Sales by Auction. ATTRACTIVE SALE. TAN-Y-BRYN FARM, NEAR YSCEIFIOG. MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN BEQ-S to announce that he is favoured with instructions from the Executors of the late Mr. WILLIAM: EDWARDS, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above-named premises, on THURSDAY, THE 4TH NOVEMBER, 1880, the whole of the valuable live and dead FARMING STOCK, stacks of HAY and BARLEY, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., &c., comprising Live Stock: Two valuable milch cows, promising red and white yearling heifer, rearing calf, three capital store pigs, a number of fowls, &c. Stackyard Small stack of well-harvested clover and rye grass, small stack of barley, quantity of manure. Implements, &e. -Two-Icnife chaff-cutter, winnowing machine, ladders, hedge-hcoks, mattocks, pikels, spades, riddles, iron and Buckley pig-troughs, rabbit-traps, cow-chains, wheelbarrows, water-barrels, &c., &c. The Furniture comprises a mahogany sideboard, mahogany, deal and other tables, ditto couch, easy chairs, cane-seated and other chairs, various pictures and prints, sundry crockery, fenders, ashpans, brass candlesticks, &c., birch half-tester, iron and other bedsteads and palliasses, feather beds, bolsters and pillows, dressing-tables, washstands, dressing- glasses, toilet ware, carpets, &c. Dairy Utensils: Wheel churn, sundry milk pans and pots, saucepans, milk cans, sieves, and all the necessary dairy utensils, salting-tub, crockery and brown ware, also a useful single-barrelled gun. Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock prompt. Auction Office- Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. TO CAPITALISTS, INVESTORS & OTHERS. Eligible Leasehold Property in the thriving locality of Mostyn. In the County Court of Flintshire, holden at Holywell-Roberts v. Evans and others. MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN IS instructed pursuant to a decree of the abow Court made in the above action, to Mii-Li-Li ox AUCTION, at the MosTYN HOTEL, MosTYN, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of November, 1880, at S<An those two modern built RESIDENCES and GARDENS, situate at Rhewl Mostyn, and now in the occupation of Mrs. M. A. Evans and Mr. Thos. Strickland. T _L This property is held under Lease of the Trustees of the Mostyn Estate for a term of which FIFTY- rwo YEARS are unexpired, at the nominal rent of £1 10s. Od. only. The Rental is £26 per annum. All further particulars may be obtained of Mr. H. A. COPE, Solicitor, Holywell, or of the Auctioneer. Auction Office- Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. 21st Oct., 1880. Highly Important and Extensive Sale of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, Hay, Implements of Hus- bandry and other Effects, at COLOMENDY, MOLD, FLINTSHIRE, 'Three miles from Mold Station, on the Chester, Mold and Denbigh Railway. MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHICK & CO. HAVE been favoured with instructions from COLONEL COOKE (who is giving up the home farm), to SELL BY AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 3rd and 4th November, 1880, commencing each day at Twelve o'clock noon, punctually, the undermentioned valuable Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, viz. 3 Cows, in milk, and to calve in January and February; 8 Two-years-old Heifers, in forward condition; 1 Jersey Heifer, and 1 Short-horn ditto 188 Cross-bred Lambs; 70 Cross-bred Ewes and Wethers, in forward con- dition 450 Black-faoed Scotch Store Ewes (1, 2, 3 and 4 years old); 60 Shearling Cheviot Ewes, and 40 Ditto ditto Wethers; 70 Choice pedigree Pigs, comprising Breeding Sows, Boars, and Gilts (several prize winners), bred chiefly from the stock of the Earl of Ellesmere, of the middle and large breeds; Team of six powerful and active wagon Horses; Handsome brown Mare, by "Walloon," 15 hands, rising 4 years old; a good hack and excellent huntress; a handsome Golden Dun Entire Cob, 7 years old, about Hi hands, a good hack and shooting cob and quiet in harness a large and valuable assortment of Implements of Husbandry by the best makers,. Horse Gears, &c., &e. together with about 100 tons of well-harvested Hay, of excellent qualit "1,. the BLACK LION, o the AUCTIONEERS, "0 N.B.LuncH.e be on the Table at Eleven o'clock. Public Notices. HOLYWELL U N I 0 N: PORTER WANTED. THE Guardians of the Poor of the Holywell Union will at their meeting on FRIDAY, the 6th of November next, proceed to the election of a 1, suitable person to attend to the Vagrants, assist in the sick wards, and discharge other duties that may e found needful. The salary will be 14s. per week, together with board and lodgings, which will be provided 111 the Workhouse, where the Officer will be required to reside. Candidates must be single men, and the person elected will be under the direction of the Master of the Workhouse, from whom all particulars as to the duties of the office may be obtained. A person having a knowledge of the Welsh language will be preferred. Applications, in the candidates' own handwriting, with testimonials as to character, &c., to be sent to the Clerk to the Guardians not later than Eleven o'clock a.m., on FRIDAY, the 5th day of November, and candidates to attend personally and at their own expense at the Workhouse, at noon on the said 5th*day of November. The appointment will be made subjeot to the approval of the Local Government Board. By Order, E. J. DAVIES, Clerk to the Guardians. Board-room, Holywell, Flints., October 22nd, 1880. SEND FOR MACKENZIE!? PARCEL OF JEWELLIlY Containing a handsome designed BROOCH AND EARRINGS TO MATCH RICHLY ENGRAVED LOCKET AND NECKLACE; The whole forming a complete set, sent post free, 2s. 8d. in stamps, or P.O.O. 2s. 6d.—Address— MACKENZIE AnD Co., 27, King-street, Liverpool. Public Notices continued. NORTH WALES AUDIT DISTRICT. HOLYWELL UNION AND THE RURAL SANITARY DISTRICT IN THE SAID UNION. AS Auditor of the above-named Audit District, I hereby give notice that I have appointed the Audit of the Accounts of the Holywell Union, and of the Rural Sanitary District in the said Union, and of the several Parishes and Contributory Places contained in the said Union and District, or in the said Union solely, for the half-year ended 29th September, 1880, to commence on THURSDAY, the 25th day of November, 1880, at Nine o'clock in the forenoon, at the Union Workhouse, at Holywell, when and where all persons who by law are bound to account at such Audit are required to attend, and to submit all Books, Documents, Bills, and Vouchers, containing or relating to the accounts:or to moneys assessed for, and applicable to the Relief of the Poor, or to Sanitary purposes. Dated the 20th day of October, 1880. (Signed) EDWARD MORGAN, District Auditor. AUDITS OF HIGHWAY ACCOUNTS. I the undersigned, the Auditor of the North Wales Audit District, hereby give notice that in pursuance of the Highways and Locomotives (Amendment) Act, 1878,1 have appointed the Audits of the accounts for the year ended the 25th day of March last, of the several Surveyors of Highways or other Officers performing similar duties for the several Parishes or Places undermentioned, and of the Officers thereof respectively; severally to be held at the Board Room of the Guardians of the Poor of the St. Asaph Union, and to commence on the day and at the respective times specified below, at each of which several Audits all persons who by law are bound to account thereat are required to attend, and to submit all Books of Account, Bills, Accounts, Vouchers, and other documents containing or re- lating to the Accounts then to be Audited. -n Time appointed for Audit. Name of Parish _Z or Place. Date. Hour. or Place. Date. Hour. 1880. I Trellewelyn. Wednesday, 24th Nov. 9 0 a.m Prestatyn ditto 9 15 a.m Cefndy ditto I 9 30 a.m Rhydorddwy ditto 9 45 a.m Tremeirchion ditto 10 0 a.m Vaenol. < ditto 10 15 a.m Dated this 20th day of October, 1880. EDWARD MORGAN, District Auditor. AUDITS OF HIGHWAY ACCOUNTS. I the undersigned, the Auditor of the North 9 Wales Audit District, hereby give notice that in pursuance of the Highways and Locomotives (Amendment) Act, 1878, I have appointed the Audits of the Accounts for the year ended the 25th day of March last, of the several Surveyors of Highways or other Officers performing similar duties for the several Parishes or Places undermen- tioned, and of the Officers thereof respectively; severally to be held at the Board Room of the Guardians of the Poor of the Holywell Union, and to commence on the day and at the respective times specified below, at each of which several Audits all persons who by law are bound to account thereat are required to attend, and to submit all Books of Account, Bills, Accounts, Vouchers, and other documents containing or relating to the Accounts then to be Audited. 0 Time appointed for Audit. Name of Parish or Place. Date. Hour. Date. Hour. 1880. Trellynia Friday, 26th Nov. 9 0 a.m Penbedw (Naimerch) ditto 9 10 a.m Cwm. ditto 9 20 a.m Trefechan ditto 9 30 a.m Trellan (Nannerch) ditto 9 40 a.m Argoed. ditto 9 60 a.m Bistree ditto 10 0 a.m Hartsheath ditto 10 10 a.m Hendrebiffa ditto 10 20 a.m Llwynegrin. ditto 10 30 a.m Cefn ditto 10 40 a.m Golftyn I ditto 10 50 a.m Hendrefigillt ditto 11 0 a.m Kelsterton ditto 11 10 a.m Leadbrook Major.. ditto 11 20 a.m Leadbrook Minor ditto 11 30 a.m Llysdanhunedd ditto 11 40 a.m Llysycoed ditto 11 50 a.m Maesygroes ditto 12 0 noon Trellan (Northop) ditto il2 10 p.m Wepre ditto 12 15 p.m Dated this 20th day of OCTOBER, 1880. EDWARD MORGAN, ) District Auditor. < SCHOOL BOARD ACCOUNTS. I the undersigned Auditor of the North Wales Audit District, do hereby give notice that, in pursuance of the Elementary Education Acts, I pursuance of the Elementary Education Acts, I have appointed the Audits of the Accounts of the following School Boards for the year ended 29th September last, severally to commence at the re- spective places and at the respective times specified below; at each of which several Audits all persons who by law are bound to aocount thereat, are re- quired to attend, and to submit all Books, Docu- ments, Bills, and Vouchers containing or relating to such Accounts. Place at 'Time appointed for Audit. Name of School which Board Audit will bo ■ held. Date. Hour. f Henlian Union 1880 Workhouse Wednesday, I St. Asaph 24th Nov. 10 30 a.m ) Llanfairtalhaiarn ditto ditto 11 0 a.m Denbigh ditto ditto 11 30 a.m Holywell Union Workhouse Holywell Thursday, 25th Nov. 4 Op.m Northop. ditto Friday, 26th Nov. 12 15 p.m Mold ditto ditto 12 30 p.m Dated this 20th day of October, 1880. EDWARD MORGAN, District Auditor. HOLYWELL ASSEMBLY-ROOM, WORK- MEN'S COCOA AND READING-ROOM j BUILDING FUND. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN HAND AND PROMISED. a. d. Amount already advertised. 846 12 0 Mr Hamlet Ll. Davies, M.B., Ivy House 5 5 0 "Messrs Rylands and Son, Manchester.. 3 3 0 Messrs. Pierce Lloyd & Son, Painters, &o. 2 2 0 NOTE.-All intending subscribers are respectfully requested to send in their names at as early a date as possible, to enable the Local Board to decide whether or not they can proceed to erect the Town Hall, Assembly-room, Cocoa and Reading-room, this year. Public Notices continued. TUTE'S MINSTRELSI ONE NIGHT ONLY. ] BOARD SCHOOLS, HOLYWELL, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, 1880. SPLENDID NEW PROGRAMME OF ORIGINAL IDEAS AND NOVEL EF ECTS Doors open at 7-30 Overture at 8. Caniages at 10.15. ADDMISSION 2s., Is., and 6d.r1 N.B.—Mr. J. T. Tute, R.A.M., will perform a solo on the violin. Tute's Minstrels Brass Band will play frqm the Station on their arrival from Chester. ] -1 FLINTSHIRE DISPENSARY. VOLUNTARY COLLECTIONS. TITO Committee thankfully acknowledge the following contributions :— £ s. d. £ s. d. Holywell Parish Church. 8 4 3 Carmel Chapel 0 10 0 Halkyn Calvinistic Chapel 0 5 7 Holywell Tabernacle Chapel 1 1 0 Llanasa Church 1 0 0 Greenfield Alpha Chapel 010 1 Penypyllau Chapel. 010 0 Holywell Baptist Chapel 1 1 0 Northop Wesleyan Chapel 0 2 5 Greenfield Church 3 17 0 Holywell Chapel-street Chapel 1 1 1 Llanerehvmor Calvinistic Chapel q10 0 Flint Welsh Calvinistic Chapel 0 13 0 Holywell Wesleyan Chapel 1 2 7 DONATION. Oct. 27th— Messrs. Walker, Parker and Co. 5 0 0 W. T. COLE, Hon. Sec. Flintshire Dispensary, October 27th, 1880. EW GUNPOWDER. TO AFRICAN MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BLASTING POWDER. THE ELTER-WATER GUNPOWDER COMPANY LIMITED, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that they have recently obtained an Injunc- tion from the Court of Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster, to restrain the Ballincollig Royal Gunpowder Mills Co., Limited, from rolling (inter aliaj Gunpowder bearing the Eltra'V\fater Gunpowder Co.'s Trade Mark E W, which not manufactured by them. All Persons Purchasing Gunpowder bearing the Mark E W, from others than the Elter-Water Gunpowder Co., or their Agents, are requested to satisfy themselves of its genuineness. G. J. HOLMES, MOLD, AGENT. NUPTIALS OF PYERS WILLIAM MOSTYN, ESQUIRE, OP TALACEE, AND MISS PERRY, BITHAM HOUSE, AVON DASSET, LEAMINGTON. AT a Meeting of the Friends and Well-vishers of the House of Talacre, held at the Red Lion Inn, Llanasa, on Saturday, September 18th, 1880 THE REV. J. PAnRY MORGAN, VICAR, IN THE CHAIR. It was unanimously resolved :— That a Subscription List be opened for the purpose of duly celebrating the above auspicious event, and that Subscriptions be received at the NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK, Holywell, and NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANKS, Holywell and Rhyl, and also by the HONORARY TREASURER and SECRETARY, and by the Members of the Committe." In order to enable the Committee to make their arrangements, intending Subscribers are respect- fully requested to pay in their Subscriptions as early as possible. CHARLES CARTWRIGHT, TREASURER. W. H. ROLANDS, SECRETARY. LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ s. d. Amount already advertised 92 17 0 Lord Richard Grosvenor 3 3 0 Messrs. T. Lightbound and Co., Liverpool 2 2 0 Messrs. Brown, Holmes and Co., Chester 2 2 0 >> Welsh Flannel Manufacturing Company 2 2 0 S. L. Revis, Esq., N. & S. Wales Bank, Holywell 2 2 0 Mr. Jardine, Holywell 1 0 Holywell Lime Co 1 Mr. J. S. Williams, Caerwys 1 Mr. Smith, Chester 1 „ Mr. Thomas Jones, Glanrafon 0 10 Mrs. Price, Coetia Mawr 0 10 ) H. S. M. 0 10 0 Mr. Joseph Hughes, Gronant Inn 0 10 Mr. Smith, Mostyn Hotel. 010 6 Mr. Brookes, Bryn Mawr, Llanasa. 0 10 6 Mr. Jones, Talacre Arms, Holywell 0 10 0 Mr. John Hunt. Prestatyn 0 5 0 Rev. T. B. Ll. Browne, Bodfari 0 5 0 Mrs. Davies, Farmers' Arms, Ffynnon- groew 0 5 0 Iggf The Treasurer will be extremely obliged if intending Subscribers send in their subscriptions as soon as possible, in order that the Committee may make all necessary arrangements. Business Announcements. WEAK SIGHT. HENRY IiAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPECTACLES, 44, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. These Spectacles are clear and cool, never tire the eye, and ichilst subduing all inflammatory symptoms, assist, strengthen, and preserve the SIR JULIUS BENEDICT, 2, Manchester Square, London, W., writes:- j "I have tried the principal Opticians in London without success, but your Spectacles suit me admirably, both for reading and walking:. The clearness of >OUB glasses as com- pared with others is really surprising. I Khali up all times recommend them." C. B. RADCLIFFE, Esq., M.D., 25, Cavendish Square, London, W., Consulting Physician to the Westminster Hospital, writes :— "Your Spectacles are highly appreciated by me, and are a great improvement on my old oues, ajid suit my sight better." Hundreds of Testimonialh have been received from persons whose sight has been benefitted by their use whm allotherx have ailed, a list of which can be had gratis on application to the AGBNTB FOR HOLYWELL— E. & H. HUGHES, IRONMONGERS AND OPTICIANS, 11IGH STREET, HOLYWELL. I AU Spectaclcd stamped II.L." Business Announcements. AL L E N'S CELEBRATED MELTON MOBWRAY PIES & SAUSAGES, ALSO ALLEN'S QUORN HUNT PIES, CONTAINING VEAL, PORK, HAM, AND OX TONGUE. AGENT— JOSEPH HAGUE, GROCER, TEA DEALER AND PROVISION MERQHANT, OLD TEA WAREHOUSE, HOLYWELL. HOME MADE WELSH WOOLLEN GOODS!! H. H A M.E R WISHES to respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Holywell and neighbour- hood, that he has commenced business in the above trade at the MARKET HALL, HOLYWELL. Owing to the great depression in the Woollen Trade during the last two years, he is able to offer a splendid selection of large WOOLLEN SHAWLS, and HANDKERCHIEFS at a considerable reduction. Wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of Home- spun Welsh YARNS &c., guaranteed to be made of pure Welsh wools. ATTENDANCE: HOLYWELL-FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS: FLINT —SATURDAYS ONLY.—Terms, Cash.—Address— 3, SPRING BANK, GREENFIELD. GARNOCK, BIBBY & Co., LIVERPOOL, Manufacturers of every description of WIRE AND HEMP ROPE FOR MINES, COLLIERIES, AND RAILWAYS, &c.; From the best qualities of Charcoal Iron Wire, Patent Steel Wire, and Hemp, &c., &c. Copper ropes for lightning conductors. Galvanized signal and fencing strand. Galvanized wire ropes for ships' purposes. Manila hemp ropes, white or tarred. Russian hemp ropes, do. do. Flax and hemp spunyarn for packing. Prices and all information on application to MR. HOLMES, MOLD, AGENT FOR NORTH WALES. TRADE MARK. 'Ili I PATENT 1 MEDICINES. TRADE MARK. is 1-1 9 T IT U G II E S PATENT MEDICINE. HERB AND FRUIT SALINE. A New and One of the most valuable of Domestic Medicines yet offered to the world. This Saline is prepared only from the PUREST ESSENCES of FRUITS and HERBS, containing NO MINERAL INGREDIENT WHATEVER, and can be taken without the least fear of doing harm by the most delicate Invalid. It is alike valuable in health, and of the greatest service in all cases of sickness where thirst is great, being at once a most pleasant effervescing drink, and an effectual but harmless medicine. The most effectual aperient yet offered, not being- too powerful in its action, and at the same time causing no griping or other inconvenience. Strongly recommended to all persons suffering from Indigestion, Flatulency, Pain after Food, Irregularity of the Bowels, Headaches, Palpitations, and all ailments dependent upon disordered Diges- tion, Erysipelas, Boils, Scorbutic and Skin Erup- tions. A splendid drug in Biliousness, Sluggish Liver and Jaundice, clearing the complexion and purifying the Blood. Recommended to Gouty and Rheumatic subjects, and to correct errors after excessive eating and drinking. A valuable Medicine in Spring and Autumn, and a most refreshing Summer beverage. This Saline is highly suitable for Children, as from its very agreeable taste it can be easily administered to them. DosE.-Two Teaspoonfuls, in Half a Tumbler of cold or tepid water, before Breakfast and Tea; somewhat smaller Doses for Children. r liST Be careful to use a dry spoon, and keep the Bottle tightly corked. PRICE, 2s. 6D. AND 4s. GD. PER BOTTLE. PROPRIETOR—T. HUGHES, BRYNFORD, HOLYWELL. T. IIU G H E S PATENT DIURETIC MEDICINE. FOR all Disorders of the Kidneys—indicated by Pains in the Loins, Lumbago, violent Head- aches, Pain and difficulty in passing Urine, high coloured and acrid Urine, suppression of Urine and Dropsy. DOSE.-A Wineglassful every 24 hours in urgent cases; in mild cases every 48 hours. PRICE, 2s. GD. PER BOTTLE. PROPRIETOR-T. HUGHES, BRYNFORD, HOLYWELL. T I I U G II E S PATENT ASTHMA MEDICINE. INVALUABLE in Chest complaints generally, where there is tightness of the Chest and difficulty of breathing, cough with little or no ex- pectoration,—particularly serviceable in all Asthma- tic attacks. Dos-P.-One Teaspoonful when the Cough is troublesome, or when there is great difficulty of breathing. PRICE, 2s. GD. PER BOTTLE. PROPRIETOR—T. HUGHES, BRYNFORD, HOLYWELL. AGENTS— HOLYWELL—Mr. Joseph Hague, Italian Warehouse. 11 -Ilr. Jones (late F. E. Turner), Chemist. BAGILLT—Mr. Gratton Thomas, Chemist. FLINT—Mr. Michael Jones, Chemist and Druggist. MOLDMr. Robert Williams, Chemist. RHYL—Mr. Davies, Chemist. —Mr. Foulkes, Chemist. CONNAH'S QUAY—Mr. K. Ll. Jones, Medical Hall. LAMPETER—Mr. Roderick Evans, Chemist and Druggist. Business Announcements. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND SIffiEP DEALERS. D. OLIVER, BODLONDEB FARM, GREENFIELD, HOLYWELL, IS prepared to supply Farmers and others with his valuable DRESSING for SHEEP SCAB likewise, with an effectual dressing for FOOT ROT in SHEEP; and also with an excellent OINTMENT for wounds in animals of every class. The remedies are of his own preparation, founded upon long ex- j perience, and will be found to be certain and speedy j cures for the affections named. Personal attention given to the Aessing, if required; or medicines forwarded on application. Address as above. DENTAL NOTICE. FRIDAY, 5TH NOVEMBER. MR. MAURICE,. SURGEON DENTIST, CHESTER, WILL attend this day at Mr. Carman's, Chemist, "t &c., with whom appointments can be made. THE OLD MEDICAL HALL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. SAMUEL ff 0 N E S (LATE F. E. TURNER), DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST (QUALIFIED BY EXAMINATION), BEGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Inhabitants of Holywell and the districts surrounding that he has entered upon the business so successfully carried on at the above address by the late Mr. F. E. TURNER, and trusts, by personal and prompt attention to merit a con- tinuance of the favors bestowed upon his predecessot PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECIPES Dispensed with the greatest care and promptitude. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Of the purest quality. ALL GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES KEPT IN STOCK. ORANGE QUININE WINE Prepared according to the Pharmacopoeia, particularly adapted forvdelicate persons. PURE COD LIVER OIL, NEARLY TASTELESS. Antibilious, Aperient, Compound Rhubarb, Quinine, Tonic and other Pills. GENUINE SEIDLITZ POWDERS Possessing all the properties of the celebrated German Spas, and strongly recommended as forming a cooling and nildly aperient elfervescing draught. In Boxes, ls. each. PYRETIC SALINE AND FRUIT SALTS. Agent for Hardy, Neaves', Ridges' and other Foods for Infants find Iuvalius. Apollinaiis, Eriedriehshall, Vichy and other Natural Mineral Waters. MINERAL AND DEBATED WATERS IN STOCK. EXQUISITE PERFUMERY AND TOILET REQUISITES TURKEY AND HONEYCOMB SPONGES. OILS, PAINTS, COLOURS AND VARNISHES. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. Agent for Long, Coopers, &c., SHEEP DIPPING POWDERS, &c., &c. THE OLD M E D i C A L H all. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. J. J. Evans, GENERAL DRAPER, TAILOR, AND BREECHES MAKER, Has always in Stock A CIIOICE SELECTION of the latest novelties in the above branches. Liveries of every Description. J. J. E. guarantees good fit, style and workmanship, combined with reasonable charges. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR PHILLIPS AND SON'S DANDELION COFFEE. IS THE CHEAPEST, Because the Best, contains Three times the strength of ORDINARY COFFEE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ESTABLISHED 1760. APOTHECARIES HALL, HOLYWELL. JOHN CARMAN, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, BEGS to call attention to the following list of approved Family Medicines, <fcc., which he can with confidence recommend. CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE, This Saline compound is recommended for Bilous constitu- tions, Heartburn, Headache, Sea sickness, &-c. In bottles, each. QUINJNE WINE T0NIC) In bottles is. and 2s. each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' CARMINATIVE, An agreeable Medicine renowned for its efficacy in prevent- ing or removing the disorders to which Infancy is liable, such as Convulsions, Wind, Gripes, Difficult Teething, See &c. In fcottles nd., Is. ld. and 2. ad, each. CARMAN'S COUGH LOZENGES. CARMAN'S TIC PILLS. CAU MAX'S WOlDI POWDERS. CARMAN'S PERSIAN ESSENCE, A (lefcliiiul and refreshing perfume. In bottles Is., Is. Gù. and 2s. (id. each. CARMAN'S COMPOUND ANTIP.TLOUS AND FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. Carman's CELEBRATED HAIR RESTORER, In bottles Is. (id. each. EXTRA STRONG SEIDLITZ POWDERS, Is. per box. PATEXT MEDTCIXKK, PKKFUMETIY, 4TOOTii BRURIIKS, ScExrun SOAPS, AXD OTHKB TOII.ET REQCISITKS. MINERAL AND JERATED WATERS. Pulina Water, Friederickshall Water, Hunyadi, .Tunes Water, or any other Foreign Mineral Waters not in stock obtained at a few lbys notice. HOMOEOPATHY, A LARGE ASSOICTMENT OF Tinctures, Globules, Pilules, and Triturations. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. OILS. PAINTS, & COLOURS, OF THE BEST QUALITY AGENT FOR THE— AQUA CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. LICENSED TO SELL METHYLATED SPIRIT. ANY ARTICLE NOT IN STOCi, TT.OCrRED WITH THE LEAST POSSIBLE DELAY. CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY I GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK showing ,Jr sufferers how they may be curod and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections. Free on receipt of stamp to prepay postage. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birnuugha«i. Wanted. ANTED a few HIVES OF BEES.—Apply, II "A.Z." Observer Office, Holywell. AGENT WANTED to push first-class Lubri- cating OILS. Commission 10 to 15 per cent. Box 322, Post Office, Liverpool. WANTED, a respectable YOUTH as an appren- tice to the Harness and Saddlery business.—• Apply to Mr. EMRYS EVANS, Whitford Street. To be Sold. MOST ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. TO BE DISPOSED OF, a Laundry Blue and Whiting BUSINESS in full working order and doing a fair trade.-Whiting mill worked by water, fifteen horse-power.—For further particulars, apply to present owner Mr. PETER BROWN, New Mills, Holywell. Premises well adapted for Drysalting and other purposes. To be Let. SPRING VALE HOUSE SCHOOL, TO BE LET, with immediate possession. The whole or a part of the Furniture may be taken, if desired.—For further particulars, apply on the PREMISES, or to Mr. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, High- street, Holywell. AFTER GRASS. TO BE LET, about 20 acres, more or less, of very excellent Aftergrass.—Apply at the OFFICE of WERN COLLIERY, Bagillt. TO BE LET—immediate possession—" PLAS COED MAWR"—a commodious residence, with coach-house and stabling; well furnished walled garden, green-house, and pleasure grounds, -barely one mile from Holywell railway station.— For further particulars apply to A. EYTON, Esq., Plas Llancrchymor, near Holywell. npO BE LET, with immediate possession, the JL MEADOW HOUSE, containing 3 entertain- ing-rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 servants bedrooms, stabling, wash-house, large flower and kitchen garden, situate at Greenfield, near Holywell, and within a mile of the Holywell Railway Station.— Apply to Mr. TrroMAS HUGHES, Greenfield Mills, Holywell. Shipping. l. OCTOBER, 1880. LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN. The fust-sailing steamer W IF TS URE,I) ROBERT LOWE, Master; Fitted up specially for the station, will ply between LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN, leaving North end of the Prince's Landing Stage, and Mostyn (weather permitting), with liberty to tow, as under:- DATE. From LIVERPOOL. From MOSTYN. 29 Fridity 8 0 a.m 30 Saturday. 7 0 a.m Heavy Goods received at Chester Basin, near St. George's Baths, for Mostyn Daily-8 30 to 10 0 a.m., and as under:— October 4th, 12 0 noon to 2 30 p.m. 6th, 1 Op.m. to 4 0 p.m. llth, 2 0 p.m. to 5 0 p.m. 13th, 8 30 a.m. to 12 0 noon 18th, 12 0 noon to 2 30 p.m. 20th, 1 0 p.m. to 4 O p.m.; 25th, 2 0 p.m. to 5 0 27th, 2 0 p.m. to to 5 0 p.m. Light Goods received at Prince's Landing Stage an hour before the time of sailing. The Steamer not to be held responsible for non-Bailings. V Steamer not accountable for damage or injury to Horses Carriages, or any Live Stock. Goods when landed are entirely at the risk of the consignees. Passengers taken on board and landed at New Brighton on notice being given to the Pier Master there. FARES—FORE CABIN, Is. 6d. AFTER CABIN, 2s. 6d. RETURN same day. FORE CABIN, 2s. 3s. Tickets not transferable. Children under T >velve, half-fare Special arrangements for Pic-nic, Sclio ll parties, &c. Refreshments on Board. A LLAN LINE. SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE TO IERICA. MERICA. (COMPOSED OF TWENTY FIBST-CLASS ROYAL MAIL STEAMEES). SAILING DAYS :-From LIVERPOOL, every THURSDAY and every alternate TUESDAY. From LONDONDERRY every FRIDAY, and from QUEENSTOWN every alternate WEDNESDAY. TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POISTTS AT SPECIAL RATES Pamphlets on CANADA, MANITOBA, WESTERN STATES of AMERICA; also SPECIAL PAMPHLET, embodying Reports of the Tenant Farmers' Delegates to Canada, free on application. ASSISTED PASSAGES to Canada for Farm Labourers and Female Domestic Servants. Full particulars on application to- ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., JAMES STREET, LIVERPOOL OR TO- I. P. DAVIES, Pawnbroker, Feather's-street, Flint; WM. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. Money. MONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES, INFORMATION free to all personal applicants JL on Mondays and Fridays, at MR. PREECE JONES' Rhyl Office, No. 2, Crescent-road.—En- quiries by letter answered immediately, where full particulars are sent, together with stamped addressed envelope, for reply.—A genuine, honourable business done since 1869. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY 52 TOWER BUILDINGS, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL. N. S. HOT, SOLE PROPRIETOR. rrO ALL IN WANT OF MONEY.—Time and JL unnecessary expense can be saved by applying, personally or by letter, to the above address, where Cash Advances are made from X20 to £ 1,000 without Sureties, on the shortest possible notice, ( and on the most reasonable terms. Repayments, bv easy instalments to suit borrowers. Loans can lie repaid cither personally or remitted by Post- office Orders, thereby affording every facility to parties whose time is an object to them. Please note the address as above. MONEY .■ £ 10 to zi,coo.-M 0 N E Y. MOST IMPORTANT TO BORROWERS. WHRRE can I obtain a small loan of money to relieve mo from my present embarrassment ? is the question often pondered upon by many persons, and seldom solved; because parties are generally reluctant in putting their friends (who may be in a position to help them' -Lt) an inconvenience, and arc also Joath toappJy ata Loan oilier, where the respectability of such officc is questionable. For this reason borrowers are asked to read the following announcement: THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE RANK was established at South John Street in 1875, and since then its business in making advances has increased so rapidly, that the Principal has Imd bifilt. at the address below, a block of offices nianed Imperial ]jui;diuga, which is considered to be one of the linest business premises in Liverpool, and valued at over £ 20.000,—where nre now made to all respectable Householders (GeW.emen or Ladies,) Fanners, Cow Keepers, Car Pro- i,rk ions, i'rr.tlc^men, i icenscd Victuallers, Clerks, holding pT.nsncr.t situations, persons about entering into business, wl !.tb.-rw. i varying from £ 10 to £ 1,000, ENTIRELY V.Tf.iOUT SUREVIES: thus enabling them to increase their stocks, pay their rent,' and tide over any pecuniary difficulty. Thedistance from the Ban1.; is no objection, as re- payments e:'„n be made by Bank 2\otes, Cheques, or Post their stocks, pay their rent, and tide over any pecuniary difficulty. Thedistance from the Ban1.; is no objection, as re- payments e:'„n be made by Bank 2\otes, Cheques, or Post CSoe orl information can be had by writing I (stating amount required) to LmIS SOfMONS, Principal, Imperial Advance PnnV, 72 Victoria Street, Livcjpool.