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Treherbert. The Sunday School anniversary in con- nection with Hope English Baptist Chapel, Treherbert, was held on Sunday and Mon- day last. The Sunday morning and after- noon services were devoted to the ren- dering of solos and recitations by the Sunday School members, and special anthems by the chapel choir. The even- ing service, was set aside for the rendering of a service of song, entitled Guide Home," which was given by the choir, under the leadership of Mr. W. David. On Monday afternoon, the annual tea was held, followed by an entertainment in the evening. All the services proved quite a success, and great praise is due to all who took part in the proceedings. On Thursday last, the 3rd inst., a grand concert, which was followed by a dance, took place at the Opera House, Treher- bert, under the auspices of the Treherbert Ambulance Corps (No. 1 Section). The chair for the evening was occupied by Mr. Ritson, M.E., Tydraw House, while Mr. H. Hughes, G. and L., Treherbert, and Mr. Reg. Share acted as accom- panists. The Chairman, in opening the proceedings, spoke in a very appropriate vein of the objects of ambulance corps and the necessity of having such an insti- tution in the district, where the work of the general public was so dangerous and liable to accidents. Appended are the items of the concert enjoyed by a large audience:—Comic song, Husbands," Mr. D. Hooper; solo, Mr. J. Selby; solo, Mr. Sam Price; comic song, "Latchkey," Mr. Jack Granfield (encored and respon- ded with On top of the Car ") j knock- about turn by Messrs. Hooper and Share; song, Mr. W. Evans; song, The Old Plaid Shawl," Miss A. Clarke (encored and responded with The Maid of Japan "); comic trio, Messrs. Granfield, Evans, and Price. The concert ter- minated with an exhibition of ambulance work. The dance, which commenced at 10.45, proved quite a success, there being present about 40 couples, who were under the supervision of Messrs. D. Richards and E. Thompson as M.C.'s. Mr. J. M. Ryan's Quadrille Band providing the music. Edison's Phonographs and Records. All the latest in stock at R. T. Jones's, Iron- monger, Sheffield House, Treherbert. 159




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