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I « 5 ||"ls li I the Pain •|p§ 11 i @1 There ? When uric system by 'weak i j)| Ai j j kidneys, it starts > Jw « 'f*> more diseases «< ]?very | 1 v poison- Picture Ttills And is more Q. „ f '/M v. Story. M\\ j: ft I /M UTS to be if area, be- J j; •. || j Jlk lj. | p o i s o n i n g is I "lou do not j!k I notice it at first, 1 except for a feel- k\. | My ing of lassitude v ing of lassitude v and irritability v J~ Be sure you get the same but before long kind of pills as Mrs. Jone9 had." the trouble becomes more distinct— the back aches, the limbs swell, the DGnDl&fu CdSG. eyes grow heavv, the appetite varies, u T»» there »re rhemnrtic pai^, „r.™l, and Mrs. A. M. Joo«s, 1». Mount Pleuaot distressing urinary disorders. Hoose, Swine Market, Denbigh, says | ° I cannot speak too highly of Doan s Backache. Kidney Pills, for they have done me such a wonderful lot of good. « Doan's B icknehe RidreT Pills are11 For a long time I suffered verv much i a special kidnev medicine; thpy i frm kidney complaint; my back. was so cleanse and revise the kidneys so thai P*1 "J"? tbat 1 c0»ldl1' 8<* °P the uric acid poisons are draioed out » cllM ™'h»ut W*. j' "» • jin the natural way: they dissolve R"»™g kind of pm m tie bwer j cmialiMd uric acid, break up Rravel PJrt of my back, and seemed to take away stones, and cure inflammation of the *» ">y strength. I couldn't get proper blader, as well as backache, dropsy, S'"CP nl8hls. and that made me wor8a j and every kidney irregularity. A t"^nTe^er; L.. j neighbour^ word is given here to! b»d °ther s.gns that my k.dneys Dro°ve were not acting properly. Since I have used your pills the pains have left rue, and j I am better and brighter in many ways— i indeed, 1 don't feel like the same woman, of all eiicroigts and stor,-r, 2s. sd. cer box; six and all the credit for my present health brxrs i;js. 9a or post tree direct from Foster- goes to Doan's Backache Kidney Pills." jreClelHn C0..8. We]]»-tr*ot. Oxford-Btreet,London, D J W. Be sure they are DOAN'S. I j -7- I 8 1 BACKACtiE KIDNEY PIL _1


- ----------------LLANNEFYDD.

