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^^JRUTHIN. • DENBIGHSHIRE ^CARTER SESSIONS. k k)l.J '1., TbO Epiphany Quarter Sessions of the ai*i5v A,°.r ^'e County of Denbigh, were held °D ^r^a5r> w^0n Captain Griffith- ttvon presided over a very large at- °f magistrates Gr&nji^T^' £ aQl Thomas was foreman of the THE CHARGE. chair ^.ls to the Grand Jury, the caj, I?aa said there were four cases on the avera!ar' somewhat below the the n 8 nutnber of prisoners for trial at 1A, Sessions. In 1899, somewhat 8esar f occurred. For three trrn-V8.1" 8Uccession, no prisoners were re- w'aij .'0r triai—a fact which he believed sej5i^Xfcu unprecedented. At the October jI unusually large number Uool8?ners were on trial. During the year Priso > 8 ^iiC^ been a certain number of "t° be'v6rs^or eac'a aeesioD, and they seemed year oe^Jl,i*n8 in about the same way this ^be vicissitudes of crime were, of alnnvt' 80Blewhat similar, and occurred in c°unties. One thing they were that"1 ;Perf,0ctly certain of, and that was DQiril "Ul r9CQnt statistics showed that the committed for trial, ^cd w -e ^bole the counties of England Uude-6s> and the number, of prisoners 11111C 19,(:lr); i i a Iservitide, were very af,0 1 £ ';niinished from what it was 20 years the' ^a's.Was a very satisfactory fact. At lar, aai6 time, there was nc doubt that the UIQ tr eseFcise by the magistrates of cer- powers at the Petty Sessions, ^Ur' ^new bad been very much ■sente aG<^ ^ie tendency to give shorter nultlkUces,'bad a tendency to diminish the persons undergoing punishment there 0Wiag for these matters, he thought the I' Was a fJ8riou3 diminution of crime in very ru ;try. It was to be hoped that the aU'f*t effort made to give education to Phila-HSes' &KC* fc'i0 e^'ort }lia^e by the c,d religious, agencies to in llty ^be principles of religion and mora- c°arsPlJllld. bave their effect, and that, in BiiRQ(;°* time, wo should see a further di- ^bo .4°n *n the number of those persons and tl?0tS 'ec^ away from a straight course, sort of°f5e Persons who seemed to make a profPti .'a^0 of crime, and might he called tiijjg. ^,10aal criminals. At thir, the begin- thicVj *?ew century, one could not help years IQg how different matters were 100 teaijL — in they could scarcely in M bov/ matters stood in regard to crime coQQt0se days. The population of the bm j..ry much smaller than it was now, yci lumber of criminals was very large, dl;-er Wa8.»t.iil more extraordinary, was the erj^i n<?B in the punishment meeted out to. sh'on*p U< these days, there was a lenig. Public opinion ia favour-of greater disa.,ny. towards felons, He was far from tbat°j ^'eflno with that view, and he thought "ib{v0riil6r days punishments were pro- ?^ik'Msevere- Almost all felonies were e*ec-}f i 9 w'tij death, and people were for cri mes which they would call to C,, i,, Y. He considered that Wltij (.Hption of crime occurring, along sli°\v \'e ^iminutioj) of severe punishments, II.di8:' I that these punishments were not goit^g ,°'e' Perhaps nowadays, they were be6n *° the other extreme. Remarks had extreJa^e &bout prisoners being made so <?ere ,Q!y comfortable., that some of them a.:i er^L1^ to be there. He thought it was ren3«mh °n ti:ie r^'bt side, but they mast they r, ^bat if people committed crimes, ftUij (nU,8t: be punished. The vice-chair that | Mesharn) had just reminded him '•year 1772, two men were hanged That v^ln *or stealing plate at PI as Bennett. PUQI^8 a crime which now would be -ft v»as Vl'^b a few months imprisonment. presi,j j0w SO years to the day since he first S* inV*. these Quarter Sessions, and %ere.n time, they could see & great °Pifci0j!Ce *u punishments, and now public ^bic^ .ould not saiiction the sentence ftef^H^S^t bave been given 20 years ago. to the calendar, the chairman ^er> htifi Cases were ail of a simple charac- 1 ^nh TXv°uld present little difficulty to the 1 THE NEW MAGISTRATES. 9?-^°wIQg- gentlemen took the oath, 1)^ aT1°9c^ as magistrates for the county: ftothj'\ Medwyn Hu«hes (Mayor of vr* W n Sampson Mitchel, Minera ^r- J '(Vyp-Ugbes., Fennant, Raabon, and Davies, Plas yn Rhos, liuabon. VISITING COMMITTEE. ^bairia^e Motion of Col. Mesham (the vice ,veso seconded by Mr. Thos. Williams, !8 elect ^'be following were unanimously to act as visiting justices to Her ^PiphB^8 ^Pfison at Ruthin until the tell, N- 1902 :-The Lord Lien. n'bjf T> Cornwallis West). Rev. Chan- !JaPtain o .e'ey Jones, Mr. G. F. Denton, r[r.j-,? ^oie, and Mr. George Blezard. CoiS^ASrDlNa JOINT COMMITTEE. potts moved, and Mr. Algernon and it was unanimously >to re'Ulafc the following be ve-appoint- p°i»t or the court on the Standing T)lai^tee of the county-.— Captain fe^el Ascawe°. Mr. W. I). W. Griffith, -p^'bur Mesham, Colonel T. A. fV^'iarn~' ^ai\d8J Sir William Grenville ^ca;V)l!. James Darlington, Mr. J. 1^° e' o;}lll9r. E- Egeriion, Captain 7^. Sir y*pSV Qr%fion' E1,is> CaI)tain o v'as >x' J0,168 iarry- n • MPRVu 0 rt'soK'ed, on the motion of the; ari1' se9onded by Mr. U. V. Kyrke, kt appointment be for three years. cLERGY DISCIPLINE ACT, The se„ 1892. ^Jr for business was to elect an asses- I110 Place'r\ plu'P°ses of the above Act, in iate Mr. J. R. Burton, de- -be ir^ to eh^!r?an explained that the court a8istr&tPJ a pet'iod of three years, five hC^> as thn act as assessors under this Cae ^ieCes whole of the county was within er88?ry to h° ^iaaI-)b- It was also ne tifCCec*> arrt'^T6 ^be consent of the persons \v,8l)1 to n .erefore it would be well for t^8iPrese.)}JPlluate some magistrate that sit nlyon!n C0UI,fc that day, He believed '\|lllCe t,he8Aa'SSeSkSOt' had been reo uired to *iim ^ttilfv °fc came t0 operation, C.-n 8 secnr J rPoved. and Mr. Wynne Ed- 'a0u3S J0i i1 the appointment of Mr. 0.An aiae ^8°u. ^r. Thfj?ent 'n favour of the election ilr Xby Sir1 W n Hva;T1H (Llewesog), was wfQohnt Hooe^a. 1 sec0Dded by wo!!ri,w^bdrew his name, and Mr. XiXYgn eu unaninvously elected. nOG the SIGN OF A FOOTPATH. ]«-;bp°^t *c»fcioQ of Mr. Trevor Lloyd, l;nde^/>°°tPPth?°V6 ^be diversion of a Pc»weT.!U tbe Par'sh of Abergele, COc'taisied in the London Western Railway (Wales) Act,


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