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To Engineering Draughtsmen, &e. TTTANTED at an IRON WORK, in MON- i, MOUTHSHIRR, a YOUNG MAN, competent to Level and to Measure Earthwork and Ma><mry; also, to make Mechanical Drawing, under the direction of an Engineer. Applications (post paid) must state the previous en. gagements of the parties and the salary required, c. &c., to Mr Thomas Woodall, Stationer, Abergavenny. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN AGENCY, OR Agency and Commission Transactions, 1 Negotiation of American Strife Stocks, Investment of Funds in the Public Securities of the United States, Recovery of Claims, &c. OFFICE, No. 56, WALL STREET. NEW YORK. AARON H. PALMER, Director. ..3'- Any Communications for the Agency which may be addresed to Mr Palmer, before the '20éh of January, at Long's Hotel, Bond Street; or care of Messrs N. M. Rothschild and Sons, London, will receive his immediate attention. London, November 2S, 1838. GLAMORGANSHIRE. VALUABLE Timber Trees, and Coppice Wood. TO BE 5>OLl) BY AUCTION, ONE OR MORE I BY MA E. LRYST-L ON, rho A ,i» 'AL iN ti J', on tiij Si.SD.'i V, -» 7?rd Day of JANUARY, 1839. between the hour* j L' AO and Four o'Ctock in the Afternoon subject to J Oooditietw to be then produced. j ~M 3 OAK, 3d AS!I, and 92 OFF' U, TIMBER V.vF TR EES, resp^ctire.y N'jtnbotvd wiin j V ii:t • f-gm I uowjrds, AlslI. about IS Av K.KS oi COiTICE WOOD. The above are standing upon C'jed Penmain Farm, close to the Glamorganshire Canal, and the Turn, pike Road leading from Cardiff to Merthvr Tydvil and are distant from Merthvr Tydvil about 11 miles, and from Cardiff about 13 miles. ALSO, 128 OAK, 48 ASH, and 2 BEECH TIMBER TREES, respectively numbered with white paint, from 1 upwards. Also, about 56 acres of Coppice Wood. The above are standing upon Brydwennarth Farm, and are separated from the first mentioned Timber only by the Cardiff and Merthyr Tvdvil Turnpike Road, and comprise the lower portion of Brydwennarth Wood. The Timber Trees are of a superior description, and •will be sold with their Lop, Top, and Bark. The Coppice Woods comprise valuable Pit-wood and Cord-wood, including many double stores, marked with a y, in white paint. The facility of conveyance to the different Iron Works which the peculiar situation affords, much enhances the vaiue, and renders this an opportunity for purchase rart-ly to be met with. For further particulars apply (if by letter postage free) to It rHcni-y Morgan, Solicitor, Cardiff; or to Mr Thomas Guritcr, at the Royal Oak, public house adjoining the Woods who will shew the Lots. [A DVF.RTISF.MF.NT.] THK CELFBRATED BARON SPOLASCO.—The Baron Spolasco left his residence on Wednesday morning, the 2nd instant, in his elegant travelling chariot and four. His liveries are, indeed, splendid, quite superb they are crimson, white, scarlet and gold. The carriage was the only thing the Baron had saved out of the wreck of the steamer Killarney, last January, when he lost his talented son, 9 years old, and belonging to him, and with him, twenty-Jive thousand pounds. The Baron first drew up at the Star, Neath Abbey, where thousands were collected to see him, the person who had done, or had conferred (through God) immense good, on suffering fellow creatures, of every malady, during his short (up to this time) resi- dence, of but three months in Swansea. The Baron remained near an hour to afford an opportunity of some "1 the worst case being submitted to him and to others le gave instructions to follow him to the Castle Inn, Neath, to which place he drove off at a rapid rate, amid the joyous exclamations of the astonished multitude. The Castle Inn, was completely barricaded by the people, who, from the public prints, knew of the Physi- cian's expected arrival. The Baron alighted amid the welcome greetings of the by-standers after taking re- ""r,I,' *>(• ;1]1"td the patients to be admitted "p ,uee o'clock, when he ordered four fresh horses to j his carriage, and drove off to the Lamb and !ae. to I dine pad sleeo. where crowds also were waiting to con- sult >1.1. MKLANOHOI.Y DEATH MRS MACLEAN-, MTE t M ,-y.. Lt.VBPN, or L. g, L, AT CAPK COAST, nvafss AFISICA.—it is our melancholy task to announce the d. ath of thi. gifted lady, which look '->1 ice the lo'h of October. It is thought that she v > n'ilh soasms in th? stom-u.'h f%»!» whjef» -i- -ied, >•« subjec: to looK in over-ugint; us pi mv.v., «=» .JOIH. luuuti dead, on the floor of her bed-room, close to the door, with the small bottle in her hand.





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