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(Sbttratiojt. WREXHAM GRAMMAR SOT00L. BOARDERS ret^^ifc?SDl.Y, the 26ty inat.—For Pros^ctis, apply to the Ke/f Thos. M.A., Head Master of the School. Jaqffith, 1875. MODERN LANGUAj$ £ s<- 11 TONS. _LT JL in teaching ID of th 3, neighbourhood, attendsW rexh(U#»^fi Tuesdays anj* Saturday.—For terms, apply U' Mr Pryce JonVs, Grove/yark School, or to MCns. Rieunicr, J/h?9 near Oswest^. d794^ MR. E. B. SIMMS O Parish rc, r and Professo Iusic a ester), T^rtLL Resume^J^an, Pianoforte, » Harmonium^ind Singing Lessons on Thursday, the 28th instant. 1, Kin treet,Wrexham, anuary 14th, 1875. 792 GEOSVEXOE ROAD, WREXHAM. OR YOUNG LADIES, CONDUCTED ANS. MISS WILSON- VACANC^JfSr^WO BOARDERS^ -W Articled Ttipil requp^d. The next quartejv will commence on 27th. fj THE RUABON GRAMMAR SCHOOL. THE Ruabon G a man oo 1 will RE-, OPEN, t il MONDAY, frjyt^RT 25TH, RUTHIN SCH00L> ESTON, MA. FRENCH AND GERMAN. PROFESSOR, JIADAME ADOLFE LYONS announce their arrival iiy Rhyl, with th^fu^&tion of forming classes us Parisian Frffceii, German, ami the Oriental LAO- guaces^^Address, Professor ^yons, Adelphi Ho*se^ 15, Qi^n-street, Rhyl. f 795^ INSTITUTION OF LANGUAGES, 19, WHITEFRIARS, CHESTER. PROFESSOR W. GEORGES-SCHLEINITZ, Late French and Classical Master at the Military Academy, Berlin; Appointed Successor tø Mons. Junod FRENCH AND GERiUf MASTER AT r rBinnhed College, Birkenhead; Mies Jones's Indies' School, Birkenhead; Mis$Gatchelltf""Ladies' SchsoL Birkenhead; Fairfield Classical and Commercial School, Liverpool; Prince's Park School. Liverpool; Mrs Wilson's Ladies' School, Wrexham Miss Morris's Ladies' School, Great Crosby and at several First-class Schools in Chester. PROFESSOR GEORGES-SCHLEINITZ J- teaches on the method new adopted for several years past by the German, Swiss, and Russian Govern- ment Schools, and which has in these countries proved so highly successful with respect to its practical results. In France tlto sethod has been recently introduced into all.Publit Scnools by orderof the Government. Principals of the Schools where Professor Georges- Scbleinitz teaches in Lancashire, Cheshire, and Wales, and his numerous Private Pupils, acknowledge that this method has produced higher and more practical results ■ than those generally arrived at by any other system. Children may begin at a very early age, deriving sub- stantial advantages from it:; and as Professor Georges- Schleinitz applies his system to whatever text books are/ already in use, no further change in them is needed. .Prosparths. with terms and rf nces, on application to abo^yftddress; or to Mrs "Will's School, 14, Grro^y venor/f<ad, Wrexham. Z- 7887hV^' ^rab-esnuri's llbbrcss^s. ENGRAVING AND WIRE WORKING. E. 0 K Tenders his 'best thanks/fo jKe Public generally for the support ac e Iff Father (the late Mr Isaac inform them that he will carryon e abqpe 'Bipsinros at 38, M TT STREET; WREXHAM, Where all orders will be executed in the best style of workmanship, and on the most moderate terms. 38, MMunt-street, Jan. 30A 1875. U SEEDS ^#E EDS!! Merchant and JL NursfHmrm^i, High-street, Wrexham, has much pleasure pi again calling the attention of the Public to lAe/ unrivalled selections of Kitchen, TlowerGarden, and Farm &geds. Csd^gne with prices o^pplication. /) J. E. DENNIS, (Son of J. Dennis, Eastgate-jfljpet, Chester). BRUSH, MAT, ASKET MÄ.. AC, 7, CHjpTM/^TEEET, ÀM, Begs to announcAlhat he has every description of Bnfches, Door Mate, Baskets, Combs. Sponges, /ews^Vasb Lenthers, and Woodware, in Stock. J. ErD. begs to tender his best thanks for past favours, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the game. /^HURCH STREET^7REXHAM; BERLIN FLEECY, SHETL AND ANDILU SI AN, FINGERING, EIDER, AND RABBIT WOOLS, IN THE FINEST SHADES AND QLILLITY. ~XW~? A LARGE AS#MeNT of Slippers, •Cushions, GiwJfjs, Cords, and Tassels, Mosella -goods, Braids øf every description. Also the New Beau Ideal Ej»b'roidery. fancy goods in great j'vasiety, Satchels, Purses, Jewellery, &c., &c. ° THE MISSES WHITINJ, 4^ st 2, HIGH^ STREET, Ji 765y WEEXI M M A U R I C E» SURGEON DENTIST, f.ATy, PBACTISlNa WlTrf^J MR HORATIO J.O^ES, «t^RSJS^!BURY, Will attend i^gHTa WREXHAM, THUE^felw^ FRIBAYS. ARTIFlC^jLi^TEETH on the most Improved Pnneiplesr'giarafteedComfort, Durability, and Cheapness. 1 J EXTR (withoutpain}withtheNITROUS OXIDE GAS. SURGERY at tke Wynnstay Arms Hotel, FOR tly/ present. OSW-ESTBT EVERY WEDNESDAY. -JH L^-Jc JpHOTOGRA PH Y. LEES (LATE EDWARDS), PORTRAIT & LANl^CAPdteOTOGRAPHER 26, I»>PK-^ JTEET,M^ 1EXHA1C. Pertuane^ EnMk^'m >nhs up to Life Size by New i I Tlatey Proeesi OE WNISHED IN <FEA*ON, OIL, OR WATKIt COLOURS. Carte-de- Vùite, Cabinet, and every other style of Portrait, including the new EnalllÛled ameo Vignette, BMiARGJOOBlfTS FROM CARTK-DE-VXSITE OR OTHER PORTRAITS UP TO ANY SIZE, AND FINISHED TO ORDER. ( G-ENTLEMEK'S MANSIONS, FAMILY, AND OTHER] GROUPS PHOTOGRAPHED. ] /1 j ] best possible attjmtion paid to all J y Orders gWen. 7362 J ~T~" f- rahtsmtn' $ Jbbwsstis. I DENBIGH. Jo H DA VIES, Painter and House i <I Decorator, Broom Hill Lane, Denbigh, gives pub- lie notice that the partnership formerlyexistingbetween h'tnself and THOMAS GODFREY EDWAROB, High Gate, Denbigh, has been DISJQL^ED b#m#tual con- sent, and that he has comme«ed tfusinesj|^« his own account, and s prepared tqgKecutj PAPER HANGIl^r, ^\RR&GE PA»TI^G, [ • HOUSE "DECORATING, And all other branches of tke business. All orjfjs sent to the above1 ess will be prompfcra attendr. V 7^ G DEPARTMENT. I vV. & J. pRICHARD I Respectfully inform the public that they always I hold a LARGE STOCK of all kinds of BLACK. a MATERIAL, suitable for MOURNING WFn, I comprising:— i FRENCH MERINO, ) I 1/9 2/- 2/6 2/9 3/- 3/(; 4/- 4/9 per yard. I RUSSELL CORDS, I -/10t 1/- 1/3 1/6 1/9 2/- 2/G 2/9 per yard. I PARIS pORQS, 1/- 1/3 1/6 1/9 pj- per yard. 1/6 1■IPpf- per yard. 1 £ //» j^276 2/n per yard. Y'HiejjrTARAMATTA (Yarn Dyed). /6 1/9 2/- 2/6 3/- per yard. koRWICH DITTO (Silk Warp), 3/- 3/9 4/9 per yard. PURE LUSTRE ALPACA, 1/- 1/3 1/6 1/9 2/- 2/6 3/- per yard. ORLEANS LUSTRE DITTO, -m ~m -/°5 -/I0 1/- per yard. COBURGS, -17! -1st -m -¡10! 1/- 1/3 per yard. SINGLE ALL-SILK CRAPE, 1/9 2/- 2/6 3/- per yard. DOUBLE DITTO, 3/9 4/6 5/- per yard. TREBLE DITTO, 4/11 5/9 6/6 per yard. QUADRUPLE DITTO, 7/6 and 10/6 per yard. Our whole Stock of BLACK GOODS may he relied upon as being of the BEST DYE and FINISH. FUNERALS conducted with and EFFICIENCF. under the PERSONAL SUPERVISION of MR W. PRICHARD. W„ & J. PRICHARD, DRAPERS AND UNDERTAKERS, WREXIjM 763^ J THE GEORGE .HOTEL QUEEN-STREET, RltYL. If any visitors require Basju& CfoJa Prime Bottled Ale, or Mesers Arthur /xuinniesJyo^n & Cc's Extra Stout, apply to Mr Haaling/ Hotel, Queen Street, %ntL there willOe vfofind the Genuine and Well-ma,m\J. Articlel also Wines and Spirits of the finest quality. All orders promptly attended to, and sent out according to appointment. N.B.—Constantly on Hire at the George a steck of Cottage. Pianofortes in Rosewood, Walnut, a««$ Mahog^jp'Cases. Apply as n^ced above. I LEGGINGS, LEGGINGS, LEGGINGS. -N-J An excellent assortment of Leggings, AT JONES'S, SADDLER, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM CLIPPERS, CLIPPERS, CLIPPERS. Hcrse Clipping Machines Ij^all Makers. ATyWNE^, t v O [) SADLER, 1 O N WREXHAM. Portmantaaus in greatiety. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Travelling ags. Carriage Rugs, Reversible Knee Regs. Railway Wrappers. HORBS CLOTHING in suits, or single sheets. HDNTIyyfe STABLES FCWlSHED IN THEIR RBQUfj«ME'NT B. 65 THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. JONES! AND CO'S UNIVERSAli PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Marp "Purifying Mixture." ERUPTIONS OF TjHE SKIN, IMPURITIES OF BLOOD, Skin Diseases and Rheumatism are speedily cured by this wonderful Purifving- Mix- ture. It is most certainlv +t° preparation in the world for all eruptioES of the skin, blotches, spots, pimples, blackheads, boils, carbuncles, ring- worms, sore eyes, erysipelas, itch, scurf, scrofula, scurvy, glandular sweliings, cancerous sores, bad legs, piles, secondary, and all blood and skin diseases, and is highly recommended to all parties using their Heal-all Ointment, being agreeable, palatable, and safe. May be taken at all seasons and under any circumstances. Sold in bottles at 2s 3d and 4s 6d each, and in cases contaiaing six 2s 3d bottles, lis each, sufficient to effect a perfect cure in long standing cases. JONES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT tF (Trade Mark—Registered) OR EVERY MAN'S FRIEND. THE BEST APPLICATION KNOWN for every kind of sores. Bad iegs of above twenty-five years end- ing have been iured by it in a few weeks. For-sore nipples, gathered breasts, inflamed eyes, ringworms, ulcers, burns, scalds, boils, pimples, piles, and for wounds of all descriptions it is recommended with confidence by tIle proprietors, and one trial will con- vince the most Sceptical of its value. Sold in pets at Is lid, and 4s 6d each. JONES'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND (registered). ASE TfiEBESTMEDIClNESINTRE WORLDforbad digestion, wind, and pain in the stomach, liver com- plaints. jaundice. sick headache, pain s in the chest, loss of appetite, flatulency, costiveness, skin diseases, boils and pimples, palpitation of the heart. lowness of spirits, pains bi the back and side, piles, pains and giddiness in e head, &c._ Sold in boxes at Is Itd, 2s 9d. a 4s 6d each. Sole manu- iacturer, W. Jones and Co., Chemists, 1.57, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. Sold by chemists every- where. rC' WO ER CURES. Mr Wzed Hougtffonl Ditton, was cared of a bad skin disease ite stent over £50 in doctors' bills—with two 2HJdpo!3and two 4s 6d bottles of the Purifying Mixtu/p. A t 7 Captaisk Smitlrof jhmm EUen onstance, was cured of an Ulcerated AjJ^0( over ten yeara standing, with one lis case of PwrtTymg Mixture and two 4s 6d pots of Heal-all Omtment, after tr ring in vain the best sucrgical advice in every seaport he nded. Mr Richard Williams, 9 Upper Mann—street, Liver- pool, after faavisg been t ivice in the Liverpool Royal Infirmary, was cured of a very bad leg 8f 15 years* standing, with the above 0 ntment and Mixture. Mrs Foxall, Pentrych, £ Wales, having suffered for over ten years from lndige ition, Loss of Appetite, and General Debility, and havn g tried every medical advice to no purpose, gave up all lopes of ever getting better, was at last induced to try a \ox of Jones's Patent Vege- table Pills, and to the astonishment of all who knew her, after taking only three 2s Cd poxes, she is as healthy as she was 40 years ago. N.B. Thousands more could be given if room permitted. I AGENTS FOR Wrexham AND DISTRICT Mr J. F. Edisbury, High-itreet. Mr J. Francis, chemist, Ape-street. Dswestry—Mr Saunders I Denbigh—Mr Jones Llangollen—Mr E. Evans lywell-Mr Carman. Ruabon—Mr Davies Pmadoc-Mr Jones Ruthin—Mr Lloyd f Rbvl-Mr Jones Mold—Mr E. Williams Abergele—Mr Jones J Wholesale ofjEvacs and Son^f and j RAixnes and Co Jverpefa 13/ tahtsmtnt hbttSSt. THE MISSES WHITING ANNOUNCE THEIR STOCK OF WOOLS, BERLIN FLEECY, ANDALUSIAN, SHETLAND, AND FINGERING in the newest shades. A choice selection of Fancy Goods, Toys, &c., PURSES AND JEWELLERY, COMBES AND BRUSHES, POMADES AND PERFUMERY, JAQUE'S GAMES. 2, High-street, Wrexham. 7658o 4 8, HOPE*bTREET, WREXHAM. jpRISCILLA JONES (For some yers wiih the late Mr Win. Bayley), BEGS respectfully to Moi-n the Gentry and Public gen- erally, that she has taken the premises formerley occupied by MRS ALL MAN D at the above address, and trusts, by her careful selection of Goods snA^^emitting attention to*business, to merit a share of puilic\atronage. The STOCK, which has been chased at the best wholesale houses, comprises^iinuAcial Stationery of every description, 7] 1/ | n gieat varietyX y I BIBLES, PRAiT^R BOOKS. (JHURCH SERVICES, and HY311VB00KS, PHOTOGRAPHIC and SCRAP ALBUMS, BOOKS in various bindings, suitable for BIRTHDAY and CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, &c. i Periodicals and Newspapers regularly supplied. r/rf TIN G, RULING, & BINDING V promptly executed. GlasssChiKi, and Eaiihenwar^of eveiy desciiptioy 7 74 i As there are vera mitations of the /i B E N F STARCH' Offing a pr e t, se the name ROBE T WORT S N anyCo. ch Packet. 5 fsj ,-)PHT A IIIA! SAVE YOUR EY RESTORE YOUR SIGHT THOSE who are troubled with Inflamed Eyelids, 'Dimness Sight, or Weak Eyes, should use .,?, C0CKLEJ6 EYE WATER. This noted application has ee efore the Pub- lic upwards of 0 y ars, islifexllby Royalty, the Nobility, the Cleriryl^nat the Offices of beth ser- vices, and needs EtTlrleofcmen^ation, Restores impaired vision and cleerwiL'oughiTOyes, cures Weak, Watery/ learned, and nearsighted Eyes, and Stimulates The Eyes to heptzh in all other diseases. Perfectly safe, and patieEts will speedily find relief from its use. Is l^d and 2s per bottle; cases for Indi^/21s. Of all chemi^s and patent medy cine "wfiaors. 729jpf To the Queen and Royal Family To ILR. the Prince of W-ales (Special Appointment); And to several Indian Potentates, Foreign Governments, and Railway Companies. Established 1749. J. W. BENSO N:, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, GOLDSMITH, SILVERSMITH, AND ARTIST METAL WORKER. P.IUZN MEDALIST OF TEE LONDON DUBLIN AND PARIS 3JBITIONS. Maker of the Chronograph by which the Berby and all other Races and Great Events of the Day are timed. MANUFACTORY AND Crra: HOUSB—58 & 60, 'LUDGATE HILL WEST END ESTABLISHMENTS-25, CLID BOND STREET, AND 99, WESTBOURNE GROVE, WNDON.1 WATCHES CLOCKS > Qf all kinds, from 2 to 200 Ojjfcttt kinds, from 2 'Guineas.$090 Ouimas. Lever, Verical, (%ujph, Turret, Horizontal^ Duplex, age, Chime, Chronometer, Chronograph, Pining and Drawing-room, Keyless, Centre Seconds^" mall, Shop, Repeaters, Indiin, J | Library, Bracket, &c. 5H ORMOLU CLOCKS, designed by JKng lish Arusts, and Bianufastured by J. W. Benson, far erceed in beauty jthose Manufactured abroad. They can only be obtained at this Establishment. 1 FIN ART BRONZES AND CHIMNEY ORNA- MENTS, of the newest designs, from Continental ateliers of the highest reputation, at moderate prices. ARTISTIC GOLD JEWE&IERY, of the richest and most exquisite designs, with Monograms, Crests, and Devices, Enamelled in Colours, after Designs by the most accomplished Artists in the Precious Metals. Brooches, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds <si bijouterie, t"rp'!ica to Members of tke Court and .Distinguished Personages. PRB&ECTATION PLATF,Tea imomals of different sorts. iiacing Cups, and Jewelled-and other Boxes, as provided by Mr Benson for the Oorperation of London and other Public Bodies, to enclose dosuments conveying the Free- dom of the City to the Prince of Wales, Duke of Edin- burgh, &c., &c. SiLVER AND ELFCTRO-BIATE, in the most eecent fashions, aid of the most durable make. In Electro- Plate it is necessary to seccre sound materials and a sufficient coating of silver to.resist daily wear and tear satisfactorily. No other is really cheap at any price, nor worth buyiag. Watches asd Clocks repaired by skilled workmen. 'Old Silver, Jewellery. Watches, &-c. Exchanged. Merchants, Shippers and Clubs supplied. Illustrated Pamphlets, wito full description of al kinds of Thatches, Time-pieces, Jewellery, and Electro- Plate, with pris aumexed, sent free by post. upon plicatioiy^b 3". W, BENSON at either of t)jrphw>e Addresser MASSAOCBE Cog THE INNOCENTS. parents valuin their children'^ safety will avoid Soothing Medicines containing opium, so frequently fatal to infants, and will use only "STEDMAN'S TEETHING POWDERS,' whi h are safest an<J<»best, bei-ag free from opium. Prepared by j Strge^n (noli a Chemist), formerly attached W a Children's .Hospital, whose name, "Stedman," ha^'feat one E" in ife Trade Mark "A Gum Lancet." all others. Also Stedman's Food for Childbeds the very best without exception, making nerve, bone, and muscle, 3d to 4s (kl. Ilig^y recomme|rraied by the Lady S«^n Milbank, AskifeLd. Suffolk^jri Depot -.—Ea»t Kfixton, Londcp^ AS IT Its. In the Times of Jan. 7th, Dr Hasjall writes I have made a further analysis of tea; of 18 samples, all were found to be adulterated. They were all artificially coloured with Prussian Blue, turmeric, and a mineral powder. The substances used in facing I tea serre no useful purpose, but render-practicable other more serfotui adultera ions. AS IT OUGHT TO BE At the Docks, where Horniman e Teas are in bond, I took samples from original chegts, which I analysed and found per- fectly PURE, and free from the usual, artificial facing the quality being equally satisfactory.' Feb. 19,1874 A. H. HASSALL, M.D. FLORILIKE !—FOB THE TKSTH AITD Bu%A.TK.-A few drops of the liquid Floriline «prinkl«d on • wet tooth-brush prodrfcaa a pleasaat lather, whi«k thoroughly cleanses tie teeth from all pftrasitea or impurities, hardens Jpe gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the tmetha peeuliarjwarly-whiteness, and a delightful fr the eath. It removes all unpleasant odo ans g. fr decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. Fragrant Floriline," being composed in part v patey ar^^weet herbs, ig deli- eious to the taste, ini tBa greatest toilet discovery of the age. Price 2s Idlof JUL6hqmigts and Perfujaera. 2ei*y \P' 493 Qxford^rayfrt, TimoAt AFTEOTIOKIRYND OABSZIMBS-A sit. fering from irrit tio the/throat and hoarseaeM will be agreeablyfsiurpSsed at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use at Brown's Bronchial Troehes." These famous f lozenges" are now sold by most respectable chemists in this ooxintry at Is lid per box. People troubled with a "hacking •ough. a slight cold," or bronchial affections, can- not try them too soon,. as similar troubles, if allowed to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatio affections. See that fb* words "Brown's Bronchial TrochesM are on the ^rovernmexit Stamp aroa&d each box.—Manufactured by Joror I. BROWN & Sows, Boston, SMw.






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