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FROM CITY CORRESPONDENTS CERTAIN offices which formerly devolved upon, the Principal of the Guildhall School Qf Music have, pending the decision whether a successor to Mr. Weisi Hill is to be appointed, temporarily been allotted to various professors. Thus Mr. Collins has just been chosen as conductor of the orchestral classes, Mr. Hermann Klein as director of the cpera class, and Mr. Orlando Morgan as conductor of the ladies choir which recently gave 80 successful a performance of a cantata from his pen. If a project now before the Japanese Parliament be carried into effect. England will have to say good-bye to another of her markets as far as steel and iron are concerne L Japan, which is not in a very robust financial condition, is beginhing to view with alarm the drain which is constantly going on in rurchrising lhe materials for arms, ships, and railways abroad, and so she has wisely determined to establish z. steel :uid iron foundry, for whi h aa aprr)prii,oi was made in the recent bu There is an ahuuaance of coal and iron in ire country, bn, hitherto mining operations have been discouraged by the want of capital and the of If the 'resources of the East can overcome these there is no reason why Japan should not produce all the iron she wants for herseif and have some also for export. THOSE responsible for the Lancashire, Derby- shire a:id E,ist Coast li;;e. wiii di, in a sense, is to revolutionise the railway system of the country. are losing uo time. The compaay's Bill was only passed last Session, and the first contract has already been let to the firm who have undertaken (the construction of the Black wall Tunnel. The section it:ic.ite 1 inolu ies some important work, three viaducts and two tunnels. Sue of the latter being two miles long. Ir. has already beeu stated thatLLEe- iie-.v cross-country line wiil present mauy novel features. At one point, for instance, there will be the highest vuniuct in Euglaxid. con- structed to s large extent of steel. But the v o L striking peculiarity of the railway itself is to be found iu the fact ihac it will afford the first in- stance of a trunk line ease an 1 west. Our great lines running north from London are parallel with the seaboards, and the success of the Lancashire and Etist Coast would opeu a new era in our rail- way history. $! -7 IN celerration of he return of Mr. Spurgeon to the Metropolitan Tabernacle—the date of which is not yet fixed—several proposals have been made for a thank-o £ eri:;g. Precedence has been given to a suggestion thkt a hydraulic kft should be substituted for tat. exposed outer staircase by which the pastor has reached his rhe.-is|-ent Of this s'-nirense having some sr -a attenucci w un..nfi]' nltv to lii. ,jj* ti, x]jg health. i.c oonrch. ofiicers i. ■. ten.'crs and t k, been fce^un, i was foit. that Di41e and they have uppe-.tteij to se n; the Tabernacle for the amount require •< is about £ 700. ,In their apoenl they s'-y :y -are sure the arrangements will be "Jy .••(.•liaied by 2-1 r. Spurgeon, and Tnii reCvswe tdi1 :J.ckuowle.]gment," This procee d: ;• .—. t yreclude other tormsof thiink- adopted at a 1-utdt period. In order to mase rise iabernaci# as free from draught as possible, it Jius been arranged tnat inner lobbies shall be ui once coi-strticte 1.. NOT unnaturally the-y.dlwaU Dock Company have t:uce:i exception to the several statement matic respecting the lamentable loss of life which occurre.• tncro and at th., other docks of London during :he rc- ent iog3. U he charsres of negligence and insecurity they repudiate as "tar as theirdnck is concerns. and main; -4°- tilaf the eetBblighdS roadways, wljich alone the pufclic are fa nse. ate scSoJeutly se' ure for the pn¡:p: ();,¡- cecn? are in sense a <„eath trap." There ia a peculiar simplicity in the liie of defence adopted, by which they endeavour to sclear the in.iur.gemen: of the dock from t.he ac- ,r.,erei,ce to i-he sa:e:y of life. As the n.r.uesis on pew Die crowned in the dock lusiii-miring the prerrJleace of the fog were only time, and these throe were merely servanrs of the c.mn tY, they h d it unfair to saddle the company with a responsibility which tkey claim does not attach to it. Most people: will oe inclined to think that, knowing the liability;to iog in the winter season, the servants of the company aie | entitle.; to renaonable'proteetion in the perform- ance OL t'aeir ordinary duties. The cage that 3Ir. Gamer has I,, ri e It o take i to Airi.;a with li:n n: order to study the language cr the c: es is made of a network of fifceel roos. 'ihe eight sections take apart for packing urposes. Tiie size of the cage is to be six feet sis inches sqa ae. When put iu position, it will be an chorea to the ground-fay three strong chains passing across the top. hi order to prevtus the !j, -.whose immense strength is well | jfno'A'i. r:i oarrying hole thinsr off tos*Mi :j thi.ir leu-urj iu :li« wildtrneii. The ufciviork tit 9uMcieiirij tine to hinder them from putting their >rms through. In this cage Mr. Garner is to seat • himself some ccnsi- rahie distance from his pa. uj. but be is to be .connected with them by deans of a fdojihone and ;r; e'«».?friC b^H. The phouogvnph will tdfite #.>■><&■■ thj| sounds uttered by the gorillas. aud""a camera, place i in the fork of a tree, will t; ke instantaneous photographs. Mr. Garner is a broad-sh:>ul.:ere i man, of great physical strength, lie :s of French extraction, though five generations <. t his race have lived on American soil." -—— A rm su^-eon who was indicfed at j the Central Crftniifrrl LCurr for an attempted out- raze of a very gr ss character has been declared «1 insane c.r. the evi-;er;ce of medical men. and so the case «gain so him emiedi in a ver.iict of o t. guilty by consent ot the prosecution and of the presiding Judge, for the defence it was stated that the prisoner had borne a hig-i character for thirty-five years, but that lately his minu had been so that he fancie i every woman he met wanted to marry him. The middle-age l Adocir who suiters from a similar oelu.-don is not an n* ,t- common, species, but he d. es nut often carry t' uat; conceit to the extent fcilowir.g a. blly into a private house nud behaving a'.j the prisoner in this case ^U.l. For the ruesrta1 afai<j. tion which led htm to toe ooimnitta1 an offence -hat would, we mr.v presume, u;lve •(,een abhorrent to him iu a i-nonent of ap nity. Ull of US must fed pity. Th prisoner atii(ied over to -ce b,0 did not seem inclined to accept wikUi,v 5 ;ne remou- strance. o d01100 tney wkd take prec-mdona against a rexetitit.-u <n t.ai e behaviour from the penal consequents t) £ which he h;l3 e3. OJipe-1 but It Wu3.il pcTiiS as have been, well to exact souie guaran tee tor y, instead of revuruing a verdi :t of noi-guuty jf A;_ .iVe i by au uucoiiditiemJ. discharge. THE Pes tin "3 tor R. t.i hns SOS|I his way to I)ut a more favor j y^ru ;tiou on. that por- tion of the Savr ,:gs ];:tUk Act of 1391 relating to ,eesu:t of w¡dell will be of great advantage ( the 5 in the Pust Office hank The Ers: ii-.terprecation of the Act ou this vr in; was tha.t a rc-deposit' muss be of the enar c ..J!l0tu.5 0f ;he withdrawal it was in- tend t^i'c: l-'n-o Tiis 1; rer and more enlightened read* the Act is that a 'lepositor may deposit in. ,.(l. °r ,,u.,rg .,■),jt au a m un b to replace i t whole (IT. iu part an amount previously withdrawn in one entire d'un in i-hs s.-iiac yee'.r. such re deposit to be of course irrespective of the ordinary annual limit ot ,U for s The advantage of this new reading, which has been orotight into opera- tion. is-u-.arnlest. If* IIIIL e'* Ó3 first deonsion the benefits-dof of the Act reierreu to were likelt- r,Llerres,ri, .u it is highly desir- able that all measures relating to the Post Omce Savings lhnk shud, c.iu u.e to the increased, popularity q/f- that very su ccessful institution, aud it is satisfactory to know that up to the present its popularity has been well maintained. In illus- tration of this, it" may he inci ten tally remarked that in the week ende 1 the lith insfc. nearly a million, .iepopits were a number beating all The circumstance is a healtbv sh'-wing ths provident classes are hastening to make up for the outlays involved by the Christmas ftsti 'ities, and which necessi- tated heavy withra.wals m tlle week just previous to tha- season. Kelley, one of the Trei injuTOcl in the railway accideitt, at Doncnster. hs just died. Prr.fssor Herkomor, has just completed an exceLnt portrait of the late Duke of Clarence. Lord Henry Ben thick, ^r.P.'smarriageto Lady Olivia Taylor has been postponed -0 tfte 27th inst. Mr. Harry Furniss is indisposed through over- work, and has been ordered complete.rest. The Bishop of Worcester is lying seriously lllafc Haxtlcbury Castle, suffering from a pulmonary affection. The alarnti news of the defeat of a German force by the \Vauig: s is believed to be exagger- ated in Berliu. It naturally would be.w Another Cardinal is iJeaJ. Cardinal Simeoni, Prefect of the Propaganda, has expired at Bonne from, influenza. He was 70. JtSge^oJiar.l hr.s made an order for the com- pulsorv v. iadiug up of the F.oitsea Island Build- ing Society. The cha rrel of the Leeds fireman, Scho- field, have beenf found at Leeds, altogether un- recognisable. \f The death is ann91lryc.\1 f General Sir G. W. Maxueil. K.C.U. P'\t of colonel of the 2nd East L^oftthire"'Regimsut is consequently ren- dered vaonst. The Committee of Convocation of the Victoria University have dCode: to invite Lord Spencer to be nominated for; hB of Chancellor ia lue. eedsiou to the late Duke of Devonehire.


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