The Echo bas a l irculation equal to that of any other Newspaper Published in Pembrokeshire.

The Subscrip- tion to The Echo is as follows: Quarter Is 7 id 2 Balf-year 3s 3d One Year 6s (jd -0-

Sole Agent for the District for Messrs Worthington's Celebrated Mild and Bitter Ales, in 9, 18, and 36 Gallon Casks. Agent for the District for Messrs Murphy and Messrs Jameson's & Pym's Superior Irish Porters. t TMo "Wl3t:L4B ana Spirit: Stores, PlsUsuara. t .j BOBBHjTfLB"WIS, Wholesale and Retail IWine and Spirit Merchant, Maltster, &0. P R. L. invites attention to his choice selection of old WINES and SPIRITS. GOOD SHERRY, pale or gold, from 15s. to 30s. per doz.; superior ditto, pale or gold, from 30s. to 54s. per doz. AMONTILLADO, pale or gold, 30s. to 60s. per dozen. PORT of various ages, from 15s. to 54s. per* dozen good CLARETS from 15s. to 30s. per dozen. The Royal WelsH Whiskey at 42/- per Dozen. I INQ-HAM'S JSHarsalla, Ohampagnes and Moselles. BASS AND,/WOBTHINGTON'S ALES AND IGUINNESS'S EXTRA STOUT IN CASK ANDBOTTLES. Will have Choice Selections of GRASSES, CLOVERS, &c, next season. ¡ -'or Hennessy's Brandy in Wood and Bottle. Nicholson's London Gin, Old Jamaica Bums, and Jersey Brandies. GEO. BEHUETT Sz CO. The Celebrated Old Irish Whisky, and Foreign Wine and Spirit Stores, Fishguard Important ]\rotlce. Sale to Children Act, 1901. To Parents, Guardians, and Employers of Children under 14 years of age. On January 1st, 1902, a new Act of Parliament comes into force which prohibits license holders from selling or delivering any in- toxicating Liquor to children under fourteen years of age, except in quantities not less than one reputed pint, in corked and sealed vessels. On and after the above mentioned date children under 14 sent as messengers should bring a bottle, as it is impossible to cork and seal a jug. Every person who knowingly sends any person under the age of 14 years for the purpose of obtaining any description of intoxicating liquor, excepting as aforesaid, will be liable to a penalty not exceeding 40s for the first offence, and not exceeding £ 5 for any subsequent offence. LETT ERSTON CYCLE WORKS. fPST 19 Prizes won last season on Runaway' Cycles. 18 won already this year. THIS SPEAKS IF-OR ITSELF. These Bicycles are built throughout on the premises. Ladies' & Gents' Machines in stock from 8 Gns. Guaranteed Cushion Machines made to order. THE THREE R'S: Repairs, Re-plating, and Re-enamelling, WELL ATTENDED TO. T. WILLIAMS HEALTHY AND STRONG. When you feel "Rundown" and can't face your work properly, you have only to take a course of GWILY 1\1 EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Then you will relish your food and pick up your bodily strength and spirits quicker than you lost them. THE BEST REMEDY. For Indigestion, Weakness, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Flatulence, Low Spirits, Chest Affections, Sleeplessness. I GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS TESTIMONIALS. Alltmelyd, Rhyl. 2 2, Durden-street, Winsford. Dear Sirs,—I have suffered for years Sirs,—Some time ago I had the Influ- from Weakness, Low Spirits, and Indiges- enza, and the doctors could do me 80 tion, and the best remedy I have had is good with their medicines, so I took two Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. I take bottles of Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, it every year, and would not be without and it has done me a lot of good. I think it for anything.-Yoll rs truly, Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters is a M. WILLIAMS. Wonderful Medicine.—Yours truly, L. MELLOR. 33, Dunston-street, Haggerston. Dear Sirs,—Will you be so kind as to 8, Campbell-st., Stockton-on-Tees. forward me three bottles of Orwilyni cn™ xi j j. v ««- Evans' Quinine Bitters (12s 6d) as soon H w «reat benefit as possible ? I feel that the bottle which ™e.f by taking GwilymEvans' Quinine I have taken l as done me much good, and 1 I believe if I take three more bottles they ncphew who is very weak, to give it a will set me to rights again. I am glad to tml- ,?enf me; .b.y of say that I fe* £ ueh Setter after taking P«* a *<* one bottle.-Yourstruly, M. MORGAN. cash, x ours truly, R. J. JONES. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Insist on having the genuine article. See the name Gwilym Evans is on the Label, Stamp, and Bottle. Sold everywhere in bottles 2s 9d and 4s 6d each, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of stamps, direct, by the Sole Proprietors:— THE QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY SOUTH WALES] o. ;n'.# .t,fJ}t;" J. { 1 WILLIAM JAMES'S 'If Great Annual SALE THROUGHOUT JANUARY. P 11 -r.# REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. "W "WIXjXJI-A-3VC JAMES Will again this year prove that his Sales are Genuine. No Bogus Reductions to deceive the public. The increasing returns for each January being a proof that they are Appreciated by the General Public. rw-O BUTTER li MKKllKli. # "WIT iT J"JLIMIES is always on the alert in seeing that the best interests of his customers are attended to. This being the first Sale of the Twentieth Century he trusts that with the co-operation of his numerous customers to make a record in the history of the trade of Fishguard. .ft.ItI".n.A.Ø'rq 11 I' 1 .rt1 All goods marked in red ink, and, as always, in plain figures. TElVLS = CASH. WILLIAM JAMES, THE DRAPER, FISHGUARD. STOP that COUGH BY TAKING Meyler' s Falinic Inc as, The certain cure for Coughs, Colds, etc. It relieves Asthma and Bron- chitis. No home should be without it. One Dose Relieves. A Bottle Cures. You can only obtain it from the Proprietor :— Thomas Meyler, M.P.S., THE STORE CHEMIST, FISHGUARD, Who will send a single Bottle, carriage paid, to any address upon receipt of stamps. Price Is. per Bottle. _n W. D. GRIFFITHS, Castle Stores, FISHGUARD, Begs to draw the attention of the Public to his large assort- ment of FRESH GOODS which has just arrived, in- cluding Finest Raisins, Currants, Sul- tanas, Muscatelles, Jordan Almonds, also Lemon Orange and Citron Peels. Black Span- ish Nuts. Best Spanish Onions, Large Valencia Oranges. Flavouring Essences. Cinna- mon (Fancy Tins). Short Bread Also Welsh Bacon and Ham. Harris' Wiltshire Sausages. Charles Lett's DIARIES for 1902 now on sale. Plain and Fancy Stationery, &c FOUNTAIN PENS (holda week's supply Is each. lib PACKET Good Quality J Notepaper, with Printed Ad- f J Qj dress to order,in eitherVellum, ?" XMI White, or Granite, for J 100 ENVELOPES to match, 6d. -The lot sent per post for 2s.—— r I. To be bad at the "Echo" Offices, ri shguard *0 BILLHEADS and MEUOIUJNDUMS nicely Printed, from 3s 61 pei 1000, at the Echo Offices,