Business Addresses. P. E. GANE, (LATE TRAPNELL AND GANE), Inexpensive and Artistic House Furnisher. Bedstead and Pure < Bedding Manufacturers, no la complete with <00/O Bedding. I' l' I' Sanitary Bedstead, Woven Wire Mattreis and Wool Mattress, complete, 23/6 One Hundred Dining, Drawing, and Bedroom Suites Always in Stock and Ready for Delivery. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID. SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUES. i*. it^ne (LATE TRAPNELL AND GANE), 38 and 41, Queen St., CARDIFF Public Amusements. HOYAL GLANCE THEATRE, PONTYPRIDD. Sole Lessee and Manager Mr. MILTON BODE. Business Manager Mr. WALTER BELLI AN. Ear.ter Monday, March 31s 1002, For Six Nights Only. Afternoon Performance on Easter Mofmy st 2.30. Door.) open at 2. first. Visit; of Mi-s Maud Hilyard's Cv, m the Emotioiiall Drama, in four Acts entitled— A BEAUTIFUL FIEND. PrieM of Admission: Dress Circls, b; Sid. Circle, is. 6d.; Pit. It.; Gdlery, fld. Doors open at 7.15; early doors, T: Commence, 7.45. Stats may Its booked at Messrs B. l. Heath and Sons, Musis Warehouse, Taff strest (sear Post Office). SPBCIAL NOTICB.—Children in arms not admitted. No Money returned. No smoking allowed. Pats-oat checks not transferable. Tradesmen are respectfully requested not to -pply any goods without a written order signed by the Manager. Monday, Ape: 7th, BRAVE HEARTS. "IS a not in mortals to command success, but we'll do more-deserve it.Emerson. THE CARDIFF EMPIRE QUEEN-STREET. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT. NQ PERFORMANCES ON GoOD FRIDAY. WILKIE BARD. Comedian, of the Bristol Prince's Theatre Pantomime. "THE DESERTER," a Whimsical Musical Absurdity by WILLI A if WALTON AND COMPANY. IUSS SYRIA LA MONTE, The Australian ? Opcraitic Singer. 4-' .:1.- LES FRASETTrS. Violin, Harp, and Xylophone Soloists. THE PAOLIS. l Bccentiie Comic Acrobatic Art, and their Wonderful Trained Dog, from the Empire. .Leicester-square. SISTERS ASHER AND LITTLE MIKE In Specialities. JAMES GRANT, Vocal Comedian. NELLIE STRATTON, Comedienne. ¡ WALTEK BELLONINI, tbt- Marvellous Juggler. Happ). Fanny Fields is coming. Bicycles Stored Free of Charge. Two Performances Nightly. Early One be, fcweeri 7 o'cl^k and 9; liaie One between 9 o'clock and 11. Bar Office Open Daily (with exception of Saturdays) at the Empire Offices. 11 a.m. to 4 )p.)m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m. to Plan of Grand Circle. N-,i Booking Fees. Tdephone No. 626. It. Public Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Sepa- rate Building named Tabernacle, situated air, Margaret Street, Abercynan. in the Civil PARISH OF LLANWONNO. in the COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN, in the Registration Dis- trict of PonLypridd, being a Bttiking certified according to law as a Place of Moating for tttaEgious Worship, was on the 22cd day of March, 1902, duly Registered for Solemnizing Marriages chore hi, pursuant ta the Act of 6th o-md 7tb, Wm. IV., C. 85. Witness m) band this 26th fiav of March. 1902. WH. SPICKEFT, Superintendent Registrar. ROYAL AJAX CYCLES. From 10/ per Month. i A Write for Illustrated VKICB LfST. post !'«•«. BRITISH CVCLK M* i U-1. (1901) Ltl. (V.Q. TJefit.), 4A, Kverton road, Liver- pool. (HstaHishwl L-87) 1 » BIRTHS, MABRtAGBS. JLND DEATHS. Notices of Births and Deaths appearing finder this heading are charged at. a minimum rate of is. for 30 words, and 6d. for each addi- tional ten words. Notices of Marriages are charged at the rate of 2s. 6d. for 30 words, and b. for each additional ten words. All notices must be authenicated by the name and address ot the sendsr. .>v la Memoriaro Notices are chergsd at the same asDeaths. Stamps may be sent ia prs-payment io the .■•v „ MANAGER, «-• <<tSir»«iole" 'i Tsff afcrest. Potrtyjw-iW. I Election Addresses. PONTYPRIDD URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS I OF THE RHONDDA WARD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,- As the retiring member for your Ward, I beg to offer myself for re-election. Having taken an active part in the Coun- cil's work during the past eight years, I ven- ture to suggest that I aim specially qualified to repreaent 0 you for a further period. As the town increases in importance the duties of the Council become more and more important, and those of the next three years will un- doubtedly entail special care. As you are aware, the Council have before them exten- sive schemes for Electric Lighting, Tram- ways, Road Widening, and Disposal of House Refuse. Whilst these are well on their way towards successful realisation, they will entail further negotiation and work both locally and in Parliament of no easy character. Ponty pridd cannot lag behind in the struggle for .9 improved conditions and facilities, and should you favour me with re-election, it would be my endeavour to attain the objects in view, in the manner mo* likely to prove of ad- vantage to the general body of ratepayers. Being directly connected with the largest ratepaying undertaking in your district, it is reasonable that this should have some con- sideration, and whilst thanking you for the confidence you have in the past extended to i me, I trust you will again see your way to renew this. and return me as one of your members. Yours faithfully, t HUGH BRAMWELL, Pontypridd, March HAD, 1902. r Invigorating. Stimulating. SYMINGTON'Si EDINBURGH* COFFEE ESSENCES. No Worry. No Waste. A. HARVEY, HIGH' CLASS TICKET WRITER, 128, Qoeen-afcreet, Cardiff (2nd floor). ARTISTIC WINDOW FOSTERS A SPECIALITY. 647L E. T. DAVIES, THB AUCTION ROOMS, MARKET SQUARE, PONTYPRIDD Sales of FttnT.ture every Wednesday at One n»< k and on Saturday evenings at Six pm. C *f»h advanced on gootf consign^ fM- poehive «» Why are QUADRANTS so POPULAR? Ask anyone of the thousands of riders of Quadrants, and you will be told that ror [ durability, finish and material they cannot be beaten. 1_' Illustrated list of Cycles and Motor Cycles, post free. f c I 'OJ;, Easy Payments Arranged. Fully Guaranteed. Built to order. From JE10 10s. Od. Makers,-THE QUADRANT CYCLE CO., LTD., Government Contractors, 35, CASTLE STREET (Next door to Angel Hotel), CARDIFF. CARDIFF STEEPLECHASES & HURDLE RACES. EASTER MONDAY and TUESDAY, 31st March, and 1st April, 1902. SIX RACES EACH DAY. EXCELLENT ENTRIES. Cheap Trains from aU Parts. c571 p f Quality Perfect -j <t j If j: As always. J. 0.0 -.sV'- "v' DALICIOUS I "Medova" Fresh Butter r-' v „ • •" i v' w.. v.; A>r:i ■ (Each lb. in a Cardboard Box), also \-t, rz- .1 ,'1'. "Maypole" Dairy Butter Quality perfect as always; i: i "• • ONLY 1/1 per lb. MAYPOLE DAIRY CO., LD., 83a» TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD. —.A' •' v■ *■ ■■■ LOCAL. ADDRESSES— ABERDARE—47, Commercial Street. BARRY DOCK-54, Holton Road. CARDIFF—1, Bute Street.. < —^3, Clifton Street. „ -2, High Street Arcade. OOWLAIS—40, Upper Union Street. FERNDALE—62, Dmffryn Street. LLANEI,LY-42. Stepney twreet. MERTHYRTYDFIL—55, High Street. MOUNTAIN ASH1—48, Oxford Road. SWANSEA—209, High Street. 351 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM. 4528 .1..J.0 ). Wh7rWORr OC% Rudge-Whitworth Cycles The neatest and most perfectly designed Bicycles made. They will be largely 0 ridden by local crack i-iders this season, ° South Wales Depot—108, St. Mary St., Cardiff Local Agent,-Pontypridd, Mr D. Hunt; Ystrad and Llwynvpia. Timothy and Son; Ferndale, Mr W R. Dayies. J ¡.If t.. THE CENTRAL UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY, 7, MGKGAff'S (NSW) ARCADB, CARDIFF. fif Hi A Grand Selection of Umbrellas and Wal^iqg Sticks FOR PRBSDNTS. V Al B R E L LIA S .Re-Cov«red from 2/G. THREE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Have J6120, R.300 and JB800 to invest m HOUSE PROPERTY. Mortgages in Glamorgan or Monmouthshire. LOW INTEREST. Money not called in for several years. Write Mr PHILLIPS, i Diana >~creet, Cardiff. 6490. ALEXANDRA* HIPPODROME, TONY PANDY. Manager: Mr LANCE LIN WOO 1: GREATER SUCCESS THAN EVER. Open every evening with the Highest Class Entertainment aviila^ile in the United Kingdom- Every item on the rpgoamxne thoroughly r- fined. Fun without Vulgarity. Papular Prices:-See Bills for Mf/nstre At tractions for Easter. THE WINNING NUMBERS Of Prize Drawing to Thomas Griffiths, 48, James Street, Mardy. 3875, 448, 2701, 3442, 2452, 52, 2456, 2605, 336, 830, 691, 4493, 2473, 2428, 4533. 2279, 2175, 228, 673. 1125, 1156, 661, 1060, 3883, 553, 61, 22f», 3961. 555. 1289, 587, 750,4248, 3445; 2170. 736. °, OUR "Ironclad" Model Piano, UPRIGHT GRAND OVERSTRUNG. Toae Rich and Equal. Touch Perfect and unfailing. For Prompt Cash, £ 28 (Carriage Paid) or may be had on extended payment system for a smalj sum monthly. Catalogues Post Free. Dale, Forty & Co PIANO A ORGAN KERCIW" HIGH S T R E E CARDIFF. Alao at Cheltenham, Birmingham, tee. j "h ADVERTISE iir fff* C H R 0 N 1C L B ftIJI UMmaAT papsr. v'' Pablic Notices. MESSRS ARTHUR CARLTON AND SAM DUCKWORTH'S RHONDDA THEATRES. Open Every Evening with the highest class Companies in the United Kingdom. EASTER HOLIDAYS. MONDAY, MARCH 31, and during the week, I Ike Gdgantic Success, "-A SISTER'S SIN," One cf the most powerful Companies travel- ling. A brilliantly staged drama, admirably acted. Popular Prices: 8d to 2s 6d. Doors open at 7.15; commence 7.45. Early Doors to all parts at 6.45, 3d. extra. NEW LYCEUM THEATRE, PENTRE. The Prettiest Theatre in Wales. Vide the Press. Resident Acting Manager, Mr B. O. Eschle. ANOTHER BIG ATTRACTION FOR EASTER. MONDAY, MARCH 31, and during the week, Mr Charles March's No. 1 Company in the a gnificent French drama, "THE GAMESTER OF METZ-' Popular Prices: 6d, Is, Is 6d, and 2s. Doora open at 7.15, commence 'l.'tV. Early Doors at 6.4 to all parts, extra. IMPORTANT NOTICE. TO THE TRADERS OF MERTHYR, ABER- DARE, RHONDDA, AND TAFF VALLEYS. REGULAR SERVICE of STEAMERS be- tween the PORTS of BRISTOL and CAR- DIFF has been commenced bv Mr JOHN LEYSHON, of PONTYPRIDD", and arrange ments have been made with the Railway and Canal Companies that Goods shall bo carried at THROUGH RATES to the various DE- POTS on the TAFF VALE RAILWAY and the CANAL COMPANIES SYSTEMS. The Services of Mr T. Thomas, who was for several years Manager of the late John Davies's Carrying Business, have been secured and with the advantage of his experience, together with Mr John Leyshon's unremit- ting attention to the Freighters' wishes, it is earnestly desired that they will accord him their kind patronage and support. It is par- ticularly and respectfully requested that when ORDERING GOODS from BRISTOL that Freighters should state "PER LEYSHON'S STEAMERS." For further Particulars please apply to No. 18, High Street. Pomtypridd; Peace's Wharf, Canal Parade, Cardiff; or No. 7, Welsh Back Bristol. Nat. Tel. Cardiff, 637. Bristol, 850. 6495 If you wish to spend an enjoyable Easter Monday, arrange to visit CARMARTHEN PARK, Situated in one of the most delightful spots in beautiful Wales. VISIT OF THE WORLD'S WONDERS, The Most Novel and Start-ling Attractions ever Brought intw Wales. We Continue to Lead; Others Simply Follow. GRAND CYCLE RACE MEETING, Under N.C.U. Rules, and PROFESSIONAL FOOT RACES, ON EASTER-MONDAY, MARCH 31st, On the. celebrated Cement Racing Track i-9 Carmarthen Park. Acknowledged to be the Finest and Fastest Racing Track in the United Kingdom. Nejmrly JE100 in Prizes. 30 Guineas Challenge Cup. The Champions and Record-Holders of ths Kingdom will Compete, including Ingram, Reed, Holloway, Baker, etc. The Committee have also engaged, at Enor- mous Expense, the World-Famed I PRGVEANIC TROUPE OF TRICK CY- CLISTS (Seven in Number). The most Sensational and Daring Cycle Per- formers in the World. Their Performances are indescribable. Also a ANIMATA. The Beautiful Queen of the Globe, who will ascend a lofty spiral Staircase whilst enclosed in a Monstre Globe. One of the Marvels of the New Centurv. Must be seen to be believed. See illustrated posters. The celebrated Battalion Rural of th 1st V.B. Welsh Regiment will also bo attendance, and perform a choice Programme of Dance and other Music. A GRAND VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT Will be hèlcl at the Assembly Rooms in the ■ Evening. wu CHEAP EXCURSION TRAINS FROM ALL PARTS of Glamonganishirq and Monmoulthghire on the Great Western RaJtwuv, L. and N.W., Taff Vole, Rhondda and Swansea Bay, and Manchester and Mil-ford Railways. See Rail- Taff Vole, Rhondda and Swansea Bay, and Manchester and Milford Railways. See Rail- way Bills. A. J. JONES, Secretary, Carmarthen House, Caj-mafthen. C. HAYDN WILLIAMS, Hon. Sec. J NOTICE. Robert Cresswells, Bapt-isi, Square, JUaen- Hsettem., Ferndale. PRIZE DRAWING. Tiio above Drawing has been postponed from March 17th, 1902, St. Patrick's Day, to Monday, April 28rd, 1902. The will be very grateful to all that have hadt Books to sell, if they will return all Moneys, Duplicates, and Unsold Tickets, to the Treasurer or Secre- tary, an or before the 17th day of April, 1902. J. LEWIS, Secretary, MR WM. ATKINS- PRIZE DRAWING. WINNING NUMBERS. 1536, 432, 632, M40, 602, 734, 7, 2008, 2860, 2012, 310. 1866, 1137, 1554, 754 2879, 1010, 1623, 46, 2902, 2871, 1258, 1684, 127. 363, 2492, 1623, 46, 2902. 2871, l258, 1684, 127. 363, 2492, 2215, 2495. 1136, 2Q7S, 1785, 1179, 129, 2109, 523, 315, 328, 533. TO ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS. A RCBIBALD D. D AW.NAY AND SONS (LIMITED), "TALES & WEST OF tjgNGLAND GJRD8R WORKt-I, KAST MOORS, £ JARDIPK 8TEEL JOISTS, FLITCH PLATES, ANGLES, TEES, CBANNEL8, CONSTRUCTIONAL gTEELWC«K. BRIDGES, ROOFS, PIERS, PITHEAD STAGES. FIRE. PROOF jpLOORSv Tdegrsuns: DAWNAY, CARDIFF. National Telephone: Cardiff 694. rjlHE fJULLERMAN (JIRKATMKNT. BY TUB LOCAL APPLICATION OF SUPERHEATED DRY AIR, FOR THE CURE OF RHEUMATIC GOUT, GOUTY AND RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, STIFF JOINTS, NEURITIS, ANJSMIA. This method of treatment is so efficacious that the most helpless case need not despair. By its aid patillut by ordinary meana have the we of their limibs restored to them, and are en- abled to return to work. even when all hope of ever again doang so has been abandoned. Pain is permanently removed, sleep and appe- tite recovered, and in most cases a perfect cure in established. Arrangements are now mnpleted at the Cardiff Branch Institute for the administering the treatment to Private Patients at 9. MOIRA-TERRACE. CARDIFF wtere oil inquiries '*». to fee*,Me i.3 be <LRE»«89 R' U.U-.VI" Pablic Notices (Continued). THE GREAT TEMPERANCE CRUSADE AMONG THE CHURCHES. TENNYSON SMITH Will (D.V. conduct a GOSPEL TEMPERANCE MISSION, In TREORCHY, J from Tuesday, April 5th, to Monday, April 14th. The Meetings will be held in the various Chapels. See Further Announcements. T. C. PALMER'S S PRING jpARCEL OF tilolooo L NOW COMPLETE. GENTLEMANLY WORSTEDS, ELEGANT CHEVIOTS, NEAT AND SMART TWEEDS, FAST DYED BLACKS and BLUES. 1902 DESIGNS IN TROUSERINGS. COMPRISE THIS GIGANTIC PARCEL OF WOOLLENS. GOODS BOUGHT IN BEST MARKETS. VALUE AND STYLE GUARANTEED. CUTTERS WHO CAN FIT. WORKMEN WHO KNOW THEIR TRADE ARE THE FOUNDATION STONES OF T. C. PALMER'S SUCCESS. !?- PRICE LIST. To Mesure. £ s. SCOTCH TWEED SUIT 2 2 GREY WORSTED SUIT 2 2 NONPAREIL SERGE SUIT 2 2 WEST TWEED SUIT 2 10 WATERPROOF RACrLAN 1 15 BLACK AND WHITE TWEED SUIT 2 2 LATEST STRIPE SUIT 2 2 BEST FROCK SUIT 3 3 SUPERIOR WORSTED TROUSERS 0 IS LOCAL BRANCHES— 66,. Q UEEN-STREET, C ARDIFF And 35, CASTLS-STRBST, SWANSEA. Branches— 1. Gold-street, Northahmpton. 7, Guildhall-hill, Norwich. 21, Whibefriargate, Hull. 3, Friargate, Preston. 109 and 111, St. James-street, Burnley. CAERPHILLY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECT ION. I beg to offer my sincere thaiiks for v .ur contIDuedi confidence. I look upon the absence of opposition as proof of generous recogivtioii of the Council s difficulties. I trust that t3ie interest you have man! fested in the management of loca1 affa. \t "f not be allowed U> subside, having regarl to the importance of the matters now b'in^ dea't -wfith. Yours truly; WtLBIAM THOMAS, Manchester House, Caerphilly, March 25bh, 1902. i- — PORTH TOWN HALL. Directors aiid Owners—Messrs. Poole Brot. ITssidence Manager —— Mr E. Pryce. GRAND SUCCESS: TREMENDOUS RECEPTION. By Desire of manv of the Inhabitants TWO SPECIAL REPRESENTATIONS on GOOD FRIDAY of the beautiful and pathetic story "DRIVEN FPjOiM HOME," B^ J. K. Murray «k1' Miss Emclie Dawson's Special. Company. Afternoon at 2:30, open 2 o'c'oek; Evening at 7.30, open 7. Also on Saturday at 7.30. Groat Attractions for the Easter Holidays! TWO PERFORMANCES EASTER-MONDAY At 2.30 a.nd 7.30, and, Every Evening during, the week, of F. A. Scadonxore's Great Drama "DANGEROUS WOMEN," One of the Best Plays touring. These Day Performances are specially ar- rutged.for the many thousands who will not be ■working upon these-diays, and have nowfheve elae to go, more especiw&Iy should the weathar prove inclement. The Day Performances will bo, equal in every resjjjeet to those given at Admission: Reserved Stalls, 2s; Balcony Stalls, Is 6d; Stalls, ls; Balcony, 9d; Gallery, 6d. Half-time ait 9 o'clock. Balcony 8d; Stalls, 6d; Balcony Stalls, Is. Children under 10 Half-price to all parte- ex- cept 6d places. Early Doors, to avoid the crowd and with choice of Seats, open at 7, Seats can be backed at the Hall ,CiltL7 o I I OP -6" 41' I& I if or ED SUN I INSURANCE OFFICE. Sum insured in 1900 exceeded £ 450,000,000. For all particulars apply t<\> the folWin* Agents: PONTYPRIDBt: Mr W. 7d. Bodges, Metropolitan Bank. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, ACCmEKT & I)IS £ ASB (Small Pox, Scajlefc Fever, Typhoid, Wphttewa, &c.) Burglary and Fidelity Insurance. RAILWAY PASSE N GERS'ASS URA NOE 00, Established 1849. Claims paid £ 4,400,000. 64, Comhill, London, A. VIAN. Secretary. .(-'t. Agent: •; Mr, jfc. POST, 63, Gotte Iaim, SvaDflet, £ 30A Month can be made with £ io. For particulars address "Candrab," 154, Leadenhall Street, London. jlOl

Notes and Comments. Another Ptea. for an Accident. Hospital at Pontypridd.- Once more we are face to face with the T question of a hospital for accidents in Ponty- pridd, the tragedy at Hopkinstown, terrible in itself, again bringing into prominence the want of a proper institution to oope with oases of emergency. The majl who, to all appear- ances, was the victim to hie own rash adt, 1> ing alive, was taken to Dr Roberts' surgery, and had' his wounds dressed, from thence to the Pontypridd Police CJourt. Arrived there the sergeant was at a, loss what to do with him. He was not eligible for the Workhouse Infirm- i ary, and he bad to remain sitting on a bench in the charge room some houra until arrange- ments could be made for his reception at the Porth Cottage Hospital, where he -was taken in owing to tlio representations of Supt. Cole and the courtesy of Dr Ivor Davies. Without going into any further details, it will at once be seen tluait in matters of life and death no »' provision is made in the town whatever. How long is such a reproach to remain, in an im- v portant town which is described as, geophaphi- cally, the centre of the Rhondda. Valleys, it is difficult to say. An agicatkm has been on foots for years past, but beyond copious volumes of irresponsible verbiage the position is the aaiu" as 10 years ago. In this, as in other cases, the J public good is sacrificed to individual nterests. The farcictil termination of the last town's nrjeting is yet the laughing stock: of the BUT- rounding districts. Those wiho were astonished 1 .j at such an ouMrcrst. of loyaity, soon bad tho.-3| veil with which it was cloaked lifted from thelr4| eyes, and saw1 the shallowness and insincerity a of some in the room who acquiesced with the ] resolutions passed at the time, and afterwards repudiated them. So the hald schemes from j lime to time brought forward are allowed to j lapse, and even those most interested, the working .men of the locality, seem to havft vious efforts, have recognised it as a forlorn hope.

TONYPANDY Y.M.A. The I&lt meeting of the session was iiekf by the Young Men'sAssociation at their head- quarters on Friday evening. The meeting took the form of a Parliamentary debate, the Speaker being Distriot Councillor R. S. Grif- fiths, Clydach Vale. The first hour was devo- ted Ito questions, and afterwards the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer (Mr. Geo. Evans) intro- duced a Budget Bill. This had been splendid- ly .prepared, and a very animated discussion toob place, in which the following took part: Tgainst, Mr J. T. Lewis (leader of the Oppo- siton), Messrs J. Griffiths, W. J. Evans, D. Evans, R. J. Whittington, W. T. Griffiths, W. Prestwood. For, Mr Griff. Davies (leader of the House), Messrs R; R. Williams, J. Jones I. Di R. Rees. On the vote being taken the BiU wAs rejected by a small majority. The meet- ing was brought too, close by the singing of t 'Auld Lang Syne' and 'Hen Wlad fy Nhadau.*

CONCERT AT phnygraig. On i Saturday evenings a conoerlt was held by the Penygraig Philhaxmonio Choir, under the conductorship of Mr TV>m Ho wells. Tbf ehoir iuttjnd competang at an important Eis- teddfod to be held under the auspicas of Pis- gab Literary and Debating" Society, end its* chief objeot was to provide funds for this pur- pose. A spelndid programme had been ar- ranged, and in the absence of the appointed chairman, Mr 0.. Bbwtands wab elected as his substitute. The iterns were as follows: Songs, 'Chidreafe H)me,' Mia M. Benjamin; 'Gwali* Anwyl,' Mr R. Rolands; 'Perl fy Nwyfcon,* Mr D. Williams; cArm, arm, ye brave,' Mr .T. D. Evans; 'BugaiV Hafod y Cwm,' Mr JobQ. | Davies; duet, ligywel a Blodwen,' Miss M<; J Bonujamin and Mr B. Evans; 'Mae CymrvtBL,^ Barod,' Mr Daniel James and Mr D. Williams; song, rLlam y Cariadau,' Mw M. Benjamin; soug, '&y of Biscay,' Mr R. G. Jones; cl»r- us, 'Gwilthyn,' the choir (the tots piece ab-#1 the Eisteddfod)^ The acoompoaigt was Mr Dait R. James, who acquitted himself very aUy* The usual votes of thanks terminated a, very- enjoyable eveianp.

NOTICB TO CIUCKBT CLUB SBCRETARIBS. In view of the fotthacsnin^ cricket set-usM»» the E5ditor will be glad to receive particular*, j of club fisBlures, namta of officers appointed for the y-iar, and any other items of intereafc. concernieg the popular wwnroer game. SwA*^ commuRfcatioos to reach the office not laterJ than Tuesday for pablication the same wet

OLD FALSS TEKTJ* BOUGHT- jm )b.ny ladies and gentlemen have by the% | old or disused false teeth, whicb might ag. welt be turned into money. MeeBM R. D. and 4 B. Fraser, Ltd., Prinees Stroec, Ipswich (qt:aiX i 1853), buy old false tpetb. If you men y<mt. leeth to them they will lesmt yois by retwni at post the utanret valne; 'bI-, if preferred, t bGvlI will make you the best offea, and j teeth over for your reply. If refererme seca^fl oaty, appb to Messrs. Bacon «sd Co.. BsuJcew. 9 Ipswich. #

.9 BORWICKsI BAKING Th* II.1, Beat i I that 1. POWDER ".1 many can MI