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SILIi BY mmunno. Diggory & Chapman, AUCTIONEERS aad VALUERS, Oorwea, Bala. and Dolgelley. 6, ITESID PLACE; BALA. IALB OF Vutiqnc and Modern Furniture. Mill?,I DIGOOBY Se CHAPMAN beg ts annauase thair instructions from the hopx#soztativos 8f the late Mrs. Ànn Prio6 to loll by Auction ou THURSDAY, MARCH tlth, 2 919 the whole of the ANTIQUE ami WODIRM FURNITURE, including several valaable items ia (Jtuuina Antiijua Oak and llahegany, Willow Pattern and etker China, Astique Copper and Brass, at*. Also Modem ftbuag *sit Bedroom Furaiiara, litchoa Raqaisites, eta, Xals At ens 0'0111111: prsnapt, 2 1.11AI IB11 Sale by Mr. O. Wesley Hanlam, P. 1.1 By dirosfcien of H, Boston ldaseey, Jgeq J.P. Itnlbrtdfe House, Bnutll Road Rbyl, Eifhly Imperianfc and Ltbraotive jihle cf Costly Modem IMAIDENTIAL FUftNITUaE of smparb workmanship, principally mad a to grair by Messrs. i. Sdwarda and too. Staffa d and ineladiag a very Yalaabia Dining R), ra Baits ia Pcllard Oak, Drawing Room Appoint llamas of Aalae design aad smpsrior tlaieh. insladmg Baaatifal Inlaid Cabiaeta garte", Occasional Cbalrs and Tables, a valaable Vprighb Grand Pianoforte, by Broadwood & Ion. In mahogany ease Ormolu Olock- and famdelakime, quantity of Georgian and liatly Viatoriaa Silver, Costly China, and Dacor^tlve Articles. Yaluable Oil Palnfilcga, Kogravings, aad Water Colour Drawings, Costly Bed- akamber Saitea of saperb manufacsure and detigp, Axmiusoer and Pile Oarpots, Kiccben and Domestic Usenetls, aad Outaide Effacbe. 0 WESLEY MASLAM. F.A.I,, has been „ favoured wieh instructions to Sail by Aaetiea, as above, ea WEDNESDAY Aaetiea, as above, ea WEDNESDAY SSVBIBAY, and FRIDAY, MAROK 5ih, ftà, aad 7ib, 1919. lWa he commence wwh day at Il- "ilw day, Baasday, Mirch 4th, from 11 a,,u. to A p.m., and morniage of ilik'a. Adasisaien to Yiew and Sale by Catalogue, )Ii.. Is. aaah, wkiok may be obtained from the AneWonoer all his OAoes, Towa Hali Chambers, Rhyl (Telephone 70), and High ■total, Prestatyn. 249111 '0 Sals by Mr, George Perkins- VALM or CLWTD. To Weirmers. eatrymen, I.Te8.re. and Others. __— JUIDAY, 14bla MABOH, 1919. farlil) 99 Wae., St. Asaph, MB. tBORSS PERKIS3 wiil of ar for Bale by Public Aaebion ab the IMP1SIAL HOTEL. BHYL, ah g p.m. cs Mia shove date, subject to conditions whisk WiU b« tkaa read, alt that deai sable and well sitaafted Freehold Farm of 70 aeres of g3cd arable Oastere and Meadow Land, knawn as PliAi f OCX, 1b tba Pariah of Waeo 8(. Aa&pb, with good Dwaiiiog Hoasa aod capital aao^ai- aaadatioa, and aoperior well arrangel out,. kaildiosra. good fens-s, and within easy reach ai Railway Sfeatloo aad goad market?. Tkis Bala olera an excellent opportunity of taaariog aae «f the moat aonvetiionfcly •itiMtad lams la lk« lovely Yale Glwyd. A Plan of the Properly can bs 18.. at the OIESO oj Mr. F. W. Qrimsltj, ei. Asaph. Forpartiontars see Paatera, er apply to the Aaatianear, Abergele and Rhyl or to Messrs. Chadwiak aad looa, Bolieitara, 3, Old Square, Warwick; m8 Sales by Messrs Frank hloyd and Sons. 450 HORSES. Next Week. Nortk Wales Repository. IWrexhara- FRANK LLOYD & SONS WIN 8eil on WEDNESDAY, MARCH Sh.-lOl De- mobilised Horasa. eomprisieg 6 ah FgerP. 52 Riding Horses, 2i Light Draught aDd 19 Heavy. These Horses will be on view day prior to Sale. THURSDAY, MARGcI 6bb. -350 Heavy and Light Harass, inoloding Powerfal Town Msres and Geldings (one of fchs host solectioaa sesa out f.)r L-ame time) Van. nerd, Agricultural Oj!t-s, Padlsfrea 8bire«, uduful H*m933 Horae?, S ylisb (Joba &• d Punisa. A gnad loti direc from tha breeders. Bale esch day at 12 o'olcck. Catalogues from the Anctioueare,. :3M b 1 -S:?'J?'- .ala Py M! Adam-, F.A.T. AT THE DRUID INH, About Õ miles from Hold. ril S. ADAMS, F.A.I., id f&?oured wibh J 9 iaatcuasiong from Mr. Jjn«3 (wiii ia leaving) to Sail On THURSDAY, MAROS: G h, 1919, 10 Head of Jhoisa Cattfe. Viz. :—Grand le-Catf Batry Cow to he 4th calf in April, In-calf Roan Go-r to cal* 2nd cali in Juae, Red Birred Cow, Biue Heifer W ite Bullock riiing 2 yaara, epi-iiad-d 2 yeat Red Heifer (la-caU), 2 disto Heifer Calve-, YearHafc BaUock 6 manths aid, IB -,U'.tcck Qä:f. Kxeelieab la-foal Mate, i yeari, 1ft 1 iu&di. Capitol C3V9IMæ, Gar and Ssi It i\!S- moaatsd Haraess. plointair-I Xearlicg 0-sh, tosetbe? wi'.h 19 Uoapiea Pafc-krad Waite Wyandotte ii'Bwla. Nearly '*#w 2-kaife Gliafi Catter, DiUo Palper. 3fJ. Portable S lova, 7 Oow Chai> a Sundry Harness, sitone Troagbs, Wa»o Muga and Daify U^eosils ice ading Milk Sapars-or by Liewelyn Soyihes, Piktle, Wheelbarrow, 16-tv8 Ladder, New 14-itave Lidder, d-pieoea PiOQ Piae Timber, Ilfo. 1-y 6io. j Wood and Irca Girden S81H, 2 Ihe Hives, small Riok Straw, and numeroaa otbar ffarmiEg I emi". ALa. I Surplus Sou^ekold Fu,nitare, iaoladmff caw Bfu. 6ia. well m-ile Oak D;uiag Table with extra lefcf 7-piece Leather 8a.se having carved frame-, Oft Gin. Oid Oak Chest, very handsome ebonized Tete-a-Teto fiastee in Hgared blae satin, 9f J Table with drawer, 8 Dfal Top Tables, spiendidiy mado Pine Shelving 3 tier fift. wide, Laving 7 chawars below 5fo. Kitcbea Dresser with 7 drawer? and centre cupboard?, 5tc. by 3-&M h coaapo and figured freuae L-. h Bak and Kitchaa Chak?, Dfessiog Table and Wask- aiand. lf». lio. Brass Bedstead aad Spring Matcress. 2 Painted Cupboards, 3!t. 6in, by '2ft, 6in. Steel Feeder, Bitto Stool, Pioturea, 4 Dining Tab:e3 and Tra^ ie-, six lOH. Wood Form., Folding Chair", 2 dacr Meat Ssfa, 2 Hanging Lamps ar ci Khadts, Cauvsa and Leatksr Hvldaila, C.oiing Ucenails, Sundry C oakaty, and g-rarai sssortmcQt if useful effeeta. Cifiusl Bagatolis Beaid with B..l;, and Ones compicte. Sain Rt 1 o'clock sharp. Aueiioceer's Egt6 Offlicaa and Salo BoonH- 8bethr Stieat, Mold..1 BANK PLACE STORES DENBIGH. Groceries and Provisions. N#TIGE.—MRS, CHRISTMAS LBWI3 begs t. iafforo Ler Casfcomera Eind or-,hors fchas her sic, LEONARD H. LEWIS, has beau dtmobi-i?ed from the At my, and haB mTf taken chare cf the business as prcvlone'y. A varied i)tock cf all kltsdj of Grocones, & of the be<it cboicost qaalic? will ba lunplisd n,s Moderate Charges, sr.d ALL OP.DERS v.i! factive prompt attention. THB Address BANK PLACE STORES, VALS STREET, DENBiaiX. 251uc EXTENSION OF TENANCY. R. HARRIS JONES, 1, Market Street, RUTHIN, is now showing the Latest Novelties for Early Spring Wear in Millinery, Blouses, and Ladies' Underwear. A large Stock of New Drees and Costume Materials. I Di!,ssamakingoit the PrGmises. Fitting and Style Guaranteed, I X.E.J. leopes ihat he will receive a contiiaiiatice of the support hitherto extended to him. 25&^5 I HAROLD ALLSUP, PAINTER, House and Church Decorator, Gilder and Paperhanger. I Books of Latest Design always on hand- First Class Work Guaranteed. XBTIMATES FREE. Distance no Olbjeet. Mwrog House, Ruthin, Branch: 31, Post Office Lane, Denbigh. Alao at fit,, Asaph. y Siesars. OLO U GH & Uo., Estate Agents, Auotionears and Valuers, Denbigh and R-mthin. DENB^H SMITHFIELD. I Take NoticGi RABING of Fat Stock will take at the VJX above Marti aa usual on MONDAY NEST, MARCH 3rd, 1919. To oommsnce at 1080 a m. 25iml OLOUGH & 00. I Vale of Clwyd Auation Mart. Ruthin. Weekly S3e thfoutfhout the Year NilXT 9ALE TUEDAY, MARCH 4th (BWTHIN FAIR DAY), Mmmncin2 at 10 o alock. Messrs clough & GO. b«g to anaoasce than the above Math will be opsu Weekly, viz., on EVERY MONDAY excepting vhn Monday ureceding the Monthly Fair, fcr tha Sale ot FAT and STORE STOCK of every Description. OLOUGH & CO., AncticnoerB, 671a3 Ruthin and Denbigh Vila of Clwyd Auction Mart, Ruthin. Take Notloa. of Fa^ 8 05k will take place at the iiart an oanal On TUESDAY HIST (FAH DAY), MABJH 4 h, 1919. To oomaaencc at 10 a8 a.m. A'so lb, usu,.l tiale of S:ore Stock ef every d JPcdpticv. 265ml CLOBGH & CO. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. The Auction Mart Llansannan, GRADING. BY order cf the Live Stook Commissioner the above Ma-t will be Closed until further notice against) all Fat Auimah for Grading. The usual 8aie of Store Stock of every deaarip '.aa will take pla-a on FhIQAY MARCa 7tb, 31ii9, commencing at 13 o'olock. Sntriss raspectfally Boilcited. CLOUGH & CO.. 266ml Aaolioreoi Townsand Cafe, Do blgh, THURSDAY, MAROH 13ib, 2919. IMPORTANT SALS om VALUABLE ANTIQUB AND MODERN IXonsehold Appointments. TLTESSR3 OLOUGH & 00 will Sail by Aucb'.en on tha above premises VALU ABLB FURNITURE and Effects, briefly comp.-i stag: -M ihogany aad Wftlnjt Side- boards, wi:h bavel (3fla3o backs an! panel*: liardsorns Overmantels, Parlour Bailee, com- prising, Oouches, Basy and Single Chains, Brass and Iron Fendera and Irons, Ocoaei mal Window ftcd o- her Tib!e«-, Coppo,- Urns. Linoleuoi*, Carpal, and Hearthrug*. P?ctu?ea and Engravings, Manuel and othir Oboks. Tabic and Hanging Lamp*, Bed tnd Tabla L'aan, 5 Beisa Moa-itod Bsustaad] with ap iug Palliatses, Fea-hcr Beds, Bolfltera and Plil.-IWF, Marble Top and Tiled back Washstands, Towel Rail', B Ware, Ohestaof Drawers, Osno 3 ated and other Chairs L.,cki-,ig Ql»8«>ea Kitchen Tiblts3 Chairp, B c-akfasi and Dinner Gruew Oro,k, ry, Patent B oad Maker, Copper Warming Par, Ooliaary Utanails, L1.iy's Humber" Cyc e, etc., etc. Bale at 12 30 o'clock. Terms Btricoly Gash. 267mS IMPORTANT S&L% OF PAZ ICHOriD P 40 PS itti 4 I. VILLAGE OF TREFNANT. Accommodfttioci or Building Lind opposita Bryniyfiryn, centaining S" acree. Small Holding known as GORPHVVtfSFA, comprising It acre:1, with Dwelling House and OuibuiJdiDgp. Bhht) wc'i-baiit Cobtagej hcown as RAILWAY TERKAQE, wi>.h Gardens and Pigasie». PARISH OF LLANJSEFYDD. A!i than Aiab.Ia and Pasture Farm k?;owo aa NANT 134A, cootaiainj; 32 so.oe, il the occupation of Blr. Thomas Jvue". TOWN OF DENBIGH. All tha, wel!-buil-t Houeo, wish oomoiodlaus Yard and Oa-buildings, known as TAN-Y- BERLLAN, Middle LaQEI. The above will bo offeced by Pablio Auction at art early date, CLOUGH & CO., Auctioneers, -?3a.e. Denbigh and Rath'n- ':4< -L. Messrs T W Leathes. Agricultural Hall; Ruthin. FAIR DAlf SA-LE, TUESDAY, flAHCH tJrb, Commencing; at 10 o'clock, The following are Special Entries ior thab Sale.- To be Sold by ;\yTESSRS. T. & W. LtiATKES at bhs ixl AGRICULTURAL HALL. RUTHIN, on TUESDAY. MAHGH ith (Fair Day) 6 Young SHORTHOHN BULLS, direct lrom Cumberland, the property of Mr J. Williamson, Derwt-n Hail, Corweo. The 1 roperty of Mr, John Ksllotb, Plas- newydd, whioh are being sold owing to having given up the Acore Land :—23 strong two year old Shorthorn end Croas-bred Barren Heifera (oatlyers; j 100 Grand Yonag Radnor and Cross-bred EAes, ic-lemb to Lsioester, Shropshire, and Soathdowrt Rams; 100 Cross-bred Yearling Sheep, forward In condition. Strong Cart Filly, rising two, from Llan. ychan. 4 Brown Filiy and Bay Cart Celt, rising three (anbrok-.n), grand stamp f:om Wern Fawr, to be sold at I o'clock. Also 21 Store Cattle from Wern Fawr, aame'y. 13 eigh-etn months old Bullocks (11 roaD, 2 rede), '3 April Calvere, 2 Heifera due May, and i Heifer Suika. Also to be Sold splendid DOG CART, in geod condit on qoamlty of Harness, inciud- ing Set of Silver Mounted Harness, Ploughing Gaarp, Trailers, Chairs, &c., to be Bold without reserve. Farther entries for the above kindly solicited, if made early nezti week will be advertised T. & W. LEArIIE, vaetioaaerR Agricultural Hall Rathln, and Denbigh. 884>28 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. By order of W. Godfrey Lecomber, Esq., Dedwyddfa, Ruthin, who is re furnishing the above residence throughout. MESSRS. T. & w. LEATHES will Sell by Public Auction, at aa early date. the whole of the BIftH CLASS FURNITURE on tho above premises, being the contents of 3 Entertaining Rooms, Entrance Hall, 6 Bed- roorai, liUobfKs. &9-< and Outdoor ES#cta. FtJrMTO t^blfmlari 111 fatvire aUnotinoamsnts, Richard Pearce, F.A.I. j Talsphon« No. 10. I Telegr ama Pearaa, Auctioneer, Abargelo. OS303 Market Street, Abergele, Proprietor And Originator of The Fartaerp' Market I The moat rsilable Market in the District. Always a good supply and demand. ) BEE INITEEFIMT.D, ABEBaELE. t SALE OF BAIRY AND STORE BIO OK KEXT MONDAY AS USUAL, j O FAT iTOCK. ¡ Abepgelo Great March Horse Sale and Show of Shirss, WE8NE8.8.Â.Y, MADCH 12th, 1919. JCaO IN CASH PRIZES, Sand for Lists uovr raady. Bust SJaire Mare can wia 225 Casli. Gelding £1; I Grand Trade at last Sala. Carriage paid 811 Horses railed and sold, I Stabling overnight free. Largo aUandaiaco of Buyers assured. Enter early. Enquiries invited. RICHARD PEARCE, F.AJ, 144ail Austionesr. DAVID THO MASTS ON I AiioUoDaerB, Valuers, and it state Agents. Yaruations and Salsa of Freehold Properties a I Spaaiality. I Partieular.s of 1roparties for Sale by private trreatj on applieatiom. STJINLEY HALL AVCTION MART, RUTHIN. BALli EARLY IN MARCH NEXT at Stan ey Hsdl Aue ioa Boom", liathin, A NTIQG2 &nd Modern Fumitare, Out djjr Effjcr.?, e c. B;moved to con vsnierca of S lie. I Parti38 wiihiog to include further ^rticlef I for SA!e aro kindly 'tq^ea^cd to notify :be AucticuQers al. oace so rbt: the goods uiiy be du>y advertise I DAVID THOMAS & tON, ao Auotionsar t ) important to Farmars. } 1^1 K J DOWNING, Danbigh, Ageut fo *5 Messrs Lever Bros solieits orders for CATTLE FEEDING CARBS and MEALS also CALF MBALS, and spleadid MEALS for PigB aud Potlltviy 129n.c John Williams, The Cottage, Llanrliaiadr Deceased). ALL Persons having any claims against, or owing money to the Estate of the above deceased, are requested to forward particulars deceased, aro requested to forward particulars J thereof, not later than 6th March next, to PARRY JQNES. FRANCIS & DAVIES, Denbigh, 210ail Solicitors for tha Executrix. BOROUGH OF RUTilVW. HOUSING SCHEME. THE Town Council ore prepared to purchase Sites within the lieron^h suitable for the erection of Workmen's dewellings. Partienlrrs (including prices* of any available Sites should | be sent to nae, the undersigned, without delay. | Owners wishing to dispose of Cottage Property I sheuld also communicate with me regarding the same j BALDWIN GRIFFITH, i m Town Clerk, j Town Clerk's Office, Ruthin. j 27th February, 1019. 5 2&8ml | Ru £ hin$how Society. A MEETING of the Subscribers and ali Inners^.fid will tafaa placa on j WEDNESDAY NEXT MARCH 5th ^7 p.m at the OA3'LE HOPEIj, RUTHIN, to discuss the desirability of holding a db w this year. 253ml j .2: A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE will be h:d at the j County Hsir, Denbigh, Oa TUESDAY NEXT, MAROH 4-b, at 7.15 ptoIDp". TiokeS Ho dera oaly admitto l. I TICKETS I s. Procseds in aid of 3 Daastan's HostQl for Biind Soldiers and Bailors 205ml or Transfer of Business. J. JONES, DRUID BUILDINGS, HIGH. STREET, DENBIGH, Wighas to laform liti nntaerous OU'Jt -J). ).: ant, 1 hi h^s opeasd bbe 1 OLD POST OFr- i withagPLSNOID A930 iTMEN 0 oi Boot and Shoes, ai Raasonable Pdo's. Repairs dme, no a1\bhet whara b wish bfat Miteiiala and Workminahip ai hrvteb fricas at f sw sddrasy. NOT & NEW ADDRESS OLD POST OFFIGE (Late Druid Buildings), HIGH STREET, DENBIGH. For Sale. OR SALE, SPRING BEANS- SEED t. Apply D. Thomas, Plas-isa, Ruthin, ml A 3$h.p. MOTOR CYCLE with SIDE GAR, in perfect order, for Sale. For particulars apply "J„" FREE PRESS Office, Denbigh, rnt MK. R. J. watkinb, Galltegfa, Ruthin, will have several truck loads of POTATO dKED direct from Scotland for Disposal at an early date. Immediate enquiries should be made by Farmers. ii-i Lost and Found. MISflJNfi fnairi Green Banh, Tremeirchion, sinca Christmas, RAM, on eide R,M„" and *3 WELSH JifragK gfatpped '• E.l>/ Apply Mf. GrWuBsffi, Trensirohiou, 'ml c- H¡:. "1<:i;l;'1;t;iq-J¡i:>it<i"'}fi; I want my money where I can get at it W/E all like to feel that we can lay hands on money if we want it. One reason why War Savings Certificates are so popular !n is that they are cashable on demand. You can cash one or all of your War Savings Certificates at any time by giving two or three days' notice to the Post Office. The wise man, however, will not part with his Certificates unless he is obliged to do so, for in five years the Government will pay a full £ 1 for every 15/6 invested in this way. Then put it into & WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES You can buy them through any Bank, Post Office, Association, or Official Agent. IU1B- c. f.;r. >. >< 1:5: ::{' :.j> > ..?j: ::t; L, J ft EE QUIRED, for London, good HOUSE- MAID. Alao GIRL as third housemaid Apply Mrs. Hopkins, 12a, Curzon Street, Mayfair, London, W. 1. u c. ANTED, Married Man as BAILIFF Wife to. help in milking. Ao. Good wages and cottage. J, T. Davies, Tan-y-Don Dairy, Pre,,itatyn. *ml WANTED, thoroughly experienoed IUTCHEN- t MAID and two SCWLLEBY MAID3. Apply Honsekeoper, Howell's Sohool, Denbitvh. *ml WANTED, SHOP ASSISTANT. "Apply Mrs, Evans, Confectioner, Vale Street, Denbigh. *m8 AN"UED, irnmectiately, YUUNG AIAN to w aisist at tho Gzoeory Counter, aiid assist at tho Grocery Counter, and make himself generally useful. Apply ROllw and Son, Chemists, Ruthin. 257ml WANTED, Young Man single, as UNDER- < I f KEEPER. Preferenee given te man with srmy service Apply to Head Keeper, Pool Park, Ruthin, 234m8 WANTED, GROOM-GARDENER. Able to milk. Married. Cottage provided.; Apply "No 231, FaEE PHKSS Office, Denbigh *m8 NURSE-HELP Wanted superior. Com- r fortable home. Only light duties. Apply, stating age, wages required. Mi's. W. E. Cluett, Tarpiorley, Ciieshii-e. Z-Ill Wanted. i I RANTED, to Rent Unfurnished Housu; W enterlaining. 5 6 bedrooms. Garden. i St. Asaph or Denbigh district Fall particulars. to Mrs. 0 Parslow, Donaghadee, Formby, Laneg. *ml I COUNTRY HOUSE, furnished or un- \1 furnisheà-Ruthin, Denbigh, St. Asaph district Wanted. Three entertaining, about 0 bedreoms Apply Major Ocklestou Edgewoed, Bromborough, Cheshire ml ANTED PIANO, upright. Must be ii> good cendition and tone. Description and price to II Ne. 259," FREE PnFss Office, Denbigh. Hill. R. NOlfJiAN MMOS bega to announce that ha has opened Offices on his own account at- Coronation Buildings. Back Row, Denbigh, as 5H ACCOUNTANT and ESTATE AGENT. and is prepared to undertake jTHE WIIIIING UP, AUDITING, AND BALANCING OF TR.\DBSMEN'ij BOOKS, .iiJSNT AND D:-CB E COLLSOTION Also tha Preparation of FAHMSR?'. TR*DB3MEN' aod oher I INCOME TAX RETURNS Ropiym-oat Ciaims rutio and followed Dp. Mr, Edwards hopaa by corxsfcaob and promp abtention to Business, aid reaaonab's charge- to merio the support of the Local Public. Distance no objsat. nalb _T_ -r-c

Family Notices



Denbigh Man's Terrible Experiences…

rWsslsyan Services and Lecture-…

Belgian FamiUs Say Farewell.…

Belgians Return Thanks for…