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By Divine Right.


By Divine Right. A remarkable, and in some respects startlingly frank, article on the personal char- acter of her late Majesty appears anonymously in the new number of the Quarterly Keview." To the end, says the writer, Queen Victoria regarded herself as a consecrated monarch by divine right," construing "loyalty" in its deepest mediaeval sense and moved by that sentiment to an almost super- stitious reverence for Charles I., who was never, in her eyes, anything less than the Royal Martyr." Personal character was counted as nothing compared with the abstract fact of the sovereignty, and in her sense of her position there was absolutely no self-consciousness. Yet when something was said about some public man's opinion of her, she once said I did not give a thought to that. It is so beside the question. What really signifies is what I think of him." With all her sweetness of disposition and inherent modesty, she was firmly convinced that if her orders were not, carried out to the letter all the institutions of the country would crumble," Although her Majesty had a keen sense of humour, "at the shadow or less than the shadow of an undue freedom she would freeze," and she had a great horror of a breach of Court etiquette, which in earlier life found amused rather than serious expression. It was the custom at Windsor after dinner for the Hoyal personages present to assemble on the great rug in front of the fire. When Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton first dined with the Queen lie strolled about the drawing-room so freely that "her Majesty whispered in agitation" If you don't do something to attract, his attention, in another minute he'll be on the rug' Though the Queen was always on her guard against the vagaries of prejudice," she formed some strong anti- pathies, and one of them was against Mr Gladstone, ;d10, in his eagerness, tried to press her to do what she knew,with her greater experience, to be not her work so much as his, and she resented the offer," and nothing ever made her really pleased to welcome him.

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