CYICIDFITIIAS yr Iaith Gymraeg" will not feel inclined to bless the Aberdare Edu- cation Committee, for that august body have refused any grant to the students attending the Welsh couise at Bangor this summer. Education authorities have a suspicion that many of those who are des- irous of attending Yr Ysgol Haf have no higher m0t .-C. it. view .1J;J. > h day gratis. The Mountain Ash Education Committee appeared to be somewhat im- pressed by this idea, although they concodad a grant. Of course such a sordid motive should be discouraged. But it is unfair that the grain and the chaff should be thus confounded; and that teachers who are sin- cerely anxious to learn Welsh for their own edification and that of their classes should be penalised for the sins of others who are mere holiday-seekers. This refusal will, however, answer one good purpose. It will put the genuineness of the 14 applications to the test. Those who are bent upon going to Bangor in order to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, will go at all costs, while the disciples of the loaves and fishes-if there are any-will be weeded out by means of the no grant policy.

JUS. JUS. The Most Nu" f WT p. pa O Ikmf «• E aiori:ng. .JIl (c..e I. "p Grateful, m A

—————————————————— B03G0LA TEA Exquisite Flavour and Quality. -n- Sole Agent: II [I MANDER K ? m Ba N"T:— Aberdare. i STRAW HATS. i i i S- I FELT HATS. T | u *«V'' ,• y < "V. 1 1- *«# l\ k:'( %< 'j, b'rt v" (J 0' xv\ i j AFTER-.ft-HAT CALL AT d: W. MORRIS, (Late GEORGE DAVIES) 39, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. -u_- CAPS. L SILK HATS. I JL a PRINTING! Every kind of Printing now executed at the Leader Office, Market Street, Aberdare. Quality, ) Promptitude Guaranteed. and j Cheapness Note tfcz address— Leader Office, Market Street. OFFICIAL. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited tor the erection of a Dwelling House in Glan Road, Aberdare, for Mr Rees Richards. Plans and Specification may be seen at my office, BO, Weatheral Street, Aberdare. Tenders to. be sent to me not late" than Wednesday, next, the 27th íns. The lowest or any Tender not n*> -• "sa-rily accented. >. C. H. ELFORD, Architect. TO BUILDERS. rp EN DEBS are invited for carrying out JL certain structural alterations to the Constitutional Hall and Buildings, Aber- dare, for the Directors. Sealed and endorsed Tenders to be sent to Mr J. Davies, Secretary, Constitutional Club, Aberdare, not later than Tuesday, the 2nd day of August next. Plans and Specification may be seen at the office of Mr C. H. Elford, M.S.A., Architect, 30, Weatheral Street. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily laccepted. MOUNTAIN ASH URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. THE Mountain Ash Urban District Council invite applications for the appointuvmt of an Architect's Assistant, under the Council's Surveyor, at a salary of £150 a year, subject to a quarter's notice. The gentleman appointed will be required to live at Mountain Ash, and to devote the whole of his time to the work. He must have had experience in preparing plans of schools, bills of quantities, and superinten- ding the execution of work. Canvassing personally or by letter will be deemed a disqualification. Applications endorsed "Architect's Assis- tant," and stating age and experience, and accompanied by copies of three recent testi- monials, to be sent co me at Mountain Ash, on or before Thursday, the 4th August,1904, By Order, H. P. LINTON, Clerk to the Council. Public Offices, Mountain Ash, 13th July, 1904. | HALL'S Great Furniture Sale IS NOW ON. I Immense eductioqs. Splendid Bargains. — Every article marked in plain figures. Sale on daily- at HALL AND SONS, Complete House Furnishers, 9, Cardiff Street, Aberdare,, .j'¡.l"Vi1.J!WI THE PILLS act almost magically upon the' <v Liver, Bowels and Kidneys, cleansing the 1 system of all impurities. This they do so gently, ■. 4 yp ,et so effectually, that the functions are ■'V legislated without unpleasant derangement or p-,un. The Pills are invaluable for females. 1 ■: -"v ? Al-'RwilVJO 1 • • j I I I' v„ .n, A" Vi | r, i S i t "1-1"" Acknowledgement. Mrs Morris and family, 62, Bute-st., Aber- lare, desire to express their very sincere ratitude to the very many friends who so 'eadily showed their sympathy towards ihem in their recent sad bereavement. Wotice. rEMPERANCE TEMPERANCE TEMPERANCE An urgent appeal to Christians and those in- terested in the Temperance Cause. LOVE AND UNITY LODGE. Meetings are held by the above Lodge every Friday at 8 p.m., at Zion Welsh Wesleyan Vestry, Wind Street, Aberdare. BRO. MARSH, Chief'Warden; BRO. KINGSTON, Corres. Sec. Aberdare County School. THE SECOND ANNUAL Athletic Sports WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 22nd, ON THE YNYS FIELD (By kind permission of the Athletic Club.) An efficient Band will be in attendance. Admission, 6d. Sports to commence at 2. "RESERVE" I' tyotor and Cycle Factory CARDIFF STREET, ABERDARE. Makers of the celebrated "Reserve" Cycles 25 years' practical experience. Cycles built to order from £ 9. A. J. SHEEN PACED JISpY MICHAEL On a machine made by himself, and beat the Champion of England by over 200 yards in a mile. A few shop-soiled machines to I- sold at a bargain. Prepaid Small Advertisements. Inserted at the following specially low rates One week 4 weeks 13 weeks s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 words 0 6 1 6 3 6 2b „ 0 9 2 3 5 6 36 „ 1 0 3 0 7 0 Remittances may lie made by Postal Orders or half-penny stamps. If not prepaid double rate will be charged. Advertisement and Publishing Offices, 33, Dean St., & Market St., Aberdare. WANTED. __m_ WANTED in Aberdare, two unfurnished rooms by young couple.—Apply by letter stating terms to James," LEADER Office. Aberdare. WANTED to purchase a House or House and Shop situate at Tre- cynon. Send full particulars to Mr T. W. Griffiths, solicitor, 2, Cardiff-st., Aberdare. TO LET. nnO LET in Gloucester-street, Aberdare. I Bedroom and Sitting-room to suit two gentlemen.—Apply, Cymro, LEADER Office. BEDROOM and Sitting-room, Piano. To suit two ladies, at Hawthorne- terrace.—Apply, Lex, LEADER Office. OFFICES to Let at low rent, suitable for Solicitor Architect, or Account- ant.—Apply, F. Pardoe, 22, Cardiff Street, Aberdare. OFFIC1CS. One 01* two rooms to let as offices. — Apply, 2, Cardiff-street, Aberdare. FOR SALE. ->. FOR SALE. SO Pairs of Fancy Pigeons and 12 Pullets, laying.—Apply, J. O'Leary, Oxford-st., Aberdare. BAKER'S Oven, built by G. Dodd:ngton, Pontypridd, nearly new. Apply Morgan, 78 Brecon-road, Hirwain. EN C L Y C L O P M DIA BRITTANICA Times edition, 35 vols., < £ 20; splendid New Atlas, cost J63 10s., for 30/ Cassell's Encyclopaedia, 6 vols., 30/—Haylings, Bookseller, Canon-street, Aberdare. MISCELLANEOUS. ACAN ,CY for articled pupil, premium.— Morgan & Elford, Architects and Surveyors, Aberdare and Mountain Ash. UI RUBBING EASES PAIN. UAQCAPC to prevent adhesions, Cilr»OOn|HE Strengthen muscles, etc. -Elliman'^ also treats of Gouty Synovitis, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Back Ache, Sprains. First Aid in Acci- dents, Hygiene of the Athlete, Massage, etc. 256 pp., Illustrated. Price 11" post free tii;<»«»<; the World, stamps or postal order (Foreign stamps accepted) or upon receipt of booklet covers or sight of biMs showing purchase of 3 bottle.'? of h LL.IiVl A IN -S Universal Embrocation, mi size, or otie 2,9 or 4/- bottle. ELLIMAN'S EMBROCATION. For Rheumatism, Lambagc, Sprains. 0-n.uses, Fresh Cuts, Sore Throat from CoUl, Cold at the Chest, Newrslgia from Cold. Chi!- blains before Broken, Corns when Painful, Cramp, Stiffness, Soreness of the Limbs after Cycling, Football, Rowing, &c. Bottles, 3d., I/Ilj, 2/9, 4/ KLLIMAN, SONS & Co., Slough, England.

To Readers tfld COPPespon- deits. All contributions of loe;. j. -n gratefully received at the fficeg paper. C ergymen and Mi:8t ge taries, and organisers of soe.-j n political meetings, and all publicvnCf ^°ns' respectfully asked to acquaint u ar6 events before hand, so that we ma ese reports of the proceedings. When a is required, notification should arrive office punctually. al Our correspondents will oblige us by t warding their reports at the very earlier convenience. All communications to be addressed LEADER Office, Aberdare.

WE regret the necessity of calling atten- tion co an unworthy practice VVlllCh peVids with some of our correspondents. This week we received a letter for publication signed Aberamanite," in which the writer made an attack on the Aberdare Education Committee, more especially the chairman. That in itself was not strictly honourable But the writer's dishonourableness was J:F- ifie he gave us confidentially as a guarantee of good faith" a false name and address in Aberaman. That was a very audacious and a very cowardly act, the writer no doubt having in view the dual object of making us a weapon to attack his enemy and also a target for any retaliatory blows, This is the third attempt that has been made to impose upon us in this manner during the last few months, and—a strange coincidence—the familiar name "John Jones has been used by two of the tricksters. However we wish to inform these gentlemen and all others who may feel disposed to attempt a similar trick, that their little game will be useless, for we take special care to ascertain the bona-fides of all letters we publish. To conceal one's identity from the reading public when attacking a public man smacks of cowardice, but to approach the editor, and, while pretending to acquaint him with one's true identity, to give him a fictitious personality, is nothing less than a deliberate attempt to deceive. When guilty law. breakers give the police a false clue to their identity they are punished for it and held up to public scorn, and it is a pity that these mala fide correspondents could not be accorded a. similar treatment.

ROYALTY and "loyalty are the words in every mouth, and regal greetings fill the air. The King and Queen are on a visit to that part of their dominions which was associated with his Majesty's title before he became E-ing of England. Some years ago when our late Queen visited the Prin- cipality, there was a discordant note among the choruses of Welsh greetings to .,la]OSoy. Some aiutuiu Republicans thought it incompatible with their Democratic faith to welcome to the midst of Democratic people a personage wearing a crown. Since then Republicanism has become practically a dead letter with us. Some of the most bitter opponents of the Monarchy have confessed that a Repuolican Government would be useless without the republican virtues." Consequently, the question of effecting a radical change in our constitution has been adjourned sine die, as they say in the courts. On Wednesday, King Edward Vil. and Queen Alexandra visited Swansea opened a new dock there, conferred I knighthood on the Welsh mayor, FrJ, their appreciation of the Welsh choill. and all went merry as a marÓíbny. There was no sound other than note Who would dare whisper any d1 on such an occasion ? —