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FINANCIAL. NO PRELIMINARY FEES. Money lent PRIVATELY lu Large or Smail Sums (not ON BORROWER'S OWN PRO- MISSORY NOTE. D NEARLY FORTY YEARS and now lending UPWARDS of ANNUALLY. Tc-i-nis, to geokgis PAKHE & SONS, 3. CRESCENT ROAD, RiiYL. Established 1870. 11628 o> iJw'j-jO, on Note of Hand alone, without ^ay or'tass, to aii Poisons worthy of R\.Uit' ^o Bondsmen ret] aired; Interest and meats arc exceedingly moderate, and can to suit Borrower's olIn convenience. j0u ;VI11 benelit by cieaiuiy direct witli us, as <k*a;.Q,au r€l^ ?n honourable and straightforward ^'as^1 sen'' ^y post if required, l'arti- gUj!.8 ICe on stating amount required. Privacy <-0 J" confidence, II. KAY and qp-'i-Tr. Market-street, Manchester. 24524p liUl^l^'ANT NOTICE. -LOANS from £ 10 to tan-f £ ramuc'' without delay, at any dis- Farn*' to Householders, Tradesmen, Publicans, U0 j,e^ and ail Classes, on personal security; liller-.st no trouble, strictly private, low ^y f°1!ov>l|g Weekly, Monthly, and WieVy^Repayujents;—Loan from 3s fiom vj ^20 Loan from 5s weekly; £ 60 Loan l)(k4j (1 3,^d weekly; £ 100 Loan from 2ba weekly, fcijj f11,1 an OiU-Estabhshcd Fir;;], ivhere you 011 straightforward Business. Don't be *pa i' Paymg extort'onate interest and heavy abovo your means.—SAMUELS and —.L. J0HN_DALTON-ST., JVIANCI-IESTER. IMPORTANT NOTICE. £10 {Dd upwards advanced, without delay, to liilnd and Oeuilcm&n, on simple Note of » <jn the followuig easy terms; — •^10 P.N- 5s Od weekly, ^5 P.N 6s 0d weekly. I-.a«-fv weekly. amount? in propoitiun. Strictest 'I liy ai-jni.eod.—S. CKAWFORD and CO., v^jatket-stic-.t, Manchester- ONVate Advances from £ 5 to £ J,coo n^?1110 Writtcu Prooaise to Repay, for any im- iatC\00<1 or private HSJ. Cash sent by post rvUi\y *on ciiu get nuney privately here, as in- ISr" are unnecessary. Genuine applications ^uuy,! The advance can bu paid bask by or iristtiir)ents, or if e"a Llic can remain cut up to live years UK interest ouly. Distance iiu object. Interest ««;a „ p,4J'u>ent:s lowest in Ungland. Strict privacy U or ward dealings guaranteed. Jiorruwers ajj.,i(3Xl'IJi'ti(i:iato interest elsewhere are requested 10 us, when existing loans can bo paid oil' ,1 advances made at. iniieii lower rale:) of in- cost 1j0t.i1 iiiii to invjiiiro but may save "ce by appiy lijg iu strict confidence for our UsPectU3 to Uw 1 Rational LOAN society, COI<PORATION ST., MANCHESTER Or I Q Cur District Cilices, lO, Dean Street, Bargor, -T" IS 87. JOl<E applying to Loan Oflicc-3 for Assist- 1.1 d. ttio fj,,IListrial l,ank, *viit>r-U*10 ai L> |'irod to iumK-h ;i(i visitce.-t any- ^t L'heapor rales than ^ny Loan Oilice.- — i']; r.articuUri to 5, St. Peter"j-iquaro, 0AGE.1 j REVERSIONS, Etc.; r-overal Al0r.ul,,ou,j; to* ad\ JJICO on abo\o low interest. '>?:)13: Rookery, Wolvorhaiuplon. 24724p (-IT a. (iy )r Gentleman for turns of EIGO and tin Imniediato application essential- -— "Pioneer" Office Cohvvii Bay. 24706 Music* MR-' BRYAN WARHURST. 0, cno noirmaster ot St. Ttiomas' Church, rt'SO Choirtnastei1 of St. Paul's Church, Colwyn Bay, t ^ITS OLD COLWYN AND COLWYN BAY CP EES DAYS AND FRIDAYS). i';¡j'(',5 lor the Associated Board of the «{ ~\Y Academy ol Music, the Royal College W s!c' lh0 Tri:ilry College of Music, •KX- PES XOFORTE, SINGING, IIAR- MONY, THEORY, Etc. Lai est musical successes. "vS: H.iytln House, Brighton Read, RHYL 22317p \1 F. GURNEY BARNE FT, A..Al. A R.C.AI ::()1) '<,c,iif,a Sinking). (Teaching Pianoforte). ot tbo Colwyn Bay Pliilharmonio (1 ] v r. Society, J| Vlr^ LESSONS in VOICE PRODUCTION, <%>,s<jl.O SINGING, PIANOFORTE and «t0 PLAYING, THEORY, HARMONY, arulnlatcs prepared toic all xecvgnised '•'ftcitioiis.—Address;— NOUMANIIURST, L'L A N E it C 11 R 0 AD" COLWYN BAY. 7 I 7 I peter EdWards, irus. Bac. I* J (Ndr illaiy) Y Professor oj Music ami Singing^ | J Aiiiiuficaior and Conductor, « y J ABERGELE. I JUST PUBLISHED. j 1 Chwareu yn yr Eira (" In the Snow V y lH'Children's Choirs—S.S.A. 1 7 |K?,.esJ Piece at Nat ional Hlisteddfod, Colvvyn J. A Sol la, 2d. O. N., 4d f 1 'oiijvv,^V R(lw^1'ds, Conductor of tbo well- I I Pem A<;1!'°cl Children's Choir— 'Cor Plant » e'' writes as follows: Yn yr Kira is T f "ling and a good test, piece for 1910." t I J 0sj-' SL'ITAULK FOll COMPETITIONS. V y 'Jpics ol T'le Welsh Publishing Cu. Ltd., | »L C?raaj von. I T A[ > t< < | -+- + RHOS-ON-SEA GOLF CLUB COLWYN BAY. 18-Flole Sporting Links (1). the Sea Front. Q qùb House on the Electric r^Way uniting Colwyn ^y and Llandudno. -4 Ai Open to Visitors. ePhone No. 48 COLWYN BAY 24767p BAY GOLF CLUB. Sprw VAXl, ,NG 9-HOLE COURSE. -A ROVE PWLLYCROCIIAN WOOD. LljV(,?'VlFORTflBLE CLUB HOUSE. l lUEONS AND REFRESHMENTS h COL PROVIDED. Vard a l'NG PEQUISITES STOCKED. I' St'nc!rrofessio,,al L" C.REEN. lIc^iarv xrJ1Ul>T10iN3- l'cl' AM«m. ^idenf\t nh2rs £ 1 13 and iJd- r Ue°tlen'i'n' £ 0 ir"- 0,]- UntJ-y \t £ 1 103 M. Ladies iniDG1- VcnWoincn £ 0 j0s- 0d Vl»it0r3 o 15s. Od. »w D(yr'r'rper ^ay • 78 p^r Week. ^TEHIL) I AS M' PEAC'OCK, Hon. SEC- fcieati«ld-rooidt L










Y Cyfarfod Cjiital.

Cyfarfod yr Hwyr.


Y Trydydd Cyfarfod.

Y Cyfarfod Olaf.

-----------Llythyrau y Morrusiaid.

-..--__--------------IE (JAN…


-------- -------__--------------------Dam…

Qwyl y Sulgwyn. --

Arholiad Undeb Ysgolion y…

-,----------'"--Tystebu Mr.…

