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PREPAID SCALE. THBEH SIX WO&D9. ONO*. ???g ??? 14 W ords.m 06 13 20 22 Words. ;¡r; 30 Words. 10 23 36 -j- Ea.ch extra. } 8 Words ;—— 03 06 09 Tile above cl,arge;; secure the in8e1-tí0l6 01 .'j¡¡all "a,fJerhsnnents ttt lloth <&" DAILY NEWS <t)Mt SOUTH iJ .u,EB .FCHC. cla.!Se. 01 AduertÍ8c1iwnts .'<p«'t7t<< below, and arc firl.Gtly ton,line,1 to </<o.se ¡¡,hich «'e /'o'' crmsecutire amI y'<tt<i' /<M' PI'eviOl" <<? t/ either o/ ti,c.e co¡¡dition,q m '*ot COM- plit'd wÙ/" lI'e aâcerfíse11lent will he chaJ"fjc.l by the business SCtÛC :-AI)(/Tt/Jlfmts, Situations J"ac<!nt 0" ¡Vcu¡t,d. '.i'o be Let cr Bold, Lo<t, /<<wt< (Mt<f iJIiscellancous Wants. N,)tus a/Births, Na1Tí<1-fJU. <t?K< /)ea</M, 2s each ttt each ]Jape)', if Ko< e;M<et{tMf/ lOOT(ls. «?!<< Cd Jor e(/ch arldit,'o!Vll 10 FJord". SJ:'8U1AL i"o.H"ft(ipll"'UH." e/l(lIDg fov!ieH toAúver- tjgemen¡H udct1'e8eÜ to ¡ nlI¡¡':5 or HcUtlOus names. a <hisOmce.)tre)-eqL:ested!iotto?endnr)giu3iteEt':nonia)!9 with thcir I\ppl¡CI\ions. nllt to encJ()p "1' to"tl- IDC7lÍ3130nlv. persona!. M:OKI!: Aeher- "Uotden Hetnms." 8weetef! J 'r00aoco ma.nufa¡::¡'ured. l!35 Etizabeth Jitne Pooie. caH or write 2. WT Arcade St. John's-sqaa.re. Cardt! by 10 '[!l. to.morrow? Imporvll.:>t news.. 14:n- Forth HaHway rnoma.s, 'lï.p.\Vej¡y;treet. Ponr,¡gwaith. 615n .-taL nnoninI. CMNSTKR y respectable. domesticated. 0 wishes to Meet Partner.—Hope, Echo. Ñ8w-port. !\Ion. x lGl1 \9artttttsl}ip. A- DYERTIiip.u ¡¡mall capita.I, desires Panner ship in sound concern: AuctiQncering preferred _4Mn_ P- \.RTNE[{SfIIP-Sin eDnin;;<fiadiug-Firws arrangea Jt. send for t:st.—Ri!tSoa and t-ion. 25 and 26. Sm:\1I street. Hrtstot.H79 tntùicnl. ACCOY'CHEM.RNT.—L. 0. S.. re- cei'7es la.dies in pnvate Hursin; home; terms modc- rat.e.-41. PortUJa.nmoor.roa.d Cardijf. 8ô2n m7 ANTMU &t Ysfatdxyni?ts. coUlery dist?ct. Qn?U- ?" Se'd M.c:d:c)? Pr?o?tioner tpcUeit-ttons to he sent teforc llth inst.—Patt.cuIar-! from \V. GrifHths. Smtth- Betd. YsH'mJsyrUa.is. Swimsea Vaiiey. 894n œÕULdtíonal. /M'&mi)y QuadmJe JHs.n<t bails vartjes, and dances.-Webb.. Wyudham ArC!l.de. 55Gn D- A.IClNG=-irA;croitil: w:¡}IlI, Newport. Kives I'rlva.te Lessons at &ny hoar, day 0)* evening. Select tuitio.' classes for bPSinners. T9dn iT tJiie PiaRo (Hoa.th), wtth iittie U instruction, say, four hours weekly, eveninB.- Write E 26. J)s.Uy News, Cardiff. _26n and Ji'uor GoTeruc&s. non-resi- dent, wa.nieù.-Mls,; Jones. t're"yH. l\íchmond roitct. Heath. 4:iOn N F'iri (&! sta.te q<ia.U!io&tions.—14.1.Tinlty-st. CardiS.a :Irl (BI statc q-ua.litiea&ions.-14. riD.ity-st. Cardiff.ll ? tLmi?nt.ons a.nd commetcit? purponos.—Go!dnpr. 8, Iu.loch-strcct, HOMD. 6fVIl ;¡ozt anH fount). FOUND. Eettiever uo'! claimed: (tays wiU Jt- :e11.-1, Cwrnefde:; CUfynydd. J39n DjTOUND.JoUyCotUers' Aberga- J[' venny. Kovember 19th. Btthngton 'jLerrier Bitch if URC:aimet) in i week wHi be sotd for expenses. 14911 FOUD, Lemou Co'oRr Otter Dog.—0'vDe)- ca.n have Jf tame anD¡yin ¿S'. Cttnton.Mtn JLt c{ of COIl Wi'lY a.n(l :evern-roaùs, Lady's Gold Ha.1f Huate)- Key.ess \V<ttoh Met Cht.'n, enfra.v&d ia- stde; tin<tei- rewarded.—Apotv 25, 'reUo-strcet. Ca.the- dr?-roaci. _62B fOST on Thnrsday evening, between TaS Station ana JU Qnee=.street. Uutml W Purse, conta.ini.nf? !d a.Hd siivcr.-Rewa.rd on retaruilK sa.me to !3. Oaude-roa.a, Eoath. CardtiT. 25n _2Sn _loS-ion Monday niv.ht, from 'mM to Theatre loYI\I, j!j t Pa.ir of Tot'imsesheU Opera GiMMS in Red Ptosh Case.—Finder rewarded on retarnin!; stme to Central PoUce St)<i!on. Ca.rdiH. _955a about 18 months jU otd, white, cross-bred. darK stain on ear Snder re- warded.— UpshaJl. Ystrad. lhon¿¡d& 856n CTRAYED to the Lower House -Farm,-ti.-Red and ? White Heifer, sho-thorn t'reea!. a)to risinK two; if not claimed within tÐn clays will be sold to defray ex- oonses.-l1ichr.rd J eDkÍn:õ, Lower Honse Farm, Llantwltl Major.' 84111 'iIA Y1M.J, Hote], ik9 Qneen-stree:, Sttbie a.nd White Scotch Cn)I)e: anyone detf\illing 8a.mo win be prosecuted: nnder reWM-detL—Rosser. 782n to BroDVf!:yn. Pertii.rth. aSmafmiackand f) White C!).t. If not seven da.yaiti wiU be :<iven u,wa,y. 521{J 377n -+- ÐOtHtstí! ttbnnt5 A r.TSpfctabte Youne Ctir< i?s Ge?efa.t WMtted.—Appty A.9.Winasor-M!td.?arry. _illn A good ..ood ?L Harris, M. Ciive-fOtM!. Canton. C&rdi.H. 54n A goo??Tenerat Servant wanted.—App!y BIra Edtt?rds, A. 15'), Newport-roa.d. 9Mn A tfspectabie Gf-cet'a.: wanted, a.n 18 tc 20.—Mr8 A. Ja.cKson. 51. WeUHe'd-ro?d. Cn.rdiR. 820n A??Srs W H. Mishop. 15. Sta.cay-To?d CMdiC. 712n A GenpratServant wanted.—App:y 9. Dake-etreet ,tjL Cardiff.40n A Kn'-se-UonsetDaid wanted: twochiidrem.—Phiiiips. A Jewetier. 24, St. Mary-street.  bood Gc-nerai .Servant wa.nted.—Apply 70, Albany. A mad. Cardiff. ,49- A good Generat wanted at once, fond ot children.— ?QL 63, Crwyi'-ro?d. ?_?"? ¡J 'tAPABLf!: HouEQ-Par!oarma.td wa.uted 2 in fajmity.— 'J Mrs George. 2. St. CardiiT. C73n Coo1{:GëniUïor-(;ral- for ?/ sma)!ftmi)y. Appiy.with reference, st&.t¡n Bite. &c.. Mrs PickforO, The t'efd?, Newport. ¡¡:341\ C-OoK.Genêral f>i1Ù Housemaid wanted.-Appty ? evenings. lUehM'.is. JL? i;tri with references.—16, Teitc-street. _?3n ?!r?LNAS Powts.—Wantfd.f'tenet'at Servant: Rood wages JL? to experienced Kirt.—Mrs bwa?. HiUstde. j75n Sr?XPENEKCEDGaner?t wanted ai?so Nnrae-Hotiao- JfJ mM(L—npIy Mrs W?ke?jr?. ??C?ve?'d?. Penarth.n :Nnrsc wnuted for chi)d2tyatrs: JM< eoo<t neediewomnn; \,ilHn¡:: to assist ta UKht honsework; Mate wage3.-(rs Ptckford. The FteMs. NewpcrL wanted.—U!). Paget-stree: Jm (trance. Cardift'. 3a4n wlUlied t-o aSS$: nnr.;ery R'"verness: good noolllewoman.-Apply l>rynymor, l'a.rk-rol\tI. l'enarth. 005u E-ri>Rllf,Këij;-Generl1.i wanted: t!c'odchar!Mtet: JUisood (Jotema.n, 41. Otve-roa.d.Penarth.n CKD GeBerni wanted.—Appty 44, Partrtdge- JtL .'nad. Romh. _695a tj* XP?R?'NCEi) <?e':er<U t;ood home good wages. -lrs Jones.?:l. llkhraor..d-Toa.d, Roth. 44n ll.iNL:R\L:õrvan;¡(rio1;tl0der 25), mUI> be able to U- eoott: another kept the children good wage' -Lnen. Confectioner. Barry Dock. 116u ¡-)'i t'aÚ¡:crnD wanted.—App)y 20, Broa.dwa.y, U" <IN'Ùitl. _u tT? ??.ERAlj Me"vant wMited sood witKea ftnd bonm ?X' to s?tta.b'9 xi*i.—4.Ueapenser-s),Teet.. mTeTstdc.921a ? ?.K?ttAJL. wanted ?nmecitateiy. about I?: comfort!- ?Jt aMe home; cwo in fAntUy.—Ford. M. l?omiJty-rd. n <<n ENKlt.'LL Scrvitnt w?ated. &!so a Gir!. a.bon!. 18. :tS ?jr nnt ae.—ADp!y Mrs Edwardt!. 76. Cowbrtd?e toad, Canton, Ca'-d? C75n ?r'TuNEttAijServtuit wan?u immt-d]«.tety.at;f2&—25: no w8.hin;Vlr<; Du.is.Li,er1>ool nOl1.ge,M¡¡tE>o:t\ G-ENi::KÄl;- ivanted for Colnca-road. 13 to 20 eM!y ? riser.—Vi-i<oE&55. Echo. 8S5n ? E!<EBAL for ema.U fMaUy. wa.ges Ha to Bl.—Mrs M. ?jr U.K?at!S. Chemist.rehcruert. 759a G-E:¡-¡';R,í;i.-šervant .-Ar;PïYlliS" Luok. Dany- Ta¡?, Hon: WJilhunstown. I'eny¡:rnig, mn -GENER,U;PHrVPt-¡;;ÜÍi23:n ied-war;èøii6:riS- in £2 yen,r'y,-)Ilstr8,norley HaIJ.Dournemonth.n ?3f ftujM)y.— ?p!y 55. Oft!titeid-street. Cardiff. 704a ta.mily.>pJy 5. Oklie¡ct.street. Ca.rdUr. 704n ?E??JBJ?AL Servant wantad a! cnce 3 in famt!y good GEl'iERAL wantê,Ùõr,nà¡i:lIomllY: olentv of libertY ¡(ood wa.ge3.Gra.y. 10, Q\Jl'!en.trect. ;)5811 mL 15 or IS. for HotKCwork T:o young chUdren.— :aO. Rvder'l\iree¡¡. Ua.nton. t:a.rdifr. 489n 71000 Piain Cook for etderty f;entieman. B28: Under- U Housemft.td. £14, cenera) wou!c! do.—Whte. stttttng all t)tl.rtlculars. 71, Puj,orSf't. Bristol. 120 ? OOl?Go?emi Wttnt.eu.—?pL'iv 10 Edward-terrpce. ?Jf CMdm. _&75n -G- OÕ:D-Plaln ČÕ-;k-d-=-£24-Eõ: Kentltmaa'a ?!<' famity: 7 serTants kept. Kitchfnmind. £12. to rise. excf<t:fnt situation.—92. !:It. Michael's HiJI, BriLol.n G-ÕOD <jHnera.t wanted: -ii,£ï6": qmet famity. 2: washing sent out: piA.ID cookinff ;very comforta.ble _807n wance<t: «ood cooit: no U knives. booM. wtndowa 20 to j0: ettte wages fare pa1d.-Burnee.18, lJoU¡{I1&y-strcet. London. 747n ?J' ADp'y Mrs ?ones. 100. Coinm-roa'? Cardiff. 6(9n ? OOD M&Berat wanted at cnce Rood wages.—Anp)y ??r 97. Utana-street. Jtoath Park. Cardtn. 6Mn Wa.ita.cc, JCiL Kirkhmd. Park. H-c-õü wanted foe a. busmssa house. capa.hle and go<>d plam cook; ood wage: -AT/p,y Mr:; Owen Oeo¡:¡¡:e. H¡"wain, Dear Aberdaie, u working, abont 30 yfara ot JLl G Cardit! æl" H. -õtJiEKEBiEÍt-nteá-byor)dng tuitp occupying _H 6 acres iand !n Heretordt.hii-e to take charge o! 3 cbiidren.-Statea.l;:c, wages, '¡'llÙ references, to W.. care of .B1.ckicc; >11[1 :00 LcolÚin¡;r. 7650 1- 'b:YOU) "11 ¡;Ít.r;rlt;ê,;i-a- I'ostai Order for is 6d JL to the GtMtte O&ice, C.tst)e Green. Taanton. and y.ur advertlement will ppr in ¡he following 8i3: papen; :—1. Hoinerset Conoty Gazette, 12 paKes. Id. The reco¡¡:ni3ed count¿ Eaver. 2. Ucidgwalier Mer"ur 3 T:ll;¡:ùM:fl'TíYrOnllv fJf:. \V k\V Exeter. H you Want Et Situation send Postal Order ofltf. 1685_ ofltf. 1685_ oican Gtrt. housework; eMty riser.— .Jt. Apply evening with reference, J2;)a, .Inverness-place, tKMth. __S91n f ADIKtS suited wHh Servants; Situations seenred for eervanta fee 1s.-WaJter, Pate-street. ?M ate!y.—Mr3 Stowe. 5/. CUve-pi&?e, Pbnart: 124n ?t R!) Fumivait has p.xcotlfnt vaca.ociea for good class jjf-t. servants in a!) capacities comfortabie homes and ?o< d w.tfcs.—Seieet Regtatry. CavdHI. _377n T?T f R.?KM?il? wf?Bted for b?4)y 5 month.} o!d.—Apply i?t U r. Cownle. 89. ?vern-rotnt. Canton. _881n *f)iLAH< Cook wanted fot- famUv of 3: eomiortabte home: casy.-Gr:;¡,y, 10, QueeIl-n'et. 3:j7n R' ELiAL}:-yOimg Genera! hie)"?M)t wanted: amaH JL<< house Md fMaUy pl&i11 cooing some washmg boy kept: fjood wa.;(;g to trustworthy pt;rscn CardiC ORSPRCT?mi.? Yo).;ns Perscn required. Mststtnia. JH trcse: r!o{ami!y.—AEf?yr't<;r6,H.t'uaK-3t.IMn 1D t?t?CTA?LE?rFwaotcd.?eaboaris. tor hon'ie. Ht wott; noehiMren.w?htogpmcnt.?.pespen. H; \veek.—9?. George-street, 'a.tha.ys.' 314n 1D KS?-'EnTAUfjE n.nd ttdy Giri wanted a.3 fJsefut .Uotu JH) sma.U mmlty a.!id eood home.—Mrs Martyr l&t. M, klntosll-pla:;c, R03.th PMk .Cardiff. 79Sn JH; hours mornings.—.?pp?y 122.'L;a.nfl:).ff-roa.d. E29n ?)ES?'KCTA?L.h:Cirtas Genera. nood referencas.— .e?L 1. Conn?ught road oM Oa.kSe!d-sL. HoH.th,Cardiff.n R ¡';ŠPEC-;r.BLE G¡rl v;té;}a9 Mothers 1i;-p.-fQd cf chiJdren.pp\y 24, ({.J.wden'pia.c". 508n road, Ca.nton. :;í.5n .TJ:ONG Glr! fJ.sGenera.I.prly any evening betweeu t 0 Bund 9. to Mrs Jesse Cardœ nn 0529n rII 'NO HperlencH1'-Ö;e;tI;-ved. ;-n- a5-"gOOl1 cook-eneral. tile ather fo,' 11oa;;cwor" Also UI'SC, at'cè1sùmucd to chltdren: r,ood w' ge8.-A up!y, wlh reference, Mrs Hmnmond, Clydll.ch Va.ie, Tony- paTlrly, 8()1)n experienced Gener-tt Servant fot-KenHe- i' man; no !amily girl ¡wnt.-PaLer.New:wa.n8ea..n X l¡\¡Ü, D -JIlli;liteli -an-Ijve;alî"d- ;;n-U¡l¿B, House,Parloawl:I,ict: mast be exp,rienced -o[>ly I Mrs Reynoide, 5329 W ANTleP at once. trastworhy Oirl as geera.l. ahl to wa.sh: homely pl¡¡,c(. -Apply 109, PI!>ey- s!,æct. PenRrth, 1550 '?%7A?TEU tmmedta.t.e'.v, ?coa General; good w:< ??A tV 3'):i?mHy.App)y2?'wport-i-o.id. '.?u t?7A?'i'?U. Genera) Serv.m. KOod wa:fe-<: s'na. 'H t?mUy.—?Irs I;enj?mi!i.SU.Smnwat]-roa.(),P3Qai-th.n TXT ANTED, respeetithie Girt ?? General: two In TXT ANTED, respeetithie Girt 1). General: two In ?V (,.miiy.-Appiy :Her 5,255. Xewport-road. 5n ¡' at onoe. General S()i\ritwl1;;ca.iîdõ-p;a!n cooking Sinfannty; rmrse kept.—Apply Mrs I ce'], Avonùak, PontT!cwynydà- 55n p;;Zt;¡;i;Giri .tbont Tt Housema'd: gnner&! kept: two !n famUv; to sleep home.Irlto (, 60, Echo. CnrlÎ1ff. Gùn ,-ïY:TBD:-ii;;¡18è1:\i¿-iniarffii;õus ¡- anõthér-kept; tY rctereuce rcquired.-Jlrs Thomas. Cos Farm. u!ty, Penartk. ?"- %?'ANTKD. a Generat Servant.—Apply Hatters' Home, ?t Hutei)ock°.afoncp. __Mn ??7ANTKDtmmedi?teiy,?fod G'jnerai Servant: no \.XjÃN'J'RO immeõiateiy, ;¡ood-U.Servn:t-: no Vt ccokjrg -Ei'i.—Apply Tt.rANTEO.a.Hron!! Gi)).E.b)o to w&sh.—Appty 23. TV 'J'ra.vts-st.i-ee;. Barry J)ocl. H" ttfANTMD. VT Kfe!-Gnc<s.—83. KiUKSta.nd-crescent. Dock. n t<? w?rk? f:ood homG.—Jones,5Z.C?r??-r{t,Abc?mi)].n V;57 ANTEU. respecta,b!e. ciRS-n Gtft. about 16. for ious? 11 work.-<le<}H. (.Tyoeor. Lower C:1tiledral-roa.d. 994 \,t7 to a.t.si-.t housewoi' s!H<sp tV home.—Anply 2C. Lochiiber-st.reo'i. Cardiff. 161) ??TANTKD at once. General ?rvsnt ;oounti-3 siri pre- tt' ferred.—Mrs Thorns. 11. Gore-terrace. Swa.ns<'a<.xTt _I ÀiTI<:D, Genera) Servant, not nnder20; sma!) VY famOy.—Mrs Y. Thomas. Rtation Y!t7AKT.:jD.&"Hera,t Servant, fond of w hon::e.—Appiyl2,Bethcar-st.reet.EbbwVa.!e. 3tn Scr '\ian. t\oJc to .to plain conklng good refcrè1:C('. 15. St. Androw's-crescRnt. Cardiff. S7'in ?HTANTEDimmedmtety.YounK&t)') as Hoasem?id; ?T Kood reference.—15. St. Andrew's-crpxcet't.Ca.rdtf?.n lDlIlleiÏia.te¡;YO;D Gir) M Narsc; one 1'T ch4)d,3 ve'.LS; couNtry pre:erred.—15. St.Andrew's- creseent. (.'urdta'. \¡j; (ANTEIJ, respectaMo Gtri to took After lJahy.- WT Apoty between 10 and Ca.thays.n ?x7ANTEb7l'Ot:??r?. s?rouf: Girt (14-16) a.s Honse- W P.).r)ourm?id.-WriteX96S.Kcho?'ardi?. 9S8a_ ft7 ANTED imtneaia.telv. cictm -resi>ec-t&b¡- Girl.— W Anpiy 45. Homi!)y-)ca.(i, Canton. 363n 'ii A-f:¡w, ,,i!enencellGel1erat; p,,¡i¡¡ <:oD¡{ióç:'r; V t' washinK: two in family: reference¡o reqUired,- J'lIrs Eust3.ce Will!o.m,o. ewton. PonhclLw!, Glam. 96511 fX7 ANTKD tnMnediat!,e)y.r<ars3.Houscma.td; youngest ft chttd over 5 yBStrs c?. Apply 'i7.Rtchmond- Cfn-oiff. 961n '\iA.N'rED- cX\lenence,i Gsfcra! Hef- Tt 47. Richmond-roM. C&rdie._ 962n -,jŸAN'1'I<;ï¡-&Gener3!: -á¡S;Woma¡;fO;vai;ïni. V7 Mo))' '):În "')[7 A'rB'lJ, &s Generai. fond of V T ch[)dren. aKe If;91, Claude-road. _B33ti '(' fANi'EI)tD Ct :-g;;d-Geno;¡-'¡;ant. ,\J;pïÿ TT Mrs Ev&ns.o. Edwards-terrace. Cardift. 917u \jf'TED, experiecced Generat: 2 iti fa.mlly cootf Yt wa?es.—.?. Cathedrat-rotd. 9MQ ?TAN?'ED ?once. :;tron?'Girr?l8?o 20).—Appy 56 yV 'J2.'n Jt7-A..11).-r-sp;;ctable 'iirl for-h¡;rk (about 15) TT no children.—14. Tnc-Riger-su-eet.Cftthays. !J2Tt \iAwiKi\-stea.dY ret'abic youn Vt Peacock. Otftonscreet.Ca.rdifT. 9(:7n Cookir-c();ry;w!lge<1-£ïä W to j:20 o-Write T ?26. Hcho. C[\n.lff. 926n W AppI?'SeaHetd. M?mshcn. oea.r C.u'd!ff. ??_ ?TA?T?U Pt Otice. a Person as HouM- t, kC('1)N to wldower with 5 '2h::uren must be ood need)etvo;n9.u.—D. XitcheU, K. Copiestone-roa.d. Fiee 'Xi AN'rgD for I.ondon. General: ttiree ia f&mUy.— 't EvemB!;s. 15, Oakflel.)-stree\ Ci,rd<ff. 952n '-Xi A:STl-O. good Pta-TtT Cook fo? Pena.r.&.—App'y W between 3 imd 4 ttja. to\stkms,52.ChcLr)cs- street.. Cc.i-d)S. _MSn ?TANT?l).cood GeneraiServaDt; Wc!sh.—.rs ?T Tje'?s. 17. 'rue Parade. Forth. Rbondda. VaDey. 390it Uy A NT f': f\ Cook-Generft!. also Housc-Pa.rtourTn't.id; ?y Churehwomen urefcrfed: w..e8 JEiS Mid .616; family 5: no children; restden,'e in sm'\]] viHa:e.- Wii:roent. Stationer. Pontychiu. Dantrtsa.ct Sta.tiou. n W-ÃNTliDbYIIo respect-tbie working ina.n. widower, a. <'? Worki:)! Eonsekeeper: an eidarly woman pre- lened early tiser.—Vrita M 890. Daity News, Ca.rd'tT. n <L'!t7?NTl':i). vouu<! Gtr! pa betweenBLiaid 2 in family.— ?T MrsVs.nRh:tn,the Vicara?e.Tjantwiti Mftjor.C&rdifF.n 'Xl ANTED im'J1ediately, vonr-'t;Girt to assist, in house. W work.—Appiy Cocdmor,Ca.rdtH-road.UaiHsiten.886a \? —Mrs Jones. 7!. A)nM-street, Newport.x79n 'X7 AN',n;I>, nu exporlencea Qensra.t t)etV!nt,J. ?V Mites. Mardy. Gtam. _873n ,'X1A:iTED, good GeneraW once a, rare home prc. vV scnt8e<-V!m6X;vea.rs.—'C&nctmr!,ll,M&uriCH-0!H), St. Andtew'a.Bristoi. _877n ?t/'AiSTMD Wetsh ?Housekeeper, afe 50 good hon:3 VV for?ood.—l.Oikfietd-terrace.Liwynypia.KhoDd'ia.n Giti to assist in housework; I Icep out, if prefelTed.-30.13a.ngor.road. 8G6n ,-YÃNi;gi>.OOd Genera) Serya.ut: sma. fa.n:ity;)-e-! v T fereuce required.—Nrs HlfMietOD. 89, Aifred- e'.reet. Roa.t.h. 93n "1é. T ANT!)) for Landoïl;-c;rJli¡nUärÝ thoroaKhiy tT dOTnestJcatedHeJp.onensedio chtidren.—ppty first Mrs .Joneil, 1. J';dwl!.rd.street. Newport. Mon. x!)On immediatefy. 't' 't' pearance as generot-12, St..John'res.. Cantor!. n ,jrANTEI)-for- icvaUd iz.dy. C-Lpatbie Help. cxperl- "f enced In nurIDI; g-cp.el"d.1 kcp.-39, Romilly. cre?caHt. _?_??° ft?ANTE!?. respecta.bte Git': a.bont 14toiooka.fier tv b:tby.—App!y3.'J'reveth!ck-sKeet,Hivers:de.3.;On aancra); mast have good re'ereoc'-s.— VV Mrs Ford, Koase. Ha.nthcwy-roa.d, !\ewport.. J(7(;n 1; 7 wV Mrs eWDort. :3n \¡V A;r respecta.bie trustworthy woBoa.n as Roase- Vt hpRper for farm house ThomM. Dernya Conrt. Ca'nmrthen. 5.26 IS out.-Apply 53, CowbrWge.road, Oa.ntou. 835n \:V-ATf"D,-Gjrl-(i4)'tö-mïïkchëî-:1elf useial: sieep oat. t —App)y 14. Hroo:street. jRtverside. HC&n \t ?atret'.—Appty Mra' JMe?. Rosemouat. Cnrt?C- rc-a.d. Dina.s Powi?. '? 7n tX?ANTED, resoectabte Girj, morntnt; heio.—Anpiy. 7 resoectabte Girj, morntnt; heio.—Anpiy. 7 'f V to 3 p m.. 51. Cftutou. 7!i3c TV abic gir!.—AHp)y 147. Conuterctc'-roH.d. Newport. D <7 ")aY.—?rsH<niii.TheOc.l.i.nds.Abera.rn?n, ueM Abet-dare. _764n T% —6. St* Joiin's-ron.d. Ma'tpdee. ?.c'-YpcTt. TMn 'f the 18th: ¡:ood wages: no washjn: good references required.—3. HowlI.rd-g¡rdens. _70!n i"'X7 AWrF.D. o. st,OD?, GEn!Jri1.1 t? chUdren.—Mrs J. Thotna.a. Grocer, Ta'fl's WeU. 7'!3n I "T ANTED, Z food Genera.) Servants: good w&Kea; ?%?AI?T.D.?. ?ood GcneraL —Appiy Mrs Bossiter, Tco. tf WoudvUIc-rca.d.C?rd'ir. 7Mn T:7';?tTED. ? Ctenera.t Servant; from country pre- Wv ferred.—Appiy 90. Peek Y?v-road. Harry Uoctt?687n '&?'AKTHU.SLC9.dy t.nit!<ite-?f.'nd Womfulas'.VortthM: TV HouSH.keeper.—AppiyAS?, Echo (.tice. Ponty- :I68n ?H 7 ANTEf).n. Genera) about 20 yMrs.—AfPlyMrffC. j 'Xi AÑTED,-<i.lera.1 Serva.nt :t!).mt 17 ot IS—Ha.yma.B. i T* 45.Mor6en-roa.<l.Ncwpott.Mon. C?.in ) three iti comfort- able l1ome.-Mrs HMhw.}', 32, l'lastnrt<>u- avcnue, Canton. 629n Cook-Gener&I.a.tso t" mend.—Mrs 52. Oa.ldi"ld.<;t., Ca.'diff 671n "7 r;¿.fJ': ?tH.?Ot!?. ?' _677n ,7 t\1-TKD. Gener&t Set vjint; "man to,mt<v t;ood t V wa.sfS.—Mr!! Stoue. Park-terra.ce. Mcrthyr. x56n Vt' 'family.—57, Richmond-road. Cardiff. ? ? ?S?n statin;! age, releTenccs,\nd wa?es required to Mrs J:rost. Oaktands, Uanhmeth. Mon. _?98n aT ANTED. Hoüsenlaid,- iÓ,{d-¡;:cner1'.I-õuW-SÙ!¡; '1' pr¡otlrmaid kept.Ilrs Ward, Cla."Qir. Merthyr XJJ '\ii ANTED-:(:x¡;nced Oenc-w;:e3- Tt vear cood reference.—Mrs Wa.t.hin6.15. The Cres- cent. Poctypridd. x46n ??TA?TE?agot.dCook-Gciterat or Genera!.—Appty TT Mrs Stiies..brewery Home. BridgeDt'. 563n ,iiAÑi'¡';fJ. -:)Q(i- clea;Îrln.'genei. age-Ïi=ïg-; Aberti))ery. _542n_' t[ood Wag;S-to-;tabie-Ul; VT smaH {amUy.—Mrs PI-gO$t. GeUtciesHoase. Maesy- cwmmer. 5490 ft7 ANTED, ciea.n girl as genera.). :b&ut 17; siOit!] tT f?mt)y;c"mfortab)ehome.—28.U!ii'toust?berdtirc.n \Tt7AN'.CED, a GeneT-? SetTMt.—Appl.v HiUshOTO. Dyrrm-street. Cath:'<!rn)-ro!M:t. Catrd:a. 5&5n T?'?NTKi?tt respectable Gttia.3 genera.], &bout Iti.— ?Irs Gritan. 3S, A)ba.ny-ro&d. 5!S:t ..WAN 'TED' a Gir). I TT ba.CornMa)i-r;).Ml,tn)tnca.d. _51utt 'M7A?fEJ?. Nurse tcrchtida?ed X; muathavup'po't ?X"A:Nr?Dm.aiMd::JtGly.P!!nu Cooks. Coo?-Genfrats. TY House-FariourmaitH. Nur'ies.GeueraiberT?nta; ?.?T?NTJ';?. a strouK t.-spccta.bte Gi'-i a.? Htju;?inn.i(t: VT references reqnire?.—Appty Mis Stoehwooct, Cowbridce. 5C'tn Genemt Hël"vnt;S-IDt1,a 't? fami'v; CaLnton.Ca.tdm. 472n ?7 ANT.KD. ? ftooa tucocf: Gin as Gen<: r:t.t.—M, Contt- W ro<t.J DMryj)ock. _?''? tATANTHi), good Generit! Servaot.—Appiy Mrs tV Phtmps. Vron. Caerpht)?.?J?L- WANT&V, exrienced GetMrat 8erva.nb; plain vr cooMnf.—Appty Mrs Dunkley. !6. St. Andfew'9- crescent. _??_ '?.yA?THD.Cook-GeneTa.t or ft&in Copk.—??i'iyuiocth- W ro&d. !'en)trth. _4 -W A.<'>; TED, (];>ok-Ueneräï;-ihrec )a iacDiy oirse. VT housemaid kept.—68. P!ymoath-road. PenBnh. n -<¡,'ir AÑï'BD, a. <lirJ abotH 18 tor hOtl!!ework.-Apply ''0, l!'erndlllole-I!treeli. li-rIloJJj<etown. 399n \T)!J 'jK:nera.t ¡;Ýant.-Appiy Mrs BMh. 3t. ::t. V f Nichoias-road. bury. :ijfT-"¡TED, tr Geüeral-8ernnli.-=:th i'e{eL'- ? Y encea to Mrs Geneia:: no cocsJcKor VY -W-ANTEDa Gnneral Servant: nowashmg.—Appiyll, ? T Wordsworth-aYennc. Roath. CardHf. 355u Gir¡¡šhousemaldJ;ïmnii ? ? f't.miiy.—Mt-i-Lewia.Rcx'k C:>Uagc,Hlackwocó,Hon.Il GeTtcrs) 3er?aj]t. aboQt22,a.bleto vV wash U required: good references.—Apply Mrs 0odruft, HarUepool, Penylan-ro!J.Ü. n intc9f. M. NwÇN\k-IWi. bif, *Ma tV a?c abont 17.—A?piy 60. Mny-ro?d. Roath. j33n ?? E.)Ss.X.CourthduSG-stce"t,Pcn<i?priu?. xl4n Servant: al,30 Niirse- HO:I3m"id.pp[y 72, Clr(' ff. n '7 "1' si-nilj kept. wagHs £13.-Mrs 3-,Un goodsL,.Iary 12, Cwm,,Lnian, Ab2rcl-'re. 095n ¡ 63 1 ..2:ouisa-s:ic;. I -atd tri.mHtS. j C1 06]) GeIlerl wanted tor hou-iework refefencps re- U1 qutrcd.—Appiy DowdaH. Mortey TempCMnoe Hote!. New¡;or" "l:93n Ii -1 ;hio:f"- Girt for gMrera) '.vork.—.)Iar:ow Rez,,tauv.Lnt U S6. &hi.ry-sh-M-t. 9Sn 'nt<jn!ts.-?tM.Ech3lc&"dtfr.? ? _?_M4H to t8..J.:oül1arg') of ¡;.bow-room; Welgh syJtsh cic-r?ebic.pply fii I err, VVANTED, good t'taii: Cook; 3,IL2ndi,t cha-ncefor cnce.—Ap?iy Mr deoTsc, ReO Ur&con..E.t;st&ar:i.'?ti. QuecM-st'/cct. 97u 'f¡7U A>{'1'i'), t,l)"I¡; wHHng Girl for the kitchen.—Hed 7T 98n -c- I ,7 A t''l'E[).i ID lW.'dialC,>jV 2K<x)!:t General ? v Dcwt'yn, Ciyaa.cr) \'a.!o Hot°!. Hhondda. Va.)!ey. n ''Áy,NjjÚJ. :aw;em3.Úî -o-r-gooI-ó"e;ï\i;rclt)rences 3,"0 D!l.rticolars. Whea.tsheaf Rot,el. Merthyr. n TA;iB'Ú:- )I;ic;¡,ut -ïMïî- or eltil) L-y i manied no eecumorauce late stewarcl News, Canl¡[i. ? 7 )i rs DH.Yt<M. (?ra.if; Mote'. L'8.ntr)SitU)i-r9ad. l?Otity- pridd. 87?n ,cnera.lJy u;elu1.-Collul1e:cial Hotel, -TA- T j.-i>l expeiicjicel Geiieral Se-Lva,,it.-Ttie (O\orgc. benlc.re. 6130 \ÑT1;-u.](ïrj¡nooù -0; eral.- Åp¡)!y- ,ti Spli-it Porth. 56511 \1{f ANTET) at uuc. Gencra.1 olla,lIy with referencc);¡, to Western Hote!, Quaker's Y&rc!' 749n Vt? 13 tnd 2 — Wt!)):).mH. Ynyshoet.h Hotei.Tnyahccth.u T)(!rso rally Ship ANIE'Ji,'I), I)out 20. to w g.rite- &id j3i,,I.-e hiinself genera!ly useful.-Al.)ply g?'i',len, and JJl..ke himself enera!ly tlscfnl.pply ]3('1'-1"" HCRd Ho(.{. Caerilhiliy 5&8n l??A?'CEU .inm.!dia.t<'i..?<jrtt;uct'd ?!i.mm.i?:ru- st'J. no Mrs Price, Gin )hop. ¡',I,,¡,: 60211 W ANTE, 1) f-, i age 20 to Apj)iy x45n :¡.fi;¡l..1:- exi' ()I í f tr%Oe Mrs r'k,lj!,d'll.H'HHl Hate!. (;.range 4')4n VV ru'?ciH.t HotKt, i'<?rth-i'o?d. <?rd:?'. ?3Cn ihmth) itS Jru:ant. A s'.ron? La.d wanted ? dcUvsr b.-ec.d.—Apptv 10, A s?ottj-on.t). _?L. t .nt?rt Lad abont. H.—Hees, Ironmonxer, 35, Tu?or- A rcK.?. ?u A -A:)piy 5i. Augustn-stirect. Adam?dowc. Caraia'. ?n Ureatl C' 64. 73n at once; state vmes. }) -.Kn"1)3. Baker, Mae8el!. t86n ?AK?KS.—W3.n:<d. Second for brca.d and assist a.t > s'n" tls: statiJ full paniculaTs -J, D. Llewt01!Yl1. Kc-a.th. 0 'o make dough and m(.,uld -JO tnd(le'.I-,er-,vitiilionyiin -Rosser. Nictic)la..S- trap. FotJ!.ypoo1. 461l ii:"<=:Ÿä-;td:- sleady, àlan-iÖŸ state fuil IV. D. Tiicnias. ::>un Stores, Do ;v}3.ls. ;:8111 '?ILD Distrtt)u!,iag.—Wanted. 20 Men, 8?.Ba.. to- H?Di.i'bs'J?Hwa-nted. — ApptyBUtposMng Co.. 1? Mc?hyrTy<ia). x&Oa j p Úèîi; Dui-¡;;s;=\V o.nte¡i:'J;nior Assistant; stat -a¡;e, llerie-ice, Caroline-street. 1'14 35)t 1;) 00'£ "'i;r;de. .U aLd Pezifoond. 01) Pryco. snoeoa.kef. King-street.. Biaenavan. M.3n .? Knock Up. &nd {'?n?h.-144; CttrHsie-street. 430n Bs..m., Welsh Industries Association. iDUTCHBHS.—Waited, ?ood Shop r.nd SiMphtermM. CaaHe-road. 521n' im)nediate)y, Young Ma.n as cmas. siting age a.nd satiny indoors, Bowea, Bt[tcl:er, Morriston. 605a ? UTCHIsRS.—Wanted, Younc forshop and ??LNMi?L\.??S??'?lMh?s'?'??<r?:nm3di- a.te!y; constant worb.-Appty Atlas Furnishing Company, Hayes. ?9:!n ? PARPEN Banker ??ONFUCl'lUX?J.?.—Thoma.s &nd Rva.ns, ?orth. it.i.ve tionery und sweets tunst be s'<ocb-keeper Wpish ?tIV?Ij .Service Appointments; 8a.t:iries Skorry's Civit Service 22, St. Ma.ry.st.. Ca.rc'.ilT. n ?LOTHIKG.-WMt?d. a Kood .tun'o)-; state onMoors.—Appiy Jocea and ?'uOTHIKG.—Smart AMJRMmtwanted.—ApytyC. tb'Hck. 3. Bute-street. CttrcUG. b75n ? ?VelGh. wanted ? refeMuce rectt:)'re(t.—Ma!pM Fttrm, Be&r Newt'orS.u Y DRAPERS' Asuststnts and Apprentices.—Junior Youog rt'-o.J.ajtft strong 1-a.dH as S07. Kentinh Town road, jbonOor, N. W. 9:Hn YounyM&n; Weish. —Appty pernonaHy M. Jea}:ms. 40, \<nerioo-strcet. 'rtR\PERY.—W.M)ted.2 or S smM't Jantors Welsh —R Junior Tonntt Men ?nd Young s.l3o Apprenaees.—App)y B. 'J'nc:or Davtea, experience; Wetah.—AppiyJ.H.Po'weIl, Draper. Tj %RAFERY.—Experiepce'lYo..u}!!lj&dies Matured for fancy counteM W. L'oyd, n ApprenMces a.t once.— Appiy Miss Arthur, 17, Lo?.'e)' 69Gu e.ndImproveM C'.a.re-t'oad, Ca.i'd;f. TP NGINK driver \va.cted for Mortar MiU tho'-oaghiy 0.tno<!UttrdiS. "'5301918M stogie-handed.—Apply. Et?.ti' ttnd Da. vies. Troedyi-h*t.<f. 'UT jL.aunt.Iry.l8?.Katf.-oa.d.CM'diff. 8Un ? ROOERY.—Wanted, re8)tectaMe. intelii!;<'nt ? i ?<jM)CERY.—ranted. Jnrt'or; HtH out; t<ood refer- Stores, SO. Hoiton road. BMTy Oook. 47n ? < K'u (20-21) to deUver brca.d. assist U. Jones. HfW", Fcrnctu'e. _398a ?UfoLnd J. H. WH'in.ms, <riHOCj6,HY a.ad Pfovis'on'—Wanted aiLtna.tion M t)f:;a.r. S07n Welsh Kood references required p't.rttcutars.—)i. Dtviea a.ftd Co., Skewen. Neath. 905rt <' ? LIbUKRY and Provisions.—Wetted itmMMMiitely for —t'.A.Po'<tfii, S-t7n ? ? ROCi'.U'i-! a Ftrong, ttctitva Tcnn{: ?ppiy. age. !<n.iary required (indoors), references, &c., Wittkins rtnd Hon. Hmp&num. Brynmawr. R58n ?T?u'B!'Y f<-nd Hood Jnuior or har-vJ'c'ok. 60 soticitinf;; < ROCEJU'S WantMU tMrt)ca)a,rsar<!ii tetter, and Sons. Circ!e, Trcdexp.r. yson <'iRUCMHya.:td n.8ha.ipf.,ad.9.s SwMSM. x70n ? ROCRRS &ud Provisious—W?nt?d. amftrt Ijmprov?' ?' o!' Jon?o'—App!y ?ower, US. ShaKesbury.atreet. ? ItOCl'J}: f :].i)d ?"nfra.i M&n 'm M Manager to Smatt Scctety: present takinKa Jcl.CSO per ?ua.rter; sta.tf parttcntM'! ?rd ra- quirtid; January Co-operative Sot-iety, c35n ?r? ROCER'h) to W&recouM ?Jf work.-S. N. Jones. AbertU!ery. 6Mn ?' < provision Hand wanted*: ?3f Wftsh necessary.—Apn)y W. Merchant, ?terthyr TydtU. x55n ?_i HOCK HY.—Him! !er w&ntRd at once sober must be t.o horses, with BUt ?iHOt:J-.RY.—Wanted, good Juuior.—ApDty, ;nUnKage !\j< and sa.)6ry repaired, TastiMMd Co., Swansea.. n ?r'ROCjEBY.—V/a.nted, smsn-fyuniorrindoorsTsttHe ? ? ROCERY.—WaBt-ed. Your? )?nrv7??rr\?;cs os ——- ?I?JP paoto.—T5U..Hcno. CttrdHH. ??._ ?'BOCJB.B'a?itmUet.—WMtea??oace, a ?%"r 1111,,t ,tid Ev&Ds. por(h. i,ave vacancy *r gool Assi.tg.nt; oije G well up in Wel! ill- fali ll..rjc!lll\r1 jjrst letter. 27911 TUr.JimBESSEHS.—Two I'.dditioun} Gents. Ha.nds at once.—KX). Qtiscu street, C:n-diS. 69n iL..lr-ÃitÜ)-:ŒSSf;J:iS:9Wam WlHlied.good hai.cutter JLL a.nd shaver; stute age aDd reference.—Brooks, 'j'nypAu'ly.. E97n ¡3AifDIU'S¡:j'j;'R-=w;,tïlte'1 at o'c". smxrt .J.1 o.bout 20. good llliircatler &u(1 "hll.v.r; no Sunday work.—Marshal' 120, PortmaDmoor-ro&d. East Moors, n B'? AJRDRKSSEHS.—Wanted a.t once, sm&r(: .tuntcr JLjL (jejits'Ha.?d; ?ood references reouirc?.—C..Mn.r- men6.20,uko.street.Carc)i<I. Sn waute,,1 at oncc.—ApptyOoodm&n's, Mi!eme. :)24n -F-TAULIER wsiit(i(l. used to brewery work.—\Vebb. Broí\. Aberbeeg .Srewery. R.S.O.. Mon. n M6n accusloired to drtvlngiiroDey: must have good 48,Hl1te-8tre'? .jron'i?HS are recfuest?d to Keep Away horn Newport; <? ciispatc 0' _?" j! 'L.\KHJJjLE')'Ua.uJ AberbebK'Vidcn!i;x. -Y'antad &t y¡r..p;es on WOTKS. H. Wellon, Contractor. Aterbcch' "V!on. 9yyi t LANDOVJ(.Hy.—a.nLte<J, .Monument?t Kasou.u?e? .L< to m?i-Me a.nd st-oue constetati ?ori?.—Appty John WI!!ill.lIJs. 893n 'g* AD v.rit3d to d(;hver milk.cot under 15?—33, Systou- -&-J sh-ecE..Ros.th. S54n 5 ADw&'i.tec'.—ApnIy a.ftcr6. Lc,.vis, li2.EldoE-Qn.ai, JU C!or. C,rdi!T. 561:: S AUI'!).)Ry.-i!e.5<'<ody jt.n';)Ht'a w.jLDtef.t. piecework 11'; Improvcr.-ApD]Y GeJwrallUana¡:1:, Laundry. Dyeing. CMpe6 and Wtnfiow CieaniNK Co., Limited Ca.thays. l(!7n onfe. go Shirb L iroli ers. -Albany Lau ii ,y, d -street, 699n goo(i liecon(I I-land; set-ve full particulars, reference, sti.liry also 33n "??L?r '?R 2.—Wanted7 at7?sh'Muiim;r??sh. u.bie ?a U.I?XEHY.Wa.-a?d. Expciit-nc.ett MmiMr. a.ccus. A ply. with full particulars, WiJJiams Co., Vr:"l)i;rs, Trc-orchy. 781n wanted; oxily th()rougii good.-nan and Davies, to '.t ondu W)(ten<Hf!. ° M5n ?' '? UTMT'i'.LNS.—W&n&e<ltmmedi?teiy,sman AsatstMt, Ciothier, Perth. 90t!t P- Makets are re(luested Awa-v from Yeatli, a dispute is pendm, -> S3BINTER?.—Wanted a,t ONoe. JobbioH HaHd Wdsa JL preferreei.—W. Js.meH, Print'-r. Dowinis. &22n jDUpl?.—Tho Weish .Nf.tiona! Aytjiicia.i 'i'eei.h Co. i.Hu.sive pr!T.oHce.—pp!y ?2. 'i?H-?ree!, Pont-pridd.' 42n ¡ :¡';P}C-;¡'J f' Lad as 45, Atiss- !L!tr fOf.fi.Ca.fdiK. 915n L,)BSPBC:rAHI. Boy wamad, oM ).4.—Appiy ri i L ii I\ud i-!o!). WhoiM&te Nswsa.gents. Penarch-road. n AT)DLFR to Nvork: W good wages 308 We-DI[ly.-AT)L)ly W. Heck!t;.167. GeJII.wad. Ton, Pentrt'. 7o?'t Q A.¡)DLI::i ¡;a' .RM;(;8-¡\ÏIkrd- walltëdf:;r ill; llÙ;rŸ "ood and Lavender, Eldon- ftreet. Wn)s&U. ? 5!t _k_- S "ill J;, Offie'3itt\ ïtlBiro-r; \'J a.ú -1I;;o Q stroHf; Young Girls good prIces paid; he¡Jthy work room%Apply J\IR,llull1.etu¡-jng Somei set. 3:Jdl ? Cr!(toct:-36reet.Rivor'<tde. K)cn tQ?'RO?G L?d.18. too? after horse, Rarcten. generaUy rluli.5ii;:=- w ;:nté;l -GnZï3.í ?&. Ha.ud, a.ec:MtOTued to country '.rad one wishing to improve on coats not 7i6n 'J'e. Co., Park li-All, re,.Iuzre a j-6-111-or JL for counter; aiso Young La(ly to wall uooks. }05n fr-IN and 8heel, Man and 2 ..I smar Laù8 improvcrs plain send Docb, CarCAIIT. n -9. tomedto Steet'Mtd Tinpt?te Wofka; must t)<} stev.ay, inte1lir'?!)t, and :gt, e:o:[)crl- eHee. and wages rcq'.tired.J'tBpi&te. Datfy' ;'¡ewl:1, D Wi.i.HSp.a. 483n ??UBACCb 'Pipe 'Mtt!Mi-s wanted; short &ndioog \?,?AN'I':U. Pickte. fo?' 2 tinpia.ttimnts; Mack and ?v whtte.—WriMPifkte.Echo.Newpo-t. xlOOn ?!57ANTHD &t theAbejrcN.rn3.ndNowbriue'o<?:?a.nd V!' W&ter Co. Work.. G<? J''itter ftnd Pia?tbpr for in- ùoor fittin and combined with H,rvice lay. ing, lami), J."¿:u!!L:.or> &c., &0. Will re. quire 3 reoont t.o'<timoI1IaI,. Dot to be over 45 of agc!. None itp,l)ly a<; to r,tead, re.-s will not bear the :Ð.tion.Dp¡y to the Secretary, and ()qulo ed, on 0" beto-e. ttJe nth inst. !i333 AiN'1'1,,D. ttioroiig!aiy c-,iwrienced man as CYjief W to take f,-j)tlxc cha.-ge of all pl,%Pt aiil in Bessemer wmeJlS steel worka aDd mast be ")Ie to take fall control of a gooå would be to 0. thoroughly RPpi1. (SL!Jt.AHnlv Hf;psL PllI.ch D.T1d r()7.. Ltla.. Rothp1"ht\Tn. I \,fÄ:tji,;y.:t:1I I T work'—Apfiy P 533C. Newa, CMdiff. 5320 iV-:Ü-iiEi>:siïh-Milïjnerätonëe;¡ëlSh ;bíe o ?a.y. Dra.pcr, Mounta'a Ash.' !?<) i W GouRh. H&y Merchant, Mounta.in Ash. 125n ??Am'ED.86rune L&d to7 SmUh ShopTu?ed"to? f?yANTED !mm<'dta:eiy, H;?u)ier; itbst?iner pre- V t fetrfd.—Appiy by ieHer, with reteMnco!' and deg?r. UOti A stea.dy M<m, Factory J;:ngiae at Cardiff; state expGrience and 103, Echo,Card¡tJ'.1J ?,T7 ANTED, good Nnvvies; top waga* tn?oo?nieu; Works, Pe-,iy,-nUg to Tonyre.til. -_u_Uh u- 'Kn ?7?7A?]'i'ED, a. Totm? Man to assist in shop )tud mftko WB: ¡ AN'J'};!), smart, Lad. 18, to mti.kabimseff gener-Ally < V nseint; wpge3 Ms 6d per w&ek.—A?p)y 32. T&OE- Htreet. Pontypridd. 41n V% pcrt!on?UyFo?e,Ca.fOl)T)e.stMet.<at'<tiC'. 13tt 'fA:NTi"D-:reapecta\)ïeLåõs, iut tenviag school pte- 'f age abmÜ 11,- W ooil and Son, Doc);:s. 1811 V/httchHrch. ?n Vr John. \Vhectwr)f;ht. Bonk. Bt?nkwood, MoH. 17a bhnsclf nsfnl ally 12, Westgate-street. 912u I TV chMncter.—Hfn'?-sy, Batcher, Sf.Usbnty-sqnMe.n tv geoeratty cseful:u'!C<t to horses.—App!y. stating wages. 1. PhU)!p: Grocer. Tii'phit. 887n t7 fMStsi.H'ret)n(red;ittdoors.—Anstic Dro3..Modet SLe?-n Eatery. HfK'gKnd. 903n -T ÃàJ;;DgOOl\ C'O;t;h RJïd'\VheeIWrtp,ht-Smith;itl';o n.t, o:)oe.—6 909..Hcho, CardiH'. ° _?' 903Q ?.T?TA?r. D.good.Hrf'taa.nd CuKG jHtU:er; ahstttJner; 11 !r.f!oo?c-—Aypty jJ. T. Hees, Ajtchor Honae, Ha.ver- [.>r<hvest, gOSa T <1.£hIJ :.t once, 0owIDan; ča.r!y e i n'rs.- !'f.l\rm.l\l!Moll. 'l'Xi J\:TED ilnmec;l¡¡,t<:Jy, goorl Gencra.1 Bls.c1;;smUtl, used to ri\Jlwa.{ contractor's work; most be a good siaccr: ata.tc wa.¡.{e.-Contrnctor's Office, Fearhiwfe!, (ilii-n. TI6n f%/ANTED, a sMot:? <Tirt tor mornings.—Apply 14, f Kuppoch street, CarcttN'8:3n -,7'Vcu-A.iTEl)-; a Cabind Ma.h:m'. ué;eù to jobbixig.-8Yeil- TT sted.Aberda.re. 774n JIci)airer; wa,es VAs veeli.1y; VIveon'staii'Greeii,,AO,Chi2rch-s4.Tect.Iberititery. n "9' also ApprenUee for '&X'AX'JLF.O.tboroa{!h{!OOd Co.'ch Pointer; must be tv ?Nawr?wel).—W.Thomas. Peu?K''?. 76i!n ? ?7 ANTED ?t oliCf. ttrst-ctasa Millin-x.-Owen and T Co., 26 :t.Ed ?R. Ca.rii3)e-atreat. EEOn "A',qTED.aL%dy iviti-i tliorougliknowleugeoftbe swept, &c., to take charge 0% 3 shop iu busy —L 715?cho. C&rdifr. ? 71?n VV persojia! appii'CRMo?.—J. Thomas, (jruccr, Ta.ff's WeU. 725a W hoase tive tu.—Appty M, Londotm-squ?rc, Do??s, 700a -WANTEI) at oicn. smart Youn<; M&n to took after hcne end agsti3ti net Ity.-Apply, 3tating full f.art'ictilers. Boston 6i(l Company. Salr:ro.)Eri. lJowr'h1roll1.l Ifotel, Tr,lll.nL,. :r6'7n ?<7ANTMi'.a.re8pect:tMoYounKWc'm&n for c?sh deak '? V &ad a.ssi&t KeDcritHy: retereuoes.—Appty D'Arc'e Waxworks, CnrdtS. 61Ba ANTED, it Man for FuL-niture Ware- T? houM': good wa.Kes.—Samuel Tn.ylor, ')S, Cow- I bri(Ige-roiL,I. 6400 zioij y w ge,. wanges comnieriee pt Sifi a -,tnd to m.'rit-, with lloard, lod61ng. washil1g, and l'rcvions eXl'cri",nce not pl'sol11\1Jy to the HapH:ütendcnt. shire Asyiujo, Aberga.venny. 5317 a Groom.G3,rdô¡¡cr. from 20 to 25.-Applv. tt bating experience, references. Ac., to IM, Nc-w-oort-roi(i. Cn.nli)*. 668n ?T&/ANTED, cxi.'eripncea Mittwrlghti? aJsoCo!dHutI VT Mupot'tMtender't for Tinp!?te Workt.—Appiy, wages to J\ti!y Mewe. C&r<M. ° ? 658n '?t7A?<TED ImmedtMeiy. tiinK'e !t!n:). woU uacd to I i'V liorsei, slieep, ertt.'e, an-A compe((mt ot Laklng insm.—Pugh. PeT)<l:r!?Fa,)'n?..Fevnaa]e.G)ttui. ?M9:i yt ploughman good cottage ana gt.rdeu.—Jenkins, Court. 590n T'ik/AKTND.tt Young Ma.0t ueed tof&rmwork.—St-t.M rV watiMtoT.W.W?tHns.M?eayronFs.rm, ?ibbw V 0.10. :3T1 TV mg: Wetsh: fnH p&rtioatars.—Vtctorta. Te& Co., 614n 'Tr fHl indoors.—Ntaurtoe, 10? Mttn-&tr<!<'t.C&doxton.n ?%tAi'<TMD.:t Mechanic to look a.fter m.tnhinpryfcd wHh frtli l¡öriüllhrs tr) I'; 527' 5271 ??AKTMD. :j', traatwonhy Yocug Mun, ttbte to tDoa)d VV AN'fED. expen"nced Hu.mmor '"l>Ü Dllti Mf.)u; f '( goo,) waw¡; p,Jd,A¡;.pJY Gl'II.jg.,¡t¡'-h<¡: (,!uq,k' PoHtypftad. x''Yn etat,, waes expected wJth copy of cllcc.-l¡obnar:e:, 6Id 514n -,c,'(T '\Si':¡;P:.DaperõntOiîo sew1ni"-Apply 208, íiútë". 'f rooo. 55111 TT FO)-??. 'fwport. x27n .md'Co.. Whole8:t!e Oonfeotionprs, Grocera. and Genera Meroh?nt.x. Pecy?raix. M7n ?t7ANT?D immeditttety f.ti etpeMemced Baui'fr: ?V WeIshprefen'ed.—StttefMUpa.rtioafaj'sComtuittec. ';j.ttat'dtyevct.'tas.Ja.naa.i-y6th. to 385n b,l;il'd'tY eVe\)iDg,_I1!a.cy órn. ;;850 ANIE J,.D. astrong YoTAth, 16-18, for W Apply, st2,tiiig wages, C M5,1,,cho.(;ardiff. T!t/ANTED, pood General btackfn)ith: underataMt t< snipping preterred.-Appl:v by 1ctt<!r Johonon and Son, Welshb:1.Ck, 3720 ?t7 ANTJ?D, stea.dy man to ftttend to horse and trap, X bouse a,nd garden.-App)y I,ew?.' Rock Cottage. l})a.ck- \o';< Mon.Sjron H?7AN'i'ED tmmt'ou'.tciy..?.i.vt?es.—AjjpiV on Works, r V BM8<t!eg aad R:sc& Wtdaning. Snb dttiiy. xlTtt 'WA-P.E,ROUSENIANw%nt-eo. corn and seed stort-,s: VV rnust have r:ood TefercncM.—4S. Hnte-straat. SMn "i:-i'J ATCaMAKERS.—Wa.ntc<r'at.onM, a. tuorouKh ?V vrloa.l W&toh Jobber; refcroaces i!1ùj':lp'e1J;b1c. .lame! 1911 t?7jHOH!,SALf'! Grocery.—<V&nted7 sm&rt?strou? t T Yoath as warehouseman.—AppIyLeif;h's,B!dKe-st-)'' '?7 OU??Lady for Sweet Hhop must be expetieacod. JL —APP'r Lnen, MMntactM?ag Confectioner, B?Ery j?o< n9a E. with 124. Cov.'brldge-roa.d. ),,tSa 6] WepktT.-AsaIa.ryo* M to K2s6d offered to ? etther sex twho ea.n wri.e) for tinir momeutn ?ork be done evenings.—For send ad. dressed envelope to M. 'Jruscott and Co., U!endow<;r. ??30 t?Month c?u !)f insdo with ?10.—For pa.rticu!nr9 3? ?ddfCHS Cancel. 1M. X.e?denha.6trept London. 26n -<?! income of 12B 6d to .Sl per weekea.a be to \vr)t".—Proof sent fres n.nyKhm e to tho-;e ?n<iin? addressed envetope to T. Smith and Co. (Dept. 8 H.) 16, London. ?V. Esta.bUshed 1839. 4261 ?:ittHi?us ??i?!t. ?DAKKi?.—Hit.ua.tion WMited: wetl up bread, c&ke. smalis; abstalnst; disengaged.—24. Motra-str'-et, <'a!-<]:!T. 964u ?)A?EHSorCo':?ct;tons)'3.—Co-?pct?nt Workman a.jt ?O?I-'ECTib?Hn?. &c.—SttuaUcft wa.ntcd. bread, ?/ <;&c, or 829. Hcho Oaine, Ca.rdiff. 825H disengMed: good mM)a.ger; ? ceonomic&i and trnstworthy .S22.—G!-ay. JO, Queea- urcet. ) TioKUg desires fjita&tion. China or Fa.nny Business.—T.. De 382)) ,AHDENEH.!tKe28, seeks SItnaMOl], %J<' orothcrwtse; Rood references.—y. Souths. ?Jf en"e.—(.tcorge. c.o. Kook. Cowbndgc-roa.d, Ca'ttoa, _27n WMt ta.bie. tvit.sh. ?EQUJKED.Re.anKs.?emenii a.a Hon-oskeeucr: good )Hu niferences: fixe 33: s?tary jE'? M. ye?r.—X 816, Echo. Cardif. 8i.6n QrCt'ATlON.HousokeaparorUsofui Maid; domesti-i ?ItL'tJA'?ONn waited a.sGfncra.iServ&Hts for sevefa.1 cestef. '330n C'THOUtT coMHi'v He;vfmt, cook. wash, li-OTt (Ms tn.si). tj 417. Cowbiidgp-roa.d. CardiH. (SHtmp.) S83u '91AILOKS.—W&Dtad sttna-Mon &a Con.t. 'jtcnera;. or ColUety jL'Yoprietors. Ma.ua.gers. iitnd Others.— 27 first-c!ass nferances.—Write F 857, Echo. 'iN. °n ?.7A?TED. OEHces to Ciett.n by respectn.bte peraou 't' T good rffarences.—Sa.ck 23. Char!es-at. CardiN. H toAppreottce a (17) to Boa.tb. CMd)H ?? ?.?7AKTKt)by ret.pects.bto couple. SitaB.tion as Hcho. ? 47in' ??r?s, ?nn?rrs. ? jt' AttictedPupit: w.i.n<,p fosition.—Address K 63. ?a,it. ?ews. Cx,rf.)i!f. 68n 19. seeks situation ){0od Jt. peteat cottntc!- and accounts wouM a.ssit.t in busi- ness and bnok-kcepIJiK.—H 373, ])aUy News. Cardifr. 379n !j)td ?v?nkd foi' UeminKton 0 Writie P Si6. Echo. 916u rg10 !md OuM'di&ns.—V)M:ancy for ,\rticted Cttiick atHgures; ?< '.ca.to aata.ry expected.—Appiy in owHh&ndwdting But<* Caa! Co., ?ewport.road. CKrd'.E. 145n tt7 ANTMU. BooEkpepL' a.Bd Co)'respoRdo'!i:; thorcunh V S' knowiedge buitdtn!! trade <md eood refercneES in<)is;)ens)!bie.—Appty, K 1C1, outb Wa.tG8 Da.).y News. lOIn ANTHD. experioncect Ci&)'k f'jr !M!;e ".htp-re- ahtp.rcua.it'inK nt j raihva.y cterk otiKibi! ?vtng fu)! pa,r{icn)!trs and sa.t&ry required. C 15, News. Cardim 15n OSlcc LH.d: 5!< to sta.rt.—Apply J. ?X/' ANTKi). Yonn;; .Lftdy a.bout J.6 as Ctprk; a.fso shn.rp ? V Ycung Ija.dy us Ca.nvasser: expefienca tatU)!ht.— Ani'ty 81. Ca.tha.ys ?SKn Desk' and Keep V T Docks (grocery business).—W 206. Eche, M ???ncirs. ?ra?U?rs. ?jc. A, pany to tt SHtt&Ma uereon the Mmnnera.tipn wtil be A 8p}ond!d Hock. ?6 5a weekty. Tjondou. KdinburHh, (H&tigow Co.; industtial and offUnMy, aocidenti cou:d (joi)ect tn two days.- Book, Echo. Newport. x34n 79, WIndsor'toa.d. ?.7Sn A.eMy payments accepted.—Wc'arweUCytes.Sw{tnsea..n H.fti-street, Mfratford, 92'2n M. M.!n A. Hote!s JS'} earned wcek)y.—Me9Sf3 H. Pa,tnph'!ot:, ? N Hffe Trttdiug doing &n ex. timc.—Appty News. C:rc:dr'' 4"<)a connection amoogRt house furnishers, ironmonfers, &c., Addraas D 503, W. H. Smtth a.od Hon. Union-street, mr. 8<Mn ?0-OPEHATIVB Oothing Acency.—Foremen & Time- 'f?XP?RD'.NCEU TTaTcUeT wanted.—Ar?v Fo'?e?-mc? ?'? Not Po'tra.iti Fa.tntin? CompaKy. <'p.'di<TF. S5n ir OCAL Hep''est;nta.tives rectu)red by wea.Uhv firm apMe ttme o! chtr- ceasfut :na.n.—Address y/ 8M. Da.t)y News. Carniff. P. Jonss, District ?-teDdty Socnty Boo!: Jo' 8nper. 356, Merthyr.n C.'ECUMTX.—Aceountnots. CMhters, and kj others in positiona of trusfj o.re gr&utad Sccartty at SuretYship <t&nt<!d throughout South to 0. Heci'tit&ry, 10, St. Stcphon.ti.reet, Bhatt)]._ 251 dMAJRT C&uv.SMr wa.ntod.—Apply by !ettor (toss &nd S54a London..HdtnburKO. and GiMgow Co. JL more Bepre9ent<tMve.s in CefdiS, Fena.rth, t!'vtted.—Apply Qaice' Qneen-.street. 7'.8n r?1 HAVULLHH )tODmonK<n'y; good rofo cnce. ifttrelung houth Wa)M. -<L &LKuMoB&l agency; good reieceaces.—X 313. Echo, CfirtUK. 5!!n ?T ANTED tmtioeaio.tet! respectaMe Working Men. of o!ock8, «Gwtnt.ro!M)htaes, J'inetttsh a.nd WeLsh tion to their tmaa.tt,tt!aries; references and secartty for fat) pitriieo.ia.rs and tUustrstted to Chaj-iea 0. WHUeum &n<! Co., 10, )!t?ers'dc, Stn tTt/ ANrEu. Ma.n as Cfmvn.itsey-Sa!e3!na.n m t T Ttade Vattey districts re{ereuo<)s teguirett: ?ood opening to saHaMe G 9.:7. Echo. CMdta'. m7a %Tt/ANT.Et.\ TraveUer fo;- Credit Drapery: and VT commtaaion only good chara.cters need app!y.— Echo, ?n M AsstStunt Jt orCoUectOf. W).-ttt.R920.Echo.C)trdiC. 92011 ?M?K?s, ?partM?nts. ?. A BeaUy Homa oaered Two Gentlemen PiMk ]ocaJity, ona m)nu& from 'bns.—Cymro,' ?icho. Cs.rdiS'. 'i24n A Don:ttd ? tamtshed, A ?AhTMEMS, Fnrnishe'ljBedrooma.nd Sitting-room, nL aiso g)ng)e bedroom, with every conTNuence.—4!, mreMidc 851n A toM&rt'ttidcoupic, without: w.c.. h. & c. t'a,bh. gas, ternx 76 weekiy.—Write H. C., Echo 0)nce, N A we)i furnished, pood cooking and ?.jL terms moderate.—M' mchmond-rd. n A FAHt'MENTa. comfortaMe, for"yonng )a.dv or raLf{6ntteBoa.u dining oot.—64, Betmchamp-et..Mvorstdc. jn ?f?F?R'ABLE Apc.rtntonta tor i! !a.djes Of aentle- ? men moderate tfrma.—e, Miskto.street, Ca.ttmy.'i.n jnc'MF RiAHrH Bedroom wanted by respectaMe ?' youNt: Mia.n etatc terms withoat board.—W M6. Newd, CardifT. t46n ?OMFOItTA?B??m?tor?Q??f.?V'?"bMitM'? p)a,m; ?rms moderate; iton.th.—.N 108. Koho, MCn maB 'bnsasa pass door.—-Nr7b, Cardie. 07a ?tOUFOnTAtt?B Ap&rtments, oNo or two ?' every coHTenienca: terms moderitte.—M, Eeppoch- Btrect, Hoath. 967n ? idMrbBTABL}': a.c<J weU-farntshed WAnteJ b7 t xenttema.a.—A 6. Hobo. 6n ? bedroom to ?'roum !f reouired quiet home.—8 9M,Echo.Ca.rdjC.n X ?OMJ.?'uHl'AHLi'fjod?iHi{8 ?or reapeotaMo mon.— Appfy 2S. Itoa.th. Ca.rdtrf. 68en j<<uM))OHl'AHI,M Sttttn!: and Bedroom to i<et. neM towu Misktn-at.. Cttth&ye. M ?OMtfORTAJBm Lodntngs with respecta.Ma widow, ?/ either MX: tofms modetfUe.—ZS. ?.T.ttonenH. 552a ? ? UMFO.M'A-BL M Apintmeats tor 1 or*2young i:tdie? ?.? nn!n' town: terms moderate.—P 100, Bcho.CardtS.n C MFHms.piMe, ?s ?rtc!netve.—?848. Keho. Cardiff. 84Sn fo!' workint; ?.' peop!e. Cardie. 91a Bedroom a.ud to Let f suit 2 Mends: 459n y'TENTLISMAN requires Bsdroom ano Sitttuc.rooNi, ?j< neighbourhood prefHrred.— Write, utcluMTe terms. H. <?'). Newa. Ctn-dtn. 8M!! tj ODGINtifSor Apartments JL! Hoath. CMdiB'. _992n or Apartments tor 2or 3 ?enttemen?-? JU _S26a r ODaiNOSiot YM&MmeattMeyMHMCMB;'terms JU M<a J" widow or quiet coqp:e.—Y'S33. Echo. st&Mon Md t41. Ma.Uy News. CardiN. Mia )-tL men, tvithorvt'tthont board; close to station M!d Da.i!y News. CardtO. ?t0n Fa''k.—Room Vacant, .Furnished or JH Furntshed; conveniences: no attendance.—Z 939, Echo. C<u-(!iS. ?U?MItIOR. Apa.Ttments.'snitgontl&nmn or lady dining ? cut:.—AL'p!y 76, JHohjn&nd-road. 93Sn -*L 452..Kcho. CurdiS. A conveMtcnce terms on!y 2 tn f&mUy.— 81. Ma.cktntosh-pi&oe. 523n Ap.T.rtn-ents to Lut. :)I. Bridge-street, Boom: bath. h. H.. Kcho Mice. 66n' h. & e. bat;—S5,'HMn! fton-strcet. Cs.uton. _9S3n -< 60, Cra,ddock-si;reet, Rtvei'sidc. terms moderate. _67Sn ?o ?r ?L-?mt?aT?? ?f. Aib&ny-roan. Sn A LS'i'ON Hou.se..M. The Parade. 'J'r&dt'KnrviHe, to Let, ?T- containing 5 recertion room' MDftrd room, and !0 He:). ?uttdhHU f'tmmbf-i-F. fUn Jb Senders and Ho'ca, 28. ?t. Mary-street. Ca,rdiit 789n ?ANTON.—Houses fof respcct.i,b!o tenants: rents fenders a.nft Sons. 28. St. _'788c. ?lAJUblFF?'tj Sordon-road, imd 137.Cn!.J- 'L-' dock-street.—App:y ?essione; 122!] ? weekly.—pp)y Wm. Senders ?Nd Sons, 23, e?O?. tjK?iS.rU'? tu;d?'?L''JB.Ni?BLK? Resideuces Jt-' CMdiMa.TidPenMUt. see MessfsS. Hern &nd Pert W_TOUSH to ?et, 407 'M 6tJH:M to .!jft. a.)t pa.i'tsofCMdijf !m<fj)istric:. from Auctioneer a.))d AKent. ?.9. St'.MMy-s'C&rdttt'.M7n dem s.nd .Sons, 28. St. Mary-street, Ca.raiS. 7!'0n ? ET or Sotd. 9 &nd 11, Tttrner-ros.d, Cautoa.—Appty 'N — Conveni<-nt House; ?JtENt-.LYN-roa?, HeHr penay tennintm; 3 hod- a.nd Ho!'s. S8. St. Ca.rdia;. ?&6n 'S?OATH Pni-tc.—'fS. I)ODa.[d-sM'eet.4beatocms.b&<ih: Ji-? ]0s Gd Dcwty renfjva.tpd.—m. UiMtit-stroet. 364a Ca.ntoM.-S-roomed Houses to k3 to r.Mpec-MMo tenan!:s.—Ap?iy Wm. Sanders Sons, S8. St. M.w-attcet, Cn.rcittY. 787tt rt10Let.No.LWttIker-:Q:td. Hpfott; hoase with hot yara.—Apniy Comtey, I'enyla.n-tot'.d. 82n more. 'tvnil ?tockad with fruit t!eea rent JE18.—App:y on premises, or 81. Cowbridge-rof-d. 128n -9. house grounds waU<id in.—WHIiMUE. Ty Detwen. n ReNt. No. 84, cood rfp&ir.—Apu!v Ko, rsr'!0 Tjet at. !ow rauta.) or Residence, App!y Da.y. K3. St. MMy-Mtrccr, Curd'H. 978n f!j10 Let. a pIea.M<;]y-sttua.tMt Hemt-detttohcd Vttta.. w.o., ]9.va.torit:s, hot a.nd cold water throughout.' apptyH.J. Woodman, Hottsc and Estate Asont.,9).Hh Cardie. _Mttn 1M, broadw&y, Roath a.ad hoatthy pOM- 'Miss Ev!\ns, Oroftt House, Boa.th. rj'IOLet.Sl.Batiqor-ati'bet: ?neview: c'oat: to Roa.t.h bathroom. ?-WritQG?MT. Echo. Card'ta'. M7a' ?10 Ijet, reapQota.Me leu.ut. 6-roomed House. 154, -iL IM. 625n Jfjet. DonMe-bay HousM. condittoa. fUl reat 13s week c)eM'.—Apply Arthur J. fH10]L.e!3.Chvo-ph«:a (oil CfMtIc-rotKl); reN)i6s6d.— JL 18. Keppoch-r'treet. 314 rt ?.X7YNDSOHlp?&ce, ?rSH. ? hoMtitnghoutje.—Appty Mo. 7. 35, n ?A)tt'ect-s!.L'eet.Aiba.Tty-ros,dea<:[; 4bf(<rooms, buth.— J. -<! 97. M{tcMptosh-pi!.ue. UofUtT Park h.o. ba.th, every JL ?cus?a. ?? ?an?6. fWIHB Gca.rcHa.n': ot Union requtre Hoases in JL Hoa.t!), Cot.uays. or <}ra.ngctown for Chtidrcn's Schoofs, Rood n.t once by tetter to ?JAM'J'ED.JUcnt.or Purchema itche&p.HoMe.KOOd or ujiKhboarhood: Tf 4 bedronma: )ow ]'ent.—S 510. IScho. 510.] ?cr ?L-?usht?? ?MnnaM. ? A food Bakehouse to Le6.—App)y 271, Bute-street, A Cardiff. _137M A'BHBGW KiF f —Comiaoatou' ara Comer ifor drapef fmd cJoHtte".—App)y JenMa Mor."ft.ti. Nen.th rt A CMt.Ie-foa.'l, commodious ?Shojpa aBd stde eutra.ncus; central posi- 'K)AEEHb:JSM to JjCt in E&veIook-Ktreet, Cardiff.— JD Appiy South WaJes DaUy News Oatoe, ?"tAERTjEON.—To Leti. HoUM and Crosp-street: ? B;ood best position. -Tatn House. Ca.orieon.n ? rHnt; PetNbroka-roa.d. Ua.nM)p.—I. Romit'y-roa.d.ZOa ??ORNER Shop. CeMrt.house. S7. ? Hobett-6treet. Cathay! t))!tte ?mss f'!ndowa and .fixtures snit a.ny buatneKH. ?nOWDBIDG?-road.—UouMe-ftontett 8hop a.nd ample ?/hTtng &ccommodatiot:.—Ap)')y 172, Ca.thedra.t-rc'a.d. u Y'?O?L?LJ?reM,?Y??h 'i?rk.—Gcod smtttt Comsr JL?Shoo, with cHUar, ata.b!e. a,ud yar?: rcnHow.-App!y ?oo)B8 to Let at l)).Ca8tom aouse ?J' street.—Dtnt Hros. rents )f!s and 12'< oietr; ?? Mta.b!e, CoiM:chhcu''a. &nd IjOtt. <s.—Mr Ri'ey, :tM, QMALL'Shop, centro ot 6s per C,<T. Ca.tf!'H.—To be Let vH'.L eMiy C? noasess.ou, No. 107. St. M:).ry-street. now occupied by the Abyssinia) HoM Co.: te&ge woui(t be sotd; apiendid pob on. ??????.j???? 127n 93. St.. M.a.ry.Rtfcet, CMdta. Pecker Oven. CortMt !'<ho!): Kood A portion, to. 102. Hoho. CardiG.102n ?KyLct.H.oua?a.nd iShop. doubio-fronteft. near Crown J)- Hotei.Pomtypoo!, sm'tt.hif for grocer, ba.chsr. or any businesa.—Apply \Vni. Gunn. Let. Hhop best position Ca.tha.ys. auit .iL btitchef <atbcd) or siMUa.)- 12s 6d weekly. —Apcty Boutd, 140. Ca.stte-ro&d, Cftrditf, 950n HtuMe. Mtft Yttrd, with JL .OCteea. JHeresiord.roa.d, cheap to Rood (iena.nt.— 26S. Newf)or:-roa.d. House, n.n(l j6. rising 57! Daily Ca.r(lti1f. 575n ??0 ??t.tvvo Jtooma ftt. CiMcos. on thh'd Uoor o: Cu.t<< JL doni&n ChaBabors.M4. St.Mary-street.—Appfy Houtt! t')es ?H.iiy News UMci'. _Ut8 x25n ?/'AKBHOUS.H?&- Factory. ?aoors.tir?N'oof.PlM fV newyi?d-rot)d, AIb&nv-roa.J end; commodious snow- ? Shop: !nrKe yard snitabte for v.-orkHhop. ?ood <i!de Appty Moriseo. Wh)tc.imr<'h, Ctn-dm. b55u %!tS:ntSS ?MHMS?S ?t!Kt?< GROCERY rromises wMtt'edT tn good position.— <Ur WnteHaCT.JNoho.Otrdtif. M7n ycr ?K?—?<yua?. ?a:!?, ?c. !%oa<;c.t it< p%rt<! Car(!i?*.—f<)'r. JU tiouta.rs a.pp'y ?. ?oa.th. 67n House.—Appty i' ?XT?iY'pay?Mnt ? ity insuring youf Ufc you ou- propeftT.—Forpa.tMoUa.rsappiytoH.D.. ?ews.CarOiH.?r???T.?- ?" ?Msh?ss?a fay ?tapoaaL goodpuMic JO bttkinn district; itho Utenatts nea.rl'onLy- prtdd.—X Echo to Let ?9 going 7r, Park-street, Tr&de. Ast n. goinn concern, ?20 to ?30 etMtsfii.ctory for (fi&postn)?.—Write N 902, CardiC'. ? Kuaincst! for SfHe; imme'Ha.te ?'uosaeMion buaineas, Bridgend Yard, Aberd&re tcood for aisposa).—App'y E. Cross. 560n ?' a.orca <;t No. 3 HhcudCttt under bricked, ready, MyMds deep, &u<:i coat proved. thick ni one soiid btock. witu gMd rock roof.—Appty David Grosser. Business for Dtspos-U: goins concern: e:tit reduce stock to suit purohaaer; t&ra;6shop tow rent; good position in ane of the best Sontn Waks come:y dtstric' s.—B 242. Echo, ')hURST-c:a.ss Chetuist's c<;nt<-o of town JL' nxtures and stock by vatu:i.tion present owner re- t)r!)t!—Appty D. 19. Dutcc-street. !)Z5n ane range Mtd ?ade lB 22a ? rl.sh, Ch)n P<-)ta.to .Shop. wcii titted. best ?"< Drapery Busi- lain nit-end twice da.Iy.—J 86L-, ?cho. 6C5n <b<' AppiyWm. Weate, ° 65n N,nL( premises would su!t same.—V 928, Kcho* OfBce, C'tn'difr. 92S;i everytMuR comp)et:e: pnce JS:0.—Q 918. Keho, Car-'ttS H18a ? Furniture ron6 tow.—Wr:t.f? T ?1. ?eho. Can-din. I'rovisi'onJi-ntr'HS!! in main street nf best for 'cavins. &o., 'vrite 0. X..Ua!)y News. :)MHts .S75. -K.. Pontypridd. x9Zn'" ?.jOwiitMuya?'it-st.-ctass Fish. Fpuitry. Fruit ?M ?'a.KU)T. ? S40a ?nan?s?s Hoo.ndtnMomt.t 867. !cho. ?ui?tc ?cua?a. 8GO hands. tt!.ina!))e contracts; furniture, titles. carri!t.t,e3 JCl.OCO.pm-t si.reet. Kewpoi-t. xl02n ?r('ivc)'iesCo..Ltd?Pon!.ypridd. 5374 ?.M?aL A. ?A?tGAlJ'; .idum ?Hh.-Uroitdwood OM'quo J).) Strung Rosewood PiMto. e!tsh ?::2. oriRinc.) p) Lea t?Ott Ma,f< sweet-tonetl AjtnericaH Cr?m, Mrst-ciRss -& MRnRte. Oa.k Dreiser, and Coraer Cupboard.— Ha.nda.fT-Ma.d. M4n Piano w<uied: ? price.—R7E8,jEcho Card tH'. '/6Sn !Lg'EN ?a.tian- f)-ei('h;sni fy m&m. to Halt every votcc. Y2 ?.JL stamps post <ree.-Crou3t)rooi: Mnslo Storea Pon6y:!ridf!. ?7n 'E'TAHAN PtInxdcitne.geuntueStpteraa.di Meglto. rtcil JLtone 19 ribhcdinto.id rca.) rosewood, tjtMd ta A''fi30i.(!s:. by ibs h<i: t'.ppfov&t.—Mt's Wllson, 16. New-street, squ&rt'. K.W. 61a M ANDOMNE. Guitar. ionct. :ui(i ?.L.C.M.. 9 Ctare-Ka.rJeDH, Cardiff, a HH. she con- Pcna.r!;nvtMitctl twtce wackiy..Lessons gtvo) &t thHMbi. dencea oipnpiis, or &t M, PMnbrc'ko-ten-acc.Ca.rditJ.oiose to Ta.ff V!t]R ?n? tt'tvmm;v StAMonn. Tetms moderate. t?IA?OFORTLrTuni?.—I?t?iir'f'7?W&bL'*tiate with J). MeasM Heath ?nd Sons); terms 36 6d wtthint ho Met'tnyr Cotiifiry JH< Band Tfairer. and Adjudicator. 745n old copy of Antonins Cr.'mor)- V e:f! onginaUy so!d for 75 guine:t6, property o)- &.t:')tJE;s. chin t'Cbt. :u)d al) accessorn's; ba.r' t.onf'OK.S.W. t ')})n v eTery respect. on)v 3 Kuinea.s may'bo sp':n &c .Hid Crossbrook Muslo Stores. 26, J?0!!typrh(d. goodSoio (.oroeC riaycrsfor Cory's ferret!.—Appiy Secretary. Cot'y'a Ui.n ? ?nt?e, n ??ANTRD by the Ab'jrdtM-e Town .ijand, H ? w ?oio Cornet, Piayers mmt be ?ood readers work Mwa.rds.J.'O, Aberdare. 603!t ?.?ANTKt). a few good for A ba.nd V V must ba ?bsta.inerx work fc-nnd &t the coUieries: Board :.73u \S7AN'jL'BD. few for the Tonyreta.U Si!vpr VT .HMd: work ],and Dint'tnte, Purth. SMn pieces, or mixeot.Monmcuth ?ndJoues, ?<:rw- roitd. Ponlyptlttd. 5?Sn ?icHd? ?. Mttck pte'.e, &5 10s.—Apply 'i''yre, cho, Atcrtuyr. x82n ?TOKRiS'?M.?CyoieWon??Mty?)rh?!d?'fbrec '??AJT{8?Aif!?rto''Morris J)ros.?'Po:ttyprit!d"No -<H) .iob toe. dmioa!t.npjqb ..oq?sni?U. Dou'?forset? n ?chi'?' A Netu-iy Kew Tro))cy. c&rt'y'!Ocwt.,IXft.6;n.by5[t, A se.tt.il: M New Traps. fMm ?8.10 cond-hs.nd Whttccha.pe), Tradesmen's, ttnd J)og- A Pifip.sHte Tra.ps. XG;if.:a. 6 Basineas UMi,s, ? ?? Sprini! Cdvetneas Cftr. —Pun'y and Co., 42 4<}. FredorioR-stn'et. Cajdta. 791n ?10NTKAUTOJ??)Jtli)?'rip'?trt.7?.n? Set ?a.f!S,<c.<'<r'Sa,)e.—A6CO.Hch?,C:tr'?)?.' .JL' nmstiir. ?Ke 8 months.—App]y A. Davtes. &7. (.fWynH- ? JL* Mat. fnid hf'aps of ?ri! on)v wa.n:9 seeinf;: prton 40 J'. es5, Da.Uy Newa. SKn CartliG, I )j;;ht crank-axiH cart. 1 Kooci business 1 strong Up car!, wi(.h ')eep 1 t.e6 new 1 with ?mrid sa.w' 6 eircu!a.r oawa 20in. to ftta.metor.a)&tot)'aud sara, 1 porta-bte wtth bRnds, nR'.v !ight and hca,vy sprtc,;?, a lob of new tron v,-or!: tortro!)ny8 ttnd carts. H07 S2en Ht?dR Ha.te, F)trntturo Va.n. prica'?BIZ I09.?53?Vocd- J)? strict. <M- H3. <;rn-ys-ro?J. 6?ln !tj<OR Sa!e, Hgut SectUd-huDd Trottey. Mft.. ion, c:n'ry Jt' 35ewt., new body. Rood nnae)' woK;s: ?so New .Lamps, Hhop La.mp5, Street I.a.mn: b';at Works. t3, J'.[erohant-st*sct, )<r!sto!. ? 42M ?r .EG tho other ?9 anit he&vy trade.—M'eish Market. ? 1 ROCBTt'S (Jnrt for Si?e. cheap ?!ao 6?t HMnosa.— tjf \V)ti!?msMidCo..Gtoc<'j-s,T<')nyu?ndy. JE?n ?ECOND-ha.Bd — Intending pni-ehascM ? Bhou'd wi-ite for Megsra Oxford's Monthly Lint ot 190 Sftte or Htt-e.—Post tree from 67. Georse-atroet, Port.mft.n ?t/A?TRD.&uia.ttseconM-hand <;r)mk-&.xle Cttrt.suit TV ponyl2hnn(!!a; mus6 50 1'a.irs Lumps. Sedates a.m! Urtdies: R.t m New Spnne TroUeyii. 'i'ra.p. F)a.t Ct'.ft. 2 ?or?s ?iln; ?icd:. A H.tMf-.lShM'ds.sta.u'.eh Ca.rt tt'td )o!i ?t): bargal". or sett Bepa.r&te!y A.mM or ?epngrooer; .E!?. or se)i [iop&ratc.'ehe&p.—&3. Roa.th. I]9n A a.nd Humess. tn sptendtd order, comptetc for .S<'0. or CMntC. ?" t ??ed. ro&n CArt Ma.ro. i6 good ??HKAf Hta.Ming t,Bomny-ro<n!. 21n ?f7.—Comor.?9. Barrack HU). Newport._ x59n Sa.!H. Mare. ?ftmcds, <<' H&bGrBhon-stMct. 6<)?'t -&' Pony.5'yeftrso!d: 'EjlOU Sa.ic. rony. yiat CM't. Hurness, jt' 19. Atbeyt.si.rcot. ?10.' ?COL'worki;)!;him.? Thick Cob, ?8; .S6.—33, 627n ?S OOD honeaii Cob. F)a.t C&Tt, and Harness, price .EH.— ?' App!vCroMjhfUt. Cotton. Ca.KM. ?EC9n fJf OltSE, i5 hands, workar. c!tfr<.p. or Kxch&SM JLJL for x'Su ?']L —17,'Hort.h 494n ?4'tUSl'p)<. pretty thiukeet. hD?eabJ?nuy.goodM&t) ItJiL Cn.rt emd Hm't)t'aa h)t .69. of xcU aepttratety.—! ?ONY.mMtnds. sound, Kood worker. 6 ye&ra o<a, A. che?p.—?'7. MtU street, fo"typrtdd.x57a <,JAfjM. etyon); thick Cob, ?a'ft ia httraesB. ?3.—Price, butcher. Crtfys-roa.t'), CardifT. 56n rMO CoaJt Merc'.onHs.—Sf'nad hdtTe excellent street. ]Si.. ?:r o: cab. JL ?8 :t)so very tMck&t:t Fo;!y. H hs-ods. ?6; c.ii:o very ') and H&rceBS M.ny kind. su<t either, it w<n:te<l.— totvs.), Cttrd.ff. ? ??"? ?<? workers Hno o-L' tHuzxicd, ,4s M enc)t.—truest' Coa.tcs, Lower J'"Mm, Nt]I<<den, 9Mn ?Hnt:iH?, postcard.—L. MeIotMr. 7<, Cardta. -j) SOO.—?nrnish for C?sh. Pcunds M?ed. Eaoimouat JS. ?tcck to sclent frc?n Parties cont?mp?sUnx rn&tri-t "):; how to 1L', ia, ?0, ;K), <)(). 50. 60.70, 80.90. oy 100 pai.ea.s, sert ?cst free on ?r;phoat!on to Roaae Furn'sher. Market AU dc::i7erpd a.r.f) i{xed OP ?'?,?,.?'?,?o- .5239 56n_ ?omcs?c ?ritdss. 'B'?ORS.He.Z Fc&ther Beds. t-qun) to newTche&D'? ?._?"?s ? '?J??Offap. C?itT. 050 ?R?? ??i!<t!?. ?e RR PorchMe: ° Uottun: sent receive imme- ??S Dawes.c, Mevern-roadF C?nton.?C&rd?a. Pu? j-U. cMser of L?dts-s. Genttemea'a. ChUdron's Cast?S L.Mt.hnit;. prices Riven. Letters. pos<,<Mds pnnctuany s-Hendcd to. Packages scat recetveimtne- ?ja-S Hernia. ? a.ndl?,H].dt;c-s6reet7card)fI.a]so f m ?'? ycdh.tmArca.d9.Parchtiser.of Ls.dlfa'.GenUe- 1 men's. ChitdrcH'a \V?;;dr(jbt.?.?rr)it:.tre: townorcoan- ? ??- ?T?'"????? ??' ? ?poi'jUnc. ?A-tHtAIK.—K?iiyty !,c? J? Hm'e Lioabie ;HrccehIo&dM< -a-? by <.mtuen6 London gunm?er; t&test improve. !c):ts; mtetd h' cMe: P5a, honoattv worth Xj; truU t).tiowed wHnngty.-EYa.HS. care Locke'a New;or: x20n jfor ?a?.?is??nn?us. .t .L'-mc Wa.i,oi-). ?t;nume Aaiertcx.;) roUcd g&id huuter. lun.v jcwetieti, coat- 6d: also H xuinft <3ta.mpc') 18ot. Roiied Cotd Curb Atbert, weigh!, i.ioxc.. ?tth maker's Kna.p.ntef fo!- 15ye)U-s' weM. accept Us6d: appfov&f.—Da.via, Pftwabroker (Pledge Dept.), Rcdney-road. Waiworth-roac. I.ondon. Est)tb- Ushed A fI'I.EH direct trcm Krowerg ?QGSt); boxes 59 np- ?.TL wa.fds.carrt&ge paid.—H. Pendock. Jcwhes- ??'?.??_?. ftABY Ltne[).—Coa)p;et'j sat. superior qua.lity7mosfy JL? Hftnd-made. everythtnK no further use. never worn; withpleMare; cost donhte.—M)-!) WiUt&ma, care Loeke-'a Advert&ing S. -.L&dy UroKM ver'NeckIetjwiTh JU' Ra6MUtniai)s,7!<Cd,vcorth 53s; hinniaotuu S&b'u Neck)et., w:th Hussi&nTaOs. 10s 8d. worth 75n both new rich nfW Ru6sia.ti Fur ?onu ?iky and bnshy. 69 M. '.voft.h 5&s ftpprova.t.—La.tJy'a Mo.td. 2. ?ondo:S. ?n ?uahtyuent'aUiuk-grey Moltou ?f)s el!.her tit ma.n Zti breast new ?pprov?t* ????' Advertising :ewtMrt.xMa UTEAH very t;)e.(tn)[,. si)k draw cords,3yarda bushy 5d.wortD t. handsoine new Sea.lattiuCapp.w.irra.ated. richtyquntedaat.n hned. 65H. worth jEi2; tpprov&t.— J OIUMLNGHAM Goods. — !HrnH.un'. H&s*;4nettes. t3 Writers. Toys, Wn.tohes,<&c.: ? and Pontypo<J ?.?_di?t)-ict.s.—Cre(]t6or.539. Mcho. Cardiif. 599a Rope, Ha!-nes'—j.rcd Morgaa <& I'c tsu. set.i'),o new Wrtto fo)' t!a:)!ussra.ted"sts.—ArthQ)rJ. Uui)..Ki"({-t.reei PotLcry. Lons'ton. Htt:.t! 127tt ? io-gutned SS;. f.d; M 12 smtttt ? T?NJNG-rf'oruM&!)t<(Diccc &nd Grains, alsf) Kitchen -t-? BaTtge. cheap.—?ariiioM, 3. Bfecon-strcft. C?atou.n j{ ?HAjPjGJtX, J!J'cry. ToyH. a.ud Fu.!icy Qooda: ?t.ock to W&let. Chtist.maH ttmi New Year CMrds gre.tt varipuy. Whote- ? ARTHEN WARH'M(1 .SLJ20a HpwtH-ds i5 dozen scnoHds. ITt, 6d Ust free. C<tsh irnot ?)<t)!ovp(1.-Wf'h?and ?1EW Ma.Knitlc<int, of HestT'ut!ery. tra.vHeM' or scpa.MHe.—Address H 42' Echo. Cardiff. -mn ?mijD (.t)a.sses tX5 <nt!f- cftse. for money woatd accept lls 6d would ? sendotia.psfova.tnrst.—MrsB.F. ChM t))g Crass. SM2 ? Ir'otf!, over <00, aiso 400 Bamboos, irj:: XOs. ? 'j?OR Sa!e. H!:op Stovs ?-ouud). ffr.. ?i?TbY 2J'[T2?n7. Jtj :Uso 1 Sq?a.re Stove. 2ft. Sin. by lit. Gin., 1ft. deep, both in worhinx order, ?ith Mft. pipiHg, purtly nEw. price 15a es.ch.IOs tor H'!h Ait A'iyf. Da.i! v.—.h f 'la.wker.-j,a.udl't-i<3,ordt.vour l''i9h direct rrom H.-imsby,it.fds?.votHtdd!e)ucn's pcoRts; you ?i.UsttYe '!0 p.ir cent. by dirent W)!.I) )Me. I w4U send at moitera. 2s per box.—Tc-rms. w;th ord'sr, M l;etbet Petch. ri':h Pocks. (trhnHby. 8;2 771. Echo } Ufhoe, CMdtil- ??odD ?ntidtug 'and ?tre .Uncka EnppncdTn "MiT ?J<<}aa.?tit;es o.nd the nostce.—Appiy Trede'?on' < Iron Md Con! Co.. Lt().. nm .Murdtcs, ContinuoHs Fancier, ?aTp?.TTae- t'rottert.y, O.-nMMUta.i P&hsa.'UuK and Hj)trance j 't' A.OY wisheM to 1'j.rcci o! ?a.by's $ -tU superior qua.Uty: never worn verY M } Wtdtby.roa.d. ?anebestc" TQSn ? TTtEAlj <!8<L;tdy'a cr riuhty imed .Ed 15s, worth ta.t!s, 173 6d, worth .G5: snpm)) S&bte McUOf. ?2s 6ci, worth SEALSKIN Sa.Jc, tj Sea.) 22<n. dptip, ?rr:c storm befmUtmUy !t)'?d;noveL-tVora: uacrJSc3iorJ;'2 10s: tttprovatfrae before payicent.—Write T 770, Kcho ONicc. CR.rd;0'. 770m ?3 Scmce for 30a 12 e&ch ta.oie. desneft spoons, iorka. tt!"o teaspoons (60 pieces), si.iver-pia.ted ca nickel silver. Oayl&nds-rond. Londcu. 8.W. 79a ?ILES..Hrocades. Vefvets.—lOO tovc)y targe pieces, <tU ? moBey t9,'HyoMs!akc.ro<Mt, r guinea bet-vice for ?. 'i'ab:e. ?2 Cheese Knives, Carvers, and Stee!; t :ipprovaJ. H.. 55, iirtxton. Mnrrfy. Mo } ??ITKHY Bi&uketa.-For H&te, 2 Pttiri) VT W)tr'pyDi:mketa:futi size, beat ps.tf! one ?&Address tVitney 8 769. Echo OiHco. CMdilI. 769a ?. l'')igel!itO!]a.22.C&st!e-foa.d,Roa.th,CMdia U67-30B A ?nKS. ??d.?'?w?l?'?'?:. ?. ? <;to)d"WetMHDg A 1 'Ya.tue.—i'ttcetstone's. 22. for A ;)ew SUver NugUHti Lever A 1 Gent's 9c! <toid ?TL- Cutb Albect. onty 50s. wortti dauMa. Al Va)ue.—F)tgetstons's Cent'a lHct."&otd"Eoa;Ush ? A 1 Va.lue.—FUgeistone's .todies' HaU.marked OoM A. Urooches from Ss 6d. Diamond .Brooch. 10! A.).Va.tte.—J''ttKe[atone's Gents' GolY Wa.tchea.Sa: ?L La.dtes' &o)d Watches. 21?. Cents' NiTet Wa.tchea.5a: ?.&. Ladtea' Sliver Wntehst!. 5a. A IVaJue.—FHge)!;tone'H A 1 Va)tM.—Fi!{?e)8toue'F. Lady's 18ct.Got<! ?JL W&toh. ooty 30a. S yem'g. j AYvatua.—FUgetstone's Lady's Handaomo Oetd AJ.V&Ine.—F!t!;eIs:one's Cents' tto!d Atbfrta. ZBS! ?nL .La()tes'-Go!dA)bcTts.Ms!. Cheapest in ? i VsJue.—l''[igetstone'sGenX's A 1 Va.)uo.—l'i!Ke!stone's 3-stoaa Whit<< .OL Diamoad Htng. oniy 4 Ruineae. baryta, A 1 Wooden J.JL Nickot C!ock8, Is 6d: Aiarms. Ja wtUT&nted. A 1 Vu.!ut:.—FKKe!stoue's &bott.]o E!eotro- ?.!L ptaMd Crnet Stand, on)y Sa lid. A J-.L tn tVant ot ittonoy.—I''Uge)stonp res!F'tered 'QMt ? J-&. CttrdUt Pawnbroker. Richest Pfioeata j OtHy address. 22. C{tSt!e-Mad,CMd'i* _U67—3'!m ) with siik, a.nd bett.uttfat!y made; yegata. price 353, MrMiiord. 935m" JL!)< -!d to uj&kc pattern.—Tho Woolien Co.Br&dford.)ft ?I5?Ua!MNU5. A STHOLOGY.—Ensure JBnstnc"s. Mtoney &o.; send birthMme. descrtptton. Is.—Leon. 6, N&vtor't- & B'i'E.OLOQT.New Ye&r Prospects )md every tmuot. ./TL tnn6 event in your career ?xceotdea.th)pi?n!y foretold by La.dy As!!ro!ogist. Send birth date. U Brighton. ?52n A STKOLOGY.—Youl- Intaro torctoid, marriage. fntaM partner described, children, joumoyft, iefrfmies, rut' in pi&nf..t, &.).: send ds.te of btrtL. i2 stumps. MMf envelope.—Mr Cote. ZO, Cne)tenham-u!ac<t !<rJsn*?n, SasHcx. M7n ?'i UILBLA iNi-t.—Ccrt&in Cure; seven penny j!HBp". -Mr 37. i!cH!;vu -street, York. 4Z7t[ ??UHB for ?ii"a. perfect CUM ? stDbbom ca.ee< post free Zs 9d, 4s 6d.—L& Trobe CHnmtgt,St.Miehaol'3Hli).B)-istoL ??????? ??!n 1't/?'??O?Y.?-riM'iot''??? ? ut?'o ;.iMsb)).nd or Wtf« 1*JL wtth poaitton. 13 M Ot'e ye.iu-'s events. t< M f ) y?MS'. 2FC<){ ttfe ';[.a.t, 7'!6d: MX, birthUrne.—Prof S ?. A"T JH j-r;. ?)J? A .T Jbt ?. It d ? BTSATHEHS FOK \hy c'mmon Woo! .fieci: when yoa se!. Best at, Gd per Ib, ? c&rtt<t}{e ptttd 7 dry and l''ou.<.h«)) Beds to oroer. Stcd fo'' ?&'np!ea Mtd prtcR !tet te H ? A N L' Y A H D C ? FKA'i'ttKK ,<r WAM.S H40 ?Us?U?n?u? ? ?OUM?E wtth meana wottFd Adopt tor Ufa a. ? frotn5to5yeMMo)d: no premiaco.—WriteAMS X J.hc.Ctr'li" 3Mn 'f! ?ti.U??.?S?r.Si-! Cured.-i'iUt, etui be donewtthot ? W. H. tRootu 8). 195. .ucnuo. W. -)9t4_ ui<-x ttt'te gentle birth, 5 to 9 vt'fr ?822, NohOt ? Cm'diff. _822o ? ?jno Otd ?otan.ei?.—'«;<).M't'?r'Furomas- Helmet ? JL fja,:cs &Dd Cross Bett of otd We!sh ? Echo ()Ece, Carti'fr. ?364 ? ?.?ANTm). Ftc;!h )!uc6cr a'td New-httdEFRS. ???A?MND7?M&??t?-'C<? Ecno,C<).rd:«. ?T?LL?me J&Ojr 'W