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JAMES AYBR, GENERAL DTiAPER AND OUTFITTER, VICTORIA HOUSE, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. :o: HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY A SPECIALITY. -:0:- 8r' An inspection of the large and varied general Stock is respectfully invited. ESTABLISHED, 17 8 6. :0:- CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. MRS. 11 all sg Late E. J. Edwards, Thomas Harrison and Edmund Hughet, Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchant, IMPORTER OF FOREIGN WINES AND SPIRITS, DEALER IN ALES AND PORTER OF THE FINEST QUALITIES Agent for Messrs. George Sandeman and Co.'s Houses at Cadiz and Oporto, -'0'- MRS. HUGHES begs to tender her thanks to the Publio for their kind Patronage, and to inform them that she has just secured a Choice Stock of Brandies, Whiskies, Wines, Ales, &c., of excellent Quality. :o: ■ Brandies. Per Bottle. 3s.; 3s. 8d.; 4t. and a. MARTELL'S and HENNESSEY'S 1, 2, and 3 STAB BRANDIES, 6«.; 5s. t4., and 6a. Scotch Whiskies. Per Bottle. 2s. 6d.; 28. 10d. 3a. and Ie. 6d; Fine Old Scotoh Malt, Master of Ravens- wood, Roderick Dha, Uam Var, Glen- livat, Gordon's, and 3 Star Highland Malt 3s. 6d. pet Bottle. Irish Whiskies. Per Bottle. 2s. 6d.; 2a. 10d. 3s. And 3s. 8d, McConnell's Old Irish Malt, Dews of Slievemore, Roppmoyue, Danville's and Henry Thompson's. 3s. 6d. per Bottle. Rum. FINEST OLD JAMAICA and DEMERARA RUMS, from In. td. per Bottle. Gin. FINEST LONDON GIN, 2s. 3d.; 2s. 7d., and 2g. 10d. per Botfle. D E K U Y P E B'S HOLLANDS. :0:- Port. CHOICE OPORTO WINE, from Is. 8d. to per Bottlo. Claret. MEDOO, ST. JULIEN AND OTHER CHOICE BRANDS. Sherry. FINE DRY GOLDEN MATURED SHERRY, from 2s. to 6a. per Bottle. Champagnes, Moet and Chandon, COMTE ST. FLORENTE and VICTOR PERE'S FINE DRY PURE CHAMPAGNE AT Is. 6d. per Bottle. PRICES OF ALL KNOWN BRANDS ON APPLICAYION. -:0:- Worthington and Co's INDIA PALE ALE IN CASKS AND BOTTLE, BITTER BEER, MILD, LIGHT DINNER AND STRONG ALES, IN THE FINEST CONDITION. -:0:- Double Imperial Stout and Porter. '0'- PRIVATE FAMILIES SUPPLIED. :0:- Mineral Waters. A Large Quantity of the sbove always kept in Stock. :o:. Cigars and Cigarettes. A CHOICE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. :o: Inspect the Stock of HUGHES' Choice Matured Old fecial Scotch Whiskies- Unequalled anywhere in Quality. -:0: NOTE THE ADDRESS- THE OLDEST AND ONLY RECOGNISED WHOLESALE WJNE AND SPIRIT STORES, CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. EDWARDTARRY, PRACTICAL SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, BRYNFORD STREET, HOLYWELL. :0:- ALL WORK EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES-GOOD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. -:0:- SADDLES AND COLLARS RE-LINED, AND GUARANTEED TO BE EASY -:0:- LEA THE R MERCHANT. -:0:- WHIPS, HORSE BRUSHES AND STABLE REQUISITES, OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN STOCK. -:0, NEW PATTERN CART LAMPS ON HAND :0;- REPAIRS NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONB. BAG ILLT,—Good Wire Cut BUILDING BRICKS.—Apply to J OWES AND LLOYD, Brickworks, Bagillt. WANTED-OLAY-IRONSTONE or BLACK- TT BAND, in quantities on nearest rails. Write stating price and quantity available to M.' at this Offioe. TO BE LET-A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt also a fully-lioensed PUBLICHOUSE, in Flint.-Apply to KELSTBBTON BBBWJSBT 00. LD. A SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WIWBFMDB'B OOHVBNT, Well Street. Only a limited' number tooeived.-For Berms, apply to the SuPBBioaase. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. DO you require your Corn ground P Send it to FLINT MUX. The work oan be done quickly and well. QUICKLY CORRXCT ALL rKKKOtJXA RTTTEP, RTJIOVg /XT. OBBTKTTCTIOK8, and reluvt the dixtrcs*ivg tymptnms so prevtilait with the sex. Boxes, 1 11 & 2/3 (the latter contains three times the quantity), of all ('hi mis's, or will b» Rant MiflimB, on receipt of 15 or 34 efarapu, hy the — K. T. TOWIjK. Chemist, f< Unoart of Imitation*, injurious and worthltm. PUBLIC -0: NOTICE. -:0:- BAGILLT LIGHTING A C C 0 UN T S FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31ST, 1895. DB. 1895. £ s. d. To Balanoe as per last Statement 0 10 3 Amount of Call for year 1895 150 0 0 "Interest. 0 7 6 Balance due to Treasurer 0 12 3 £ 161 9 11 Cb. £ s. d. Aug. 31st. By Gas Company's Half Season's Account 56 12 9 Advertising Annual Report 0 15 0 Court Expenses for paying Accounts 0 2 0 Mr Thomas Renshaw I 0 7 0 Sept. 30th. Mr Leigh Howell (3 new lamps) 8 0 0 Deo. 5th, Rent of Committee Room 2 0 0 Storing Lamps 0 10 0 Stationery, Stamps, &c 0 16 0 Secretary's Salary 5 0 0 Dee 31st. Gas Company's Half Season's Account 68 17 11 To Erecting Three New Lamps at Pentre, Gadlys Lane and Merllyn Road. 18 3 9 Bank Commission 0 6 6 £ 151 9 11 NOTICE.—A MEETING of the Ratepayers of the Townships of Bagillt Fawr, Bagillt Feohan and Whelstone, in the Parish of Holywell, will be held on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 11th day of MABCH, 1896, at TwELVB o'cloek noon, at the Clob-room, Duke of Wellington Inn, Bagillt, for the purpose of producing to the Ratepayer# the Lighting Accounts and Vouchers for the past year, to elect Three New Inspectors, and decide upon the Amount of Call for the current year. T. GRATTON THOMAS, CLBBK TO THB BAGILLT LIGHTING INSPECTORS. Bagillt, March 4th, 1896. FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. OPPOSITION TO BILLS IN PARLIAMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Flint- shire County Council at a Special Meeting held at the TOWN HALL, in the Town of Mold, 01 TUESDAY, the TWKKTY-FIFTH day of FEBRUARY, 1896, Ordered that Petitions be presented against the following Bills, viz. A Bill for conferring further powers upon the London and North Western Railway Com- pany, in relation to their own undertaking and other undertakings in which they are interested jointly with other Companies, and also for conferring powers upon the Great Western Railway Company, and the Shrop- shire Union Railways and Canal Company, and for other purposes. And the other intituled a Bill to empower the Corporation of Chester to constroot a Weir or Tidal Dam across the River Dee, and other works, to enlarge the powers of the Corpora- tion for preventing pollution of the River Dee, and for other purposes. And that the Common Seal of the Council be attaohed to such Petitions, and also that the costs and expenses inourred in opposing such Bills be oharged to the County Fond. THOS. T. KELLY, Clerk of the Flintshire County Council. Mold, 26th February, 1896. HOLYWELL RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. REPAIR OF DISTRICT ROADS, &c. TENDERS are invited for the supply of Road Materials, Cartage, Tools, &c„ for the year ending 3 1ST MABCH, 1897. Forms of Tenders, conditions, and Aber particulars may be had after MABOH 6TH aext, from the Surveyors of the Council, as follows:- HOLYWELL DISTRICT:—MR HENRY JUDD, Ty Maen, near Holywell. MOLD DISTRIOT :-MR EDWARD FOULKES, Surveyor, Northop. Tenders to be sent in to me, the undersigned, not later than TEN O'CLOCK on WEDNESDAY, the 1st day of APRIL next. The lowest or any tender not necessarily acoepted. By Order, P. HARDING ROBERTS, Clerk to the Rural Distriot Council. Union Offices, Holywell, 26th February, 1896. JANE STAGG, DECEASED. ALL persons having any Claim against the .Estate of Mas. JANH STAGG, late Brjrnford Cottage, Holywell, are requested to send particulars of the same to R. S. BAINBRILGE, Keverstone, Staindrop, Near Darlington, THE POPULAR LAW BOOK, ALWAYS KEPT UP TO DATE: WITH THE NEW MATRIMONIAL CODE. No MORB LAWYBBS' BILLS 6A, 8d. SAVED AT EVERY CONSULTATION!! Now ready, THIRTY-THIRD EDITION (1896), 750 closely-printed pager, containing 5,000 State- ments on Points of Law, verified by Notes and References to Authorities. Price 6s. 8d. post free. EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER: A Handy BOOK OF THE PRINCIPLES OF LAw AND EQUITY. By A BARRISTER. 33rd Edition (1896), Revised and Carefully Brought up to Date, and now com- prising a CONCISE DICTIONARY OF L'BGAL TERMS. This New Edition inoludes the Summary Juris. diction (Married Women) Act, 1895 (giving to Magistrates largely increased powers for the protection of ill-used wives), as well as new enact- ments comprised in the Factory and Workshop Aot, 1895; Law of Distress Amendment Act. 1895 Corrupt and Illegal Practices Aot, 1895 Local Government Act, 1894 (establishing District and Parish Councils); Finance Aot, 1894 (imposing the new Death Duties); Prevention of cruelty to Children Act, 1894; Married Women's Property Act, 1893; Betting and Loans (infants) Act, 1892; and many other Acts of recent years. With full partioulars how to Sell or Mortgage Land through the Land Registry without professional assistance, and how to olaim Repayment of Inoome Tax. COMPHIBING Rights andWrongs of Individuals—Commercial Law —Law as to Goods Stolen or Lost—Criminal Law —Parish Law-County Court Law—Game and Fishery Laws-Poor Men's Lawsuits—Bets and Wagers-Bills, Cheques, Notes Agreements Oopyrights-Patents- Trade Marks-Inturance- Libel and Slander — Divorce-Mortgagee-Stook Exchange Practice—Trespass—Nuisance—Transfer of Land—Wills, etc., etc. EXPLAINING THB LAW FOB Landlord and Tenant—Master and Servant—Work- men and Apprentices-Heirs-Legates-Husbaud and Wife—Executors and Trustees—Guardian and Ward-Married Women Infants Partners and Agents—Lender and Borrower—Debtor and Creditor —Purchases and Vendors-Companieg- Friendly Societies— Church ward ens-Clergymen-Doctors- Bankers Farmers Contractors Sportsmen- Farriers Horse Dealers Auctioneers House Agents-Hotel- Keepers -Paw nbrokers-Surveyors —Railways—Carriers—Constables, eto., etc. As a book of reference it is without a rival "—Pall Mall Gazette. The whole law for six-and-eightpenee Westminster Gazette. Should be in the hands of every business man, and all wlio wish to abolish lawyers' bills."—Weekly Times. CBfJEoBY LOCKWOOD & SON, STATIONKBS' HALL COURT, LONDON. And Sold by all Booksellttrs. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. GRAND ORGAN RECITAL ON THE 25TH MARCH, 1896, BY W. H. JUDE, ESQ., LIVERPOOL, AT REHOBOTH CHAPEL, HOLYWELL VUBTHBB ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL APPSAB. Corporation of the City of Manchester. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refuse, Excrement from Pail Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c., Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 Ton lots within 50 miles and 4 Ton lots within LOO miles, at P.3perTon. Special prioe over 100 miles. Supply strictly limited. Orders should be given early in the season to prevent disappointment. Full partioulars from B. D. CALLISON, Indoor Superintendent, CleansiBg Department, Town Hall, Manchester, or to BOLD ALDRED, Stamford Road, Altrinoham. E. P. LYONS, GENERAL RILL POSTER & DELIVERER, HILT WE L L Specially reserved POSTING STATIO NS in Town and Country. Immediate attention given. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMKD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAKED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKEIS WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. T*HE BLOOD The Blood is the source from which our A systems are built up, and from which we riiHE BLOOD derive our mental as well as our physical A capabilities. II the blood is diseased the THE BLOOD body is diseacwl and enfeebled. rpHE BLOOD Clarke's Blood Mixture is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, mHE BLOOD from whatever cause arising1. In cases of A Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin rpHE BLOOD and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. rpHE BLOOD Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. rpHE BLOOD It is with great pleasure that I write rpHE BLOOD to let you know of the wonderful effect of Clarke's Blood Mixture has had upon me. rpHE BLOOD For four months have had places break A out on my arms and wrists (numbering T^HE BLOOD about 36), large painful, and very much inflamed, causing me to give up work, I mHE BLOOD have been to two doctors, and was also an -*• out patient at one of our leading hospitals fTiHE BLOOD for six weeks, but did not get any benefit 1 from their treatment, so I thought I rpHE BLOOD would try Clarke's Blood Mixture, and A am happy to say that I soon felt better, rpHE BLOOD and after having three bottles I feel a 1 different man altogether in fact, it has rpHE BLOOD not only cured me, but has taken away ■* the scars from my arms, which other rpHE BLOOD medicines did not do. You can make use -*• of this if you like, as no doubt there are rpHE BLOOD many who will be glad to know of Clarke's 1 wonderful Blood Mixture.—Yours truly, rriHE BLOOD "J: 8aohdebs. -*■ 65, Hill Street, Peckham, London. S.E.. THE BLOOD 2nd Sept., 1895." rpHE BLOOD I tried your Clarke's Blood Mixture A for pimples, with which I have been much rpHE BLOOD troubled as far back as I can remember. A After I had taken six bottles there was rpHE BLOOD not a spot left on my face, and I am glad A to say the improvement has been kept rpHE BLOOD up since; in addition to that my general A health has much improved, and I feel rpHE BLOOD truly grateful to you for this splendid A medicine.—Remaining, gentlemen, yonrs mHE BLOOD faithfully, A "J. C. WATEBHOU8E." rpHE BLOOD Moorlands, Hampton Boad, Teddington A 6th September, 1894. npHE BLOOD A THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. rriHE BLOOD A For cleansing and clearing the blood rpHE BLOOD from all impurities, Clarke's Blood A Mixture cannot be too highly recom- rpHE BLOOD mended. A As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, n\HE BLOOD and warranted free from anything injuri- A ous to the most delicate constitution of rpHE BLOOD either sex, from infancy to old age, the A proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a rpHE BLOOD trial to test its value. rpHE BLOOD Sold in Bottles 2s. 6d. each by all A Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors rpHE BLOOD throughout the World, or sent to any A address on receipt of 33 stamps by the rpilB BLOOD Proprietors, the Lincoln and Midland A Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED /OLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. V FAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED WHEN you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE don't be put off with some- thing else. Many retailers stock substitutes for all artioles in large demand, and pay their apsietants a commission on the Bale of these imitations. Tbi* explains why differe*t articles from the one asked for are so frequently put before puroliapr rs. Sale by Messrs Churton, Elphick 4' 00 FLINT AND GREENFIELD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTIES COMPRISING A FARM AT FLINT, AND A CHARMING DETACHED VILLA RESIDENCE AT GREENFIELD. MESSRS. CAURTON, ELPHICK & Co., WILL SELL BY AUCTION, AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, At Two for Three o'clock in the afternoon, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH MARCH, 1896, (Unless previously disposed of), ALL that valuable FREEHOLD FARM called COLESHILL," comprising 91 a. 1 r. 8 p. olose to the Town of Flint. And also all that detaohed VILLA RESIDENCE at Greenfield, known as ENGLE- RIELD COTTAGE, or THE POPLARS," with the Garden and Croft adjoining, comprising 2 a. 1 r. 5 p. Further partioulars as to the Lots, will appear in future advertisements, meanwhile enquiries should be addressed to Mr H. A. COPE, Solicitor, Holy. well, or to the AUCTIONEERS, Chester. Sales by Mr. William Freeman. AT THE STRAND COTTAGE, HOLYWELL, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 11th MARCH, 1896, BY instructions from the Representatives of Mrs HABBIKT WILLIAM9, Deceased, the whole of the substantial HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and Effeots. SALE AT 2-30 P.M. AT MARIAN PRYSAU, CAERWYS, ON MONDAY, THE 19th OF MAROH, 1886, BY instructions from Mr W. R. THOBN (who is leaving the neighbourhood), the whole of his valuable and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and various Oat-door Effects, including promising colt, several head of young cows and heifers, well- fed pig, part stacks of old bay and straw, manure, nearly new dog cart, pony ditto, sets of harness, ohaff-cutter, wire netting, &c., &o. Further particulars in posters. Auction Office: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. Sales by Mr. Frank Lloyd. 1400 HORSES. FRANK LLOYD'S NORTH WALES HORSE SALES AND SHOW AT WREXHAM Between Shrewsbury (30 miles) & Chester (12 miles) G. W. Rly. WEDNESDAY NEXT, MAROH iltb.-170 High Class Hunters and Harness Horses, including one Team and several match Pairs 15-3 and over THUBSDAY, 12th-280 Hunters, Haoks & Harness Horses, 15 hands to 15-3 FBIDAY 13th-350 Harness Coba, Hacks, Show Cobs and noted Welsh Trotting Cobs and Ponies, 16 hando and under THE FOLLOWING WEEK— TUESDAY, Maroh 17th-280 Welsh Waggon Horses, Lurry and Parcel Van Horses not exceeding 16-2. WEDNESDAY, 18th-160 Heavy Town Geldings and Mares from 16-2 to 18 hands THURSDAY, 19th-200 Horses, including 50 Shire and Hackney Stallions, 70 Shire Mares and Fillies 80 one, two and three year old Geldings It Fillies Horses guaranteed. Two days trial. Entries closed. Judging 10.30. Sales 12-15. Catalogues 3d. FBANK LLOYD, Wrexham. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for proposed alterations JL and additions to the Wesleyan Chapel and Schoolroom, Pentre Halkyn, Holywell.-Plans and Specification may be inspeoted at Wesley House, Holywell, on and after the 26th inst. Sealed tenders are to be delivered addressed Rev. D. MARRIOTT, Wesley House, Holywell, not later than the 6th March next, in the forenoon. The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. WM. LLOYD JONES, Architect, &o., Bangor. WANTED a good GENERAL SERVANT, age from 20 to 25.—Apply, Mrs DYKINS, Pendre, Holywell. WANTED.—A good GENERAL SERVANT. —Apply, Mrs BABXEB, Tyn y Twll, Bagillt. FOR SALE.—A Splendid medium "VICTOBIA" End-over-end CHURN, as good as new.— E," OBSERVEB" OFFICE. TO BE LET.—The HARP INN, BAGILLT. The BOOT INN, HOLYWELL. Both fully-licensed,—Apply to the KELSTEKTON BEBWKBY COMPANY, FLINT. LLWYN-Y-GLYN, MOLD, FLINTSHIRE. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE—containing— Drawing-room, Dining and Breakfast-rooms, six Bedrooms, Bathroom, W.C., and usual domcstill offices. Stabling, Coach-bouse, Outbuildings and large Garden. Nine acres of Land may be bad if required.-Apply to Mr W. T. THOMAS, Havod Alun, or to Mr A. CBAIG, Ashton-on-Mersey. THREE LEADING MAGAZINES. THE CENTURY ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY IN WHICH APPKABS 'SIR GEORGE TRESSADY' By MBS. HUMPHRY WARD. PBIOB IS. 4d. ST. NICHOLAS AN ILLUSTRATED FAMILY MAGAZINE WITH A SEBIAL STORY THE SWORDMAKER'S SON' BY WILLIAM O. STODDARD. PRICE Is. MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE THE OLDEST SHILLING MAGAZINE THE SERIAL NOVEL 18 ENTITLED 'A BRIDE ELECT' PBICE IS. MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. Dales' COLD MEDAL Dubbin Makes Boots and Harness waterproof as a duck's back and soft as velvet. Adda three times to the wear and allows polishing. 1!) EXHIBITION HIGHEST AWARDS. Tins 2d, 6d, Is, and 2s. 6d, of all Bootmakers, Saddlers, Leathersellere, &e. I HOLYWELL INTERMEDIATE AND TECHNICAL SCHOOL. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. THE SCHOOL GOVERNORS for the Holywell JL District invite TENDERS for the erection of an INTERMEDIATE AND TECHNICAL DUAL SCHOOL in the town of Holywell. The Piatia and Specifications for the erection of the Sohool Buildings may be inspected at the office of the undermentioned Clerk to the Governors, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'olook on any day except Saturdays. Tenders to be endorsed" Holy- well Intermediate and Technical Sohool," and to be sent to S. K. MUSPBATT, Esq., 24, Grove Park, Liverpool, on or before the 23BD INST. Dated this 2ND day of MABCH, 1896. H. T. SMITH, Bank Chambers, Holywell, Clerk to the Governors. STRICTLY PRIVATE ADVANCES. ANY SUM FROM £ 5TO £ 1000 ADVANCED ON EXCEP- TIONALLY EASY TEEMS, I STBICTLY PBIVATB | ADVANCES. M RS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHESTER, H A V I N G a Large Amount of Uninvested JJL Capital is wishful to Lend same in sums of JB5 to Y,1000 to any Respectable Person (Male or Female) on their own NOTE OF HAND, without delay, law costs, or any impertinent inquiries at interest highly beneficial to Borrower, and on Deeds. FROM 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private source, habitual borrowers are requested not to apply. No good application is ever refused, and distance no object, a gentleman being sent direct from the office to carry out all advances. Apply in confidence to the Actual Lender, MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHBSTBB (Next to Royalty Theatre). CANADA, FREE GRANTS OF 160 ACRES OF LAND IN MANITOBA AND THE NORTH WEST. Enormous Crops in 1895. Reports of British Farmers and other new Illus- trated pamphlets containing information respecting the NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES and the Provinces of MANITOBA, ONTARIO, QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA, NKW BRUNSWICK, PRINCE EDWABD ISLAND, and BBITISH COLUMBIA, where land can be obtained either free or on advantageous terms. Exceptional opportunities for farmers. Great demand for agricultural labourers and domestic servants. Full partioulars on all points supplied gratis and post free by MB. JOHN DYKE, CANADIAN GOVEBNMBNT AGBIIT, 15, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL SUNINSURANCE OFFICES FOUNDED 1710. Sum insured in 1894. £ 393,622,400, For all particulars apply to the following Agents HOLYWELL. MR. ROBERT THOMAS. MOLD.MESSRS. KELLY & KEENE. ST. ASAPH MR. LI. LLOYD. BUCKLEY MB. EDWARD ROBERTS.