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GEORGE'S '*B'"W*'T*°T!'HT a_a a n Ra a_ j? a jt' t PILE GRAVEL <<iL JBLtiSSMJa&msa PILLS. Gellir cael > F.ddyginiaeth hoa mewn Tq 0 Ddulliau Gwfihatoi fel y canlyn .— A A A A J 03 J 1 BAKK MEDDYGON AM GEORGE'S Arwyddion GOCEELWCH DWYLLWYR. KliE AND GRAVEL PILLS. Y PUefa'?1" TwvIIir y C!cf yn fyayeh i gredu ei fod; Y mac MedlSygoa y W!a ] bon a.~r,iLmer'ca Gravel. yn cael PeWi pwirioaeddel George, pan Y mao MedlSygoa y W!a ] bon ertamer*ca Gravel. yn cael PeWi pwirioaeddel George, pan yn eu oysieradwyo a'a cefiiovi, ac y *tiae yn Poen yn yCcfn mewn gwirionedd ni Ifydd yc cael ond imedditlnt v Perchei;o^ ioaws o d.yet.oUei.haa CoUuMion?tyHRyspedd diwertb a pberyglns o I Coliiddion. pwysig oiidiwrth Feddy^on Kriwop, <ug yciynt Dwfr Pouth wDnuthariad ara)l yn eu He. Bydd enwau wedi riaoddi prawf trwyauli wruynt. Dwfr-ataliad. y darpariaethau ffngiol byn yn fynyoh Y Bledren VDraelen clvtioi fvny<vairiau,,cyffelyb"t BARN ITFERVLLWYR AM GEORGE'S ^Phoenus" Registered Title Pills5George, syda'r PILLS. Rhwymedd unis.; arociin o dwyllo yr anwyliadwrus. mr «■ -»• w Diffyg traul Teimlaf rivvroedipaetb i ddynoetbi y Mae rban twyat o Fferyhwyr euj'XJwJaci YCyllayn frv_ riwvllwaHh a- i rvbnddio v cyb^dd fei « bj'4o"iaayn<arwy»- r- r i HHovn •-Marwaidd a wybo'aeth svrthioi faglau yrefelyobwyr a'r gweluantan ovmd y raat-r.ti dawyu ohvstrlnl tJ. r„i •< oddiameylch y.i i a cvnavcioi;aeth«'»^ &!u barn Suriii yn yr r- » 1 &F V • «ranm^'a Pile « »o oll,4,; si bod ,i toddygmiUtl. M> Ystumo I »» "«*» J™ n Cwsg Anes- »cd GraveJ Pilla," eckychweh a yoyw mw yth, Han yr •• Eryr ar y papyrau sydd o TACEAU Y £ L ANOftE^SMBJOXj. Wwaewjtrwynt, ^nigylch y blvjrcfi, ao oa yw enw y Peroh- D>i, gws4ihawyd uiiloedd, iiiuiai'w.yd/poen- G wel'diad Pwlj enotr, J. E. George,'1 >yn ysgrifenedig au d«r*s» .-o HioerH, »•» a »f*»yd oauoedd a ac Aneglur, ar fitamp y Lly wodraethSydfl o'l amgylob, « ddatgeoi<Vgau V M-jddvs{ou yn «tj6»eitAjk.r" Gonau" °8 d8W b!>chiscJ ° l'i]e aod Gravel Pilla *w hechy&tfraeft'lvl d'*r y c« rt.:h- /ISelder Ysbrvd, l'ch maddiano. nad ydyw yn dal yr oil o r fawr btro GWOIL v T>sti«l^ftlvbau u drier- iJhwyddiant I)Tawfl,)n hYD R-.vybydt,.woh eichbod -,vedi ( byniwyd e*n ddy>.4yM* y P,tei« -j-n «vfr«l C^edinol, cael cich twyllo. < y cyawys dcoa til o dadaieuan o aiy^rcyff- Llysnafedd TYSTIOLAETH YNAD HEDDWOH. redin. Y^llendro' "Yr ydwjf-\vedi eclrycl) ><3ror, ganoedd o JSNWOGRW3TOD I GEORftG^ PUwhB Anmhuredd j Jaw vsgrifau gwrciddiol a iisierbyniwyd gjan wnm AMGYLOHO V Ff4>. v Gweed, Mr J. E George Hirwaia p dwyn^tystiol- fe wendid aeth o berthynas l r gwellianfeau a ddygwyd Y mnA', ^tarorrwvdd y P'»Jeni hra **»di Cyffredinol, oddiamgylch drwv ,ei *'Pills nrood-d, ~*oM, « wed. un,Uf oyrhnedd gvwiiiscydd poii^a'p; y <«iiaHar. md Brycbau c flaen! arn ryfeddol rinweddau peleoi Mr George, s 0«sa yenedl wawiclfii»)di« dan nan! y 3f<,efoe*id y Llygaid Ystyriwyf y bw ndel tystiola8thau aosodwyd .mad ydyw <vn broSactd o'a rfciwweadau Diiryg A»a'dJ. ;• gerfy rnron yn brawf hollol fefddbaol fod J fc. p„_iafT, v nninn Mr George drwy ei ddarganfyudiad wedi bod lacbaoL RO<»eiit air ehw«w-ttfr canrif \rflrw«&d rin l~n foddion i liaiaru poenara tyrfa IXIOSOK o wedi bod affy feSawj yn mhlith darpy-rtaetbau yr afu a r ddioddef wyr.—D. E. WILLIAMS, f.P., for sueddysioiaethoV^t y doluriaw poenos Uvu. Arojian. ^ount>iesof Brecon and Glamorgan. Mewutlfijchau, Is. lic. & ^s.-tC yr uc Hi wy Post Is. 3c. a 3a. yr sin. PERC3EN0G G. E. GEOROE, M.H.'P.S., HIBWAIN, Abebdahe A-" J OANNEDD ;11 ,JT>EZiLIR ymwitteetliJ>21. JONES, Bas^or., :,}¡¡<tiJii VX dydd Ian yn N Q. 16, Lle-dwigan-road, Ll 'an- gefni. Yn Manger <bob dydd, ond dyddian Mawrth & Iau. Yn Llanerch^aedd o 10 taai 1, ac ABdircb o; 2 taa 5, gyda Mr Hughes, Stationer, 8, Market-street, ( Mehefit. 14, Gorpheaaf -14, Awst 10, Medi 7, Hydrcff; ■ IS, Tachwedd 2 a 30, Rnagfyr 28. Yn Betheeda, Oan-; qberin, ac Ebenezer ar <11 Sadwra tal. 4) 0 A Wondorfvt liwodiot ¡ J I PILLS^^ • rFor BUifjfii.'s and Nervoos Ptgordarst sv-h as Wind f<||>. fuid. Pain,in the Stomach, .Sidk Headache, Giddi- A iiess, Fjjljxss and Swelling' after meals, Dizziness V and Dtt^rftness, Cold Cbdis, fFJcsliingrs of Heat, A Loss of Appetite, Sho rtness jqf Breath, Costive- f ^0 sess, Blot^ es oa the S3c>c, J&istirbfiff. Sleep, O jm. -Frightful I?i earns, and all M^rsroas an 4 Trembling Sensations, &c. THE F1G8T BOSE OWE • vfiEUEF INinrEHTY MINUTES. ?ius is no ifction. & .iivery suffer is earnestly iavited to ti y oce Bo* 4P .re these Piik, and tbey will Jfee &\oj«3ow- 0 ri<e&g6d to tei g Ril « Worth a GuineaaBvx • w 9 m rBfflECHAT^S PILLS taken as dik'ec& £ d, a -veili ijiiickiy restore Females to complete healih. v 9 T-feey promptly remove any obstructioa or « larity of the system. For a W 9 iffto& Stottiach, J fep&!s$d Oi'gestiQB, • lisordered Uver, 8 they ac.t ,titre ma-3. few doses wig work., 0 woa<3ers the Vit.ù Organs; Streuptlv-n-ng \9 the musciLfeir Systen; i-estoring the long-lost C Complexion, bringing back the keen edge of appetite, an4 arousing with the Rosebud of Heaiiii tb9 wbola physical energy or the V A huniaa franie. These %~e "facts" admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the @ best guarantee to the Nervous and Debilitated ia A A that BCEOHAM'S fILLS havo tfom w Larqmai &&S& of any .Patont ffiosfftsfne 9 OR In the WarM. Prepared oa £ y by THOMAS IttëCMPl, ST. HELENS, LANCS. J 4ZI £o/d euerywherein BoxetJ &2j9each ,S 0 Qt e. ACCIDENT ASSURANCE. ACCIDENT AND DISEASE ASSURANCE. JKMP £ X)YERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE. FIDELITY GUARANTEE. —-—. i-'&if'way Passengers Assur- ance Company. ESTABLISHED 1849. Claims Paid £ 3,850,000, A. VIAN, 2747 I 13 ESTABLISHED IN 1836. FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE 0- STUBBS MERCANTILE OFFICE (Stobbe' Ltd.), 42, GBESHAM STREET, LONDON. EJO. ■««»8aSlBXSS, BY OBTAINING TTUXLY IKrOMMOIOH THBCUOII SMATXJS ENQUIRY DEPARTMENT MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. ( BTSBT flaunt* SBOOliD BEAD WBI-rv-bY 0AZBTTB, f55&b .whiahiaissued a Supplement oontaining LISTS OF CREDITORS GHDJTA ALL THE IMPORTANT TAILUBSS, THE CAAZMISRCIAL REGISTER 5 contain mart hab GST NINE MIL, LION Entriea i HBBTS BECOVEREI) PROMPTLY AJ^BKEMITTE TO BUBBCRIBER8 ON TltJEiDAJ and FRIDAY in each week Bea-t OffieQ -92, Ohea.psidoçJLond)n. Liverpool Branch :—1, Tithebarri Streec. OiAA^GHIiB atCharles-«*t. Chamb>ore, CARDIFF O Swaaaea Arcade, SWANSEA; ALerdeen, Bir mirigbam, Bl&okbarD, Br&dford, Brighton, Bristol Belfadc., .-Co;ik Croydon, Dublin, Dundee, EdiD ourgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Hull, Lee&j, Leicestet" LiverpmA, Loudon (Wasi End), Maooiseater, Now- aftBtle, ^orwi'ti, Nottingham, Plymaitib, Ports asouth, .Sheffield., Buutijasr.pton. Big' a -fit., NEWPOBJT (MON.) Saxton, Cambridge, Derby, Dumfriee, Gioaoester, Grzenookekcimsby, Halifax, Hanley, Koviderafield, InvernasB, J.pswiQk0Limeriok, Londoadewgr, Midd- lesboro', Karthampton, Oxford, Perth, foeaton, Reading, stmaton-en. Tees, Sunderland, liorquay, walgall, Watoford, Wolverhampton, Wester, York. TBBXS~ £ 1 iv, 22 ikt, L3 3a, 95 5e, ACCOC^a^'TO cequirements. PBOBPECTOS FORWARDED on application any o the above Offloea. JuHJ> Lbo yD & TOWN C BIERS, Billposters & Distributors, j 18, SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAVJ2 the largest number of most prominent Post- ing (Stations in all parts of Aberystwyth and Divtrict. Jlaving lately purchased the Vusiness and stations at Aberystwyth Advertising and General Bill Postiog Stations, they are able to take large contracts of every description. Oyer 100 Stfttiona in the Town and District. Ofikial BíU rs to the Town xnd County Cous- ciJs, G. W. It. Cambrian Railway Co., all the Auctioneers of :ifee Town and District, and other pubic bodies. EVAN DAVIES, BIL I.POSTED A TOWN C R I bl 2, Hugbendatf Cottage, FORTMADOO Bci inform the Pur^lio that he R«m al I lb* "*iineipal Posting 0^*tiona in Po*iwco to* dibtrio.. !j fC-IBRLL RAILWAYS.—CHEAP DAY EX- J I \J CU-RSION to BarLgor, Carnarvon, and Holy- I head, on SATURDAY, October 15th. 1898, as Tinder 3pd Class P'ares for the Double Journey Time of o Car- To To Holy- Starting Larvon Bangor head f FROM a.m. Aberystwyth 5. 0\ Bow-street 5.10| Llanfihangel 5.15 V 3s 6d. 3s 9d. 4s Od. Borth 5.20 I Ynvslas 5.25 Glandovey 5.40 3s 3d. 3s 6d. 38 9d. Macliynlleth 5.40 1 Aberdovey. 6.10 3s 3d. 3s 6d is 9d.. Towyn 6.20 Llwj-ngwril 6.35 j Art-hog.. • 6.35 r Od. 3s 3d. 6d. Penmaenpool 6.20 j Dolgelley 6.15 J Barmouth June. 6.50 J 2s 9d. 3§. Od. 3s 3d. Barmouth, 6.55 j DyfEryn ••• 7. 5 Llanbedr & Pen- sarn 7.10 1 Harlech 7.20 I Talsarnau 7.25 I P e n r h y n d e u > 2s 6d. 2s 9d. s Gd. draeth 7.30 | MinfFordd 7.35 I Portmadoc 7.45 I Gi'iccioth 7.55 I Pwllheli 7.56 Children under Three year of age, Free above Three and under Twelve Half-price. No luggage allowed. Passengers return the sairua day from Holyhead at 5.40 p.m., Bangor at 6.30 p.m., and Carnarvon at 7.0 p.m. All information regarding Excursion Trains and Tourist Arrangements on the Cambrian Railways can be obtained on application to Mr W. H. GOUGH, Superintendent of the Line, Oswestry. —C. S. DENNLSS, General Manager, Oswestry, October, 1898. 2916 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. .1, WINTER TRAIN SERVICE.—The following alterations wilJ be made on and from the 1st OCTOBER, 1S98, and until further notice: -Down:, The 7.43 a.m. Eilesmere to Aberystwyth will run be- tween OwestrY and Aberystwyth onl-. leaving Os- westry at 8.20 a.m. The 10.30 a.m. Whitchurch to LI anymynech will be discontinued. The 2.20 p.m. I Special Express from Welshpool to Aberystwyth. Barmouth, etc., will be discontinued. The 12.20 p.m. Express from Whitchurch to Aberystwyth, Bar- mouth. etc., will be discontinued. The 1.20 p.m. Talyllyn to Aberystwyth, Barmouth, etc., in con- nection with the 10.30 a.m. from Cardiff, 11.10 a.m. from Newport (Mon.), etc., will be discontinued. The4.20 p.m. Welshpool toAberystwyth will be discon- tinued. A New Train will leave Whitchurch at 4.30 p.m. for Oswestry and Wrexham, in connection with the 3.0 p.m. Express from Manchester (London- road), and 2.40 p.m. from Liverpool (Lime-street). The 5.20 p.m. Whitchurch to Aberystwyth will be discontinued. The 6.40 p.m. from Whitchurch and 9.10 p.m. from Welshpool to Moat-lane, with con- nections from North and South, will run to Aberys- twyth on Saturdays. The 9.50 a.m. Moat-lane to Builth Wells will leave Moat-lane at 10.30 a.m.. and be continued on to Brecan. The 2.55 p.m. Moat- lane to Brecon will leave at 3.5 p.m., and the inter- mediate times be slightly altered. The 6.25 a.m. Glandovev Junction to Barmouth will' be discon- tinued. The 8.0 a.m. Machynlleth to Pwllheli will leave at 8.30 a.m.. and be later throughout. The 10.42 am. 'Machynlleth to Barmouth will be dis- continued. Up: The 7.30 a.m. Aberystwyth to Oswes'r"t will bs discontinued. The 8.25 a.m. Aber- ystwyth to "Machynlleth will leave at 8 a.m., and run to fJlandovev Junction only. The 8.50 a.m. Abervstwyth to Whitehurch will leave at 8.25 a.m., and 'be re-timed throughout. The 9.5. a.m. from Barmouth and 9.35 a.m. from Aberystwyth to South Walm, Cardiff, Newport (Mon.). etc., will b(t dis- continued. The 1.'50 p.m. from Barmouth and 2.15 p.m. from Aberystwyth to London (Euston and Pad- dington). Birmingham (New-street and Snow Hill), Manchester (London-road), Liverpool (Lime-street), Manchester (London-road), Liverpool (Lime-street), etc., will "be discontinued. The 10.10 a.m. Abervs- twyth to Barmouth will be discortinued. The 10.10 a.m. from Pwllheli. 11.40 a.m. from Bn'-nouth. and 12.5p.m. fromAbervstwyth.will leavePwilheli at 10.30 a.m.. Barmouth 12.10 p.m.. and Abervstwyth 12.30 p.m.. ;:¡,Irl'be re-timed throu^out. The 11.15 a.m. from PwBneli and 12.45 D.m. from Aberystwvth will leave Pwllheli at 11.40 a.m., Barmouth 12.50 p.m., and A Vrvs+wyth at 1.15 p.m., arriving London (Ens- ton) rt 8.45 p m., Manchester (London-road) 7.15 p.m.. and Liverpool (Lime-street) 7.25 p.m. The 5.0 p.m. Pwllheli to Barmouth will leave at 5.0 p.m., and r-7p +o Portmadoc only. The 6.50 a.m. Brecon to c will lesve it -7.5 a.m., and he altered throiK*l*o-;t. The A.15 p.m. Brecon to Builth-road will r: i ;> Budth 'W,,1]s only. The 9.15 p.m. Pwll- heli to Port-m'tdoc will r?Ye al- 8.50 n. m. and run to Barmouth. The following NEW FAST TRAINS will run during the Winter Months :—1.15 p.m. from Aberystwyth, 11.40 a.m. from Pwllheli, and 12.50 n.m. from Barmouth to Welshnool and Whitchurch. 3.25 WeIs'">odI to A'br.r^stwvth, Barmouth.. and Pwllheli. T' eo*<nr^f. with London and North-Western and Gr-at Western Co.'s Trains to and from an lirfs. For full particulars see the Company's TimeTables.—C1. B. DENNTSS, General Manager. Oswestry, September, 1893. 2911 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, (EstabliBhed by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720). Chief Office: Royal Exchange, London. Branch 5, Dale Street, Liverpool. Tax A Cl;)tJIIUL n, f1'r,Nl" F.>:CEB03 104,800,000 (;Jai" a Paid rver 137,005,00f.. FIRE. Evfrv aewril)tiin-of Fire Inenramoe traBBa. cttd LatMes occasioned by Light.ning wilt 00 pit h ei 1, tt,h pitperty be setoa fire or not. I F v'% TbevC-orporation affords security of the highfat otdm;, -gad declares Bonuses exceeding the average "rii-ition of Assurance companies. The of As>eu~&nce beve beep lately revised. A Proapeotno, Table of Bonos, and Palanoe Sheet will be forwarded on a.pptica,T,icm to Amlwcb-Mr S. H. HMITH, Old Bank, Bangor—Mr JAMES SMITH, •TROARVIY!—G. R. REBIP. *«-•"» THE NEW Ironioigery Establishment u N N( AT OPEN AT 263, HIGH STREET, BANGOR <l'V¡ Premises of W„ Hughes and Son, Porltshop), BY T E. LEWIS EVANS, (LATE PARTNER in the Firm of Messrs W. Francis WiiliamE and Co.). AIM at 36, HIGH-STREET, RHYL. 16717 0 ROALT9, PIANO, aiid THEORY. Mr CHARLES MELLODEW LEES (member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians) has Vacancies for Pupils in the above gubjects. Pu- pils prepared for hhÐ various Local Examinations. &)-.ools a.tte.ded.For terms as to the above, Orwin Recitafef spply to HLrrfD House, Con- yf&j, 17148 y PEIRIANAU MWYAF POBLOGAIDD YN NGRYMRU Wedi eu ffitio gyda Dujilop Tyres aalop Rims, Brook's addles, a Reyn,, hains. .————————.— Mae y PEIRIAKAU i fyny a'r amser yn hollol, wedi en gwneud o'r Ddefnyddia Goren, a'u Gorpben yn Y splenydd. MONA CYCLES Sefyd Stock Fawr o BKIRt'ANAXJ Alia LAW Rhagorol am brisiau hynod isel. Mae Peirianaa yn cael eu Hadgyweirio,Jeu"Re-enamellio, a'u Re-platio, yn y style goreuposibl gan vv jithwyr celfydd a medrus. Y osaae Electr J Silver Plating a Gilding o bob^desgrifladgyn cael ei wneuthur ar y lie gan Sheffield Plater trwyadl gymhwys i'r gwaith. TNI.&E Y WELBH OYCLE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., yn awr wedi introdiwsio i'.J. patrwm newydfl o Juvenile Safety sydd yn fcymeryd i mewn yr oil o'r diwygiadau diweddaraf mewn gwneuthuriad Cycles, ac wedi eu gorphen mewn dull inor ddifai ag ydyw ea Mona Bicycles adnabyddus. Felly peidiweh rboddi eich arcnebion hyd y gwelwch y Peirianau tly-sion byn. Y Welsh Cycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., CARNAKYON. 2789 The Largest, Best, and Cheapest Place FOR FURNISHING IS THE PIONEER completsetoruESnishing 9 to 19, Bold Street, Liverpool. THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE KINGDOM The i THE LARGEST STOCK OUT OF LONDON. advantages AT Ti GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. offered PURCHASES OYER 40s DELIVERED FREE TO ANY RAILWAY are STATION. ENORMOUS TRADE THKO UGHOUT NORTH WALES. Illustrated Catalogues Free by Post. 17100 IN HALF-HOOP, MARQUISE, GIPSY, and all other Designs, Set with /gj&y BRILLIANTS, EMERALDS, PEARLS, RUBIES, SAPPHIRES, OPALS, TORQUOISE, &o., &o. OP PUEEST QUALITY. 5,000 Mk /A/ At Maker's Cash Prices. 0/^3A /k»/WjM £ ffl/ </ size SENT FREE 33% 0Id Jewllery C MJm f G*- W/M + Watches w/a Wp Taken in Exchange. J. LARGEST STOCK OP & RINQS IN THE W0RLD 5? J0/ W Selections sent Free on receipt cf £ S*j WATCHES and JEWELLERY sent post free, and at our risk, to all parts of the World on receipt of Draft, Cash, or P.O.O., payable at G.P.O. A^V BENSON'S BOOK of Watches from J62 2s. to JMOO CLOCKS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS, PLATE, &a, &c Sent Post Free on application to— BBItfSOM, Ltd-, CiT) Stetm:-Factory, 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, y 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE, E.O., 25, OLD BOND ST., W., LONDON., TURRET CLOCKS.—For Churches, Schools, etc., from 915. Estimates Free. ESTABLISHED 1812. Proctor and Ryland's PREPARED BOENMANURES. Works SALTNEY, CHESTER. Offices CARRS LANE, BIRMINGHAM. REVISED LIST WITH PARTICUL ARS OFjPRlZES FOR ROOTS OFFERED IN 1898, POS FREE AGENTS :— Mr John Jones. T^fynon, Llanfair, Anglesey. 1 Mr H. Edwards, Sirior Hir, Abergele, Mr Jos. Lloyd, Mi fcr. St. Asaph. Mr Robert \aughan, LJansannan. Abergele. Messrs J. IMvie* s,ud Son, Easjle House, Ruthin. j^ir Grifliths, Cross Keys, Chirk, Mr T Roberts, BryiiRwran, Valley. Humphreys, Railway Station, Towyn. Mr W, P. Jones, Uae Cross, Wrexham-street, Itfold. Mr Owen Roberts, Post Office, Penygroes. Carnarvon. Mr Richard Jones* Neuodd Ucha, Llanfair. ^r Hugh Koberts, Hendrewen RhydyolafA**« Pwllheli, r Godfrey Parry, Carrog. Corwen. 16295 BANGOR IRONMONGERY STORES. 1:9 161 11 IGH SXKKET, BANGOE. Josiah Hughes & Co., General, Furnishing, Manufacturing, and Builders' IRONMONGERS. SF0RTING — CA-PTTRIIDGE S — HOT & COLD WATER BNGINliEKS JPLUHBEBg, GAS FITTERS, COPPERSMITHS, Ac. 16462 i fi JWBILEE PELENAU JUNES, ^REMADOfi JONES' TREMADOG PILLS), BEF YRHEN FEDDYGINIAETH GYMREIG ADNAP DUB, ac sydd wad» F,F.F7LL PRAWF droB HANER CAN' MLYNEDD gan y Dey.n hon a Chj-fandiro-4^ ? fel nad ooa braidd Deulu yn Nghymru na chlyweant eu X*«<2f i a'u Teidiau yn son an weddau at wellhau pob afiechyd sydd ali dueddiad o'r Y s'r Afn ac Anmhuredd. y Gwtflfl ar dolar cyffredin a chyndyn hwnw y Crydcymalau. jrwe it gan yr boll WholeHais-Hotis^B a Manwerthir gan bob Chemist drwy y byd gwareoteuig i blycbau Is lie, 29 6c, s 4c TI yr on. Os naethir eu caoi yn yr ardal, anfonei eu gwertb ni.av itampg 1 r CAMBRIAN PILL DEPOT. I'rfeiD dog, iSorth Wales] D.S.—Nid oes naj not Bix cvfan a ? PillK rivrl i'w c-l) eOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OmTMEKPl^ MEDDYGlIArrlIA U KHYFEDiJOL f j- HLENA U A burant y Qwaod, a gywicant bob AtlbwyIder yn yr APU. YR( JYSTTJM0G. YR ARENAU. A a PERFEDDIO-S. maeot yn cryfhauac yn adferu Cyfonsoddiadau Lloag a Nychal, ac yn anmhrisiadwy Bairn Anhtrjldenu aydd yn dueddol i ymosod ar Faaywod a bob oedran. I blant,a phobl soewn all Hetyfi y maent yn dra gwerthfawr. YR "OINTMENT" J yU leddyginiaeth atiffaelfidig i Goesau Drwg Braatiau Drw?, 3en Arc'iollion, ydd. Y mae'n enwog am teddFginiaechu y Trosdwst a'r Cryd Cymalau. WIDOES SI GYFARTAL AM ANHWYLDERAb YN Y Fa EST, AT DDOL.Ua Y CAETHDRA, PESWCH, ANWYD, OHWY DDIADAU YN Y GrWDOF.S phob math o Anhwyderau yn y Croen, aid oes ei gyffelyb; ac v gymalau anystwyth a yn gweithredu felswyn.—Gwneuthnredigvn unig yn eafydhad TaoMAS 7.V- Nw STREET (diweddar 533,OXFORD-STREET), LLDNDAIN, ac ar worth va Is U, 2s/ ? 4! 60, lb. 229a 33 y boos neu Awch, a gellir eu cael gan bob Pferyllydd drwy yr holl yd ci diin bob dydd ya y cyfeiriad achod rhwag 11 yi y bo -ea Just Arrived NEW AUTUMN GOODS I AT THOMAS'S LONDON HOUSE, 16359 BANGOR. -¡w.J. DONALD CAMEJtON. TAILOR & CLOTHIEE. CATIIBDRAL BUILDINGS, j^ANGOE, Respectfully invites the attention vi Sportsmen T to a Large and Select Stoc-la- of Highland Tweeds and Home Spuns, In carefuLy selected Patterns and well-known Shade?, suitable for E U Side and for Moor and River Also a Choice Assortment of CLiiBICALi and YACHTING MERGES. Cricketing and Shirting Flannels. Hand-knitted, Knickerbocker Stockings, in Checks, Heather Mixtures and Piaiu Colours Spats, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hate, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings ?.nd B}(:<f:3,. Waterproof Coats, Capes, a:.d HugE, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Rags '1d Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures and Cellular Clothing Co. ROBE OD CAP MAKER BY APPOINTMENT TO the OsivsasiTf jr, No2th r. (PATTEBNS ON APPLICATION.) o LEA AND OBSERVE THAT THE D L' ) 5 > J X) SIGNATURE I CJLLUILIO ¿ X:7'-e/r-7'- { Ctlf CIS' Printed in Blue Ink diagcnally across the OUTSIDE WEAPPER 01 every Bottle of the ORIGINAL. WOBrjESTSBSHIBB AV0ID Q A T i riTi cheap bAuOil. IMITATIONS. IMITATIONS. THE "NORTH WALES CRROXICL. STEAM PRINTING THIS NORTH WALES CHRONICLE COMPANY, LlisITS i> Execute, on reawwble terDH, LITBOGRAPfllC, COPPERPLATE, LETTER. IESS PRINTIH3 tao 1. OKT"> ri lN At their specioud eatabliBhracn^ CAXTOr* HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BANG OS. AND OAXTON HOUSE, MOSTYN STREET, LLA-1 >UDNO PRIKTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS kers, usarance Compan; Public Coanpanies, ,()H;)rll; Anctioni-e executed wii h (..oxiptitude. t'TMifrcuiMS j l'lTentorie | s"*ce.irts Artieltsof Aieocia j ffirculare | Catalogne3 { BoeiiiesB k Addrets Card* i Bs a-