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---LITE1L.Jil Y llfc 1-11.


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WfUSKKY. M,tD\ESS, A\D MLhpER.—It is ?ith pain we record the t'Ilo%vilig "st revohing omrege —a description of crime, 's bm justice to say, -.tin so rare in ourrura) d'str'cts, that It j,, contraau to the usuat quiet and p aceattte conduct of the peasantry of. ScoIlaiid. 011 Tuesday,t)!et'2th curron (Oid New Ye.'r's day), 'he tarm ttcrvaotc of Mr Murphy, tenant ill B-"tfy. parish of GirOto", determined to make'"erryui the absence of their ma-ter, and, with tb's ?'e' procured from Gate- houseasupptyot'?"'??'. ?''fy?ero three iu number, and before 'hey nmsht-f) their carouse had consumed the greater part ot the ttatne number ot butties of ardo-tspiri's. Ti,t eff,.ct of such deep pnta<io'*s xoou became apparent, atid, though all was tun and \v)ps:Hng at tir-'t, co,isequences spcedity pttsupd which we biush to record. Ofthew'.ote, Jo-iii M'Oti'au was tbe most excited, ifnotpcrteoiy mad .tt'd furious, and after l,avitig tlil-uwtl Ili. neigh- bour servant.Joseph ti -o!iiie, itiflicied, by kicking, a severe wound uu hii' tace, whx.-h, although it may )eave.tscartbt-Hfe,isft"'t')nate)yt)oto)ada))gt-rout nature. He next attacked Bryce AuchtenwlI, Ihrew him on the ground with ¡:reat viulence, and "'od upon his breast so heavily with hi:; iron-uaded shoes or cioss, that life iu few tniuutea becinue extinct. tufurmation of the murder wa;< speedi y couvcyed to the Procurator Fiscat, who, aftef taking a precogMi- tion on the spot, hax offered a reward for the appre- hfnsioquf the ot)en<ler, 44o, it% the toeautinke, has fled flollJ juslice.-J)umfriel Courier. A correspondent recotn'nends the following mode of curing burns—namely, IlThe application ofa fourfold layer of soft old !rish linen (not cotton) "veil steeped and Mtorated with cold milk over the injured part, and, as the linen gets warm from the intensity of the intlamation, the applica- tion of more cold milk. squeezed through a sponge, upon the four-fold layer. This .'pphcatton should be very frequentiyrepeated, and the linen should not be removed, un'fss it shou'd become sour from the frequent application of the milk." %Ve cannot be expected to give an opinion on the value ot this suggestion, but we publish it for the consideration of medical men, amongst whom, we behave, the treatment of burns has long been a subject of con- troversy. FuUR.wt\Gf;D DRAKES.—A brace of drakes, when at home, nx their head-quarters )n a deep ditch, a spot they guard with the utmost jeafousy. Oneofthetwainisaswhitsassnowortheswan, bating its black feet, ?hite the other .sso mixed. mottled, and pied. that it presents M'l the colours "f the rainbow. r<or;sthi-. all; tor both are furnished with four wings, the uppe. patrol wh.ch serves as a sail in the water when thew.nd.a moderate while both are useful viiell they use whirring overhead, and take their'nornmgn.ght to inquire after the health of the Ilel4tib,)tirinl; poultry. The lower w'ings, during the p.o ess ot 11\1 "!IIJIlIJg, cling closplyt? the sides of the owner, wh.l?he upper stand nearly erect, and are joined to the shoutder in the usual manner, The parent duck hatchedanumber of more birds last summer, all "hichwerecommon.place save the feathered Manxman described; and our correspondent, in concluding his letter, says "they are the onty four- wingers that ever appeared in th's part ot the country." This, however.isa'uistake; for twoor three years ago we heard of a duck on the tarm ot Sherringtou .u (he parish of Carlaverock, that was furnished in precisely the same manner.- Dum ries C'ourier.


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MYFYHDO,)-\H. DiJEC¡¡{EU.-\…

"'CH.JlURJ 1 LLU81'HA 1'IONS.-No.…

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TO LOiti-P ii i,,u, c-i-1.4…

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