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S. ANDREWS AND SON, 80mplete gunerat 9'urnîsÆers, The Mews, Glebe Street, PENARTH. EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. FUNERALS CONDUCTED WITH REFINEMENT AND ECONOMY. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION WITH CHIEF OFFICE, CARDIFF. IL t?j???S" AM AMEtMCAM ORGAM% ?BB?S?ML tF?????t?" ?F?t??EpsmBa M?SMS BUTiMt? ?R?f? ? MtttSNtHj? N?'????tr?' a BmEhmsaHB ? tB??M???'S??Bw Send yoM* address on a?ost-card, and you. -will receive the ? MNHMmmmM')))?? Bnest amd most elaborate Catalogue of American Organs and ? A ?MhBB??'??a?B?M Fiano8 ever published. It ?% ? ? F F*? f ?? 0 ? t??????SBBNB -willshowyouthelatestand ???g*'? '?8@ ? ?jt????'???'EMM)!?? test styles, and how to"?J<r? w taM %J'? /o ? HNBF _L—<?!?—!——?? Satiafactioaguaramteedttefofeyoupay. 'Write ho us, mentioning tNNBBtEH??BB?B?B?NM this paper. You wiU be more than pleased a& the result, if you. ? ???e?mm!MWW?tB?-M? ??-.??M, ?t????g? carriage pmd,ii'om. ?10. mmt?"???? ? ? Referencea special? permitted to J. M. OSBORKE, ESQ., ? ?aM??????.???? ? t33!, FLEET STREET, t.OMDON, B.C.. of whom catalogues may <)?M?????S??SM)BM!Bt? be had free on application, and information obtained aa to where < MM?NMN???????E? ? the Organs can be seen and tested in London, or -write direct ta .) ?BmNH?BB??????. ????E?BMBC?R? J?? ???? ) ?tHtBHBSggag? CORNsSH &?0? <' aNS??M????J??BS WA?U'MTT<T\f ?'Mt7W ?FPQ'EV 'UNiTEDSTATssoF MB???B????????. WAoiim<j i U? ? rdivV J?Koiii) ?MEiucA. < THE GREAT AMERICAN PRESCR!PT!ON. 'Wl1NTY YEAR'S RËM:ARCH has brought to light a guaranteed Remedy for S-?)tr!.?!??'T? ??? ? ?""?' ??t Manhood, Weakness, Dimness oi n .? ?? ??'???'.??sy, Liver complaints, and all Diseases of the Urinary C?gans. 1 lus Piescuption is in the haads of a Minister, who wilt befriend any one sunerins from these enervating diseases. It h&s CURED THOUSANDS. B?re!y send se!f-addressed stamped envelope to the Rev. DAVID Jn?KS, Ra.y Vi!!a Lewes "?hen the Prescription wiil be sent bREE OF CHARCE. :Na? this Ptmer. -1- j E. F. GRM, R.P.G. SANITARY PLUNBER and HOT WATER ENGINEER. GAS-FITTER, BELL-HANGER, &c., Begs to intimare to the Residents of Ppuarth and Neighbourhood th i.t he has commenced Hu'iness u" hts own a.ccounr, and reapecti'uHy soiicits M share of Public Patronage. ELECTRIC AND OTHER BELLS FIXED AND REPAIRED. All work will receive personal and prompt attention, and wil! be executed widi Despatch and at Moderate Charges. Note Address— 48, Grove Ten-M8- PENARTH. r- SAMUEL (L4RWOOD, 'JJ 'iJ. S-n.lop PRACTICAL Layer of Dmni Pip8s and W.S. Repddrer. Mason Work &c. undertakvn ,Over 25 Year' expe¡ je¡¡{:¡, ExcellEnt nderences giV/>n 113 ;tove a.d E. I3ISll{)IJ, CClF'4 i:CTIONEH 4,. pENARTH. p Sole Agent, i'or Li P T 0 N S TEAS I .fC¡'I.II ;NOl'llJE Ob, "RMUOVAL. r- E. A.HOOPERS FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT la TM BEST po& ALL CLASSES or FUNERALS, FURNITURE REMOVED To all parff3 of the KINGDOM. WINDSOR L: \\rS, SALOP ST., PENARTH PhICr Ijs'p QN APPLICAT!ON. _w FIREVVOOÐ FIREWOOD BLOCKS, BUNDLES, CHOPPED STICKS at the ¡Penarth Firewood Supply 57, and 58, SALOP STREET, Peuarth. PROFESSOR OF MUStG, aud Cho!f.\rnsher of Windsor Road Jongre- g-:di(\1\al Church. Receives and Visits Pupils for INSTRU- MENTAL, VOCAL ? THEOR?l- ,-A L Tuition Pupils prepaid for the various locai usical Examinations. NUMEROUS npSI GLASS TESTIjMONI,4bS Prospectus may be had on apphcati-on A,ldrAss-l\bzan House \VIndsor Road. ?TRS. McM?RAY (hite Rox?))., \Va?dro..e ??- Dealer, 12. Arcof Street, Penarth. GoodPric's Paid for Children's Clothill. Aii orders prompt attention. Furniture Bought-. T)RESS\fAKtNG.—Wnntpd, a couple of ap.-ren. tices Appty, Mrs Ihvles, 2, Ivy street, (\Vest Cottng(>H), Pe!):u't!i. -.l. 1LJEAR)'S OF BIUl'ArS- BE\ 1-(, A VI) ? DIVIDEND 80<JIErr, Wa!)fed in Penarth DistdcL—Manners, Fo'e'npn, Timekeeper-, and others havtn? sp3.re evelil(i,s stamp for rep)y. nermon J. White, !):atnct Maiiac,-ei-, 8, A_rcof-strdt, Penarth. A IIOU?H for Safe. Good cuudit ion. Price ?30 ??- -pp]y G.W.' (;/?-6'/</? OfHc?-, Penartb. FEATII]1:US, Gtoves. &u., done up Ofeaned and Dyed.—Mrs Trump, 2, James Street. 4(" MR. & MRS. mj(JKL\? '.V?rdrobe nud F&? ?JL nn;?,.? Ddntcrd. 'i':? ? ?e? ?st?bti?idi i?ticr Penarth.57 Hild 58, S!t!op Street.; Folt .SALE. Concert Fiu'c, by Cteaief'tt & Co London. Sdver keys (8) und B:tiug-s.—Moz&rt tlou.,e, Wi;idsor H.)ad. r-rO be sotd. t,hat very fast Grey :[ar'p. Wa-rra.nted ?- !'ree from any disuse.—A pptyBuckIand, Salop Stieet, Pennrth. YOU WILL A: V .4 GH:T WELL UNTIL YOU TAKE HUGHES'S- 13LOODPILLS Try wha.tyonmay, the system wH! never be eradicated of Disease until the Direct and Specific Remedy for the Blood is taken I-Iticrhe.,sls BIouel Pills For Bad Blood, contmns the germs of all the Ai!ments which trouble the HumM System, perme*tin;! every 4)rlllll of the Body, dis- lurhiug their duties find bdnging the Nervous System to that despondent state which often prefer Death to Lite HENCE E UGHES S BLOOD PILLS SECURE PURE BLOOD VIGOROUS Di&ESTtON WEALTHY SKIN SOUND KIDNEYS STRONG NERVES STRONG ART ACTIVE LIVER and Happy & lively Spirits -hUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS CURE SCURVEY SKIN RASH- "< TORPID Lf \INK INDIGESTION HEADACHE DYsPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS'' CONSTIPATION RHEUMATISM NERVOUSNESS PILS. FITS TRY A BOX OF MUGRES'S BLOOD PILLS THEY ILL BRING YOU HEALTH, JOY, HAPPINilliS And enable you to foHow your occupation withcomfortaadp!essure SEND for a Box from any Cheuiist or Dea.!ep i< P&teat Medicines. They are sold at 1/1, 2/9, 4/8 DON'T be persuaded to cake any Sthsti- L,!I,t, "at ejje- I.h:t you gel, t:td Geuuiae w.- 't,i 'he :fA.U-tu,, "f :.t Hurt u-i ¡\ Re,,i o!t.'hB)x,f)!'s.t: dire,-t i./i '2/)1, .r i' J. t," J' C I Ch.U&t, i:iLtt-h' by aa I aa 4 1 6 11 P*