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-- Duty paid to Government…


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TOWN COUNCIL AND BOARD OF HEALTH MEETINGS. The above meetings were held on Thursday lasf, at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, when the following gentlemen were present-J olm Prothero, Esq., in the chair; Aldermen David Thomas, Esq., Col. Pearce, K.H., John Williams, Esq., and Henry Maybery, Esq.; Councillors-Messrs. John Morris, John Griffiths, Phillip Bright, John Davies, Thomas Trew, John Jones, and Doctor Lucas. S. B. Evans, Town Clerk. The Town Clerk having read the minutes of the last quarter, Mr. Morris said in referring to the painting of the railing round the monument on the Bulwark, it was not public property, he had seen Mr. John Evan Thomas on the matter, and he recommended that it should be done by a public subscription. The amount of the expense was ordered to be as- certained. A tender for the construction of the compensa- tion resrvoir at Cilwhibert Mill was read from Mr. Thomas Davies, junr., amounting to X173 15s. After a little conversation the matter was left in the hands of the Engineer and Town Clerk. A note was read from Mr. James Williams, sur- geon, applying for £16 lis, for medical attendance on William Davies, formerly a police officer. Mr. Morris said that when the bill was produced on previous occasions it was not entertained, and he begged to move that the same course should be adopted then. Mr. Alderman Williams said that the matter had never fairly come before the Board, the facts being that a fire broke out which threatened to do serious damage, other members of the Board being present as well as himself, and could bear testimo- ny that Davies exerted himself in an extraordinary manner, which no doubt was the cause of his very severe illness, he therefore thought that the same indulgence be shewn Davies as other officers had had, he therefore would move that the sum of S.10 be voted to help him out of the trouble, fully believ- ing that his conduct merited it, and thus end the I matter. Mr. Rich seconded the proposition. Mr. Alderman Thomas supported the motion at some length, and said that upon considera- tion he thought it would be much better to settle the matter. Mr. Alderman Williams thanked the Board for entertaining the subject, and said upon second con- sideration he thought it would be better to pay the bill in full, and would ask Mr. Rich to second that amendment, Mr. Rich did so. Mr. Morris said he could not in any way under- stand such measures. First Mr. Alderman Willi- ams asked for the sum of £10 to be given to assist Davies, then he asks for the full amount of the bill to be paid, when Mr. Williams's bill had' always been objected to, and he, as one, should propose again that it be not entertained. Mr. Griffiths seconded the proposition. Dr. Lucas said that be thought the money had better be given to Davies, that he may settle the matter, thereby it would be doing away with Mr. Williams receiving the money from the Board. Mr. Davies said he bad no objection provided Davies produced a satisfactory receipt that he had discharged the demands of Mr. Williams. Mr. Morris again moved that Mr. Williams's demand should stand unnoticed by the Corporation. After some further discussion between the Board and Mr. Morris, it was agreed that Davies should produce a receipt to the Board from Mr. Williams, to show that they had settled the matter between themselves and thus end the matter. Mr. Bright said that he did not feel satisfied in not having heard that the S210 due from the Markets Committee to the Corporation had not been paid by Mr. Cobb. The Town Clerk expressed a desire that the sub- ject should be left to stand over as he had some private information to lay before the Board at some other time. The matter dropped. Mr. Davies asked if any report had been made by the Engineer on the progress of the new Water Works. The Town Clerk read a lengthy report on the work and the satisfactory manner in which the work was executed. Mr. Davies said that he was glad to hear such a report read as that sent in by the Engineer, and he would ask him if he could furnish the meeting with information as to how soon they may antici- pate having the water into the town he felt Ve"y anxious that a good supply of water should be had as early as possible, for cleansing the town and for other purposes, as cholera and other epidemics were flying about. The Engineer in reply said that before the next quarterly meeting a large portion of the town would be supplied.. The mode of supplying the public with water was next discussed at some length, when Mr. Davies said that he was of opinion that a Water Works Committee should be appointed pre- vious to any water being supplied, so as to fix the terms of supplying it. Mr. Alderman Maybery. asked u any portion of the town could be supplied within a month, as he thought the sooner the better they derived some benefit from it. The Engineer said he thought it could, unless some unforeseen accident occurred. Mr. Alderman Thomas thought they ought not under any circumstance be in too great a hurry about the matter, but that they should calmly con- sider the question, whether the landlords should not be called upon to supply the poor man residing in their cottages with water, being one of the most essential requirements in the town. Alderman Col. Pearce said that he would set the example by having all his cottages supplied with water at the earliest opportunity.. f Mr. Alderman Thomas called the attention o the Board to the foul state of King street. d Dr. Lucas said that the Struet, Kensington, and Llanfaes, should immediately be attended to, as it was a most serious thing for places to be in such a state, he trusted something would soon be done. Mr. Davies said that his attention had been call- ed to Lion Yard, it was in such a state that it re- quired particular attention. Mr. Bright called the attention of the Board to the reports entered at various jimes in the Inspec- tor's book, which was often laid on the table but not looked at; one report was about some closets which were in a bad state at the bottom of Castle street, belonging to Mr. John Evans, old bank, this was allowed to go on unnoticed up to the pre- sent, he would therefore move that in future, the reports of the Inspector should be attended to, or else it was of 110 use to receive such reports, they should, in his opinion, be attended to at once, as they were of a most serious nature. Mr. Davies said he thought they had better coll the Inspector in and give him proper authority how to act. A long conversation followed upon this subject, when, upon the-motion of Dr. Lucas, it was agreed that an extra cart should go round the town to collect ashes and other refuse, and that ash-bins or baskets be provided for that purpose by the par- ties themselves. The Inspector of nuisances was called into the room, and in reply to the Board, said that pigs were kept in Llanfaes within 20 yards of the public roads, and that King-street was in a very bad state. The Town Clerk then told the Inspector that an extra cart was ordered to go round the town daily to collect ashes, stale vegetables, &c., and that Llanfaes was to be sup- plied gratis with water until the completion of the New Waterworks, and that it would be his duty to see that this was carried out strictly and im- partially. Mr. Davies expressed the satisfaction he expe' rienced on Wednesday last, in watching the ope-1' ations of the new fire-escape, and he was satisfy with its utility; he would ask if proper persons had been duly appointed to manage the same 111 future. The Town Clerk read a list of names which previously been handed to the Board. Mr. Rich said-he thought the matter had bet ter stand over, and that young men at differed parts of the town should be invited to becoll" volunteers in the affair. s Mr. Morris said that parties had called with I him, and from their manner, he believed they vfe } willing to act as part of the fire brigade, provide the police had nothing to do with it excepting superintendent. ( A general discussion followed, after which was agreed that two persons from Llanfaes, B], Street, and the Watton, be added to the previously given, and that each person be provide with a key of the fire-escape. Mr. Bright called the attention of the Board the unsatisfactory answer to a motion made reference to making future arrangements with Gas Company, and he would move that the cOIle pany be summoned to attend a meeting of th Board at 8 o'clock on Monday evening next.. Mr. Rich gave notice that at that meeting 1 should move that a greater number of lights placed on the Captains Walks. i Mr. Griffiths called the attention of the Bor to a most brutal assault committed upon two ger; tlemen by some navvies who were employed on t ;0 to Neath and Brecon Railway, in endeavouring r quell a row. One was Mr. Games, the solic'^ who got very much abused, who, no doubt, by courageous conduct in coming to the rescue, sa^e the life of one man who was fearfully kicked his fellow workmen and he thought the should request the directors to appoint a paid c011 stable to assist the uolice during the constrllctIO of the works. „ Mr. Alderman Thomas endorsed the sentimen 9 of Mr. Griffiths. The Town Clerk said that the conduct 0f Gan.es, as had been described, in saving the We g j the man so badly abused, was deserving the tbaB A of the Corporation. it Mr. Davies moved, and Mr. Griffiths that the thanks of the Corporation be given to j Games, for the courageous manner in which he n' saved the man's life.—Carried. Mr. Morris infoimed the Board that the 11e who came from swansea, to show how to work fire-escape, had done so at their own expense, » he thought some notice should be taken of it..j Mr. Davies quite concurred, and proposed;* they would accept of it, that they should have given to them to defray their expenses. Mr. fiths seconded the proposition.—Carried. The meeting was then adjourned.


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