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To be Said by Private Contract. ONE-SIXTEENTH! PART or SHARE of the Brig ALICE, of Fishguard, now lying at Miitord. Apply to Mr. THOMAS LE WIS, Solicitor. Narberth. TOWN OF CARDIFF. I ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT for CAPITALISTS.—1^ALE of j ]j LEASEHOLD HOUSES, in the most thriving localities and g-rttest; thoroughfares in the town. MR. MATIKS HAS THE HONOUR TO IJfFO llil THE PUBLIC, THAT UP. WILL Submit for Competition by Public Auction, at the ALBION INN, BUTK-STKBKT, Oil MONDAY, APIUL 16, V U, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, ai. those Tliraa Substantial Woil-Euilt Houses, N H. 47, 48, and 49, situate North-East end of Bute-street, held u.tiler a lease of 93 years, 77 of which are unexpired, at a ground- rent of only Is. fo,)t, the present very low rental producing £ 55 per aanuin. No ,i7-cimtai!lS Two Parlours, Kitchen, Hack ditto, Two Front Bedrooms. One Back ditto, Two Garrets, Yard, CUi-leu, No. 48, Shop, Parlour, Kitchen, Back ditto, Two Bedrooms, Oae lhck ditto, Two Garrets, Yard, Garden, I'.taip, and Carpenter's Shop at the back, producing a rental of £ ? per annum. No. 49, Shop, Parlour, Two Front Bedrooms, Oae Back ditto, Kitchen, Back ditto, Yard, Garden, Pump, and a" conveniences. The frontage of each house is near 20 fecc— ci near 100 feet, and capable of va*t improvements at the back Oi the Premises for Stores, being so contiguous to the Docks, and eonveatent for shipments the whole forming one of the most a rautageous opportunities that ctti possibly be offered iLl the: town bc- ill Yedtmcllt of capita!. Sale to commence precisely at three o'clock. THE WESLEY AN TIMES. ONE of the LARGEST NEWSPAPERS published. Price -ict or os. 3d. per quarter, it advance. the WESLEY AN TiMES is now the leading and lllOilt widely- ,e alated Weslevan Journal published. Its columns are cliarae- ti- by talent and vigour. For the advocacy of Civil and Reli- c!. gious Freedom, Parliamentary Intelligence, Foreign and Domestic N-wj. and Commercial and Trade Reports, as a Weekly News- p uer it stmd, ullrinlli.,d. As a vVesleyan, Religious, and family it is especially interesting neither labour nor expense are soircd to render it in every respect the worthy representative of the large and influential body whose name it bears. As this is the C -•umenccniont of a new qaarter, a favourable opportunity is pre- sented for becoming subscribers. The WESLEYAN TIM WS, being published for delivery throughout the kingdom on Tuesday morning, contains reports of th* Mark-lane, Smithfield, and other Markets on Monday. Office, Ex,t Temple Chambers, Whitefriars-street, Fleet-street, to which p .v/e orders should be sent direct. It may also be had of all ni.ws\erulers. GOOD HEWS FOR HuSBA.NDS, V \rASIIING-I)AY is the day most dreaded in the domestic if calendar. By some is its advent regarded with ghastly ho.vor; and where's the man who would not giadiy rid himself of snJia necessary nuisance ? Intolerable as arc reputed to be those and mighty things called curtain lec.ures,' not one poor w' :ht, we feel convinced, but would rather sustain a score of them th it, bear the infinitesimal woes of a washing-day. A domestic Lethe has therefore lo.ij* been a desideratum, but we rejoice to say is now act.ii.ianle. To Mr. ilAtlPER T A Ei_/VE1R.EES is due tlh" honour and the emolument of this discovery, the greatest won- der of this wondrous age. Woman-kind will laud him for it, and m-*ii bestow o.i him their benisons. But what is itinquires the re a er. We'll tell vou—-not wherein the discovery consists, but— wo. it Mr. Tweivetrees has discovered. He has eifected i do,-iie,tic re 'tioti; Que,-n Scrub is deposed, and a Republic of Soap-suds holds sway. Incredible as it may appear, a six weeks' wash may fte accomplished before breakfast, for icss than sixpence, without th.* aid fit' a washerwoman 'Pshaw! it's all moonshine -Mr. Harper is a visionary—an enthusiast.' He is neither although, we .ieknowled.,a', we aid at one period form a similar estimate of his character. Don't condemn the man unheard. In our establisii- liu-ot his '([li»\'t:on' have been tollowed, and his process tried. And a most >i nolo process it is, and eminently economical aim ex- peditions. Xii rubbing Íc, l'c'qttÍJ'd at the tub,' nor a tith' of the usual time. The linen is rendered of virgin whiteness, and not in the lea-t deteriorated. The process has also been tested in the fa.ily of a gentleman whom we rank among our and he m'onoan:'c< it a positive blessing to iliat portion oi frai-I humanity wht'h, like hi nseif, ha. long been occupied in explorations for a beuedietiae El Dorado, where washing-days are unknown. As many of our readers will naturally desiiv to obtain the Directions,' we print the a Idressoi th.; author,—' oir. Harper lwelvetrees, 14, New Miilman-street. Foundling Hospital, London,' of wh an they may be procured. The cost is a mere triti.-—■ one-and-thirty pn-tuge stamps—the intrinsic value being inestimable. We shall he htppy to furnish any-further inforuiation that may be required on flu subject of this washing wHlder-that is, any particulars not a knowledge of tietai's for who would be so unjust, so calonis, as to deprive die inventor of any portion of the emolument he is entitle to derive from his truly ingenious discovery ? Gw-.rnifiy Comet, March 5, 1849. T > be had of all b lokse-lers, price 2s. 6d. TO COItHESPOXDi'j.N'TS. (Merthyr).—Your letter will appear next week. -;t,-rs of Merthyr. We should exceed our province if we inserted the letter, and would therefore recommend him to send it to the Diwjjiwr or The report from Cardigm, purporting to be that of the exami- nation of the parish clerk b fore the magistrates oii -t certain charge, is nnauthenticated, and for that reason we cannot insert It. ALEXIXOEIT BOYLE."—" Halbert's Essay all Human Rights, and their Political Guarantees." IxtiUIRHR."—Yes. GF.ORGE WILLIAMS" (Cardiff).—We shall consider your" de- monstrations" relative to the appointment ot officers at the Cardiit Union when we receive them. The letter of E. W. DAVID, Esq. is crowded out. __r


----------THE WAIIS.


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