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HARMSTON & Co.'s ,u, i Great Annual I Clearance I SALE OF Pianos&Organs Returned from Season's Hire or taken in exchange. A Rare Opportunity for Intending Purchasers to secure a high-class Instrument at an ex- ceptionally low price to clear, Phonographs and Gramophones and Records for both machines To be cleared regardless of cost. j Call early for best selection. NOTE ADDRESS- an HARMSTON & Co., Music Stores, 7, Cardiff Street, Aberdare. Y Don't overlook Y the Fact that children to be happy must be healthy. Many children suffer from Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, who would be easily cured were the bene- ficial results of Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey but known to their parents. Many mothers bless Balsam of Honey for the preservation of their children, and are never without it in their homes. It is pleasant and easy to take and the children like it. Read what a Schoolmaster says about it:- SIR,-M-y wife desires me to say that your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey has proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight children). As soon as a cough or cold makes its appearance, a dose of Tudor's Balsam is at once administered, and its treatment is followed up until the cold disappears. Before using the Balsam in our family the cildren have been pros- trate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking doses as directed, they seem to suffer very little inconvenience. During the short time the cold is upon them the action of the Balsam is marvellous, and the little ones take it readily and ask for more. Walter J. Brett, G.M., Headmaster, British School, Kelvedon, Essex. LADIES suffer more from Colds, Coughs, Asthma, &c., than men. They often bear it in silence, but they nevertheless suffer greatly. Tudor Williams' patent Balsam of Honey is a great boon to all women suf- fering from Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, and Cold. It is the safe remedy for all disorders of the throat, chest and lungs. Hundreds of women have testified to its health-giving properties. Here is one from the many testimonials we have received from ladies all the world over who have benefitted from Tudor Williams' patent Balsam of Honey. Remarkable cure. Dear Sir,—I have received great benefit from taking your Tudor Williams' Welsh Patent Balsam ofhoney. I tried many without getting any relief. I was troubled with a very bad cough during the night, and tickling in my throat. A druggist per- n. 11 suaded me to try your noted cure. The first dose did me more good than all cough cures I had taken. Now I have not the slightest cough, the night-sweats are gone, and I can sleep well. Miss Lumbe, Thames Restaurant, Kennet Side, Reading. CAUTION.—There are many bad-principled Chemists: who push their own plausible but poor imitation articles of their own make. Why not have value for voar monev, and get TUDOR WILLIAMS'S PATENT BALSAM OF :HONEY? Do not be persuaded to try any other. It will knock spots off any other Cough or Lung Cure, because it's the purest and Best Value in the Market. For vocalists and public speakers it has no equal, it makes the voice as clear as a bell. Sold by all chemists and stores at Is and 2s 6d. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d and 2s 9d. INVENTOR D. Tudor Williams, H.S.D. Surgeon Dentist. Manufacturer TUDOR WILLIAMS, M.R.P.S., A.S., A.P.H. (London), Consul- ting and Analytical Chemist by examination. Medical Hall, Aberdare.

Among the Juniors.



Straight to the Mark in Aberdare.

Mountain Ash Education Committee.



[No title]

Conciliation Board.
