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ESTABLISHED OVER 3S YEARS. M R EDWARDS, S'URGEON DENTIST, HIGH STREET, RHYL. 1 ATTENDANCES— HOLYWELL EVERY FRIDAY, At Mrs Joigm, Waterloo Home (Opposite the National Provincial Bank of England), J FROM: 1.30 TILL 5.15 P.K. DENBIG3 EVERY WEDNESDAY. 12, HIGH STRBBT (Over Dick's Boot Depdt), box 11.30 TILL 4.45 p.m. COLWYN BAY-DAILY Mr RoBBBTSON, Manager at the General Foil Office, (Private Entrance), Fao. 9.0 A.K. TILL 7.0 F.H. PRESTATYN EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON, At Mias EDD'e Tower Buildings, Fsbx 4.0 TILL 7.0 R.x. CONSULTATIONS FREE. WELSH SPOKEN. MRS. THOMAS, REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, ..J GWENFFRWDD HOUSE, MOLD. AS several Cooks and General Servants; House- t M maid. and Under-housemaids, Sewing-maids, aDd Norses on her Books. Great attention is given prooure good Servants; also, good Situations. MONEY £5 toil,000 MONEY A ^RETIRED GENTLEMEN having a LARGE A SUM OF MONEY at his disposal is willing roclvanoe the same AT LESS INTEREST THAN ANY LOAN OFFICE IN ENGLAND to all f-i respectable Householders, Tradespeople and others. Distance no object. No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special InduoementB to Farmers. TransaetionB strictly private. Terms to suit everybody. Apply and be convinced, or write to— W: WHITE, 2, North Tevraee, Newtown, RHYL, MR. E. C. BRIGGS, Teacher of Music &- Musical Instrwnenis-, V (HIOHMT DIPLOXA R.M.P.M.), Weed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.—Terms moderate, 4. TITHE BARN PLACE, FLINT. Do you Oycle ? Do you Cycle P Of YOtJ DO, CALL AT mil "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL, t 1 ANDPUMHAMONBOFTHBIBBPMIAL ROAD Mg A F Q BDOB. STARTING ON YOUR TOUB, MAPS OF J HOLYWELL & DISTRICT XOUWTKD oir 4?D. EACH. CLOTH, U MAPS OF NORTH WALES Strongly bound in cloth covers, EACH, with guide to all plaoes of n interest in North Wales. The Maps are made from the New Ordnance Survey, and the Main Roads are distinctly coloured. Davies & Oo.'s Speciality. For the Blood is the life." QLARKE'S JJLOOD MIXTURE ^JLARKE'S BLOOD jyjTXTURE cT-AR 'S JJLOOD MIXTURE THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, la warranted to oleanse the blood from all impurities from whatever cause arising. For Sorofula, Scurvy, Ecsema, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pimples and Sores of all kinds, it cannot be too highly recommended. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheumatic Fains, for it removes the cause from the Blood and Bones. THOU8 AUDS OF TESTIMONIAL 8 OF WONDERFUL CUBES FROM ALL PARTB OF THE WORLD. Mrs Amy Churcher writes: It is with earnest f Vaanks and heartfelt gratitude that I write these few < nnes to let you know tam at last completely cured t of the dreadful disease called Eczema by taking your ttJ wonderful Blood Mixture. I commenced taking Clarke's Blood Mixture on June 8 last, and also used Clarice's Skin Lotion, which I found was of untold value in allaying the irritation. I was in such a fearful state thacthe sheets in my bed had to be changed every day, also my own linen, on account of the fearful discharge from the sores; my hands also were very bad, the backs of them being so dreadfully encrusted with yellow scab tiat one would think they were covered with rock brimstone. I never expected that they would resume their proper shape, but now I am able to do light house- hold duties, and I feel I am getting stronger every day; Big in fact, my husband, nurse, and myself, truly believe Clarke's Blood Mixture saved my life. I have much to be thankful for. and if you like to make use of my letter you are welcome to do no. as I am fully convinced I should never have been here if it had not been for Mb, Clarke's Blood Mixture. H|- 3, Kynaston Road, Stoke, Newington, W «London, N., Oct, 83.1898." Mr WILLIAM J. TAYLOR, an Evangelist for the Hanley Christian Mission, writes When I was a boy, living in Hereford (I am now 30), a small, hard substance came in my throat, and my mother spent pounds in trying to get it removed, but • failed. Years went by, and this hard substance, which was a tumour or wen, grew so that it was level with my chin. It was the size of an orange, and began to give me piin. I obtained some Clarke's Blood Mixture, and, after taking several bottles I was astonished one day to find that the tumour had completely disappeared, and I have never been troubled with it since also it removed some ugly pimples from my face and neck, Imaymention 0' I have heard of other oases where bad iege, &c., had been cured, and the system renovated by Clarke's Blood "Grafton-street, Hanley, Staffs, Jan. 9,1899 » Important advice to all.-Cleansethe^tiated blood > Whenever you And its impurities bursting through the skin in pimptes, eruptions, and sores jeleanse it when yon And it obstructed and sluggish m the veins oleanse tt when it is foul-your feelings will tell 7°" ■Keep your blood pure, and the health of fhe system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted ree from anything, injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to teat its value. Bold in bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists throughout the World, or sent for 88 stamps, by the proprietors, The Lincoln azi Midland Counties Drug Coy., Lincoln. ASK FOR QLARKE'S JgLOOD tyjIXTURE. ^JLARKE'S jgLOOD m IXTURE. QLARKE'S JgLOOD MIXTURE. and do not be persu take an imitation or substitute. ■ i ii 4 PAINTING & DECORATING E, J, CATHHERW OOD, Painter Sf Decorator, CHAPEL-ST HOLYWELL ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, &C., UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RATES, AIm QUICK DESPATCH GUARANTEED ESTIMATES GIVEN. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. MISS FLORENCE DAKIN BJICH to announoe that the has mooeeded to the LADIES & CHILDREN'S LINEN & GENERAL ESTABLISHMENT, For many years carried on at the above address by I Mrs. Jones, and solicits an inspection of her ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. Every Department is now replete with the newest Goods from the beat Markets, marked at the lowest possible prices. CHILDREN & LADIES' CLOTHING A SPECIALITY. NOTE THB ADDMSS OF HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, (Opposite the National Provincial Bank). \T TO L E T—" LLANBBCHTXOB FABM." Good House and Buildings, and abont 75 acres of exoellent Land, mostly old pasture.—Apply, J. B, FMSJMRO, Estate Ofioe, Downing, Holywell. ENDERS for PEWS proposed to be provided and fixed In the New Wesleyan Mission Room, at Penyffordd, near Mostyn. Plans and specifica- tions to be seen at No. 6, Lewis' Terrace, Ffynnon- groew. Sealed Tenders to be sent in no later than Jaiyiary 17th, 1900, to No. 6, Lewis' Terraoe. ANTED TO PURCHASE all kinds of Book TV Debts, in large or small quantities, no matter where and what it is for. Call or write to W-JAOMOH, 8, Lightfoot-street, Chester. GENTS WANTED to posh first-olass J\_ Machinery Oils. Liberal Commission.—Box 31, Post Offioe, Liverpool. SELECT DAT SCHOOL for YOUNG J\. LADIES is now OPEN at Sz. WMRANN's Ooiraore, Well Street. Only a limited number eoefred.—For Terms, apply to the SUPBBXOHSS. if ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STBRET.MOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER .r- THE BBST MEDIOIKH FOB BILE THB BBBT MBDICINB FOB WIND, THE BIST MEDICINE POB INDIGESTION. is JjlADE'S J^NTIBILIOUS JpiLLB. Theyquickly removeth eirritation and f everishatate of the STOMAOH, correct tke morbid condition of the LIVBR believe the systemof allimpurities,which, by circulatingin the blood,injuriously affect the action of the KIDXKYS and byremovinigthecauaes of so muohdiscomfort restore thevitalenergfeBofbodyand mind. jgADB'S A NTIBILIOU8 pILLS. Bold by allOhemists,in Boxes, Is: lid. and d* or mailedfreeon receipt of remittance by OEOROE BADE 79 I GOSWILI. BOAO LOJfDO., B.C A BIB A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. EADBIS GOUT ct RHEUMATIC pILLS SUFFERED AGONY FOR THIRTY YBAB0, "CADE'S piLLB. 80,Banda Street Bridge Boa E* r. -1- Batteraea ,S,W., 17*ADB' piLLB. January 37th ^1892. E* A Dear Sir,—I feel it my du TRADE'S pILLS. to write and giveyougreatprai for introducing such a valuabl medicineasyourGout Pills. Having SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 80 YEARS. I oantrulysay I have neverhad anything torelivb pain so quiokly asyour Pills. I used to lay in bedfort or three months at atime, but now I not only gotrel SZLOUT, in a few hours but am able to workin less than a week; y RHEUMATISM comp'aintis the worst of 11 Gouts, called Chalk Gout. riOUT Yours truly v* ««w LITTLBJOHN: BH B U|M A X IS M «'Mr G.Eade. EADE' 8 GOUT ct RHEUMATIC pILLS rrepared onlybv George Eade 73,Goswell-road London B,C. SoldbyallOhemistsinBottles,ls. Hd.andSs.9d; InADEIS QOUT & GHEUMATIO pILLS ON EY LENT PRIVATELY by the JXL CHARING-CKOSS BANK (Registered 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS LONDON; EstABLIBHBD, 1870. Assets £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities. 209,475 18 2 Capital and Reserve £ 303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows:- Advanoe £ 25—12monthlyrepaymenUo f £ 2 6 11 « 50 4 11 8 100 9 3 4 Larger amonntsthesamei nproportion. LOANS of S30 o $2,000 granted at a ew honr'snotioeintownoroountry,maleorfemale,on mortgage of furniture, trade andfarmstock, plans crops, &c., without removal, and to assist person intobusinessjalsoondeedsjpolioies.andreversions, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14 years. Distanct no object. Easy repayments Strictly private Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, ftc., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find omt yon aretreating with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank. Having large capital we do business cheaper than others No good loan ever refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of OUli RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below 9!1 Depositeo £ io and upwards received at 3 pir cent, per annum payable at 14 days'notice. aabj eotto3 montha* notie eofwithdrawa 1 45percen t it 6 6" 12 7 II Interest paid quarterly free from Income Tax. Depositors inour co responsibility, and are amply e:ured. Prospeotos free. A. WITIIITATVRG, MAXAQBB. VT<JTT MINS HALL'S THE UP-TO-DATE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, 16, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. A great variety of Boots and Shoes of all descriptions kept in Stock or made to Order. REPAIRS Done up-to-date and style, with Best English Leather, on the shortest notioe. Note the Address THOS MINSHALL, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. SECOND EDITION.—NO W RE4DY. A GUIDE AND BRIEF HISTORY OF FLINT CASTLE BY HENRY TAYLOR, F.S. DEPUTY CONSTABLE, With illustrations by Miss Louisa RATUBB, the late Mr RANDOLPH OALDHOOXT, and Mr LBONASD HTTQHBS. Price, 6d.—Popular Edition, 4d. WA Printed and Published at the Borough PRUJJF W Works, Flint. T VFIRANTED IMMEDIATELY All classes of YV SERVANTS, male and female, for England and Wales; stamps for replies. -GBzzimousie'o AOBKOT, Water-street, Rhyl. ST. W INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English ;French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the RoyalAcademyfor Ex- ms in Music, &o. WBBXLY BOABDBBS BBOBIVBD. GRIFFITH JONES, BILL POSTER AND TOWN ORIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL The bast Posting Stationsi nth e District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. r 25 TO £ 500. A WIDOW LADY, having a arger amount of SPARE CASH than she requires in her Business, would be pleased to make strictly PRIVATE ADVANCES to any respectable person, ON THEIR OWN NOTE OF HAND. Apply personally, or by letter to- MRS. D. BEHRMAN, FURNITURE DEALER, 16, CITY ROAD, r CHESTER. THE CATHEDRAL PSALTER. 70ZBTBD FOB CHANTING, AS ADOPTHD AT HOLYWELL PARISH CHURCH TO BB BAD AT TEN "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. BEECHES FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE- WEAK STOMACH WINO. IMPAIRED DIGESTION- CONSTIPATION- LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD Beecham's Cough Pills, For COUGHS ASTHMA, and all CHEST AFFECTIONS. In Boxes, In. lid., and 21. 9d; each. Beecham's Tooth Paste- EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES THE TEETH PERFUMES the BREATH, In Collapsible Tubes, Is. each. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire SOLD BY ALL DBUQQXSTB 1ND PATHNT MBDICIHB ^DBALBBS BVEBTVTBBBB. A. SCHWABZ, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE MENT OF HIS PREMISES, be has been enable dt o g rentlyineresse hi sS took. ALL KINDS OF JEWELERY KEPT IN STOCK- Cloths and Watch tso falLiescrifUon unhand HANDSOME SELECTION OF ELECTRO-PLATED ARTICLES BEPAIRSPROMPTLYEXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. JK aPLBUDHASSOBTHBNTOF Guinea Gold Widdeng and Keepei Rsxg. Apresentgivenwitheachring bought A private oomt oselectin PEALBB zr LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. COKE! COKE!! COKE! -:o: THE CHEAPEST FUEL IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD IS COKE AT THE GAS WORKS, GREENFIELD, For Warming Places of Worship, for Greenhouses, and for Blacksmiths' Fires, COKE WILL BE FOUND THE CHEAPEST, CLEANEST AND MOST SUITABLE FUEL, 6 D. PER C WT • AT THE WORKS. H. B. CHAMBERLAIN, yy MANAGER. 1%0 WHAT HO 111 WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW, COME TO TOM EDGE AND GET A DECENT HAIR CUT AND SHAVE; YOU CAN ALSO GET THE CHOICEST TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PIPES, POUCHES, OF EVERY VARIETY NOTE THE ADDRESS:— TOM EDGE'S, HAIR CUTTING & SHAVING SALOOfl, Opposite the National Provincial Bank, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, 6"'1 1ft. ¡1;' ,a v m A iu BETTISFIELD COLLIERY, SIDNEY BREWITT IS NOW SUPPLYING BEST SCREENED COAL, AT [ PER TON. 13S. 4D. PER TON. AT THE COLLIERY. PER TON 16s. 8D. PER TON DELIVERED. This Coal is from the following well-known Seams, viz.:—One yard; Three yards and Five yards, and is equal to any on the Market. ORDERS TO- SIDNEY BREWITT, BETTISTIELD COLLIERY. —^ V ESTABLISHED, 1888. T. LLOYD AND SON (LATH PIERCE LLOYD & SON), Plumbers, Painters, Glaziers, Gas Fitters, Sign Writers, Paper Hangers, Hot Water, Sanitary, Heating, Electrical and General Engineers, (OPPOSITE TOWN BURLDINGS), 31, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W., Always keep a large Stook of Landers, Gutters, Downspouts, Baths, W.C., Lavatories; AIBO, Brass Fittings for same. HIGH CLASS DECORATING A SPECIALITY. Con/ractors for all kinds of Electrical Work, Electric Lighting, Heating and Power, Electric Bells, Telephones, AND Lightning Conductors. The Best Selection and Largest Stock of Wall Papers, at Lowest Prices. Experienced Workmen only kept. All Orders receive immediate and personal attention. Lists on application. Mantles 9d. each. ESTIMATHS FBBB. Gas Fittings of all descriptions. Incandescent and Ordinary. Sole Agents for this District for the Sunlight Incandesoent Gas Light Co. v H 0 L Y W E L L COUNTY SCHOOL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tbat the Governors of the Holywell County Sohool have in aooordanoe with the provisions of the Flintshire Education Scheme adopted Regulations for the Conduct of Lodging Houses for Pupils at the County Sohool. No Pupil will in future be be allowed to lodge in any Honse which has not been lioensed by the Governors for that purpose. Lodging House Regulations, and Forms of appli- cation to be plaoed on the Register of Lodging Houses, can be obtained from the undersigned. Dated this TXNTH day of JANUARY, 1900. FRED. LLEWELLYN-JONES, SOLICITOB, HOLYWBLL, C k to the Holywell County Sohool Governors. Holywell County (Intermediate and Technical) School. CHAIBMAN OF GOVHRNORS :— S. K. MUSPRATT, ESQUIRE, J.P, HKADMISTMB :— J. C. DAVIES, M.A. (LONDON). ASSISTANT TEACEMS:- MISS RUTH BROOKES, B.A. (LONDON), Honours in French late Scholar of the University College of Wales. MISS KATE PATTON, B.A, (R.U.I.) Drapers' Soholar (JG105) of the Royal University of Ireland. FOSTER SMITH, C.M., B.Sc. (VIOTOMA), GEORGE H. SMITH (South Kensington and City of London Guilds). THE HOLYWELL COUNTY SCHOOL is a Sohool for Boys and Girls. Pupils are pre- pared for the Universities and University Colleges, and for Professional and Business careers. Fees, £ 6 per annum payable each Term in advance. Numerous Scholarships ,ps and Bursuries. The County Sohool RE-OPENS 9.30 a.m., on the 17th JANUARY, 1900. For further particulars, apply to the Head- master, or to the Clerk to the Governors, F. LLEWELLYN-JONES, LL.B., B.A., SOLICITOR, HOLTWHLL. n. 10th, 1900. SOUTH AFRICA. IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 31ST, 1900 THB Rev. Thomas Grey, Birkenhead WEI DBXIVKR HIS POPULAR LECTURE ON HIS "RECENT VISIT TO SOUTH AFRICA." Illustrated with LIMELIGHT VIEWS of places of interest in Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Natal, and the Transvaal. Doors open at 7 to commence at 7.30 p.m.— Proceeds in aid of the English Presbyterian Churoh, Holywell. Powell's j Balsam j Of Aniseed ( ¡: I j ) FOB | | Coughs | Asthma [ Bronchitis j Influenza J P AND ALL S LungTroubles I See above Trade Mark on each Wrapper. S (In Bottles, 1/11,2/3,4/6 and U/-1 POWELL'S Mild APERIENT PILLS,i/itaft | ESTABLISHED 1824. <§ 1 f Sold by Chemists throughout the WorIA 9 ? Laboratory: 1, Albion Place, J Sale by Mr. William Freeman. TY MAEN, LLOC. MR. WM. FREEMAN HAS received instructions from Mr Hy. JUDD, who is giving np his residence, to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on SATURDAY, THB 13TH DAT OF JANUARY, 1900, The whoie of his exoellent OLD OAK, mahogany and other HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effeots. SALE TO OOKUBNCE AT 11.30 A.M. PROMPT. Farther particulars, in posters. Auction Office:- Pertbyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. Sale by Messrs Wilfrid Wrefordo- Co [BY OBDBB OF MOBTGAQBBB. ]. LIFE INTEREST AND REVERSIONS. SALE ON TUESDAY NEXT, AT TBB GROSVENOR HOTEL, CHESTER, At Three o'clock precisely. Miesus. V WILFRID WREFORD AIm Co., WILL SELL BY AUCTION the valuable Life T T and other Interests in a sum of Sio,ooo, also, the Life Interest in possession of Major John Hope Wynne Eyton, in the Family Estates of Leeswocd, near Mold, Flintshire, producing an estimated income of £ 2000 per annum, also a Capital sum of £ 2,300 invested in Mortgage and on deposit. Particulars and conditions of sale, may be had of THBODOBH ALLIWGHAM, Esq., Solicitor, 20. Bncklers- bury, London, E.G.; the Place of Sale; and the Auctioneers' Offices, 34, Ooleman Street. Sale by Messrs Frank Lloyd and Sons. MI8. ARMY REIKOUNTIS. MESSRS. FRANK LLOYD & SONS HAVE pleasure in announcing that an Inspeotor of Remounts will attend at the ST. ASAPH SMITHFIELD, ON SATURDAY, THB 13TH op JANUARY, 1900, At 1.0 p.m., to purchase CAVALRY AND IN- FANTRY HORSES, from 14-3 to 15-3. Horses must be at least Five years old. No Greys will be taken. Farmers and others who have Horses of any of the above olasses to dispose of, will do well to send them for inspection on Saturday, January 13th. Good prices given for suitable animals. Usual commission. Further information fcom- FRANK LLOYD AND SONS, WREXHAM. HOLYWELL UNION. Workhouse Master and Matron. THE Guardians invite applications for the above offices at the respective Salaries of £ 75 and and £45 per annum (including beer allowance) with rations, washing and furnished apartments in the Workhouse. The appointment will be subject to the Poor Law Umoers Superannuation Act, 1896. and the value of the emoluments for the purpose of that Act is fixed at 460 per annum respectively. Applicants must be man and wife, and the Master must be between the age of 36 and 45 years. The Master must be competent to keep all the Books, and perform the duties required by him by n 6 0fders and Regulations of the Looal Government n manafife the cultivation of land. JL re1uired to give security with an approved Guarantee Society in the sum of 1200. V The Matron must be competent to undertake personally the direction and management of all the domestic arrangementa of the Workhonse. A knowledge of the Welsh language it desirable. Applications In the handwriting of eaoh of the Oandidatea stating age, present and former appoint- ments, aocompanied by copies of not more than three recent testimonials as to character and effioieoey, to be sent in to me, before 10 o'olook on FBEDAT, the 26th of JAXUABY, 1900. Selected Candidates will receive notioe to attend. Personal oanvassing is prohibited and will dis- qualify. By order, P. HARDING ROBERTS, CLKUE. Union Offices, Holywell, 8th January, 1990. THE IMPERIAL YEOMANRY. DENBIGHSHIRE HUSSARS. SUBSCRIPTIONS PROMISED:- ;g s. d. The Right Hon. Lord Mostyn 100 0 0 Mr J. Eldon Bankes, Soughton Hall 50 0 0 Further Subscriptions will be received at the North and South Wales Bank, Holywell, oi by the Hon. Secretaries. LADY MOSTYN, Mostyn Hall. MRS HOWARD, Wygfair, St. Asaph. THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA £ 1. 6. Total amount already subscribed 401 11 6 HOLYWELL. Holywell Parish Church 8151 Miss H, Brailsford 0 2 6 Spring Gardens School 0 4 0 Ll. Rowlands, Esq. 110 W. Jones, Esq.. J.P 1 1 0 Mr Thomas Williams 0 1 0 Penyball Chapel 1 0 6 GREENFIELD. 1 Holy Trinity Church, Greenfield. 0 17 9 BRYNFORD. Collected by Messrs John Lloyd and Daniel Jenkins.. 0 6 3 HALKYN. Halkyn Fund •••••••« 10 4 6 a yn an Subscriptions may be sent to the Holywell Branches of the National PBovnrorAl or NOBTH AND SOUTH WALKS BAMKS, respectively, or to H. W. JONES, 3, The Grove, Holywell, Hon. Secretary. January lltb, 1900. ON SAL E-POTATOES—a few Ton« of Webb's Ashleaf; Duke of York, and Stour- bridge Glory Potatoes.—Apply, W. WittJAXl, Bailiff, Saithaslwyd, Holywell. TO FARMERS. V ON SALE—Forty Loads Farmyard MANURE. —Apply, at CANTON HOUBB, Holywell.