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J A MEM A Y E R RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES HIS USUAL CHRISTMAS SHOW, COMMENCING ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10TH INSTANT, AND CONTINUING ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS. «. ■■ :at THE FAVOUR OF AN INSPECTION INVITED, VICTORIA HOUSE, HOLY WELL. RICHARD JONES, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, AND GENERAL FUNERAL UNDERTAKER. :o: —— RWIDHNCE BLODWEN VILLA, BRYNFORD ROAD, HOLYWELL. Busraass FATABLUIMMS AND WOBSSBOPS HOLYWELL-CROSS ROAD YARD; BAGILLT-PENTRE BUILDING YARD. I SPECIAL. NOTICE. I Funerals completely furnished and personally superintended. Vaults and Brick Graves neatly built. Coffins of all descriptions promptly supplied. Wreaths, Shades, Tablets, Crosses, &c., in stock. Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared for all kinds of Buildings, including Drains and Sanitary matters generally. :0:- JOBBING WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -:0. All orders at Bagillt will be immediately attended to by MB. ABTHUB JOJJHB, Gadlya Road Farm, Bagillt. TECHNICAL CLASSES. HOLYWELL CENTRE,—SESSION 1896-97. Olasaea for the coming Session have been arranged and will be held at the SPRING GARDENS SCHOOLROOM, AS FOLLOWS PHYSIOGRAPHY, EVERY THURSDAY, From 7 to 8.30 p.m., TBACHBB :— MB. FOSTER SMITH, B.So., Holywell County School. FEE, for the Course of 28 Lesaona, SI.: M. ELEMENTARY DESIGN. EVERY SATURDAY, From 3.30 to 4.30 p.m. CLAY MODELLING. EVERY SATURDAY, From 4.30 to 6 p.m. ART DRAWING. bvEity SA RDAY, From 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. THAOHEB (of the Three foregoing Subjeota): MB. WILLIAM WELSH, A.M., Cheater Sohool of Art. FEE for any Single Class, 3a. 6d., for the Course of 28 Lessons; for each of the additional two Subjects, If. 6d. extra. LIZZIE PUGH, Hon. Seoretary, ROlE VILLA, HOLYWBLL. Corporation of the City of Manchester. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refused Excrement from Pail Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c-, Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 Ton lots within 60 miles and 4 Ton lots within 100 miles, at jgg per Ton. Speoial ptioe over 100 miles. Supply strictly limited. Orders should be given early in the season to prevent disappointment. Full particulars from: R. D. CALLISON, Indoor Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Or to- MB. BOLD ALDRED, Altrinobam, Manchester, A SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINEFBIDB'S CONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number received.—For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOSBSS. ST. W INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English; French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &c. WEEKLY BOABDERS BBCBTVED. CONNAH'S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. APPLY TO JAMES PRINCE, BRICK WORKS, CONNAH'S QUAY. FOREIGN AND RARE STAMPS DAVIES AND CO., JJAVE now on Sale a large and varied Selection STAMPS OF ALL NATIONS Made up in Packets and alao aold singly. An Inspection invited. rice Lists forwarded on application at tti« "Observer" Office, Holywell. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. Do yoo require your Corn ground P Send it to o FLINT MILL. The work can be done quickly and well. TO FARMERS WHO want their OORN DRYING quickly and well, send at once to J. W. BENNETT, King's Arms, Hotel, Holywell, who has aeoured another large DBYm8 KID. ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STBEET, HOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. CLARKE'S WOBLD. BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WOULD- BLOOD MIXTURE. TAXKD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAKED ^ILARKE'S WOBLD- BL OOV 2IZK.TUR.JL,. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. RJLHB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER rjlHB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. rpHE BLOOD The Blood is the source from which our J- systems are built up, and from which we rpHE BLOOD derive our m«ntal as well aa our physical capabilities. If the blood is diseased the THE BLOOD body is diseased and enfeebled. rpHE BLOOD Clarke's Blood Mixture is warranted to I cleanse the blood from all impurities, rpHE BLOOD from whatever cause arising. In cases of Scrofula, Scurvy, Eceema, Bad Legs, Skin npTTTi BLOOD and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of A all kinds its effects are marvellous. rpHE BLOOD Thousands of wonderful cures have been A effected by it. rpHE BLOOD -L "It is with great pleasure that I write rpHE BLOOD to let you know of the wonderful effect of J- Clarke's Blood Mixture has had upon me. rpHE BLOOD For four months hare had places break A out on my arms and wrists (numbering rpHE BLOOD about 36), large painful, and very much 1 inflamed, causing me to give up work, I rpHE BLOOD have been to two doctors, and was also an A out patient at one of our leading hospitals rpHE BLOOD for six weeks, but did not get any benefit J- from their treatment, so I thought I rpHE BLOOD would try Clarke's Blood Mixture, and -I- am happy to say that I soon felt better, rpHE BLOOD and after having three bottles I feel a i. different man altogether in fact, it has npHE BLOOD not only cured me, but has taken away -L the scars from my arms, which other rp HE BLOOD medicines did not do. Tou can make use J- of this if you like, as no doubt there are rpHE BLOOD many who will be glad to know of Clarke's J- wonderful Blood Mixture.—Yours truly, rpHE BLOOD "J: 8AUHDEBS.?' A 55, Hill Street, Peckham, London, S.E., THE BLOOD 2nd Sept., 1896," rp HE BLOOD I tried your Clarke's Blood Mixture A for pimples, with which I have been much rpHE BLOOD troubled as far back as I can remember! After I had taken six bottles there was rpHE BLOOD not a spot left on my face, and I am glad to say the improvement has been kept rp HE BLOOD up since In addition to that my general A health has much improved, and I feel rpHE BLOOD truly gratefnl to you for this splendid -L medicine.—Bemaining, gentlemen, yonrs rp HE BLOOD faithfully, 1 "J. 0. WATERHOU8E." rpHE BLOOD Moorlands, Hampton Road, Teddington -L 6th September, 1894. rpHE BLOOD 1 THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. rp HE BLOOD -I- For cleansing and clearing the blood rpHE BLOOD from all impurities, Clarke's Blood A Mixture cannot be too highly recom- rpHE BLOOD mended. -L As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, H ^HE BLOOD and warranted free from anything injuri- -1- ous to the most delicate constitution of rp HE BLOOD either sex, from infancy to old age, the A proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a THE BLOOD trial to test its value. THE BLOOD Sold in bottles 2s. 9d. each by all A Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors THE BLOOD throughout the "World, or sent to any address on receipt, of 38 stampB by the rrilE BLOOD Proprietors, the Lincoln and Midland I Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAKED CLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED WHEN you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE don't be put off with some- thing else. Many retailers stock substitutes for all articles in large demand, and pay their assistants a commission on the sale of these imitations. This explains why different articles from the one asked for are so frequently put before purchasers. Dales' Makes Boots and Harness waterproof as a duok's back and soft as velvet. Adds three times to the wear and allows polishing. COLO MEDAL. 0 in MIL pubbin 19 EXHIBITION HIGHEST AWARDS. Tine 2d, 6d, Is, and 2s. 6d, of all Bootmakers, S&Wlere, Leathereellera, &o. HOLYWELL URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. APPOINTMENT OF CLERK AND SURVEYOR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Urban Council for the District of Holywell, in the County of Flint, will at their monthly meeting to be held on MONDAY, the 11th day of JANUARY, 1897, prooeed to the eleotion of a person to fill the jeint offices of Clerk and Surveyor to the Council. A knowledge of the Welsh language ia indispensable. The appointment will be made on the distinct understanding that nojpeusion or retiring allowance will be granted. The person appointed will be required to conform to all Orders relating to these Offioes issued from time to time by the, Local Government Board or this Council. The appoint- ment will commence as from the 31st day of MABOH, 1897, and the annual salary will be 160. Canvass- ing is strictly prohibited, and any Candidate found either direotly or indireotly canvassing any Member of the Council will be disqualified for election. Applications, with recent testimonials, marked "Application for Clerkship," to be addressed to JAMBS WILLIAMS, Esq., J.P., Castle Hill, Holywell, the Chairman ;of the Council, on or beforeJ MONDAY, the 4th day of JANTJABY, 1897. Dated this 7th day of,Deoember, 1896, ROBERT THOMAS, Clerk to the Council. HOLYWELL URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTOR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the UBBAN COUNCIL for the District of Holywell, in the County of Flint, will at their monthlYimeeting to be held on MONDAY, the 11th day of January, 1897, proceed to the eleotion of a person to fill the joint offices of Inspector of Nuisances, Inspector of Slaughter Houses, Inspector of Dairies and Cow- sheds, Market Hall Inspector, Assembly Hall Keeper, Keeper of the Publio Offices, Inspector of New Buildings, and Market Toll Collector for the District. The successful Candidate must not be an Estate Agent or Rent Collector, but must be willing to devote his whole time to the duties of the offioe. A knowledge of the Welsh language is indispensable. The appointment will be made on the distinct understanding that no pension or retiring allow- ance will be granted. All information aa to the duties appertaining to the several offioes may be obtained of the undersigned. The person appointed will be required to conform to all Orders relating to the several Offioes issued from time to time by the Local Government Board or this Council. The appointment will oommenoe as from the 31st day of March, 1897, and the annual salary will be 960, of which L40 ia the salary of the Inspector of Nuisanoes. Canvassing is strictly prohibited, and any Can- didate found either directly or indirectly canvassing any Member of the Counoil will be disqualified for eleotion. Applications with recent testimonials, marked Application for Inspectorship," to be addressed to James Williams, Esq., J.P., Castle Hill, Holywell, the Chairman of the Council, on or before MONDAY, the FOUBTB day of JANUARY, 1897. Dated this 7th day of DECEMBEB, 1896. ROBERT THOMAS, CLEBX TO THB COUNCIL. c H R I S T M A 8 1 QHRISTMAS!! DAVIES AND Co. ÐBG TO ANNOTJNOB THAT THB NBW STOCK OF CHRISTMAS AND NEW TEAR CARDS Is now on view, and respeotfully eolioit an] inspection. PRIVATE ADDRESS CARDS A SPECIALITY, A handsome specimen Book to select from. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ART PUBLICATIONS IN BOOKLETS, LEAFLETS, AFD CHILDREN'S TOY BOOKS. N E WEST GAMES AND NO VE L TIES. PRETTILY BOUND STOIR.Y BOOKS AT ALL PRICES, SUITABLE FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS. A OHOIGB SELECTION OF Sunday Sehool Illuminated Reward Gards. STOCK OF NICELY BOUND PRAYERS AND HYMNS. BANDSOKB Pocket and Presentation Bibles. TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt j also a fully-licensed PUBLIOHOUSE, in Flint.—Apply to KELSTBBTON BBEWEBY Co. LD. BAGILLT,—Good Wire Out BUILDING BRICKS.—Apply to JONBB LLOYD, Briokworks, Bagillt. STJNINSXIRANCE OFFICES FOUNDED 1710. Sum insured in 1895.zC390,775,000. For all particulars apply to the following Agents HOLYWELL. MB. ROBERT THOMAS. MOLD MESSES. KELLY & KEENE ST. ASAPH MB. LI, LLOYD. BUCKLEY MB. EDWARD ROBERTS. A GOOD MISSION is that which has for its object a desire to afford relief to those suffering from NERVOUS TROUBLES, EXHAUSTION, DEBILITY, LIVER OR KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, and all complaints of a weakening nature. I have been restored to health, after many years' suffering, and will now gladly send the prescription which cured me Tree to any sufferer forwarding an addressed envelope. I send it with every confidence, knowing its virtue. Name this paper. ADDRESS— W. H. BROWN, 14 CfliSSBAM R9&P, Uwviuiw, &VSS02. ACTION FOR LIBEL. EVAN JONES AND JOHN DAVIES, OARNARVON, V. E. PAN. JONES, M.A. PH.D, MOSTYN. DR. Pan. Jones' loss in the matter out of which the Action for Libel arose, and the Costa in the Action, amount to JE365. To help him to meet this heavy loss and expense, the following Bums have been paid or promised, and further Subscriptions will be received and gratefully acknowledged by the Hon. Treasurer or the Hon. Secretary. A S. d. Principal W. J. Evans, M.A., Carmarthen 6 0 0 Fellow Sufferer 5 0 0 Professor J. M. Davies, M.A., Bangor 5 0 0 Anonymous. 5 0 0 Mr J. R. Parry, Blaenau Festiniog. 2 2 0 Principal E. Herber Evans, D.D., Bangor 110 Mr H. Edwards (Ruwoo Penmaen), Rhyl 0 10 6 Rev J ..Rcbert8. Hanley, 0 10 0 D. Jones, Esq., Ilartsheath 0 10 0 Messrs T. and P. B. Jones, Bootle. 0 15 0 Rev. E. Johnson, Chester 0 10 6 Mr R. Rees, Holywell 0 10 0 Rev W. James, Sarn 0 5 0 Independent Church, Abergynolwyn 0 6 11 W. Williams, Esq., Bronheulog, Aberya- with 1 1 0 Evan Parry, Esq., Carlton, Barnsley 110 Sympathy 0 10 0 J. Jones-Morris, Esq., Blaenau Featiaiog 0 10 0 Mr Moses Davies, Treoes 0 10 0 Mr W. Jenkins, Coity 0. 0 10 0 Mr T. Williams, Barnsley 0 5 0 Friends, Barnsley 0 6 0 Rev Gwrnos Jonea, Ll.D. 0 5 0 Mr Beynon Evans, J.P., Cardigan 0 5 0 Mr J. C. Jones, Llanarth 0 2 6 Mr J. Japheth Jones, Blaenau Featiniog 0 2 6 Mr J. Williams, Foel, Blaenau Festiniog 0 2 8 Mr Ll. Miohael, Llanelly 0 2 6 Mr W. Thomas, Criokhowell. 0 2 < Mr W. Williams, Rbymney 0 a 0 Rev D. C. Edwards, M.A., Whittington 0 6 0 Rev W. Caradog Jonea, Oswestry 0 6 0 Rev H. P. Thomas, Birkenhead 0 6 0 Miss Helen Taylor, Avignon 10 0 0 Miss Helen Taylor, Rbys, Bangor 1 1 0 Professor T. Rhys, B.A., Bangor 1 1 0 Friend, Cardigan 0 5 0 Mr J. Williams, Dihewyd 0 2 6 REv. W. JAMES, Plascaptain Cottage, Newmarket, near Rhuddlan, Hon. Treasurer. Hu. J. R. PARRY, Bethania, Blaenau Festiniog, Hon. Secretary. NEW BOOKSI NEW JJOOKSII CONDENSED CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS NOW IN STOCK AT THB "OBSERYSR" OFFICE, HOLYWELL At 3s. 6d. In the Rocky Mountains Cruden's Concordance At 2s. 6d. Adventurous Boat Voyages Aiming Higher Arabian Nights Debtor and Orcdito* Helen's Babies Habits and Characteristics of Animals King of the oonjurore Lorimer Littlegood Little Mr Bounoer Making Haste to be Rich Manse Gaiden Military Heroes of England Martin Rattler True to the Last The Country of the Dwarfs The Study of the Bible The Story of the Peninsular War Three Years in a Man Trap Robinson Crusoe Rising in the World Shakespeare Prince Charlie Parlour Pastimes Will Adams Milton's Poetical Works Living for Appearances Take my Advice At 2s. Notable Workers in Humble Life Archie Digby Lost in tho Wilds of Canada Seed Time and Harvest Defoe's Journal of the Plague Soott's Poetical Works Confessions of a Horse Dealer Pilgrim's Progress Anecdotes of Birds, &o. Dr. Livingstone David Oopperfield Dombey and Son Fifteen Months Among Kaffira Heroes of the Battlefield Kenilworth Last Days of Pompei Mr Midshipman Easy The Cure of Buisson Retribution 9200 Reward Robinson Crusoe Ministering Angel Oliver Twist Three Boots 1s. 6d. Sir Walter Raleigh Breakers Ahead Geological Gossip Golden Treasury Etching Words for the Weary Is. Geordie Stuart No Gains Without Pains Tom Cringle's Log Bewitched Lamp Caught at Last REMARKABLE BARGAINS I I A large Stock of beautifully bound STANDARD WORKS and NOVELS, AT 11 ID. each, ORDINARY SELLING PRICE, 28. 6d. And numerous other Books to seleot from. COLOURED TOY BOOKS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS, &c., Sec., at the OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. FOR SALE—HORIZONTAL ENGINE, with Tubular Boiler & all Fittings complete (in good condition), size of tiylinder, 10 in.; stroke, 2 feet; fly wheel, 6 feet diameter; about 10 horse-power. Can be seen working at anytime.-Apply to BBIWB HOVP, Moatyn. HOLYWELL. PENDREF COMPETITIVE MUSICAL FESTIVAL AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL: ON CHRISTMAS DAY Ó" BOXING DAY DECEMBER 25th and 26th, I896, CHORAL & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC WILL BE BENDEBED BY DISTINGUISHED AMATEURS. GREAT MUSICAL CONTESTS!! ON BOXING DAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 1896, ADJUDIOATOB MR. LWILFRED JONES, R.A.M. PBESIDENT (CHBISTHAS DAY)- EVAN BRYAN, ESQUIRE. PBESIDENT (BOXING DAY)- URIAS BROMLEY, ESQUIRE. ACCOMPANIST— MISS L. WYNNE JONES. Doors" open each Evening at 6; Mentinga to oommenoe at 6.30. Tickets (Christmas Day) -First Seats, h.; Second Seats, 6d. Tickets- (Boxing Day)—Reserved Soats, 2S.; Second Seats, Is. Third Seats, 6d. GOREU ARF, ARF DYSG." CHESTER EISTEDDFOD, DECEMBER 26th, I896, r THE ENTRIES INCLUDE SEVEN CHOIRS, AND A MUSICAL DRILL COMPETITION FOR PUBLIO SCHOOLS. AiansTics- MISS SARAH BERRY; MR. HERBERT EMLYN; AND MR. DAVID HUGHES. ACCOMPANIST— MISS R. A. EVANS. Book of Words, 2d., by post, 21d., now ready, and may be obtained of Mr. JOHN EVANS, Ohester House, Northgate Street, Cheater. Doors open at 1.30 and 6.30. Cheap Trains from Everywhere. WM. H. DAVIES, SEOBETABY. 10, Loane Street, Chester. NATIONAL SCHOOLS, MOSTYN. A GRAND EVENING CONCERT WILL BB BBLD IN TRB ABOTB SOHOOLB. On Wednesday Evening, January 6th, 1897. ARTISTES:— Sopramo- MRS. A. N. ROBERTS, FLINT. Metzo Voprano- MISS WILLIAMSON, HOLYWELL. Contralto- MISS ROBERTS, CHESTER. To-or- CAPTAIN FEILDING, DOWNING. Barilons- RIGHT HON. LORD MOSTYN. Bass- MR. W. BULCOCK. TALACRE. INSTBTTKENTALISTS — Violin— MISS FRANCIS, HALKIN. MISS GRIFFITH JONES, RHYL, MISS GWLADYS G. JONES, MOSTYN MR. HORACE HASELDEN. Piano- MISS A. GRIFFITH JONES, RHYL. Miss M. GRIFFITH JONES, MOSTYN. HUXOBISTS MR. ISAAC DAVIES, RUTHIN., MR. CHISHOLM, HOLYWELL. ACCOMPANIST— MR. WILLIE NUTTALL. PBBSIDENT- RIGHT HON. LORD MOSTYN. ADMISSION:—Reserved Seats, 2s. 6d. First Seats, la.; Baok Seats (limited), 6d. Proceeds in aid of the Sohool Boilding Fund. NOTICE. THE GRAND BAZAAR of the BHTHBI. OXLTOSISTXO MBTHODIST CHAPBL, MOSTYN, has been POSTPONED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, the 12th of MAY, 1897. The Committee will feel grateful for any Contri- bution towards same, and take the' opportunity of thanking all the friends who have already done so. For the Committee, S. WASHINGTON. "THE OSBORNE," FOR JANUARY, 1897, CONTAINS— J6200 PRIZE STORY. (First instalment). "IN THE DAYS OF PO THAW." By Henry Charles Moore. LORD ARMSTRONG. A Character Sketoh. By Frederick Dolman. WOMEN WORKERS IN CONFECTIONERY. By Clementina Black. THE ROMANCE OF BERKELEY CASTLE. Elizabeth Hodges. MR. N. L. JACKSON AND ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Bv James Strang. THE ADVENTURES ON MARK FATON. NO 2. The Adventure of the Belle of Lutpur." By Charles J. Maneford. THE ENCHANTED WIG. A Tale of Old Edinburgh. By Lucy Hardy. FRIENDS IN COUNCIL. A Concert of Opinion. By Arnica. (Late of the "British Weekly "). MESSRS. S. W. PARTRIDGE AND Co,, PATEBNOSTEB ROW. h¡w, 3D. MONTHLY. Sale by Mr. William Freeman. AT CALCOT HALL FARM. MR. WM. FREEMAN IS favoured with instructions from Mr PBYCB JONES to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on MONDAY, THB 4TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1897, The whole of the valuable LIVE STOCK of Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Implements, &c., on the said Farm also, the well-harvested Barley, Oats and Hay, and about 10 tons of Straw, Swedes, &O." Further particulars in posters. Auction Offioe-Pertbyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. Conservators of the Fishery District of the River Dee and its Tributaries, including Bala Lake and its Tributaxies. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT at a meeting of the COUNTY COUNCIL of .L the County of Flint, holden at the TOWN HALL, in MOLD, in and for the County of Flint, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th day of DECEHBHB, 1896, the following persons were appoicted Conservators in compliance with the provisions of the Acts relating ta Salmon Fisheries for the Fishery District of the River Dee and I Tributaries, including Bala Lake and its Tributaries — Thomas William Hughes, Esquire, Coleshill, Flint. Joseph Hall, Esquire, Castle Villa, Flint. Joseph Henry Warburton Lee, Esquire, Broad Oak Whitohuroh, Salop. William Easterby, Esquire, County Sohool, St. Asaph. Samuel Perks, Esquire, Dolanog, Rhyl. Samuel Davies, Esquire, Greenfield, Holywell. Dated this 22ud day of DaoFtm ER, 1896, THOS. T. KELLY, Clerk to the Flintshire County Ooumoil. CONNAH'S QUAY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. APPOINTMENT OF COLLECTOR. RPHE UrbaD District Council of Connah'A -*■ Quay are desirous of receiving applications for the office of COLLECTOR for the Urban Distriot of Connah's Quay, which comprises an area of 3755 acres, with a rateable value of £ 7751. I The person appointed will be required to 1001leot all rates made by the Urban District Council, and also to give security for the due performance of the duties of the office. The appointment will take place at a meeting of tne Council, to be held on Wednesday, the 6th day of JANUARY, 1897, and will commence from the date fixed by the Council, and will be for one year only in the first instance. Applications, stating salary required, with not more than three recent testimonials, must be sent in to me the undersigned, under seal and marked COLLECTOR," not later than 12 o'clock on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of JANUARY, 1897. Canvassing personally or otherwise will be a disqualification. J By order, r THOMAS W. HUGHES, Clerk to the Counoil. Bank Buildings, Oonnah's Quay. 21st December, 1896. CONNAH'S QUAY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL, APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH. H E Urban District Council of Connah's Quay are desirous of receiving applicationg for the Office of MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH for the Urban District of Connah's Quay, which comprises an area of 3755 acres with a populft- tion of 2477 at the 1891 census. The appointment will take place at 0 Meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday, the 6th day of January, 1897, and will be subject to tha sanction of the Local Government Board. Salary £ 15 per annum to include travelling and all other expenses. Candidates must be legally qualified medical practitioners. The duties are those prescribed by statute and the Orders of the Looal Government Board, and will commence from the date fixed by the Council. The appointment will be for one year only in the first instance. Applications, stating qualification and ex- perience (if any), with not more than three recent testimonials, must be sent in to the undersigned, under seal and marked Medical Officer of Health," not latter than 12 o'clock on t WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of JANUARY, 1897. Canvassing personally or otherwise will be a disqualification. By Order, THOMAS W. HUGHES, Clerk to the Council, Bank Buildings, Connah's Quay, 21st December, 1896. CONNAH'S QUAY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTOR OF NUISANCES AND SURVEYOR. THE Urban Distriot Council of Connah's Quay are desirous of receiving applications for the joint offices of INSPECTOR OF NUISANCES and SURVEYOR for the Urban District of Connah's Quay, which comprises an area of 3755 Acres, with a Population of 2477 at the 1891 census. The appointment will take place at a Meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday, the 6th day of January, 1897, and will be subject to the sanction of the Local Government Board. The person appointed will be required to per- form all the duties of Inspector of Nuisances, Inspector of Slaughter-houses, Inspector of Dairies and Cow-sheds, Inspector of Lodging- houses, Surveyor and Inspector of New Buildings. and also to conform to all orders re- lating to the several offices issued from time to time by the Local Government Board or this Council.. Salary JE35 per annum, of which A;25 will be the salary of the Inspector of Nuisances, and such sum will include all travelling and other expenses.. The appointment will be for one year only in the first instance, and will commence from the date fixed by the Council. Applications, stating age, qualifications, and experience (in any), with not more than three recent testimonials, must be sent in to me, the undersigned, under seal, and marked' Inspector of Nuisances and Surveyor,' not later than 12 o'clock on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of JANUARY 1897. R »N ia Canvassing the Councillors IN any .JOR^, strictly prohibited, and will disqualify the candidate. I By Order, THOMAS W. HUGHES, Clerk to the Council; I Bank Buildings, Connah'a Quay, 21st December, 19^1