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AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS, leso-i- 93J Taff Street, Pontypridd. JOHN EVANS & COMPANY HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR PURCHASES FOR THE COMING SEASONS ARE NOW COMPLETE, AND THAT THEY ARE NEW SHOWING A SHOW OF NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY, FEATHERS, FANCY BIRDS AND WINGS. Special attention has been given in the selection of the following :—Sealskin Mantles and Jackets, Itir Collarettes, Pelerines, Boas, Capes, Muffs, &c. Also Persian Limb and Feather Trimmings. Mantles ana Jackets in the newest styles. Dress Fabrics. Cheviots, Tweeds, Vigognes, Serges, Plais, Silks, Velvets, Plushes and Velveteens. Specialities in the Juvenile Department. Ladies' Outfitting, Tea Gowns, Morning Wraps, etc. Gloves, Ribbons, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Blankts, Curtains, Table Linens, Sheetings, &c. Down Quilts. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING UNDER COMPLETE MANAGEMENT. THE CAMBRIAN a Furnishing Co. NO. 27, THE HAYES, J<L CARDIFF, SUPPLY SOUND RELIABLE Furnitnre u. I III t p AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH. Feather Beds lis Splendid Bordered Ticks 31s 6.d Handsome Bedstead, With all Brass extendei Footrail 2f)8 6d. Spring Mattresses, Strong and well-made 118 6J Bassinetts Perambulator, With Rubber Tyred Wheels, and latest improvements, 27s. Cd. Well-made Parlour Suite, In Leather, £ i 19s 6d. Uur own make. Easy Chairs in Leather, ;12s lid. Our Goods are well-made. Oar Prices are the lowest. Call and see our goods, and II compare prices before Purchasing. We defy u Competition. Easy payments arranged to suit purchasers if required. AH g;xui-i Delivered Five within 5) mile NOT3 THE ADDRESS— The Cambrian Furnishing Co. 27, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. TRAPNELL & CANE, So & 38, Queen-street. CARDIFF, And NEWPORT & BRISTOL, Are now showing their GUINEA BEDSTEAD Full Size, Brass Rails, and Mounts and m WARRANTED FOR 1 YEAR We place an immense contract for these Bedsteads just before the rise, and our Retail Price is ACTUALLY LoWER than present Wholesale Rates. Special Showroom for Bedsteads OONTAINING OVELt 50 DESIGNS. < Sead for Illustrated Catalogue and also illustrations of the GUINEA BEDSTEAD I FOR DINING ROOM DRAWING ROOM, PARLOUR, AND BEDROOM SUITES, FEN DERS, FIRE-IRONS, SIDEBOARDS. CARPETS, And every reqnisite for r, ul 4t 79 tv4 TRAPNELL AND CANE, 85 & 38, Queen Street, CAR D IFF. I Good News for tie Rhondda Valley, ESTABLISHED 1854. X. G A N z, WATCH MANUFACTURER, GOLD A14 SMITH, JEWELLER. OPTICIAN, AND CLOCK MAKER, 231, HIGH-STREET, N S E GANZ for Gold and Silver Watch:s of ery description. MY OWN MAKE. A SPECIALIT THE RHONDDA WATtI, MY OWN MAKE, in strong Sfceiling silv caee, crystal glass, Fulled Capped Jewelled ar fitted with Compensation Balance. Made to std any amount 01 H trd Wear. Specially iinille for Colliers, Engine Drivers, Mechanic* BEST QUALITY, t4 4a. Write for full particulars. X. GANZ will pend the above freeld safe by Posr, on receipt of Pojt Offi je Order A WARRANTY GIVEN FOR THIS YEARS. GANZ for Clocks of all descriptior GANZ for Wedding and Keeper He. Largest Stock in Swansea to select frcir I GANZ for Electrc-Piated Goods. GANZ for Boys' Silver Watches^- to 60s. GANZ for Ladies' Silver WAtc. 20a. to 60s, GANZ for Gold and Silver AYts and Guards in endless variety. CALL AND SEE FOR OURSELVES N.B.—A Private Room Sale of Wedding Rings and Keepers. 0 WELSH gOKEN. I TRADE OTICE. DAVID Morgan B^gs to acquaint the ("speople of Pontypridd Hand district he has <^NED BUSINES ) as STATIONER D NEWS AGENT, AT AT 61, AFP STREET, (Ne'enuel Chapel), nd ha he ltcqoired the news agency of Mr Hwg 9s, p Street- He hopes by strict atten 18. o aUers entrusted to him to prove himstjf .vorth;Public oJLfideno-3 and support. The lia*!Y pVeekly Parers Supplied. Ma ra- zines, atti P t.o Order. Customers served at aeir own residences. ( l PIC/KES FHAMED &e If you; to have your Pictures, Paintings, ^rajjned \n either Plush, Gilts, or Oak, g°0<i workmanship at Moder- ate cha^°to R. MATHIAS, £ 3, Taff-street, Pontyprid la, Taff-street, Pontyprid MR. EDWARD WILLIAMS, R. A.M., (Bronze and Silver Medallist and Holder of the Certificate of Merit), Late Principal Harpint, R.A.M. Orchestra. Pupil of John Thomas, Esq., (Harpist to Her Majesty the Queen). ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED AS SOLO HAM riST. LESSONS GIVE N ON H A RP. PIANO, &c. TERMS ON APPLICATION. ADDRESS;—MALSTERS HOTEL, PONTYPRIDD. I PHOTOGRAPHIC AND FE-ABT STJBIOS. ¡ 21, Duke :'eat, a J3L Eft w The Largest and Best Selection of Etch in-Engravings and Photogravures in Wales. High Class picture framing dor the premises by Skilled Workmen. Artists' Materials Every Description. FR rK K | 21, Duke S'eet, Cardiff. ? BAD BLOOD nt £ Sr £ 018°ns the BOWELS. RA5 ST Poisons the Kidneys. D BLOOD Poisons the Skin. nrXSR Poisons the Nerves. BAD BLOOD Poisons the whole Body. Without Blood, Without Life. Without Pure Blood, Without Health. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS, Ihs "HERO" Remedy of the Age. Curing when everything else fails. WHAT DO MINISTERS SAY? REVD. PRINCIPAL EDWARD, PONT- YPOOL. xv "PEar Sir,—I am sure you will be glad to hear £ ?y°Ur- "BL00I> PILLS" arehiglflyvalued' ae>Im Perience 18 that they are unequalled. Thev EFW+° THE 1>lea8ante3t, Safest, and most TW S Cme They are simply Excellent. They ought to prove an universal boon. Take IIUGIIES BLOOD PILLS for Scurvy, Scrofula, Skin Rash, Boils, Bad Legs. A WORD FROM the SCHOOLS „had .a boy at school sufferiag f fughtfally from lmpur,ty Qf BJood PIL^T" r^UniX°UF. TESTIDS J°UR "BLOOD few davs n"? ?i to talce BOme for a haA f°re,the end of days he bad been restored to perfect health. The k^tnth0m VeT,u0i ^titnde makes it hasIn °a he Parish< A hd? friend Jh derived much benefit from them, and she has introduced them to many a household. I hhve also found them beneficial vltuZ f Sha 1 alw'^8 8Pread ^eir v rtues t0 everyone 1 shall come in contact with. JOSIAH EVANS. Free Schools, Berkeley. ONE BOX WORTH £ 10. a ^0X °f your Pills viz cSS*8*8 .fT? P^"from Mr Chem st, aad I found them more beneficial to me than all the medicine I had taken for indigestion, lowness of spirits, eruptions of the skin, headache, &c. I had been under treatment by Dr Ferner, Dr Veners, Dr Bull and Dr Davis, but failed to get anything to e.°.e? 1 had y°ur valuable Pills, ich have done me more good than what I have paid over £ 10 for, and am anxious to recommend them to everyone. (Signed) M. A. CHRISTOPHER. 61, Bath Street, Hereford. I Take HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS for Tr.r-1 Pi Liver, Indigestion, Billiousness, Dyspepsia,! Headache. | WHAT DO WOMEN SAY ? grp.?'7"1 ^fel j* my duty to inform you of the foTthAT 1 ,h?TVe derived in taking your Pills harr l °nd' Hug^'s Blood Pills/' I cou/d back IPOR the Piles" and Pai» in ty quite well and Very weak; 110w 1 am Cwmbran. MARY JAMES- Cwmbran. MARY JAMES. jTake HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS f^>r t?>. Jmatism, Weak Nerves, Fits, Bad Eyes, plZ', A VOICE FROM AUSTRALIA. Sir,-I must say there is no medicine in Australia to con-lpai-e with your" Hughes's Blobd they' all cannot send too many of them m l i Yofl Port Adelaide, S. Australia. 1\1. A. BO WEN. [Take HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS for Cos" tiveness, Flatulency, Giddines^ Despon | dency. j WHERE CAN I GET THEM ? Proprietor and enoloi 1/3, 2/n', or 4/9e"<i *° 'h° PURE ( HEALTHY STRONG I ACTIVE QNIRVRR, can be secured. I I Jacob Hughes, lMANUFACTURING CHEMIST, KOTiCE.—None are genuine] without the suark (a form of a ideart) which is 011 each Bj, EPU a A -W.i w- == I :i Ii l PRINCE DOG CART. NEW DESIGN, MOUNTED ON MOST APPROVED PRINCIPLES. Fuller Birtill & Company, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, i C.AEDIFF. I TELEGRAMS: CARRIAGES, CARDIFF." A LARGE STOCK [OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES OF EVBRY DESCRIPTION ALWAYS ON SALE. Carriages taken in Exchange or Sold on Commission. PONTYPRIDD N E A R C A D E J. COOMIBJE89 MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER, BAKER, &c. On and after this date will be at their New Premises. 2, Market Street, Pontypridd, ar (Corner of New Aroade). New Hire System for Pianos. FROM 10s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL =: LIMITED, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS. CAftDIST, New Hire System for American Organs FROM 7s 6d. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL LIMITED. New Hire System for HARMONIUMS, FROM 5s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL LIMITED. t rna^mmm^Mmtmmm Largest and Best Stock out of London to select from. New Catalogue, with Photographs ani full particulars, sent post free on application to- THOMPSON AND SHAlCKELL, LIMlTflo 89, Taff-street, PONTYPRIDD N B.-Li,t of Bargains forCash just published. Tuning Oraers attendedto # MR .E. P. MILL^, (PROFSSOR OF MUSIC,) Begs tj inform the Masioal Pablio that he will resume bis duties as TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAS, AND THEORY OF MUSxC, AT 21, WOOD ROAD, POKTYPRIDD, COMMENCING ON OCTOBER THE 29th, 1890, PUPILS PREPARED FOR LOCAL ] EXAMINATIONS. Prospectus may be had cn application to the above address. For tbe engagement of a String Band apply to in^ above. r J POITTYPRIDD"~ Air. D. Parry Thomas Will hold his SECOND ANNUAL SHOW At Pontypridd THE FIRST WEEK IN DECEMBER, 1*90. Further particulars will appear shortly. r, E. P. THOMAS, Secretary. Sportsman Inn, Pontypridd. DIRECT FROM NOTTINGHAM. I LACES. APRONS, SAPS.&c. Hknufaetorers' Oddmenti (perfect fre-h made tods) to be unli in 5"' 3d" W- M.. 20s., paid Sutfe kiuJ jeanlred. Tradesmen would find our 40-. to £ 6 partel« very ,fit V>Te.ote. We8QUCIT«tri«l.-T. Marnott. StonJy-.t,Not^W TO LET—Unfurnished Apartments, Suitable r for Respectable Young Married Couple.- Apply Gelli Dawel Terrace, Berw Road. I BUTCHERS' ARMS Y ifi]) PONTYPRIDD. SALE OF FIT CATTLE AND SHEEP. ME. JOHN THOMAS ba» baen faTO0Md wlV. 1U. mattuotions to SELL BY AUPTrnv the above Yard, on WHD.VESDIY K* AT 5th, 1890, tho following Valuable °™B«* 8TOOE, Viz. ;-25 Fat Cdfctle, 40 Fat We t. hers, 80 Fat Ewes, 40 Brt;eling ENes, 100 F¡;¡.t Lamb.. Sale to c mjt cee nt 11.30 a.m. sharn. c- wont for cash «ppra«d secarily, or di,. Stock havin been carefully selected, and being in prime co adition. «hi° BUTCHERS' ARMS YARD PONTYPRIDD. IMPORTANT SALE OFHORSBS, TRAP., &C. M MONTHLY SALE Tn bo!d hia 8eo°n<i above Yard on HTin» ». &o-» at the 1S90, at 2 p.m *°ir Neit. Novembee o;h, Present Entries include Bome nseful Hirries from the following gentlemen Mr. THOMAS WILLIAMg, Pengam, m JOHN LEWIS, Navigation. JBNKINS, Ciifynydd 'H JONES, Hafod, and several others. A'«», «v.»l TnjP.7^ H„OM., HOR« ■ Clothing, Purttw eotri«« M„ b. to T 9 Anobonwr'. Office., M»rk,t Str«»t, POTe,prWd. ■