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Sales by Mr. William Freeman. ON FRIDAY, MARCH 16th, AT THE CROSS KKYS HOTEL, Removed for convenience of sale. Under a Bill of Sale. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. ALSO, am excellent hand sewing machine, counter show case, shop mirror, dreBs models, and stands, hat and bonnet ditto, &o. SALE AT 3.30 P.M. Also an INSPECTION REQUESTED by DRAPERS AND SHOPXBEPEBS with a view to purchase by Tender, of the whole STOCK-IN-TRADE of baby linen, wools, hosiery, bonnets, bats and fancy goods. WM. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER. HOLYWELL STOCK SALF, MR. WM. FREEMAN WILL HOLD THE NEXT SALE ON MONDAY, MAR. 19th, 1894 AT THE King's Arms Hotel Yard. ENTRIES: 50 Prime and ripe Fat Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls. In-calf Cows and Heifers. i Very promising, 15 months old, Roan Cheshire-bred Bull. A three-year-old barren Heifer. Five-weeks-old Fat -Calf. 7 Colory yearling Stirks, and 2 yearling Bullocks. A pen of heavy-weight Fat Sheep. 30 Cross-bred Ewes and Lambs. A pen of 4 grand Ewes, and 7 Lambs. 25 Prime Welsh Wethers. A two-year-old Gelding Donkey. 20 Fat and Store Pigs. CARRIAGES, TRAPS, &c. A well built wagonette, in good repair a London made four-wheeled dogcart; a two- wheeled dogcart; also, one high-wheeled dog- cart, newly repaired capital farm cart with side boards, in good order; a two-light six feet garden frame double-barrel gun pair of strong cart or lorry axles, zigzag harrows, two iron ploughs, sets and part sets of strong harness, four sets of shaft gears, new and old horse collars and various saddlery, circular iron and Buckley pig troughs, a grand lot of stable manure, &c. A Rugeley made triple cylinder land roller. OTHER ENTRIES REQUESTED. Farmers having Implements to dispose of, should enter them for this Sale. Sale to Commence at One o'clock prompt. Auction Office:- Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holvwell. MR. WM. FREEMAN Is instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, at "MANOR HOUSE, CAERWYS, (The property of Mrs. B. Evans), ON APRIL 2nd, and 3rd, 1894, Valuable HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, SILVER AND PLATED GOODS, ANTIQUE CHINA, LINEN, Ac. FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. THE MAIN ROADS COMMITTEE are pre- .L pared to receive TENDERS for the supply of t)a Materials, Cartage, &a., for the year ending March 31st, 1895. Forms of Tenders with fnll particulars, may be had on applying to Mr. RoBERT LLOYD, Inspector of Main Roads, Rhydonen, Ruthin. Tenders to be delivered on or before the 31st of March, 1894, to the Inspector, endorsed Tenders for Materials or Cartage." The Committee does not bind itself to aocept the lowest or any Tender. ROBERT LLOYD, Inspector of Main Roads, Rhydonen, Ruthin. March 14th, 1894. HOLYWELL UNION. CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. ALL Persons desirous of Contracting with the Guardians of this Union, for supplying the Workhouse, for the Quarter ending Midsummer, 1894 with Bread, Flour, Meat- (the meat must be delivered as follows A side of a beast one week, and a quarter of a side (fore and hind alternately) every alternate week;) Grocery, Cheese, Butter, Rice, Teas, Oatmeal, Soap, Candles, Coal, and other Articles, are requested to deliver in sealed Tenders with Samples of such Articles as can be given in plain paper, with the prioes only marked on them, at the Board-room in the Workhouse, near Holywell, on THURSDAY MORNING, the 22nd day of MARCH DISTANT, between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock to the Clerk. And all Persons desirous of Contracting with the Guardians for supplying Coffins and Shrouds (to be delivered free of expense to the Union at such times and in such quantities as the Board may require) and also for supplying the Workhouse with SHOES and CLOGS, as follows, viz. :— Men's Shoes, ditto Clogs. Women's Shoes, ditto Clogs. Children's Shoes, ditto Clogs from 1 to 8 yearsof age Ditto Shoes ditto Clogs from 8 to 12 ditto. Youths' (Male & Female) ditto Clogs from 12 to 16 do. are requested to deliver in sealed Tenders (with Samples) as above stated. Security may be required for he due performance oi the Contracts. It is competent for any person to tender for any of the Articles separately but the Guardians do not pledge themselves to accept of the lowest or any Tender. The Guardians will be prepared to pay the Butcher's Bill fortnightly-on the Board-day next following the date of the delivery of the Meat in the Workhouse, should the Contractor wish it for his convenience. Forms of Tender may be had on applying to me at the Board-room in the Workhouse. 49* Tenders are also invited for supplying the Sanitary Authority with CHLOBIDE OF LDu: for dis- infecting purposes, during the half-year ending 29th September next, the Tenders to state a price for delivery at the Workhouse, and a price for delivery at such other place within the respective Districts of Holywell and Muld, as may be fixed apon by the Board. It i« particularly requested thutTenders be sent in within the time specified above, as those sent in after TEN o'clock on THURSDAY MOiiyiNG will not be entertained. P. HARDING ROBERTS, CLKBK TO THB GUARDIANS. Board-room, Hnlywtll, luth March, 1894. v PUBLIC NOTICE. :0:- BAGILLT LIGHTING ACCOUNTS. -:0:- FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 3[ST, 1893. Da. £ s. d. To Balance as per last Statement 17 14 4 Amount of Call for year 1893. 120 0 0 Interest 0 16 6 ,4I d,¡:. JE1381010 OB. £ e- d. August 23rd- By Gas Company's Half-season Account 53 15 3 Advertising Annual Report 0 12 0 Court Expenses for Passing Acoounts 0 2 0 Thomas Renshaw 0 4 6 Oct. 10th Leigh Howell, Two new Lamps, Lamp Posts, &e 6 0 0 Dec. 5th-Rent of Committee Room. 2 0 0 Rent of Room to store lamps. 0 10 0 Stationery, Stamps, &o. 0 6 0 Secretary's Salary 5 0 0 Dec. 31st— By Gas Company's Half- season Account 65 8 1 Lighting 1 extra lamp part of season 0 16 5 To altering position of two Lamps, and erecting one new lamp. 5 10 0 Bank Commission 0 6 6 To Balance in Bank 8 01 £ 138 10 10 NOTICE.—A MEETING OF THE RATEPAYERS of the Townships of Bagillt Fawr, Bagillt Fechan and Whelstone, in the Parish of Holywell, will be held on MONDAY EVENING, the 19th day of MABCH, 1894, at the CLUB Roo., Duxs OF WELLINGTON INN, BAGILLT, at EIGHT o'clock p.m., for the purpose of producing to the Ratepayers the Lighting Accounts and Vouchers for the past year, to eleot three new Inspectors, and to decide upon the amount of Call for the current year. By Order, T. GRATTON THOMAS, Bagillt, the 14th day of March, 1894. Clerk to the Lighting Inspectors. PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, CHIEF OFFICE HOLBORN BARS, LONDON. -:0:- Summary of the Reportpresented at the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting held on 1st March, 1894. -:0:- THE DIRECTORS have much pleasure in pre- senting their Report and Aocounts for the year 1893. ORDINARY BRANCH.—The number of Policies issued during the year was 54,558, assuring the sum of L5,627,065, and produoing a New Annual Pre- mium Income of £ 304,928. The Premiums received during the year were £1,854,370, being an increase of L188,759 over the year 1892. The claims of the year amounted to £ 478,564. The number of Deaths was 3,397, and 154 Endow- ment Assurances matured. The number of Policies in force at the end of the year was 335,176. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH.—The Premiums re- ceived during the year were 23,971,863, being an increase of f 12 2,706. The Claims of the year amounted to £ 1,662,768. The number of Deaths was 186,003, and 1,267 En- dowment Assurances matured. The Dumber of Free Policies granted during the year to those Policyholders of five years' standing, who have desired to discontinue their payments, was 55,764, the number in force being 338,272. The number of Free Policies which became Claims during the year was 6,424. The total number of Policies in force at the end of the year was 10,476,393 their average duration is seven and a quarter years. The Assets of the Company, in both branches, as shown in the Balanoe Sheet, are £ 18,533,865, being an increase of L2,229,213 over those of 1892, The system of annual distribution of profits begun last year, having given satisfaction alike to Policy- holders and Shareholders, the Directors have decided to continue it, and a complete valuation for the past year has been made. For this valuation the same mortality Tables and rate of interest have been used as in previous years -nitmely, in the Ordinary Branch, the Institute of Actuaries (HM.) Table of Mortality for the life risks, and Mr. Finlaison's Government Annuity Table 1884 for the annuities, and in the Industrial Branch, Dr. Farr'a English Life Table No. 3. The net premiums only have been valued in both branches, the rate of interest in each case being 3 per oent. The results of the valuation are as follows: In the ORDINARY BRANCH a surplus isshown of £ 442,930. This includes the sum of L70,000 brought forward last year, which it is now intended to increase to £ 100,000. In the INDUSTRIAL BRANCH the surplus shown is £600,944, including the sum of 1200,000 brought forward last year, which it is now intended to increase to £ 360,000. The total surplus of the two Branches as shown by the valuation is thus £ 943,874, and, after carrying forward the sum of £ 100,000 and 1360,000 before mentioned, £ 483,874 is left for distribution among the participating Policyholders and Shareholders, in accordance with the regulations of the Company under its special Act of Parliament. In oarrying forward so large a balanoe the Directorshave adopted the same principles by which they weife goided last year, but they anticipate that when the system of an annual valuation has had a longer trial it may be possible to modify this course. The prooesses and results of the valuation, which has been carried out by the Actuary, Mr. F. Schooling, have been submitted to Mr. A. H. Bailey, whose report is as follows :— The results of the valuation of the liabilities of your Company on the 31st December, 1893, have been submitted to and examined by me. The basis upon which the valuations have been made, and the methods adopted in the pro- oess, are the same as upon the last occasion, and have my entire approval. And your resolution to retain a portion of the surplus in each Branch is, I think, judicious, having regard to the extent of the Company's liabilities." The Balanoe Sheet has been submitted to Messrs. Deloitte, Dever, Griffiths and Co., whose Certificate is appended to the accounts. -:0:- Extract from the Report of Mr. F. SCHOOLING, the ,port of Ur Actuary to the Company. ORDINARY BRANCH.—The number of Life Policies in force at 31st December, 1893, was 335,176, assuring, with bonus. £ 37,672,474, and producing a premium income of 21,896,768 per annum. After providing for all liabilities, there remains a surplus of £442,930, which includes the sum of £ 70,000 brought forward from last year. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. The number of Policies in existence at 31at December last was 10,476,393, including 338,272 Free or Paid-up Policies, and the amount assured, £ 101,$$0,883. The weekly premiums receivable in respect of these Policies amounted to 480,094 per week, or £ 4, £ <34,88 8 per annum. .1 •• 11 After providing for all liabilities there remains a surplus of £500,944, which includes the sum of zC200,000 brought forward from last year. Over £ 1,200,000 is reserved in respect of Free Polieies granted in lieu of discontinued assurances, and to provide for the increase in the sums assured given to Industrial Policyholders. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET OF THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED' ON THE 31ST DECEMBER, 1893. LIABILITIES. s. d. Shareholders' Capital. 600,000 0 0 Ordinary Branch Funds. 8,002,142 3 6 Industrial Branch Fond. 9,898,397 16 5 Claims underlife Policies admitted 38,325 10 6 ,14 t. "J J :■ •: Vf • 18,538,865 10 5 1 ASSETS. £ s. d. British Government Securities (Consols). 2,046,458 9 9 Railway and other Debentures and Debenture Stock. 2,065,873 7 10 Loans, County Council, Municipal andotberRates. 4,744,656 11 3 Freehold Ground Rents and Scotch Feu Daties. 2,399,803 18 5 Mortgages. 2,342,110 17 3 Metropolitan Consolidated Stock, and City of London Bonds. 355,545 13 0 Bank of England Stock. 167,337 0 1 Freehold and Leasehold Property 1,043,759 6 4 Indian and Colonial Government Securities 915,660 10 5 Reversions. 189,155 4 10 Railway and other Shares 1,136,612 8 9 Loans on the Company's Policies 228,357 15 5 RentCharges. 64,514 1 0 Loans upon Personal Seourity. 711 5 0 Outstanding Premiums 307,418 3 10 Gash in hands of Superintendents and Agents' Balauoeti 48,583 11 7 Outstanding Interest and Rents 166,842 10 2 Cash-On deposit, on current accounts, and in hand 315,664 16 6 i v.*Wa- ¿i.I.í.7 BUJ 118,538,865 10 5 •a jili <u III J n We have examined the Oash transactions, Receipts and Payments, affecting the Aocounts of the Assets and Investments for the year ended December 31st, 1893, and we find the same in good order and properly vouched. We have also examined the Deeff and Securities, Certificates, &o., representing the Assets and Investments set out in the above Account and we certify that they were in possession and safe oustody as on December 31st, 1893. DELOnTJS, DEVER, GRIFFITHS & Co. 14th February, 1894. THOS. C. DEWEY, EDGAR HOBNE, CHAIBKA*: WILLIAM HUGHES, J ManAobb8* F • HENRY HARBEN, \DIBBOTOBS W. J. LANCASTER, SECBETABY. ■'> W, T. PTJGH, j P10 For further information apply to- MR. W. EVANS, MR. E. EDWARDS, E,ttR. J- ELLIS, Superintendent, Assist. Superintendent, Assist. Superintendent, Derwen Villa, Mold. 5, Halkyn-street, Flint. Prudential House, Buckley. f Or any of the Local Agents. L — — M ANCHESTEB FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED, 1824. CAPITAL. 7777" £ 2,000,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ., CHAIBMAN: 0. W. FURBRIDGE, ESQ., DEPUTY CHAIBMAN CHIBP OmOB- 98, KING STREET, MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGKB AND SECRETABY. BRANCH OFFICE— MANOHKSTKB CH A JIB EES, 28, RBGBNT STREET, WbeXHAM. la. PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SECBETABY. THE COMPANY transacts Fire Business only and all R- sources and Funds are available for FiFe Claims. Surveys are made and rates quoted for all desorip- tions of rifeks free of oharge. Applications for agencies are invited. WSTBIOTLY PRIVATE ADVANCES. PBIVATB I ANY SUM FBOM £ 5 TO £ 1000 | ADVANCED ON EXCBP- J TIONALLY EASY TBBMS. j STBICTLY PBIVATB ADVANCES. MRS. D. BEHRMAN, ,16, C I T Y ROAD, CHESTER, HAVING a Large Amount of Uninvested Capital is wishful tty Lend same in sums of £ 5 to P,1000 to any Respectable Person (Male or Female) on their own NOTE OF HAND, without delay, law costs, or any impertinent inquiries at interest highly benefioial to Borrower, and on Deeds. FROM 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private source, habitual borrowers are requestednot to apply. No good applioation is ever refused, and distance no object, a gentleman being sent direct from the office o carry out all advances. Apply in confidence to he Actual Lender. MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROÅÐ) CHESTBB (Next to Royalty Theatre), VPRELlMINRAY NOTICE. ST. WINEFKIDE'S LODGE LOYAL ORDER OF ANCIENT SHEPHERDS, GREENFIELD.I "/1 WHITSUNTID j Z&i ANNIVERSARY AND SPORTS, OOMPBISING 1.—FOOTBALL COMPETITION-Senior and Junior, under 18 years of age.—Splendid Silver Medals. 2.—TUG OF WAR. 3.—QUOITING MATCH. VALUABLE PRIZES. StSSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11TH, 1894. A SALE OF WORK, OOMPRIBING; Valuable and useful articles, (many remaining over from the Bazaar in May last), will be held on the above date. All articles to be cleared off at reduced prices. DURING THE EVENING, A GRAND PICTORIAL CONCERT Will be given, under the direction of MR. LLEW WYNNE, SUPPORTED BY MADAME EMILIE MOWLL, AND OTHER ARTISTES. Further particulars will appear in posters. VNEW TOMATOES REDUCED TO 6d. PER TIN. NEW SEASON SALMON CUTLETS 8d. PER TIN-OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, AT CANTON HOUSE, HOLYWELL. A H. E D WAR D S BEGS respeotfully to inform the inhabitants of J) Flint and surrounding neighbourhood, that he has commenoed business at 10, CHESTER STREET, FLINT, AS GENERAL IRONMONGER WITH A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOOK, And hopes by si ict attention to business combined with moderate charges, to merit a share of their patronage and support. NOTE THE ADDRESS- H. EDWARDS, l CHESTER STREET, FLINT. ESTABLISHED 1886. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. MR. LAMPLOUGH, SURGEON DENTIST, L.D.S.,R.C.S., 2, PANTON PLACE, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, HOLYWELL. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM. L. MOORE & Co., (Late of Exeter), SUTTON, SURREY. Established 19 Years. Linooln Handicap, Grand National, Derby, &c. Double and Treble Events. Moore's Turf Chronicle. Published Daily. Forwarded Post Free. No Representatives. Note change of Address SUTTON, SURREY. ST. W INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE—English; French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Musio (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Mosio, &e. ¿a. WEEXLY BOARDERS BBOEIVED. J 4° A? v$ $& LIGHTNING "CONDUCTORS. ELECTRIC LIGHTING Installations in Hotels, Mansions, Private Resi- dences, Shops, &c., and Repaired on the Shortest Notice. THOMAS LLOYD, (LATB P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, Electrical Engineer, Painter, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cola Water Engtneer Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired. CAST IRON LANDERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OILS, PAINTS AND COLORS OF THE BEST DESCRIPTION ALWAYS KEPT. THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK & FITTINGS ALWAYS ON HAND. Experienced Workmen only kept. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK Estimates given for all kinds of Work, and Orders promptly executed on the shortest notice. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W. To ENSURE A PLEASING APPEARANCE.—Sulpholine Lotion clears off Spots. Blemishes, Redness, Roughness, Tan, Un- sightly Skin Disfigurements, allaying all irritation. Shilling Bottles of Sulpholine, perfectly harmless, HOLYWELL PARISH CHURCH SIR JOHN STAINER'S LENTEN ORATORIO it THE CRUOIFIXIOI," Will be performed in the Parish Church, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, MA-BflH" aint, 1^9.1, cJD"- ç-;t,,¿. Tenor- r. SNELSON, of Eaton Hall Choir. Bass—Mr. E. ROBINSON, Chester. ^OBGANIST Mr. J. HY. HOPE,'Organist of the Parish Church. -—=- CONDOCTOB Mr. ROBINSON; Vr -v. I The collection will be given in aid of the fhnda of thational Schools Ý PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, A BRAND EVENIN6 CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN BY THE HOLYWELL UNITED CHOIR, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1894. PRINCIPAL ARTISTES MISS BESSIE EVANS {Pupil of Madame Clara NovelhDavies, Cardiff), Winner of the Contralto Solo Rhyl National Eisteddfod, 1892. Awarded First Prize for Contralto Solo at the WORLD'S EISTEDDFOD. CHICAGO, 1893. BASS MR. HYWEL VAUGHAN DAYISS. ADMISSION Reserved Seats (numbered), 23. Second Seats, Is.; Back Seats, 6d. To be had from Members of Choir. Fu rticulars in future advertisements and Bills. FLINT ATHLETIC SPORTS. THE ANNUAL 8 P ORIS OF THE FLINT CASTLE LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS, M U., WILL BR HELD ON W H I T T U E B D A Y MAY 15TH, 1894. Further particulars shortly. JAMES CRAIG, SBOBBTABY, H. OWEN, TBBASUBBB. [V]"ANT-Y-FLINT DRAW POSTPONED to JL I MABCH 27TH, 1894, and will take place at 2 p.m. prompt. :—: BE LET, with immediate possession, the JL OFFICE, situate in Well-st., Holywell, late in the occupation of Mr. R. Bromley, solicitor.— Apply, MR. ROBT. THOMAS, Bryn Offa, Holywell. ^ADE'S QOUT "& RHEUMATIC piLL THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY. ADE'S PILLS. 2, College-park-villas, Kensall-green, London, W.. May, 1891. EADE'S PILLS: Dear bir,-Ifeelit my duty to tellyou I had Rheumatic Gout twice, and had JlMDE'8 PILLS. to stop at home for three weeks. I cannot describe the pain I suffered. I read your advertisement, and looked upon it as all others. A brothersignalman said, I I Try them." I did so. THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY in a few hours, and I was able to resume my work. No one GOUT need be frightened to take them. I have recommended them to all whom RHEUMATISM. I have heard complaining of Kheu- ¡, matism, Gout, Lumbago, Neuralgi.- GOUT &c. I hope no one will doubt my state- ment. RHEUMATISM. Yours sincerely, JAB. PETTELGALL. Mr. G, Eade. LADE'S GOUT & JJHEUMATIC pILLS \J JLb J. Prepared only bv George Eade 72, Goswell-road, London, E,C. Sold by all Chemists in Bottles, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. EADE'S OUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS. I. "-Y'P''WY.?.oN\m -yr.). 'T't 1d E ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. THE BEST MRDICINE FOB BILE THE BEST MEBIOINE FOR WIND THE BEsT MEDICINE FOZ INDIGESTION IS E ADEI S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS These excellent Pills promote a due and healthy secretion o BII E, restore the tone of the STOMACH, and produce healthy action of the LIVER and BOWELS. E ADEI 8 A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. Quickly remove the irritation and feverish state of the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the LIVER, relieve the system of all impurities, which, by circulating in the blood, injuriously affect the action of the KIDNEYS, and by removing the cauaes of so much discomfort, restore the vital energies of body and mind. E ADE'S ANTIBILIOUS pILLS. Are sold by all Chemists in Boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. or mailed free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE EADE, 72 GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON, E.C. ADE'S ANTIBILIOUS pILLS. CHAMIBERS'S These Pilla are TA *R T R BTT'T CF c^10'°e8t ever « v Jr i. Jj Jj O compounded for strengthening the vital forces, and bracing up the whole system. They really impart new life and strength. Every personsuffering from any form of weakness, &o., should send at once for a box 3s., post free. Recommended by Thousands. Thomas Chambers, 19, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London. DEAFNESS All sufferers from these I AND distressing complaints may HEAD-NOISES learn of a new simple PTTRPTk remedy, which cured a vUltm, gentleman after suffering 14 years. Has cured numerous other equally long cases, which were considered quite hopeless. Full particulars with testimonials and press notices, post free. G. Clifton, 39, Albany Mansions, Victoria Street, London. MEXICAN PILLS These famous pills | FOR are well known in LADIES ONLY. gnlarly taken by hun- J dreds of Ladies. They are safe, effectual and speedy in their action. The most obstinate cases are quickly overcome. Particulars free, or a box of pills with full directions, sent post free 4s. 6d. Lady Manager, Room 101, Victoria Chambers, 19, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. FRENCH LOTION CURES DEAFNESS- This remarkable lotion just introduced into this country is doing a deal of good in all cases of Deaf- ness, &o. Numerous testimonials and full parti- culars sent post free. Price is 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. per bottle. Chambers & Co., 19, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London. PEPPEB'S QUINISF, AND IRON TONIC. Quinine being less costly Pepper's renowned Tonic for the weak and ailing is now sold in bottles Is., Next size 2s., Largest3s. 6d. COLEMAN'S WINCARNIS, OR LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINE is recommended by thousands of Medical Men as the finest tonic in the WDrld.-Colema-n & Co., Ltd. Norwich and London. FINISH OF 1,330 HORSES THE GREAT NORTH WALES FORSE SALES AT WRBXSAM, 4Between Shrewsbury and Chester (twelve miles) G.W. Railway. NEXT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MABCH 20TH AND 21sT.-Sale of 500 Grand Heavy Town and Light Lurry and Strong Van Horses, being the finest collection ever seen together, including many prize winners. NEXT THURSDAY, MARCH 22ND,-200 Grand Shire Stallions, Mares and Fillies, Hackney and Pony Stallions, 1, 2, and 3 years old Cart and half- bred Geldings and Fillies. Parade and Judging, 10.30; Sale 12.10. Catalogues 3d, from FRANK LLOYD, Wrexham. COUNTY OF FLINT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE for the County of Flint, will be held at the COUNTY HALL, in MOLDF in the said County, on WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of Apjau- NEXT, at ELEVEN o'clock in be Forenoim, for "the Trial of Prisoners and the hearing of Appeals, when ill business relating to the County, and over which the Court has jurisdiction, will then be proceeded with. All Jurors, Prosecutors and Witnesses are requested to be in attendance at the above named hour. All depositions and instructions for indictments must be sent to my Office, if practicable six days before the said Quarter Sessions, otherwise the costs will not be allowed. THOS. T. KELLY, CLBRX OF THE PBAOE. Mold, 13th March, 1894. HOLYWELL LOCAL BOARD. URBAN SANITARY DISTRICT. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS AMENDMENT ACT, 1890. N 0 T I C E THE SANITARY AUTHORITY of the above. JL named District having adopted a resolution "That all of the Publio Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890, be adopted and come into operation in the Urban Sanitary District of Holywell, on and after the 17th day of ApRIL, 1894." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on and after the date mentioned in such resolution, the provisions of the Act so adopted will extend to the said Sanitary District. WM. DAVIES, Clerk to the Sanitary Authority. Dated 14th March, 1894. MR T; VAUGHAN HUGHES, Associate of the Royal School of Mines, F.I.C., F.C.S., &c., DESIRES to intimate that he still oontinues to conduct his business of ANALYTICAL AND METALLURGICAL CHEMIST, ASSAYER & CONSULTING ELECTRICAL ENGINEER AT HIS BRANCH ASSAY OFFICE, And is prepared to undertake all kinds of Agricultural Analysis. IMPORTANT' TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. The germinating per centage of Clover and Grass Seeds determined in a few minutes by a special process discovered by Mr. Hugheq. Before pur- ohasing have your seeds tested tur purity and quality. GREENFIELD, HOLYWELL, FLINTSHIRE. BCALE OF FEES, ON APPLICATION. 1894- N0W IS THE TIME TO EMIGRATE. FREE GRANTS OF LAND IN CANADA. 160 ACRES IN MANITOBA AND THE NORTH. WEST. REPORTS OF BRITISH FARMERS' DELE. GATES who visiited Canada in 1893, NOW READY, Other illustrated PAMPHLETS issued under the authority of the Imperial and Dominion Govern- ments, and full information respecting the above territories, their resources, trade, &o., supplied free by MR. JOHN DYKE, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT AGENT, 16, WATER-STREET, LIVERPOOL' who has recently returned from an extended visit to the Canadian North-West. FOUND, a FOX TERRIER BITCH. Owner can have it on paying expenses, by applying to V. WILLIAMS, BBDW COTTAGE, near Holywell. GOOD FRIDAY. The Observer will be printed on Wednesday in next week, owing to the Good Friday holiday. Adver- tisers and correspondents are therefore requested to send their communications as early in the week as possible. — —

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