cttrovt at ton of NORTH ( WALKS PAPERS. I IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS As At? is of the greatest Importance for those who have advertisements to issue to I know the medium through which the great- est amount of publicity can be obtained, the attention of the advertising community in North Wales is hereby respectfully directed to to the fact that the CIRCULATION of the NORTH WALES OBSERVER AND EX- PRESS is larger than that of ANY other English paper published ? the Northern part of the Principality, atd MORE THAN DOUBLE that of mos. of its local English | contemporaries


WANTED. I WANTED, a YOUNG MAN, able to write V\ Welsh and English correctly, possessing a 'knowledge of Short-hand, as JUNIOR REPORTER. I —Apply to D. Edwards, Observer and Express Office, t Carnarvon. DRAPERY.-WANTED, an experienced j MAN as an ASSISTANT, also an IM- PROVER, also a First-c'ass MILLINER.— "pply, strting full particulars, to W. Jones, 16, Bridk-e street, Carnarvon. SHOOTING WANTED in the neighbomhood s of Carnarvon, for a short period only.—Ajply, Gapt Vaughan, Budleigh Salterton, S. Devon. MONEY TO ADVANCE. A A A FOR immediate advance on Mortgage 0f satisfactory Freehold or Leasehold ,security.-Apply to Meters G. D. Dew & Dew, Soli- citors, Bangor. 4529. SEND US SIX STAMPS and we will send o you a Box of Samples, carriage paid (new specialities), and guarantee you to earn Five Shillings a day. and u awards. Satisfaction assured or stamps returned. This is genuine.—UNIVERSAL SUPPLY" ,CO., 126, CIerkenwrl!-road, I ondon. E.C. 3448 TO BE LET ,UR SOLD FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY, Rhyddalit Isa, containing about 16 acres of good rich Pasture Land, pleasantly pituatad on the banks of ,the River Seiont, and within about a mile of the town.—For price, &c., appty to L. Roberts and Co., Caaile Ditch, Carnarvon. 3376 ^S«EMBLY ROOMS, AMLWCH TERMS, &c., apjly tí.) Mr W. H. THOMAS Lewis Buildings, Amlwch. J-40 (SHIPPING. CUNARD ROYAL MAIL STEAMER JgfgjgSt LIVERPOOL TO N EW YORK AND BOSTON TC iS»A\S THURSDAYS AND SATCHBAYS, This Companyllas been established for Fifty Years, and is noted for its Safety and Comfort for all classes of Passengers. Apply to the CUNARD STEAMSHIP COM PAN ¥, Limited, Liverpool .Or to the Agents—Wm. J. Williams, 7,Market street Carnarvon; Richard Roberts, O'd P<^i Q.'Jcfc 131 ALLAN LINE. iLOYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO 0^1 TED STATES AND CANADA. FROH LIVERPOOL. Nov £ Scotian For Halifax and Baltimore Sept. 16 Parisian For Quebec and Montreal Sept. 18 Corean.For Quebec aud Montreal,Sept. 55 Caspian.For Halifax and Baltimore. Sept, 3> Circasiftn For Quebec and Montreal Oct. 2 Sardinian For Quebec atid Montreal Oct. 9 OCEAN RATES: Saloo% 10 to 18 Guineas Intermediate, jM 6s; Steerage at lowest rates. This Liea provides the cheapest and most con- venient routa to all p>rts of Uanada and the Western .States of America. Through Tickets to all Stations i,at Special Rales. tST Note.—The quickest, and cheapest route for Manitoba, the Great North West, and B itieh Columbia. To TOV RIST.ø,SPORT, .MEN,RDd others, -Round Trip Tickets combining Excursions to Niagara Falls and fother places .of interest in United States and Canada, the wondeeui Scenery of the Rocky Mount tains and the Sporting Districts of British Columbia.- Passengers landing at Balifax, Portland, or Baltim- ore, andeping inland, sze accompanied on the Railway by the Company's specif conductors. Pamphlets.—All the latest Maps and Pamphlets free. Regular sailings, Glasgow, and Liverpool to Monte Video and Buenos Ayres, all We year round. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., James-street, Liverpool. AGENTS: W, J. Williams, 7, Market street, Carnarvcl?.. Matthew Goldie, 217, High-street, Bangor. WPhilip Williams, 11, Victoria Place, Bethesda. E. John Parry. 3 and 4, William's Court, Bethesda W. D. Jones, Old Bank. Holyhead. AMERIUAN LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, E ery Wednesday. First-class full-powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for Passengers equal to any European Line. Passengers and Goods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Rail- road. TIlE SHOH21V1 HI, BZST ROUTE TO THE WEST. Aptly to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & CO., 19 and 22, Water-street, Liverpoo. LtOtA. AGENTS:- W. J. Williams, Secretary of North Wales Quarry men's Union, 7.. Maiket-stree Carnarvon; D. Frafer, Dinorwic-street, Carnarvon, R G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, CVeigiuu Mawr, Taly. ~sam. WHITE STAR LINE I ROY AL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK via Queenstown, everj Wednesday. Forwarding Passengers to all parts of th< United States and Canada The splendid vessels of thii Line are all uniform in model and arrangements, and un- surpassed in the completeness of their appointments for the comfort of Passengers of all ciasses. Saloon xcates of Passage, JE12 to £ 2? and upwards. Second Cabin £8 to 29. Steerage Passage at Low Rates, Apply to R. Owen. Ship and Insurance Broker; and W. J. W iliams, 71 Market-street, Carnarvon; Richard Roberts, Bethesda-JM, Goldie, 217, High-trett, Bangor; O. E. Parry, late-merchant, Dolyddelen and Blaen, an Ffestiniog William D Jones, Old Bank, Holy- head; William M. Jones, Church-street, Llangefni; R. G. Roberts. Rock Cottage, Pen-y-groes R. S. O. Tal-y-sarn W. O. Williams, Globe Shoe Warehouse, Llanrwet; or to ISMAY, IMRIE, & Co., 34, Leadenhall- street, London E.C and 10, Water-street, Liver pool. 13 8i; INMAN LINE. ROYA MAIL STEAMERS TO NEW YORK. TNMAN & INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHII X COMPANY, LIMITED. FROM LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY Calling at Queenetcwn every Thursday. Moderate Saloon and Second Cabin Fares. Steerage Fare as low as by any other First Class Line. Through Bookings to any part of the STATES and CANADA, including Manitoba, and North and South West Territory. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & Co.. 22 Water-street, Liverpool or to Messrs W J. Wil liams, 7, Market strt et.Carnarvo T. S. Ingbam,3 High-street, Ebeneze Pritchard Bror. & Co., Cornhill, Portmadoe j W. T. Jones, 7, Margct-rtreet Pwllheli E. Jones, 170, High-street, Baneor H. J WilliraQs,66,Biyngwenitb, CaeJlwyngryid; W. Rgers Siationmaster, Tregarth Hugh Slaghes, 7, Market Row, Amlwch, BEE HIVE, BANGOR. THE LATEST FASHIONS IN COSTUMES, DRESSES, ROBES, TEA GOWNS, VISITING, DINNER & EVENING DRESSES, CHENILLE & BRAIDED ROBES TAIL 0B MADE COSTUMES. A magniflcrnt collection of Dress Fabrics of matchless variety. Silks, Brocaded, Faille Francaise, Bengdline and Figured Pongee. Velvets, Velveteens, Plusher, Cheviots, Tweeds, Snowflakes, bpots Amazon Cloths, Serges, Cambrics. Musi ns, Satinettes, Zephyrs, &c. An exceptionally good fssortment of Mantles, Jackets, and Cloeke, in Cheviot?, DLigona's, Serges, &c, The New Medici Collar, Wing Sleeve, and Double Sleeve Jackets. Embroidered and Military Jackets. Cloth Jackets with Velvet Sleeves. Plush, Velvet and Silk Mantles, Trimmed Lace, Jet, &c. Jerseys, and Silk Garibaldis. Flower Feathers, Ribbons, Veils, Glovep, Hosiery, Laces, Lace Setts, Trimmings, Head-Dresses, Ojnamen8, Butterflies Sunsh ade^, &c., &c. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY, ot Novel, Exquisite, and Artis'ic Stales. Braid. Sk:.w and Fancy Bonnets, and Hats, the new Flower Bscielndia-Rubber Tubiug Shapes, Lace, Toquts, &c., &e. GRIFFITH & COMPY. PATENTS, DESIGNS & TRADE MARKS. AGENCY CONDUCTED BY PATENT SOLICITOR AND LATE EXAMINER OF HER MAJESTY'S PATENT OFFICE. ADVICE GRATIS on all subjects connected with the above on receipt of stamped addressed envelope. PATENTS OBTAINED—British, Colonial and Fcreign in tbo shortest time consistent with safety. DRAWINGS OF MACHINERY, &e.4 made from the roughest sketches. SUITABLE TRADE-MARKS SUGGESTED, carefully drawn and engraved for Registration at Home and Abroad. AGENCIES IN LONDON and all parts of the world for the Purchase and Sale or placing on Royalty of good Patented Inventions. IK VEN TORS vtith undeveloped ideas are ad vised to communicate at once, when rel able opinion as to novelty will be speedily giyen, and much trouble, expense end disappointment savad. ADDRESS— MANAGER, OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL 1. "INVENTION," 04f FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C WINTER FASHIONS. GEORGE HENRY JQEE & Co., BASNETT STREET, LIVERPOOL, 1 WILL MAKE ON TUESDAY NEXT, THE 7th INSTANT, THEIR PRINCIPAL DISPLAY OF FASHIONS FOR THE WINTER SEASON, COMPRISING ALL TIIE LATEST & MOST RECHERCHE PRODUCTIONS OF THE PARISIAN MODISTES IN MILLINERY, MANTLES, COSTUMES, &c. The MILLINERY is exceedingly choice this Season and many Special Novelties have been introduced. COSTUMES and COSTUME MATERIALS are more varied than usual, the designs of the various fabrics in Checks, Spot and Patterned Tweeds, Tloths in Astrakan effects, &c., affording ample scope for choice. MANTLES and JACKETS are especially rich in Material and Trimming, while moderate in price, and are ehown in an almost endless variety of beautiful and effective designs. NOVELTIES is SILK3, DRESS MATERIALS, LACES, RIBBONS, GLOVES, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, &c. GEORGE HENRY LEE & CO., BASNETT STREET, LIVERPOOL. HAXELL'S HOTEL, WEET STRAND, LONDON. Telegraphic Address — Haxell, London." Tele- grams for visitors must be marked care of Haxell, London. FOR Families and Gentlemen. In the midst of the Theatres and Places of Amusement. Within 20 minutes of the City by 'Bus or Railway. Thoroughly modernised in every pairticula r, comb inidg a most elegant Restaurant. Separate Ladies and Gentlemen's Coffee Rooms, Billiard Room, &c. BED AND BREAKFAST, 6s 6d. LIGHTS AND SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE, Every room lighted by Electricity. In the hope of meeting to eve.y way the] continued preference shown in this Hotel, A NEW COFFEE ROOM, Occupying the whole of the first-floor, has be3n added to the Hotel, Its Seven Noble Windows commanding the Strand Panorama, with DRAWING,READING.& MUSIC ROOMS adjoining. LONDON, AND BRIGHTON. RUSSELL'S BATCHES. LARGEST STOCK. BEST VALUE. ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET SENT FREB ON APPLICATION, T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH-ST., LIVERPOOL. GUNN BROTHERS, MERCHANT TAILORS HOLYHEAD TO STOUT PEOPLE. "Sunday Times "says "Mr Russe'l's aim is to eradicate to cure the disease, and that his treatment is the truelne seems beyond all doubt. The medi- cine he prescribes does not lower, but builds up and tones the system." Book (128 pages), with recipe and notes how to pleasantly and rapidly cure obesity l (average reduction in firtt week is 31b.), post free eight stamps.—F. C. RUSSEL, Woburn Houset Store- street, Bedford-square, London, W.C. SCHOLASTIC. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH U WALES, BANGOR (INCORPORATED UNDER ROYAL CHARTER). AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. A complete course of practical and scientific in- struction in Agriculture and Dahying has now been organized. Full information about Classes, Scholarships, Diploma in Agriculture, Certificates in Dairying,f&c., will be found in the Agricultural Prospectus (free on application) wiich also contains information res- pecting Extension Lectures, Teachers' ClasseB, Field Experiments, and Dairy Demonstrations. The average cost of living in Bangor, including College Fees, is about JE40 for the College year. The next Session begins on September 30th, 1890. W. CADWALADR DAVIES, 3466 Secretaiy and Registrar. £ £ INDIES' schc^uxbridqe SQUARE^ PRINCIPAL MISS WILLIAMS, Certificated, First Class Honours, Royal Academy of Music Senior Examination. Thorough English Education and Accomplishments on moderate terms. Term commences August 11th. CAELLENOR SCHOOL, CARNARVON. PRINCIPAL—MISS EASTMAN, Certificated, First Class Honours, Distinctions in History and Litera- ture, Cambridge Higher Examinations. The ensuing Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept. 15th. A Class has been formed for the Oxford Uni- versity Locals, and new pupils are invited to join. I Day boarders and resident pupi g received. LADIES' SCHOOL, AMLWCH. MRS HOBDAY having discontinued her School for two years, begs to announce to her friends and those who formerly patronised her, that she pur- poses (with the assistance of her daughter) to resume same. Thorough English Education and accomplish- ments, including Painting, special attention to Letter Writing, and Book Keeping. Mrs H. has arranged to hold, in connection with her school, select adult and juvenile Dancing Classes, during the winter months, under the tuition of a professional teacher, and will be glad to receive the names of any who may wish to ioin, 14 SCIENCE CLASSES PRIVATE L'FSSONS AND EVENING CLASSES IN SCIENCE, PRACTICAL LABORATORY WORK, &c. SPECIAL COURSES OF LESSONS adapted KJ to the requirements of Students lOt London Matriculation; Edinburgh, and Glasgow Medical Engineers Apprentices and Pharmaceutical Chemists UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESSES. Further particulars from ALFRED WILLIAMS, Waterloo Port. CARNARVON MATRICULATION AND B.A EXAMINATIONS. LONDON, ROYAL IRISH, AND DUBLIN UNIVERSITIES. PREPARATION by Coifespofldence on a thoroughly individual system, which ensures to each Candidate the closest cate and attention Weak subjects receive special help. Payment based on results.—For terms, testimonials, &c., address- MR J. CHARLESTON, B.A. (LOND.), 116, SOUTHMOOR-ROAD, OXFORD. N.B. — Single subjects may be taken:—Latin Greek* French,^ German, English, Mathematics Mechanics, Chemi&try, Logic, &c. J_|OLYHEAL> GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEAD-MASTER REV. R. MORGAN JONES, M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. ASSISTED BY QUALIFIED MASTERS. Pupils prepared for the Universities, the University Colleges, the Preliminary Exams, the Oxford and Cambridge Local Exams., the College of Preceptors, the Civil Service, and Commercial Pursuits generally A limited number of Boarders received. Terms. &c.. on application. jyj O D E R N LANGUAGES. HERR SCHMIDT, teacher of Modern Languages, gives private lessens in French, German, Italian, Span'sh. A1 o classes are held for French at the National School every Thursday. Terms very moderate, Highly recommended by the Vicar of Carnarvon and Principal Fairchild.-Apply, the College, Carnarvon. ADIES COLLEGE, BRYNTYS1LAO L CARNARVON. PRINCIPALS—The MISSFS SHEAD, Certificated Cambridge University and Trinity College, London. Pupils successfully prepared for Local Examinations, School Duties will be resumed (D.V) on. Sept. 4th, 1890" 151 THOMAS JONES & COMPY., ARE NOW OPEN TO APPOINT AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT FOR THE SUPPLYING OF FAMILIES WITH THEIR TEAS AND COFFEES. APPLICATIONS FOR TERMS TO BE MADE TO 9, PARKER-STREET, LIVERPOOL. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. IF YOU WANT GOOD SOLID LEATHER BOOTS & SHOES PLEASING TO THE EYE, COMFORTABLE TO THE FEET, DURABLE IN WEAR AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES GO TO DICK'S m HIGH STREET, BANGOR. l MARKET STREET, HOLYHEAD. 1, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON ° 4XACE STREET, CARNARVON JOS1AH HUGHES & SON, FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERS, 237, HIGH STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE BANGOR, HAVING replenished their Stock for the Winter Trade very advanageously, a visit to their It Establishment will greatly oblige, where every useful novelty may be inspected- LAMPS, HEATING STOVES, FENDERS, FIRE-BRASSES, COAL VASES, TOILETTE WARE, BEDSTEADS, SPRING MATTRESSES, ELECTRO-PLATE WARE, &o., &c. WATER-WHITE PETROLEUM, AND BENZOLENE. ENAMEL PAINTS, PEACOCK AND BUCHAN PAINTS. For particul ars of our Stock see full advertisement on another page. JOSIAH HUGHES & SON BlJIiOE. WITH BRANCH SHOP AT LLANFAIRFECHAN. L.E A AUC'E Purchasers should see that the Label on every bottle of the original bears \he Signature, thus :— WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, bears \he Signature, thus :—- A c Sold wholesale by tbe PROPRIETORS, WORCESTER; CROSSE & BLACEWEu., London; AND Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHEPE. NEW MANTLE WAREHOUSE AND GENTS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. VALLANCE BROTHERS BEG STOCK11 O^SPKING AND S?o"tbsM6ht We have also, owing to the continued increase in our Mantle Trade, fitted up a New and Commodious Mantle Room of great convenience, and we have now every confidence in inviting calls of inspection. Our Stock is entirely new, well assorted and calculated to meet the requirements of all MANTLE DEPARTMENT. SHORT JACKETS, Black and Coloured from J2s Od to 5M C-j. PLUSH Do <>9s Od to 60s Od. DOLMANS, 18s 6d to 60s Od. PLUSH Do 42s Od to 70s 0d. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Men's .Suits, from 16s 6d to 42s. Youths' Suits, 12s(6d to 30s. Boys' Do, 6s 6d to 21s. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. We beg to draw -attention to the fact that we have secured the services of a really first-class Cutter, and are therefore in a position to give our customers every satisfaclion by guaranting a perfect fit. SPECIAL TROUSERS TO MEASURE, 10s 3d and 12s 6d-CAPITAL VALUE VALLANCE BROTHERS, 300, HIGH STREET BANGOR. I OEDUCTION in the TEA DUTY .I. and in the price of jyjAZAWATTEE TRA. J^JAZAWATTEE TEA. BREAKFAST IS READY, I will take a Cup of MAZAWATTFF "DREAKFAST IS READY. J3BEAKFAST ISKEil?r?f MAZ4V'AT^- BREAKFAST IS KEADPY?f MAZA^TTEE I will t ke a Can o? MA/' IWA^TTFl? THm. ENORMOUS DEVELOPMENT^ in the CONSUMPTION of THIS TEA is SI™TRADEP"'iEALLELia 3«W>RT of the TRAOE. It is the LARGEST IN THE WORLD. VjAZAWATTEE TEA Is the finest in the world, jyf"AZAWATTEE TEA -LTJ- Recalls the delicious Tea of 30 year* ae-n "JV/rAZAWATTEE TEA 8 ■LfM- Is Tea in perfection. MAZAWATTEE TEA Sold by 4,000 Agent s(Fami!y Grocers). SPECIAL AQFNTS. Carnarvon Tnos. Len-is & f > Bangor Thos Lewis & Co Holyhead Thos. Loms &, c.J, ?imlwclt j* £ hoe' Lewi* & Co. Llanerchymedd Tbos. Lewis & <> Llangefni TlJ.oe.ewi¡;¡ & Co. Pentraeth Thos. ^ewis & Ce, Battel Thos. Lewie & (V Bodedern Tr.o,. Lewu< & Co Pwllheli Thos. tewta i Co, P,tnaenmawr,- Tbcs. Lewis C" D^h Diwyd Pierre, Ruthin I?HugS^tWKShwreet Llandudno Stephen Dnnp-y Central tstoree. Corwen J. lla J. Tarty Doigelley Richard JMIlLe. Barmouth Edward 3, ue Arcadc. Towyn R. j. Roberts. Aberaevey Wiiliara Jcnet\ M^ynltate J. „. 0o.re7 Vtew '1 Thai SCtw Lon°T« I.REHI UU J, cZma £ aci' Mallwyd ?)IVJ(L E'Ils. Hoi t well j. Hague. Bettesda Eilis Owen ^f^WRt •« p. Vrniiatr-.Lirc^ocI House BefctW8yc08d K. Ruvvlin,on;Y.)y: -radog Colwyn Bay E, Robert^ HoSfe Abergele J. W. F-1U., Rhyl & fcon, Ac'ray otraet • St, Asaph Jones & Son, Lhoruooi St Mo sty n 'p. J. Po«r.l! r:ia Gii. Llan^olJen H. HaWlOwd Flint Eowen, Chester st, NTe%,IPriceq. 2s OJ, 213 2d, 2s Gd, 33 Od Old Paces.. Is led, 2s Od. 2s 4i, 28 IOd. • fold in- packets, also in RIb. and ulb tin'. by srec- lally appointed Agents ONLY, among iho leadint? Orrocers of the United Kingdom 6 THE MAZAWATFEE CflvLON TEA COMPANY Eastcheap-baibjnga, London, E.C C A M B R I A N RAILWAYS A CBEAP TRIP will be run to CARNARVON B^i)GE (f0r SEAUMAMs!; and HOL\HEAD, on luesdav, October 7th 1890 from Aberystwyth Machynlleth, Dolgelie?, Pwllheli! and principal intermediate station.. The train will TC clue toLESVO ABORY^SUVITH at O 30 a.m.,MachynHeth G.Os.m;. Abercovty 630 am Towyn 6 40 a.m., Doigelley 6.25 a.u, Baraouth 7.25 a.m., Portmadoc 8.5 a.m., Cricciefch, S.15 a m., Pwll. he i 8.15 a.m. For foil particulars see Company^ J. CONACHEK, Secretary and General Manager. ,-I TOO TII-N u -flE CURED INSTANTLY BY BUNTE R'S PRE^LTS-VLLVO? ^ACTION, bleripiess Prornuted. Neuralgic Headaches and Nc-rve Pains re- "Vj T?T>T7'TXTTH moved by B inters Ner^iiie. Cutmists,l/l|. -i-N A-ii V A JN Jbi "Owing to the extecsiye decay iu two double teeth, I t uttered for days excruciating pain. I was recom- mended to try Hunter's Nervine. I did so. To my joy, the pain quickly and entirely ceased. I have since repeatedly derived the greatest stible relief in severe neuralgic headache iiom fowr \a live drops of Bunter's Neivine, taken upon a limit, of white \rgarA"—K™ Aubrey C. Price, B.A. (late FtUow of Ntw College, Orford). CAUTION. TELEPHONE JNFKING&MEflTS, THE EMPIRE TELEPHONE COMPANY. Imitations ot the Empire (Mechanical) Telephone continue to be offered. An attempt is being made in England and Scotland to bring a Mechanical Telephone prominently bdfoie the investing publict Stockbrokers and others should sec Truth, of 28th November last on the subjecf. NOW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A.* proceedings will be taken against all persons INFRINGING or USINvl the PATENTS of the EMPIRE TELEPHONE COMPANY which cover the essential principles of all successful Mechanical Tele- phones. The Empire Telephone, if required, works success- fully ucder wat r, through angles, may be tapped at any point with a hat or the wire twisted round trees. TELEPHONE SYNDICATES. Pajties who may have subscribed, cr been in- vited to subscribe to any Telephone Syndicate, should obtain particulars of what the Empire Telephone il-i its pas", present, and future position. THE EMPIRE TELEPHONE.— £ 4 BUYS OUTRIGHT, No rentals, royalties, nor batteries 1,000 press notices and testimonials. Articulat'on faultless. Whispers clearly audible. Used in B ckingham Palace, the H iM- Office, Ad- miralty, and other Government Clii'-c- al?o in the leading English Railways. Offices, Breweries, and Theatres. There is no trouble from a legal point of view. The Post Office and the United (now the Natural) Tele- phone Company, Limited, admitted after a corres- pondence that the Empire (then th: Mechanical) Telephone was no infringement of any ofshcirpatestSt Concessions for working the Pa'crfE of the I( Em., pire" Telephone by Companies or S; nd rates in Country Towns, Counties or Provinces granted cn moderate terms. Little CASH is necessary; proportional interest chiefly required, Agents Wanted, Terms Liberal. THE EM PIRE TELEPHONE COMPANY, QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET, LONDON, E.C