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LLANDUDNO PIER. BOARD OF TRADE AND THE NEW WORKS. Mr Ptliiam, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trade, sat at the Board of Trade Olices en yesterday week to hear the app.;catK>n of tho Llandudno P&r Company, Limited, for a provisional order to e>.U?nu the pier and undertake certain otner works. Mr H. Lloyd, Mr Fitzgerald, and M/ HuichiiJson represented tho applicants, and tho application was opposed by the Llandudno TJrba.n District Council (represented by Mr R. Cleaso), by Lord jVlostvn (represented by Mr A. K Griffith), by the Lluidudno Grand Hotel Comtiany (represented by Mr Thornton Jones), bv the Llandudno Theatre Syndicate and bath- ing machine proprietors and boatmen (repre- sented by Mr E. E. Bone), and by the Liver- pool and North Wales Steamship Company (re- presented by its chairman, Mr H. Maciver). Mr Lloyd taid the pier was frequently over- crowded in the summer season, and steamship passenger* going to and from the boats wero greatly inconvenienced. The company sought powers to widen the pier and lav dowji a tiain- w;iy upon which to carry steamship passengers and their luggage. The foreshore on the southern side of flic pier—the side on which it was proposed to make the widcning-wa the property of tho Crown, and up to the pier it was let. on a yearly tenancy to the Urban District Council. Tho company sought power ,0v.f'T1^r upon that land by agreement, and tho Yvoods and Forests Commissioners had given their con- sent in writing, but. the Urban District Council objected. It would bo a. simple matter for the Commissioners to determine the tenancy of the Council, and then the company would no longer require the Council's consent. But there was an alternative phin—that the widening should be made on the northern side of the pier and carried down only to the entrance of tho old pre-lSSO pier. Part of the land on Una side tile company had acquired, and part was the property of the .Ecclesiastical Commissioner*, who did not object to the teheme. With regard to tramwayi?. the company already had powers, though thc had never been cxetvmed. It vac proposed, under the Provisional Order which was now w-Uvglit, to clot'-c at certain tiiDrc^ the ]antdwa.rd exton^ion of the pior the O'ruter oif 1380. That was the part of the on which the pavilinn stood. At pixy* ocr- eons who merely paid for admission to the pier —2nd before SIX o'clock and 6d after tix o CJOCK —had tho pleasure Otf the high-cla^e cntcirtain- ments given in the pavilion by remaining on the pier and gathering d.1f;c to the bunding. The intention was to cloee that portion of the pier d'urii>g pavilion, eii'tcrtaiirnienils a.nd leave open the old original pier, wlhich would add 28 feet to tho road leading to the end of the pier. Tho Order alto ankcd for powers to coin-tract and mainiain theatres, but that to be understood in the singular nuni'ber. sought also power to erect a generating t tat ion, and to supply elootric light and power to then tenants and to ottherf who paid them a rent chargo, lil¡ the Grand Hotel. GENERATING STATION EXCLUDED. Tho Afsiftant ScoreUry remarked that i; was a very t-t-ronjr nieatwo to propose to set up a .<'cnei-ajtin.g etatioii in oonneetion with li e p er works. 'The Piers and HarWurs Act of i,-61 did not cojitcanpJ'ii/t.o tJle nianufaci uro of tricity. Mr L!ov<l faid tho company hid aire,vt; set up a gei.'er.ating station to supply uie-a-fcoivep wiiiih electricity; but in reply 10 the A'hlant Secretary, he was EO! prepared to fay under wha-t auihority. The Assistant Secretary indiûaleJ 11nl Clauw 17 o'f t.he Provisional Orders of 18í6-1Lc iear- Cist au'thoritiy indicated—was not wuffieio'it, au! later he told objectors to the new Order that they need not trouble about the geno -it.ng tion.. Mi* Lloyd, in eenclusion, eaid if co.i.va,ny c:yul-d obtain power to widen the 011 the snuitihern eido tliey would ]>refer to do s<>. In.t if not, thev must go to t-ho northern sido. Jn answer to objector*, he f.aid it could be t. K- for granted that power net tougM 1o wuen on both sides. /-virvorr THE CASE FOR THE COL NCI L. Mr 'dense, for the Urban District Council, objected that the proposal to widen abridged the rights obtained by the Council under"their ov.n Acts, and 1 hey .had not given tlSr oUnt to such an abrio'gement, wlnoli consent was made neeessan by tlie liers a»d Harbours %t of 1851 before the present «»PP-'«- cation could succeed. 'The Council s tenancy o. foreshore fiwn the VVOJOS and i< ore^ Commissioners, though nominally from year to -IC.-J.I-, was in spirit perpetual. Ihe Council could only Le ousted by six monl-ns 110 ice at the end of the year, and he did not think that would ever be given. This second P »mt onlj affected tho proposal to widen the piN on the southern side, but the prejudice to the Counc-vi s statutory rights was equal wiiothor the widen. ing took plaeo on the eouthem side or the northern. .1\)>8 company had scheduled from three to five ao of land on the southern ide. But it had been tho practice ol the Hoard ot Trade not to confirni provisional orders aJlooting land without the consent, of 1.L.oso in wln the land was vested, and the Council not oonsent. Mr T. B. Farrington, civil engiteer, who lived in Llandudno for 30 years, was called t<> soeak to the need for an extension of too pier. OFFICIAL'S IMPRESSIONS Oh LLANDUDNO. OFFICIAL'S IMPRESSIONS OF LLANDUDNO. llhe Assistant Secretary said it had seemeu to him when he was at Llandudno, that the mer was not equal to the r< qur.ements of the town. Incidentally Mr Pelham remarked that he had alwavs thought of Llandudno as having a winter season, because he remembered read- ing of Mr .Mm Bright, going there rcgu arJy in°t.hc winter.. The witness was cross-examined by Mr Bone upon the possibility of the Grand HoteJV view being obstructed by the orect.on at a theatre on the pier, but the witness said obstruction woukl not lie serious, as the hot.! tailored to a p»i«t at the seaward end, an tl'A windmvs there were few and unimportant, lio hearing of the application was adjourned Tl'i PROPOSED ^'WIDENING ESTIMATED TO COST £ 26,000. The inquiry was resumed to-day week. Mr John Webster, engineer to the Pier Com na.nv "-aid that the theatre would be- 112 feet wide by 74 feet.and it would bcoU feet in heigVn. Cro*s examined by Mr Clcase, who the order on behalf of the Urban District Conned, he said that to a certain extent the widening was the purposes of the theatre a.nd the t, am way. The witness did not see why. nct- v it branding the company's limited memoran- dum of association, thq company should not be given power to carry on the business' of licensed victuallers. Tho proposed widening of the pier vould cost £26,000, it was estimated.—By Mr Thornton (for the, Grand Hotel Company): The tramway would be an electric one, but there would not he overhead wires. Mr Fitzgerald (representing the Pier Com- pany) said it was agreed that tho Grand Hotel had the exclusive right, under covenant, to sup- ply refreshment, on the pier, and it was not in- tended to derogate from the under which that, right was enjoyed. Mr Fitzgerald also stated that in any event the tramwftywouJd stop at the old toll-gate. Captain Walter Hawthorne, of the Mersey Trading Company, expressed the opinion that the widening of the pier was necessary for the safety of steamboat passengers landed there, and it. was desirable that the widening should be on the southward side. Mr Cleasei, addressing the Assistant Secretary against, the order, called attention to the limited memorandum of association of the company, and said that nvinv of thu powers now sought would be ultra vires. The Urban District Coun- cil objected to the widening taking place on the south side of the pier, b..t they did vet mind if the company widened the by 30ft. from tho old toll-gate seaward, L was ad- mitted that the landward widening would only bo required for the purp-ses of the theatre whioh was not yet built. In their pleadings the company wit* that, the main object of the proposed widening was to facilitate the c'n- «true bio n of the tramway, but 11<IW it. was de- cided that the tramway should stop at tho old toll-gate. Mr S. Chant-rev. chairman of the Llanducmo Urban Council, said tlhat the Council had una- nimously decided to oppose the order. Ibey -would agree to a widening on the northern 8i( seaward frumthe old toll-gate. But they d)- jected to the closing of any part of t';e per at any time to the public, and they objected to the widening landward on either side. They objected also to the erection of furlher kio.-ks for tradespeople. Mr E. P. Stephenson, cngineer and surveyor to the Urbr«n Council, and Mr Thorn.;s Parry, waterman, also gave evitibi.ce against the order. Mr A. E. Griffith (f- r Lord Most,yn), t'.e tho hirgor t landowner in-the neighbourhood; associated hints-ell with the objections put for- ward by Mr ( lease. Mr Thorntton Jones called attention to the Company's covenant not to sell any re- freshments on the pier in competition with the Grind Hotel, and not to any further shops The Grand Hotel Company cbjec'ed to the closing of the pavilwi portion 01 the pier, which -would injure their restaurant, and they objected to the erection of It Theatre fifaward of the hotel, as that would obstnkt their view. Mr Fitzgerald, in replying, that pc was now instructed to ask for a seaward widening of the pier by 15 feet on either side, as they were desirous of meeting their opponents they would be willing to. ccoe-pt a diminished "widening at the landward end. They proposed to obviate the closing of the pavilion portion Off the pier by putting up a new toll-gate for the "twopenny" public and a temporary barrier during prohibited hours. The barrier would be removed immediately the pavilion concerts were over, and the access to the hotel restaurant ,oul<1 thênhe as open as lx>fo-rø. The inquiry then closed.





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