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flipping Claims. .(n^gyANDlioRDEAUX ^BtcmipL,c,aR,)irF STBAMSHIf ILLLIHH FIRST-CLASS SCREW •tojees nermut-mg will sail as follows, circum. GARONN^"0^^ FOR KORILEAIIX M.IV 2 Withnooasand „0onieau* for Cardiff.. „ .,April'28 Rare J » Passengers, f-Rent, 31, {Be'S»t. &c., apply to Mr A.G. Todd, 1071 s Ch&rtvous, Bordeaux and to Teleg*aphica.iri^ W* R- cop^Har>, Welcombe" v i Exchange, Cardiff, -r-—— z: National Telephone, No. 154. B LFast asd G la S <TOW. CARDIFF to^ftepit!L<ls aie '"tended to ?aii as under •» to 01 eve>y MONDAY p.m. tide. A4G0W every THURSDAY p.m. tide. SWANSEA to BEIK-A Everv u^'1 a,ul GLASGOW WEDNESDAY p.IN. tide. NEWPORT t0B TUJPfeA^STand GLASGOW, cts°AY. 12th and Zoth May, p.m. tide, BRISTOL TO RP. „ E*ery MovV?,AST and GLASGOW «1>AY :ind THURSDAY EVENING Pares :-BeIr- S. Gi as 17 6d Steerage. 10s. P^ilors, 10 ?Opw J2s fid. ttatesj of Tiokeis, fare and a half. «• Joiies !tlit and all furtiier particulars from wewPort;u -v?ro" ^waii^ea K. Burton and So», ftnd Son. Bristol or T. TAYLOR AND co.. 9, Uiue-crescent, Cardiff. A ME It 1 C ru LINE, SOUTHAMPTON-NEW YORFC SEliVlCiS. •S0UTU.^11'e;j) STATES MAIL STEAMERS aAMpT0N TO NEW YORK DIRECT. Hvery SATURDAY. Pi., accommodation for Saloon, Second issenger^. Storage outfit-fee. LIVKhpooi,_Pjn];^j;Pj p HI A SE RV ICK. I iv^r.^>ery WEDNESDAY. Calling °k TO PHILADELPHIA ^ke#jatrp e,v at (jueeustown every Thursday fended 'tfat free. Passengers and Goods are ff'vanialIa,'e'pli>a tiie Wharf of the Penn- «r«ct Rn, lroa(,> which has the Shortest and most Apply O-6? a11 '11 Lite Western States. 1016 Wternoni. Kl(:"ard.son, Sper.ce & Co., Southampton or t;fj> { 0I" to S.J. Davies 9, lidwards-pl., Queen iJPP. Ca>ini0Wie & Co" 31> Mount Stuart-sq.; C. J. Cud Swansea •A' (;ar,|i!f; Mason and Co.. 2, Mount St., » i "rSt'" a,1(' Sileocks, Swansea T. H. Austin a»(W^v „<>IU'ore D. S. Thomas, ISiitisli School •f^sSel.! V, Hancock, Downiiig-ef., ifc J- !>■ Bowen H. Lewis, Brirlge-Hi., Neath; W P. I,. i*~cl £ e. 3, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. 0,Uvhii,ieiS' • Villiers-st., IJriton Ferry J. Roberts, D. T. Dnvies, D. Xvans, Merfchyr; ^r'Ce M l7^s'Woodfield-street, Morriston; M. D. Abertinlv KlVst' I'^ndate; A. 'L'ilney,Steam Saw Mills, *k» Po>iM^' Edwards, B'aina; A. J)a.vies, 1, Queen- ell tlyll J. fhollló.lti, Tradegar J. D. Thomas. tel". Ne<llt. *t- pALGRAVE, MURPHY A CO.'S ^HRBL 1,1 NE OL^STEAMERS. CL'IT SWANSEA TO HAMBURG ri'i'v- CADIZ. j. ~Captain Connor CTIW DORTMUND .capuun codd One nf 11 OPORTO Captain Hoare intAi?i a,)0¥6 or other steamers of the same Line ■^8. 0 ,ea*e Swansea for Hamburg etery Ten Mn»ni. &o apply to the owners, Palgrave, iennti ('°- l7- Eden Quay. Dublin, or to HIP A BULWJESS & CO., Swi«r.sea aDlIJ11I.t! D. i'l* I lit A! A NX- 9616 Jf EW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. CAPE TOWN, TASMANIA, *U!;5 i'RALlA (VIA HOBART). AND NEW ZEALAND. fcuisiri y Service. Excellent accommodation. Liberal fa,r'°w Fares. Special terms to Families, an* ?tlAlTrr w°r''l Pleasure Tours. AARA. inlay 28 I RUAPEHU .June 25 Jfcreef 10 J- B- vvestray & Co., 133, Leadenhall- ySmio Jk°ndon, E C. in Cardiff to J. A. Scott, i e<?iaLio" Office, 47. Cathavs-terrace, or S. J. Davies, S»'Wari!-place. 0. J. Cudlipp. 32. Castle-road or in 'nseat t<> R. Perkins, 11, somerset-place. 7625 t,OND0N;J'()CA11 D1Fl<' & SWANSEA. I" JL WEEKF V SAILINGS. lo S* London and South Wales Steamers are intended evsvy FR1DA Y from London (King and Queen Olifi. ^ot'ierhithe, S.E.), carrying Goods for CAR and SWANSEA, as follows — Su»ril''ani s*s'' London to Cardiff & Swansea. May 8 s?n May 15 Luff1 Nfarther particulars apply to Matthews and House, 52, Leadeuhall-street, London, •md'J ..i "• Tucker and Co.. Swansea: or Matthews ,J^enn^jJhanibers^^ardi(f^82^ ISUIJIWATJFLUS- The I N I LN C, A N U A. L, BY WALTER K SKINNER ^0tains full particulars of an Mining Companies *"own to the Exchanges of London and the Provinces. A separate section is devoted to South African Com- A fnl1 list of mining directors is also given. «inH«fLa,rticulars given of each Mining Company in- the directors and other officials, date of egtab- flsnment, seat of oDerations, description of the iroperty witl, the purchase cousideration, details of ttpitaj, calls, dividends paid, and the latest financial Xteiuon as disclosed by the accounts. A special feature is the particulars given of West Instralian Mining Companies. Price. 10s cd, post free, LONDON 26, NICHOLAS-LANE, LOMBARD- STREET, E.C. 1255 THE ARCHITECT AND CONTRACT I REPORTER. Established nearly a Quarter of a Century. ARCHITECT and CONTRACT REPORTER £ r?e antl influential circulation amongst Archi- (jj Builders, Contractors, and the wealthy classes of -■'lie, and has bee i found to be a very valuable of publicity. ,*00 ARCHITECT and CONTRACT REPORTER t>iS> 8 a 'arser number of Tenders and Contracts Kfh than any other paper. <!omie- ARCHITEl T and CONTRACT REPORTER tthe finest and most beautiiul Architectural «a»t "'ustrations of anv pansr published in any *Mt of the world. B„ WEEKLY, PRICE 4d. F»BUSHEI> BV P A GILBERT WOOD, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. 1307 1-75 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. 1307 IJARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEW Pnbli.k.f0RT SHIPPING GAZETTE. d every Monday Morning. Price 21s per l|rh« #>»,. annum, or by Post iSs. *aiPPlK,^r, ^FF' s^ANSEA, AND NEWPOR'l 'dheShinn- -AZE'lTB contains a complete record of Bristol v l)usines3 of Cardiff, Swansea, Newport ^r't«n Kerry, Burry Port, <fcc., and cir Bristol '}?onS all the Merchants and Brokers of the Tariona anne 'Ports, and generally throughout the Lloja u t,ie United Kingdom. It is filed at Comm«r Lombard, and most of the Chambers of CHipn an(l's also sent to the leading Foreign Ports -^I^OmCES :-105, yt. Mary-streetT Cardiff Bv i Jllst Published, for Two Stamps, "lr-»' ■'V BARNES, M.D. (U.S.) a Treatise, entitled HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH moat and ii vaiua^le Book on the uws Governing Life, fijag e Causes. Symptoms, and Treatment of all ^hv«i»e? depending on Nervous Debility, Mental and hi iuCal Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises "ead and Ears, Impaired sight and Memory, tree getotJon, Prostration, Lassitude, &c. Sent post on receipt of Tu o Address 48 J Messrs BARNES, 116 E. P RICE, 8. PARK • IIALI, BUILDINGS. P,ITYMAN, SEEDSMAN, FLORIST, w AND FRUITERER. tbs, Crosses, Bridal Bouquets, and Presentation a Speciality. First Prizes at recent shows °y boiiquets, &c., made by A. E. Price. Growing Pana^. 'n pots, 15 for 2s 6iL Best quality Tobacco per lb. 4252 L^CKYER'S SULPHUR HAIH RESTORER" Lo("IiYEP.,s SULPHUR HAIR. RESTORER. THE SUREST THE SAFEST THE BEST. THE CHEAPEST SULPHim HAIR RESTORER produces a perfectly natural colour gradual change is certain, and foi removing scurf JJ^nfylng and cleansing the hair, causing it to grow Is 6^ thin, Lockvar's ia urrivalleiL— Large bottles Sold eveivwhere J^ELLAR'S CORN PLASTER. -Boxes ijr' Is l%d and 2s 9d each Corn Plasters are a certain care for hard or sof' n»s they completely dry up and eradicate painfu k .s > the Bunion Plasters, a proved remedy for t> niona and enlarged toe joints. Sold by all chemists') S_ £ aful Dollar s Phsten are supplied. b ESPLENDENT IVORY LIKE TEETH.—To make sure of these, CRACROFTS ^«ECA NUT TOOTH PASTE is necessary, podges tartar, thoroughly polishes the enamel cleanses the teeth, hardens the gums, is Sy^ent, aromatic, and delicious in flavour. Cracroft's t^steensures a tine set of teeth. Sold everywhere each. ))EAFNESS, Noises in the EArs, ete.- Dollars ESSENCE FOR DEAFNESS has proved *raortlinary remedy. It always relieves, generally and is strongly recommended by thousands who tulfi rived benefit. It is quite harmless.—&old in Is lV^d and 2s 9d each, by all Chemists. &JULPHOLINE SOAP S a d«Ucately ^-Wthied, chemically pure oap, intended for use, but specially by; bose endowed with w^e 8™>s- F°r washing at all times, and bringing fehtiw" t0 a 80ft' P'iab'e. healthy condftion, ftul- «j,J2*Soap holds the first place. Its odour is very Heh11*' an(^ soap is not sxpensire. Tablets, 6a 1063 JpIJOPLE'S J> A PER IS TI) CARDIFF rJIIMES 80UTJI wAL]iSWEEKLYI\TEWf# BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS wtMTuoAd u care Gravvl, Paina is the B*ek. tio*rsd eoapiainu. Guax&nt««d free from Sold Ln Boxed 6d mch, bj %Q 7°* Medicine Vendors throughout the world, *• *»y address for .-jxty stamps by the M&kani, l.il1eol:l"«:uln and Midland Counties Druse Company RTANT to THOSE WHO SUFFER. «• W B*rt*n's LX-L. Piib M« gUMMUed *"enBp|iafctfo»0. Al«egr»rel and hi the 'Aig. free fer 4s frem O. D. M»rton, M.P.S. EtomitalX Aaton-rM^kBinnlaeham. «Wff fcS*daf—-A- Haffon, Cliettist, 5l|, *rM^e-et, Merfchrr—WHls, Chemfsf. Swansea « *ign-st Oxford-sb Newport*—Younjr, Chemist, —Has never been kdown to fail. Lefc» pi ■ ^red freB. Ple.qs^ name paper. **75 THtoL, CADQXTON AND BARRY ^fc"?OSTLNG COMPANY (UMITED). Sac^ii^^T^TREET, C AJOOXTO N BARRY. BM^g3J«lCHAEL DAVIEfl. Hot, and. LargMtCeneetion fnJb«X>is» 1279 4itsitttss ).bttSltS. A SOUTH AFRICAN STORY OF SENSATION. LOVE, I I AND MYSTERY, ¡ I "THE GOLDEN ROCK," BY ERNEST GLANVILL& IS NOW APPEARING IN THE CARDIFF TIMES j AND SOUTH WALES W E EKLY NEWS. ¡ READ "THE GOLDEN ROCK," f A TALE OF SOUTH AFRICA. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER IS THE CARDIFF TIMES I AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. MOST NEWS! BEST FICTION! VARIED FEATURES! I SPECIAL ARTICLES. The following are some of the SPECIAL FEATURES which appear Weeklkin its Columns, ^fORKMEN'S rpQPICS, Mr 7A, ^freekly, Article< specially written for the Cardiff Times mid, South Wales Weekly News by Mr WILLIAM ABRAHAM (MABON), on current Labour Questions and the Conditions of Labour in Great Britain. Read by thousands of Miners in the Rhondda; F ICTION. THE GOLDEN ROOK, By ERNEST GLANVILLE. BY BRECON'S LAKE- A SOUTH WALES STORY. NEW SERIES OF SHORT TALES, By VARIOUS AUTHORS. P Y GCLOFN GYMREIG. By "DAFYDD MORGANWG.' The best Welsh Column published; Read by Welshmen the wl)rh1 over* WELSH GLEANINGS, Interesting Paragraphs of the doings and sayings of Welshmen in every part of the world. J r gONGS FOR THE PEOPLE. Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun, in a letter to the Marquis of Montrose, wrote I know a very wise man that believed that if a man Were Permitted to make all the ballads he need not care who should tnake the laws of the nation." Under this heading appear weekly Foems dealing with the life, the joys, and the sorrows of the People, culled from all sources. GOSSIP OF THE DAY. Bright Tittle Tattle of dofngg and Mayings in South Wales, OUR SATURDAY SERMON. A Pithy Homily weekly on life's duties, selected from the writings of the II Great Ones of the Earth." Jy/JUSICAL AND EISTEDDFODIC NOTES. Maelgwyn deals with all the more interesting Elsteddfodic and Musical matters of South Wales. QARDENING NOTES. W A weekly column of interest to Amateur Gardeners. COUNTRY COLUMN. By "An Expert. Illustrated. fJIHE HOUSEHOLD. A collection of Recipes and Hints of value and interest to every housewife. WOMAN'S LETTER TO WOMEN. A special illustrated article on Dress and the Toilet, written by a Lady Journalist. THE ORDER OF THE ROUND TABLE. The most interesting Children's Column published.—Conducted by Aunt Maggie Symington. ^TELSH TIT BITS, Neu Wreichion Oddiar yr Eingion. By Cadrawd. WIT AND HUMOUR. A column of selections from all sources. 1 QUEER STORIES. Grave and Gay True and otherwise. /Ii:- r' WELSH ECHOES FROM LONDON. Political, Social, Literary; specially written by ettf London Welsh Correspondent. THE WORLD OVER.' Under this head appears the cream of the Foreign Intelligence) of the) Week. CAPITAL AND LABOUR." The Week's News in the labour World; 4 In addition to these Special Features the OARtHPF HtlMJtB fettci SOtfTff WALES WEEKLY NEWS contains THE NEWS OF THE WEEK. The Largest, Brightest, zni Besb Weekly Journal PtibHshed in th« PHttd* pality. All the features of A Magazine and the News a CHreit WiseMiy Newspaper. ,„„,„.„ THE P EOPLE's JOURNAL. 72 LONG COLUMNS OF SPECIAL ARTICLES, FIRST-CLASS FICTION, ANV THB WfiKK'B NEWS FOR ONID PENNY. -o; I. f ORDER FROM YHUR" NEWSAGENT A OeVy OF THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. ONE PENNY WEEKLY BUSINESS AbL)ressts. ^RK YEAST^ AnK YE4ST I Manufactured solely by TLM NEW LEA VALLEY DISTILLERY CO LIMITED, Stratford, London, E. FINEST YEAST in the World, Summer and Winter; Can be used in this district eight hours after manufacture. Sole General Agents for the United Kingdom, RAWSTORN, JOHNSON, AND CO., LIMITED, HULL, To whom all applications must be made. 9520 jy/ £ ELLOR'S gAUCE. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. MELLOR'S SAUCE. s The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. J^ELLOR'S gAUCE! The Best. Cheap Sauce in the Market. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. MELLOWS KSAUCE. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market MELLOR'S KSAUCE. 5222 The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. 91e The Best Cheap Sauce in the Marke:. JESSE WILLIAMS'S vy C 0 CAW I NE. IMPERIAL 2/6 PINTS is a real genuine Coca Wine prepared from the fresh green leaves of the Erythroxylon Coca, a shrub cultivated on the slopes and plateau of the Andes in Bolivia and Peru. fc is from these leaves that the wonderful local Anaesthetic cocaine is prepared. Tlie wine with which we extract the leaves has been specially selected and blended for us by Messrs Stevens and Sons, Ltd. JESSE WILLIAMS'S COCA WINE has been praised as a nervine and muscular tonic preventing waste of tissue, appeas- ing hunger and thirst, relieving fatigue, aiding free respiration, and as being useful in varIous diseases of the respiratory organs. It is recommended for indigestion, ga.i- tralgia, gastrodynia, nausea, sickness, dis- taste for food. It is given to relieve pain, nausea, vomiting or discomfort caused by excess in eating or drink. It is the antidote for Brain Fag and Worry. For Fatigue of Mind and Body. For the sleeplessness and nervousness that comes of overwork, anxiety, and worry. There is nothing so good as JESSE WILLIAMS'S COCA WINE, Park Hall Building, Cardiff. 5007—90a jp jpREEDMAN AND CO. JiNTIRE HOUSE FURNISHERS, NEWPORT, SWANSEA, AND NEW TREDEGAR, Have a very Large Selection of HOUSEHOLD FURN TUBE, CARPETS, BEDDING, &c„ suitable fr/i Apartments, Houses, and Hotels, which can be Slip plied on their well-known EASY PURCHASE SYSTEM. General terins subject to alteration to suit customers eonven ence. £ 5 worth, 1/6 per week, 6/- monthly £ 10 „ 3/6 „ 12/6 £ 15 5/- „ 20/- £ 25 „ 7/6 „ 30/. 250 „ 15/. „ 60/. £ 100 „ 27/6 „ 100/- Without any Special Payment or Security THE OLDEST FIRM IN THE TRADE. PIONEERS OF THE HIRE SYSTEM. £ 50,000 OF STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PROSPECTUS FREE, I PRIVATE DELIVERY. NOTE AUDRESSEs- 34, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. 3125 3 & 4, MARKET BUILDINGS, NEWPORT, MON ELLIOTSTOWN. NEW TREDEGAR 60e FARMElSt SAVE YOUR MONEY AND KEEP YOUR „ t. HEALTH By having your own Wool made into Cloths, Flannel*, Blankets, Stockings, etc Patterns forwarded ahd Carriage Paid to and from the Mills on all orders TYLER AND COMPANY, MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSS1L :<y'rTIT \1,! 113 RUPTURE ABSOLUTELY CURED AT THE HERNIA INSTITUTE, 73, QUEEN'S-ROAD. CLIFTON, BRISTOL. SUB BRANCHES, CARDIFF, NEWPORT. BATH. Persons cured can be interviewed. Consultation and pamphlets free. Apply—MEDICAL OFFICER, 8167 15856 CLIFTON 1896. SPRING CLEANING. 1896. SEND POSTCARD TO THE CARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY, DYEING, CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANING CO., LIMITED, MINNY STREET, CATHAYS. PKNARTII OFFICE :-57, WINDSOR-ROAD. Every order receives prompt attention. Red Cross Vans and Ladder Trucks to all parts daily. National Telephone, 741. 8947-505e THE GOLDEN RING. The World's JL Great Honourable Matrimonial Association for those desirous of Marriage. Testimonials from the Nobility, Officers in the Army, Navy, Clergy, Gentry, and many others whose requirements have been suc- cessfully negotiated through this association. All communications strictly private.-Addresi The Golden Ring, Great James-street, Holborn, London. 1497 E ADE'S pILLS. ST^ADE S DILLS. All who suffer from Gout, 4^Anir»s "r Rheumatism should ■71ADE fc IJILLS. immediately have recourse -5=^X1 ts to JADE'S PILLS. Hun- TTIADES Ij I M.S. dreds of Testimonials have ■^ATkP'S ■'fcllTis ^om all ADES J3ILLS. sorts and conditions of a nF'i p»rrr c men testifying to the won- ADJ5S IJiiaiS. derful power these Pills have in giving relief in the very worst cases. These Pills are purely vegetable and perfectly safe in their action. mwnR<?r mRMnprin^1017 CURE THE WORSf FORM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, KHKUMATIC GOUT PAINS IN THE 11 BAD, FACE, AND LIMBS A* gOUT "16, Burton-crescent, Dewsbury- rovr y-'A'ssis^^g KHKCMATISM ffbUT I h«i tbe" doc tor,'and' he^aSd UHEUMATISM m-STTPSSTILL'SAA ffoUT ^Ci^rPpT,rdiedd,dbLa \X nrrcM anc' quite sure they prevented fj HEUMATISM my being laid up agam Ever Jtv sulce yhen I have had the lwwfc gOUT pain I have taken 2 or 3 Pills and have been all riirht ao»in HEUMATISM directly. RUt a8aul ^OULD NOT BE WITHOUT gout oNTEHaTrBgs |J HEUMATISM You are quite at liberty to make Ly ri jw KSe yiOU like of this, and I SI OUT 10 ^wer any 1TT poor sufferer who cares write T> HEUMATISM /ENCLOSING SUM^D'ADDRES Jtl; Wishing you every success. • Mrs truly, Mr George fede^™°CNTAIN- EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, Is l%d and 2s 9d. orsiniJPS.stw vn? ^r 17 by the Proprietor OEORGF. EADE, "2. GOSWELL-ROAD, E.C. Ask rheumawc plli^ eade's 0°^ AND T7I A D E S T> ILLS. XU 6665 HOe W. B. TOPE TAILOR, HAS REMOVED HIS BUSINESS FROM 261, BUTE-STREET TO HIS NEW PREMISES, g gT. J OHNVS-SQUARE. BNTIRB NJSW STOCK OF WOOLLEN8 SUITABLE FOR MEDIUM AND HIGH-CLASS TRADE. 8102 1196 M PAINE A CO., BILL-POSTERS AND ADVERTISING AGENTS FOR HntWAIN, MOUNTAIN ASH, PKNRHIWCEIBER AND DISTRICT. Agents for Guion and American Lines. 15580 „ U57 ripAr'.sTRKRT JUKKnAHi; XTEATH AND DISTRICT BILL- I XI POSTING COMPANY.—Late T Wall. OfHcwASSEMBLY-ROOMS, NEATH Manager s-J. W ROBINSON. t«HHi «o4 PmoMvra «f the beet PvntlOff &ta^MlS Manager s-J. W. ROBINSON. t«HHi «o4 PmoMvra «f the beet PvntlOff &ta^MlS















...,--------------BARON HIRSCH…




