22nd October 1880
Sales by Auction. COUNTY OF FLINT. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ALLOTMENTS, IN WHITFOBD PARISH, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY AIR. WILLIAM FREEMAN, AT THE KINO'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLY- WELL, on FBIDAY, the 22nd day of OCTOBER, 1880, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of completing the realization and division of an estate, subject to conditions. All those two FREHOLD closes, pieces, or allotments of LAND, situate near the Rock Tavern, on the Holywell and St. Asaph Turnpike Road, in the parish of Whitford, containing together 8 acres, 3 roods, 36 perches, or thereabouts, statute measure, now in the occupation of REES ROBERTS, with the exception of the mines and minerals, which have been reserved. A plan and copy of the conditions of Sale will be produced by, and further information may be obtained fromJhe AUCTIONEER, High-street, Holy- well; MR. ISAAC TAYLOR, Land Agent and Surveyor, Coleshill Cottage, Flint, or MESSRS. WITHINGTON, PETTX AND BOUTFLOWEE, Solicitors, Spring Gardens, Manchester. Also all that FREEHOLD piece of LAND con- taining Six acres or thereabouts, adjoining the above. For particulars apply to the Auctioneer or to MR. THOMAS KENDRICK, Coleshill Colliery, Bagillt. Also, under instructions from the Trustees of the will of the late Mr. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, all those four LEASEHOLD COTTAGES, GARDENS, and APPURTENANCES thereto, known as VICTORIA PLACE, GREENFIELD. in the Parish of Holy- well, in the County of Flint, subject to such con- ditions as ehall then and there be produced and read, and having an unexpired term of 28 years, subject to a ground rental of C7. Three of the cottages are now let at 2s. weekly, and one at Is. Gd. For further particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEER, MR. JOHN JONES, Well-street, Holywell, and MR. THOMAS HUGHES, Brvnford, the s'aid Trustees, or H. A. COPE, Esa., solicitor, Holywell. Auction Office Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. TO CAPITALISTS, INVESTORS & OTHERS. Eligible Leasehold Property in the thriving locality of Mostyn. In the Countv Court of Flintshire, holden at Holywell-Robertsv. Evans and others. MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN IS instructed pursuant to a decree of the above Court, made in the above action, to SELL BY AUCTION, at the MOSTYN HOTEL, MOSTYST, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of November, 1880, at Seven p.m. punctually. All those two modern built RESIDENCES and GARDENS, situate at Rhewl Mostyn, and now in the occupation of Mrs. M. A. Evans and Mr. Thos. Strickland. This property is held under Lease of the Trustees of the Mostyn Estate for a term of which FIFTY- TWO YEARS are -unsxpirqdL at the nominal rent of j jgl lOs.ifti pnly. The Rentals £ 2G per 7 All further particulars may be obtained of Mr. *i. A. -CovR, Solicitor, Holywell, or Auctioned ..t ;*°^fetton' Office— Holywell. Ho Holywell. IMPORTANT-AND ATTRACTIVE JULE I1cS £ *Horae, Carriages, Harness &lad^er|n HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Library of Books, Cottage Pianoforte, Ornamental an<Lother China, Gfcas Oil Paintings and Engravings, ..Cuttiesy, Kitchen and Culinery Utensils, ^dother Effects, AT PLAS YN MORFA, NEAR HOLYWELL, FLINTSHIRE, And within five minutes' walk from the Holywell Srat.ion. on the Chester and Holyhead Railway. I MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHICK & Co., BFG to announce that they have been favoured wiS Actions from OCTAVTIBJ.^ ILLIAMSON TWTT p,Y AUCTION, on TUESDAY and ^VyTh 0«, >880 com- WEDN y. Eleven o'clock punctually, the whole of tbe,,enuine a-nd substantial I-IOUSETIOLD appertaining to dining, drawing, n<r and several bed and dressing rooms, including i dining, Pembroke, card, and occasional fw missive ditto pedestal and sideboard, sets of tables, massive out h lounging chairs and mahogany singie AraVing room suite, superior couches, walnut-wood (lr b Devonport, walnut cheffonniere, loo t POTTAGE centre and other Ottomans, fine- on cabinet PIANOFORTE, by Broadwood and bons, PIANOFORTE, handsome fenders and fhe-nons, BrtJels tapestry, and other carpets, valuable SmepSes a^d cLks, antique richly-carved oak settee and high-backed chairs, cabinets, massive oak hall table, several sets of mahogany halMeste four-post bedsteads, excellent hair ma-tresse., feather beds, mahogany and paintedches drawers, wardrobes, dressing ar.d wash tables, other chamber requisites, library of books, ines and engravings, handsome Chi:oa, d"«rt, a»l tea crown EFFECTS,' con- togetner wicn iao.e.horse, Britzka aud Sle harness, saddlery^nd other effects Catalogues mav be had at the place of sale, at the King's Head Hotel, Holywell, or from the Auctioneers, Messrs. CHURTON, ELPHICK, ROBERTS, and RICHARDSON, Chester. -M- B. The House and 45 acres of Land to be let. « For particulars, apply to Mr. WM. HUGHES, upon the premises. I' Preliminary Notice of a highly about 800 S^eep, compnsmg b. dWetherB> Store Ewes, cross-bred J 70 pe(iigrce ahearling Cheviot Ewee>and Wether biood Pigs, descended from the m- Ellesinere's in the country, chiefly of the team 0f 'breed, including" several prize winner i -x wagon Horses f in forward condition upwards of 100 tons <3 harvested Hay. together with a lar^ he assortment of Implements of Husbandry^ by best makers, Horse Gears, and other Ettects, COLOMENDY, three miles from the town of Mold, Flintshire. MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHLCK & CO. HAVE been favoured with instructions tr COLONEL COOKE (who is giving up the home farm), to SELL BY AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 3rd & 4 th November, ]880%the al-ove- mentioned valuable Live and Dead J AK- ± STOCK, full particulars of which, with catalogue will shortly be published. Public Notices. LITERARY INSTITUTE. THE following PAPERS can be had for HALF- PRICE, viz.: Tnpl Tnm., I "PUBLIC OPINION." U JUDY." Apply to the Hon. Sec., E. M. EVANS. Panton ( Place, Holywell. Public Notices continued. TWO DAYS ONLY! BOARD SCHOOLS, HOLYWELL, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 23RD AND 25TH. ^RMILTON'S NEW AND SPLENDID I PANORAMA. OUR INDIAN EMPIRE AFGHAN WAR Z u I U W A R AND NORTE POLAR REGIONS. L Music, Songs, Descriptive and Humorous Lecture. SPECIAL:—HALF-PRICE ADMISSION, IS., ÔD. & 3D. NUPTIALS OF PYERS WILLIAM MOSTYN, ESQUIRE, CF TALACRE, AND MISS PERRY, BITHAM HOUSE, AVON DASSET, LEAMINGTON. AT a Meeting of the Friends and Well-wishers of the House of Talacre, held at the Red Lion Inn, Llanasa, on Saturday, September 18th, 1880 THE REV. J. PARRY MORGAN, VICAR, IN THE CHAIR. It was unanimously resolved :—• That a Subscription List be opened for Oin purpose of duly celebrating the above auspicious event, and that Subscriptions he received at the NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK, HOLY well, and NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANKS, Holywell and Rhyl, aud also by the HONORARY TREASURES, and SECRETARY, and by the Members of the Comruitte." In order to enable the Committee to make their arrangements, intending Subscribers are respect- fully requested to pay iu their Subscriptions as early as possible. CHARLES CARTWRIGHT, TREASURER. W. H. ROLANDS, SECSEIAR^. LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ s. d. Amount already advertised 70 0 6 Talacre and Gronant Mining Company 10 0 0 T. G. Dixon, Esq., Nant Hall. 2 2 0 Richard Sankey, Esq 1 1 0 Mr. Richard Davies, Tvcocli, Gwespyr 110 Mr. Richards, Kelston 1 1 0 Joseph Pinchett, Esq 0 Chester 1 1 0 Dr. T. E. Jones, Lb.nrwst 1 1 0 Mr. T. Bellis, Abbey farm, Greenfield 110 Miss Jones, Tower Gairlens, Holywell I 1 01. Mr, J. L.=Xoblett, Ffynnongroew 0 10 6 Edward Williams, Esq., Pentreffynnon.. 0 10 6 Mr. David Roberts, currier, Holywell 010 6 Messrs. Thomas .Hughes & Son, builders 0 10 6 Mewrtfr.JP. Lloyd & Son, plumbers 0 10 Q Mr. John I I J| be intending Subscribers send ill thmr .snivel >P as soon as possible, in order ttiat the Committee may make all necessary arrangements. WINTER ASSIZE COUNTY No. 17. WINTER ASSIZES, 1880. CUDWORTH HALSTED POOLE, ESQUIRE, SHERIFF. ■XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that oy virtue of the precept of the HONORABLE SIR WILLIAM ROBERT GROVE, Knight and otheis his fellows, the Commissioners tor holding the next Assizes for the Winter Assize County-No. J7 (comprising the several counties of gomery, Merioneth, Carnarvon, Anglewea, X^nbi^h and Flint), toe said Arizes will be opened on MONDAY, the TWENTY-FIFTH day of OCTOBER, 1880 and the business of the Assizes will commence at the CASTLE OF CHESTER, at ELEVEN O clock m t morning, on TUESDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH day of OCTOBER, 1880. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER PTVEN that all persons bonud by recogmzancc-s to GIVEiM tnat «wi i evidence tor or against appear and prosec o schedule hereunder I the prisoners said Assizes, are written, who will b cutej and give evidence Tthelid 2Ss S the time and place last afore- said. DNV of OCTOBER, 1880. Dated this SIXTEENTlI day of OCTOBER, 1880. D .(I t HENRY LEE, Undersheriff. JOHN TATOCK, Acting Undersheriff, 13, St. John Street, Chester. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO Gaol in which, Gaol in which Prisoner is at Offence Names of IMsoners. present con- charged. lined. Richard Acquilla Hug-hes I Carnarvon i Forgery. -c v + Ruthin Burglary a Isaac Roberts Denbigh o: 3rdSeptem ber, 1880. 3rdSeptem ber, 1880. riViA«t,er Steal in Edward Booley posL letteI at Rhyl. DENTAL NOTICE. FRIDAY, 29TH OCTOBER. MR- MAURICE, J SURGEON DENTIST, CHESTER, -rxTTLL attend this day at Mr. Carman's, Chemist, ^|Y &c>i with whom appointments can be maoe. i3L y-r.o o^r, V;ORK- j MKVS cV,f ANJ3 READiiNG-ROOM MLNB BJILDING FUND. BUBPOBIPTIOV3 IN-HAND AND PKOOT. D> Amount already advertised ■ — 84 9 C Mr. HandctLl. y g Q MCBSI-8. &c. 2 2 0 ISTOTE. rheir n,i.es at ss eai\y TlVtZpossible, to enable the Local Board to d™m. date as P08S^f'h cail pr0cced to orect the Town &». -a I this year. Business Announcements. P ARR Y AND M O E~R I S", MANUFACTURING AND BURNISHING IRONMONGERS, HOLYWELL, Have a Large and Well-assorted Stock of every Article in the Trade, KITCHEN RANGES, REGISTER STOVES, SHAMS, LAUNDERS, PIPES, BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, WASHING, WRINGING AND MANGLING MACHINES, JOINERS' TOOLS AND BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY, AT SPECIAL PRICES. Gas and Water Tubes and Fittings, in Brass and Iron Bar Iron and Steel; Plates, Sheets, and Galvanized ditto; Asphalte Roofing-, and Corrugated Iron ditto. Colliery and Lead Mine Requisites, Oil, Ropes, Chains, Kibbles, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Hammers, Red and White Lead, India Rubber Sheets, Washers, Packing, &c. CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ESTIMATES GIVEN for ALL KINDS OF WROUGHT IRON FENCING, CONTINUOUS BAR DITTO, HURDLES, AND TOMB RAILINGS. AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BY ALL THE PRINCIPAL MAKERS, Special Advantages given for Cash. BEST MIXED PAINTS READY FOR USE IN 1, 2, 4 & ilb. SEALED TINS. PARAFFIN AND BENZOLENE LAMPS, RANGING IN PRICE FROM 6D. TO -03. QUEEN'S DUPLEX, ECLIPSE, ANUCAPNIC, CHIMNEYLESS, AND OTHER PATENT BURNERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR JONES AND CO'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINES WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR NORTH "£ES FOR T EI E -A ME R1 C A N PATENT STEEL FIBRE BR US HE S. THE OLD MEDICAL HALL HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. SAMUEL J ONES (LATE F. E. TURNER), DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIS1 (QUALIFIED BY EXAMINATION), BEGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry and the Inhabitants of 11^) vw-pjj ;;d(1 tll< tinuance of the favors bestowed upon ulsr^ PRESCRIPTIONS AND FApT Dispensed with the greatest care and prlmpS^ DRUGS AND CHEMICAjA/A Of the purest quality. tt10 V ALL GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES KEI-T IN a ORANGE QUININE WINE Prepared according to the Pharmacopoeia, paruSjty adapted for delicate persons. PURE COD LIVER OIL, NEARLY TASTELB. Antibilious, Aperient, Compound Rhubarb, Quinine and other Pills. RVNULNE SEIDLITZ P O TV D E J G H B L -N relehrated Gerro^flas, Possessing all the properties in„ a cooling anVii.iiy and stronaly recommended as toumn„ a H aperient effervescing draught^In Boxes, is. c PYRETIC ALINE AND FRUIT SALTS. Agent for Hardy. Neaves', Ridges' and other F< r.)r Infants and Invalids. Anollinaris, Friedrichshall, Viehy and other Natural e:'al 1 Waters. MINERAL AND ÆRATED WATERS IN ST. EXQUISITE PERFUMFRY AND TOILET REQTHES TURKEY AND HONEYCOMB SrONGEb OILS, PAINTS, COLOURS AND VARNISH. I HORSE AND C A T T L E MEDICIP. < Affent for Long, Coopers, &c., I SHEEP DIPPING POW &c., &c. THE OLD M E D I c A L II A ( HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL^ GARNOCK, BIBBY & LIVERPOOL, Manufacturers of every description oi WIRE AND HEMP R £ FOR MINES, COLLIERIES, A RAILWAYS, &C.; RAILWAYS, &c.; ELI Iron, ■ From the beRt qualities of Charcoal Iron Patent Steel Wire, and Hemp, &o., « Q Conner ropes for lightning" conductors. Galvanized si-nal and fencing strand. Galvanized wire ropes for ships purpos Manila hemp ropes, white or tarred. I Russian hemp ropes, do. do._ G 1 Flax and hemp spun yarn for packing. Prices and all information on applicatioi MR. HOLMES; MOLD, AGENT FOR NORTH' WEAK SIGHT. H E N R Y L A U R A N C [MPROVED SPECTAC. 44, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. These Spectacles are clear and cool, never tin and whilst subduing'all inflammatory symptom strengthen, and preserve the sight. SIR JULIUS BENEDICT, 2, Manchestei Loudon, W., writes: I have tried the principal Opticians m Londi SUCCPSS, hut your Spectacles suit me admirably re*d;ng and walking. The clearness of pared ffiih others is really surprising. I shall J reiommend them." ,r J C B. RADCLIFFE. Esq., M.D. 2», « Souare, London, W., Consulting Physic^ Westminster Hospital, writes Your Spectacles are hi:r>dy appreciated bv mi greaTtopro^cment ou my o'd cues, and smt my• ,ip, Hundreds of Testimonials have been received fL whose sivht. has heen benefitted hV t,ileS. a'Hd of which cm be had gratis on appHcaJ AGENTS roa HOT.YWKLI.— C E & II HUGHES IRONMONGERS HIGH STREET, HOLYWL All Speotades stamped "Hi" All Speotades stamped "Hi" TRADE MARK. TRADE MAltK. CD S u IS < ? \v\ «* I ^mifr t- a E. most valuable of Domestic l ,Mea!- 1 et offered to Valine VJcreparetl <mty from tl » PU&ESST ■fCES-oi KlUITiS and. HERBS, containing" y FUNERAL INGREDIENT WHATEVER, can be taken >rithout the least fear of doing hahn by the most d^icare Invalid. It is alike valuable in health, and of the greatest service in all oases of sickness where thirsi ifs gresf, I b«\Kg- at once a pleasant effervescing drink, and an effectual bn> ^harmless medicine. The mc>st efectual aperient yet -offered, not being too powerful uiits action, and at the same time causing no griping of. other inconvenience;. Strongly recommended co all persons suffering fr >m Indigestion, Flatulency, Pitill after Food, -Irregularity of the Bowels, Headaches, Palpitations, acd all ailments dependent upon disordered Diges- tion, Erysipelas, Boils, Scorbutic and Skin Erup- ti;)US. A splendid drug in Biliousness, Slus-gish L and Jaundice, clearing the complexion and p-(i"ifyuig the Blood. 0 Recommended to Gouty and Rheumatic subjects. jL.. correct ejj-ora after excessive eating and drinking. A valuable Medicine in Spring and Autumn, and a most refreshing Summer beverage. Tiiis Saline is highly suitable for Children, as from it;i very agreeable taste it can be easily administered to them. DOSE.—Two Teaspoonfuls, in Half a Tumbler of cold or tepid water, before Breakfast and Tea; somewhat-smaller Doses for Children. OW Be careful to use a dry spoon, and keep the Bottle tightly corked. PRICE, 2s. 6D. AND 4s. 6D. PER BOTTLE. PROPR=oit-T. HUGHES, BRYNFORD, HOLYWELL. T. ITU G H E S PATENT DIURETIC MEDICINE. J7*OR all Disorders of the Kidneys—indicated by Pains in the Loins, Lumbago, violent Head- aches, Pain and difficulty in passing- Urine, high coloured and acrid Urine, suppression of Urine and Dropsy. DOSB.—A Wineglassful every 24 hours in urgent cases; in mild cases every 48 hours. PBICB, 2s. 6D. PER BOTTXJS. 1 HUGHES, BRYNFOBD, HOLYWELL. ] < T. IIU H E S' < PATENT ASTHMA MEDICINE. I T'NVALUABLE in Chest complaints generally, ] I where there IS tightness of the Chest aud difficulty of breathing, coug-h with little or no ex- pectoration,—particularly serviceable in all Asthma- tic attacks. DdsE.—One Teaspoonful when the Cough is troublesome, or when there is great difficulty of breathing. PEICE, 2s. 6D. PEE BOTTLE. PRopnIETOR-T. HUGHES, BRYNFORD, HOLYWELL. AGENTS— HOLYWELL—Mr. Joseph Hague, Italian Warehouse. —Mr. Jones (late F. E. Turner), Chemist. BAGILLT-Tvfr. Gratton Thomas, Chemist. FLINT—Mr. Michael Jones, Chemist and Druggist. MOLD—Mr. Robert Williams, Chemist. RHYL—Mr. Davies, Chemist. —Mr. Foulkes, Chemist. CONNAH'S QUAY—Mr. K. Ll. Jones, Medical Hall. LAMPETER—Mr. Roderick Evans, Chemiat and Druggist. Business Announcements. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND SHEEP DEALERS. D. OLIVER, BODLONDEB FARM, GREENFIELD, HOLYWELL, IS prepared to supply Farmers and others with his valuable DRESSING for SHEEP SCAB; likewise, with an effectual dressing" for SHEEP ROT and also with an excellent OINTMENT for wounds in animals of every class. The remedies are of his own preparation, founded upon long ex- perience, and will be found to be certain and speedy cure" for the affections named. Personal attention given to the dressing, if required; or medicines forwarded on application. Address as above. THE F ASHIONABLE N, OTE PAPER. "THE QUEEN ANNE," AXD THE GOWER," IN SHILLING PACKETS OF FIVE QUIRES, WITH ENVELOPES TO MATCH. "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. J. J. EVANS, GENERAL DRAPER, TATLOR, AND BREECHES MAKER, Has always in Stock A CHOICE SELECTION of the latest novelties in the above branches. I Liveries of every Description. J. J. E. guarantees good fit, style and ( workmanship, combined with reasonable charges. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR PHILLIPS AND SON'S DANDELION COFFEE. IS THE CHEAPEST, Because the Best, contains Three times the strength of OBDINAEY COFFEE. SOLD EVEEYWHERE. ESTABLISHED 1760. APOTHECARIES HALL, HOLYWELL. JOHN CARMAN, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, BEGS to call attention to the following list of approved Family Medicines, &c., which he can with confidence recommend.. CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE, This Saline compound is recommended for Bilous constitu- te^ Heartburn, Headache, Sea sickness, &c. In bottles, o LVRA.UV.I~I>' V LIII :W-'1 "*■" A. mgorivmovingfJit.s w Wa' uaaey M (waoM) W.i.d, Gripes, T)ltRo-i.' TaetW, J[n bottles T^d., Is. lid. end 2s. 9d. each •' p V CARMAN'S COTOH LOKENGE6. CARMANJS TIC PILLS. CARMAN'S WORM POWDERS. CARMAN'S PERSIAN ESSENCE. A dolig-htful and refreshing perfume, in bottles Is., Is. 6d. and fid. each. CARMAN'S COSIPOTJND ANTIBrLOTJS AND A FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. CABMAN'S CELEBEATID HoUR RESTOEEE, rn bottles Is. 6d. each. EXTRA STRONG SELDLITZ POWDERS. lC^pgr "ox. •V; MEDICLXAS, PK3FUMEBY, TOOTH BBUSHES, CCEXTDD SOAPS, AND OTHEH TOILET REQUISITES. MINERAL AND JEJTATED WATERS. Pulina Water, Friedmickehnll vwter, Hunyadi, Janes Water, nt a Sr f t'Wt-xgu Mineral Waters not in stock obtained at a lew days notice. HOMOEOPATHY, A LAF.GE ASSOBTMEJIT OP Tinctures, Globules, Pilules, n-d Triturations. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. OILS. PAINTS, & COLOURS, OF THE BEST QUALITY AGEITT FOR -f HE- AQUA CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. LICENSED TO SELL METHYLATED SPIRIT. A^Y ARTICLE XOT Iff STOCK PROCrEED WITH THE LRAST POSSIBLE DKLAT. CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK showing- sufferers how they maybe cured and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections. Free on rcceipt of stamp to prepay postage. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, BiiminarhfMn. Money. MONEY LENT WITHOUT srRETIES, INFORMATION free to all personal applicants JL on Mondays and Fridays, at MR. EECE JO!'ŒS' Rhyl Office, No. 2, Crpscent-road:—En- quiries by letter answered immediately, wh^re full particulars arc sent, together with stamped addressed envelope, for reply. -A genuiue, honourable business done since 1869. MONEY. MONEY. M0NEY 52 TOWER BUILDINGS, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL. K S. SOLE PEOPEIETOE. TO ALL IN WANT OF MONEY.—Time and I unnecessary expense can he saved by applying, personally or by letter, to the above address, where < 3ash Advances are made from £ 20 to £ 1,000 vithout Sureties, on the shortest possible notice, md on the most reasonable terms. Repayments ) >y easy instalments to suit borrowers. Loans can >e repaid either personally or remitted bv Post- >ffi,ce Orders, thereby affording every facility to ? lartieR whose time is an object to them. Please note the address as above. MONEY. £ 10 to £ 1,000. MONEY. MOST IMPORTANT TO BORROWERS. VU*nERE can I ottain a small loan of money to relieve me from my present embarrassment ? is the question -i'ten pondertO "pon by many persons, and seldom f'olyed; hecause parties are generally reluctant in puttiue; their frieuds (who may be in a position to help them) to an inconvenience, and are also loath to apply at a, Loan office, where the respectability of such office is questionable. For this reason boi-rowers are j asked to read the t >ll<nvmtr announeenu'Tir THE IMT'l-.RIAL ADVANCE BANK was established nt South Jolm Street in If75. and c Oien its in niakintr advances has increased so rapidly, that the Principal has had lmilt, at the address below, a block of ofiieti- named 'mperial Building's, which is considered to be one of the finest business premises in Liverpool, and valued nt over £ 20.00t),—where advances are now made to fill respectable Householders (Gentlerneri or Ladies,) Farmers, Cow Keeoers, Car Fro- prietors. Tradesmen, i icensed Yictjiallcrs, Cleiks, li ilding permanent situations, persons about entering into l¡.lsinl"'1'. and others, in sums v:>r\iuc from £10 to £ 1,00", ENTIRELY WIT 11 OUT SURETIES: thus enabling them to increase their stocks, pay their rout, and tide over any pecuniary difficulty. Thcdietanc-e from the Bank is no objection, as i-e- [ payments can be made by Bank Notes, Cheques, or Post, Office Orders.—Farther information can be had by writing (stating amount required) to LBWIS SfMlVTONS, Principal, Imperial Advance Bank. 72 Victoria treet, Liverpool. Scholastic. OAKENHOLT HALL, NEAR FLINT. | DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. MISS JESSIE BATHGATE V\7~IEL resume her classes oil the afternoon of It the 12th and the evening of the 13 th of October. Private Classes and Lessons. Schools and Families attended. = Wanted. AGENT WANTED to push first-class Lubri- J'JL cating OILS. Commission 10 to 15 per cent. -Box 3'22, Post Office, Liverpool. — ———————————— WANTED. a respectable YOUTH as an appren- T tice to the Harness and Saddlery business.— ^1- ply to Mr. EMRYS EVANS, Whitford Street. To be Sold. MOST ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT* TO BE DISPOSED OF, a Laundry Blue and V liiting BL SINESS in full working order and doing- a fair trade.—Whiting mill worked by water, fifteen horse-power.—For further particulars, apply to present owner MT. PETEE BEOWIT, New Mills, Holywell. Premises well adapted for Drysalting and other purposes. To be Let. TO BE LET.—Several COTTAGES, at Pentre- felin, Penvmaes.—Apply to Mr. THOMAS I/HM, Swan Court, Holywell. SPRING VALE HOUSE SCHOOL, To BE LET, with immediate possession. The _L whole or a part of the Furniture may be taken, if desired.—For further particulars, apply on the PREMISES, or to Mr. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Hieh- street, Holywell. 16 AFTER GRASS. TO BE LET, about 20 acres, more or less, of very excellent Aftergrass.—Apply at the OFFICE of WEEK COLLIERY, Bagillt. TO BE LET—immediate possession—" PLAS COED MAWE'—a commodious residence, with coach-house and stabling; well furnished walled gifceden, green-honse, and pleasure grounds, — barelymile from Holywell railway station.— For further particulars apply to A. ETTOS, Esq., Plas Llanercnymor, near Holywell. TO BE LET, with immediate )OKP £ ssion, the MEADOW HOUSE, contav g 3 enfertain- ing-rooms, 4 bedrooms. ? ,s bed-ooms, stabling, wasli-se. large f 1" er a*" atchen ^idtn) -rftuatp M S3**a £ dd, r ear JEfr-g ,thin a mile LIVERP°°FR& MOSTYN. The f eteamw "S W I F T S D R E," ■v^jWEERT LOWE, Master; for station, will ply between LIVERPOOL & MOSTYK, leaving North end of Prince 8 Landing Stag^, and Mostyn (weather peeaaitting), with liberty to tow, as under- DATE. From LIVERPOOL. From MOSTYN. 1 Friday 9 30 a.m 2 Saturday 8 0 a.m •4 Monday 10 30 a.U 5 Tuesday 9 0 a.m 6 Wednesday 12 45 p.m 7 Thursday lOOfun 8 Friday 1 0 P.M 9 Saturday 11 30 a.m IIMond&) a 15 p.m 12 Tuesday 2 30 p.m. 13 Wednesday 7 15 a.m 14 Thursday 2 30 p.m 15 Friday g 30 a.m. 16 Saturday 7 0 a.m 18 Monday 10 80 a.m' 19 Tuesday 8 30 a.m 20 Wednesday n 30 a.m. 21 Thmsday 9 3U a.m 1 p.m. 29f;Batui-day 10 30 a.m. 3 15 p.m. Mp:.uesday 1 30 p.m. 2t*\Vednesday 4 Onrri ^fibursday 2 30 p.m! ^>TFr'dav s n n *« 3P Saturday 7 0 a!m. ■u,eav>r broods received at Chester Basin, near St. Georjre's for Mostyn Daily—6 30 to 10 0 &.m., and as under*— "October 4th, 12 C noon to 9. 30 p.m.; 6th. X 0 p.m. #to '4 0 p.m.; llth, 2 0 p.m. to 5 0 p.m. 13th, 8 30 a.m. '4 0 p.m. llth, 2 0 p.m. to 5 0 p.m. 13th, 8 30 a.m. to 18 0 noon IStli, 12 0 noon to 2 SO p.m. 2(ifli, 1 0 p.m. to 4 0 p.m.; "25th, 2 0 p.m. to 5 0 p.m. 27th, 2 0 p.m. to to 5 0 p.m. 7 iight Goods received at Prince's Landing Stage an how before the time of sailing. The Steamer not to be held responsible for non-sailings. Steamer not accountable for damage or injury to Horses Carriages, or any Live Stock. Goods when landed are entirelv t the risk of the consignees. Passengers ta- en on board and landed at New Brighton on notice being g-iven to the Pier Master thorn. FARES—FORE CABIN, Is. Gd. AFTER CABIN, 2s 6d. RETURN same day, FORE CABIN', 2r,. Se. Tickets not transferable. Children under Twelve, half-fare Special arrangements for Pic-nic, School parties, &c. Refreshments on Board. L L A iN L I N-E .SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE TO ALLAN LINE. n M E R I C A • (COMPOSED or TWENTY FIBST-CLASS ROYAL MAIL STEAMEBS). 5ATS LIVERPOOL, every I aud EVERY alternate TUESDAY. ^ery FRIDAY, and from YULENSTOTVN every alternate WEDNESDAY. TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS AT SPECIAL RATES Pamphlets on CANADA, MANITOBA, WESTERS STATES of AMERICA also SPECIAL PAKPITLCT, embodying Reports of the Tenant Farmers' Delegatestc Canada, free on application. ASSISTED PASSAGES to Cana.da for Farm Labourers and Female Domestic Servants. Full particulars on application to- ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., JAMES STEEXT, LIVERPOOL OR TO- 1. P. DAVIES, Pawnbroker, Feather's-street. -re RI:it,: WM., FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. SHILLING BOX OF STATIONERY Containing- gbt Sheets Superfine Note paper," Forty-eight Good Envelopes, Black load Pencil, One Pen and holder, One Stick of Wax, and One Sheet of Blotting Paper, in neat Box, to be ha.d AT THE 'OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL.