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A. M. D. G. THE FEAST OF ST. WINEFRIDE, V.M., WILL BB SOLEMNLY KEPT AT H O 3L."ST W ELL. ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, z897. PONTIFICAL HIGH MASS AT 11 A.M., WILL BE CELEBBATBD BY THE RIGHT REV. DR. MOSTYN (VIUAR APOSTOLIO OF WALES), SERMON BY THE REV. JOSEPH VERDIN, S.J. IN THE EVENING AT SIX O'CLOCK, HIS LORDSHIP THE BISHOP WILL ADKINISTBB THB BACBAMSNT OF CONFIRMATION, FOLLOWED BY SOLEMN BENEDICTION AND PROCESSION TO THE WELL. (WXATHEB PEBJOTTINO), St. Wiaeftide's Well and Hospice will remain open, M usual, during the winter. St. Wlnefride, moat admirable Virgin, even in this vnbelieving generation still miraoulous-Prav for us. ST. WINEFRIDE'S NEW HALL, HOLYWELL. MONDA Y, NOVEMBER Flh, 1897. LIME LIGHT LECTURE rUUSIS&UXCi THE RECENT CELEBRATIONS AT EBBSFLEET & CANTERBUHY (In Honour of the Tercentenary of St. Augustine), by the REV. PATRICK HAYDEN, S.J. Doors open at 7.30; to commence at 8 p.m. Admission: Firat Seats, 2s.; Second Seats, lo.; Baok Seats, 6d. Proceeds in aid of St. Winefride's Schools. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. A GRAND BAZAAR, WILL BB HBLD AT THB ASSEMBLY HALL. HOLYWELL, ON CHRISTMAS.AND BOXING DAYS, 1897. Proceed. in aid of liquiiating, the debt incurred with the renovation of Pendref Wesleyan Chapel. Further particulars will appear shortly. MR. W. B. BRIERLEY, Mus. BAC., OXON., F.R.C.O., (ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR OF MUSIO TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G.), M HOLYWELL weekly and sails at V Intermediate Stations, and is prepared to receive pupils in any of the following subjects:- PIANO, ORGAN, VIOLIN, SINGING, HARMONY, COMPOSITION, &o. For torwo, &o., apply to— EOOLESTON, CHBSTEB. .i — —— — MR. E. C. BRIGGS, Batt. Bandmaster, 2nd Y- R. W. F., 13 Teather of Music &0 Musical Instruments, (HIQHBST DIPLOMA R.M.O.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.- Terms moderate, BAGILLT STREET, HOLYWELL. Agent for the PBOVIDBNT Fiaza HOKB ASSUBANCB CIOURAmir, Limited, London. ENGLISH CHOLERA! ENGLISH CHOLERA! DIARMfflA or ENGLISH CHOLERA (From whatever cause), CAN lSa OUBBD BY TAXING MICHAEL JONES' Celebrated Diarrhoea Mixture, Which has enjoyed a world-wide reputation for its effioaov for the laet 50 years. Sold in bottles at 71d., 13jd., and 2a 9d. eaob. Free by Paroel Poet to any Address in the United Kingdom for 9, 16, or 36 stamps. Prepared and Sold only by the joint Proprietors 0. WILLIAMS JONES, A.P.S., APOTHHCABIBB' HALL, FLINT; AND K. LLOYD JONES, M.P.S., MEDICAL HALL, CONN AH'S QUAY. COLD IN CANADA. KLONDYKE. AHwho desire information respecting Klondyke and of Ontario and British l/Olnmbls should write to ALLAN BROS. & CO., 19, James St., Liverpool, L*ATLETS regarding the above and FRie. RESOURCES OF CANADA, whloH are LADIESI SUPPRESSIONS, and OBSTRUCTIONS can obtain the moat valuable information whereby difficulties are over- „r:ter h0W Obstinate or Long-Standing. THIS KXTRAORDINAKY MEDICINE has met with immense •nccem in THOUSANDS OF failed. Read these extracts from Testimonials. MIXBORO' Dear Madam,-Kindly send me a bottle of yo^ m^icme and pills, I hare tried them before; on cne ocoasion they pit me right with FOUR DOSES AFTKB SIXTEEN WBBKS, ana another time ONB DOSE DID ME GOOD,—Mrs Lt.x • NKWCA8TLE-OS-TTIf s. Dear Madam,—My case was a very obstinate one ox MIGHTARN WCKKS, but with perseverence and your good advice I am happy to say I got relief .—Mrs M.J. YOBK, Dear Mra Dusmail,-I received the medicine and pills safely. The last I had proved effectual after PIVB MONTHS' AVRRASAAION AKD AKXIBTV.—Mrs A.B, The above, and Thousands of similar Testimonials guaranteed Genuine UNDER A PENALTY OF £1,000. 'Abandon not hope; here you will find a Genuine SPECIALITY and CURE. Failure impossible. Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. A, BASMAL, fjox, 887, Langdale House, Walthamstow, Londtni VyT o N EY LENT PRIVATELY by the lYX OHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities. 209,475 18 2 Capital nd Reserve. X303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows:— Advance £ 25—12monthljrepaymentsof £ 2 5 11 50 44 4 11 L 100 44 44 9 3 4 Larger amountsthe a amein proportion. LOANS of 930 to f,2,000 granted at a few hour's noticein town or country, male orfemale, on mortgage off urniture, trade and farm stock, plans, crops, &o., without removal, and to assist persont into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no objeat. Easy repayments Strictly private. Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find o-at you aretreating with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank. Having large capital we ilo business cheaper than others. No good loan evsr refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CUB. RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below £ 110 Depositsof £10 and upwards received at 3 psr cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subjectto3 months' noticfeof withdrawal L4 per cetit ti g <( H 5 n "12 44 44 6 44 Interest paid quarterly free from Income Ta:c Depositors have no liability whatever, and ale amply secured. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. john JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, IIIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that hehaesucceeded to the J) businessso longaarried on by hislateFather, John Hughes, at the above premises, and trusts that by prompt attention and moderate charges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of publicsupport. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Willcontinueto be a specialfeature of the business and great care will be exercised to ensurethe best materials only being used. STRONG BOOTS The beat and cheapest Home-mad eBeotsin the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF BVBBYDBBOBIPTION XBPT IN STOCK. YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'SBOOTS AND BLIPPEB OF BVBBY VABIBTY OBDBBB PROMPTLY ATTBNDBD TO. s Repairs neatly executed. | TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt; also a fully-licensed PUBLICHOUSE, in FlApply to KELSTBBTON BBBWBBY Co. LD. V "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." IF THE MISCHIEF 8IN THE BLOOD IT KNOW OF A OERTAIN- CURE, c LARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER A ND RESTORER. Frongooh Issop, TIechryd, Cardiganshire, March 16, 1896. "Gentlemen,—I write to thank you forthegrea benefit I received through taking Clarke's Bloo<! Mixture. I had suffered for over eighteen months from ulcerated sores on my leg. and <was unable to walk about the house without crutches. During tho above period I had been treated by doctors, and had tried all sorts of remedies, but none did me any good. At the latter end of last year I was recommended to consult a noted person for suck; maladies in Glamorganshire; I went there and re., mained under his care for several weeks, but had to return home despondent, without having derived any benefit. A day or two after I returned home, j Mr Jones, our police officer, called, and asked how I I was, and I told him my experience in Glamorgan. shire. He replied If the mischief is in the blood I know a certain oure, Clarke's Blood Mixture.' After further conversation I made up my mind to give it a trial, and shall never forget the day. In less than six weeks, and before I finished taking the second bottle, I was perfectly cured, and never felt better in my life. EveJ since I have been able to attend to my household duties without the SLIE-HHMT difficulty whatever,-Yours truly, tr "ANN THOMAS." "4, Greenfield-street, Govan, Glasgow, Jan. 5,1897 "Dear Sirs,—1 feel in duty bound to add m) testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three years and six months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the Skin Hospital, in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. | Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institu- tion in St. Vincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the advice was that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and received no benefit Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent, and of which I am a proud man to-day After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a clever skin specialist I r?ceived treatment for 13 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and commenced working again at my occupation, but I soon got as bad as ever I then commenced with 'Clarke's "World-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottleB was completely cured. But I still continued taking the Mixture till I had taken thirteen bottles You can make use of my name in any way you please.-Yours truly, WILLIAM PATEBSON. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE cannot be too highly recommended For Soorfula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL.-Cleanfie the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of 'HE system will follow. Sold in bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 stamps, by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN and MIDI AND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED WHEN you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, don't be put off with something else. Many retailers stock substitutes for all artioles in large demand, and pay their assistants a com- mission on the sale of those imitations. This exmgins why different articles from the one asked tot are so frequently pat before purchasers. V- I CHILDREN'S H AI R. < Hagon's CLEANSER. Destroys Nits, &c., ancl fhiiiiitAn'fl Hairgrow Beautiful,Curly, Soft and strong A lady writes," X have used^HAGO "s Clfanse?°« the last 10 years for Sirls, and they now hayo Beautiful Golden Hair m great abundance SoUl by ?nost ,,d ,,y tea I obtain it ifmked but inrist on HAGON'S; nothing else tcilldo t/14 Korft: ► 6d. Bottles, post free 9d., 2 for 1/4. Sole Maker. HAGOT._Chcmlst;-CABmFfr: m COUNTY OF FLINT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE holdeu at the COUNTY HALL, MOLD, in and for the County of Flint, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day of OCTOBER, 1897, it was ordered- That in compliance with the Lunacy Act, 1890, Section 177, the following Justices of this County, and a Medical Practitioner, are appointed to act as Visitors of Licensed Houces within this County, and otherwise for the purposej of the said Act during the ejosuing year, viz. JUSTICES:—Philip Pennant Pennant, Esquire, of Nantlye, St. Asaph Robert Howard, Esquire, of Broughton Hall, Malpas, Cheshire; Philip Bryan Davics-Cooke, Esquire, of Gwysaney, Mold. MEDICAL PRACTITIONER: Alfred Trabshaw, Esquire, of Mold, Surgeon. It is further Ordered that Thomas Thelwall Kelly, Clerk of the Peace of this County, be appointed to act as Clerk t) the Visitors. By the Court, THOS. T. KELLY, CLEBK OF THB PBACE. Mold, 20th Ootober, 1897. NTY OF FLINT., THE LUNACY ACT, 1890. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, holden at the COUNTY HALL, MOLD, in and for the County of Flint, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day of OCTOBER, 1897, it was ordered That in compliance with the provisions of the Lunacy Act, 1890, Section 10, the following Justices of this County be appointed to exercise during the ensniog year within this County the powers conferred by the said Act upon the Judicial Authority as defined by the Act, viz. :— FoR THE DIVISION OF MOLD.-Pennant Athelwold Lloyd, Esquire, Pentrehobin, Mold; Philip Bryan Davies-Ccoke, Esquire, Gwyeaney, Mold; Philip Tatton Davies-Cooke, Efquire, Maes Alyn, Mold. FOR THE DIVISION OF HOPHI.-Charles James Trevor Roper, Esquire, Plas Teg, Mold; Richard Venables Kyrke, Esquira, Peny wern, Mold William Davies, Eequire, The Celyn, Caergwrle. FOB THlt DIVISION OF HAWABDEN. Charles Davison, Esquire, Farfield, Coneah's Qaay, Flint; Henry Hurlbutt, Esquire, Dee Cottage, Queens- feiry, Flint; Frederick Leigh Hancock, Esquite, Wold House, Hawardeu. FOB THE DIVISION OF NOBTHOP.—Join Eldon BankfcS, Esquire, Soughton Hall, Northop; John Watkinson, Esquire, Brook Park, Northop James Reney, Esquire, Connah's Quay, Flint. FOB TH-H DivisioN OF HOLYWI&LL. -Rich ard San key, Esquire, The Vron, Holywell; William Jones, Esquire, Frondeg, Holywell; Samuel Davies, Esquire. Ivy House, Greenfield, Holywell. FOR THE DIVISION OF CAEBWYS.—Philip Pennant Pennant, Esquire, Nantlys, St. Asaph Arthur Mesham, Esquire, Pontryffydd. Bodfari, Rhyl; William Williams, Esquire, Glasfryn, Caervry, Holywell. FOB THE DIVISION OF P]aMTATYZ;. -Edwin Morgan, Esquire, Cae Gwyn, Tremeirohion, St. Aeaph; James Yeoman Strachan, Esquire, Rhianod, Rhyl; William Elwy Williams, Esquire, Maelor, Rhyl, FOB THE DIVISION OF RHUDDLAN. Richard Frederick Birob, Esquire, Maeselwy, St. Asaph Henry Richard Lloyd Howard, Esquire, Wigfair St. Asaph; jWilliamEasterby,Esquire, The Grammar Sohool, St. Asaph. FOB THE DIVISION OF OVICRTON. -Edmund Peel, Esquire, Brynypys, Ruabon; Robert Howard, Esquire, Broughton Hall, Malpas, Cheshire; Philip Thomas Godsal, Esquire, Isyooed Park, Whitohurob, Salop. Copies of this Notice can be obtained from the Clerk to the Justices of the several Petty Sessional Divisions, and Clerks to the Poor Law Unions within the said County, or from the office of the Clerk of the Peace, Mold. THOS. T. KELLY, CLBBX OF THB PEACE. d, 20th Ootober, 1897. V TO I BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. I TENDERS are invited by the Standing Joint JL Committee of the County of Flint, for the execution of Sanitary and other Alterations at the County Hall Buildings, Mold, from the Plans of Mr F. Bellis, Architect. Plans and Specifications may be seen at my Offioe in Mold. Sealed Tenders are to be sent to me, on or before the 13th of November next, during office hours. THOS. T. KELLY, OLBBX OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL. MA 25th October, 1897. "HOLYWELL SCHOOL BOARD (EXTRA MUNICIPAL). WANTED, a CLERK to the above Board. Salary, £ 40 per annum. Applications with Testimonials to be sent to the undersigned on or before November 8th, 1897. Canvassing directly or indirootly will disqualify applicants. E. BRYAN, ChairmaD, Holywell Sohool Board. October 25th, 1897. ORDER EARLY! ORDER EARLY!! CHRISTMAS ANNUALS, PEAR'S ANNUAL. BLACK AND WHITE. GRAPHIC. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. SPORTING AND DRAMATIC NEWfi AND ALL CHRISTMAS NUMBERS OF MAGAZINES, TO BB OBTAINED OF DAVIES AND Co., OOSER VER" OFFIOE. HOLYWELL. Order early to prevent disappointment. V ST. WINEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE—English French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain nnd fancy Needlework. The Convent is under tb; Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &o. WKEXLY BOABDEBB BECEIVED. v Sales by Mr.. William Freeman. AT THB HARP INN, GREENFIELD STREET, HOLY WELL, ON MONDAY, THE 8TH OF NOVEMBER, 1897. MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN HAS received instructions from Mrs Trainer (who is leaving) to Sell by Public Auction on the above-named preimaef, a portion of her modern and useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS SALE AT ONE O'CLOCK P.M. PROMPT Auction Office Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. iq WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1897. Ten strong Store Pigs, Butcher's Fixtures and Tools, various Outside Effects, and the useful Household Furniture, &c., AT GLANDON, MOSTYN, By instructions from Mr FBANOIS KENDBICK, who is retiring from Busine-s and leaving the neighbourhood. MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN Is infetruoted to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at ONE O'CLOCK prompt, the following VALUABLE EFFECTS, COMPRISING Ten strong well-fed store pigs, 5 months old, two stone pig troughs, a hand windlass, with double purobate for slaughter house, pole axe, Cambrians and various tools, large turnel, several pairs of pulley blocks, two ladders, garden tools, old iron, grindstone, seven various sized water tubs, two large ditto, wheelbarrow, &o. The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Comprises: Mahogany oval oentre table, a very large mahogany chest-of-drawers, a painted and glazed China cupboard, stained wood tables, chimney glafs, mahogany framed sofa, in hair-cloth, three C.S. chairs, cast fender, brass firestool and irons, two mahogany easy obairs, pair oleographs, and twelve other pictures, China tea service and orna- ments, large Welsh Bible, Pilgrim's Progress,' and other books, an excellent eight-day clock, in carved mahogany case, dinner service, glasp, carpets, hearthrugs, stained birch bedstead, palliasses, feather and flock beds, bolsters and pillows, bed clutbiag, painted dressing tables and washstands, mahogany dressing glats, on spiral supports, toilet ware, curtains, night chair, &c., kitchen fender and irons, butcher's cleavers and saws, high-baoked rocking and armed chairs, hardwood ditto, eight-day clock in oak caM, oak cupboard, two painted ditto, oak and deal tables, kitchen dresser, settle, folding iron bed, hair mattrass, crookery and other miscell- aneous effects. Early attention respectfully solicited, as the Lots a-re very numerous. Auction Office erthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. AT PLAS CAPTAIN FARM, NEAR LLYNHELIG. MR. WM. FREEMAN Is favoured with instructions from MRS WILLIAMS, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on MONDAY, THE 22ND OF NOVEMBER, 1897, THE whole of her valuable 27 head of milch cows, well-fed bullooks, young bull, heifers and stirks, 14 excellent oart. horses, marep, oolts, fillies and promising harness cobs, 20 ewes and ram, two young brood sows, all the modern implements, saddlery, dairy vessels and surplus household furniture, four acres of swedes, and a quantity of wheat and barley. Further particulars in posters and oatalogues. Auction Offioe Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. — ImLOunceinent of Forthcoming Sale BY MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN, ABOUT THE LAST WEEK IN NOVEMBER, BY instructions of the Exeoutors of the Rev. D. MOBOAN, deceased, at YSCEIFIOG RECTORY, NEAR FOLYWELL, The whole of the valuable OUT-DOOR EFFECTS, and a large portion of the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Auotion Offioe Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF FLINT. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, -Permit me to tender you my warmest thanks for the very great honour you have conferred upon me, by electing me at the head of the Poll, as one of your Representatives in the Town Council of the above Borough. I can assure you it will be my constant aim and endeavour to serve your interests to the best of my humble ability. To those who did not record their vote in my favour, I also tender my thanks, believing they were acting from purely conoienoious motives. Again thanking you, I am, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Yours very faithfully, S. WILKINSON. High Street, Flint, November 3rd, 1897. V NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. A New Volume begins with the November Number of the CENTURY MAGAZINE. Illustrated. Price Is. 4d. each Number. Annual Subscription, 168. A New Volume begins with the November 'Number of ST- NICHOLAS. Illustrated. Pfioo Is. tach Number. Annual Subsoription 12S. MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE. November, 1897. CONTENTS—The Diary of a Private Soldier in the Peninsular War edited by Lieut.-Col. Willoughby Verner, late Rifle Brigade.—The meeting of Horace and Virgil; by Profesjor Ramsay.—A Now Academy —A Philosopher's Romance; by John Bewick. Chapters I.-III.-The Murder of the Duke of Gandia; by A. H. Norway. -Tennyson; by Stephen Gwynn.—American Diplomacy. ACMILLIAN- AND Co., LTD., LONDON. TO BE LET —with immediate possession— SAITHAELWYD COTTAGE, situate about One Mile from the Town of Holywell, and near to Pantasaph. The House stands within its own well-wooded grounds, with lawn in front and gardens. It contains Dining, Drawing and Smoking Rooms, two Kitohens, back Kitchen and four Bed- rooms. Splendid situation, overlooking Estuary of tbe River Dee. Stable and Coach-house contiguous. -Apply, "OBSBBVEB" OFFICE, Holywell BRYN FORD CHURCH. DEDICATION OF STAINED GLASS WINDOW In Memory of the late Rector, Rev. David Jones, and to Commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria on SUNDAY, THB 71IL DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1897, At Three p.m. :-Service in Sliglislt- PBEACHEB- CANON GRIFFITH JONES, MOSTYN. WELSH SERVICES: 10.0 a.m., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 6.0 p.m., Evening Prayer PBEACBEB- THE RECTOR. Collection at each Service. ^A^SELECT DAY SOHOOL for YOUNG A. LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINEFBIDE'S OONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPEBIOBESS. 441'( BE LET KELSTON FARM, near JL Llanasa, consisting of about 350 aores. Possession of the Land in November.—For further particulars, apply P. HADDON CAVE, Talacre, Holy- well, N.W. PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES. The attention of Solicitors and Parliamen- tary Agents is called to the facilities offered by the Flintshire Observer for the insertion of Parliamentary Notices and Applications to the Board of Trade during the month of November.

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