.'rexhr.ii), 31 treli 1S78. 336c WREXHAM. ELIGIBLE AND COMPACT RESIDENCE. rpO BE OFFERED BY AUCTION, in May next, unless X previously disposed of hv private treaty, n ha*»dso->>e and vei-y tubstantial, newly-built Brisk DWELLING-HOUSE called PARK LODGE, containing two reception roorrifc on the g-r.mnd floor, drawing room on first floor, five bedrooms, water-closet, and hot and cold'baths; with garden and suitable out offices; very pleasantly situate in Rhosddn-road, adjacent to Grove Park and Kirc-stroet, in the town of Wrexham, and now occupied by Mr Allmand. The Premises are within five minutes' walk of the Churches, the markets, and the railway station, are in first-rate repair, and possession can be had at Midsummer next. For further pnr?iculaiii«, and to treat for the above, apply at the offices of Mr Lewis, solicitor, Wrexham. 28th March, 1*79. 3lc j?-al.es bn jJrihah Contract. :0 lV HAY.—Several tons of well harvested hav for sale,—Apply to T. E. A: J. M. ROBERTS, Kings Arms Ina Denbigh. 355a tgal nub public JTjotias. IDANIEI. BRIERTY, 21, Salop Road, Wrexliam, will will not be re.-ponsible for any debt or debts contracted by my wife, Mary Brierty after this date. I also warn fell persons against purchasing any goods from lier.Signed, DANIEL BRIERTY. April 4th, 187?. 361a THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF WALES. Presiùent sm W. WYNN, BART., M.P. Vice-President EYAN MORRIS, KSO. ^^TEI.SII NATIONAL CHALLENGE CUP. Siibscuiptions Promised:— £ a d." Sir .W. W. Wynn 2 0 T. Jackson, Esq 1 1 0 J.O. Bury, Esq 110 Harold Lees, Esq 10 0 E.Tench, Ksq 0 2 6 Mr W. 0 5 0 Jf'ravdam Guardian 0 10 6 Mr VV. Suape 0 10 6 Subcrintions may be paid to the credit, of the Football Assobiation of Wales," at the North and South Walvs Thmk, Wrexham. d -0_- PRRUDENTI A L A S3 U RANGE COMPA N Y. CHIEF OFFICES: C2, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. S U M M A R Y OF THE TWENTY- NINTH ANNUAL RE P O R T For the Year eu,iug 31st December, 1877. THE Shareholders are awire that in the year 1875 the Company obtained an Act of Parliament, enabling them, among other tilings, to pass a Special Resolution fer the elltire seperation of the Ordb.ary and Industrial Branches of the Company, and for keeping sepertteand distinct accounts for each Branch.. Under the power.- of the Act. o. Special Resolution was accordingly pass, d, and from umJ^sffci tiie 31st.. Decemoei, 1876 thert>vo Branches have beeu ept entirely distinct, and the aCcoullts are now rendered in conformity with th:tt liIt°m'l\°bc useful to remind the Shareholders that, for all ) racucal purposes, the twoJJrallclJs are its distinct as if they were worked by seperatc Companies, an 1 it is believed that great nrirantage will be derived therefrom. In accordance with tlie Special Resolution so a division of the Fu ids of the Company on^lst December, 1S7C, was made, and u.tontion is drawn to the Statement showing the division, ivhic'i is priuted before, the usual accounts. Orditianj ISiawh,—The Annual Premium Income at the end of the year is £ 93,352 *3. 7d. in r-'spect of *o73 Policies, as:-ui:ir-fj tiie sun; of £ exclusive of B.'iius additions, sliowie.ff uu of £ 10,11)0 12s. 7d. per unnuiu o>er the ye.-»r 18 7 f> Indvstiial flravc'i.— The Annual Premium Inconie at the close of t!n< year is £ 1,227,80; is. od.. showing an iucrvhe of X247,227 6s. Od. over the income of tho previous year. The Total Premium Income is 12 7 The. Cams amount- to- Ordinary Hei-nclt. ••• 4B,4n r. 6 lndusrriul Braiicii 322,270 2 8 ;170,r,71) H 2 The total-sum paid amounts to 2 .j.'¡,.1 17 9 BALANCE SHEET OF THE PRUDENTIAL A S S U K A N C E COMPANY (Ordiunr), Ilriiiich), On the 31st of December, 1377. LIABILITIES. £ s. d. Life AKurarcs Fund 511,221 5 7 Sickness and Asmir viee Fund 437 18 1 Leasehold Redemption Fund 2,('0' 0 0 £!.i 14,<>9 3 8 Claims under Life Policies admitted bat not yet i aid 7,2-i4 lG 9 £ 021,834 0 6 ASSETS. £ 8. d. Mortgages on rropartywichin the U, i,ito,i 54^23 5 2 Kingdom •••• i Loans on the Coin;.an> *s Policies 37,731 15 8 Investment!— In British Government Securities 37,22<5 18 11 Indian and Colonial ditto 49,139 7 s Foreign ditto 15,167 15 3 Railway and oilier Debentures iiidl 47.103 5 8 Deben'uro Stock ) Ditto 3;lare (Preference and Ordinary). 6,361 II 4 Trust Funds Cortifictitei 50,423 1ft 0 ¡ House Property (Freehold and Leasehold) 94.725 3 11 Reversions 07,7 '6 11 1 Life Interests 23-5 1 7 Loan on Borough Rates 8,400 0 0 Mortgages of itever ons 4,a24 5 7 Outstanding Account, Industrial Branch 12100 4 11 (since settled) ) Outstanding Prpuiinins 6,847 8 7 Ditto Interest, and R-n's 3,950 14 0 Amount due from Ofiieia-1 Liquidator of Inter- > 9., ,gi i o national Society$ Deposits at Th; ee Months' notice 13,000 0 0 Cash—On current eccouut £ 6.075 5 4 In hand 1(10 0 0 ——————— 0,175 5 4 £ 521,8G4 0 6 BALANCE SHEET OF THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY (Industrial Brauch), cu the 3st De^^mber, 1877. LIABILITIES. -C s. d. 81.tareho:ders' Capit ,1. 24,920 0 0 Life Funi 53G.23S 17 3 Contingency Fund 40,000 0 0 Outstanding Account Ordinary Branch (sine*") 12,100 4 settled S Claims under Life Policies admitted. 2,775 4 3 £ 010,094 6 11 ASSETS. Inves,tn,et,to:- £ S. d. In British Government Securities. 10/00 0 0 Freehold Ground Kents 263,093 4 7 Scotch feu Duties 7,039 6 0 HouEe Property (Freehold and Leasehold) 143,282 2 8 Life sad other Interests and Reversions. 54,628 9 3 Furniture and Fittinps tIIead and 1 11 4'6 10 4 Branch Offices) j n.4„t> 10 4 Loans upon Personal Security 35,958 S 8 Ageu ti' Balances 73,877 19 1.0 Outstanding Interest and Rents 3,844 11 10 Cft^h—Ou Current Account £ 12,o6>) 13 9 In hand :150 0 0 ——————— 12,311 13 9 £ 610,094 6 11 We have examined the foregoinsc Accounts, 2nd them to be correct, and hereby confirm the same. We have also seen and examined the various securities, JAMES ALLANSON, Auditors Vth February. 1S73. ROBERT BAUNKS. j ■luauol!> EDGAR HORNE, Chairman n'e"-} «>»** HENRY EARBEN, Director. THOMAS C. Dl, AEY, ( JkloiUdo^rSm WILLIAM HUGHES, 3 W. J. LANCASTER, &cretary.. 3ila Itcijal anb Public D'olkcs. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY WREXHAM FAIR, (Dydd Litii Pawb).-Oll Monday. r f April 8th, SPECIAL TRAINS, at ordinary fares, will run Vetween RUABON and WREXHAM as follows :-From Ruabou at 10.40 a.m. and 12.15. p.m., and from Wrexham at 6.10. and 8.40. p.m. BANGOR (near Wrexham), STEEpLE Cili,SFS.-On Friday, April 12th, an additional train, at cr-linary fare, will leave CHESTER at 6 30. for and return from Wrexham at 6.15. p.m. For fares 9-C., see special bills. J. GriergON, General Manager, 340a Paddington Termini-s. Mil ARCHIBALD FORBES IN WREXHAM, A LECTURE will be delivered by the above-named celebrated WAR CORRESPONDENT of the IMii/ lVe/l:s in the Public Hall, Wrexliam, on Monday, May 27th, I IS78. ADMISSION :— i Numbered Reserved Seats, 3s; Second Seats, 2s; Back, Is. Tickets for Reserved anl Second Seats may be had on application to Misses Whitiiisr, 2, High-street. 37Ig LLANGOLLEN PARISH CHURCH ORGAN FUND. RESOLUTION- parsed on Monday, Febru^y 1-btil, It-7 :— That it is desirable to raise a sum of at I least £.)00 towards providing a snit- able ORGAN for the Parish Church." Contributions to be paid in to Me.-srs Richards and Co., to the North and South Wales Bank, or to the Honorary Secretary. RICHARD BOWCOTT, 313b HON. SEC. TESTIMONIAL I TO }I:R ALEXANDER FYFE, NV r, E X 11 A 31 £ s. d. Amount already acknowledged 73 2 1 'W.Overton, Esq., Grove-roud 110 Mrs Frimftone, Manchester 110 *.bfr IV. H. Keuuey, tc. oolinaater, Royal Artillery 10 0 Mr James Stevens, confectioner, Hope- street 0 10 0 Mr James Davenport 0 10 0 A Fri nd 0 10 0 Mrs Robinson, Runcorn 010 0 Mr Hugh Price, skinner C 7 6 •Mr Edwin Owens, Llangollen* 0 5 0 Mr Edward Evans, Insurance Office 0 5 0 Mr II. Dones, Town Hall Vaults 0 5 0 Messrs Peters and Rowland, High-street 0 6 0 Rev J. Dixon, l;erse 0 5 0 Mr Edgar, postmaster 0 2 6 Mr B. Parry, Earl-street 0 2 (; Mr P. J. Jones, Pputr" Brought u 0 2 6 Mr B. Co¡.leton", St. Murk's terrace 0 2 6 •Mr W. A. llenollRw, Suinmerbiil 0 2 0 Former pupils of Mr Fyfe. Present: scholars— Master dames Ollorhead, Charles-street 0 2 6 Master Arthur Viggars, Town Hill 0 2 0 Masters U. and E. Pa; ker, Red Cow Iuu 0 2 0 Master J. Richard Evans, Khosddu 0 1 0 Master David Griffiths, Bridge-street 0 1 0 Master J. Charles Davies, York-street. 0 0 0 Ma ter James Gormau, 23rd Brigade Depot 0 0 6 Master Samuel Vernon, Island Green 0 0 6 I Master Harry Evans, Fairfi-Id-terrace. 0 0 0 Master William Thomas, Offa-terrace 0 0 6 Master James Goodie, The Hirdir 0 0 6 Master Mesbach Hughes, Rhosddu 0 0 0 Further subscriptions will be thankfully received by Messrs Hughes & Son, C. Buyk-y A Co., J. Rogers, E. Jones, hatter, Benjamin Jones, Hope -street; R, Potter and J. Handle-, Higii-s;reet; T. Cross, Town-hill; and Alr. Piorc Bridge- treet; and aitio by the treasurer Mr A. W. Edwards, Grove- road, end the hon see, The conimitteetre anxious to close the list at as early a r date as possible and wouid fed greatly obliged if iutending subscribers would kindly forward their subscriptions at their 'I earliest convenience. MR. A. W. EDWARDS, Grove-road, Treasurer. HOWEL DAVIES ) ■EDWIN B. ASTLEY}- Hon. Sees i 362b Oil AS. DODD- ) BANGOii (FLINTSHIRE) STEEPLE CHASES Will take place on j FRIDAY, APRIL 12TH, 1 8 7 8, Under the Grand National Rules. I Stewards: His G-nce the DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G. VISCOUNT COMBLRMERE. SIR W. W. WYNN, BART., M.P. EDMUND PEEL, ESQ, S. K. MAIN WARING, ESQ. Clerk of the Course CAPTAIN FRANCIS OWEN. Clerk of the Scales: MR M I N T O N. THE GRAND WYNN STAY STEEPLE CHASE of £100 ( £ 50 by Mr W. W. V\ Jnu, Bart., and £ 50 by the centleiaon of the Hunt) for horses bonri-Jide the property of, and in the possession (for six months previous to starting) of farmers of not less than 50 aere-3, who reside within the lii-its of the courtry he hunts, and which have been regularly huutet with his lioiinds; four years old*10st 7ib, live lLsr- 121b, six aal aged 12st ilL); ae:ond horse tü receive £ 15 i'r :n tin; stake; winter or ar,y j\ic» or.ce to c-.o ry 71b, twice lolb, th.ke or more i-Uii e.tr. h-. i- .ts l.ic-t within the Huiita of Sir W. VV. Wynn's c./imtry allowed 7l!»; about three miles. Winners of this race ill any previous year not allowed to oater. Entrance fee. THE BllYN-Y-PYS STEEPLECHASE of £ 2 each, with 1 £:,0 added, for hSrses which belong to gentlemen resiclin" within the limits of .-ir W. W. Wynn's country, and have been regularly hunted with his hounds; 12st eHell; any winner of a Meep'.e Chise or Hurdle Race once 71b, twice 141b, thrice ISlb extra; gentlemen riders, or members of Sir W. W, Wyun's Luiit. About ttree miles. THE COMBE KMERE STEEPLK CHASE of £ 3 each, with £ 75 added, for horses which belong to farmers, innkeepers, or tradesmen, and have been in their possession from the 1st of January, 1878; four ycors old lost 31b, five I ist slb, six and aged 12st alb; winners once 71b, mIre tiian once 12,b, or of this race in any previous year llb extra; second horse to receive A; 15 from the stakes, and tbe third to save stake; winner to bo sold for C-Iou if demanded. About three miles. THE BANGOR OPEN STEKPLE CHASE of £ 5 each, C2 forfeit, with LIO,.) added; four years old l'Vst 3lb, five 11st tilb, six and aged 12st 31 b; winners of a Steeple Chase or Hurdle Race 01100 to carry lb, twi. e or of a race vaiue 60sov. 71b, lo(»«ov. 101b, 200sov. 1 Jib, and SCOsov. once or collec- tively 181b extra; second horse to receive £ 15 from the stakes. About three miles. THE RED COAT STEEPLE CHASE of £ 50 for horses that never won a race value £ 50 at i-tarling; 13st each; to be ridden in proper hunting costume by outlemen riders or members of Sir \Y. W. Wynn's hunt; entrance £ 2. About three miles. THE FLINTSHIRE STEEPLE CHASE of £ 50, for hunters that have never woiit race previous to time of star tint] ■ four years old lOst 31b, live ) t-it sib, six and aged list 31b, entrance X2. About three milea. THE aT ELEY STEEPLE CHASEof 41 ep.cli, with £ 40 added, for horses under 15 litilds socoud horse to receive k-5 from the stakes; fonr years old 10t, five list, six aui aged Ust 71b; winners of any race 71b extra. About three miles. THE LADIES' STEEPLE CHASE of -CIO, i.dded to a sweepstakes of £1 each, for beaten horses ut this Meeting; four yel1.r old lOst. 31b, five list 81b, six and aged 12st Mlb winners once 71b, more than once 121b extra; second to receive £ 5 from the stakes. About two mi 03. I be entered in the Weighing Sta.-d immediately after "The Flintshire t-teeple Cha^e." THE PONY STEfePLE CHASE of £2(), for ponies not exceeding 14 hands; JOst tor 13 liuuds, and 31b extia, for each en ire inch up to H hands; entrance it's. Abaut two miles. First race at Twelve o'clock. CONDITIONS. All the above Steeple (liases are conCned to Hunters which, during the twelve months previous to the day of starting, shall not have run in any country for a handicsn, whether over a country or not, or for any race not coafin,-d -io hunters, charters, or yeomanry horses, Mid are to be ritden by persons who never rode for hire. Gentlemen riders must be qualified according to Rules 159 or 1(;0. In all Hunter's Stakes a Certificate from a Master of Fox or Stag Hounds is required, and it mti-it, be lodged at Messrs Wenthcrby'8 OJfice, 6, Old Burlington Street, Limds>n, a clear tcttk before the i-ace in tchich the hinse is intended to run. A Fresfi Certificate is required after the Jirst of January in each year, and ajee of 2s 6d charged for registration. Three horses to start in each race, or only half the added money will be given, and in case of a -.vilk-over the whole will be withheld, but in all ca?.os where two start sufficient will be added to make the value of tho stakes not leaa than £ 2". Colours of tho riders, horses, weights, and ages, to be declared at the time of entry, and any horse being ridden in colours contrary to those 011 the Card, will be fined £1 to go to the Fund. Ihis rule wilt be strict y enforced. No ehooting at glass balls .vill be permitted at this Meeting. Any person riding ovor any Feuce in the Course will be fined gi. NO ILLEGAL BETTING ALLOWED. Post Ofiico orders to be mado payable to the Clerk of the Course, CVpt iin Francis Owen, at.Rual)on.-Postal Addreas Altbrey, near Wrex; am. Entries (except where otherwise .specified to be made at tbe Wynnstay Arms, Ruabon, on Monday, April 8th, before Half-past Six o'clock p.m., tiiher personally or by letter, enclosing the eutranoe money or sweepstakes, addressed to The Steeple Ciw.se Committee, Wyiavatay Arias, Ruabon. #01g Tfffal anb uhlic Uofias. A GRAND BAZAAR, AND FAXCY JpAIR Towards paying off the debt of £ 500 on Iloly Trinity Church, Esclusham, will be held at E R D DIG P Å n K, WREXHAM (By the kind permission of Mr and Mrs Yorke), ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, the 23rd and 24th of April, 187S, Under the Patronage of HER GRACE THE DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER, LADY EDWIN HILL TREVOR, LADY WILLIAMS V. YNN, LADY CUNLIFFE, MRS YORK 13, MRS WEST, MRS HUGHES, MRS OSBORNE MORGAN, &c., &e. The Bnznar will be opened from 2 p.m. to 8 each d.'1,y. I Kutrance 't:-J the Bazaar, 1 s. I'ndanie 11 i: erneicr will v.reside at the pianoforte, iiii s-.a and coifee will be s-id at a Refreshment Stall. A Conv. yuucc will run each day between the Erildig Lodge Gate and the Station, calling at the Town Ibll. By the kind permission of Mr Yorke, the beautiful GROUNDS AND WALKS Will be thrown open to the public by tickets sold at the Bazaar. Refreshments on the Ground. A MILITARY BAND IN ATTENDANCE. 35 Co ENORMOUS ATTRACTION!! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. "yy A R D R 0 P E R IN WREXHAM. TWO NIGHTS ONLY, FRIDAY, April 5th, and SATURDAY, Cth April. THE celebrated WARDROPER ENTERTAINMENT, whose former visit was tbe signal for such great en- thusiasm and crowded audience, have again been arranged with to vi-it Wrexham. -I WARDROPER'S MIMICRY this time for Two Nights. Vf Each evening devoted to a different division of Mimicry, and the revised and re-embellished programme by HENRY WARDROPER, the Author, Composer, and Proprietor. HENRY WARDROPER, "The foremost Mimic of modern JH times."—Daily 1'cgraph. w AIDROPER,S MIMICRY.—PROGRAMME THE SnUFFLERIGS WEDDING SUPPER. BROAD HUMOUR. 't"XT ARDROPEH'S MIMICRY.—WHICH IS BROWN? W The Orie-inal Opera Bonffish Absurdity in one confu-ed Act by HENRY WARDROPER, in whi. h Eiirht Characters are personated almost I'imultnncous1y, appearing as if a whole company were cngageed in their pourtrayal, and not two performers only. yyAUDROPER, FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, APRIL 5th and Gth, WREXHAM PUBLIC HALL. Admission—Dress Circle, 2s 6d Is 6(1; Gallery, Gd. Ticket: mftT be had at Miss Whitinsrs, 2, High-street where a plui of the Ilall may be seen and places secured. Doors open at 7.30, commence at 8. Carriages at 10. Manager—Mr. HENRY GRAFTON. 350f '■■■ — (Otction gitibmscs. ELECTION OF C03IMISSI0NEBS. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF RHYL. JADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—In compliance with the J request, of many influential ratepayers, I have much pleasure in offering myself as a candidate to represent your interests ou the Board of Commissioners. In placing myself at your service I beg to say that the only aim and end I have in view, is—to advance in every way the weliare and prosperity of the beautiful town to which I have the honour of belonging.-I remain, Ladies and gentlemen, ymn obedient servant, 345f WILLIAM HACKFORTH. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE DISTRICT OF RHYL. lADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—In response to an ex. J pre.ved desire of iir ny of my fellow-ratepayers I have t.) become a ca'alidate for your suffrages at the forti.e n.iny Flection (if Improvement CoruD.11:=ion}r;. A romy iltaess for tho !lo-it ion of one of your repre-enta- tiv- I t¡'¡J' I may with confidence leu-c that to your good j:lI1{lllPIt, feeling assure-! ttlat;1 continued residenco ill tho town of over a period of twenty-five years will indicate that I am actuated with an honest desire to assist in promoting the prosperity of the town in which I have fpent the better part of my life-time and in which I have no little stake at present. —I am, Ladies and gentlemen, yours respectfully, PETER POWELL JONES. G, Water Street, March 27th, 137S. 346f TO THE RATEPAYERS OF RHYL. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—I have been solicited by many influential Ratepayers to allow myself to lie nominated for election as a Commissioner at the next Annual Election, and, oil the understanding that I shall not be required to make a personal canvass, 1 have consented. Although not long resident among you, I have a great and increasing interest in lthyl, and I sincerely wish the town enduring prosperity. Having regard to situation, scenery and climate, Rhyl ought to become one of the most attractive and flourishing pluces in the United Kingdom. To attain to such an enviable position, however, costly improvements most be made and abuses corrected. But the rates are already burdensome, and private interests, jea'ousies, and prejudices, have for a time paralyzed the energies of the town. If you elect me, I shall go to the Board, with a large experience ia all matters with which the Commissioners can deal, untrammelled and unbiassed by clique or party, an independent man, and 1 shall, without fear or favour, do my utmost to secure an intelligent, vigorous, economical, and impartial management of your affairs, and it will always give me pleasure to meet you. either in private or in public, to hear your views and to express my own.—I a:n, Ladies and Gentlemen, yours faithfully, Graystone Villa, JAMES FIELDING. 20th March, 1S78. 352a TO THE RATEPAYERS OF RHYL. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN— H-iTing had the advan- tage of knowing you and of being knowu by you for the last twenty yenrs, I have great pleasure in soliciting your votes and interests at the coming election of Commissioners. If I have the honour of being returned you may rely upon my doing my best for the welfare of our rising town.-L-Yours faithfully, NICHOLAS COSTIGAN. Railway Refreshment Rooms, Rhyl, April 2nd, 1878. 353a TO THE RATEPAYERS OF RHYL. LADir.S AND GENTLEMEN—I beg most respootfully to announce that iti-< my intention to offer myself as a candidate at the forthcoming election of Commissioners. The Ratepayers are known to be strongly In favour of keep- ing down the rates; aldas an owner of property in different parts of the town, I feel equally anxious for the cxercbe of due economy in the administration of loc-il affairs. Should you please to honour me with a seat at the Board, I shall always endeavour to promote the safe and steady prosperity of Rhyl.-I remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, your moit obedient servant, JOHN ROBERTS, Builder, &c. Oriel House, Russell-road, Rhyl, March 27th, 1878. 36Jb TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DISTRICT OF RHYL. IADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—After having served you J at the Board of Commissioner* for the prescribed term of three years, I again seek re-election; omflllûnt, may I venture to hope, that I have not morited your disapproval in niv eilorts to watch and promote the best interests of Rhyl, my native town. In appealing fur your support at the booths I have only to add that it will be my pride to con- tinue to devote myself to tho duties of a Commissioner, ever miadful of your welfare, especially in view of the heavy burdens vvh cii the Board is about to incur, in connection with the new drainage works, improvement of the parade, protection ot the foreshore, and other matters requiring the attention of practical men, well knowing the wants of the district. Thanking you for past favours, and relying upon your votes and interest at the forthcoming election ou the 11th of April.-I have the honour to remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, your obedient servant, ABEL JONES, Grcsvenor House, East Parad", Rhyl, March 26th, 1878. algb itnbtrs. TENDERS FOR DRAINAGE WORK AT BERSE DRELINCOURT. TENDERS are invited for drainage work at Berse Drelin- court; to be sent in on or before April 14th. For particulars apply to 343a v. J. DIXON. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. THE Highway Board (Wrexham District) is prepared to JL receive TENDERS for Carting Stones, Cinders, and Gravel to the roads wi'hin their district. The Cartage for each township is to be contracted for separately, and the late Turnpike roads in convenient lengths for the year ending 25th March, 1879. Persons desirous of Tendering for the above should apply to the Surveyor, who will ex-lain the terms on which Tenders will be received, r.n 1 where the materials are be carted from. Tenders are to be sent to me on or before the 8th day of April. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. By Order of the Board, JOHN BURY, Clerk. March 22nd, 1878. 309b (Ifotttafixm. !— M1^ E. II. LONG's PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN. XQ. 2, ST. MARK'S TERRACE, WItEXHASf. Easter Vacat oa from Thursday, April IS.h, to Thursday, 25th. 3r.O,\ EDUCATION. PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. MISS HUMPHREYS be.i;.s to announce that she intends 1" toor-en a HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR LADIES at Kingston House, Salisbury Park, Wrexham, after the Easter vi,cation She will be assisted by a staff of Resident Gover- nesses (English and Foreign), and of efficient- Professors. The work of the school will proceed upon modern systems entire- ly, such as are now becoming known in the higher public schools for ladies.. No consi>tcnt expense will be spared to provide for the comfort and welfare of the pupils, and to make it a home where they may receive a superior education under the best teachers and masters. There will be a separate class for boys under ten years of age. Prospectuses will be issued shortly, and in the meantime information may be obtained by apolyiug to MISS HUM- PIIREYS, Llay Villa, Gresford. 375e R H Y L (NORTH WALES). IAHIXA JJOUSE, WATER STREET AND CRESCENT ROAD, Faciug the Promenade. HIGH SCHOOL for Commercial and Middle Class Education. Principal.—Mr. F. G. PRATT. Terms from 3,) guineas. Prospectuses on applica- tion. 344 f SEASIDE EDUCATION, IIAPKGATE.. CHESHIRE. GRANTHAM HOUSE SCHOOL. MOST healthily situated 011 the E.-tuary of the Dee. Short distance by rail from Chester, Liverpool, and Birken- head. Offers sppcial ndvantages lor delicate boys. Inclusive terms for general education. Extras are chargcd only for Music, Modern Languages, and Drawing, which are taught by professors. Prospectuses and e very information can be obtained from tlie bevd. tlie ProprietDr. 204o TOWER HALL, LLANGOLLEN. ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG LADIES. PrineijMls DR. & ELLIS- The house is delightfully situated on an eminence. about half a mile from the town, and commands splendid views of the far-famed Va'e of LHmgollen. The course of instruction is sucli as to qualify youug Ladies fur useful and honourable positions in society, as well as for competitive examinations. Prospectuses, &c., on application. liya g T. THO ].I A S' COLLEGE, R H Y I, Warden: THE YEN. ARCHDEACON MORGAN, M.A., Vicar of Rhyl. Head-master: REV. THOMAS HUGHES, M.A. Boarders are tlk, 11 in the head-master's houie. j which faces the eea, No. S, Pias Tirion Terrace. 3Ho fcib^smeit's bDrtSC. LOANS from £ 5 to £ l,fl"C can bo h.d without delay, w;tii re-payments to suit borrowers. — A pplv to MR CHARLES WILSON, Auctioneer and Valuer, V-2, Bridge- street, Chester. 3-!J. CLOCKS, Watches, Jewellery, Weather Glasses, See., Cleaued and Thoroughly Repaired ut F. FRASEK'S, 42, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. Experienced Workmen sent into the Country. ;307c THE WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTEL, OSWESTRY. C 11 A R L E S DTIEW. { PROPRIETOR, j The Proprietor begs to inform the residents of Oswestry and the surronnding districts that he has become the tenant of the above Hotel, and trusts be may continue to receive the support so liberally accorded to his predecessors. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION for Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and Tourists. THE BOWLING GREEN AND PLEASURE GROUNDS are acknowledged to be unsurpassed in the neighbourhood. A SPACIOUS BILLIARD SALOON. WINES, SPRITS. AND C IG.US of the choicest description. Good STABLING and Lock-np COACH-HOUSES. Careful attention given to the POSTING DEPARTMENT. Wad MONEY TO LEND BY THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE DAXK, LIVERPOOL. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED, £10 'to £ 2,000 READY' to be advanced without delay, in snnis to Milt "Gentlemen or Ladies, Private Householders," Pro- fessional Gijntlomsn, Clergymen, Clerks holding permanent j situations. Persons about enterics into busines. and others, j upon easy terms, upon their own security, without siirti-L4. Cash also advanced to Farmers, Cowkeftiers, Car Pro. j prietors, and others, npon their effects, without removal or publicity upon their own undertakings, without obtaining friends as sureties, which can be repaid monthly, quarterly, or other terms as may be agreed upon, extending over one year and upwards, to enable them to hicr*ase their stocks, and render t^iem every kind of temporary accommodation, EXECUTIONS AND OTHER LOAN3 PAID ÜY; DISTANCE NO OBJECT. EVERY INFORMATION WILLINGLY AFFORDED'I The Bank having 11 large capital in band, no good application reft.s-:d. No connection with any other office in lingiand. Apply personally (or, if by letter, state amount required;, to LEWIS SIMMONS. 800 27, South John-street, Livenv>Vi. -< New Edition, pp. :;OC, bound, lo or 14 stamps. HOMOEOPATHIC FAMILY INSrsUCTOK, bv Richard jjL Eppo, M.D., M.R.C.S. Describes fully and proscribes for a hundred diseases. JAMES EPFS & CO., 18, Tbreadiieedle-sirjet, aad Piccadilly, Load;>is. Epps's Homoeopathic Medicines are sold ia Rhyl by E. T. Lee, Queen-oiroet; Wrexham, W. Sowluad. Kiga-strJet. Ci5c liabcsmM-'s ^bbrrssfs. SPRING, 1878 NEW DESIGNS IX BRUSSELS, TAPESTSY3, KIDDERMINSTERS, CARPETS, &c., &c, | AT 34, HIGH-STREET, DENBIGH. T. J. WILLIAMS, Has received a large and varied assortment of Brussels, Tapeatrys, Kidders, Dutch and Felt Carpets, which are considerably below the usual pr.ces. PLANS OF ROOIS TAKEN. Carpets made and Si ted on or off the premises. A magnificent selecti n of Skin and other RUGS, ia every design and make. Also a splendid stock of WOOL REPPS, DAMASKS, ENGLISH & FRENCH CRETONES, Dimitys, Toilettings, Muslin and Lace Curtain., Whitw Toilet Quilts and Coders in every make and quality. ENGLISH AND FRENCH WALL PAPERS In the most artistic designs. Attention is specially requested to the stock of LINTOLEUMS AND OILCLOTHS, In all widths and qualities, and much below the average prices. TENDERS GIVEN FOR ALL FURNISHING ORDERS. WOOLLEN & OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. Just received, a large consignment of SCOTCH TWEEDS, In the newest styles, for the coming spring also a splendid stock of WEST OF ENGLANDS & YORKSHIRE TWEEoS, FANCY COATING, AND OTHER MAKES. Gent's Oxford and White Shirts, Scarvej, Gloves, &0., &c. GENTLEMEN'S SfLK AND FELT HATS In all the: newest shapes. LARGE ARRIVALS OF PRINTS, Fast Colours, well assorted, in all the newest patterns for the Season. T. J. W. legs to call Special attention to his stock of BLACK STLKB, Unrivalled in price or quality, mid warranted to wear alse his magnificent tock of COLOURED SILKS. AGENT FOR HER },L\.JESTY' CACHEMIRES. NEW HOSIEUY Just received for the approaching season, in Cotton-, and Cashmere in all the newest eoours ia ladies' and children's. ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. o ■^VO MORE COSMETICS. JAMES'S LIFE PILLS. Remove Freckles and Pimples, and are unequalled for Beautifying and Refreshing ilie Skin. 'I hey a-e pl-M.-ant t8 take, clear the body from all Impurities, improve the Digestive Powers, Cure Liver Complaints, Bile, Lowness of Spirits, Headache, Gout, Lumbago, See,. A PUKE VEGETABLE PILL. Sold in Boxes, price Is. I 1,)' all Chemists and wholesale houses. 'Varehol1c .—43, Great George-street, Liverpool FARM SEED*. Y. A C SEED MERCHANT AND NURSERYMAN, WREXHAM, Offers hi; UNRIVALLED SELECTIONS of SEED OATS, BARLEY, CLOVER, GRASS SEEDS, &c. Abo the fallowing selections of POTATOES, Guaranteed direct from Scotland:— Walker's Early, Dalmohy, Early Oxford, Forty- Fold, Winter Sort*, Pattison'a Victoria. Regents, White Rocks, Bines, Champion (new), a grand late sort of exelieut quality, great cropper, highly recommended. PRICES ON APPLICATION. o HIGHLAND AND LOWLAND. FINEST OLD IRISH AND SCOTCH HALT WHISKIES, 36.3 and 42s per dozen. BEING the production entirely cf the old. fashioned Pot Still, these Whiskies are rendered soft and mellow by the addition of aga only. rjH H O M A S "y I L I, I A M S, "thm MKHCIIANT, TOWN HALL, WREXHAM. 257e JJOLKER AND QUI> WORTH, GENERAL ENGINEERS, Having had considerable practical experience la t-ka manufacture and repairing ot LOCOMOTIVES, ENGINES. & MACHINERY IN GENERAL, Trust by prompt attention to businojs, combined with pooil workmanship, to merit a share of piib'ic patronage. Estimates given i.Millwright and Generfd YvVrk. 11'1. ADJOINING WHEAWHEAF STATION WEXHM. 3G 6KELS. SEEDS, "V7" STRACHAN, Seed Morclmufc and N:ir.» \~n g-ljfc- • street, V, fxham, thefiueji Tl-.vt.-iL- nd Flower Garden Seels. An lUu-itinted catalogue, wi",U pr'eej., .-a ei-V.eatia*. EiVjy oi'd:rL- solicited. .9^