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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SOHll Wilis DAILY NEWS. WORDS. |0»cT|™g TIS^8 jgT 20 Wards 0 6 10 16 V 30 Words 0 9 1 6 I 2 3 SIX ™MES •• NEWS 40 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0 -ECHO. 20 Words Eaeh extra !«/ 10 Words 0 3 [ 0 6 0 9 J 2/6 10 Words 0 3 [ 0 6 0 9 J 2/6 30 Words SOUTH WAXES 1XHO. Q/Q THREE SIX I WORDS. ONCE. TIT4Eo TIMES. 9 I 40 Words 20 Words 0 6 1 0 1 6 8 5/- —- Each Extra 30-Words. 0 9 1 6 2 3 ioWords. 1/- 40 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0 50 Words 1 3 I 2 6 3 9.j 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 These ck&rges apply only to the ciasies of Adver- tisement specified beloic, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered for consecutive insertion, xnd paid for previous to insertion; if either oj hne conditions is not cornplied with, the Advertise- ment will be charged by the Business Scale:- Apartments, Situations Vacant or Wanted, To be Let or Shldi Loit Found, and Miscellaneous Wants. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths* it each, if not exceeding to wordt, and 6d. for ea"1 (additional 10 words. fUrsattal. Jlyfl R William Oxley. Private Inquiry Agent, late if 8. Detective-Sergeant Cardiff Police confidential investigations highest references. — 11 „ Rawrten- place, Cardiff. 821 RICHARD Colman, formerly of Sæns- Mary's Church-road, Torquay. Master Mariner, will please communicate with William J. Morris, Solicitor, 70, Middle Abbey-street, Dublin. 3274 SMOKE Archer's "Golden Returns Sweetest Tobacco manufactured 1202 |Jartiursljx|j. V7"OUNG Man deirii large Business, astonishinsly J. profitable, ardiff dis: rict. could secure Partner- ship with £ 200.—-Write B 749. Daily News," Cardiff. JKatrimomaL CERTIFICATED Colliery Manager, bachelor (37), desires correspondence with Colliery Proprietor's laughter with view to early marriage ae 25 to 30 Mtoto exchanged genuine no agents.—Address charcoal, Daily News," Cardiff. 634 ffltbual. SOUTH Wales Nurses' Co-operation, 152, Newport- road, Cardiff.—Medical, Surgical, ami Maternity urse Supplied Day and Night.—telegrams ;— Prompt, Cardiff.' 1330 r fitusícal. APPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisement# addressed t9 initials or fictitious names, a.t this jffice, are requested not to fend original testimonials irith their applications, but to enclcee copies of estimonials only. MANDOLINE, magnificent instrument, rosewood inlaid, superb ringing tone, leather lock-up ease, jost 2 guineas, perfcCL condition sacrifiœ. 15 <; chanc teldom met with approval.—Mrs Gordon-Kerr, 67, Queen's-road, Bayswater, W. 492 MISS Astle .after 12 very successful years in Cardiff has much pleasure in announcing that she oon tinues giving Lessons on the Pianoforte and Singing Penarth visited twice weekly.-Lessons given at tbe residences of pupils, or at 124, Richmond-road, Cardiff, close to Tall Vale and Rhymney Stations. Terms moderate 1197 SINGLE Lessons or quarterly, Piano, Violin, Sing- ing, Theory experienced teacher (cer. Trin; Coll., Lond.) moderate.—Mrs Owen, 10, Cranbiook-stTeet. Cardiff. 552 WANTED, Sofo Comet Player for Abertillery Tw Temperance Band; none but first-class men peed apply work found.—Apply Secretary, 95, Tillery-street, Abertillery. 3383 ffiftasajimtal. APPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this office, are requested not to send original testimonials with their applications, but to enclose copies of testi- monials only. TTWENCn] Spanish Italian, German, Private J:1 Tuition Classes, Special Classes for Commercial Correspondence and Conversation. Candidates pre- pared for tho Medical, Law, Civil Servico. Excise and Customs Examinations Sclu larshipa through the post; Arithmetic, Book-keapiag, Shorthand.—Mr W. Haines, Public Translator, 29, Park-Street, Cardiff. 387 OJOUTH Wales Classes —Preparation for Government, University, and Professional Examin- ations.— R. Stowe, B.A., Secretaiy, 24, Richmond- road, Cardiff. 265 lEost an& Jønnlr. STRA YEn, small M ilking Cow full profit; blotched red and white Irish incurved horns. Finder rewarded.Jones, nea r Llwynypia Station, Rhondda. Dcnnesitc Stebanis. APPLICANTS send ing replies to Advertisements addressed to initials or flections names, at this office, are requested nob to send original testimonials witbb heh applications, ^but to enclose copies of testi monials only. C~OOK General want! id family three; SH no washing no rougii work; another kept com. fortable homo: quiet .situation two evenings and Sunday 53_ G-ENRJr.A1, Servant tinted must be willin; X early riser; good .references another kept.— Apply, with full particulars, to Mril Sarvis, Aberdare. 01JSEKKEP K wartf-ed, by respectable Working Man r widower, wiuh two children must be of y liabits. clean, and fond of children ag not wrier 30 Welsh.—Alpha4 eare Globe Stores, Caer- philly. 6ó8 AOTKO, Working Housekeeper good situa- ti; modmtA wageis not under 24 General family two private bouse; £14; no washing plain eeokiitg.-116A.Richmond-hill, Clifton.. 62 small gentleman's faniilV in Clifton £1 servant kept. Mother's fleip £12; oue child no rough work.-20, Stokes- croft, Bristol. 59 family 3 early '1' dinners also House-Parlourmaid JE13 quiet, jomfortable hofcae for frienoU or sisters.—71, Park- atreet, Bristol. 65 ANTED, ?3encral for Clifton in4 plain cook- ing, no wedbing. family two also Housemaid £1£1 comfovtablev easy situation.—Miss Wilson, 16A, Richmond-hill, Clittton. 63 W-ANTF.D-Gë\ra.Cfõrf-;ffiuy 2;-£12; no wash- wv in litLle'plain cooking small cottage Boy lor rough work kifcid Bristol. ANTED, yowng Servant to train gentleman's small fanniiiy B10 also Under Housemaid til botb would ggood tra.ining.-71, Park-street, Bristol. W- j)\TEn Genetral for one lady £ 16; no wash- ing simple cooking three evenings given weekly good hotae easy situation.—61, Apsley-road, Clifton.' 56 WANTED Unper Housemaid; three kept; age W not undergo; also single-handed Kitchen- maid early risers; s* ate ages, wag03.—Mrs &ndeman,- Crickhowell. 943 ANTED, good' Gfcnerai Servant. — Apply 7, Keppoch-stre^t. 918^^ WANTED, stronE«country Girl to take charge of bouse age 25«; comfortable home £ 12.—Mrs VT bouse age comfortable home £ 12.—Mrs Thomas, Cae Glas, Col y, Bridgend. 651 W~ ANTED, good General Servant who can cook and bake also House Parlourmaid country Jirls preferred.—Apply <to Mrs Heard, Mathea House, •ear Newport. Mon. 3344 ANTED, for London, sujgle-handed Nurse for two babies, age 113 and 3 months wages. £15. Baitis, Moreton Rcctoty^Hereford. V £ > able to do plain IV cooking must be early riser.—Apply Mrs Howe, The SquMe. Abercam- 453 jiituations Eacattt PPLICANTfiTserriiEg replies to Advertisements A. addressed to initials or Petitions names, at. this office are requested not to send original testimonials with their bat to enclose copies of testi- monials only. "V^ppOi^l'MENTS under the Crown.-Numerous Vacancies, Clerks, men and boys (salary £70 to jfeaO); Female Clerks, ages 18 to 20; over 3,500 BDDointments obtained.—Write a.t once, stating age, information free, Mr Skerry, M.A., 27, Chancery-lane, London. "Civil Service Manual," Is 9d, post free. Boarders received. 436 C^OMPOSITORS.—Wanted immediately, two good j Jobbing Hands.—Apply Seargeant Brothers, County Works, MPLOYMENT (without canvassing) is open to plain writers anywhere for Publisher's Agency, mnvin? addresses, ifcc. 10s to 40s weekly enclose self-addressed envelope (P 74) Smith's, 145, Fleet- street. London. 68 canvassing, for either JKi sex plain writers preferred salary 10s to 40s ^Sekly. Send self-directed envelope for terms^ and genuine testimonials.—Publishers (P 74), Smith a, 145, Fleet-street, London. I^NDOOR-Servant (Cardiff), Groom (Cae^U]ly), wanted at once.—Daviess Registry, 45, Charles- street, Cardiff. — M24 ADY, possessing some busm&ss qualiUcations, over 28 and of good education and address, required. -L 8ó? Daily News," Cardiff. MEN- under25 seeking Employment should apply tTt. to the Recruiting Officer, Cardiff Barracks, or way Sergeant-Instructor of Volunteers, for Pamphlet A dvantages of the Army," at any Post Office; Jood pay, free kit, liberal diet, and hears of recreation; Weekly pocket money, frm 35 to 4s 6(1. 1560 O Bakers.—Wanted, by experienced Hand, t Bread. Cake, and Smalls references; dis- engaged.—Baker, 35, Iron-lane, Merfchyr. 981 0~Bakers.—Wanted, sharp, respectable Läd; able 't to mould and assist in cake and smalls out- door.—Apply Ellis Evans, Llanelly. S60 O Bikers —Wanted, an active Lad, able to mould. jt Apply Thomas Evans, 53, Rock-street, Maesteg. TO Paintera.—A fir t-rate Grainer and Writer can § have a constant job at Joseph P. Pool's, Deco- Tator. Itc., Brecon-road, Merthyr. None but really first-rate need apply. 3381 6_Tailors.—Trousers and Vest Hand Wanted.— JL Evans, Havod immediately. 841 rr*u Woollen Carders.—A good Carder wanted for I two setts a constant employment for an able man state wages wanted and where last employed.— J. G. Jonas. Factory. Pwllbeli. 421 W~ ANTED, a. smart Errand Boy mast know town and neighbourhood well.—Apply Sot)tb Wales YriAw. Works, Westgate-stiees, Cartafl. WANTED at once, Haulier to drive out, take care W of the horse, and make himself generally use- ful indoor good reference.—Apply David Lewis, Grocer, Tredegar. 939 WANTED, a Youne Man to sell bread must be a good bread maker; look after horse; live in s'ate wage3 and reference.— Richards, Supply Stores, Trehams. 881 WANTED, a Coach Painter and Smith.—Apply T ? Old Coach Works, 10, Gower-street, Swansea. WANTED, thorough Shoer, also able to do jobb- T V ing constant work. good man.—Davies. Forge, Mountam Ash. 646 WANTED, a sood Machine Knitter a good T V chance for a lady that is able to manage a stinl) factory.—Apply J. G. Jones, 26, Penlan-street, Pwllheli. 422 WANTED, few good Wagon Makers.—Apply Harrison and Camm, Rotherham. 15^.4 10s per week (regular salary) offered either sex for spare hours evenings, everywher,-Apply in own handwriting, enclosing stamp, to Messrs J. A. Cross- .Moor and Parkgate, Rotherham. (Genuine). 490 12s to 15s weekly can be earned in spare time by either sex everywhere work can be done evenings. —Send addressed envelope to Eclipse Works, 9, Play- house Yard, Water.lane, London. 401 <r*l.-—A Salary of 12s 6d to £ 1 fisrweek can be earned <3^1 in spare hours or evenings, by either sex who can write. Proof sent free anywberft to whoever seuds a self-addressed envelope to T. Smith and C\ (Depart- ment 6 G). 79, St. Heien's-gardens, North Kensington, London, W. 381 bop ^ssxstauis. APPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements .1-'1. addressed to initials or lictitious na"ies, at this office, are requested not to send orlginal testimonial with their applications, but to enclose copies of testimonials onh smart Youth, V as an Improver Wclsh.-Apply, with all par- tic:1:r_s, W. Lewis, London House, Treharris. 680 DRAPERY.—Wanted, experienced Young Man Welsh.—Apply Price Brothers, Troedyrhiw. 51 DRAPERY.—Wanted, an experienced Young Man, for Dresses also a smart Junior.for Manchester Department Welsh.—State full particulars to John Evans and Co., Drapers, Pontypridd. 9S DRAPERY.—Wanted at once, good Junior, six or seven years' experience, for Manchester Department.—Apply W. R. Williams, Pontypool, 824 S ENl'S' Hosiery.—An Apprentice required out- \JT door.—Apply Adams and Co., 54, So. Mary- street, Cardiff. 955 (""IllOCERft.—Vacancy for smart Young Man for JT grocery counter Welsh outdoors.—Apply, with references, Davie3 and Co., BorouRh Stores, 8wansea.. £ ^ROCERY.—Wanted an Assistant, at once must \JC be smart and active live in state wagef! and reference.—Richards, Supply Stores, Treharris. 830 /GROCERY.—Wanted at once, smart Assistant, \X also good Junior, for cash trade and soliciting.— Manager, International Stores, Tylorstown. 763 ("1 ROCERY.—Wanted, strong Young Man; to drive T out and ahle to solicit; state wages first Jett&r. —M. D. Thomas, Maesteg. 759 CI ROC HEY.—'Wanted, strong Youug Man to drive JT out. and assist at-countc1-T. Langdon, Porthcawl. fS ROCERY.—Wanted, immediately, good Improver, X or good Junior, used to soliciting Welsh.— Apply, with full particulars, John Isaac, Merchant, Aberdare. 625 /"S ROCERY.—Wanted immediately, smart Im- \TT prover; personal application preferred good references required.—W. G. Thomas, Household Stores, Treharris. 441 GROCERY and Provisions.—Wanted, Junior for above trade.—Apply 18, Pontmorlais, Merthyr. G ROGElY and Provisions.—Wanted, good Provi Jf ion Hand.—Statii 2 experience had and salary required, write E 819, "Daily News" Office, Cardiff. ROCERY and Provision Trade.—Wanted, good JT Provision hand must know Welsh.—Apply Wm. Harris, 144, High-street, Merthyr. 3334 GROCERY and Provisions.—Wanted, Young Man about 23 for cash trade well used to soliciting Welsh necessary state wasres (indoors) and refer- ences.—Peters and Co Royal Stores, Penygraig. 3306 ROC Eli Yand Provisions.—Smart, active Assis- tant wanted immediately mnst be quick at figures personal application preferred.—Apply Howe, Abercarn. 454_ MIIXINERY. —Wanted, thoroughly experienced Milliner.—Apply, stating experience, age, and salary, E. Evans, Compton House, Cwmcarn, near Newport. Mon. 3416 TEA Trade.—Smart, experiencert Assistant wanted JJL to manage branch good window dresser able to converse in Welsh strictly obliging.—Particulars as to security; age, salary (outdoors), London and China Tea Co., AberaTon. 735 TO Grocers.—Wanted, a Young Man to look after jt horse and cart and make himself useful; Welsh. —Apply J. E. Lloyd, Poith 982 TO Grocers.—Wanted, strong, active Juniors for General Grocery Welsh.—Apply, full parti- culars, to 0, George. Merchant, Hirwain. 883 WANTED, a thorough experieooed Hand to take It charge of Millinery Showroom.—Apply E. Fowler. Lion House, PontypooL 980 WANTED, at the Capel Provision Stores, Aber- VT avon, an Apprentice.—Apply J. Richards. 973 WANTED, a respectable Youth as Apprentice to Tr the Grocery Trade must be strong and sharp also Improver—Apply Thomas, Household Stores, Briton Ferry. 769 WANTED. a stylish Miliiner.—S.Buckland, 90, 92, tT Holton-road, Barry. 837 WANTED immediately, Young Lady accustomed W to Millinery Sales; state salary required.— Apply Mrs Taylor. 19, Clifton-street, Cardiff. 663 WANTED, a Lady as Assistant in the Drapery TV Welsh.—Apply, stating ape, salary, and refer- ences, to M. Thomas, Pantycelyn, Llandrindod. 649 dkrita, Managers, kt. APPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this office, are requested not to send original testimonials with their applications, but toenelose-eapies of testi- monials only. CLERK and Bookkeeper in Railway Contractor's Offic-e; must be good correspondent, penman, phonographer, and typiat thoroughly conversant with cost price bookkeeping.—State age, experience, salary, references, B 38, Echo Office, Cardiff. 33 THE South Wales and Monmouthshire Clerks JL Association Ensures Members against loss through want of employment, sickness, old age, and death, and to introduce to employers free of charge clerks of good business capacity and character. Every clerk, whatever bis position, should be a member of the association-—Send for particulars Secretary, 1, Dock Chambers, Cardiff. 2043 WANTED, Manager for four-mill tinplate works. t V —Apply IL E. T., South Wales Daily News Office, Swansea. 777 WANTED at once, competent Secretary for W Tradesmen's Club, Holton-road, Barry Dock state experience, age, salary required.—Address Com- mittee. 8.56 UTraMItrs. &r. A PPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this ot. ce, are requested not to eend original testimonials with their applications, but o enclose copies of testi monials only. A first-class Appointment is offered agent with conncction, pickle??, vinegars,—Rose, Brothers, 30, Ureeuman-street, Essex-road, Islington, London. 944 ADVERTISEMENT Canvasser.—Two experienced Men wanted toCanvass South and Narth Walos for an Illustrated Annual.—Address Secretary, Cos- mopolitau Advertising Company, Ltd., 22, Clare-street, Bristol. 983 A GOOD Agent wanted in Cardiff and surrounding towns; anyone with spare time may secure a good and independent position; no risk or outlay; no samples to buy or carry.—Address H 828, Daily News Office, Cardiff. 823 AGENTS or Travellers wanted, calling on grocers, &c., in South Wale" to Sell the celebrated BX Non-intoxicating Malt Ales.—Apply by letter, Beck Brewing Company, Limited, Crown Brewery, Liverpool. AGENTS.—Another Commission offered by im- portant Cognac Firm to Agents with good con. nections references required.—Jas. Morton, Poste Restante, London. 16 A GENTS wanted trvSell our celebrated Packet Teas, f\ French Coffee in tins, and Cocoa. Particulars rvee.—Oliver, Oliver and Co.. 286, Southgate-road, London. 577 OiXECTOR-oaiesman. —Wo have a Vacancy for a j first-rate Man to be trained for a CoUectorahip salary and commission at the commencement; if appointed collector salary and commission on collec- tions, in addition to commission on sales; must be energetic and trustworthy.—Apply 68, High-street, Newport. 33 ■ VowAT and Co., Pickles Manufacturers, Glasgow, JJH; require a Representative for Wales only those with sound connection and flrst.cla,-s referencs need apply. 952 RAVELLER, covering France, Holland, Belgium, j. and Norway, knowing the Foreign Coal Export Trade thoroughly, open to Represent houses having already customers there, Advertiser having facilities for obtaining reliable information can get payments. guaranteed.—Address M 110, Daily News." Cardiff WANTED. by a Gentleman, full time at disposal, VV an appointment aa ageno to collect rents, debts, &c. good fidelity guarantee.—Apply Harris, Fonthill, Cathedral-road. Cardiff. 290 ANTED, Explosives Merchant, Colliery Mana- gers, or Private Gentleman to take up Work- ing Man's Patent for Electric Blasting in Coal Mines total cost of erecting magazine and huts under the I Explosives Act, 1875, not to exceed B200. Trade cer- tain.—Address Detonator. "Echo" Office, Newport. !tihtdiøns Utatt&li* AS Gardener, by Single Man, noencumbrance, under- stands vines, flowers, &c., and make himself "eneraily useful.—Address Bryant, care of D. Adams, Middle Hill, Box. Wilts. 853 BAKERS. — Man (married) requires Situation ( JL) experienced in bread, cake, pastry, smalls, stove goods, iceing, piping.—Ford, Victoria Sieam Bakery, Barry Dock. 645 BAKERS. — Wanted, Situation by an all-iound hand good references.—A. Pew tress, Eyton, near Leominster,Herefordsbire. 424 DISENGAGED.—General Servant (country girl);, last place three years girl's address, with fifty other, 2s 7d inclusive. — Mrs Coster, Registry, Gloucester. 445 FjlNGINE-Driver,—Stoker wants Situation factory U laundry, etc. do repairs.—Edward Hann, 60, Henslowe.roa<t. Dulwich, London. 452 G. ENERAL seeks.sitUätion;£9; aged 2J; excellent \7T long character; undertake washing, ironing cook well strong country servant.—Caroline, 61, Apsley-road, Clifton. 55 (GENTLEMAN about to change his domestic y arrangements Kin thoroughly recommend his Housekeeper for any similar position disengaged in a month.—Write X 496, "South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 496 MASTER Bakers.—As good General Hand, middle IVM aged disengaged bread, cake, smalls moderate wages.—T. 3, Upper Park-at., Llanelly. 444 ITUATION wanted strong country General; over three years' excellent character age 20 good plain cook active willing. Florence, 20, Stokes* croft, Bristol. 60 rfTOBakers.—Wanted, Situation as First, Second, or t Single, well up in bread, can, and smalls.—J. Newbury, 3. Cow-lane, Neath. 740 I I TO Bakers^Wauted, Situation by Reliable Hand JL bread, cake, and small3 references disengaged. —Baker, 15, Devon-street, Saltmea.d. Cardiff. 514 1 rno Master Tailors and Drapers.—Wanted, Situation X as Cutter eight years' experience fill up time > Canton, Cardiff. 409 WANTED, Situation, Kitchenmaid or General country servant understands dairy and baking two years and six months' excellent character 23 year-.—20, Stokescroft, Bristol. 57 ANTED, si&uation, General age 23"; plain cook 12 months' good character will- ing, good-tempered, early riser, strong.—Lydia, 16A, Richmond-hil), Clifton. 61 WANTED, a situation as-single handed Butler, or W to look after an invalid Gentleman.—R. Jones, 1,183, Plasmarl, Landore, Swansea. 879 "^TTOUNG Man wants Situation as single-handed H Gardener no objection to pony or cow good reference.—Church, Charfleld, R S.O., Gloucestershire. Man (22)~seeks_Situation in domestic B capacity, used to horses, good driver, very active, and willing to make himself generally useful good references.—H. Brackley, 24, Linver-road, Fulham. t70 -_u_- loirgtttga;, j^partitwiiis, &r. I 4 PARTMTENTS.—Mr and Mrs Burden, late caterers .1-:1.. to the Glamorgan Club, offer Apartments to three or four gentlemen at No. 12, Dumfries-place, Cardiff, where every comfort, and especially good' cocking, may be obtained. 2335 CAERPHILLY. —Furnished Apartments 1 or 2 Sitting-rooms and 3 Bedroomt good cooking and attendance terms moderate.—Apply Mrs Knicht, I ern View, St. (COMFORTABLE Furnished Apartments every j comfort cooking no children terms very moderate, with or without board.—No. 10, Llanble- ddian-gardevi9. 803_ ITRNISHKD or Unfurnished Apartments lor re- spectable married couple.—311, Cowbrldge-road. spectable married couple.—311, Cowbrldge-road. MUMBLES.-Comfortable Furnished Apartments, 1'- facing sea, close to trams; moderate terms.— Apply Mrs D. T. Davies, 7, Somerset-terrace, Mumbles. PENAKTH.— liinsdowne Private Hotel. Extensive JL Channel view superior accoromollation mode rate charges. Spedallerms to permanent residents. 953 WIDOW Lady requires Unfurnished Apartments, W respectable locality, Roath.—Apply, stating terms, inclusive and exclusive of gas and firing. 3, Parade.425 10r ousts, Jranh. &r. FOR Saie, commodious eight-roomed House, near C' Plasturton Gardens bath (h. and c.). large gar- den at back pleasant situation.—Inquire 11, Pitman- street, Canton. 388 FENARTH (3, Cwrt-y-Vil-road).— Desirable 3'esi- dence, three minntes from railway station ground rent. S3 15s.-Apply on premises. 839 ffl >0 be Sold. Llwynhelig Farm, beautifully situated, JL about 2 miles south of New Quay, Cardiganshire Dwelling-house, partly Jlew, having five bedrooms, two sitt;ng-rooms, kitchen, back kitchen, and dairy; out- house, all slated coal-house, water pump, and about nine acres of land splendid gardet), plantation, Ac. private treaty.—Offers sent to 'r. S. Davies, above address. 437 iEo be WcmD, &r. BARRY Dock and Cadoxion.—To Let on long leases, Building Laud in beat situations for shops, villas, and cottages. Apply to George Thomas, F.S.I., Architect and Surveyor, Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 398 CARDIGAN Bay.—Furnished Six-roomed House, to Let during August rural retioat, splendid beach Let during August rural retioat, splendid beach; moderate terms.—^Thomas, Morfa Villa, Sarnau, Llan. dyssuL 645 FOR FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED Resi- JL' dences, Cardiff and Penarth, see Messrs S. Hern and Pertwoe's Re&ter.-94 ,St. Mary-st., Cardiff 1049 LLANDAFF Station.—To Let, 12-roomed House- JLj bathroom and every convenience.—Apply Kenvyn Dr>vies, 18, Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff. 343 TJORTHCAWL, PorthcawL—Shell Villa, Victoria- B l'o.\d, to Let (furni-hed complete), from August 24th.—Full particulars, Herbert Handy, Newport. 3316 ULLY.-To Let" small Furnished Cottage during month of August near station and beach reasonable tern13.-L 604, "Daily News," Cardiff. 604 ,0 Let, Glanogwr House and Grounds, Bridgend.— fl (Apply to L. D. Nicholl, 4, Trinity-place, Swansea. mO Let, Sketty Hall Mansion gardens, entrance JL lodge adjoining Swansea Bay, two miles from Swansea and three miles from the Mumbles immediate possession rent moderate land if required.—Apply L. D. Nicholl, 4, Trinity-place, Swansea. 3257 TO Let, Brook Villa, Alltiago-road, Pontardulaia B containing front and back parlour, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms, attic, garden, piggeries rent moderate.— Apply W. G. Davies, Abergelly, Llangvfelach, Swansea. TO Let oi for Sale, the F'rëehoÚfHouse known as A8hforct House, situated at Abercych, in the Parish of Manordeiiy, County of Pembroke. The house contains ten roome, green in front, w.c., large. produc- tive garden well stocked with fruit trees; two-stalled stable with lock-up coachhouse, and fuwlnou!!e. And also Four-roomed Cottage, with garden adjoining, and situated close to the confluence of Cych and Teify Rivers, so noted for their trout and sl\1mon,-Apply Dd. Nicholas, Ashford House, Boncath, R.S.O., Pem. WESTON-snper-Mare.—For particulars of Houses, Businesses, and Buiness Premises available, apply spearing. Auctioneer and House Agent, 3, South Parade, Weston-super-Mare. 946 £ -V7, Glyarhondda-street.—Two reception, seven bed- £ rooms, usual offices.—Apply 14, Windsor-esplanade, Docks, 'Cardiff. 872 Ul;ø sxiwaa JrttttistS, It!. COLONIAL Hall, for Meetings, Concerts, Enter- tainments, Ac. music and dancing licence held. —Apply Collettand Isaac, Necw-yfreet, Cardiff. Ill NEWPORT.—To be Let, Suite of Offices, foaTrooms .r and lavatory centrally situated m Tredegar- place.—Patriculars of Manager, Daily News Office, Newoort. 1195 NEWPORT.—Large convenient, well-lighted Corner Shop, together with good House, to Let, near centre of town, convenient to River Wharves, and where a business has been carried oil successfully for many yews.—Apply G. Seaborne, Maesycwmmer, via. Cardiff. 631 OFFICE to Let at 1, Catherine-street, Pontypridd commodious aud centrally situated Itood busi- noss pnsition suitable for solicitor, auctioneer, &c.- Apply Daily News" Offico, Pontypridd. 1314 OFFICES in St. Mary-street.—To be Let, 2 Rooms on the Second Floor of 97, St. Mary-street. —Apply at the Sooth Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 1266 PENRHIW CEIBElt, near Nixon's Cwmcynon Colliery (soon employ 2,500 men) and P^nrhiw- J ceiber Co.'s Pit, commodious Business Premises in cOTUmercial centre grand opening for energetic trades- man • good investment.—Lewis, Property Agency, PEnrfdwceiber. 637 SHOP to Let, situate at Clydach-road rent moderate.—For particulars apply to John Morris Griffiths, 52, Court-street, Tonypandy. 3347 TO Let. now in course of erection, and ready for occupation iu Beptember next, large Premises ha ving an area of over 9,000 feet, with entrance from Working-street and adjoining Glamorganshire Canal suitable tor Factory or Warehouse.—Apply 13, Work- ing-street. 32 rino Let, Set of Rooms as Offices, on third floor JL above "South Wales Daily News" Offices, St. Mary-street. — Aoply "South Wales Daily News" Oflke, Cardiff. 1213 rfHO be Let or -old. the Ready Money Stores, Marrty- I road, Mardy house, shop. bakehouse,. and stable. —Apply to Messrs Howell and Hughes, Auctioneers and Valuers, Aberdare. 3331 TO Let, Shop and Honse at Williams town,Rhondda, suit butcher or any business best position.— Apply Thomas, Hereford Store: Clydach Vale. 834 mo Let, Shop, at Blaenclydach best position good j[ opening for chemist; no opposition; suit any trade.—Apply Echo" Office, Blaenclydach. 776 rpO Let, Maesteg temperance Hotel and Shop," I Maesteg; close to the Railway Station.—Apply Lewis, Contractor, Alma-road, Maesteg. 758 mo Let, Shop, House anrt Bakehouse, No. 30, JL Clifton-sireet.—For particulars apply, between 5 and 6 p.m., 19. Richmond-crescent. 580 TO be Let, very convenient Home, Shop, Bake- house. and Stable, ill central position, in good repair.—Apply G. and F. Couzens, Tudor-rd., Cardiff. Let, an excellent Suits of Offices (groullcllloor); 1 centrally situate!1 at Docks; occupation 1st August moderate rent.—Apply Evan Thomas, Rad- clifte & Co., 4, Dock Chambers, Cardiff. 601 $nsnuss f)rmis*s ISEattkii. XjB~OUSE and Shop wanted in good position XX suitable for Drapery and Outfitting.—Address y.B.O.W., Laurel, Bridgend. 418 18ushuSSt5 for disposal. ESTABLISHED Furniture and Domestic Machinery Business for Disposal, most flourishing progres- sive colliery district in Wales.—Lewis, Property Agency, Penrhiwceiber. 636 FOR Disposal, good Grocery, Wine and Spirit, and Beer Business sound position.—Write G. 527, Eebo Office, Cardiff. 527 FOR IHsposal, one of the Best Paying little Outfitt- J' ing Businesses on the Glamorgan Hills stamps for particulars.—16, Alexander-street, Neatb. 739 FOR Sale. small Coffee Tavern in centre of Cardiff; JL' one door from St. Mary-street; good living for staid, industrious person ingoing very low.—Write y 725, Echo Office, Cardiff. 725 FOR Sale, a Boarding and Eating House combined, J' 2) bedsteads and beds complete also the furni- ture and goodwill of the business.—Apply to 55, Thompson-street, Barry Dock. 451 FRIED Fish Shop Ice Cream Cart, Freezer, etc. Newport; leaving through i11-1tealth; £ 9, or separate :£5 each.—Ice, Echo Office, Newport. 3363 GROCERY Business for Disposal in one of the most populous neighbourhoods In Cardiff a large house, with large well ventilated cellars ill- liealth cause of leaving.—Wade, Millicent-street, Cardiff. 67 ROCERY Business to Let in the rising district of r Cwmyraber.—Apply Tea, "Echo" Office, Mer- thyr. 874 LE Boil March^, Llanelly.—This good class General Drapery Establishment, situate main thorough- fare, 27 and 29, Stepney-street (close to Market entramce), for Disposal, going concern, owing to death of proprietor; two Market Days weekly.—Apply Griffifus,43, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 579 l1unüt Rouses. MATCHAM, 44, Hlffh-street, Bristol. — Single- licensed House; cash required, £ 70; rare, enlline bargain to immediate purchaser. 455 PENARTH.—To Let, for the remainder of tho term £' of the lease, a.n excellent and genuine Hotel, doing a very laree and remnnerative business, and occupying ODe of the most important positions in this popular and busy suburb.—Apply J. Richard Thomas, 2, Duke-street, Cardiff. 3369 £llWS, &c, l)-. ——— ORRIS JgROS., '•isr, CYCLE WORKS, PONTYPRIDD. Send 4d stamps for up-to-date Cyclists' Road Mup of South Wales, with correct mileage to chief towns, and 1896 Lists of latest novelties1 and special bargains in Safeties or Tricycles from 35s. Repairs, Plating, or Enamelling. Fittings, nuts or sundnes per return post A LLDAYS* Cycles.—Manufacturers' Stock and Depot. Laoies' Machines for bire. Repairs and Plating a speciality.—AUdays and Onions' Pneu. matic Engineering Co., Limited, 43, Westgate-street, Cardiff. 1310 BICYCLES. Pneumatics, £4 10s Cushions, £ 2 10s Detachable Tyres, £ 2 per pair Outer Covers, 18s each inner Tubes, 4s 6(1 each Ladies* Pneumatics, £ 7.—Williams, 117. High-st., Barry. 21 CI AFETY (non-slipping pneumatic), faultless and (O Owe»C$unUff. J2- j LADY'S Osmond "Safety, detachable Pneumatic jtLj tyres, weight 281hs; Lady's Helical Premier Tricycle, Dunlop tyres, unscratched, bargain.—Parry, Mill-lane, Cardiff. 69 THE latest, designs of Humbe-s, Singers, and Swifts just received no need to wait; both Ladies'and Gentlemen's Safeties Dunlop tyres call or write our object is to ple&?e-our customers free instruction. All Cycling Requisites in stock. Repairs properly done. — Griffiths Limited, World's Largest Cycle J)ealers, 57, Queen-street 2156 JltuciiimriJ, ijl;oolSt FENCING.—Improved Wrought Iron Fencing for X' Cottage and Terrace Property, 2t. 8d per Yard cheaper than wooiJ. Iron Hurdles, Gates, Ornamental Palisading, Tree Guards, Iron Wheelbarrows, Kennel Railing, etc.—John KIweIL City Iron Woiks.Sheepcote- street, Birmingham. Contractor to H.M. Government a :d the Principal Railway Companies. 237 BT^Oir Mortar MiUs, Saw Benches, Portable and Vertical Engines, New Fire Boxes, Tubes, and &H tdnda of repairs, G. KYTE and CO., ATLAS ENGINEERING WORKS. CANTON, CARDIFF. N.B.-801e Agents for the Thistle Oil Engine cheapest and best in market "5 B.H. to be seen at above address 3163 -F-OR- al, twol\hriue Boilers, 12ft. 6in. dia. 10 feet long, now lyins under shear legs, Alexandra Dock, Newport.—Apply Scott and Co.. 1, Stnart-street, Cardiff. 965 FOR Sale, Splendid Horizontal Engine, 30in. cyl., JD 5ft. stroke. Cornish valves, reversing gear, massive; fly-wheel, 16ft. dia., seen as fixed; ivery cheap.—T. Rowbotham and Co., Stockport. 868 FOR Saie, One Horizontal Engine. 16in. cylinder ith windin and pumpiDg gear complete drum 1ft. 4in. diameter; also 300 yards 11f4.iu. Wire Rope in good condition.—Apply to W. Iqac, Carmarthen. 465 F-1oRsaie, one Two-ton Scotch Derrick Crane, 52ft. radius jib recently working.—Apply West-lake, Swansea. 1-81 LOCOMOTIVES. — Excellent second-hand 14in. 6-wheeled Tank Locomotive, for immediate de- livery just overhauled. New Locomotives in stock.— A vonsirie Engine Co., Bristol. 488 WANTED, second-hand Pump for sinking 100 vards depth, l'2-inch suction, complete also 14 tons 401bs Steel Rails.—Apply Parker, Iver, Bucks. XT IN DIN G Engines.—Pair 23in. cylinders, 10ft T V drum, quite new, a brgain pair 12i«. Cylin- der Hauling Engines air compressors Pump Trees, 100 fathoms, 18in. and 15in. For sale at low prices.—WAI.KER HILL and CO., ENGINEERS NOTTINGHAM. 1282 jp- X II I B IIIOS., STAND NO. 39. H?H E 31 °R N s B Y" Ac K R ° Y D PATENT SAFEl'Y OIL 1^ N G I N B may be seen at work daily. Visitors to the Exhibition should take advantage of this opportunity of inspecting this most simple, economical, and efficient motive powúr, suitable for all purposes. The Hornsby Safety Water Tube Boiler is erected. in the grounds outside Machinery Hall. DIstrict Agents for the above JOHN HIBBERT AND SONS, 2910 10 & 11, CASTLE-STRF.ET. CARDIFF. MACHINERY IN THE RteACH OF BUILDERS CONTRACTORS. AND ALL CLASSES. For a really good MORTAR MILL, PORTABLE ENGINE, OR MACHINERY OF ANY KIND, Please write, wire, or telephone to £ JHARI,ES jT>HILLIPS, NEWPORT, MON. Telegrms-" Machinery, Newport.' National Telephone—No. 18. Any Machinery let out on the Hire and Purchase System. Terms to suit all. 5ft., 6ft., a.nd 7ft. Mills always kept in stock at Newport and Gloucpster ready for prompt delivery. LargeNumher of PORTABLE ENGINES, 3 to20h.p. PHILLIPSS IMPROVED SAW BENCHES Are the best and cheapest in the market. The Best Stock in the Kingdom of New and Second-hand Plant, Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, &c., ready for quick delivery. Number of LOCOMOTIVES, from Sin. to 13in. cylinders. Ready for immediate deliver y. 1232 Magnus auir Coilwrn lUqmstUa* FOR New or Second-hand 10-ton Coal Wagons for cagb, redemption, or siD.ple hire apply to HOWARD DAVENPORT and CO., RAILWAY WAGON CONTRACTORS. CARDIFF. Wagons financed to their full value. 1335 AILWAY WAGONS for Hire or Sale. Cash or deferred payments.—Tfte Midland Railway Car riageand Wagor.Company, Limited Midland Works Birmingham AILWAY Waggonsand Locomotives.—The Cardiff Rolling Stock Co. (J. Heald) always have good Second-hand Waggons and Loco.'s in Stock, and New Waggons in process of building.—Works and Offices, East- Moots, Cardiff. 1803 J. CLAYE (LIMITED) (Established 1851) RAILWAY WAGON BUILDERS, DERBY. Manufacturers of Every Description of Rolling Stock, with Oak and Steel Frames. J. R. NICHOLAS and CO., AGENTS, 15, EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. NEW AND SECOND-HAND WAGONS READY FOR DELIVERY. 1480 ESTABLISHED I860. fpHE RAILWAY WAGON COMPANY. CHORLEY, Manufacturers of all Kinds of A I L W A Y With Oak or Steel Frames, FOR CASH OR DEFERRED PAYMENTS. AGENT, J. M. HAIME, 104, BUTE-ROAD, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. 3209 .11- "l1lI Ifams, 1'ti1T.e t.adt, Carriages. CHEAP, 4 Second-hand Business Carts from :£4; Phaeton, seat six 20 new Pleasure Traps from I £ 10.—Avery, Coachlmilder, Newport. 3325 ■jlEREETS supplied, any quantity; guaranteed clean, r healthy, good workers numerous testimonials highest references given 3 6d each, returned if not- satisfactory.—E. Gazer, Carlton. Lowesto- t. 314 FOR Sale, a strong Chestnut Cob.—Apply Coach- man, Bronyglyn, Pcuarth. 2878 FOR Sale. Che^jrai Cob, 14'2 also Trap and Harness—Apply G. H. Fox, 3, Hope-st., Cardiff. 17<OR Sale. Kay Mare, 15 hands, four years broken to saddle and harness will suit tradesman £ 22 owner no further use.—Apply 55, Morden-road, Maindee, Newport. 729 FOR Sale, Cover's, Wharton-streec, Cardiff, 12 J1.' Butchet's Blocb, New Contractor's Hauling Cart. 12 Navvy Barrows, New Spring Truck. 855 FOR Sale, cheap, Bay Horse, 15.2, r-ge 7 warranted j[* good worker.—Apply T. Coles, 2, Godfrey-street, Cardiff. 676 ITIOR Sale, Pair of handsome Welsh B iy Ponies, 13 hands.—For fur her particulars write V 473, Echo Office, Cardiff. 478 FOR Sale, useful low four-wheeled Carriage, with lamps, blue c1oh cushions, good condition, com- plete.—Apply PJummer, Carriage Builder, Newport. (GENTLEMAN'S Saddle and Double-rein Bridlo; Jr equal new bargain sent on approval 35s.—E. Thomas, Tower-lane, Swansea. 3378 PRINCE Dogcart, full mounted Surrey Cart-, J. suitabia for Cob also Battlesdan Cart.—Cardiff Carriage Company. Hope-street, Cardiff. 597 SMART Wagonette, in thorough condition; also stylish and light Parisian Pbaeton.—Cardiff Carriage Company, WHY run your poor Horses off their legs during TV the busy season, when by providing your drivers with our Gruel Packets, costing about a. penny each, the horses will return as fresh as paint and able to enjoy their suppers ? Prepared from thd cereals only. Sold in boxe3 containing 50 packets at 5s 100, at 10s or 225, 20s.—F. J. A. Hawker. West Monkton, Taunton. 2569 Jot A ljValue.—ForfeitednfcFligelstone's, Registered,The Popular Cardiff Pawnbroker and Jeweller, 22, Castle-road, Cardiff. 1763 APPROVAL.— Fligelstone has forfeited Gent's plate Gold Lever Watch, only 35s. 176 PPROVAL.—Fligelsfcone has forfeited Lady's 18ct. English-Gold Lever; cost 12g., only 6gs. Gent's 9et. Fancy Dog Chain Gold Albert, only 50s. 1763 Crystal Glass Silver Waltliam Levers, each 20s. APPROVAL.—Fligelstone has forfeited Lady's Handsome 18ct. Gold Watch, heavy lSct. cases, snly 45s. 1763 APPROVAL.—Fligelstone has forfeited 25-mile- ra.nge first-class powerful Field Glass, only 21s. PPROVAL.—Fligelstone has forfeited Lady's Handsome Victoria Fine Gold Albert, only 3os, I cost treble. 1765 j PPROVAL.—Fligelstone has forfeited Gent's 18ct. f very heavy Solid Gold Bangle Ring, only 30a. 1763 APPROVAL.—Fligelstone h.)s Gold pure white single stone diamond Ring, on1f 5gs. 1763 ALL Orders by Post must be accompanied with P.O. Any article not approved of money will be i re turn ed. 1763 I 22ct. Guinea Gold .1.L Wedding Rings, new—3-lwt., 15¡-; 4dwt- 20s. Each ring cost you treble elsewhere. 1763 PPROVAL.—Fligelstone.—Lady^TlSct. solid Gold Keepers new, handsome, chased, and buckle patterns; only 15s. 1763 A PPROVAL.— Fligelstone.— Gent's hall-marked Gold Signet Rings, bloodstones, only 3s fid Garnets, 7s 6d Al value. 1763 APPROVAL.—Fligelstone.—Lady's 18ct. Gold, pure White Diamond Brooch and Earrings, very choice, 30s. 17M Gold, pure White 5-stone Diamond Engagement Rings, only Sos. "63 A PPROVAL.—Fligelstone's Silver English Lever Watches, only 15s Silver Levers, 10s Silver 'Watches, 6s. 1763 I A- PPROVAL.—Fligelstone's Lady's hall marked A Gold Dress Rings, set with real stones, only 4s 6d. PPROVAL.—Fligelstone's Lady's handsome Gold Watch and Gold Albert complete, only 2 guineas. PPROVAL.—Fligelstone's Lady's handsome Silver Watch and Albert complete, only 15s; A1 value. BIRMINGHAM Goods, furniture, bassinettes, JL) wringers, toys, hardware, jewellery, watches, &c. Agents wanted. Wholesale book free.—Henry May, Birmingham. 906 CURE for Piles.—Perfect cure guaranteed in most stubborn cases post free, 2s 9d, 4s 6d.—La Trobe, Cheraist, St. Michael s-hill, Bristol. 53 ARTHENWARE aud China.—Seconds, £ 2, Crates, best, £ 3, or will send 15 dozen Seconds Article* for 17s 6d write for lists.-—Webb and Co., Longton, StaSor&lUre Potteries. 773 CUTLERY (sterling silver. Hall-marked, mounted. —For immediate cash, lady offers unsoiled 10- guinea service for 30s 12 large, 12 small knives, mea.t-. carvers, game carvers, also steel finest quality ap- proval paid.—Mrs Farquharson, 52, ELugh-streit, Eccleston-,square, S W. 897 FOR Sale.Sfones's Sewing Machine, nearly new,'suit- able for tailor or shoemaker.—Apply Morgan Williams, Frogmore-street, Abergavenny. 1 URS.—Real RussianFur~Boa (dark brown), silky JT and bushy, 3 yards long, only 19s 6d, worth five guineas; also real Bear (dark brown) Crossover Neck- let. with 6 Russian tails hanging, Paris model, richly satin lined, very becoming, ¡a 6d, worth B5 both new; approval paid.—Rosalind, 43A, Clapham-road, London. 795^ CIVEN A way. Brass Fender. Brasses, and Dogs, with ■ Parlour Suite, in best velvet, plush, tapestry, or ■ Parlour Suite, in best velvet, plush, tapestry, or saddlebags also solid Walnut Table and Overmantel. The Lot £8 15s. To purchasers of this Lot we will give a handsome Brass Fender, set 1< ire-brasses, and Dogs. This is a special never before offered. Call and see at Harris's, The Pioneer of Cash Trading, Houso Furnisher, &c.. The Market Hall, Newport. N.B.—I do not employ any touts or canvassers. Beware. 1345^ IMPORTANT—Forks and Spoons. — Young Lady, JL urgently requiring 25s, offers 5 dozen articles, 12 each Table and Dessert Forks and Spoons, 12 Tea- spoons, solid silver plated; cost B15 18s 6d unused genuine bargain approval free.—Miss Kendall, 2, Claylands-road, S.W. 899 IRON Buildings "for Salo at close of Cardiff Exhibi- JL tion. 146ft. x 146it., with seating and platform. and 7ofc. x 115ft., both suitable for concert or drill halls; also Hospital for eight beds, fully equipped.—Apply Humphreys. Ltd., Iron Buildings Works, Knights- bridge, Loudon, S.W. 3399 "B AD Y wishes to Sell Parcel of Baby's First Clothes, superior quality, new, never worn very cheap.— -j LJ superior quality, new, never worn very cheap.— -j L 18, Lancaster-road, Fallowtield, Manchester. 671 PATCHWORK^—SIlksTPiusb,Print; large,ls6d 100; j. Crazy Silks, 300 Is, free money returnable.—. Dayley, Yew Tree Cottage, Alstone, Cheltenham. 907 PIANOSandOrgans.—VV rite to-day for our ew I. Illustrated Price Lists, book of advice, Ac., and it you are a buyer you will save many pounds by pur- chasing from the cheapest and best house in the King- dom for Pianos and Organs —Duck, Son, and Pinker, The Great Music Stores, Bath. v452 PLUMS from growers, choicest kinds, from 2ihd fb. 241bs. and upwards carriage paid. — Howard Beavan, Pendock, Tewkesbury. 433 TABLE Knives.—Unprecedented bar. Magni- ficent Service, 23 pieces, 12 table, 12 cheese knives, game carvers, also meat carvers and steel, with massive real ivory handles, cost £6 10>1 unused sacrifice for 23s 6d approval free.—Miss Fawcett, 55, Ilandforth-road, London, S.W. 898 20,000 feet inch and %-inch Duunage Boards, Deals, Scantlings, Bamboos, Mats, &c., cheap.—Sbapland, Londoun-square, Cardiff. 976 r>0,000 Feet lin. Dunnage Boardll at 603 1,000 feet.— Apply J. Coles, 10 Tip, East Dock, or 23, Victoria- street. 854 V^Te AT if ER sl "jpi EATH'BBS I FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why buy common shoddy Wool Beds when you can getBest ENGLISH FEATHERS at6d per lb., carriage paid ? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made to order. Send for samples and price list to H. HANDY AND CO., FEATHER MERCHANT'S. WELSHPOOL, NORTH WALBS.^ 1208 JjJouttrjr, ^pigeons. &t. OEPINGTON, BuffLehorn, Minorca Chickens, 12s, as per dozen; Cockerels for improving stock Poultry and Profit," 6d.-Coaley Poultry Farm, Darsley. 3035 JRisr.ellantaU5. ASTROLOGY.—Marriage, Future Prospects, Sue. cess, Business, ÓlC., Is Partij'-v described, seven stamps. Send birthtime.—Prof. Evans, Chevalier- street, Ipswich.—Lifelong experience. 908 A STROLOGICAL Advice.—Your future prospects, health, prosperity, changes, business adapta- bility, etc., Is with marriage and description of partner. Is 6,1 send birthtime and stamped address.— Victor Duval, Spring Meadows, Botesdale, Suffolk. 681 BANK Holiday.—Visitors to Garth Mountain supplied, nob water, tea, etc. picnic parties taken.—Street, Mount Pleasant, Garth Mountain, Pentyrch. 741 Harrison Goldie, Artist and Photographer, 1, Northampton-place (corner of Cradock-street), •Swansea, will be open Monday (Bank Holiday). 3590 XCHT —30-ton Ya,v9l for Charter from August 1st. —Address Yacht, care Lee and Nightingale, LiverpooL I:I2ó IJIORNISH on our New Hire Svstem. Houses or Apartments completely furnished on a new .sys* bsin adopted solely by liS, whereby all publicity, exposure, and nqvuries usually made by other corn, panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock of Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality All goods sold on the Hire System at ready-money prices. Wo make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge. No stamp or agreement charges made; no bill of sale; everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, ana, being manufacturers, we guaranteequality, and will undertake to supply furniture, etc., at 10 per cent less than any price-list, issued by any firm in Cardiff. Elvenshowrooms. Call and inspect our im- mense stock, and compare prices before purchasing I sewhere. We willsupply S6 worth for 28 6d weekly £10 worth, 49 weekly B15 worth for 5s weekly £20 worth, 68 weekly and so on in proportion. Specia terms for larger quantities. Please note the Address; SOUTH WAIVES FITBNISHWG COMPANY, 31, Castle-si. (opposite the Ct1$le). Cardiff. 12v83-1105- _øUel!. SWANSEA.— £ 5 to £ 500 Advanced Daily by The Swansea Finance Co., Ltd. Terms reasonable. All transactions kept strictly private. Distance ^°Address :-16. GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. iyj-ONBY LENT ON NOTE 00 HAND. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL. Cash in amounts from B20 to £3,000 is Advanced in all parts of the Kingdom without sureties, delay, or publicity, and on the security only of the borrower's written promise to repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments extending over a period of time convenient to the borrower, or the principal may remain so long as the interest is paW. This Bank is entirely distinct from any money- lending office, and has a long-standing reputation for fair dealing and prompt completion of advances. Apply, stating amount required, to Mr T. C. MILBURN, General Manager. NOTE.—Specially advantageous terms for Loans on Life Insurance Policies, Reversions, and Second Mortgages. 3132 HE CHARING CROSS BANK (Kstab. 1870), t. 28, Bedford-street, Charing-cross, London, W.C. Assets, £5P,415. Liabilities, £209,1f75. Reserve, £&3,000. Loans of B50 to made on any class of security. 24 per cent. interest allowed on current accounts, Duoosits of S10 and upwards received as under :— 3y per ann., subject to a months' notice of withdrawal. i « Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Depositors have no liability whatever, and are amply sacuced. Write or call for Prospectus. 1264 A. WILLIAMS, Mauager. MORTGAGES.—S Hern and Pertweo, St Mary- street, Cardiff, Mortgage and Insurance Brokers, have numerous sums immediately available for Free- holds, Leaseholds, Reversions, and Life Interests. 1049 jjyT YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY ? YOU CAN DO SO FROM £10 TO APPLYING TO US. We have been established for over 50 years, certain proof of our fair and honourable dealing. We do not keep our customers waiting, and our I Rates of Interest are reasonable. Write or call Manager, SOUTH WALES AND WEST OF ENGLAND ADVANCE BANK. 3. BUTE-TERRACE, CARDIFF. 1225 MESSRS John F. Harvey and Co., Auctioneers, etc., Goat-street, Swansea, have Money to Ad- vance on Freehold, Leasehold, and Personal Security. Furniture, etc., warehoused, and advances made thereon. Bills also discounted. 2575 THE PURE BEER BILL.—IN PARLIAMENT. In compliance with the proposed Act the JGEDRUTH JJKEWERY £ JOMPANY (LIMITED) Are now introducing their CELEBRATED CORNISH L E S, PURE AND UNADULTERATED MALT AND; HOPS. ASK FOR THESE ALES AT ALL FREE PUBLIC-HOUSES. SOUTH WALES AGENCY AT SWANSEA. OFFICES AND STORES 42A, WIND-STREET. 1465 BERTIE DA VIES, MANAGER. Â. WONDERFUL MEDICINE. This most miraculous remedy never fails in any case, however long standing and obstinate. It relieves all distressing symptoms, saves doctors' bills, and pre- serves health. Thousands have been relieved by its use, as testified by the numerous unsolicited testi- monials. PiUs alone are useless, and only cause disap- pointment. Sufferers do not delay, but send at once a stamped addressed envelope for invaluable particulars and testimonials.—A. ROCHABD, 153, Millfields-road, Clapton, London, N.E. 821 "VfO NAME OINTMENT. This Ointment is confidentially recommended aa an old, tried, antI successful remedy for scurvy, scrofula glandular swellings, ringworm, old wounds, ulcerated (egs, scald heads, blotches on the face aud body, St. Anthony's fire, burns, chilblans, bruises, piles, fistula, rheumatism, bunions, &c. It will soon hea.1 up tho most obstinate eruptions of the skin of every kind. Please note the Trade Mark Label on each pot. "\TO NAME PILLS. i_l For scrofula, scurvy, ulcerated legs, erysipelas, blotches on the face, eruptions on the body piles, fistula, glandular swellings, &c., Ac. They may be taken by persons of either Bex, ate tonic and invigorating, and, acting upon the secretions, they are a truly valuable blood purifiers, and may be used in conjunction with the No Name' Ointment in any of the above diseases. Sold in pots and boxes by all chemists. Price 7%d, Is l%d, and 2s 9d each. No family should be without them SOLE rHOPRIETOR l J. WHITE HOUSE, 194, DERITEND, BIRMINGHAM. I Agent wanted in every district, -1846 PuMixaiiotts. Monthly, price Half-a-Crown. THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW., CONTENTS FOR. AUGUST. JtL CONTENTS FOR. AUGUST. 1 Mr Balfour and his Critics. Bv ProfessorSeth. Home Rule and the Irish Party. By T. P. O'Connor, M.P. !■ The Autonomy of Labour. By H. W. Wolff. I The Caliph and his Duties. By Ahmed Riza Bey. Nitragin A New Advance in Agriculture. BYCIM;. Aikman, D.Sc. The Orange .Society. By Micb" el MacDonagh. Passing Through the Fire." Andrew Lang. Living in Community A Sketch of Moravian Ana- baptism. By Richard Heath. La Saisiaz in 1895. By A. Taylor Innes The Book of the Dead. By J. Hunt Cooke. Musical shots. By H. R. Haweis. Money aud Investments. 3405 London: Isbister & Co., Limited, Covent-garden, W. r^HE ARCHrTECT AND CONTRACT X REPORTER. Established nearly a Quarter of a. Century. The ARCHITECT and CONTRACT REPORTER has & large and influential circulation amongst Archi- tects, Builders, Contractors, and the wealthy classes of the public, and has bee i found to be a. very valuable medium of publicity. The ARCHITECT and CONTRACT REPORTER contains a larger number of Tenders and Contracts Open than any other paper. The ARCHITECT and CONTRACT REPORTER contains the finest and most beautiiul Architectural and Art lliustratiollS of any paper published in any part of the world. WEEKLY, PRICE 4d. PUBLISHED BY P. A GILBERT WOOD, 175, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. 1224 1896 ISSUE NOW READY. JUNE, 1396. npHE JOINING MANUAL" BY WALTER R. SKINNER I Contains full particulars of all Mining Companies known to the Jxchanes of London and tie Provinces. Separate sections are devoted to Australasian and South African Companies. A full list of mming I directors is also given. The particulars given of each ^Mining Company in- clude the directors and other officials, date of estab- lishment, seat of operations, description of the property with the purchase consideration, details of capital, calls, dividends paid, and the latest financial position as dilosed by the accounts. Price, 15s, post free. LONDON 26. NICHOLAS-LANE, LOMBARD. STREET. LONDON, E.C. 1203 CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEW PORT SHIPPING GAZETTE. Published every Monday Morning. Price 21s per annum, or by Post 25s. j JThe CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEWPORT SHIPPING GAZETTE, contains a complete record oi the Shipping business of Cardiff Swansea, Newport Bristol, Neath, Briton Ferry, Burry Port, &c., and cir culates among all the Merchants and Brokers of the Bristol Channe Ports, and generally throughout the vArious ports of the United Kingdom. It is filed at Lloyu s, the Lombard, and most of the Chambers of Commerce, and is also sent to the leading Foreign Ports CIIlEF 0FFICES ;-105, St. Mary-street, Cardiff NEW SERIES ov gHORT STORIES NOW APPEARING IN THE CARDIFF rpiMES AND gOUTH W ALES WEEKLY NEWS STORIES BY CELEBRATED AUTHORS, INCLUDING MISS BRADDON, E. F. BENSON, JOHN HABBERTON, ELLA MAOMAHON, MRS CAMPBELL PRAED, MRS WALFORL). MRS J. K. LAWSON. HENRY HERMAN, THE HON. MRS HENNIKER, &0. FoHowing upon our recen t series of Short Works of Fiction by Well-known Novelists, we beg to announce the acquisition of a number of Manu- scripts by Celebrated Authors, for publication in Serie3. The Manuscripts arc of various lengths, and the full Series will extend in Publication to Nineteen weekly parts. All the Authors in the list are well known, and will need no pressing upon the attention of the reading publio BELOW IS A COMPLETE LIST. 1.—" THE DOLL'S TRAGEDY," MISS BRADDON. 2.—" DUMMY ON A DAHABEAH," E. F. BENSON. 3 LOVE AND CURRENCY," JOHN HABBERTON. 4.—" VANESSA'S VAGARY," ELLA MAOMAHON. 5.—"THE MAIMED HAND," MRS CAMPBELL PRAED. 6 YOUNG ALLAN O'DELL," GORDON STABLES. 7. WILL NOT TAKE PLACE," MRS MOLESWORTH. 8.—" PERE LABALME," COUNTESS DE SULMALLA. 9.—" PRISCILLA OR, A SYMPATHETIC TEMPERAMENT," MRS L. B. WALFORD. 10.—" THE MYSTERIOUS PRESCRIP- TION," MRS COULSON KERN AH AN, 11.—" THE WHITE LADY OF THE LUGGIE," MRS J. K. LAWSON. 12. HELEN BARNARD'S FRIEND," MRS GRIMWOOD. 13 —" INTO THE FIRE AN OLD BACHELOR'S STORY." HENRY HERMAN. 14.-10 THE FATAL RING," LUCY HARDY. 15.—" AN INGLORIOUS VICTORY." THE HON. MRS HENNIKER. THE TENTH STORY OF THE SERIES, THJi lVIYSTERIOUS PRESCRIPTION, BY MRS COULSON KERNAHAN, APPEARS IN TEE CARDIFF TIMES AND gOUTH WALES \yEEKLY j^EWS ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR JLJ RESTORER" LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. THE SUREST THE SAFEST THE BEST. THE CHEAPEST. OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER produces a perfectly natural colour The gradual change 13 ccrtain, and fm removing scurf beautifying and cleansing the hair, causing it to grow wherever tlrin, Loclcysr's is unrivalled.—Large bottles 1s 6d. Sold eveiywhere DELLAR'S CORN PLASTER.—Boxes Is l*4d and 2s 9d each The Corn Plasters are a certain cure for hard or sof' corns. they completely dry up and eradicate painfu corns; the Bunion Plasters, a proved remedy for b nions and enlarged toe joints. Sold by all chemists B careful Deiiar s Plasteis are supplied. RESPLENDENT IVORY LIKE TEETH.—To make sure of these, CRACROFI"S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE is necessary dislodges tartar, thoroughly polishes the enamel perfectly cleanses the teeth, hardens the gums, is, astringent, aromatic,anddeliciousin flavour. Cracroft's. Paste ensures a fine set of teeth. Sold everywhere Pots, beach. DEAFNESS, Noises in the Ears, etc.—. Dellar s ESSENCE FOR DEAFNESS has proved an extraordinary remedy. It always relieves, generally cures, and is strongly recommended by thousands who have derived benefit. It is quite harmless.—Sold in Bottles, Is lVijd and 2s 9d each, by PJIChemists. SULPHOLINE SOAP a a delicately refined, chemically pure: cap, intended for general use, but specially byi hose endowed with sensitive skins. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, SuI, pholine Soap holds the first place. Its OIiout is very pleasant, and the soap is not expensive. ,each 1063 A gPLENDID MEDICINE In all eases, however Obstinate and Long-standing, try the MIRACULOUS Never-failing Remedy, known aU over the world as DASMAIL'S SPECIFIC. Thousands of testimonials have been received testify- ing to the Wonderful Cases that havo been relieved by this UNEQUALLED AND MOST POWERFUL MEDICINE. A Sufferer writes :—" Your medicine is truly Wonder- ful, my case was a fearfully obstinate one." Most valuable information and Copies of T'estimoaials which are GUARANTEED GENUINE UNDER A PENALTY OF £1,000, upon receipt of stamped addressed envelope to A. DASMAIL, Box 393, Langdale House, Walthamstow, London. Established nearly 50 years. 15814 1278 UY THE CARDIFF TIMES «fc SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS.—ONE PENNY. (S&uration. CARDIFF. MONELTON HOUSE SCHOOL,, m CARDIFF. Principals .-HENRY SHEWBROOKS, B.A. (Lond.). and JOHN HART, M.A. (Durham). Resident Assistant Masters :—A. J. PERMAN, M.A., Classics (London) A. WHITELAW. OSCAR WERTH. Visiting Masters ;—Mathematics, R. H. PINKER- TON, M.A. Drawing. Oil and Water Colour Painting, S. M. BROAD Shorthand, A. H THOMAS. Titere are a few vacancies for boarders. Next Term begins MONDAY, September 14th. For Prospectus, Ac., apply to the Principals. 820 liAltROW HOUSE, 221, NEWPORT- • ROAD, CARDIFF. THE MISSES MARKS WILL OPEN A KINDERGARTEN, WITH TRANSITION AND I PPEIt CLASSES, ON SEPTEMBER 21ST. Certificated Froebel Mistress. A few Boarders can be received. Prospectus on application. MAESYCWMMER. THE SOUTH WALES SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, SUMMERFIELD HALL, MAESYCWMMER. PRINCIPAL -Mrs R. H. JONES, Assisted by a Staff of Six Adult Resident Governessos. For Prospectus, iSc., agply to the Principal. The SCHOOL will be RE-OPENED on Tuesday, August 25th, 1896. 3118 LLANDOVERY. LANDOVERY COLLEGE. MICHAELMAS TERM will BEGIN on THURSDAY, SEPT. 17th. Boarders return the previous day. Distinctions for the year :— August, 1395, to August, 1896, include 11 Scholar- ships and Exhibitions at Oxford and Cambridge, value B650 a year, largest number ever gained by the school: in the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examinations 21 11 ighev Certificates, bracketed in the 10th place, aud 23 distinctions, highest number ever gained by the Schools, taking 7th place; 1st in dis- tinctions in Mathematics, and 1st also in distinctions in Mechanics 5 distinctions in English out of a total of 14 awarded to the 1,500 boys examined 17 lower certificates, taking 5th place First-class Natural Science Tripos ana Senior Optime, Cambridge. Board and Tuition Fees, 48 Guineas a Year. ——— 3318 For particula rs apply to the WARDEN, The College, Llandovery. BRISTOL. BRTGHTON flousli, SCHOOL, REDI.AND PARK, CLIFTON, BRISTOL.— Established 1873.-Fupils Return on THURSDAY, September 17th,-Extensive Premises, near the Downs. Upper, Middle, Lower, Junior, and Preparatory Divisions. Large Staff of Experienced Tutors. All Subjects Taught. Successful Preparation for all Exams. A good Home for Boarders. Full number of pupils for the last sixteen years. Large Playground, Gymnasium, Fives Courts, Workshop, School Library, Dark Room fitted forPhotogiapliy. Football, Cricket, Cycling, and Camera, Clubs. Separate House as Sana- torium. Terms moderate.—Prospectuses, Exam. Successes, References, and Full Particubrs on appli- cation to the Headmaster, 3221 CHARLES BIGG. LONG ASHTON SCHOOL (NEAR BRISTOL.) The SCHOOL will be RE-OPENED on MONDAY, July 20th. For Prospectus apply to the Head Master. 2774 W. J. KEMPE, M.A CLIFTON. CLARENDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL (CLIFTON), FOR RESIDENT AND NON- RESIDENT PUPILS. PRINCIPAL Mrs MAYNARD. HEAD MISTRESS Miss MAYNARD. Ages of Girls Seven to Twenty-one. Examiiiation successes (1893-1395): 84 entered for the Oxford, Cambridge, College Preceptors', Royal Academy, In- corporated Society Musicians, Trinity College, London College; 82 passed, 4 i in Honours. Gold Medal from Cambridge Local Examination Committee. First in all England in French and German (C. of P.), A.L.C.M. Degree gained. Four extra. prizes for- Centre. Special Small Classes for Juniors or Backward Pupils indi- vidual attention. Needlework. Tennis, Gymnasium. Referees The Bishop of Hull, Revs. R. Glover, D.D., U. 11. Thomas (Clifton). Hygienic adjustable Chair- Desks (Dr. Roth's Patent in use. 1238 The next Term commences SEPTEMBER 22nd. SWANSEA. GIRLS BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, BELLEVUE, SWANSEA. Principals-The Misses PHILLIPS. 'Assisted by resident Certificated English and Foreign Governe.ses and Visiting Masters. Preparation for Local Examinations. The House is pleasantly situated iu its own grounds on a hill, and overlooking the sea. 1297 KNIGHTON. PENRHOS, KNIGHTON, RADNOR- a SHIRE.—In association with the London Col- lege ot Music.—Principal Miss Wall, insisted by Certificated Governesses. Healthy situation. Home comforts. Thorough education. Special attention to backward pupils. Liberal diet. Moderate terms. Preparation for Cambridge, College of Preceptors, Trinity College and other lllsical examinations. Great successes in past years. References to Parents of Pupils, Clergymen, and Ministers. 1283 Term commences MAY 5th. TOTNES, S. DEVON. ING EDWARD VI. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, TOTNES, S. DEVON. HEADMASTER C. F. 11EA, B.A., B.SO. A Modern School affording sound preparation for business and professional life at moderate fees. CLASSES FOR THE BRITANNIA" AND ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE. DEVONPOET. Boarders received in the Headmaster's Houso. Prospectus on Application. 2151 JESSE WILLIAMS'S COCA WINE. IMPERIAL 2/6 PINTS is a real genuine Coca Wine prepared from the fresh green leaves of the Krythroxylon Coca, a shrub cultivated 011 the slopes and plateau of the Andes in Bolivia and Peru. It is from these leaves that the wonderful local Anaesthetic cocaine is prepared. The wine with which we extract the leaves has been specially selected and blended for us by Messrs Stevens and Sons, Ltd. JESSE WILLIAMS'S COCA WINE has been praised as a nervine and muscular tonic preventing wate of tissue, appeas- ing hunger and thir: t, relieving fatigue, aiding free respiration, and as being useful in various diseases of the respiratory organs. It is recommended for indigestion, gtis- tralgia, gastrodynia, nausea, sickness, dis- taste for food. It is given to relieve pain, nausea, vomiting or discomfort caused by excess in eating or drink. It is the antidote for Brain Fag and Worry. For Fatigue of Mind and Body. For the sleeplessness aud nervousness that comes of overwork, anxiety, and worry. There is nothing so good as JESSE WILLIAMS'S COCA WINE Park Hall Building, Cardiff. I I 1254-57a I D JJALLANTYNE- Begs to intimate to his Friends and the Public that be has COMMENCED BUSINESS as a UOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, MORTGAGE BROKER, FINANCIER, and 515 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT. 73, CON WAY-ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF. rpHE JJOATH JjlURNISHING QO.. 42, CASTLE-ROAD, AND VERE-STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF, MANUFACTURERS OF ARTISTIC. INEXPENSIVE. AND DURABLE FURNITURE. BEDROOM SUITES of eur own Special Design at Marvellously LOW PRICES. DINING and DRAWING ROOM SUITES, in- every kind ot covering, 20 per cent. Less than any other House in the Trade. i An Inspection Invited of our Choice Selection House in the Trade. i An Inspection Invited of our Choice Selection of New Season PERAMBULATORS AND MAIL CARTS. Bv far the Cheapest House FOR CASH OR EASY PURCHASE SYSTEM At the following Terms :— i;5 Worth for Is 6d Waekly. I! £5 2s 6d 33 úd B20 „ 6s Or Larger Amounts in Proportion. All Goods delivered free. Send for Illustrated cata- logue and Guide to House Furnishing, post free. Note our only address in Cardiff :— J>OATH JP URNISHIN G Co., I 42, CASTLE-ROAD AND VERE-STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF. FiLetory-NVARWICK-STREEr, LONDON.1260 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. I T HO-NIPSON'S JJURDOCK pILLS Overcome the worst form of diseases and the foulest state of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys they go to the core of every disease where no other medicine Baa power to reach. I11 boxes at Is l%d and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Chemists, or from the Burdock Pill Manu- factory, 44, Oxford-street, Swansea. low fSttsimaa ).lrbrts5!!i. STARTLING NEW STORY, BY A POWERFUL WRITER. THE BROKEN JpETTER, BY JOHN K. Lm Lovers of thrilling and sensational fiction will be delighted to learn that we have secured the right to publish an absorbing new work of singular interest from the pen of JOHN K. LEYS, Author of "The Lindsays." "In the Toils," The Mystery ot Lowdon Castle," On the Track of the Iron Horse," "Guilty or Not Guilty," A Bird of Prey," &c., &0- rpHE jgROKEN JplETTER possesses an unusual plot and an abundance of incidents, and >s, moreover, written in a style to please the most fastidious reader. The author of our new story, Mr John K. Leys, is well known as a writer of skilfully con- structed stories. His works, whi!sb quite within the domain of probability, nevertheless derive much of their interest on account of the fertility of their author's imaginatton. They are esentially stones of action, rapid in movement, and are written in a vigorous style. Mr Leys has few compeers in the art of oon- structing a story so as to sustain and increase the intereit with each succeeding chapter. He lures the reader on from scene to scene, and holds him spellbound to the end of the story. In a serial competition instituted by one of the greab weeklies, Mr Leys obtained tho first prize of B150 for his sensational story In the Toils." THE FIRST INSTALMENT OF THE BIt OK EN FF, T TF.R WILL APPEAR IN THE ^JARTIFF rjpiMES AND gOUTH STALES -WEEKLY NLRWS ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 15TH. OUTLINE OF OPENING CHAPTERS. Dr. Stanford is summoned to attend a young Russian lady who seems to be dying from an inexplicable cause. On examination he decides thatshemusb have inhaled some poisonous gas from a scent-bottle placed by someone on the table. The doctor manifests an unusual interest in his patient. Whoa he re.visits the girl be discovers the incriminating scent-bottle has been removed by Madame Fabrini, who is ostensibly the housekeeper. On being closely questioned she reluctantly produces a bottle, which is recog- nised by Ursula Beritza, the patient, as the identical bottle. Dr. Stanford's suspicions of Madame Fabrini are temporarily allayed, but in leaving the house his eye is caught by a sparkle of glass in the gravel, which proves to. be, a fragment of a similar scent-bottle. The doctor returns, but finds that Madame Fabrini has disappeared he is informed that Ursula also has gone, but is sceptical about the latter information. He casually sees her at a window, whilst he is going through the gardens, and goes back, when she confides in him, inform- ing him of the plot to destroy her life. Her story is a sad and exciting one. The foregoing conveys but a faint idea of the opening incidents of a very exciting serial. The story itself is largely concerned with the affairs of the Nihilist Society, one of whose members is a traitor, and the evil genius of the story. He plots and counterplots, his chief design being to obtain possession of the Berltza. estates. To further his pnrpose nothing is too diabolical for his scheming brain, He causes Ursula's brother to be arrested, thereby hastening her father's death, and matures plans by which be hopes to get rid of Ursula herself. Attempting far too much, he defeats his own ends. A strong love element runs through the story, which is one at extraordinary power and sensation. THE FIRST INSTALMENT OF THE BROKEN FETTER WILL APPEAR IN THE CARDIFF rpiMES AND gOUTH ALES ^TEEKtf N EWS, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 15TH. NEW STORY BY A FAVOURITE NOVELIST. SHADOWED FOR L 1 F g-r A SOLDIER'S STORY, BY GORDON STABLES, M.D., R.N. Author of "The Rose of ADandale," "Fot Money or For Love," The Old House at Duntheim," The Cruiss of the Land Yaeht Wanderer," "Our Friend the Dog," "The Cruise of the Snowbird, Stanley Grah am etc., etc. PUBLICATION COMMENCED IN THE c A"IFF rjlIMES AND gOUTH ALES WEEKLY ON SATURDAY, JUNE 6TH. We can promise our Readers an AbsorbinRil Interesting Story, on original lines, with a Strong, Detective Plot, written with all the sesfe and power which Gordon Stables manifests in his most powerful novels. OUR NEW NOVEL, HADOWED FOR LII"BI A SOLDIER'S STORY, BY GORDON STABLES, M. D., R.H. IS NOW BEING PUBLISHED IN THE c ARDIFF rpIMES AND SOUTHW ALES EEKLY NFV", gONTONICA FOR WORMS. An excellent Remedy for Worms in Children of all ages, and inost efficacious in dislodging and thoroughly eradicating those parasites which infest the Stomach and Bowels. No aperient of any kind is required to be taken after Sontonica, as it dispenses with all purgatives, especially Senna, which is frequently repulsive and disagreeable to most children. Sontonica is quite harmless, and can be t. ken by the most delicate child. 7V«d and Is il/id post free. Id extra.- Prepared by Moses Jones, M.P.S., 12, Iligh-st., Swansea- T HE jpEOPLE'S JpAPER IS THE c ARDIFF rJUMES AND goum y^r.ales^yy EEKLY j^ews ONE PENNY WEEKLY. POSTAL DELIVERY JL OP THE OUTH WALES DAILY NEWS The Proprietors of tie SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW beg; o announce that by a special concession of th< Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatcn the » First Edition each morning by the Mails leaving Cardifl at2.30a.m. and 3.45a.m. Country Subscribersresidinj within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE. As well as those portions of BRECONSHIRK and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Rhymney Vailey Postal Districts, may now hare the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS delivered at thai residences daily by the sa.m? Dost as that which con veys their London letters. London & West of England subscribers receive thci papers on the forenoon of publication The THIRD EDITION of the SOuTH WALES DAILY NEWS is forwarded (prepaid) to residents of the follow- ing and all other places within the Cardiff Posted District in time for the first morning delivery: St Fagan's Sully I Micfcaelstone-lW' Pencoed Cout-tyralla Vedw S Brides-sup.-Ely Dinas Powis Castletown St. Nicholas Cadoxton Marshfield Bonvilstone Barry I Penarth Peterstone Caerphilly Llandougb Llandaff Bedwas Lisvane Radyr Y strad Mynach Llanishan Morganstown Pwllypant Whitchurch Melingriffith St. Mellon a Taff's Well Pentyrch Cefn Mably Tongwynlais St. Andrew's W' lrift Tree Bdge PER QUARTER, POST-FREE 0 9 0 PER HALF-YEAR „ «. 019 ft PER Y >5AII 1 13 • OU1'H WALES VAfLY NEWS OI-TICK5*, .tn( "f ■ -"dlT