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1nbUt œuteYta\1\menIJ. TH EATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LAST NIGHT OF MR CHARLES DILLON, Accompanied by MISS BELLA. MORTIMER, And a carefully selected Company. SATURDAY, MARCH ST II, Performance of the ire it Irish sensational drama of the W H I T E B 0 Y S After whL-h th • trial scene from the MERCfcLANT OF VENICE. SHYLOCK Mr Cnarks Dillon. PORTIA Miss Bella Mortimer. To conclude with the drama of ROBERT MAO A IRE. ACTING MANAGER—H. W K1TTS. Prices of AdmiMion—Boxes, 2s td and -2s; Pit, Is; Gallery, 6d. Half-price at Nine o'clock. RAND CIRCUS, CARDIFF TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY), MOIE FUN MORE SPORTS THAN EVER THE GREAT HURDLE RA-F. COMIC SINGING CONTESTS. THE RIVAL CLOG DANCE NS. JtESMERlSM. M E S MER 1 SED. YOUNG ALPHA. HARRIS AND COLEMAN", The Ebor,y S ara, llaek Geicus of Music, ioug, and Burlesque, undoubtedly the funnkst fd ows i the world ME CORDE VOrnNTZ, by YOliNG GEORGE BELLINI, TIa. theme of Wonder, Admiration, and Surprise. THE GREAT 8 AFF OF ART!t>TtS. TilE STAR I'.rUEES U EUrtOPE. THE TRUUI'E OF MERKV CLOWNS. And the Corneal Sid;-splitting Negro Burl sque. GT UABT ~HAL LOA-lt D IFF POSITIVELY THE LAST TWO NIGHTS. UNPARALLELED AND TRANSCENDENT ATTRACTION. The verdiit < f the lespectah e inhabitants of Cardiff is that MISS CORA DE LAMOND Is the most wonderful and accomplished Professor of the llWiPHYSICAL MYSTERY, entitled ELECThO BIOLOGY, And that she his accomplished demonstiations of Anima Magnetittn more astounding than any ever wi nessed before. DOiwith«faiidit;g the prejudice cf the public and the envy of Sther worn-out at rer< for the public amusement. lO-NiGHT, Gentlemen will be made to exhibit the peculiar merits tnd eccentricities of such well-known would-be professors ■8 Thl. Great Professor MOUSTACQELLO (the Mesmeric Clown), In conjun -*i)n with his brother in arms, not le;, Professor STIRTHETdlN-i, O.L.D., Who will also give clever imitations of what he has learned during the week. Subjects will also b: made to imagine themselves (under the Will of the operator; to be H R.H. the PRINCE (i F WALES Pig Sticking in India or lOX C\RL.^S AtfD Hlg I R ) )PS i-IGHTING with the Ro?>Ji»ts. m 8p«iu, notwithstanding that that Pretender is LOW Mno .tf us in England. .Nu., eiutis N, W EXPERIMENTS will be given dm ing the LA>TTWO MGHTs, and the Public are s'llicited not to heed tjbi idle and ridiculOus C wards ciroulated by inlere-tin r parties, why are envious of Mi a De Lamond's Success in Ca: d rt "but to sortie and see for themselves the Genuineness of the iintena n- ines4. Reserv.d Seats. 2s, First, Gallery Is, Back Seats 6d. Half ptfee at nine o'clock. Poors open at 7.JO, commence a1 E tflit ofalock. H. BUCHANAN, Manager. 6383 ROYAL ALBERT HAL NEWPORT, MON. -Solo Proprietors. Messrs JAMES EWl.vS and bON.— TUESDAY !SF.XT. Maich 2 s, a S p.m MISSRS GROS- StttfBSf LITERARY AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Tickets, 3s, 2s, and I-1, at Thompson and Shacieli'a, Cardiff, and •t'i&aal places. Newp rt. 63i7 ri>HE COMMERCIAL PLATE GLASS JL COMPANY, FLEET-STREET, LONDON, E.C., IiOOKIHG GLAJSS MANUFACTURERS, CARTERS, GILDERS, KCTTJRE-PRAME MAKERS, DECORATORS, Ac., ESTABLISHED UrWARDS OF 100 YEARP, EXHIBITORS OF THE IMMENSE PLATES AT THE EXHIBITION OF 1851, FOR WHICH A PRIZE MEDAL WAS AWARDED, Invite the inspection of their new and varied STOCK of CHIMNEY GLASSES, CORNICES, PIER and CONSOLE TABLTS. GlhANDOLES, WHATNOTS, FANCY TABLES, TOILET GLASSES, &c. succession of the newe t deti,n; at prices unequalled by ar-y house in the trade. ,*>■ FRAMES MADE TO ANY DESIGN y In any kind of wood, gilt or otherwise. CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. £ E-€U&LDING, RE-SILVERING, by Patent Process. OXL PAINTINGS SOLD OX COMMISSION. 41 tfAJVDSOMELT OftNAME.\TED RiCHLY GILT OR EBONIZED AND GOLD FRAME. Size. cmtiide Measurement. Price. j w by 40 CI by 52 94 15 0 £ ,44 67 „ 5S IS 0 „ U 72 61 £ 8 8 0 GILT CORNICE8, from 3s. per foot. A FEW SECOND-HAND GLASSES IS" STOCK, AT GFEVTLY REDUcEU PRICES. ■stilBSMS and Illustrated Catalogues forwarded upon application Coamtry Purchasers are informed the Insurance of their tfoods c*n be effected (against all risks), at the rate of 6oJ. for I 446, It. for £50, and 2s. for X100 in vali e. 6285 W P 0 R T A G E N C Y FOR THK SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS AND CARDIFF TIMES. and ADVERTISING OFFICE of The MflOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." and "CARDIFF TIMES WdSOeTH WALES WEEKLY NEWs," IS AT XO. Q, TREDEGAR PLACE, NEWPORT, MON., WHERK ADVERTISEMENTS AuE RECEIVED; Py" JRZVWAPERIA :,OLD:_ BOOKSELLERS AND NEWS AGENTS SUPPLIED; ■ •' Aim 1 ORDERS TAKEN FOR REGULAR SUBSCRIBERS. •. i o > Tb«Term» foi Ad ver ti e me n w and the Wholesale Supply of •pip&t an precisely those charged at the Chief Office, Cardiff. W. MILTON LOCKE, RBPORTIM AND MANAGIM. Da8 Office closes at 6 p.m., but Advertisers may litys their «idei*»tteodsd to after thrs hour at 10 and li, Great D>>ck-street [op^etfte the Free Public Library), Newport, Mon. 0JKUS PRICE AND CO.'S PATENT FIRE-PROOF SAFES, UMA obtaised the ONLY PRIZE MEDAL awarded for NEW and SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. AG&NTS CROSS BROS., f tils ■ GENERAL IRONMONGERS. IT MARY STREET, CARDIFF, who have a STOCK ON HAND 6102 & H ASHMAN", BROADMEAD, BRISTOL, LEATHER MERCHANTS, JTQFTT) UPPER MANUFACTURERS, GRINDERY AND SBOE MERCERY DEALERS, c. • PRICE LISTS vN APPLICATION. 6174 J SESSIONS AND S O NS O U(PORTERS AND FACTORS Olatl kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, WHARF EAST, CA*;uiFF, AND THE DOCKS, GLOutttsXEii. •rSut!1* ^FACTORIES:- SnCK AND TIM WORKS,S.Mftmnur ■».» fi.nTrn-. ALMolf STRAW JODMSLY WoRiLg, OLoUaMrn& %'o™SoULDKraR B0,U,8• DOORS, WW. GTLFLLTB SIATES AND TILES. LOOBUiO qUAjMlio ANP OP DYAN PAVING. ew-.a.QE j>UJ CHIMNEY FOTS. NtoCtTLTCTUfc DRAINAGE PIPES. S^BLUSrASO WHITE BUILDING BRICKS, FIREBRICKS, IPISVEK AND SSAM GRATES, COOKiNii RANGES, SPOUT INO, ANT) FALL PIPES. >0NX STEPS, SILLS, WINDOW HEADS, TROUGHS, &c. IL*Y SHELVING, MILK AND WHEY COOLERS. 'ABLE FlXTlNGS, ia iroa and Slate. Terms Cull, with good discount.—The trade liberally trostod witb 8674 w, JJUG.HES rpHOMAS Will D)Inn)ence his ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE ON THURSDAY NEXT, the 16th instant, and Continue it until SATURDAY, the 25th instant. r,10 GREAT BARGAINS WILL BE OFFERED IN MANTLES, MILLINERY, COSTUMES, SILKS, DRESSES, AND ALL FANCY STOCK. 19, QUEEN STREET CARDIFF. G;63 UILKS, COSTUMES, DRESS FABRICS, k3 MANTES, AiiiLiiNhlty, FANCY GOODS. DEBENHAM AND FREEBODY Ii>vite Ladies to write for Patterns of their New Spring DH ESS MATERIALS, and also for Photographs oc their New Models in Silk aad Fancy Texture Costumes, Mantles,&c.,&c., which arefor- wardtd pos(- InC. Their SIOCK is very large, and includes every approved Novelty for the Seasoii, at the lowest reu.dy money pr.ce. A Department is organised, with experienced Assistants, solely for the execution of oruers by post. CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. 29 G ARDEN SEEDS. JAS. GARAWAY & CO. sum.? "ONLY THs; BEST" SEEDS FOR THE KITCHEN GARDEN TAS. GARAWAY & CO. V SUPPLY ONLY THE BEST i-EKLS FOR THE FLOWER GARDEN. JAS. GARAWAY & CO.'S Priced, Illustrated, and Descriptive Catalogue fo-Wirded post-free on application. JAS. GARAWAY & CO. PAY THE CARRIAGE Of aU Orders over 20s. JAS. GARAWAY & CO. GiVE PURCHASERS 5 per cent. Discount for Cash Payments. JAS. GARAWAY & CO.'S "CLIFTON" COLLECTIONS, At Z3 3. A:2 2s., £ 1 Is., and 10s 6d. ARE THE BEST. JAS. GARAWAY & CO., SEEDSMEN, DURDHAM DOWN, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. 5S03 GEORGE WOODS & CO.'S — AMERICAN-MADE ORGANS. DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and the profession ghouid acquaint themselves with the meeits and prices ofUEO. WOOD & CO'S ORGANS, iha landing instruments of America. Can be had at lew prices direct from the factories by at dregsinz 8so. WOODS and Co., Oambridgtfport. MaBS., U.S.A. or to S. G. DENNIS, AGENT, 1" Ludgate Bill, LONDON, where samples may be seen. Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 4838 BUTE DOCK ARCADE. W. R. 8 M 1 T Hl Is ni w offering a MANUFACTUREW;, STO-K of MUSLIN CURTAINS (Slighily Damaged) 33 per cent, less than m rket value, lrom la 6id Der oair NEW CKETONS. from 4Jd. 1 ^lr" ALL WOOL -,All kSK, Is Hid. FELT CARPET 1 id. TA PtSTRY, Is 10 d. 3 FRAME BRUbbtLg, 29 10}1. 4 „ ?B Hd. « „ „ 49 7d. LO"DON FLOOR. CLO l'ftS, new P^terns, 28 6d square yard. HARE'S, in quality, 2s lid. HEARTH RUGS, from 3s lid. 6126 Comparison Uie test of Cheapness. 115.116. BUTF, DUCK. and 2. 3. WEST RTJTIS RT A GOOD PIANO-FORTE MAY BE HIRED FROM £228. Od. PAR QUARTER, ON THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. I HOMPSON (b GHACKELL, 101, OXFORD-SlREEf, SWANSEA, At 4, QUEEN-STRKET, CARDIFF, and Branch at 109, BUTE DOCKS, Desire to aall special atteution to the above notice, and would warn the puolie against the so-called Second-hand Pianofortes aow s. freely advertised at wha,. is said to b4 less than half the anginal price. he Pianos supplied by Thompson and Shackell are warranted. tnd by the best makers only. Spacious showrooms, at 101, /"VXFORD-STREET, S'V ANSEA, AND 4, QUEEN-STREET, ^JARDIFF, Contain'ng, w,thout exception, the finest stock of Pianofortag, Harmoniums, and American Orgaus in South Wales. N. t.-Tne "Buie" M,.del Harmonium, as supplied to the liarquis of Bute, priceT*elvc Guineas, in handsome Rosewood, s the very best small harmonium lnauufactured Harmoniums rom Four Guineas. 21S4 4755 E W T O N AND Co., MERCHANT TAILORS, 13, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Beg to announce that they are prepared to supply THE CROCKHERBTOWN BLACK SAXONY CLOTH DRESS OR FROCK COAT AT 42s. THE CROCKHERBTOWN DITTO VEST At 10s. 6d. THE DITTO DITTO TROUSER at 21& FOR CASH ONLY. Made to Measure on the Premises under Personal Supervision. BATTERS, HOSIERS, MEN S MERCERS, &c. 13, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. 'J.15Q gUPERIOR OARTES-DE VISIT E. 3S. 6D. PER DOZEN 3S. 6D. E. P. LEE & CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS TO THE QUEEN (By DPZCIAL APPOINTMENT), 9, OBOCKHERB TOWN, j 2418 CARDIFF. 4691 ITNV ALU ABLE TO ALL WHO SUFFER JL from biiioua and liver ouiaplAints, indigoittion, wiud, ffpaams, pddiuMB. di22Lii6S3 of the ejes, &qd oUwr symptoms whioti aone bat a sufferer can describe. DR. SCoTl'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS are the most certain rcukddy, PrePared without any mercuria tagredient, having proved eiteutual hit many team of habitual joetiveness, nervous deprembidn, loss of appetite, with yimntion lit tuln." at the pit of the stomach, 'I-bel- can be taken at any am. without clangor from wet or ooli, and require no restraint bom business or pleasure. They act mildty on the bowels, with- xit griping, give cone to the st mach, tfaua invlyorating the oon- tftntiun and strengthening the whole nerveue tyttem. Erecr person, especially heeds ei households, should have a box of these hlls always by them, as by paying attention to the regular action >J the bowels, stomach, and liver, many a severe illnsss is avoided mitigated. Prepared only by W LAMIUMR, lA, Vere-etwet, London. W. boxa, Is lid -mod 2s 9d, and sold by all Chemists. Important Caution. Be sure you ask for DB. scorrs BILIOUS AND LIVKR PILLS, &nd do not be prouaded to try any other nwdioiuo. Th tnuine are fat a sauare vreen eaekaa*. MCt gELLING OFF AT AN IMIlEiNSEI REDUCTION. THE SOUTH WALES I N D I A R U B li E R' C O M P A N Y j Are now DISPOSING of their STOCK of INDIA-RUBBER WATERPROOF CLOTHING, Consisting of COATS, L E G G I N G S, &c., AT A GREAT REDUCTION, I To make room for next Season's Stock. An early call Will oblige, as the above will soon be ciear d out. NIITZ TIIE Ai)i)jti:,is THE SOUTH WALES INDIA-RUBBER CO. 32, WEST HtTE-STR'SET, DOCKS, CARDIFF. 6275 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. MESSRS. DANE & SONS, ORGAN AND HARMONIUM BUILDERS, Beg to stat 3 that in cunc,equei.ee of their rapidly-increasing Business they have been compelled to take more extensive premises. Business fcr the future will he carried on at TRINITY WORKS, TRINITY PLACE, SWANSEA. 5804 -<I GG DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. DANIEL IJEWIS, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, AND CARPET WAREHOUSEMAN, Preparl-Itoiv to REMOVING TO HIS NEW CABINET AND CARPET WAREHOUSE IN HIGH STREER, Which is oi;e of the MOST EXTENSIVE OUT OF LONDON (containing 21,000 s [ti <.e fe ;t- o" show room) has determined To OFFER his pre ent Valuable Stock of c ABINET F URNITURE At. a VERY GR2AT SACRIFICE. All crcods aremarked m plain fiure, and bear the original pri'.v s from which, DURING THE SALE, 1 g PER C E N T Will be allowed to all Purchasers for Ca-h only, thereby giving the Public a double advantage in being able to procure THE YERY BEST ARTICLES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES j g PER CENT. Jg PER CENT. N.B.-AIl goods sold st the above Reduction must be paid for when purchased, or on delivery. SALE COMMENCED ON 6987 WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1ST. 1876. (mHE CROWN DOG BISCUITS. JL Warranted Puro and Wholesome. PRICE, INCLUDING BAGS, AND CARRIAGE PAID, 15s. PER CUT. THE CROWN MEAT DOG BISCUITS Warranted to contain 15 per cent, of Nutritive Meat. P,' ICE, INCLUDING BAGS, AND CARRIAG3 PAiD, 18s. PER CWT. WHOLESALE PRICES on application to THE CROWN BISCUIT WORKS COMPANY. JOHN-STREET, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. 4 1324 iN 0 T ICE. FREDERICK WATERMAN, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, OF WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. Intenus OPENING HIS NEW PLACE, In ST. JOHN-S REET. • In a Few 6777 20, ST. MARY STREET. ipOWELL AND J^ICHOLLS, MANUFACTURERS, Have OPENED the ABOVE PREMISES with the largest tock of TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, &c., WEST of LONDON. rjlOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. 'rjlOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. jrjlOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. T OBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. rpOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. T OBACCO, CIGARS, P I P B S. T OBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. rjlOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES T OBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES IjpOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. T ° B A C co, CIGARS, PIPES. T OBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. T OBACCO, CIGARS, PIPBS. pOWELL AND NIOHOLLS, I TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. ( WHOLESALE 20, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. gQfp J "HEALTH AND HAPPINESS" To be obtained hy the use of A YE'S WORSDiLL'S PILLS.) ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS. • SOLD EVERYWHERE. 58128' Suitable for all Seasons in a variety of Preparations, gROWK AND POLSON, 8 QOBN piOUB HAS TWENTY YEARS' WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. RepectiDR another Corn Flour claiming to be the best," tin /Lancet" observes:—"The new 'brind' is decidedly superior o one or two others te which we have compared it, though we to not HMuert that it fa annerior to alLK 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (The Old House.) JOHNSTON • s £ JORN LOUR JS THE gEST. "Is decidedly superior."— Lancet. S666 ESTABLISHED A.D. 1807. ARE AND OOLLE (Late S. Ware and Sons, Bristol and Cardiff), TAILORS AND WOOLLENDRAPERS. W. & C beg to i: form their atrons and the public that their Purcaases for THE SPReNG SEASON Having been made wii h great care from the most fa. hionahie PARISIAN AND LONDON WEST-END WOOLLEN MERCHANTS, Their Stock will be found replete w.th every novetty in all lJepartn,en 1 s. SOUTH W ALES ESTABLISHMENT, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 032 C. L AMB & CO., VARNISH, GREASE, OILS, COLLIERY BRAT TICE, DOOR CLOTH, AND FLEXIBLE AIR TUBING MANUFACTURERS, STRAND, SWANSEA. 170 CITY OF LONDON 138, TROUSERS. JgS. C.' J. K 1 N °- TAILOR, 164 aDd 165, FEN CHURCH STRIJET, LONDON WILL ATTEND SWANSEA, CAIIBRON HOTEL, 20ih and 21st March. CARDIFF, ANGEL HOTBL, 22nd and 3rd Marjh. NEWPORT, QUBSN'S HOTEL, 24th and 25th March. g^S. CITY OF LONDON SUITS. gQS. Ctoo late for (toaiftcatiotu No. 9y Working-street, Cardiff.—To PartfDs Furnishing, and Others. j\/I R. ARTHUR SMITH has received instruc- XAJL lions to SELL by AUCTION, on the premises us above, on WEIJNESUAY JSEXT, March 22nd, 1870, the whole of the HOU^FiUOi-D FljRNJTUilE, and other EFTECROteompriSirig —iiahtuauy loo, Pcmbioke, and deal tables, cane seat ai.d other chairs, en^ravin^s, tapestry carpets, hearihru^s, tenders a u A.- <ro s, p er g.astes, timepieces, iron bed.ste&d*, feather at.d iui,lpu,f b d-, painted chess of drapers, wish- bt.L:ds,awt dri s^n, tab e. toilet gbc,e ana ware,&C.,&C., -c., together with he usual kitchen requisites. Iheie will be t-oreberve. Sale tocOiumiince at Two o'clock punctually. auction eel'd Officed, 1, St. J "hn's-square. Cardiff. Dated March 18th, 1S7 27, Partridge-road, Roath, Cardiff. Sale of excellent Household Furniture. MESSRS D. EVAWS and SON are instructed by Mr John Crooik (wh<> is lea ii g the town), to cEuL by AUCTION, on F, lD, Y, t..e 24th of M ron. 1S76, at the above house, the who e of tie well preserved Ft,1 KN ITU HE, comprising drawing room suite in green rep, feather beds with all requi. sites ora good house. See Handbil s. ale to commence at 2 No reserve. Llavez ford %vest.- lml)ort,. ii t Sale of Ant que and Modern Silver Pl.ite, eld Ch:iia, tie. MR. HENRY DAVIES HUS been favoured wit'a ins'juciions io SKLL iiy AUCTION, at tiie Ma onic Hill, Haverfordwest^ on TU.e.SJDAY, the 28th March, 1676 a va'uable assortment bf ant que and modem SI«V £ u PLATS, coLs:s:insr of nearly 600 07.s., and OLD CHiMA, ths properly of a gen' L3Ullln deceaseJ. Tae sale y) commence at Two f ir Three o'clock. '1 he articles are m excellent pr servatiou, having been but little used, and of the choice-t patterns, comprising tea services, beautifully cnaseu, sundry ittins of ant que chiua, and an assemrlage of tade and Ucsseit forksand spoons, and various other articles, and ihe fame may be inspected at the Masonic beiweeu the hours of E even auu One o'clock on the day of sale. Catil jgues may be obtained of the Auctioneer and Metsrs Davie* and Co. The Sale will be a rea'Jy-money one, and tHe moneys will be pad to AiESSRS DALIES AXD CO., Solicitors, Haverfordwest. 64i4 WAN'TiiA. "— liU~r.7ESS_ "Fu^inri7PJs7vT; tnuine IO GROCERY and PROVISION litSlNESS, sitUAted in a thi ivins part of the town of Swanasa. Goo,ti lamily trade Firtt- class opportunity fur a beginner, or suilabio for a brai.ch —For further paiticu ars, ..pply to Mr John Claph CommiSiiun agent biea.th-ro,ú, Hafod, swansea. 645 WANTED, a hespeit ble Pg., SON. well experienced in the TT Millinery and terving.pply to Thomas Griffiths, Ystuyfera. M/| ILL1NE1.Y.—WANTED, an experienced MILLINER in a JLTJ respectable watering place; a kno .Utd^e o t Wcish pr- 1eirel!. Apply persoiiallj, or by letter, to S. Evans, Fountain Hou e Newport, l em. n ORAPERY.—WANTED, an experienced YOUNG MAN, also a JUNIOR —Ap.-ly to W. J. Le,-is, London House, Br id-end. NEW SERIAL STORY. HER FATHERS NAME," by the tcell-known Authoress MISS FLORENCE lARBY AT. Is now appearing weekly in the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. OPINION 8 OF THE PRESS ON MISS FLORENCE MARRYAT'S NOVELS. LFIAUME THE AIR. "Miss Marr j at knows how to construct a very telling plot, and eill: has the art of inventing most striking siluatlond. Dally Telegraph. LOVE'S CONFLICT. A Novel of considerable merit. Jrlorence Mariyat paints the successive phases through which her chief characters pass with subtlety nil j foice.'—Saturday Review. An exceedingly good Novel. We give it no slight praise when we say that it p > senses the rare combination of unflagging interest, from bc^.uii.ng to end, jjreat descriptive power, and au influence altogether guod." Â thenœwIJ. WOMAN AOilNST WOMAN. "Tole Story is exceedingly Amuminv "-Aforning Post. "cleverly written. The iast scene is worked up with great dramatic power."—London lievieio. UBItALU KI'IC'JDRT. A Noval which creates interest frem the beginning, and con- tinues it 1 (, tne,-I,)se. It may lie triil), said it is no. unworthy the Kci:>n of an illtwtr ous novelist. An original and successful Jlruduc: ion." -Ji Qr..t ng Post. TOO O.JOD FOR HI A. Good for Him' has an excellent and interesting: plot, and the writing is throughout piquant and lively. The iLtJiitiou o: tne story is thoroughly tood and I ure. ]!'lurEnce'lW.aTryat has real poorer."—Spectator. NELLY BROOKE, 1. A deeply interesting arory. The style is sometimes power- fully or!ginal.Alornin.q Post. NO INTENTIONS. ..Floyence Marryat's I.N(o In.eii'.ions* more than sustains its former interest.—Bradford Observer. "Tne attractive Novel 'No Intentions' takes the place of honour."— Western Daily Mercury. tendon society' is mill edited by the gifted daughter of England's best writer of Moral Fiction. tier Story ol iutentions' is the great attraction."—Herts Guardian. i London Society' is as bright as ever. Plcrence Marry at s 'No iiteiitiols, is continued with verve and effect. II-Exa-iAer. "Florence Marryat brings No intentions' to a cribis Wilie-11 causes the reader to look easrerlv ior the next chapter.+Vo-f- folk Chronicle. "Florence Marryat continues ber clever Story cf No Intm- tions.' "— Wiltshire Courier. OPEN SESAME. "A New Storr by Florence Marryat begins in this Number. it is lively and sparkling, and tLe three chapters will make novel readers long for -Herts Guardian. Well written, ana prom ses to be of more than ordinary interest."—Doncasttr Gazette. THE CARDIFF TIMES 13 The Largest News-Sheet in the Kingdom, AKD THB Best Weekly Newspaper. PRICE TWOPEN' K. ') D BY ALL NEWSAGENTS, Mr sent from the C ei < >:Fic Cardiff, to anyaddrem, cost free, tor Pil. Der quarter. oresaid. USE JJEMINGWAY'S T NEW D.Y SOAP, and EXTRACT OF SOAP. One trial will establish their superiority over all ethers. 3 PRIZE MEDALS AND DIPLOMA OF MERIT AWARDED. SUITABLE FOR ALL DOMFSTIC PURPOSES. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Warehouse Trafalgar Street, Bradford, Yorkshire. 6335 s -+. B ORWICWS BAKING POWDER H AS BEEN AWARDED rpHREE GOLD MEDALS FOR ITS SUPERIORITY over all OTHERS Makos Bread, Pastry, Puddings, &c., light and whoie^ow hold in In. ac.i Ul.Packet* bIBQ FTJ. A„Q tB. pa*ent Koxe*. 805 i NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. Correspondents will take notice that to secure insertion in the South h <lies Daily A ews, their letters mu;t be as -riot as possible, and shouid avoid all circumlocution and word-spinning. All communications should be ie^ibiy written in ink, on one Sioe of th" paper only length increases the difficulty of finding space for them. Whatever is intended for publication must be authenticated by the name and address ol Lne writer—not necessarily for publi- cation, but as a fiarautee of tro od f li :.h. No attention -an be paid to communications which do not comply with these rule?. We cannot un i rtuke to return communications of which we do not avail ourselves.


Family Notices

SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1876.…
