Trattomm's 14Ttss,,S. CELEBRATED O.D. WHISKEY. WILLIAM JAMESON AND CO., V V Distillers, Dublin. AGENTS Uf CHESTER: JORDAN AND CO., WATERGATE-STREET. WILLIAM JAMESON AND Co.'s O.D. WBISKBY.-There has been forwarded to us by Jordan aad Co., a sample of W. Jameson and Co.'s tld Dublin whiskey, with a request for cur opinion. The sample forwarded to us Was exceedingly gooJ, and gave geieral satisfaction. This old Irish whiskey has qmalities of its own sufficiently valuable to recommend it. It is of good alcoholic strength, and is spirit has been mellowed by age so that it has not the pungency often mistaken for strength in new spirit. It is soft and possessed of a fair proportion of that peculiar flavour which to many palates commends Irish whiskey. If seme of the samples of Irish whiskey generally sold could relate their own history they weald have a very diiierent tale to tell from that of Wm. Jamesen and Co.'s old Dublin whiskey. "-Eytract frem Meaitai Times and Gazette., February 22nd, 1873. 7042 DEPILATORY. TOLLS' DEPJLATORY is the only I V effectual remedy for the immediate and per- manent removal of superfluous hair from the face, arms, neck, &c. This preparatioa effects its purpose almost instantaneously, without ptlilt or injury to the most sensitive akin. Full particulars on reoeipt of a stamped direcn-d directed envelope,—JOHN WELLS, 6, Great luu-sell-steet, Bedford-square, Loudon, W.C. L'STERN MAIL. Is d i s t rib ute d » throughout eight counties, viz GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE, i PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE. :1. BRECOXSHIRE, r RADNORSHIRE, MONMOUTHSHIRE, H GLOUCESTERSHIRE, and extensively in the ad- joining Western Counties. WESTERN MAIL. The oldest and only eight page daily newspaper published in South Wales and the West of England. Price One Penny. "Y\TE STERN MAIL. Has a Certified Cir- » culation four times as great as any other daily paper published in the district. ~V\7"ESTERN MAIL. Is unsurpassed as a » » medium for all classes o advurt's-HF.ente, and is used kf b* (Xii iOUsiilSH, atfitio^eere. parochial aatho- r U rities, railway and assurance companies, county efficials &c., &c. EEKLY MAIL. The largest circu zn w lated weekly paper in the Principality. HEAD OFFICES ST MART-STREET, CARDIFF SWANSEA OFFICE CASTLE-SQUARE. NEWPORT OFFICE COMMERCIAL-STREET MERTHYR TYDFIL C OFFICE HIGH-STREET. LONDON OFFICES 130, FLKET-STREET, and 108. BRSFIOPGATE-STREET. CITY. 788 THE MONETARY AND MINING GAZETTE. A reliable Record and Review of Mining. Financial, and all other Joint-Stock Uodertakinisjs, Every Saturday Morning, price 4d. annual subscrip- tion. payable in advance, 15s.; free by post, 178 4id. Original articles on topies jKJrtaiming directly or in- directly to jo int-nktc'k undertakiw. 1 Reports of shareholders' meetings. acconpanied by such observatiops as they may appear to demand. An examination and awlysk of directors' report and balance s=h;ots, as sh»wh»g ike actual eouditian ei a COlll- pany's finances and resources. Reports of the workup, progress, and prospeete of mining undertakings, supplied weekly, or as freqaently as may be necessary to keep all interested in then well informed as to their present and futare. Notes on all notable things relating to joittt-stoek companies occurring during the week. Details of the products, constitution, eapiktl, and posi- tion of all mining undertakings as are deemed worthy of public confidence, carefully revised, as changes ia them cccu-r. Published by Thomas Lowthcr, at the offices, 21.3, Gresham House, Old Broad-street, and Edward Curtice, 12, Catherine-street, Straad, W.C.; aad sold by Everett ard Sons, 17, Royal Exchange, London, and all ews-veridrsrs. t;8!.H; "vf U~ Y W Y S 0 (i A K T 1-1 X "THE PRINCIPALITY Published rrery Saturday, Price One Penny A GENERAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, prÙXTEL IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE. AND ADVOCA- TING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. Y DYWYSUGAETH has ti very extensive circulation—being either postsd to Subccribere, or sold Hy Areata—in almost EVLRY TOTO and HAMLET in I1 LiNTsmRE. DxNBiGiiSifi&E, CARXARTO.V- BHISS, ANGLESEY, Me^gvxtoshire, MO-NTel-InSky- 8BVEH, &LA»10RGANSKaiE, MONMOUTHSHIRE, CARMAR- THENSHIRE. CaKBIGA-N'SHiltX, BllK'JOMSHHiSC, ANC I 41. BROKESHIKK also. in London. Liverpool, Maiiche&tet Cheat or Oxford, Cambridge, &c.. &e. DYWYSOOAETH, as thwa saown, II not a LCCAL cut NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with, widespread circulation throughout North and TTales. Y DrwrsooAETii circulatioa is not confined o a particu- lar class either: ad it is received alike by the Clersry. Nobility, Gentry, Farmers, Munu/actaiws, Trades men, &c., &-t. Y DVWTSOGABTH—Advertisers m:y feel -ilit, he beat, if not tha only medium whereby their announce- inents can be BUUULTA-NFOUSLY perused in every county mROCGIiODT TH& WHOLE OF WALES ad OrdeBS, &c., to be forwarded to the pablisher- J. Morris Y IVV-WYSOGAKTH Office, Rt-oL l4hvt*i,<r<> 1"~TH E WREXH AM G L A R I) I AN, and General Advertiser for North Wales, Shrop- shire, and Cheshire, Price Twopence, ci,.u be had every Saturday morning from the following Agents :— Aberdovey Mr D. W. Lewi?, Medical Hall Abergele ATr Jones, !TfA*nr Office Broughton Nir Jackson, Stationer Brymbo Mr-T. Math ins, „ Bala Mr Griffith Jones, High-street Bodfari Mr T. J. Owen Buckley Mr Gathrall, Post Office Bappor Bsokstall C(I1\!18.h's Quay. Matkias. Ship Stores Colwyn.- .Ir Davids, Post Office Chester Messrs. Smith & Son, Railway Station Mr F. P. Evans, Foregate-street Mr Higginson, City-road Carnarvon Mr W ilhaais, Bookseller .Railway Bookstall Chirk Mr P. Walker, Saddler C,omen Air Edwards, News Agent Cefn Mawr .Mr W. NVrikht, „ M Mr Williams, Denbigh Mr Wm. Nott, Vale-streot u Mr Davies, Railway Bookstall Dolgelley Mr Owen Rees, Printer Dinas Mawddwy Mr R. Owens, Grocer t Flint Mr C. Clarke. News Agent Gresford Mrs Williams. Post-office Hawarden Mr T. Njwton, News Agent Holywell Mr t. L. Ssotcher 1 Holyhead Railway Bookstall Llangollen .Mr Thomas. Bookseller Llansannau Mr R. H. Jones Llan^uiw Junction BoofefoUl Mfllpas Mr Toinkins Mold Messrs. Pring and Prioe, 15, High-street Northop Mrs James, News Agent OvertoH Mrs Gittins, Shopkeeper O-ertonBrtdge.Mi Holt, .1 Oswestry .MI C. B<1,yJ..y. Bookseller Presto-tyu Mr Wiliiams. London House Penmaenmawr Railway Bookstall Queen's Ferry .Mr T. Newton Ruabon Mr E. Jones, News Agont Railway Bookstall Rhoiymedfe .Mr William Kav. News Agent Rhosllanerchrugog Mr Joseph Jones, Rhuddlan Mr Robert Hughes, „ P.hyl inir G. Nott. Railway Bookstall Mr A. Phillips, Tobacconist Mr H. G. Jones. Stationer o" Mr Evans, Post Office Ruth .6 My R. Lloyd. ChemiEit 7 Mr Rouw, Bookseller Mr Green, ury RFali%av Bookstall st. A»ph.v.vz: mtc. h«^ Pnnter Worthenbury V, i -n V .i Wrexham M 'sr-. C. Bayley and Co., Booksellers Messrs. Hughes and Son, „ Mr R. Pot er, Bookseller Mr J. R ;gers, „ Mr R. Roberts, iMr E. Roberts, Bridge-street, Railway Bookstall TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION U>t C0^TT!«. 8 o. Per t-ii i,,n foi kalf-yeai ffltzhttmun's rts.stS. S 1) A V I B S AND S 0 N TAILORS AND DRAPERS, 58, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, Hare much pleasure in informing their customers, and the public generally, that they have just purchased a large portion of the STOCK OF MESSRS LLAING AND IRVINE, MANUFACTURERS OF TWEED, HOWICK, Bankrupts, at a considerable discouat off cost price", and that they are now showing an extensive variety of TWEEDS and OVERCOATINGS, which they will offer at prices that will ensure every satisfaction. THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Is now replete with a splendid assortment of all the latest shapes and newest materials in Scarfs, Gloves, and Ties, Gentlemen's Merino, Wool, and Cotton Underclothing, Hose, &c. Fownes Brothers celebrated Itid and Lined Gloves. Flannel Shirts made to order from the piece. Christy's, and Lincoln and Bennett's Silk aad Felt Hats, in all the newest shapes; together with every article pertaining to the business of their well-known establishment. 58, Hope-street, Wrexham, October 1st, 1875. ° A CARD. rpHOMAS RICHARDS No. 3, YO R K E S T R E E T, W BE X HAM. PRACTICAL TAILOR AND WOOLLEN DRAPER. Gentlemen's first-class DRESS MATERIALS iu. an extensive variety, at the most economical prices. A PERFECT FIT Guaranteed. A Large and Superior Stcck of Gentlemen's HOSIERY, Hats, &e. Ilio 11. ART H U R DAVIS, GENERAL DRAPER, <II) H GH-STREET, DENBIGH, Begs to inform his numer customers that the WHOLE OF THE DEPARTMENTS n his establishment have been replenished by the arrival of unusually heavy orders of WINTER GOODS ,To 1 Of the and most fashionable styles procurable for tkis season. The whole being now on offer, R. A. D. respectfully invites an inspection of the samo, and a cMtpftrisoe d. prices. Da the season, all the Departments will be constantly re-stocked with the best and latest style of goods. :546 DENBIGH. 9 T ALE STREET 9 I WILLIAM A. NOTT, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER., AND NEWSAGENT, Begs to return thanks to the gentry, clergy, and inhabitants of Denbigh and surrounding districts for i tbe libelal and kiad support hitherto awarded him, and desires to inform them that he has received i New Stock of •»R NOTE PAPERS Å N DEN Y E LOP E S OF BVBET DBSCBIPTIOIf, V O r? ? Which are being offered ON most advantageous terms. '1.. 'V' T ACCOUNT BOORS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH AND DAY BOOKS, COMMERCIAL STATIONERY, llceløeap Papers fittled and plain). Tracirg Papers, Blotting Papers, Books, and Pads, Mitchell's. Gilletes, and Nott's Castle and other Pens, Quill Pens, Lyoa's, Morrcll's, and Stephen's Inks, Cepyin* Preiises and Books, Damping Brushes, India Rabbers, Stationery Cases, Gentlemen's and Ladie Calling Cards. SCHOOL STATIONERY. A liberal discount allowed to School Managers on Drawing Papers, Books, Pencils, Slates, and sll kinds of School Stationery. '1. ¡. 'i'Y" ;-1 C J. VALENTINES. V ALE N T I E S VALENTINES. VALENTINES. t i v.r, VALENTINES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION & PRICE. VALENTINES TO SUIT ALL TASTES. I T,' MONTHLY MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS PROMPTLY SUPPLIED. ¡ Anv book not in stock sent for immediately. On all books purchased from stock a liberal disccurt will, be allowed. — LONDON CARRIAGE AND HARNESS WORKS, With NEW snow ROOM, near the Wynnstay Arms, — •/ CHESTER S T R E E T, WREXHAM r- J. S. CONRAN re^ec-lfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Denbighshire, and of the adjacent that havu^had his Premises considerably ENLARGED, and hia Workshops increased, he has l0w much greater pities for carrying on an extended Business. BROUGHAMS, BAROUCHES, LANDAUS. WAGGONETTES, tnd everr description of Four and Two-wheeled Vehicles built to order, of the very best materials, and in the nost modern st\le. Impairs executed with despatch. Carriages exchanged. 6978 ESTABLISHED 1812. 1 pROCTOR AND Y L A N D S B 0 N E M A N U II <E S VI PKEPAREI> FOB ■ ■ TURNIPS, GRASS, » WHEAT. i II- BARLEY, ;>1;ff! I I 1 OATS, rOTA TOES, &c. ALSO. .j ¡ S U PER? H 0 s p HAT E 0 F L I ME. | x- —————— ¡L BIRMINGHAM AND CHESTER. ..3 551 AGANTS MESSUS. DAVENPORT AND SON, YORKE-STREET, WREXHAM. MR J. J. BANCROFT. Cheiiiist, Enihin MR WIU [lA^SALL. Banney, \Y hitcburch Salop MEJ R. SHERATON, Ellesmere, Salop Mft W H BICKER ON, Newton-on-tce-Hill, alop MR GO"FREY L'ansaiutffraid, Corwen MR K. THOMAS. Ironmonger, Llanderfe Corwen MRS ASTERLEY, The Pentref, Lianymynech Oswestry. vrt, w tJr()s Keys. Chirk. MR PETER JONES, Corn Merchant, H&Jkvn Holywell MR W ILLIAM JONES, Ironmonger, Mold Holywell MR W ILLIAM JONES. Ironmonger, Mold MR WILLIAM JONES. Nant Gwilvm, Bodfari," Rhyl MR WILLIAM JONES, Brynsion, Caerwys, Holy well I MR JOSEPH COOKE, Woolstapler Malpa MR WILLIAM MADDOCKS. Prees, Salop J.1'l.I\ .& VSTPRT E LIT, wini- PARTICULARS- OF PRIZES OFFERED FOR ROOT CROPS FOR 1870 FJST FREE ON APPLICATION. 710 '.l: t r. WREXHAM. JACKSON and SOKS, NORTH WALES CARRIAGE WORKS, HOLT STREET. Landaus, Sociables, Broughams, Victorias, &c., 6:c., t. order. 7636a J E roWELL. Genera Fui-nisbiyig Ironmohger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Imple- d ment Depot 6 Town Hill, and 6, Abbot Street. 6727 CiFWI\r« MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess of o Wales, Peabody, and a i^Firet-class Machines, S. SOTHERN, 3, Henblas Street. 6406 t^URKISHING Warehouse and Depot of me Patent Metalli* C.Ai Ce., Jl, :6ridge Street WILLIAM PIERCE, Proprietor. 61 **T|LLIAM SNAPE. FAMILY WINE and SPTRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, i HiGii STREET. 608G a 7. A • a ,f • a ,f rahtSlræn s hrtSStS. JOSEPH T R A Y E R S AND SONS' WINES, BoHlei by J. TRAVERS AND SONS, of 119, Cannox-streel, London, and bearing their Nama and Trade Mark, eaa be obtained from E. HUG H E s, RUT H IN. The following may be mentioned amongst the leading quotations WINES. WINES. PerBot. Perdoz. iPerBot. Perdoz. PORT No. 10 1/10 21/- SHERRY .No. 4. 3/10 44/- I. No. 8. 2/9 32/- „ No. 3. 4/4 50/- „ (Crusted) No. 6. 3/4 38/- TxVJRRAGONA No. 3. 1/3 15/- „ No. 4 4/4 50/- „ No. 2. 1/11 22/- .No. 3. 5/- 56/- CLARET .No. 7. 1/- 12/- SHERRY .No. 10. 1/6 18/- .No. 5. 1/0 21/- „ .No. 8. 2/3 2(j- „ No. 4. 2/1 24/- .No. 6. 3/- 34/- No. 3. 3/2 3G/- PORT, Finest First Growth, Vintage 1873, for laying down, 3/- per Bottle, j/- per Dozen. N.B.—The firm of J. TRAVERS AND SONS has been established in London on the same spot for upwards of 120 years. 785c BOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS! JJENJAMIN yjOLGATE, 42 AND 49, HIGH STREET, DENBIGH, BEGS to inform his Customers and the Public generally that lie is now prepared to supply Ladies', Gendemen's, and Children's Boots and Shoes of every description, suitable for the present and Jowing teason. He is now showing a Splendid Assortment of LADIES' OXFORD AND DERBY SHOES of the most f ashionable Styles also a Large Stock of Ladies' and Children's Polish Button Boots. j The Gentlemen's Department will be found replete with every description of Button, Lace, and Elestic-side Boots and Shoes, of the Best Quality. All the above Goods will be offered at the Lowest Prices possible. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes Made to Order. < ALL BINDS OF REPAIRS NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. bS366 JOHN BEIRNE, ALBION CANDLE WORKS, ——————-———————————————————-————————————————————————————. 6789 I TOWN HILL, WREXHAM; M R 8 Sc 0 T T Respectfully announces her return from London vnth the LATEST NOVELTIES in French and English Millinery, Costumes, Mantles, &c., which she purposes showing oa TUESDAY NEXT, the 2Gth instant, and following days. 31, High-street, Wrexham, October, 1875. 498h pUEE AERATED WATERS ELLIS'S 11 U 1 II l N W A 1 E R S CRYSTAL SPRINGS Soda Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade, Lithia, and for GOUT. Lithia an': Potass. CORKS BRANDED R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, And every label bcars their trade mark. Sold everywhere and Wholesale of R. ELLIS & SON RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. "I^fR. EDWARD W. KEATINGE, SURGEON DENTIST, CYNTAL VILLAS KINMEL-STEEET, RIIYL. Nine years with Mr James B. Lloyd, Roduey-street, Liverpool. Attendance every Wednesday, at Misa Jones's, Milliner, 11, High-street (corner of Crown-Hjuare), Denbigh; Ruthin every Third Tuesday the month at London House, St. Peter's-square. Teeth painlessly extracted under ihe iniluence of nitrous oxide gas W I L L I A M P J E ROE, GENERAL TINDER';AKER. BRIDGE-STREET, WREX HAM, AGENT to the Patent Metallic Air-Light Coffin Company, Limited. Works and Offices 158, GREAT CHARLES-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. These Coffins are covered with white, black, and I crimson cloth or velvet, and every dep;gn of coloured I ai tanwiniTCis need. Wi 00*7 i-siu: its) weight of «ad CcSaa, ana aid £ce duiaisia. The expense is so small that they can be used for all funerals except those of the very poorest class. Various sizes Kept in stock. G LEN F ELD. GLENFIELD. THE QUEEN'S '• .r. LAUNDRESS 1 T SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST .VJC: SHE EVER USED. LENFIELD. GLENFIELD. For the Blood is tbm Life."—See Deuteronomy, chap. xii, verse 23. /CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE for Cleansing and Clearing the Blood from All Impurities, cannot be too highly recom uended. Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores in the. Neck Cures Ulcerated 9)'e Uf Cures Blackheads, or Pimpies .)11 Face Cures Scurvy Sores \ii/- Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, from whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted ree from mercury—which nil pills and most medicines rid for the above diseases r.ontain-the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TKSTXMOMATjS FROM ALL PARTS, Soldi n Bottles 2s. 6<1. each, and 111 Cases coataining ottlee, lis. each, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in iong-stolnding cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, J-fi'jh-street, LINCOLN. WliOLLSAI, A6BNTS — Barclay & Sens, London, aad ail the Wholesale Houses 3J97 JUST PUBLISHED. jj AN admirable PORTRAIT of Lieutenant- Colt»uel Sir WAlXIN W. WYMN, Bart., M.P. Taken SÍIMe his recovery irooi late illuesg. Ske, the Iimew iMj-erial," about 18 b) 8 inches, oa thick toned bMklB. Price Ss 6d ch. o4,, post free to say address, 3« 9d. J. LAIN., AsmsT Aim PHOTOGRAPHER, Castle-street. Shrewsbury, 0&4 3. High-street, Wrexham. OVKONS 0T PlUMH. An eaeelleut like act* ef the bo»««raWe Varaaet.' — WrMtkrmi Guw,Aan. "A capikl portrait of Sir Watkin. Advertiser. 314o .r»CI ,f." r"„ 1U. T. H. COLEMAN, SURGEON DENTIST REGENT-STREET, (Opposite the Savings Bank), WREXHAM, BEGS to inform the public that his NEW ESTABLISHMENT, lately known as Davis'i Temperance Hotel, is now completely titted up to suit the comfort and convenience of his patients. TEETH extracted without pain by NITROUS OXIDI GAS. ARTIFICIAL TEETH supplied at lowest possible prices. Natural appearand and comfort guaranteed. A private Waiting Room for each patient. May be consulted daily without charge. I ESTABLISHED EIGHT YEARS. ||j[ E • A U R I C E, SURGEON DENTIST, LATE PRACTISING WITH ME HORATIO JONES, of SHREWSBURY, Will attend regularly at WREXHAM, THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS. ARTIFICIAL TEETH on the most Improved Principles, guaranteed for Comfort, Durability, and Cheapness. EXTRACTION (withoutpin) with the NITROUS OXIDE GAS. SURGERY at MR. SMITH'S, High-street (next door to the North and South Waios Hankj. 9407 JOHN H. KIDD & CO., Manufacturers of OAILWAY WAGGON COVERS RICK AND TENT CLOTHS, L'ART COVERS, LiME SHEETS, All sizes kept in stock. BRATTICE CLOTH, A IE-TUBING, HORSE CLOTHS, WATERPROOF RUGS, INDIA-RUBBER GOODS lloojing Dry Hair, and Boiler Felt, SACKS, COTTON WASTE, LAMP WICKS. | OFFICES PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM, j 6991 TRY R A S E R S WORKMEN'S TWO GUINEA WATCHES. 42, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 4Si;o The Marvello«s Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bron- ehitis, Consumption, 1 and all Chsst y ). Affections. 0 p Sold by all Chemists, in bottles, at Is l|d, 2s 9d; 4s 6d. and 11s each. Sent by the proprietors upon receipt of Stamps. From Rev. J. STONEHOUSE, St. Saviour's Vicarage, Nottingham. August. 1874. DKAR SIH,—I can strongly recoiLiaend your Pec;01 ine as an invaluable Cuugh Remedy. I have given it a fair trial in my own family, and have also supplied it ta persons suffering from cough in my parish, and in every instance it has giveu immediate relief. In some cases, after passing sleepless nights, one or two doses of the Pectorine have had such a good effect that persons have got a good night's rest, and the Cough has speedily disappeared. Mr A. ROLfc'E, St. Ann's Square, Mancnester, Says Your Pectorine is superior to any M 'uicine I have ever tried for Couglis or Colds." PECTORINE cures the worst forms of Coughs and Colds. 0 PECTOlilNE cures Hoarseness. PECTORINE gives immediate relief in Bronchitis. PECTORINE is the best Medicine for Asthma. PECTORINE cares Whooping Cough. PECTORINE will cure a troublesome tickling Cough. PECTORINE is invaluable iu the Early Stages of CoBMimption. PECTOKINE relieves all Affections of the Chest, Lungs, and Throat. Prbpirkd OSLY BY SMITH & CLARKE, Manufacturing Chemist.?, Park-street. Lincoln. Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hull granted a perpetual injunction, with costs, against F. Mason, Oh: mist., Rothei- ham, for iDg tll-e word Pectofiae." WHOLESALE AGENTS — Barclay and Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses 443 NERVOUSNESS CURED AND HEALTH AND STRENGTH RES 1 ORn-D th« moat weakened constitution. Full -■L particulars on receipt of directed envelopes.—J. WELLS, 6, Russell-street, London, W.C. rahtatntt s Ibbrtssts. OINES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT tF (Trade Mark-tiegistered). OR EVERY MAN'S FRIEND! THE BEST APPLICATION KNOWN for Scrofula Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds. It cures old sores, ulcerated sote legs It cures ulcerated sores Oft the head and neck It cures blackheads, or pimples on the face It cures scurvy sores, cancerous ulcers It cures burits and scalds, ringworm, itch, piles It cures weak and watery eyes It cures red and sore eyelids It cures inflammation in the eye It cures moving specs or floating bodies befora the eyee It cures cataracts and partial blindness It cures obscurity of vision ntid diamess It cures children's sore eyes left after measles It allays inflammation in a few hours, and soothes paia very quickly. Sold in pots, Is 1 jd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d. THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. JONES AND CO' 8 UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Mark Purifying Mixture." ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, IMPURITIES THE BLOOD, Skin Diseases, and Rheumatisoiira speedily cured by this wonderful Purifying Mix- ture. It is most certainly the best preparation the worldf or all eruptions of the skin, blotches, spot*, pimples, blackneads, boils, carbuncles, ring-worm^ sore heads, sore eyes, erysipelas, itch, scurf, scrof scurvy, glandular swellings, cancerous sores, bad leA piles, syphilis, secondary and all blood and skin dis. eases, and is highly recommended to a Uparties using their Heal-all Ointment, being agreeable, palatable and safe. May be taken at all seasons and under any circumstances. Sold in bottles at 2s 3d an< 4s 6d each, and in cases containing six 2s 3d bottlei, oft Mch, sufficient to effect a perfect cure in long- ;)l peases. COUGHS COUGHS JONES'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND TOLU, AND LINSEED Registered). THE MOST AGREEABLE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY for asthmatic and consumptiYe coughs, bronchitis, winter coughs, difficult, breathing, whooping cough, hoarseness, loss of »-oice, and all affections of the chest and lurgs. Oni) bottle in most cases effects a cure. Price la 1-Jd, 23 9d, and 4s 6d per bottle. JONES'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND (Registered), ARE THE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD for bad digestion, wind and pain in the stomach, liver com- plaints, jaundice, sick headache, pains in the chest, lois of appetite, pain in the back, flatulencv. griping, colic, a sense of weight in the back and iuins, dart- ing pains is the region of the heart, liver, and kidneys, constipation, pains in the thighs, some- times shooting down to the calf of the leg and foot, suppression and retention of the urine, paini in the stomach, and all liver complain's. Thousands have been cured by these pills aud many who had been pronounced hopeless ave restowd to health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. Sold in boxes at Is lid, 2s 9J, and 4s 6d each. Sent post free for 15 or 36 stamps. Sole manu- facturers, W. JONES and Co., Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. CAUTION.—Beware of spurious imitations, C and aski or Jones and Go's.—of Liverpool—Medi- cines, and see that you get them; don't have other pills, ointment, and mixtures palmed on yeu for the àke of trifling gains. REMARKABLE CURES. A daughter of Mr Bradford, Stanhope-street. Liver- pool, was cured of large blotches and sores all over the body with Jonea's Heal-All Ointment and the Purify' fving Mixture, after having tried the best medical advice in Liverpool for five years without deriving any benefit. Mr Fred Houghton, Hale Bank, Ditton, was cured of a bad skin disease—after having spent over LCG in doctors' bills—with two 2s 9d pots and two 4s 6d bottles. 2, Birkett-street, Liverpool, 20rh March. 1874. Ti Dear Sirs,—It is with feelings of pleasure I write to inform you of the good effects your Purifying Mixture and Heal-All Ointment has done to me. About six years ago 1 was bitten on the leg by a venomous reptile, which nearly cost 1x10 my life; and I now declare to you and the world, after spending over £ 150 in doctors bills to try and heal the leg, it is now entirely healed, after using only two 4s Cd pots of your World-Famed Ointment and two lis cases of your universal Purifying 'Mixture. 'L he truth of the above statement "any person who wi-hesmay refer to me. Your very obedient servant, Messrs Jones and Co. JAJIES SMITH. Baton Rouge, Louisana, U. States, Ju y 21st, 1871. GentIemcn,-I enclose you a P. O. order for £2 10s for one dozen boxes of your Vegetable Wind Pills and Heal-A LOiutment. Please send by the first mail and direct as before. I intend to distribute them amongst my friends here. Your Wind Pills are the best I ever used in my lire, and your Ointment exceeds anything I ever SAW for Healing all kinds of sores. Yours very obediently. T. W. Jones and Co. EI>WIX||MCCLOY. AGENTS FOR WREXHAM AND DISTRICT- Mr J. F. Edisbury, High-street. Mr J. Francis, chemist, Hope-street. Oswestry—il r Saunders Llangollen—}-;r E. Evans Huabon—Mr Davies Uutiiin—Mr Llovd Mold—Mr E. Williams Denbigh—Mr Jones Holy weil—Mr Larmnn. Port in ad oc—Mr j^-s tthyi—Mr Jcnes I Wholesale Agents: J. WOOLLEY J uid Soy, Man Chester; and J. B. ENTWISTLK, Duke-street, Liverpool EVANS, SONS, and Co., and J. THOMPSON Hanover street, Liverpool. -2- -=-=: Potted Meats. Salmon, Sardines, Lobster Soups auces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, arniaiade, Alace- onie,s, Muslirooms, Crystalised Fruiu, Olives Capers, Chutueys, &c., ill great variety. of the finest quality, at Benson and C,-) Wrexham. Foreign Liqners, Pate de foie Gras, Truffles Macedonies, Altianrooms, Petit Pois, Salad Cream' Crystalised Fruits, Cosaques, Anchotev and Bloater Pastes, Ox Tongues, Soups Chutneys, Olives, Capers, Anchovies, &c., in great variety' and of the linest quality, at Beuson and Co's. Tea and Foreign Warehouse, High-street. Wrexham. BREAKFAST. Epps'SCocoa,. Grateful an,.Comforting -'•By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion anu .1 ,-yition and by a. careful application of the fine pr:J.;c. t:t of well-selected cocoa, M-. Lpps has provided our oreakfast tables with a delicately I'av-i"e(I beverage which may save us Many heavy doctors oiiis."— Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiimg water or milk. Sold bv grocers in packets only. ;.ibe,leu -James Epps ana Co., pathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street and 170. Pic- cadilly; Work Eustan road, London. (1721 THEOAT AFFECTIONS AND HOAKSEYESS — -l!i ent- ering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almo-t immediate relic, afforded by the use of Brown's Bronchial Ti-oclie," Theseanions iOze;nes" are now sold hy most re- spectable cuemists iu this country at Is lvl ivrbox People troubled with a "hacking cough," cold." or bronchial affections, cannot try thcm too SOD as similar troubles, if alio ed to progress, result in' serious Pulmonary end Asthmatic !<ee that the words Brown's .'Bronchial Troches" are on the Government Stamp around each ho):ranul'a.r:tured by John 1 BEOWN & nons Boston, United Mates Depot, 4U3,Oxlord-stroet, London. Tkc HAIK.—For Forty years Mrs S. A Allen's World's Hair Restorer has received the commendation aud favour of the public. h has acquired the highest place that can be obtain d for any moderate enterprise, and coc- tributed to the adornment, of tens of thou.-ands of persons, who LaVe the proof of itb serviceable character, It will positively renew, and restore the oiijim'al and nitu-ral colou- -Of yrey, volute, u-'dfaded llair. strengthen and invigorate the iiltirstol., its UIHUJT and induce a healrhy'and luxuriant growth. other pre- i paration can pr<*lt:ce' The same beneficial result Sold bv ail Chemists unuPerfumeny iu large bc,, Depot, 114- and 11(;, ?>ouioaiiip!oii iiow, London. Al>VIC.k xu .vioxU.KUS! Are you broken in your rest by a sick child sutloring with the nain 0; cuttiriy I teeth? Go »! onceJ.o a chemist and r:t a bottle Jf W/NStovv's Sowi'Hinq SVRUP. It will relieve t he poor sutlrrer lnimeo-.r,; v|y. js |,ei.jectly birm- i less and plea.,at to t:t"ll', It produces i.aturai, quiet sleep by relieving the child from paiii, and t lie Jictle cheruo awaices as bright as a button. It vH.fhes the child, it- sol tens the kuuis, allavs all pain, rein-ves wind regulates t he bowels, ;uid is the best knov, n lvmedv lor dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising ir-iu ;or or her causes. Mrs 'V'r?'w's Soothir- Svr:m"is sold by M"vlicirie dealers everywhere at i. i l j rpr hott ;e. i,ufael ured in New York, aud ut i:; "i\-u treet Loudon- ;*XT8AOKDI\ABV CURE OF A COCGH.—u lie. M jpstv"« Cu- Boat. • Xr'lty.' W'ok. North g^a-r. \,i"$cot- 1 and Sir,—Having bad a mo-t distressing cDugh, w hijeh sleepless nights .nd resih-ss da vs. (I was :iWoaai««t»ded, -by his Lor.iship ii„- Earl'of Ci!ifi,ne?#to' try yur most invftin:i.Mp H,sl-am of Ank-oed, and 1 can a^uje yott with the first do-e I found in¡medi.\ ¡did; ,'eVe: w¡ihout having to suspend my [various di)tii»i .and tilt) first sm.dl Bootle c .'npleteiy cured 1111, tiit-rstore i have the greatest. Cu'aTire in fullv I econliUOIIiAll,g '0 the million. iVtot r -j>ectfuJly yours. Linzell, H.M.G.B 'Netlcy.—To "Mr Powell." P°we'l>. Balsam of An can be had of al! Chemist*. In Botdes at Is ljd and 2, 3d. Warelionse, B:a:kfriars London. Ask Iu: PoweU' Balsam it Api- y I o V, •" IJ :*„0 fii •:r/,qq, 11", .liicr! •