——'—————————— f CIBO J, A/I ION OF NORTH j WALES PAPERS. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS As it is of the greatest importance for those who nave advertisements to issue to know the medium through which the great- est amount of publicity can be obtained, the attention of the advertising community in North Wales is hereby respectfully directed to to the fact that the CIRCULATION of the NORTH WALES OBSERVER AND EX- PRESS is larger than that of ANY other Enelish paper publisher1 ? the Northern part of the Principality, and MORE THAN DOUBLE that of mos. of its local English contemporaries
WANTED. WANTED, a YOUNG MAN, able to write Welsh and English correctly, poss esing a knowledge of Short-hand, as JUNIOR RECORD R. Apply to D. Edwards, Observe," and Express Office, Carnarvon. j DRAPERY.—WANTED, a steady and pushing j A SB 1ST Aft T. Must have a knowledge o: j ID A SB 1ST Aft T. Must have a knowledge o: I Ready Mades.-Apply, with full particulars to Mr W. j Anthony, Manchester House, Pwllheli. 3491 j BANGOR-AND BEAUMARIS UNION. I PROVISIONS, etc. ] I THE GUARDIANS of the above-named Union j being desirous of enterirg into Contracts for the supply of Goods or Materials for the wee of ths Workhcuse thereof, and Coffins for Paupers who may die in each Parish in the Union, during a perind of six months, from the 3rd day of October next, hereby issue public advertisement of their willingness to re- ceive TENDERS f r the Supply of such Articles. A statement of the estimate of each article likely to be required during t'lat period and of the quantity or number of each article :cousumed during the coerce- ponding period of the preceding year will be fur- nished on application to the Master of the W orkhouse. j Tenders must be sent to the Workhouse under seal marked 1 ender for — not later than Wednesday, the 1st day of October next. Forms of Tenders containing the cenditions of Contract may be had at the Workhouse, Bangor. JOHN THOMAS, Clerk to the Guardians, Board Room, Bangor, 15th September, 1890. SEND US SIX STAMPS and we will send you a Box of Samples, carriage paid (tew specialities), and guarantee you to earn Five Shillings a day and upwards. Satisfaction nssured or stamps returned. This is genuine.—UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., 126, Clerkenwsrll-road, London. E.C. 3448 TO BE LET ,OR SOLD FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY, Rhyddallt Isa, containing about 16 acres of good rich Pasture Land, pleasantly situated on the banks of the River Seiont and within about a mile of the town.-For price, &c., apply to L. Roberts and Co., Castle Ditch, Carnarvon. 3376 SSEMBLY ROOMS, AMLWCH FOR TERMS, &c., apply to Mr W. H. THOMAS Lewis Buildings, Amlwch. HAXELL'S HOTEL, WEST STRAND, LONDON. Telegraphic Address: — "HaxelL London." Tele- grams for visitors must be marked care of Haxell, London. T FOR Families and Gentlemen. the midst of the Theatres and Places of Amusement. -Vithra 20 minutes of the City by 'Bus or KaUway. ThorcugMy modernised iri every r articular,com mmg a most elegant Restaurant. Separate Ladies end Gentlemen's Coffee Rooms, Billiard Room, &c. BED AND BKEAKFASI, 6: 6d. LIGHTS AND SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE. In the hope of meeting to every way the'- continued preference t-hown in this Hotel, A NEW COFFEE ROOM, Occupying the whole of th*- first-floor, has been added to the Hotel, Its Seven Noble Windows commanding the Strand Panorama, with DRAWING READING & MUSIC ROOMS ndjoining. LONDON AND BRIGHTON, GUNN BROTHERS, MERCHANT TAILORS HOLYHEAD RUSSELL'S WATCHES. LARGEST STOCK. BEST VALUE. Illustrated PAMPHLET SENT FREE on APPLICATION. T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER 10 THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHUECH-ST., LIVERPOOL. CAUTION. TELEPHONE INFRINGEMENTS. THE EMPIRE TELEPHONE COMPANY. Imitations of the Empire (Mechanical) Telephone continue to be offered. An attempt is being made in England and Scotland to bring a Mechanical Telephone prominently before the investing public. Stockbrokers and others should see Truth, of 28th November last on the subject. TVTOW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that nroceedines will be taken against all persons INFRINGING or USIN t the PATENTS of the EMPIRE TELEPHONE COMPANY which cover the essential piinciples of all successful Mechanical Tele- ^The^Empire Telephone, if required, works success- fully under wat r. through angles, may be tapped at any point with a hat or the wire twisted round trees. TELEPHONE SYNDICATES. Parties who nay havf subscribed, cr been in vited to subscribe to am Telephone Syndicate, should obtain particulars of what the Empire Telephone is, its past, present, and future position. THE EMPIRE TELEPHONE.— £ 4 BUYS OUTRIGHT. No rentals, royalties, nor batteries. 1,000 press notices and testimonials. Articulation faultless. Whispers cl arly audible. Used in k ckingham Palace, the Home Office, Ad- miralty, at d other Government Offices; also in the leading English Railways. Offices, Breweries, and Theatres. There is no trouble from a legal point of view. The Post Office and the United (BOW; the National) Tele- Pnnv'aov Limited, admitted after a corres- pondence that the » Empire (then the Mechanical) ^telephone was no infringement of any of their patents. Concessions for working the Patents, of the Em. pire Telephone by Companies or Syndicates in Countrt Towns, Counties or Provinces granted cn moderate terms.. i Little CASH is necessary; proportional interest chiefly required. i Agents Wanted, Terms Liberal. THE EMPIRE TELEPHONE COMPANY, 60, QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET, LONDON, E.C NOBLE'S MINERAL WATER WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1874. 1 j [COPY.] CONSULTATIONS ON ALL SUBJECTS ] ORIGINAL PROCESSES EXAMINED & INVOLVING THE APPLICATION OF A *KT A T T7ri!Tn li T REPORTED UPON. INVESTIGA- CHEMIC1L SCIENCE. j AiNrLLl liUAL TIONS CONDUCTED. MANUFACTURERS LABORATORY, PATENTEES AND INVENTORS ANALYSES EY CONTRACT. ASSISTED. —————^——— —————^——— GRANVILLE B. SHARPE, F.C.S., ANALYTICAL AND CONSULTING CHEMIST (Late Principal of Liverpool College of Chemistry), 11 and 12, GREAT TOWER STREET, LONDON, 2STH APRIL, 1890. Author of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis." Lata Lecturer on Chemistry and Technology to the Livetrool School of Scitiice. Member of the Society of Chemical Industry. Consulting Chemist to the Mineral Water Trade Review," &c. Fel'ow of the Berlin Chemical Society. ——— CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. ——— I have very carefully analysed samples of Soda Water, Lemonade, Ginger Beer, and Ginger Ale, manufactured by Mr Edward Noble, Carnarvon, as well as the Water, Sugar, and flavouring mat- erials used in their preparation I find that these Beverages are of the same high-class composition as when last examined by me, and are, in point of purity and general excellence, all that c ould be desired. Great care has been exercised in the case of the raw materials, which are perfectly pure and free from all undesirable admixture. (Signed) GRANVILLE H. SHARPE, F.C.3., ANALYST, Late Principal of the Liverpool College of Chemistry. WENHAM LAKE ICE STORES. WENHAM LAKE ICE STORES. BEE HIVE, BANGOR. THE LATEST FASHIONS IN COSTUMES, DRESSES, ROBES, TEA GOWNS, VISITING, DINNER & EVENING DRESSES, CHENILLE & BRAIDED ROBES TAILOR MADE COSTUMES. A magnificent collection of Dress Fabrics of matchless variety. Silks, Brocaded, Faille Francaise, Beng-line and Figured Pongee. Velvets, Velveteens, Plushea, Cheviots, Tweeds, Snowflakes, Spots Amaz n Cloths, Serges, Cambrics, Muslins, Satinettes, Zephyrs, &c. An exceptionally good assortment of Mantles, Jackets, and Cloakf, in Chevtot", Diagonal, Serges, &o, The New Medici Collar, Wing Sleeve, and Double Sleeve Jackets. Embroidered find Military Jackets. Cloth Jackets with Velvet Sleeves. Plush, Velvet, and Silk Mentles, Trimmed Lace, Jet, &c. Jerseys, and Silk Garibaldia.. Flower, Feathers, Ribbons, Veils, Glovee, Hosiery, Laces, Lace Setts, Trimmings, Head-Dresses, Ornamens, Buttaiflies Sunsh ades, &c., &o. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY, of Novel, Exquisite, and Artistic Styles. Braid, Straw and Fancy Bonnets, and Hats, the new Flower EDr^elndn-Rubber Tubing Shapes, Lata, Toques, &c., &c.' GRIFFITH & COMPY. PATENTS, DESIGNS & TRADE MARKS. AGENCY CONDUCTED BY PATENT SOLICITOR AND LATE EXAMINER OF HER MAJESTY'S PATENT-OFFICE. ADVICE GRATIS on all subjects connected with the above on receipt of stamped addressed envelope. PATENTS OBTAINED-Britisb, Colonial and Foreign in the shortest time consistent with safety. DRAWINGS OF MACHINERY, &c., made from the roughest sketches. SUITABLE TRADE-MARKS SUGGESTED, carefully drawn and engraved for Registration at Home and Abroad. AGENCIES IN LONDON and all parts of the world for the Purchase and Sale or placing on Royalty of good PateDted Inventions. INVENTORS with undeveloped ideas are advised to communicate at once, when reliable opinion as to novelty will be speedily given, and much trouble, expense and disappointment saved. ADDRESS- MANAGER, OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL "INVENTI ON," o4. FLEET STREET. LONDON. EC. SCHOLASTIC. I ■PRIARS SCHOOL, BANGOR. HEAD-MASTER W. GLYNN WILLIAMS, M.A., First-class, Classical Tripos, 1874; formerly Founda- tion Scholar of St John's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at T-oubridge School. ASSISTED BY A STAFF oF FOUR MASTERS, THREE OF WHOM ARE GRADUATES OF CAMBRIDGE. RECENT SUCCESSES:— Members' Prize for English Essay open to the University of Cambridge. First and Second Class, Classical Tripos. Major Scholarship of over JE90 at Trinity College, Cambridge. Open Scholarships at Trinity Hall, Queen's College, and Corpus College, Cambridge. Scholarships and Exhibitions at the University Col- lege of Nofth Wales, in Classics, Mathematics,English, and French. Numerous Certificates and Marks of Distinction in the Cambridge Local Examinations. There have lecently been established an Upper and a Lower Modern Form, in neither of which Latin or Greek is taught. In the Upper (which is under the charge of Mr H. D'Albertanson, B.A, of Peterhouse, Cambridge, formerly of Battersea Training College, and S. Kensington),the subjects are Scriptu e, English (Essay Writing, Literature and History), French, Botany, Drawing (Model and Freehand), Geography, Arithmetic (including "Long-tots"), Book-keeping, and Shorthand v Oxford System). In the Lower the subjects are of a more Elementary Character. Tuition Fees, fS and JB10 Boarding Fee, E42 per annum. The School will re-open after the Midsummer Holidays at 9.30 a.m., on Thursday, September 25th. For further particulars apply to the Headmaster. MATRICULATION AND B.A ITl. EXAMINATIONS. LONDON, ROYAL IRISH, AND DUBLIN UNIVERSITIES. PREPARATION by Correspoadance on a thoroughly individual system, which ensures to each Candidate the closest care and attention Weak subjects receive special help. Payment based on results.-For terms, testimonials, &c., address- MR J. CHARLESTON, B.A. (LOND.), 116, SOUTHMOOR-ROAD, OXFORD. N.B. Single subjects may be taken: —Latin Greek. French, German, English, Mathematics Mechanics, Chemietry, Logic, &c. OLYHEAD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEAD-MASTER REV. R. MORGAN JONES, M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. ASSISTED BY QUALIFIED MASTERS. Pupils prepared for the Universities, the University Colleges, the Preliminary Exams, the Oxford and Cambridge Local Exams., the College of Preceptors, the Civil Service, and Commercial Pursuits generally A limited number of Boarders received, 1 Terms, &c., on application. « SCHOLASTIC. JYR O D E R N LANGUAGES. HERR SCHMIDT, teacher of Modern Languages, gives private lees ns in French, German, Italian, Span'sh. Alfo classes are held for French at the National School every Thursday. Terms very moderate. Highly recommended by the Vicar of Carnarvon and Principal Fairchild.—Apply, the College, Carnarvon. LADIES COLLEGE, BRYNTYSILIO L CARNARVON. PRINCIPALS—The MISSFS SHEAD, Certificated Cambridge University and Trinity College, London. Pupils successfully prepared for Local Examinations, School Da.,ies will be resumed (D.V) on. Sept. 4th, 1890^ 151 pLAS MENAI SCHOOL, UPPER BANGOR PRINCIPAL: MRS SWAN. The next Term will begin Thursday, September 18th, at 2 p.m. r Upwards of seventy Certificates have been gained by pupils from this School since 1881. There are vacancies for two boarders. F ADIES' SCHOOL, UXBRIDGE SQUARE, J-J CARNARVON. PRINCIPAL: MISS WILLIAMS, Certificated, First Class Honours, Royal Academy of Music Senior Examination. Thorough English Education and Accomplishments on moderate terms. Term commences August 11th. QAELLENOR SCHOOL, CARNARVON. PRINCIPAL-MISS EASTMAN, Certificated, First Class Honours, Distinctiona in History and Litera- ture, Cambridge Higher Examinations. The ensuing 'lerm will commence on Tueeday, Sept. 15th. A Class has been formed for the Oxford Uni- versity Locals, and new pupils are invited to join. Day boarders and resident pupils received. LADIES' SCHOOL, AMLWCH. MRS HOBDAY having discontinued her School for two years, begs to announce to her friends and those who formerly patronised her, that she pur- poses (with the assistance of her daughter) to resume same. Thorough English Education and accomplish- ments, including T ainting, special attention to Letter Writing, and Book Keeping. Mrs H. has arranged to hold, in connection with her school, select adult and juvenile Dancing Classes, during the winter months, under the tuition of a professional teacher, and will be glad to receive the names of anv who may wish to ioin. 14 SCIENCE CLASSES PRIVATE LESSONS AND EVENING CLASSES IN SCIENCE, PRACTICAL LABORATORY WORK, &c. SPECIAL COURSES OF LESSONS adapted k3 to the requirements of Students for London Matriculation Edinburgh, and Glasgow Medical Engineers' Apprentices and Pharmaceutical Chelhists UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESSES. Farther particulars from ALFRED WILLIAMS, Waterloo Port, CARNARVON THOMAS JONES & COMPY., ARE NOW OPEN TO APPOINT AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT FOR THE SUPPLYING OF FAMILIES WITH THEIR TEAS AND COFFEES. APPLICATIONS FOR TERMS TO BE MADE TO 9, PARKER-STREET, LIVERPOOL. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. IF YOU WANT GOOD SOLID LEATHER BOOTS & SHOES t> PLEASING TO rHE EYE, COMFORTABLE TO THE FEET, DURABLE IN WEAR ND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES GO TO DICK'S 217 HIGH STREET, BANGOR. MARKET STREET, HOLYHEAD. 7, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON °AXACE STREET, CARNARVON JOSIAH HUGHES & SON, FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERS, 237, HIGH STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE, BANGOR, WITH BRANCH SHOP AT LLANFAIRFECHAN. JH. & SON beg most respectfully to intimate to iheir friends'arid the public that they have secured many Special Bargains which will allow them to sell this season's goods at great reductions from the present great advance in values. PARTICULARLY THEY DRAW YOUR ATTENTION to the LAMP and COOKING STOVE DEPARTMENT, which all should Inspect before purchasing. THEIR ELECTRO PLATED GOODS are from the best Sheffield Houses, andare now offered at Special Prices. The following are also worth seeing as to newness of Patterns and reasonableness of prices, viz. Brass and Iron Fenders, Dogs, Fire lro;, and Brasses, Brass and Copper Utensils and Polished Goods, Japanned and Hand-Painted Trays, Toilette Ware, Coal Vases, Bedsteads, Cots, Spring Mattresses, &c. Kitchen Ranges, Parlour and other Stoves of the newest constructions and all other Builder's Ironmongery. Lawn Tennis, Rackets, Balls, Nets Poles, &c. Slazengei's, "Demon," "Renshaw," and E. W. Lewis's" Rackets in stock, Tennis Court Markers, Lawn Mowers, agents for "Victoria.' 'Excelsior," "Easy," and other best makers. Garden rollers, Garden Engines, India rubber hoie and fittings, Syringes, &c. Garden chairs and seats. Flower vases and pedestals. Galvanised Wire Netting, Galvanised Barbed fencing Wire, Galvanised and Black drawn fencing Wire, Sole Avent for the DORMAN LOCK-STITCli Sewing Machine, price 16s net, and other Machines. Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Machines. Enamel Paints for decorating purposes in great variety of Colors. Pait ts, Varai-hes, Stains, ancloils. Sole Agents for PEACOCK AND BUCHAN'S PAINTS." SEE OTHER ADVERTISEMENTS. JOSIAH IIUGHES & SON BANGOR. I "E R R s U' CE Purchasers should see that the Label on every bottle of the original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, bears \he Signature, thus :— Sold wholesale by the PBOPRIETORS, WORCSTCR; CROSSE & BLACRWELL, London; and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. V NEW MANTLE WAREHOUSB AND CRENTS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. VALLA NOE BROTHERS "REG to inform their customers and the public that they are now showing a well bought and selected D STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS in the Latest Novelties. We have also, owing to the continued increase in our Mantle Trade, fitted up a New and Commodious Mantle Room of great convenience, and we have now every confidence in inviting calls of inspection. Oar Stock is entirely new, well assorted and calculated to meet the requirements of all. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. SHORT JACKETS. Black and Coloured from 12s Od to 55s Ga. PLUSH Do ',)s Od to 60s Od. DOLMANS, 18s 6d to 60s Od. PLUSH Do 42s Od to 70s Od. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Men's Suits, from 19s 6d to 42s. Youths' Suits, 126 6d to 30s. Boy's, Do, 6s 6d to 21s. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. We beg to draw attention to the fact that we have secured the services of a really first-class Cutter, and are therefore in a position to give our customers every satisfaction by guarantiee a perfect fit. SPECIAL TROUSERS TO MEASURE, 10s 3d and 12s 6d-CAPITAL VALUE. VALLANCE BROTHERS, 300, HIGH STREET BANGOR. _r- SMI P PI SO. LIVERPOOL AND LLAXDUDNO IN TWO HOURS. NEW NORTH WALES 03 LAST WEEK. gEASON QLOSIN G gQTH INST. The Magnificent P./iole-steamer 46 ST rjiUDNO" DAILY SAILINGS. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Weather and other cireuM' ta. ces permitting. Leaves f p.1- Liverpool j Beaumaris *1 r "i v S I -maris. 2.4# 10.30 a.m. "■ V i e r-v1 Lianandno.. 4 0 ^Gai th Feiry. 1 2 bO p.m. CL-verpool. 6 9 First salocn, i-'eis u licKets, ) Available ti J 30C1J, ) l0s6d. For farther particulars re-;ai<li..< fares, &c., apply to 20, Water Street, Liverpool. SLOW, Manager. C UN ARE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER^ LIVERPOOL TO N EW YORE AND BOSTON TUESDAYS THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, This Company ua^ o.vii established for Fifty Years, and is noted for its Safety and Comfort for all classes ot Passengers. Apply to the CTTN-A LI) 8TEA -ISHIP COM PAN Y, Limited, Livcqjus. Or to the Agents Wm. J. '(. a s. 7,Market street Carnarvon; Richard Ro v t OM Puat Office Bethe«"*a 111 ALLAN LINE Jaiapcr ^oyal .:ail steamers ONITED STATED* AND CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL. Nova Scotian For Halifax aid Biltiinore Sept 16 Parisian For Quebec Montreal. Sept' 18 Corean.For Quebec and Montreal Sept. 55 Caspian.For Halifax and R:t iicnore Sept." 30 Circasian For Quebe: ai d M ntreal. Oct 2 Sardinian For Quebec HI d Montreal.Oct. 9 ocean RATES Saloon, 10 to 18 Guineas Intermediate, 96 6s Steerage RJ tov -« rates. This Line provides t <? haipest and most con- venient route to all parts o: Canada and the Western States of America. Tr., ough Tickets to all Stations at Special Rates. ^0^e-~r^ke quickest, ind cheapest route for Manitoba, the Great Noitri West, and B itish Columbia. T To TOURISTS,SPORT MT V d orhers.-Round lxip Tickets combining ^xou sions to Niagara Falls and other places of iDtot »• UUltd States and Canada, the wonderfui Scener ot the Rocky Mount tarns and the Di-i-i t- jt Br tish Columbla.- Passengers landing at., alu x Portland, or Baltim- ore, and going inland, are accompanied on the Railway by the Company's special cu,id actors. Pamphlets.-All the >laPs and Pamphlets free. Regular sailings, Glasgow 0;1 Liverpool to Monte Video and Buenos AyrLs, a j the; year round. Full particulars from ALLAN BPOThLn, & CO., AGENT,itiLLe8 s'ree^' Liverpool, W, J. Williams, 7, Markei street, Carnarvcp Matthew Goldie, 217, High-street, Bangor WPhilip Williams, 11, Vicona Place, Bethesda E. John Parry, 3 and 4, Wtltiam's CWt, Bethesda W. D. Jones, Old Bank. Hoiyneid. AMERICAN LiNE ■'mamm*' UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, E ery Wednesday. First-class full-powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for Passengers equal to any European Line. Passengers and GLads landei at Philadelphia on thf Wharf of the Pennsylvania Rail- road. I THE SHORTLTTT M. bYlT ROUTE TO THE WEST. Aprly to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & CO., 19 and 22, Water street, Liverpoo LCCAI AGENTS:—W.J. Will;ams, Secretaiy of North Wales Qaarrymcn's Union, Maiket-stree Carnarvon; D. Frater, I »inurwic-street, Carnarvon) R G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Greiginu Mawr. Taly- sam. WHITE STAB LINE ROIAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK via Queenstown, every I Wednesday. Forwarding Passengers to all parts of th. United States and Canada The splendid vessels of thit Line are all unifim in model anli arrangements, and un- surpassed in the ccwpleteness of their appointments for tbe comfort of Passengers of all ciasses. Saloon xiates )f Passage, JE12 to £ 2? and upwards. Second Cabin £8 to S9. Steerage Passage at Low Rates. Apply to R. Owen, Ship and Insurance Broker- and W. J. W iliams, 7 Market-street, Carnarvon; Richard Roberts, Bethesda-jy. Goldie, 2 7, High-treet, Bangor: O. E. Parry, late-merchant, Dolyddelen and Blaen. an Ffestiniog; William D. Jones, Old Bank Holy- head; William M. Jones, Church street, Llangefni- R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Pen-veroBi R frt' Tal-y-sarn; W. O. Williau s, Gbbe Shoe Warehouse! Llanrwst; or to ISMAY, IMRIE, & Co., 34, Leadenhall- street, London E.C, and 10, Water-street, Liver' p^: 13 INMAN^LINE. ROYA MAIL STEAMERS TO NEW YORK. INMAN & INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHD- JL COMPANY, LIMITED. FROM LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY Calling at Queenstown every Thursday. Moderate Saloon and Second Cabin Fares. Steerage Fare as low as by any other First Class Line. Through Bookings to any part of the STATES and CANADA, including Manitoba, and North and South West Territory. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & Co.. 22 Water-street, Liverpool or to Messrs W. J. Wil liams, 7, Market street,Carnarvo T. S. Ingham,3 High-street, Ebenez6 Pritxhard Brop. & Co. Cornhill, Portmadoc; W. T. Jones. 7, Marxet-street Pwllheli E. Jones, 170, High-street, Bangor ;H. J Willifsns, 66,B»yngwenith, Caellwyngryid; W. Reera Siationmaster, Tregarth Hugh Haehcs. 7. Market Row, Amlwch. TO STOUT PEOPLE. "Sunday Times" says" Mr Russell's aim is to eradicate to cure the disease, and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt. The medi- cine he prescribes does not Lwer, but builds up and tones the system." Book (128 pages), with recipe and notes how to pleasantly and rapidly cure obesity (average reduction in first week is mb.), post free eight) atamps.-F. C. RUSSEL, Woburn House. Store- street, Bedford-square, London, W.C. rpOURISTS & OTHERS visiting Dublin will JL find every home comfort at Mrs Hamilton's, 108 Seville Place. Terms moderate. Five minues' walk from the London and North Western Railway Station i-O WEEKLY and UI WARDS may be easily and honestly realised by persons oj either sex without hmdrance to piesent occupation. -.For particulars and Sample, enclose -dressed PnVelope Evans, Watts, an4 Company,! h'29.3), Birmingb^ Tft-s is QENUMTT •