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{' SJMMER NOVELTIES 93J Taff Street, Pontypridd. t TFOHN EVANS St, ((jOM ARY HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR PURCHASES FOR THE SEASON ARE COMPLETE, AND THAT THEIR SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW STOCKED WITH A 5 OHOXOE SELEOTIOU OF ETOYELTIES I U French and English Millinery Flowers and Feathers, Mantles, Fichus, Visites, Black and Coloured Coats & Jackets, Dust and Shower Proof Cloaks Dress Materials of the Latest Pro- ductions; also Robes in great variety. Velvets, Plushes, Silks, Moires, &c. Ladies and Children's Outfitting. Sunshades, Umbrellas, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Trimmings, White and Coloured Curtains, Art Muslins, Crettones, Household Linens, Carpets, and Linoleums. DRESS AiN D MAINTLti MAKING. A..N' IljTSDPEOTIOnSr SOLICITED. r- f »• n" '1 »■ ■ ■■ ■■ i ar Good News for the Rhoudda Valley. I ESTABLISHED 1854. | X. el iv Z WATCH. MANUFACTURER. GOLD AND SMITH, JEWELLER, VPTICIAN, AND CLOCK MAKER. 231, HIGH-STREET, SWANS ■ ■; .A.. GANZ for Gold and Silver Watches of e.e.y description. MY OWN MAKE. A SPECIALITY. THE KHuNDDA WaTCH, MY OWN MAKE, in anon* SteT ling silver cse, crystal gla^s. Fulled C.upevi Jewelled and fitted with Compensation Balance. Made to stand eny amoti T. t of II ird W ar, Specially suitable for Colliers Ensine, Dt-ivor,, Mechanics, &c. BEST QUALITY, 1;4 48. Write for full particulars. X. GANZ will send the above free and safe by Post on receipt of Poet Office Order. A WARRANTY GIVEN FOR THREE YEARS. GANZ for Clocks of all descriptions. GANZ for Wtdding and Keeper Rings. Largest Stook in Swansea to select frcm. GANZ for Electrc-Plated Goods. GANZ for B. ys' Silver Watches, 20s. to 50s. GANZ for LadieB' Silver Watches, 20s. to 60s. GANZ for Gold and Silver Albetts and Guards in endless variety. CALL AND SEE FUit YOURSELVES N.B.—A Private Room for the Sale of Wedding Rings and Keepers. WELSH SPOKEN. j I EAST GLAMORGAN AGRICULTURAL I SOCIETY. PRESIDENT REV D. W. WILLI VMS FAIRFIELD. I VICE PRESIDENT LL. LEWIS, ESQ., I GREEN MEADOW. The Society will hold their TIRBT S EC O "W" At CAERPHILLY on S *PT v. M BE K 11, 1890, W "0 *'vr t,).) will be given .0 prizes. For ScheWuifP Role Entry Forms apply to Messrs W. Edwards, Nel«oi<; Ed. Evans, Mountain Ast; EJi*r Yreharm Pontypridd, or the Secretaries, •Cserphiily. New Arcade. Pontypridl. IMPORTANT NOTICE. NI.F-jVAiN S AN Lo SON WILL OPEN NO. 6 AND 7 WITH A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF FANCY AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY Mantels Grates, Ranges, Baths, Lavatories. Bedsteads, and Bedding, Fenders, Curbs, .Yi.-e Brasses,also a Large and Varied Assort- a ment of Electro Plate. Cutlery, and Gas Fittings, etc., etc., Having purcbas-d Large Stock of the above, aud are now offered at exceptionally Low: PJ CJS. AN EARLY INSPECTION INYITED. TRAPNELL & CANE, J5 & 38, Queen-street, CARDIFF, And NEWPORT & BRISTOL, Are now showing their 0 GUINEA BEDSTEAD Full Size, Brass Rails, and Mounts and WARRANT ED FOR 1 YEAR We place an immense contract for these Bedsteads just before the rise, and our Retail Price is ACTUALLY LOWER than present Wholesale Rates. I Special Showroom for Bedsteads I CONTAINING OVEft 50 DESIGNS. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and also illustrations of the j GUINEA BEDSTEAD, FOR I DINING ROOM DRAWING ROOM, PARLOUR, AND BEDROOM SUITES, I FENDERS, I FIRE-IRONS, SIDEBOARDS. I CARPETS, And every requisite for I '> 'A .0.-) 7 \lr tpmsiieiit I I TRAPNLLL AND CANE, 35 & 38, Queen Street, CARDIFF. SHIPPING NOTICES. A. RGENTINE REPUBLIC The ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT are Grant- ing 300 acres of GOOD LAND, wire-fenced, with house and water supply to immigrant agricultur- ists. Also assisted passages to Welsh agriculturists and labourers, with guarantee of employment, landing, lodging, board and conveyance to place selected, all this free. NO FEES OF ANY KIND. Information, pamphlets, maps, &c., supplied free. Apply to A.ALDANA, Chief of the Argentine Information Office in Wales, Charles-street Chambers, Cardiff. WANTED, Boys to sell the '-Chronicle," every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Good wages given to Bailable boys.-Apply at the Office. PICTURES FRAMED &c. If you wamt tie have yomr Pictures, Paintings, Chryetolions, Ac., Framed in eitker Plush, Gilts, 8r Oak, neat with good workmamrhip at Moder- ate charg" ee to R. MATHIAS, 78, TafF-etreet, PtBtypridi t THE PONTYPRIDD FIRST ANNUAL Flower, Fruit, and Vetfe- table Show, AT YNYSYNGHARAD PARK, AUGUST 28TH, 1890. PRESIDENT L. G. LENox, EsQ J.P. Prizes amounting te about £150 for Fiuwers, Fruits, Vegetables, Bees, &-c. For Schedules apply to W. SPICKETT, Hon. Sec., Pontypridd THE CAMBRIAN I Furnishing Co. I NO. 27, THE HAYES, CARDIFF, SUPPLY SOUND RELIABLE IF urn i t n re I AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH. Feather Beds I Splendid Bordered Ticks 31s 6d Handsome Bedstead, With all Brass extended Footrail. 26s 6d. Spring Mattresses, Strong and well-made lis 6d Bassinette Perambulator, With Rubber'Tyred Wheels, and latest improvements, 27s. (3d. Well-made Parlour Suite, In Leather, Z 3 19s 6d. Uur own make. Easy Chairs in Leather, i 12s lid. I Our Goods are well-made. Our Prices are the lowest. Call and see our goods, and compare prices before Purchasing. We defy Competition, Easy payments arranged to suit purchasers if required. All goods Delivered Free within 50 mile -0- NOTE THE ADDRESS- The Cambrian Furnishing Co. 27, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. PHOTOGRAPHIC AND FINE ART STUDIOS.- 12, Duke Street, C A. XX, :E:8 X X*1. The Largest and Best Selection of Etchings, Engravings and Photogravures in Wales. High Class picture framing done on the premises by Skilled Workmen. Artists' Materials of Every Description. if R ft: K E. 21, Duke Street, Cardiff. .I :'J PRINCE DOG CART. I NEW DESIGN, MOUNTED ON MOST APPROVED PRINCIPLES. I Fuller Birtill & Company, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, C.AR:DIFF. TELEGRAMS CAHEIAGES, CABDIFF." A LARGE STOCK- OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ALWAYS ON SALE. Carriages taken in Exchange or Sold on Commission. New Hire System for Pianos. FROM 10s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED, QUEEN'S BUILDUPS, CARDIFF. New Hire System for American Organs FROM 7a 6d. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. New Hire System for HARMONIUMS, FROM 5s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. I j Largest and Best Stock out of London to select from. Ii New Catalogue, with Photographs and full particulars, sent post free on application to- THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, LIMITED 89, Taff-street, PONTYPRIDD. N B.—List of Bargains forCash just published. Tuning Orders attendedfco ( PONTYPRIDD NEW ARCADE! J. COO MB -E 8, MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER, BAKER, &c. On and after this date will be at their New Premises, 2, Market Street, Pontypridd, [ (Corner of New Aroade). < < < DRINK AND ENJOY I I PAGODA IN LEiD BEST TEA ii tPAGODAl BLEND, PACKETS. OF THE TIMES. ASK AGENTS, THE CHIEF GROCERS, EVERYWHERE. THE PAGODA CEYLON TEA COMPANY, LONDON E.C. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in 'either sex (acquired or constitutional) Gravel and Pains in the back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxes 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, the Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Co., Lincoln. Wholesale Barclay and Sons, Farringdon-street, and all the Wholesale Houses. WANTED a Smart, Strong Boy, over 18 years I' 'V of age. Apply, Chroaiole" Office. Ponty- Triad. ✓ IF YO*F WAHT Posters, Circulars, Programmes, and all kinds of General Work WELL AND CHEAPLY PRIST 3D, Go to the i canoNWLE" O.Soo, PONRYPAIDD BAD BLOOD BAD BLOOD Poisons the Liver. BAD BLOOD Poisons the Stomach. BAD BLOOD Poisons the BOWELS. BAD BLOOD Poisons the Kidneys. BAD BLOOD Poisons the Skin. BAD BLOOD Poisons the Nerves. BAD BLOOD Poisons the whole Body. Without Blood, "Without Life. Without Puie Blood, Without Health. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS, Ihs "HERO" Remedy of the Age. Curing when everything else fails. WHAT DO MINISTERS SAY? REVD. PRINCIPAL EDWARD, PONT- YPOOL. DEAR SIR,-I am sure you will be glad to hear that your "BLOOD PILLS" are highly valued. My experience is that they are unequalled. They seem to me to be the Pleasantest, Safest, and most Effective Medicine They are simply Excellent. They ought to prove an. universal boon. Take HUGHES BLOOD PILLS for Scurvy, Scrofula, Skin Rash, Boils, Bad Legs. A WORD FROM the SCHOOLS am,— I had a boy at school suffering frightfully from impurity of Blood. It was a good odportunity of testing your BLOOB PILLT." 1 dire ted him to take some for a few days. Before the end of seven days he had been restored to perfect health. The mother from a sense of gratitude makes it known throughout the parish. A lady friend has also derived much benefit from them, and she has introduced them to many a household. I htivetiso found them beneficial to myself, and shall always spread their virtues to everyone I shall come in contact with. JOSIAH EVANS. Free Schools, Berkeley. ONE BOX WORTH £ 10. Sir,— I had a box of your Pills viz •HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS," from Mr Dillon' Chemist, and I found them more beneficial to me than all the medicine I had taken for indigestion, lowness of spirits, eruptions of the skin, headache, &e. I had been under treatment by Dr Ferner, Dr Veners, Dr Bull and Dc Davis, but failed to get anything to benefit me until I had your valuable Pills, which have done me more good than what I have paid over £10 for, and am anxious to recommend them to everyone. j (Signed) M. A. CHRISTOPHER. 61, Bath Street, Hereford. Take HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS for Tor-I pid Liver, Indigestion, Billiousness, Dyspepsia I Headaohe. 'j WHAT DO WOMEN SAY? f,?,eIT my, duty to inform you of the great benefit I have derived in taking your Pills for the Blood, I, Hughes's Blood Pills." I could hardly walk or sit for the Piles, and pain in my back, legs, and head, and very weak; now I am quite well. n MARY JAMES. ♦ Cwmbran. Take HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS for Rheu-I matism-, Weak Nerves, Fits, Bad Eyes, Piles.! A VOICE FROM AUSTRALIA. Sir,-I must say there is no medicine ia Australia to compare with your" Hughes's Blood Pills." I know many who have had them, and they all consider them wonderful Pills. You cannot send too many of them out here, for as many as will take them once will never be without them in the house. T> A J i • i M- A- BOWEN. Port Adelaide, S. Australia. .Take HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS for Cos'! I tiveness, Flatulency, Giddiness, Despon- ( j dency. I WHERE CAN I GET THEM ? Call at any Chemist or Patent Medicine Dealers for a box of "HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS" which are Sold at 1/1-1 2/9, 4/6. If not in Stock D -IfL f ?ne for y°u- or send to .the Proprietor and enclose 1/3, 2/11, or 4/9. PURE BLOOD HEALTHY SKINS, STRONG NERVES ACTIVE LIVER S0T3NJ> HEALTH can be secured. Jacob Hughes, t MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, NOTICE.—None are genuine without the Trad. M-ark (a form of a Heart) which i8 ØI1 each Box a itedLabel. La"