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BUILDING LAND, BUSINESS AND RESI- DENTIAL. PROPERTY TO LET OR FOR SALE. J.M. PORTER & ELCOCK, Architects, Purveyors & Valuers, Land and Estate Agents, THE ESTATE OFFICE. coLwwv SA Y. Telephone No. 38. Telegrams, Mans, Colwyn Bay." TO LET OR FOR SALE. ar?AIR of SEMI-DETACHED VILLAS, we:! apt back from road; two Reception, five Bedrooms, Bathroom. and Lavatory off Hall; uauat domestic Onices; pteasant situation, west <eod. Near Eiectnc Car Service. Rent £45. a7<REEHOLD DETACHED COUNTRY RE- 9t- SIDENCE. three Reception, four Bed- fooats, Bath, Boxroom, K ;tchen, and uauat Ofnoea; Gardens, Orchard, etc.; about 1& Acroa M att; splendid viewa of Sea and Mountains; ttfPuat? in upp&r Coiwyn Bay. ?LD COLWYN.—Detached House, two Sit- ?-? ting, six Bedrooms, Bathroom, Kitchen. <Lnd iliual OHicea. Exoefknt aitua.tion, easy re&c!< of Station. Shops, Promenade, and Gotf Links. Rent and price moderate. CHOICE BUILDING SITE. about 2? Acres. ?-? within easy reach of Penmaenmawr, a de- ttghtfu) spot for week-end Residence or Poultry fara<. Owner woutd erect Bungalow and lot jmme at an annual renta! of £30 to J640. ? OOD DOUBLE FRONTED SHOP. in one of ?r the main thoroughfare in Cbtwyn Bay, and (I.(l.ie over, containing two Sitting and six Bedrooms, and usual Offices Earty poaseaaion. Moderate rent. For further particuiars, and orders to view, Apply as above. .&- MELLOR <& ALLEN, Land 6c House Agents and Valuers, COLWYN BAY. TelePhone No. fjr. ?0 LET, Furnished. 0!d Cotwyn, good HouM. ??- two Reception, Hvo Bedrooms, Kitchen; every convenience; epiendid oituation and viewa. OOD Mortgage Securities Wanted suitable ?? for Trustees, four per cent. interest. ESTATE AGENT..SURVEYOR AND VALUER, ?? Estates Manned and Developed ??%'? ya!uatjon< & Surveys ?? tor aH Purposes ?? Tetcphone ?'\3<? ??? No 55. ?&?? ???v?? CAYLEY ESTATE OFF/CE, ??? ???y???r?y c/???E?, ? COLWYN BAY. BOLE AGENT to the Cay Icy Estate, WHICH COMPRISES soME 300 ACRES oF RIPE BUILDING LAND Between Colwyn Bay & Rhos-on-Sea, WITH Magnificent Uninterrupted Sea Frontage of t.ooo Yards; R. ARTHUR JONES, Land, House and Estate Agent, THE ESTATE OFFICE (Nr. Town llitll), CON W A Y, REGISTER of Land, Houses, and Property ?u<tno ?uactton, Conway ?alipy, Penmaenmawr, U?n- TO LET. App!y for list of houses to tet. in the diatrtct. men- tioning tpntat. FUR SALE. 26,0: TO GOLFERS.—Convenient, week-end withlll ¡. 0 of (;arn&rVOnhlfe <!o!f Club's Links, Con,ay. JD325: WOODLANDS, CONWAY. Freebotd č-I Spnii-detached, ulte ihrce 6p<tf<waM, and Bathroom. jp450: DEGANWY.—Bungalow tn quiet ne'gh- ?? bourhomt. Equal nismitce Junct.iun and '?c- S-Allw.v Stations. '650: CONW A Y.-New House, artistic design, JWJ In dry, bunny, 8¡tuaiort, two tour Bedrooms, BJ.th and usual oScea. <]'700: ALBERT DRIVE. DEGANWY.— ?? three Sitting-rooms, Rve Bedrooms, Bath tnd t.tat ONces. .?725: GLAN CONWAY.-Charming Bunga- 11"160: PENMAENMAWR.—Meat Lodging- ?? h..(tse in Marine rerr&oe, overtooktng jp9M: ALBERT DRIVE, DEGANWY.—Two Sitting-room' Sve Bedroouis, and Bath. Roomy. ideal, rivet views. 1250: LLANFAIRFECHAN. Centrally CI8t iiiiiated gentlem;¡!l' Kesidence. Sta.bieM. etc. ?1650: CONWAY.—Idea! Country Residonoa, <? in It acres ground. Tenni.t Court, Stab'.e.s, e?c. 35W: PENMAENMAWR.—GenUeman'a Reai- and flve acres, ablOj, etc. 9": VALE OF CONWAY.-Rosidence. and .veyente-n acres, spleadid pleasure farm. for all particat&ra apply to THE ESTATE OFFICE, COMWAY. Tel 29 pository for "Pioneer* &dvertisementa. R. G. WILLIAMS, Estate Agent and Vatuer, 6, HAMILTON So., BtRKEHHEAD. iOROPERTIES economically managad. Com- ar m)93ion from 2A per cent Personal atten- $ion to repair*. EstaUiRhcd 1884. Tet 191x. 22928o JNO. L. HUNT, Pharmaceutical Chemist and Optician, Conway Rd., ColwyD Bay i p Depot for Photographic ReqBtsites. Dark Room for use of Amateurs. es light Teltlng Daily by Appointment AGENT FOR MMtfy Lawrance's Cetebfated BPECTACLE8 !0 EYEGLASSES. ttlckePI.ted. QoM Filled, and 0.14 PnttBM StTUATtOMS VACANT. AHOUSEMAID WAITRESS Wanted, im- ??- mediately, for Head Master's House; also Housemaid-Genera!. Apply, Rydal Mount School, Coiwyn Bay. 25581p A GENTS required in unrepreaented districts -?- for the Imperial Accident Insurance Co., Ltd., Est. 1878; Horses inaured against death from Accident and Disease, Mares for Foaling and )osa of Fo&Ls; Farmer's Liability for Acci- denta to Labourers, Servants; and Workmen's Compensatton. Claims paid je400,000.—Address, Agency Manager, 17, Pall Malt East, London. S.W_255Mp A NGLESEY REGISTRY OFFICE.-Miaa -??- Hughea, Britannia Temperance, Lianfair P.G., has started a Registry Office for respectable Servanta, and will be able to suppty Ladies with Cooks, Housemaids, and Generals. Good home for Servanta *.Wtnting aituationa. 4401o A YOUNG MAN of good appearance and -?? addreaa Wanted, to represent a First-ciasa Company. Good remuneration and prospects of earty pro¡w.,t!On to a capable man with good- references—Write, Box 4282, "Chronicle" Omce, Bangor. A SUPERIOR PERSON Wanted to under- take the entire work of a 8t.ij.U Houae for one Lady. Mias Ainsworth, Kersa), Carmen SyIYroad, Ltandudno. 23511p 'D'ANGOR.—Wanted. thoroughlyexperienced B Young Lady, aa Partner in High-ciaas Confectionery and Temperance Business.—Write futty. Box 4292, "Chronicle" OSce, Bangor. ?<OOK GENERAl7'and?Housemaid-Waitreas, ?-? suburb of Liverpool; three in family good '.vagea.—Mrs Cope, Caatie Hotet, Deganwy. 23440p ?tOOK (jS50) at once 30 to 35: dairy; Church ?? woman. Kitchenmaid, J614.—16, Bay View- road, Colwyn Bay. 25444p ?OOD GENERAlT?anted?Mra'Kerridge.' ?? Nortb-Weatern Hotaj, Handudno Junction. 25520p ?<OOK, for Co!wyn Bay, .625: Cook Generals ?' and Generals, J614 to .S22.—16, Bay View- road, Colwyn Bay. 23445p COO (good piain) Wanted good character in* ?' dispensabie.—Appty. Mrs Holt, Dunwood, Roumania Drive, Craig-y-don, Lia.n<!utno. ? IRL (about 17) Wanted, with good Lnow'?d?o ?T of housework; must be able ta mrk.—Mrp Watker, Brynilithrig Hal). St. Asaph. CONFECTIONERY, etc.-Wanted, a respect- C able Youth, as Apprentice. Apply, J. Humphreys, Market-place, Bangor. 4272o T?RESSMAKER Wanted, to take. charge of Workroom, with knowledge of Miitinery preferred.—Address, "A. S. pioneer" OQice, Colwyn Bay. 23435p XPERIENCED GENERAL, whocan E age 20-25; two servant, kept; good refer- ences required. Mrs Eyton, Hanerch-y-Mor, HoIywoM. 23457p ENERGETIC MAN, of good appearance, -t-A Wanted, to soiioit business for wen-estab- lished nrrn. Special terms to capable man.— Address, "A. V. "Pioneer" Onice, Coiwyn Bay. 23450p EXPERIENCI<D Housemaid Waitrpjs Wanted. E Wages J[.;24.—Appfy, Mrs Eckersioy. Ful- weH, Great Orme's-roa.d, Llandudno. 25467p T?ARMER DELEGATE (Mr Oiver), Canadian JL Government, in attendance, offering re- liable advice free, Mondays, Tuesdays. Wednes- days.—Wright'a Emigration OSices, Watergate- atreet, Cheater. 22468p ?< OOD Housemaid Wanted; must have good ?' references; state at) particu!ars. — Mrs Wood, Gorse Hill, Conway. 25395p ?OOD, PLAIN COOK"W?nted,capable? ??' trustworthy; family, four. Housemaid kept; English preferred. Apply, ''A. Z. "Pioneer" Office, Colwyn Bay. 25465p jriOOD??COOK?GENERAL "WMted7 whore ?JT Housemaid is kep — Apply, Mrs Scott, Tyddyn Bach, Penmaeniiiawr. 23455p r?ENERAL SERVANT Wanted for Private ?-? Hou?e muat have good reference.—Appiy, St. Oawatd's, Mostyn-avc-nue, Llandudno. 22515p ? ENERAI, SERVANT Wanted to P!ain Cook ?-? and Wash; smaii f<nniiy: good rcferenoea. —App]y, Clover Cottage, Albert Drive< LIan- dudno Junction. 25521p ?< ENTLEMAN, in good society, m North ?-?' Walea, Cheshire, Cumberland, or' West- moretand (Member of County or other leading Clubs preferred), wishing to considerably add to his income, can do so by becoming corres- pondent to wealthy concern of the highest re- pute. Must be weD-connect&d and popular. Re- phes treated in strictest conSdencp.—Apply, "W. P. care of E. :nd J. Hardy and Co., 50, Fleet- street, London, E.C. 23464p ?OOD GENERAL Wanted, good home to a ?-? suitable servant.—Appty, Box 440o. "Chron- tc)e"JM5ce, Bangor. irjOUSE?PARLOURMAIDWanted.for -?- Anglesey; Country; some washing; wages jei6 to ?18. — Apply, Box 4315, "Chronicte" 08Hce. Bangor. f AW.—Solicitor has Vacancy for an Articled L Clerk, moderate premium.—Address, ''A. C. "Pioneer" OiBee. Colwyn Bay. 23327p ?fAN and WIFE Wantet< to take charge of -t-'jt. smait Farm. Wife must be good butter- maker.—Appiy to B. Wynne Yorko, Bryn A!ed, Llanfair, Abergeie, with fu]i part<cutars. 23432p ID ESPECTABLE PERSON Wanted for Coun- -'Lf try Hotel, to make herseif genera!!y use- ful. and aaaist bar.—"A. W. 'Pioneer" Omce, Cotwyn Bay. 25460p t?ESPECTABLE, c'ean ?rrfor'Kitchen. wi: ?-? ing to b&}p with washing; good chara'Tter tequired. Mrs Broome, Eryt Fryn, Bodafon, Handudno. EGISTRY OFFIC A S.- -t-FOR SERV- NT Mrs A. Jones, removed from 123 to Menai Laundry, High-street Bangor. Housemaid Waitresses, good Cooks, and Generals Wanted. Those with good references only. 4251o pECHSTRY OFFICE. 120, HIGHEST.. PORT 1-? MADOC—Mra Humphreys has excellent Situation* for responaibte Women aa Generals. Cooks, Housemaid*, etc, for next term (Pen ymhor). QUPERIOR GENERAL, 18 to 20, strong; two 8 in family; no washing; ptain Cooking; oomfortabte home; wages :R12. Woodiandd, Dingle Hit), Coj.wyn Bay. 23506p rr<WO MAlbS.?Iousentatd-WaItress. and Cook? Genera) must be t'Mp?abtc.—App]y, The Queen's Hote), Ltanrwst. VTNDER-KITCHENMAID"Wantod for Pri- U vate Sanatorium.—App)y, Mrs WHson, Pendyffryn Han, Penmaenmawr. 23454p TTNDER-WAITRESS Wantekl, age about 20; u eome experience necessary. —Appiy, Pwlly- croohan Hotei, Coiwyn Bay. 25495p l?rANTED. Cook-Generat andHousemaid? W Waitresa; good characters indispensable; wages, cook J618, housemaid .815.—Appty, by tetter, to Mrs C. Sheidon, Brentwood, West Park._Leods. _22729p T?ANTED, for February 6th, Tal! Housemaid, ab!e to wait at table; age about 21; good ptate cleaner; three in famiiy: state wages.— Mra Parkinson, "BaycIifFe," Old Coi'.vyn. 23374p ?tTANTED, Giri, to take out Chitd.a.nT asdi?t in generai house work.—Appty. Hunt, Chemist, Cohvyn Bay. 23471? ?jTORklNG-HO'JSEKEEPER Wanted, or W good G?nera't, for Old Co!wyn; three in famiiy. Address, "B. F. "Pioneer" Omce. Colwyn B&y.23497p_ ??ANTED, a Married Man, as Kitchen Gar- dener; mitk cow, and generaHy usefut; cottage found.—Apply, giving fut) part.iculacot: tettef not attended to), Mr Jenkins, Bodwadui, L!andderfe!, Corwen. ??rORKMAN Wanted; iive In; ? 'od he«gM-; referencea.—R. Lee, Handrinio ;Itt!, I tany- mynech S.O.. Mont. ELSH-S EAKING Young Lady Wanted, W for one child, 2 years; used to and fond of chi!dren; Needlewoman.—B. D. "Pioneer" Omce, CoJwyn Bay. 23490p ?n?ANTED, respectable Maids, abo Men Ser? vants and ChauSeura. Home for t.hose dijaengag&d. Stamp. Mrs Ephraim, Registry OStca, Biaenau Festiniog. 25507p ANTED, Cooks, :620 to E30; Kitchen- 'T m&i,a; General, Nursea, Houaomaida.—16, Bay View road, Coiwyn B&y. 23500p Y?TANTED a Boy for Farm: must be good 'f mHker. — Addreaa, Roya! Oak Hote!, Bettwsycoed.6655cl WrANTXD.'& geod, strong Gu- M Genera!, at once.—Apply, Victors Hote!, Beth- esda. 4386o WANTED, iB Country House, m Anglesey, good Cook; &bo Houae and Between MMd.—Appiy, Box 4404, "ChMmde" OSce, BaDcor. StTUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, a Manager, for an old-eatabUshed Drapery Business, -Apply, at once, Golden Lock, Holybead_ 169ho ??7'ANTED a General Servant, experienced, good character.—Mrs Pozzi, Craig Beuno, Bangor. 42970 '?tT?ANTED Two smart Canvassers, on com- mission; good reference required.—Apply, Box 4289, -'Chronicle" Omce, Bangor. ANTED, good Cook and Houaemaid- Waitress; exceptionally good borne: family of two.—Addreaa, atating age, experience, and wagea required, to J. H. Plummer, Lord-street, Southport. 4261o '?7'ANTED, a good Plain?Cook, for a Com- mercial Hotel, where a Kitchenmaid ia kept.—Apply to "R. ''Chronicle" OSice, Ban- gor. 4270c ??7'ANTED, at once, good, capable Genera!, T over 20; good references necessary.—Ap- ply, Mrs Nixon, 265, High-street, Baugor. _4258o YX7'ANTED, immediately, in Anglesey, Work- ing-Gardener, Caretaker, unmarried. Board and Lodging found; no glass.—Apply to Box 4256, "Chronicle" Omco, Bangor. Y?TANTED a good Cook?age from 25 to 20: good references required; good wages to capable person; only three in family.—Apply, Mrs Faning Evans, Mona Lodge, Amlwch. o WANTED, on 13th February, for Country, three miloa from Carnarvon, Housemaid and Between Maid: temporary situation till end of March.—State ages and wages required to Box 4259, "Chronicle" OSice, Bangor. ??ANTED a Married ManTabout 40, to take charge of Garden and Grounds, no glass, and to make hims&tf gonera.Uy useful; good re- ference indispensable. Apply, "A.B.C. "Chronicle" OSloe, Bangor. 4306o YOIJNG LADY MANAGERESS, Dyers' -B- Branch, North Waleg; one experienced prefen-ed.—Address, "L. 35," Birchall's Adver- tising Omces, Liverpool. 4276c YOUNG MAN Want.cd;OcldjoDs, aSSISt f.ra-& doner; understand cows and poultry; live out. John Wedge, The Gardens, Pabo Hall. Conway. StTUATtOMS WAMTEO. OACHMAN, Groom, or with Motor-car: C life experience; Hunters, Harneaa Horsea; seven months' Motor, holding good Certificate and referencea; single, age 55. Thomaa. St. Beuno Cottage. St. Asaph. 23366p 'TMSENGAGED, Cook (50). 21 years' reference. -? Cook-Generals, Hou-.ema.id Waitreeaes, G'r?, 15 to 20.—16, Bay View road, Colwyn Bay. 25499p ?ENERAL ACCOUNTANCY. Rent and ?-? Debt Collection, House Agent Ho'der of t Certificate under the Law of Diatreae Amend meat Apt—Hew D. Joneji. Accountant, Bangor GENERAL disengaged (21), two yeara' rcfer- ?-? eno?, p!am Cook, Waah, Wait Table if re- quired; ;S14.—5, Osborne Grove, Rhyt. 25512p_ GARDENER (28), married, thoroughly ex ?-? periencc<) glass, Hower, kitchen garden; three first,claas referencea; total abstainer. — Hulme. 5, Giadstone-street, Mold. TJOUSEKEEPER di&engaged, experienced in -t- Farm and Priva.te. — Apply to "C.D. "Chronicle" Omce, Bangor. TTOBBING GARDENING Waited, in Han- ? dudno, by thoroughly re-liable Man, ex- perienced in all branche.-). — Addresa, "B.H. "Pioneer" Omce. Colwyn. Bay. 23515p IDDI,E-AGED LADY Wants'post as Housel m keeper or Companion-He!?; thoroughly domesticated, energetic, and industrious; where Maid or Maids arc kept: abstainer.—Address, 'Pioneer' Office, Co!wyn Bay" 23506p TOELIABLE Book-h.eper would undertaka I keeping of Tradesma.n's or Medical Man's Books. Secrecy assured. Addreas, "B.J. "Pioneer" Omoe, Colwyn Bay. 23519p QITUATION Wanted 9,3 Ntirse-Sewing-niaid or t. Housemaid, where Parlour-Maid is kept; in or near Colwyn Bay Address, A.E. "Pioneer" Omce, Cotwyn Bay. 23332p ft?WO respectable Yot'ng Men. disengaged; Boots and Groom Gardener; total ab- stainers; good references. Address, "B. E. ''Pioneer" Omce, Colwyn Bay. 23494p BIJTCHERS.-W,intpd, SituatiotTas Tin- prover: 19; tall and strong; willing to give service for board.—Haywood, Byne Ber Thune, Lixwm, Holywell. 25491p nnYPEWRITING. — Duplicating. Legal Copy-? -A- ing. Letters, Circulars, Specification, etc., at moderate charges. C. Moses, Oaklands, Garth. Bangor. _4228c SITUATION Wanted as experienced House- s maid; private family.—Address, "A.T. "Pioneer" OfHce, Colwyn Bay._ 25459p ?67'ANTKD, by Clergyman's Son, Secretary- ?hip, or any position of trust. Land Agency or Estate Office, work.—"A. X. "Pio- neer" Office, C,<)Iwyn Bay. 23462p_ XXTANTED, Situation as Gardener, by Mar- ried Man, age 46. no family, good Vege- table and Flower Grower in and out; wife use- ful woman in house at. anything, and highly respectable—Address, Box 4384, "Chronicle" Ofnc<\ Bangor. PROFESSiONAL. ?IVIL ENGINEER. M. Inat. C.E.. etc.. re- ?? siding at RHYL. is prepared to take a few PtJPILS. Special PRACTICAL Coaching for Colonial Appolntmrnta. including Tacheometrio, Plana Table, Trigonometrical and Marino Sur- veying, Astronomy, Location and Construction of Railways and Roads, etc. Foes: Boarders, 10 guineas: and Day Pupils. 5 guineas per month.— Address: "W. "Pioneer" OEce. Rhyl. 22826p ?T. MARY'S HOSPITALS, MANCHESTER ? (formeriy St. Mary's Southern and Mater- nity Hospitals).—MidwivpH and Monthly Nurses are trained at the IIospitat in Oxford-street, Manchester. The next course of Lectures com- mences Monday. February 8th, at 4.30 p.m.—For particulars, apply to the Secretary, at the Hos- pital.23475p_ TUITION. f ESSONS.—Painting, Design all kinds. L privately or by correspondence. Classes arranged. Out-door Sketching. Terms mode- rate.—Dixon, Belle Vue, Foryd, Abergele. 23336p IRIV-ATETUITION.-MI." G. D'Arcy pro pares Pupils for the Public Schools, Lon- don Matrio., etc. Classics, French. German, English, Maths., Economies, and Book-keeping. Backward Pupils wil) receive patient attention References permitted to Rev. Canon Roberts, B.A., and to Rev. J. Hunter Smith. M.A., for. merly First Assistant Master of King Edward's School, Birmingham.—Addrass, "Ravensworth." Woodland Park. Colwyn Bar. 23205p MISCILLANIOUa. I OLD FALSE TEETH.—We give highest pos- ?? sible prices; Offers made, and if not ac- cepted, Teeth returned. Dealers in old gold or silver. Bankers' references.—Woolfall and Co., Birkdaie, Southport. 23182p A DVERTIZER in Dùganwy would tike her A litde Girt to take Lemons with others who have Governess.—Address, "B.A. ''Pioneer" Omce. Colwyn Bay. 25474 p A ? T R OL?) G Y — Reliable horoscope ?f jnL character, marriage, and business.—Send birtb date, la., and stamped envelope to Mdme. Zetella, Cleadon, Sunderland. Your future given with above horoscope. (Mention paper.) 22843p A STROLOGY LIFE HOROSCOPE. — -CA- Marriage Partner described, date of future eventa. Changes Journeys, Legacies, etc., accurately told. Send birth-date, la P.O., stamped envelope. Madame Melrose, 3, Dixon-avenue, Gi"gow. 4416c TT ADIES.—My Improved Remedies act in a L few hours, when all else fails. Surprising- ly eSecttve. Success guaranteed. Send stamped envelope for Free Sample.—Address, Nurse Ham mond, 20, Ingtedene, Boscombe road, Southend, Essex.25258p A 'A E and ELECTRICITY. — Lloyd 1 Williams, Masseur, visits Patients for Electro, Plain, Vibratory Massage. Address, Whiteneld, Trinity-street, Llandudno. 22865p It/fADAME DOPE, ScientificCharacter ?n- Reader, Daily from Ten a.m., at Stationer'a Shop. 8a, Sussex-street, Rhyl. Bazaars, Even- ing Partiea, and At Homea attended. 22556p INIATURES "painted from any Photo- -LT-M. graphs, from 21s. Speciments si&nt.-D. Marcy, Clifton House, Clifton Gardens, Pad- dingcon. 4279o T?O RATS SEEN ?inM using Danysz Virus. -L? Kills Rats and Mice, but. is harmless to other Animals and Human Beings Single tube, 2s; 5 Tubes, 58 post Virus, Ltd., 52, Leadenhall-stroot (Box 451). London, E.C. And of all chemista. 25455p T?ETURN of Madamo Rose to Liandudno. JL?' Advice daily, on life's attairs, with speciat featurea, at The Post-Card Shop, South Parade. Llanuudno._ __25588p ARD'S FAMOUS EMBROCATION.- Rheumatism, Stiff Jointa, 5s 6d, 5s. Ad- vice free.—Addresa,51,Stockton-street, Mcss Side, Manchester. 23357p '??A?RD'S FAMOUS CURE for Pile? Fistula Fiasure, Ecxema, all Nervous Diseases; in- valuable to ladies, all irregularities. Advice free.-51, Stockton-street, Moss Side, Man- chester. 23358p ? < PAGE?BOOK about Herbs, an?tow to uae '?"t them, post free; send for one.—TrimneU, Thp Herbaiis., 144, Richmond road. Cardiff. Es- tttbi?hed 1879.2147S? MEOtCAL. ?<T. MORITZ, LLANDUDNO.-?Nurse Roberta ?-3 htn opened above as a Medicai and Surgical Home; Certificated Nurses. Tel. 243. r?fiK MKDiCAC iiUMErCOLWY?BAY .— JL FULLY TRAINED CERTIFICATED NURSES aupphed, who live in the Home when not at cases, and are under personal super- vision. Patients received. Massage Nursing Appiiancea on Hire. Tei. No. 24.—Matron _22553p APARTMENTS TO LET. D HYL.—Permanent Rooms in centre of Town R for one ot two gentlemen or ladies; good cooking; very moderato terms. — "A.P. "Picnoer" Cmcc, Rhyl. u p PROPERTY FOR SALE. OLWYN BAY.-For Sale, Freehold Property. c in centre of town, close to Station-road, suitable for some Public Institution. Price J6SOOO.—Apply, T. Brackstone and Co., Estate Agents.23450p FURNtTURE \:ANTED. ?,?7'ANTED. Modern or Antique Furniture; Homea purchased outrtght,.—Haslam, Auo tioneer. Rhyt p Y?.TANTED the whole or t?ortion of a House of Furniture. — State particulars, together with price required, to "Furniture," "Pioneer" Omce. Rhyl.n THE FARM AND GARDEN. AFFORESTATION.—100.000 Larch and Scotch Fir, 2 to 3 feet high. App!y. Robert Hughes and Son, Ruthin. 23449p A LBERTS BASIC SLAG.—For Prices, app? ?JL to W. Elli? and Co.. Maj-chanta. Abergeie ARLTEST Rhubarb in cultivation, planting E Crowns, 2a doz.—H Reed, Underdown- road, Southwick, Sussex. 22968p QEED POTATOES—Scotch direct.or"once t? grown from Scotch.—Apply, J. D. Rawiinp, Caledonian Buildings, 14, Tithebarn-atreet, Liverpool.25445p Ct-ERtCAL. "IXT ANTED, a Curate, priest, ;E150.—App)y to Vicar, Penma/enmawr.4271o PARTMERSH)P&. t Dr'GUIDE to'STOCK EXCHAN?GK" A.D.U. S4th Edition. Catt Uptiorm thoroughly explained; also all Stock Exchange Operations. How to open Account with limited risk. Dealings at ctoser than Tape Quotations. How to avoid Brokers' Commis- sions. Contains Highest and Lowest Salea for last 15 years. Gratis and Post free from PUBLISHERS. 12. BANKSTREET. ROYAL EXCHANGE. _MANCHESTER_ DOGS FOR SALE. TOEAUTIFULChocolate Toy Pomerania.n -*? Puppies for Sale; throe months old; champion pedigree.—Smith, Claremont," Grove Park, Colwyn Bay. 23518p WO beautiful little Black Porn. Puppies for -i- Sate; Male and Female: Parents moat vatuabio Doga.—Mrs Morgan, Plas Coed Mor, Llanfairpwlt, Anglesey.4251c CYCLES, MOTORS, &C., FOR SALE. T IGHT RACING BICYCLE'?oT'SaIeTTrack -N-J and Road Wheels, s&vpral Gears.—J. B. Burns, Crescent Hotel, Rhyt.23525p SHOPS FOR SALE. ?HOP for Sale, Freehold; bes?position m Cot- ?9 wyn Bay; also smaller one on Abergele- road. Apply, T. BradMtono and Co., Estate Agents. 23296p FOR SALE.-V AP.IOUS. A RMY CLOTHING.—Trousers, 4s; Breeches, -?TL. 4s; Overcoats, 78 6d; Slouch Hat?, 9d; Haversacks, 6d; Puttees, Is; Canvas Leggings, 9d; Leather Leggings, Is 9d; Jack Boots, 8s 6d, etc.—Police Clothing: Trousers, 5s 6d; Overcoats, 7s 6d; Oilskin Capes, 3s 3d; Cloth Capes, 5s 6d, etc. Railway Clothing: Cord Troupers, 2s 6d; Cloth Jackets, 2s 6d; Sleeved Vests, Is 6d; Overcoats, 5s: Heavy Reefers, 4s, otc. Gents' Overcoats (new), 15s lid; Youths' ditto, 10s lid; Boys' ditto, 4s lid; Genta' Waterproof Coats, 12s 6d.—Oilskin Clothing (new): Sou'westera, Is; Jackets, 5s 6d; Long Coats, 8a 6d; Leggings, 2a 3d.—Boots and Leggings (new): Real hand-sewn Army Boots, 9s 6d; Army Boots (special line), 3s lid; Strong Black Leather Wellington Leggiaga to button or buckle, 5s 6d.—Blanket?: Brown Army Blankets (new), 5s each; White Navy Blankets, 5s each; White Witncy Blankets (new), 7a lid per pair, etc.—British Government Harness: Riding Saddles complete, 17a 6d; Riding Bridles. 2s 6d. Head Collar 2s 6d; Driving Reins, 2s 6d; Neck Collars, 5s 6d; Steel Hames, Is; Cart Saddles, 6s 9d; Backhands and Tugs, 7s 6d; Breechings and Cruppers, 6s 9d; Horse Rugs from 2s.—Horse Clothing and Stable Requisites. Obsolete Armour, Guns, Swords, etc.—Catalogue Post Free.—Dept. 46, The Army and General Stores, Ltd., Contractors to H.M. Government, Nottingham. 23409p TOARBED'WIRE, 4 Point thickset., 12s per -) cwt.; Plain Galvanized Fencing Wire, 11s per owt. Rabbit Netting, 42 inches wide li mesh extra strong "Salvage," new, but soiled by Sea Water, 1000 rolls of 100 yards. 20s per roll, usual price of this size is 40s per 100 yards. Heavy Wrought Iron Standards, Is each. Powerful Steel Winders to fix on wood posts, Is each.— W.P. Dept., Butl&r, Bell Works, Wolverhampton. Established 1828. 23431p IT?EST GALVANISEDCORRUGATED J) SHEETS.—24 gauge—5ft.. Is 9d; 6ft., 2s; 7ft.. 2a 3d; 8ft., 2s 7d per sheet. Lights—5ft.. Is Id: 6ft., Is 5d; 7ft., la 5d; eft.. Is 7d per sheet. Cash Ipsa 2 per cent. Carriage paid en 20s' worth.—A)yn Galvanising Works, Mold. ?t. JENNING and Co., can supply Woodwork ?-? of any description at short notice; Stairs, Balusters, Newels, Handrails, Sash Bars, Mould- ings, Joinery. Support British Industry and re- fuse foreign doors. We compete. Genera.) Woodworkers, 249, Pennywell-road, Bristol. I-IEAP CHAIRS for Churches, Chapels, C Schoolrooms, Mission Halls, etc., from la 8d each, all qualitiea. Mealing Broa., High Wycombe. 4295o URS.-Ric,h, Dark Sable Brown Russian -i' Fur, 7ft. long, Duchess Stole, richly satin lined, handsomely trimmed, 10 Russian tails, 2 heads, shaped collar; large Granny Muff to match. Sacrifice 12s 6d; worth 60s. If not ap- proved of, Cash returned immediately.—Miss Greenaway, 44, Cherry-road, Boughton, Ohes- tor. _23319p n ALVANIZED CORRUGATED SHEETS — G Special light Sheets, 24 inches wide: 5ft., 9d 6ft., Is each. Middle quality, 27 Inchea wide 5ft., la; 6ft., Is 5d; 8ft., Is 8d each. Extra wide Sheets, 26 w.g., to cover 30 inches Sxed: 6ft., Is 9d; 7ft., 2s; 8ft. 2s 3d; 9ft., 2s 6d each.—W. P. Dept., Butler, Bell W<M-ks, Wolvorhampton. __25559p .?< REY HAIR permanently and speedily re- ?T stored to ita original colour by using HARRISON'S HAIR COLOUR RESTORER. It is not a dye, but by natural means acts as a restorative. Contains nothing injurious, and is beneficial to the growth and beauty of the Hair. In bottles, price Is 6d (postage 3d extra). Manufacturer:—G. W. Harrison, Hair Special- ist, Reading. Agent for Bangor:—J. Bowen. Chemist, Castle Hill. _u_- 1TMPORTANT TO MOTHERS.—Every Mother -t- who values the Health of her Child should use Harrison's "Reliable" Nursery Pomade. One application kills all Nits and Vermin, beau- tinea and strengthens the Hair. In Tina, 4:d and 9d. Postage, Id.—Geo. W. Harrison, Chemist, Reading. Sold by all ChemMts. Agent for Colwyn Bay:—J. W. Adamson, Chemnat, Station-road. Agent for Penmaenma.wr —T. J. Llughe.&, ChemAt 20093p T OVELY Novelty Feather-wool Boas—Cream, -L? Biack, or Brown; 80 inches; extremely styl'sh and classy. Poet free for 6s 6d. Satis- faction or money returned.—Manufacturers, 61, Oeo-road, Cleethorpes. 23492p T?R ?ALE. a" apIond?d?Old??randfath&r'ti Clock, in good condition.—Apply, Jones, 56. High-street, Rhyl. p TD?OYAL LIVER FRIENDLY SOCIETY? JL? About JE4 10s Book for Sale: Colwyn Bay district. Good. solid business. Grand opportun- ity for an energetic man.—Apply. J. W. Mason, District Manager, Bryn Eglwya, Rhiw-road, Col- wyn Bay. 23451p QMALL BILLIARD TABLE for Sale; ai:e, t? 5 x 2? feet on stand, just been recovered.— J. B. Burns, Crescent Hote), RhyL_25524p SPLENDID Fumed Oak 5ft. 6in. Bedroom s Suite for Sale, cheap; Dressing Chest, has aide wings. Also magnificent 5ft. Fumed Oak Sideboard with large mirror back. Can be seen any time.—Apply, Ha-slam, Auctioneer, Rhyl. nn0 BLACKSMITHS, IRONMONGERS, and JL COOPERS.—11 Sets of Denbigh Churn Irons. Will sell cheap. Address, "A. H. 'Pioneer" Omce, Colwyn Bay. 23365p W- ALLPAPERS from ld per roll. Any vt Quantity. large or stnaJi. a.t Wholesale prices. Stock exceeds 250.000 rcHs; all classes.. —Write for Pattema. etanng class required.— The Barnctt Wallpaper Co., Ltd. (Dept. 221). Campneid Avenue. Manchester. IRE NAILS. Mixed, 7a rer cwr. Tw 281bs., 2s; Screws, mixed. 28s per swt 281bs., 7e 6d. All kinds of NaUa, Tneks. Rivete. Staples, Bolts, and Nuts, etc Midland Naii Worko, 25 to 28, Rea street, Birmingham. <. W. Hayles, ,Propieor. 2097_" 'jr*? ARTICES for 9s lid. — Knivee, Forks, ??7 StX)ons, Carvers. Sensational bargain. Write for list. Shemeld Cutlery Supply Com- pany, Howard-street, Shemeld.23390p_ BuStNESS WANTED. 'M/WIXED Grocery and Provision Business M Wanted, or Shop and House, in good dis- trict, suitable for same. — "B.H. "Pioneer" Office, Colw n Bay- 23510p BU&tNESSBa FOR SALE. ?"? OOD, paying, Carriage Proprietor's Business ?JT for disposa.1. Inspection invited. Books shown, etc.—Williams, Penybont Hotel M&wa, Abergele. 2Z.452p T) HYLj.—To bo disposed of, as going con- JL? cern, 9-roomod House; good stand; with early possession.—Address, "A. R. "Pioneer" Omce, Colwyn Bay.23456p_ LAND FOR SALE. TAN? 1? COLAVYY?BAY (DundonaydTroad) ?-? for Sale. for erection of small Houses or Villas.—James F. Taylor, Solicitor, 71, Lord- street, Liverpool. 22509p "?TALE OF OONWAY — FreehoJd Building T Lajid for Btle; also, Houeee to I<et or Sold.—Apply. J. R. Malek. Architect and Suw vcyor. Llanrwet. 21310D Fill in this Form and send it to Advertisement Manager, PIONEER" OFFtCE. CONWAY ROAD, COLWYN BAY. The charge for all kinds of SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS, SiTUATtONS VACANT and WANTED, &c., in the PtONEER is 18 Words Three InserUons, 2/- (which must be Prepaid). Name and Address must be paid for. PXease insert above Advertisement_times, for which t enclose P.O ? or StaMps yatue ? ? ? Name ? Address- ? ? OLD COLWYN AND NEtGHBOUR HOOD. "OLD COLWYN enjoya unrivalled view of ?? Son and Mountains, with great immunity from the East winds, aud a diyncss and warmth by being chietly situated on the Ltmestone. Sea Bathing, beautiful Walks, and Golf Links." HOUSES TO LET. 10UILDING LAND for Sale; also excellent -'L? Sitea fcr Bungaiowa. — Apply, ii?tate Umco," tioiyheAd-road, Old Cotwy?, HOUSED TO DtT. ST. ASAPH.Bodrw," to be Let, a, charm- ?? ing Country Kctiidence; three Reception and eight Bedrooms, Kitchens, etc.; good Stabling and Motor House, atso targe Garden, Hunting, Shooting, and Fishing in the district, Good railway service to Manchester, Liveipooi, ate. J. M. Porter and Eicock. The Estate Omce, Colwyn Bay. 25501? <QMALL'bETACHED COTTAGE, close to S Penybryn-road, overlooking PwUycrochaJi Woodd and town, 20 minutes' watk from Station. Containing amaM Sitting-room, three Bedrooms, Kitchen, etc. Rent 6a per week inotusive. Im mediate possession.—Appty, J. M. Porter and Eloock, The Estate Omce, Colwyn Bay. 25502p C-OLWYN BAY. Conway-road, Rysseidene, ? throe Sitting, eight Bedrooms, Bathroom, Kitchen, and usual Omoea. South aspect. Pleasant actuation. Apply, J. M. Porter and Eicock, The Estate Omoe, Cotwyn Bay. 25505p A BERGELE HOUSE, containing three En- ?'?- tertaining, six Bedrooms, Bathroom, Kitchona, good Stable, Coach-house, and Garden; Heat JS50.—Jonea, Nant Fawr, Abergeie. 25339p BETWEEN RHYL and COLWYN BAY.— JL) To LGt, Furnished or Unfurnished, the whote or part of pleasantly situated HouM; near sea; present tenant would stay as housekeeper.— Apply, Haslam, Surveyor, Rhy!. p RYNAETI-IWY, MENAI BRIDGE.-Con JLF tainmg three Entertain'ng-roonM, four Bedrooma, Dreaaing-room. large Attica, Bath- room. and W.C., and all modern conveniencea App!y to T. H. Hugbes, Bryn Aethwy, Menai Bridge. 4365c COI,WYN BAY. Frcntin- ',ea. Good ? Housea to Let, suitable for Apartments or Boarding; also Fre&hotd, well-built Housea on Sale.—Apply, L!oyd, Pendor)an, Colwyn Bay. 25469p_ COTTAGE to Let: 12,"Weti-8treet, Bangor.— %-) Appiy, C. Dawaon, York House, Llan- dudno. _4278o jr?RO??E PARK, Cotwyn Bay, near Sea and ?-? Station: two Entertaining, 6ve Bedrooma; every convenience. J625. E. C. Hitchtox, Bowea, Darlington. 23102p ILIOUSE and SHOP. best position, centre of jLl town; rent moderate.—Apply, G. Perkina and Co., Auctioneers, Colwyn Bay. _22766p T LANRWST.—To Let, Bod Ynyr, command- -Lj ing an extensive view of the beautifu) Vate of Conway and the Carnarvonshire Hilla; containing two Sitting and five Bedrooms, with usual Omces, and good Garden; immediate posaeaaion.—Roberta, Cae Melwr, Hanrwst. ?LD COLWYN ?-"ALFRED COY. House ?-? Agent. State requiromenta Stamp for reply. 22072p ??N the Mold and Denbigh Mne, beautifully ?? situated House, two Sitting, six Bedrooms, and Bathroom; with Stabte, Coach-houae, Orchard, and weli-stocked Garden. Rent moderate.—Addre&s, "A.F. "Pioneer" Omce, Cotwyn Bay. u_- 25554p T?ENT FREE.—ToLet?T?ommodious Un- -<L? furniahed House in the country, for six months, to a Church family with children of school age. Appiy, "X.Y.Z. "Chronicle" OfBco, Bangor. 4418o LET, from 25th March next. Apartment -*L House, known as Hawarden House." For particulars apply to R. E. Birch, F.S.I., Wynnstay Chambers, Colwyn Bay. 2292p 1,ET, Seini-detached Dwelling-house, JL Min-y-Don, Newry Fawr, Hoiyhead, con- taining two Reception-rooms, two Kitchens, Pantry, five Bedrooms, Bath, W.C., and Green- house. Few yards from Beach.—Mra Hates, South House. Holyhead. 4296c HOUSES WANTEO. DETACHED FURNISHED RESIDENCE -M-J' Wanted, three Sitting and eight Bedrooms, must bo in pleasant and sunny situation, and within easy reach of a Station.—J. M. Porter and Eloock, The Estate Omoe, Colwyn Bay. 23504p 100ARDING Establishment or Apa-rtment JD House Wanted; Furniture at valuation. Perkins and Co., Auctioneera, 16, Station-road, Colwyn Bay. Tel. 27. 23272p ECANWY NEIGHBOURHOOD. House -L? with Garden; about .850; March or June. — "W. 228, Great Ctowes-street, Higher Broughton, Manchester. 25441p K,ITANTED parties having Houses to I "at to send paj'ticulant, <H once, to Haetam. Ea- 'ate Agent. Rhy!. 't?'ANTED Cottage with targe Garden and TV Land for Pouitry, Coiwyn Bay or district. —Address, "A.L. "Pioneer" Omce, Colwyn Bay. _25571p ?tT'ANTED to rent, immediate)y, four or five- roomed Cottage, situated on sandy eoi! in neighbourhood of Dee or Ctwyd. Address, J. "Chronicle" OfEce, Bangor.4507c HOUSES TO LET OR SOLD. t?OR SALE, Wynnstay-road, O'd Cotwyn, Semi- Detached House, known as "Eitbeck;" containing seven Rooms, Bath and H. and C. Water. For particulars appty to Mr John Hughes, "Hawarden Villa," Wynnstay-road. o _25458p To BE LET OR SOLD—Ang!eaey—beautifu')y J- situated House, known aa Park Gtas. Dw;. ran. with good Garden.—Apply on the rremi'ea. nr?O BE LET or SOLD, splendidly situated JL Detached Hou?e. facing woods: contajna two Sitting, five Bedrooms, usua) OSiccs. Rent B45.—For particulars, apply, A. G. Pugh. Char- tered Accountant, Wynnstay-road, Colwyn Bay. _2M12p I TO BE LET. I TORTII-WESTERN HOTEL MEWS," at N the rear of the North-Western Hotel, LIan- dudno, now in too tenancy of the Handudno Carria-ge Co., Ltd., to be Let, as from March 25th, 1909, next.—Apply, Fitzsimmons, Ltd., 121, Mostyn-street.Uandudno.534d_ DORTIONS of South Snowdon Wharf, Port- I- madoc, to be Let.—Appty, Ri)ey, Garth Cottage. Portmadoo. p WAREHOUSE to be Let in Frondeg-street, 't immediate possession.—Apply to Miaa Ro- berta, Tan-y-Mount. Bangor.4254o ROOMS TO LET. COLWYN BAY.—Unfurnished Rooma to Let C for Offices or Apartments on ground and second noors of 2, Llewelyn-road.—Apply, W. Hodgkins Rent moderate. 23054p ROOMS WAMTED. TfADY Wants Unfurnished Rooms: Sea View; L attendance, permanency, moderate, Pen- maenmawr preferred.—"B.C. "Pioneer" Omce, Colwyn Bay. 23485p OFFtCES, SHOPS, &c., WANTED. SHOP PREMISÈS in Moatyn stroet Wanted, ? good frontage.—Apply, Da-tton, 65, WeUing- ton-street West, Manchester.P OFFtCES. SWOPS. &c., TO LET. TjTXCELLENT SUITE OF OFFICES.—Beat JL'J Business situation in town, comprising five rooma and u.sua! conveniences, together or separately aa desired; good yard in rear.—Apply, J. M. PortM- and Etcock, The Estate Omce, Cot- wyn Bay. 23503p A SHOP to Let in the beat thoroughfare in ?L L!anrwat, auitabio for a Butcher or any other Trade. Apply, "Pioneer" Office, Han- rwst. tirOUSE and SHOP to Let in CotwyM Bay. JLB- —Apply, E. B. Joneo and Co., Rhy). ?_ _25453p ft?O LET, targa Room over Wrtg!ey's Shop, Penrhyn-road; auitabte tor Dreaamaker.— Appty, F. Wrigtey, Colwyn Bay. 23402p HORSES. CARRIAGES.. &c. i T?OR SALE, Landau, equai to new; tight ? JL' roomy; rubbar t?res. J. Roberts ar?d SoOf Buitders.—Apply. "698." "Directory" and "Pio- neer" C6MM, Liazidudno. ¡ T?OR SALE. vc-ry?ight Rubber-tyred Broughtt JL' and Dog Cart, equal to new; atao styh?** t Victoria, two Dog Cartè, Governess Car, t Phaeton, Farmer's Cart, and Porter's Cart, nelfit and second-hand Ftoats, Hand.Cart.; and Wheels barrows; also targe Town 'Buo, suitable ? Caravan or Summer Houae. Cash or Ea? Terms.—Francis and Sons, Coach Builders, Co** wyn Bay. p?. OR SALE, excellent Pony Turn-out, Go; JL' nesa Car; rubber tyres, harness sitvef mounted (as new); Pony, l3 hands, aound, fastul t chesnut.—Rev. H. J. Morgan, Beaumaris. t 42810 UNERAL STOCK. Socood-HMd Heara<< f". Jt' jMO. 20 new patterns. Landaua ;9406 HassonM .S20. Brakes, easy terms Catt* r togues. Maraton\, Bradfordetreet. BirmidgbaØlo.. t ON SALE, light Landau, in good workin% ?-? order: also a good Basket Carriage, eqt"* to new; cheap.—Roberts, Eiai Cottage, Bettws/' ? coed. 6654c! STRONG MARKET CAR on Sate App'Y' S Groom, Maetog HoI, Rhosneig: ALL SIZES A-ND PRICES TO UIT ALL CUSTOMERS. TJORSES, COBS. PO.NIES. tVAGON? ?-? CARTS. Fto<Hs. Trapa. IIa.rncee. etc., ? 8a4 Hu'e. or Exob&nge, tor Ca&h or Credi" I The gre<Lt advantage of this M that horses, otc-t unlike other thir6 on easy payments, earn tb* pay-w-ents for which you get ore<!it as you go 0"* t It ia great economy even to buyers for they avoid ma.ny ri&ks, and have ftur trials witb view to purch-a&e. Buyerb should see th?&e; th? ? M a.n oLd eet?bUehed place with a good a.?&o?* ment on hajid, and doft not adv&rtiae seJlinl under vartoua pretexts.—P&rk&r Wood, 22 ana 24, VfnudLall-road, Liverpood. Telephone: 02M CeDAm)- 6756 =- HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE. -.A { rp0 TAILORS, DRAPERS, etc.—For Sa!<t JL Gianbeuno, Dwyran, Anglesey; Freebot? Shop and Dwelling Houdo, with out-buildingf and garden. Possession in May next.—Appiy tI1 W. Owon, 104, Hey worth-street, Livetpoot. 42 FARMS WANTED. Y?rANTED smaJl Holding with HouM aJ? nv< of aix Aorea of Lfmd in ?JoftB \Vaies. Rent or Purchase.—P&rUcuiars to Hat" tajn. Lajid Agent. 1?,.hyl. Pd FARMS TO LET. QARN'FABAN.—ToY.et, from Februar Y-I t s next, neat Farm House, suitable for smaJ' famUy, ten minutes' walk from Llanfair P.G' Station; good kitchen garden; tidy ground.}. Appty to Thos. Roberta, Aber, Banger. 4277a _<217o, ? ? POULTRY. Ercs. mc. t?GGS. — Wanted suppttes daily of new tat<! Jt'? aggs. — Communicate ditect to Joseph Carson, Shamrock-terrace, Mar)-ta.ne, Deganwy* Attends Conway Market every Friday. 22903p T?GGS WANTED.—Suppiies of New-taid Egg? JLJ Wanted, daiiy. a.[so. Poultry; be?t priced given.—Joseph Carson, Deganwy. 22903p 'E10R SAtJE. cheap, severaJ White Wyandotte* JL' and Black Leghorn.—Rev. 0. Kymn Wit* Hams. DangwyHog. 6555c) ir OOK'—To Poukry-keepcra, String Netting' JLj waterproof, lin. mesh, 50yds. by Ivd.* 2a 6d; 50yds. by 2y(L- 5.s; 50ycls. by 5yd. 7s 6d: 50yda. by 4yds., 10s; sent any width or tpngtb' —H. Robinaon and Co., Net Works, Rye, Sussex' 23586p_ HITE LEGHORNS.-2 Pens, 6 liens, Cock; Eaatwood's Prize Strain, last sea' son's: 2 guineas per pen. Atso. 2 Whit< WyaO' dotto Cockerels, ditto, lOa each.—App)y, Cae- rhun Farm, Talycafn. 23459.- =- ANTIQUES." R. S. JOHNSON, 4-, High Street, Conway. A large and varied collection of Old English and Welsh Furniture, China. Embroideries, etc., is now on view at the above newly-opened premises. Antique China nd Furniture Purchased. Repairs to Antique, Mahogany and Oak Furniture executed with care* FINANCIAI. NO PRELIMINARY FEES. MONEY LENT PRIVATEL1 In Large or SmaU Smae (not Ito* than £10), ON BORROWER'S OWN PRO- MtSSORY NOTC. ESTAbLISILED NEARLY FORTY YEARS and now lencbng UPWARDS of JB70.000 ANNUALLY. Far Proepectua and Terms, apply to GEORGE PAYNE & SON& 3, CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL. ? E6ta.bfu.hed 1870. 11628 r i TfMPORTANT NOTICE.—LOANS from JElO K -t. JC5000 granted, without delay, at any dis- tance, to IIousehotders, Tradesmen, PublicanS, Farmers, and all Classes, on periionat security? no Bondamen, no trouble, strictly private, !o? intereat, by foUowing Weekly. Monthly, aD<* Quarterly Repayments. JB10 Loan from 3* weoHy: B20 Loan from 5:1 weekly: JE!50 LoaC from 129 6d weekly; .E100 Loan from 25a weekly' Dea) with an Old-Estabtiahed Firm, where yo" can rety on straightforward Buainesa. Don't b4 misled by paying extortionate interest and hea? repayments above your meana. SAMUELS a0< CO., 5, JOHN DALTON ST.. MANCHESTER z CAPITALIST wilt advance any amount ? ? from 5? per cent, per annum, to parsed ontit!ed to Cash or Property at death of othefS* or to life incomea. Advice free. AddreSlt "A. G. "Pioneer" OSice, Cotwvn Bay. 23362p <—— TO LADIES ? trregu?hties, 8upptesaiot!i<, etc., ?em??? by an t entirely new and olutely c<- ??i method M without Medicine. Nu pi!!s, mixtures, t aauseoua drugs to t.i. No uaeleax ? The greatest discovery of Mcdern Medi -i N Science. Guaranteed harmtesa. It it poei. t Mfe. certain, and epeedy. A)oes not mte. re with household dudes. ETery ease guaranteed. Do not experiment with useieM remedies S"nJ at once a stamped addrr .;ed envelope <ur full particular, and testimoniata guartntced Genuine under a penalty ot CI,000. Mra W. C. Brcottew, (), Ardgowaa Road. Hither Green, LONDON- (ESTABLISHED OVER 16 YEARS). ? r;jli.'ji'Æ!1i'i!ffiill"&i::1ln11ffi!íiJji'L'í1."í!Æl f g When Replying to AJverttM. ? I m<nt<. please mention ? S "THE PIONEER." Printed by the Proprietor.! of the "WELSII COAST PIONEER." and Published by th? at their Head Omcea: — Conw&y-road. C?. WYN BAY, in the COUNTY of DENBIGH and &t 63a. Moatyn-street. LLANDUDNO. T: the COUNTY of CARNARVON; "Pic-ri 0(Hce. High-street. RHYL; Centra) Buitc.'n?. Hich'str?t. PRESTATYN. in thf roUNT-" of FHat, Thursd&y, Jftauary 28, 1909. ?