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CAUGHT AT LAST; OR, THE FELON'S BRAND. .fALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] CHAPTER XXIII. OOKB! 111" upon carrying into execution his dehip'n of aak- log Raymond'e pardon for his m.tt'O"I¡it'r on the pre- Ti6Uo day, Kleckser was the lin-t o< the clerks to 4ilive at the office in A\I118tiHf' Ctose earty nfxt pseraing. Greatly to hix .tf-toni'-hfnfMt, ten o'ctoek BMeed. and M'hite did not appear. It was the more Htexp!icab!e to K)t'cks''r. a") Haymond was usuaHy the moMt punctua) <n the ofh(-,e. Pr"'6I1tly tanie Pardy, started to hn« the <rer)))an at hetore MXt: he wan qu'chty to'towed by Cwithx) and WhirHes. til1 no Ha\ mond. Wherever coutd he <*Vhat have you tmlc n'it YhitJ" dis morning?" bsquired < his <-on'r!t0t8. 1 ut-ver knew lom to !ate as die pff"r' "Must he ill, I s'pos- OhS.'lVf>f! Whiles. There'll be a flOt.\ or & p"ntJ" no doubt. 0)F p'f'aps Pxrt tnay ttavc to)d hitrt to ("om. to PitH U411 nrst ab"))t 'ho&c teMnrs. You i:Muw he went there làst night," So ije tit." s<n<t K)<'<;kser, reiieved. I forgot dot- A few m<m!t<'<; &ft'wrd8 in came Van Fiewner. Sc !oobpd into <hf tfont as h<' pa-r-sed. U M. Vhite not '«-rf', ¡'leckscr ?" he as,ked, with )t gtaace around th<- rottru. «N'ot. yet Arrived, iir 40 Be(iZit4gt him to s:ep in to me vhen he than C00!e." "Vhat ctm pe de tnitttc" now?" a<<ed Ktefkser. w})BO his <'mp(oyfr had gnrw <'<tt rnust pN wronK. L)f g4-v,rz4f-r yievt-r tttfed for hnit pctore. Vat you t'Íflk, VhiH'p r" Whiffles (.-(v4ridered th'' tn;4tterrnrsteriniis, hut opined that if they waited t}< '«u)d !-m. Of gourM; rftumfd K<(<<:4<sf r. t.f-st1I" and hetd his pea¡t1e. The- time pa«f*d. E)<'vfn o't-tock <'anM!—twelve. St}tJ DO !!xynit't)d, no no)< ond t.o n't's'sntf' Shot'tJy:t't''rn"ott M. {fxi'yinto the twirhllhi", tlUm",in., ¡II the higtif-st. m uits. Kif-)re,,k-r ivag ftt him in an inst.n.t. eagerIN, if hI:' km-w anything CtWhitf. M. Vhif'" 'fA,t"'lLtt'c1M. Parlwn,i,-t.. ih stpparent )turp'Sf. ")i!ut«ttitin)y hfi!< t.t-rf, I No? Âltoniht,ing! fhMVf' n'-t -of M. VhitR sillc' 1,r..Ólr thrt"t'.¡¡,nci.t"nty tn'nutfe to verf,ii (,'ctfi(;k laj!t, f-,ter!in, n.. dd If'itv.. rnfl thf'n. to oonvey, itt tny <<)<}<) rf'.jUfst, a. parcel to M. van y)ewk.t'ratR!<:h<')"ttd" "Hf vfntto Ibhllonuft !"('xctaimf'dK]pehepr. *'0h, jR. ofMUrf>tO, tl('ill J,not hf'lthh ?' "M. Vtmf did r'j'-K' at the "it tint-nt of hm de- tMU'ture trotn !ny huut)')? !?tt. in tt<'a!th and <!pint<of ?be Unfst," rftuf'fed M. f'«ri,<nd<'t. '<I)<'nvhcrfVtr t-xn t< p" now?" èf'matcdf'.j' the perplexed KtM-kst-r. !\)t Ftnp, M. Parlandtt. Vas Vb!tetogivt* (ie, 194-verrit)r<ie barcet,orsimp!ytotcave ttttdctoor?" M. hitc did promii-c npot) 'iis honoor hf woutd deliver the I)stcL-et int<t my rf"8ctf'd patron's own ""nds," r"I-II'fJ(!e,i Xnowintf what Iw b."lit.w'o hint)-f!f to know of Raymond's fato-. it V. )'arlatidet t.be sajoytriexit to wit.ru"8\, ¡.: "ckl'l'r's evidPflt, perplexity tRd itlarii,. it rt,pai(i hio) t-, ,oriie triflifl extent for yesterday's tittic tn«rk ot <fr\mt i'rien(i.-Iiip. "PcB.ofcourft-.M. van Meeker s<tw him last?" the German asked ;,wain. have fvfry i f)t-on to belieire, from my con- fdence in M. str ct IHHH'r..nCf' to h's wflrd, that my estf'emt'd h' nt'<act<'r w: the tast perfon whom he saw }tt Hi< ).rt)'.t«)." n tu'n' <i ) art. prmcty. He feit all the pt' f it", .t li,, lingt'ts over his ret)art. iii \In.¡.;n:: 'his gt;4,t,f% itig fCKtM. Sunsftfthf Ll.t:b. th<' front who had ri.-exi t" his <n, it %a.s to pIli," hit! !t)te!TOg?or t<' xttd tro. a;?) )fav? h))tt ftrMndtd upon <5be haftk of 'n.c rt:unty ,nd C¡(",t ht !a.t. Klt>ck8er, to patitnce. M. ftrfandft's Iwrfc'cr, Ufpf'!turh:<bUity galt,d him to W qijicl- 141,3ut list., ti,,t, arrivo- dis Hohax (!Cnt ,¡piner !t-tt'-r n"f )0t"<:<c'' t" saA ()!)t hf is i(). I fear mu(tlt t(i fiirt.. I ill you AVt goml\lllnta'f' hi tn M.vat) [JearMr.hhekl't'I," r,.tllmed T'lIrl. with It pladd 4Lnd lenevoletit Mnx'<'ty f<T your friend oh. foures a litll(- of %()Ill. I)-tiallv so tthai) go to my tt'l'p.'ctl'd t'atron ",Hit a <<'o!!t.h question, because ay"u''? man <t-s not appf'ar at bisduty? t.t-!?'ct<)p"t)it.dfar'-ir,atidyouwiU perceive !hc uttfr iffp'?sthiuty of your rfqucst. susin?6s o< gravf import.<nc<\ upon whict) t havp to pattitult rt)v 1,;Atioi. brinl!s ttp hMte. go now. !}))!? if)stant. to hll" ¡.r.t'flf'/o' ht:tttt)'fve t 14hall VtO, twstuw. onf,>K\'HMhuJ,n ¡tliul:j.-et Fc) oxnt as the ahttft.ce or ofM. Havmond Vhirf." ttis the nature of the r"r toye!pwh<)itc!<ndo jt0 Wtth security. Ha.d M. Par!andt t not f,-If If"ured Oat Ray'nood was twstcwed whf'rf his was {t)')p9Wt'<f, he would notr have dared to villity the t,bMnt:man. Thefe had hecn a !at<'nt Mvage triumph in hie taat wordso that caufed tttf oerke to took K) one ilnother's fIeø. ttfter he had icft the room, with ft kind of MtOkdiftmay. s, Vliat docs it all mean?" whispered Kteckeer, below hie breath. Dere is miMhief taoat, or I tm "1 mistaken. And it dere ie, dat tnan is at de pattom of it. VhUne, GviUitn, are you frinhtened or ttruct dumb ? Haven't you cot any obiniona of your own at all ?" «A lady vants to see Mr. Kteckeer'" burst in fordy, excitedly, before the two had time to make any Mpty. 8he's 'ete. sir houtside the door," he whis- pered, in answer to Kieckscr's sudden start. "It's K)y Mief it's Mr. Vhite's mother, sir: that's vot I ?htnk. She seed me at the door: axed first if this vos Mr. van Hewher's. an' then for Mr. Vhite. Vhen I toM 'OF 'e 'adn't been 't-re tc-day. she clasped her'ands aether, an' axed for you. 'Era she his, Mr. Kieckser, ( &-the helderty party in Mack." cba.p 23 TW4 little speech was delivered by the impetuoue !JMy while detaining Kteckser upon his hasty way towards the door. The excited clerk broke away fJom him almost before he had concluded. MMt, ruah- ipg put, etocd ftoe to fMe with MM. hi

