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"General weakness and loss of Flesh." The worn-out feeling disappeared and I relished my food." '\?: Mr. H. C. SMITH, Everybody who needs cod-livier oil, and there are hundreds of thousands cf them right here in Great Britain, should read the following letter: — "35, Durham read, Phillip Lane, Totten- ham, May 14th, 1898. "Dear Sirs,—Having been recommended at Charing Cross Hospital to take an emul- sion of cod-liver oil, my complaint being gen- eral weakness and loss of flesh, with cold shivers the first thing in the morning, I tried Scctt's Emulsion, and I thought you would be interested in the result. I com- menced taking it last February every night before retiring, and have taken five bottles in all. I noticed tha cold shivers immed- iately ceased, and the appetite greatly im- proved. The worn-out feeling gradually disappeared, and I relished my food. in- stead of feeling sick when I saw it. After having taken three bottles I found my weight had increased 3^- pounds, and my 2 friends all remarked on my improved ap- pearance. I now weigh eleven stone, as much as I have ever weighed in my life, my total gain since using Scott's Emulsion being 7 t pounds. Working in a trade in which phthisis is a cruel enemy (a compositor) I would strongly urge those employed in the printing trade to try it for weak chests, loss of flesh, lassitude, &c., which so many suffer from, feeling confident that they will de- rive great benefit from it. I found the taste was pleasant, and there was no repetition, which there is in cod-liver oil by itself. Also I am not so fagged after a hard day's work. —I remain, vours truly, (Signed) H. C. SMITH." The renscn Mr JiLsith Tr?..? "s.;v7isfid a- Chnring Cro.s Hospital to take emulsion of cod-liver oil, is because nn emulsion is much more effectual and more practical in every wav than tho plain oil. Where plain cil will tax digestion, a perfect emulsion will be a positive aid to it; and where plain oil will pass through the system without being ab- sorbed, a perfect emulsion will be readily taken into the blood, where it can do its work in building up the system. We have no hesitation in declaring posi- tively that Scctt's Emulsion is the only per- fect emulsion of cod-liver oil in the world. Besides the oil, Scott's Emulsion contains glycerine and hypophosphites, both of which servo an admirable purpose in building up the system. There is a wide difference be- tween an emulsion of cod-liver oil and a mix- ture of oil with other ingredients, and the proof that Scctt's Emulsion is a perfect em- ulsion is found in the fact that it retains its emulsified form, indefinitely, whereas other emulsions soon separate, the oil in them ris- ing to the top of the bottle. Scott's Emulsion is perfectly palatable, an aid to digestion, a specific for throat and lung; complaints, and is the best known re- medy to give vital strength to the entire sys- tem and promote the making of healthy flesh. ■ -v For sale by all chemists. You may obtain a sample of Scott's Emul- sion by sending: threepence to cover postage to Scott and Bowne, Limited, Manufactur- ing Chemists. 95, Great Saffron Hill, Lon- don, E.C., and mentioning this paper. -■■■ ■ 11 Dr. Ridge's PATENT COOKED QQQ FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. "This is the most perfect food we kave examined." CHAS. H. PIESSE, M.R.C.S., F.O.S., wx. JOH^-X'ONE, Ph.D., F.C.S., public Analysts. X GOT A, eoisQ ix HAVE YOU GET IT CURED HOW? WHY! AS EASY AS WINK! TAKE TUDOR WILT JAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY You will have the honour of being the first one whom it failed to cure Whv don't you try it P „ phemist will sell it you, or you can get it direct from D. Tudor William taya'eml3tw o H! PEAR ME1 I FORGOT "TO GIVE Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey TO MY CHILDREN BBFORt RETIRING TO BEU. AM CERTAIN THEY WILL COUGH ALL NIGHT WITHOUT If There is Nothirg on the face )f the earthequal to it. Thoroughly up to date. Does not contain one grain of Morphine or any other Poison. No Mother should neglect to keep this Infbllole Remedy in the house ready for ai emergency. Ben ember that it is wiser to check a slight Cough at the commencement aciai how it to develop into a lingering con plaint. Ask directly for Tudor William.' Balsam of Honey, and see that you get the right irtiole. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should give it a trial. Largest Sale of any Cough Medicine In the World. 20.00C; Testimonial to hand. A Magistrate states I find your Balsam of Honey most effectual for Bronchitis A Lady," Mrs West, Felix-place, Stroud, writesYour Balsam ot Honey cured my little son of Whooping Cough. Send me on another supply, 1 have a daughter subject to Croup and I find it very beneficial. The British Army" reports highly of it. v Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is. 1 Jd., 2s. 9d-, and4s. 6d. Dottles. Sample bottles sent (post paid) for Is. 3d.,3s., and 5s. from the Inventor- D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, R.D.S.L., SURGEON. MEDICAL H ALL, ABERDARE

