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I 6§lupiriun Jloticcs. CORK, CARDIFr\ AND NEWPORT. !y»?J TT1IRST-CLASS PASSENGER ^Ml¥lhiiii STEAMERS leave CORK for CARDIFF. Sth Goods and Passengers, EVERY WEDNESDAY, calling at Word, returning direct EVERY BRIDAL vVKRY yFor NEWPORT Direct EVERY MONDAY, returning EVER F^es—c'ibm, 17s. 6:1. Deck 7s.; Cabin Return ^cket' ava.'l- for one month, ill 7s. For further particulars see small bills AûEXTS. S^T-DIFF.—Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Shipbroker, Bute POCKS. JSWPORT.—Mr. j-\MES MAD DOCKS, Dock-street. City of Cork Steam Paeke: Company, Penrose Quay. CARDIFF TO NEW yORK. 1AIRECT STEAM COMMUNICA- I TION BETWEEN THE /SKMktgfc-, BRISTOL CHANNEL AND THE tvtxa ^UlTED STATES OF AMEBIC-A AISD CANADA. K SOUT5I WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S New, first-duss, full-powered, Clyde-built Stealsliips GLAMORGAN 2,500 500 h.p. I'ElImu KE 2,500 500 h.p. CARMARTHEN 'oou 1?,1. •;■,•••• •;■•,•••• (;t)O h.p. Or other First-class Steamers, AIII regularly between CARDIFF AND NEW YORK, .TheRC Steamships are built oxfres-Il.v for the Trade, and fitted-up with all the latest improvement" lor the comfort and convenience 01 Cabin and Steerage Passengers. Steera-e Passengers provided witli mattresses. A Stewardess carried for the lemalc emigrants. The GI AMOKG ^N, J°se!'11 Lnylwunic, Commander, will saw Wednesday 27th November. further" particulars apply to Budgett and James, 11, Bristol; Richardson and Co., Swansea G. W. Jones, "eal" IN Co., Newport W. C. Lucy and Co., Gloucester T. jS, I'ont.vpool: Alexander Brothers, Pontypridd JohnR- j* Henry Lee Kiitchings, Bideford; Charles Hl"1)':J,an,. v^ter; Steuneii Hollouav, Truro; Edward Taylor, h £ -G. Pricc, Aberdare; W. J. Presswell. 1, Cattle-street, Mer j V4fil; or at the Company's Office. 1, l>ck-chanibers, caru ■ JOHN J.A( G1I *&E BEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE FOR £ ffE$ALES Prom THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND sod" "SO THE UNITED STATES, IS BY THE dTTTAM ,,v.. -Si REAT WESTERN f f ^AM si!,l> l'TXl: Sclass SCREW ^W-^YORK. The FINE NEW s f,)Uows TEAM-SHIPS of this Line are intended to saw November is GREAT WESTERN," (2000 tons). Bo^ON JTEERage PASS AGE t» NEW YORK. B^EAS ( £ 6 6s). WAND or PHll ADELPIIIA. SlX OU^ri.h ^rt, hut pro- Vessels ot tins Line do not en.ll at »*v i ^Sfl direct from Bristol to New York. n ~artiR of th* T- > JWgers mav be booked through to »« Parts of tlle Lmted Tf an«* Canada on very moderateten»%VHITWILL ft A0 secure berths, &c., apply to MA*; F w-KK k^avenue, Queen-square, Bristol; 01 3d Store Merchants, Cardiff; Eort, Mon.; John Morgan, Postm»»W' lontjpoe R,chart 8, Grocer. Blackwood J- T. M^ ebeiand-street J«rthyr Tydfil; J. Callaway, Mountain Ash or to j[. j0nes and $«-, Ship Brokers, Swansea; Geoi^ Price, Cimrch-street, iSSSJ^™ are recommc.ided to obtain their Tickets fr.m ou before leavincr home SOT INMAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL F T I gTEAMERS, appointed to sail from i iln.i'i'i LlVEltPOOL, via yL'EEXSTOWN to NEW every TCESDAY and THGRsDAL ev CITY OF NEW YORK Ti KSDAT, Nov. 12. CITY OF BROOKLYN TIII HSDAT, Nov. 14. CITY OF WASHINGTON ti bsday, NOV. j.9. 'CITY OF MONTREAL THURSDAY, Nov. 21. 15 and 18 Guineas: rhurs- Sailings, 18 Guineas and 21 Guineas, having equal Saloon **>*ile,res. ?^erage Passage to New York, as low as by any other Line, with 11 supply of Cooked Provisions. Passengers forwarded to Bos- J,' Baltimore, or Portland without extra cllarge. bJNengers for all parts of CANADA and the UNITED STATES F ell through on very advantageous terms. further particulars, apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water- Liverpool, ROBERT BURTON and SON, Vuth Church-street, Cardiff; or to any of the Company's Agents hout Wales. 2249 NATIONAL LINE. THE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE ARE THE LARGEST P \SSENGER STEAMSHIPS AFLOAT. FltOM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK EYERY WEDNESDAY, ■ AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. lf,?f j "XTATIONAL STEAM SHIP j J31 COMPANY (LIMITED). The new:,iull-powered British Iron-screw Steamships Tons Tons Ships „wg 3307 gJj*, Grogan 5004 England, ^omas 4441 tjftl, Grace 4900 The Qafel1' 430-2 H-jW. fce'Tho, 3571 Eri,U' ■rrhrL-s 3974 TTA V Wednesday, JOth Nor. A%TJN Wednesday, 27th Nov. [v Leaving Queenstoun the ^'8. Saloon accommodation 011 board these Steamers is un- Ik'T^seed, the StAte-rooins being muisualn large, and open off i? Saloons, which are situated in the poop 011 deck the poop wte 130 feet long.. C^te of Passage, 12,15, and 17 Guineas, according to accommo- SS°h in State-room—all having same privilege m Saloon. Return ets, TWENTY-FIVH: GUINEAS. vine STKERAWE accommodation is unequalled for space, light, tentilatiou. Abundance of Fresh Provisionsserved up cooked h^e Company's Stewards. tea of Passage Oil Reduced Terms. Steerage Passengers V^ardeJ t« Quebec, Boston, and Baltimore without extra ed t(# V^sengcrs booked through 5\spinicall. San Francisco, the in- tawn. of Canada and of the United States on favourable Sb1*; also to Australia, Sew Zealand, China and Japan, at through rates, via yew York and San Francisco. are advised to secure their passages from the local j^ts before leaving home. liMj orrMMTNS1 and^ROrs^^e«nstown,-to Messrs. J. R. StCn(>?', u „mi CO 130. Britannia-buildings, Bute Docks JOHN ft MoliVw.' iro) 19, Glebe land-street. Merthyr Tydfil IIARSE JVl o VN (C3 ,rt- \ioii F. W. CAVNT, Aberdare Ciivs P ■W & ? Us A 'MOKSAX, Postmaster Pontypool; HENRY > Neath, .JAh. a.. T110S-MORGAN, Miner-strppt ^COUR, High-Street, Aber»., clun 1\stoU Jllner 8treet, ^elly; j. w. DOWN, Tennums H. te pagsageg from the passengers are advised to secure til 2396 .^ats before leaving home. ^n.otitc^ ddr. H U S B A N D'S, A C T I C A L OPTICIAN, 8, ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, (Corner of Denmark-street), 9 BRISTOL. P HOTOGRAP HIC STUDIO, 15, ROYAL PROMENADE, QUEEN'S-ROAD, v CLIFTON, BRISTOL. bu A.DAME BRUNNER respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, ta?the Public that she has OPENED a STUDIO at the above fc^ess, and having at great expense secured not only the assist- bjjj6 of artistes unique in their several departments, but also R chased the exclusive right for Bristol and Clifton to finish "^graphs K, BY THE NEW PROCESS Wilted by Mr. Van der Weyde, of New York, she is enabled to ^>hv?ce' PhotoS^Phs whieh for truth and beauty oaimot be tl(T>8ssed while the Prices will compare favourably with those "^ablishiuents of a very inferior order. 1, OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. W,Madame Brunner's Pictures are very superior Photographs, ^.Possess great artistic excellence."—Her Majesty's Reporter. best miniature in the room is by Madame Brunner."— tjL**ct from the Report on Photographic Exhibition, given by te Sir FREDERICK POLLOCK (Lord Chief Baron). Of .Madame Brunner's extraordinary perseverance, independent 1, J;1" talent, must secure her success."—MARK LEMON. ame Brunner having visited all the most celebrated Os in the kingdom, has acquired a consummate knowledge of krt —Newcastle Express. e 4AIftme Brunner's establishment is a Palace of Art. From VitiMer vestibule to the inner arcana everything is in keeping most luxurious requirements of refined taste, and the be London photographer himself wouW have no reason to Pool of such an establishment. Stockton and Hq/rtle- it^cury. *Ud n]a a"ie Brunner's establishment is certainly the most splen- "f he ki .d n the North England "eufcastle Daily 2211 W% H. B I G 0~~0 Il AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER, 6 4 It APPOINTMENT TO THE COUNTY COURT, ^CADE CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. c<3 efficiently conducted, and settled tor with promptitude. 1604 OSEPH WALKER, STRAW> CORN, MEAL, AND OIL-CAKE 8 MERCHANT, prepared to supply any of the above articles at the lowest possible prices, at his Warehouse, 25 AND M, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. V-OENT FOR SIMPSON'S CATTLE SPICE AND PRANGLEY'S x r SPECIAL MANORES. 1565 "^ES DE YISITE, 6 for Is. Gd.,12for 2s. 6d '1 a Carte with stamps, and in a few days you will re- "J Original, Post Free. Address :— COMPANY., PONTYPRIDD. 2171 '3 BOOTS! "atest variety at vST. CARDIFF. 168 ie WORL J to CHOPS, ,11 Grocei s and Oilmer Tradf mark-Willúw, & CO.. LEEDS. 616 1L BALSAM HOARSENESS, f the Chest. Sold DUDGEON, VIC- remarks:—" My 'am is one of the ■ 'BEET. i 2875 I justness Addresses. "pjl T. LEWIS, BREWERS' AND LICENSED VICTUALLERS' mw r, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, CITY COOPERAGE BRIDEWELL blRLLl, BRISTOL. HOME-BREWING TAVERNS. 1\TR E T LEWIS is instructed to LET 1VX several Home-brewing TAVERNS Incomings from £ 150 to £ 1,000. For particulars apply at Mr. LEWIS b.Ofhce, Bride- well-street, Bristol. 2289 cH A R L E S W A Y, DEALER IN PICTURES AND WORKS OF ART, 17, ROYAL PROMENADE, BRISTOL. 2422 TXERRYMAN'S CARRIAGE, RAILWAY, P STREET, AND SHIPS' SIGNAL LAMPS, AND BENT* GLASS MANUFACTORY 10 and 11, OLD-KING STREET, BRISTOL. 2335 glTEAM JOINERY, MOULDINGS, „ CHARLES BAKER & CO. rAWi'FAnTiHVR^'LS, CANONS' MARSH, BRISTOL, MAMjIACTURERS OF DOORS, WINDOWS, STAIRS, AND n DE:5t.RIlpTION OF JOINERS' WORK, By am Power, ot the Best Materials and Workmanship. Price Lists forwarded on application, and for large Orders of one description special rates will be quoted, according to quantity required. 2953 s E A L SEAL!! S E A "L 1 LADIES' JACKETS, MUFFS, and TRIMMINGS—GENTLE- C a p<j i,AISTC0ATS, COAT-TRIMMINGS, and TRAVELLING a" hiade to order from first choice Skins. A large stock "V^caily-made to select from. GREBE, ERMINE, SABLES. £ ?fA \ER' OTTER, MUSQUASH, CHINCHILLA, DANISH l ar'd ANGOLA in great variety. Carriage wrappers and foot-muffs. British and Foreign Skins dressed and mounted. All kinds of Furs cleaned and altered at the shortest notice. The only prize Furrier in the West of England. Established 1842. Nora THE ADDRBSS—WEYMOUTH AND REYNOLDS, 2355 15, NARROW WINE STREET, BRISTOL. THE NEW YORK PROVISION STORES, JL 43, MARYLEPORT-STREET, BRISTOL. RICHARD BAYLES, PROPRIETOR. PRIME AMERICAN BEEF. PRIME AMERICAN MESS PORK. CHOICE AMERICAN CHEDDAR CHEESE. NEW IMPORTATIONS, ex S.S. WESTERN.. 2398 JlIREWOR K S- FIR E'VOR K S,! EDGEWORTH, 7 & 8, CASTLE-STREET, BRISTOL, Pyrotechnic Artist. Displays for Fetes and Galas supplied to any extent at a few day's notice. Inventor iof the new Coloured Fire alad Prismatic Shells. 2990 C HAT T E R TON D I X, CHURCH AND GENERAL BOOK, STATIONARY, AND ART DEPOT, 32, TRIANGLE, BRISTOL. Brass Work, Photographs, Religious Pictures, Prayer Desks, and other articlesof Ecclesiastical t urniture. 2270 JmTh N DEN N 1 8 IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT 145, REPCLIFE STREET, BRISTOL, (NEAR BRISTOL BRIDGE.) J. D. would call the attention of buyers to his large Stock of WROUGHT and CUT NAILS, PATENT AXLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, in stock and made to order, LANCE WOOD SHAFTS* BENT TIMBER, DRY HEART and <OACH SPOKES* CEILING LATHS, Bristol Home-made HORSE NAILS PATENT HORSE SHOES, PATENT HORSE SHOE IRON, FILES, RASPS, STEEL BOLTS and NUTS, CHAINS of all kinds in Stock, or to order, Screws, Locks, and a large assortment of General Ironmongery always in stock. Orders per Post, with remittance or satisfactory reference, will have our special attention. NOTE THE ADDRESS. 2382 ONLY THE BEST. AMES GARAWAY AND CO., fj OkFzp. FRUIT TREES, P,^PtrnODonra(SilApPIe3- Cherries- pears, and P1 and StS^18; Trained ^8, for Walks and W alls and Standards, for Orchards. ROSES # The Newest and most Select Varieties, both Stan- dards and Dwarfs. SHRUBS & ORNAMENTAL TREES Deciduous Evergreen and Flowering, the best adapted tor Villa Gardens and General Planting. PRICED LISTS Free by post on application. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS To Purchasers in Quantity. Five per Cent. Discount for Cash. JAMES GARAWAY & CO., DURDHAM DOWN NURSERIES, 2715 BRISTOL. haulagiT^hIl^ie; HAULAGE, CARTING, &cin all its branches, at the lowest possible remunerative prices. Contracts MJlen, and the work personally superintended by DANIEL JONES, 1, NEW OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 2574 NORRIS AND SONS, TOWN CRIER AND BILL POSTERS, 34, ORCHARD STREET, SWANSEA, The only Bill pOBtjo jVestern Railway, and ill? emP'°yed by the Corporation, Great Swansea and it's distK t le Pr",ciPal Solicitors and Auctioneers — Country Sales posted to any distance. D. 11 ISAAC AND CO., TT, c O LTTTTTT^ —— s W STREET, s W A~N~g~p~T H0DSE »WSBHEESr" UFHQLSTE^^j^Z^^j^ET^ANTfFACTTTR.b.RS GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS Goods delivered Free of Charge with 2126 TO INDIA R-UBBER CONS'JMRRS AND WE. L p « • (Late of 16, Castle-street Swansea.) Begs respectfully to inform his ^n?n0ST??Y pifpPAU,^lio generally that he has REMOVED TO No 5, QUAY-:PARADE^ will carry on the business of a PEA ngKERAL ^rv^vV^^ER in in all its branches, and also that of a GENERAL COiiMiysf0^ AftFNT In thanking his numerous friends and pa rons fV>r their kind support during tt<i last six or seven year:3, att.enijContinu" ance of their favours, assuring them that h or.i„on shall be at all times devoted to the execution of t s» and to merit their confidence THE INDIA' RUBBER WAREHOUSE, 5, QUAY PARADE, SWANSEA. Ing WE. COLES has the pleasure of informing • his friends and the public that he has been appointed SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH WALES FOIL HARRIS'S CELEBRATED BLOCK AND FLUID p COMPOSITIONS T^°r ^emoval and prevention of Incrustation in Steam Boilers- It eonwsts for the most part, of animal matter, and is entirely Mineral Acids, or Muriate of Ammonia. Also, HARR^ => SELF-LUBRICATING GRAPHITE STEAM ENGINE ™ AliD PUMP PACKING, rr. T\TPRlJP!7or to ai)i' other Packing extant. Also, HARRIS b IMPERIAL ANTI-CORROSIVE AND MINERALIZED J CEMENT, For Steam-Engine and Boiler Man-hole Joints, Gas a 1 Vater Pipes, or any sort «eating apparatus. Super-heating Steam Pipe Jomts, when no other mineral will stand the high tempera- ture it will stand any pressure of steam or water the joints are easily made, and it ca be^applied to either face or uneven joints. One cwt. of tlus Cement will go as far as three cwt of Red and White Lead mixed, and it makes a much safer joint Price Lor Circulars on application, and Testimonials innu- merable from aa the leading firms in the kingdom THE INDIA RUBBER WAREHOUSE £ QUAY PARADE, SWANSEA. 3047 ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41PILLS is wa7- r ail ted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional, gravel, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors or sent to any address for 60 stamps, by the maker, F. J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, High-street, Lincoln Wholesale Agents, Barclay ai:4 Sons, London, and all the whole- Bale houses. Sold in Cardiff by Joy and Coleman, Chemists. 1243 THE COAL TAR PILL (Wright's Pilula Car- bonis Deterjjens). These I'ills have claims which no other Pills have. They are antiseptic, purifying, sweeteiiing-INTER- .dismfecta.nts. liemg^aXso a gentle aperient, they have a DOUBLE action, and are DOUBLY effective as any other PilL rhey promote the appetite, SWJUSTKN the breath, cure indigestion, liver ccnupl aint, fever-m short, are a paliative or reii-iedy for EVERY AILMENT. They are a boon of health to rich and poor, and a trial will proye that this record of their virtues is not too expensive. Sensation after taking—an agreeable warmth aloll'" the mucous membrane, a sound, refreshing sleep that night. After effect.8-a jolly, exuberant feeling. In boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Sold by all Chemists. W. V. Wright and Co., Southwark-street London Manufacturers of the celebrated COAL TAIi SOAP. '(Wright £ >oap Carbouii Detergena.) 2326 35usitiess xtttts. SAY, GEORGE!! Have you tried that new shop in College-street ? I had a splendid Suit there for Two Pounds, and a capital Fit. Mind, I HAD TO PAY CASH FOR IT; but 'tis Cheap. No, who is he 1—Why E. M. ROE, COLLEGE HOUSE, 10, COLLEGE-STREET. SWANSEA. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE WELL PLEASED. 2520 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH JL PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, 45, WIND STREET, SWANSEA, Bcg most respectfully to inform the Public in general that all Pictures, Portraits, Cartes, &c., formerly taken by Mr. James Andrews, are in the possession of their Manager, Herr J ean Goldman, who will REPRODUCE all Copies at HALF PRICE, and guarantee a Superior Reproof. The above Company respectfully announce that no other Establishment in Swansea, Neath, or Llanelly, have any right to reproduce or infringe upon their NEW PATENT VAN DER WEYDE'S PROCESS. An inspection at t.he Wind-street Establishment is respectfully invited. Price List sent free of charge. All letters to be addressed Herr Jean Goldman, late Andrews, Wind-street. Swansea. 2099 CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. E. C. JONES, # NEWSAGENT, ETC., 109, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, Begs to inform the public that she has just received a large stock of Paper Hangings of the newest designs, and which she is selling at the lowest prices. An extensive stock of Wools of every kind. The London and Provincial Newspapers, Magazines, and Periodicals supplied regularly. 1984 L. R. LUMLEY, SURVEYOR AND APPRAISER, 29, VIC TORIA-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. ESTIMATES PREPARED. Work in all Branches of the Building Trade measured and valued. Delapidations and Cost of Repairs made up at reasonable charges. Surveyor to the Merthyr and Dowlais Building Society. 3080 J. R. D A Y I E S, WROUGHT NAIL AND TIP MANUFACTURER, & GENERAL GRINDERY DEALER, NAIL AND TIP MANUFACTORY, 17, GLEBELAND-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. Best Home-made Horse Nails and Colliery Naild of all Descrip- tions. Dealer in Malleable and Cut Hobs, Cut Shoe Bills, Screw Rivets, Shoe Heels, Toe Tips and Plates, Shoe Pegs, Eyelets, Lasting Tacks, Elastic Webs, the celebrated Merthyr Toe Tips, &c. All orders through Post promptly attended to. 3056 IF YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE FURNISHED WITH TASTE, STYLE, AND ELEGANCE, COMBINED WITH ECONOMY AND DURABILITY, GO TO MEREDITH'S, 125, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. (MANUFACTORY & SHOW-ROOMS, 52, G L E B E L A N D S T R E E T), Who will give you an Estimate for fitting it up throughout, in eluding Carpets, Window and Bed Drapery, Ironmongery, and every other requisite, at wonderfully LOW PRICES. All Goods sent Carriage Free within Fifty Miles. 2986 E R T H Y R 0 F F I C E OP TUB "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," 1, ALBERT STREET, For the transaction of the Merthyr business of this Journal. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to 6.30 p.m. will secure insertion in the following morning's issue of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the town. NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 2144 OTICE! NOTICE!! BRATTICE CLOTH' Bid. and 6d. per SQUARE YARD OILED. IRON & CANVAS AIR TUBING EQUALLY CHEAP. i YELLOW LOCO. GREASE, 16s. per cwt. COLLIERY WAGGON GREASE, 6s. to 8s. per Cwt, COLLIERY WAGGON OIL, 5s., 6s., and 7s. per Cwt. ROOFING FELT less than Id. per square foot WIRE NETTING AND FENCING. GEORGE J. MAY, NEATH. 2737 A Z A A R, N E A T J3 OCTOBER 25, 1872 AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR 1872. WALTER JONES Respectfully solicits an inspection of his present STOCK which has just been replenished with many Novelties in the various Departments. His Showroom will be open on TUESDAY, the 29th instant, and will contain an extensive assortment of TRIMMED HATS, MILLINERY, BONNETS, COSTUMES WATERPROOFS, &c. W. J. will offer at the same time a large Stock of BLACK SILKS, Much under preseent value, for Ready Money enly. 30 PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE; No. 1, COMMERCIAL ST., NEWPORT, MON. E DWIN NEWMAN Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Newport and the Neighbour- hood that he has been APPOINTED SOLE AGENT IN THIS TOWN FOR THE SALE OF MESSRS. JOHN BRISMEAD AND SON'S PIANOFORTES, FROM WHOM HE HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUCH INSTRUMENTS E. Newman has the Largest Stock of Pianofortes in the Princi pality to choose from, including those of COLLARD AND COLLARD, BROADWOOD, ERARD, and other ominent London Makers, and he further invites Inspection of his STOCK OF AMERICAN ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PIANOFORTES MAY BK PURCHASED ON THE THREE YEAR SYSTEM. 2263 O DEALERS IN BUTTER^ CHEESE, BACON, &«. J. D. THOMAS, GROCER, &c., LLANDYSSIL, Is prepared to buy, and deliver at the Llandyssil Station to any address, any quantity of the CELEBRATED BUTTER, CHEESE, BACON, &c. Of the Cletwr, Cerdin, and Tivy Valleys, on Commission. The advantages of 25 years' experience, and prompt attontios ° al* orders, may be fully relied on. Terms on application. tUo "BBUBH WORKMAN" PUBLIC HOUSES ^°" ''cent-street, corner of Mary Ann-street. 3|j ^> Bute-street, near the Pier-head. ^*3 -^aughan-terrace, corner of John-street, Penarth. 'hm\ano,15. Custom House-street, opposite the Custom- 5.—1 LI f ShiPPing-office. 6.— 31, Clifton <^°ad' °PP°site the Market House, Canton. ,<putblichhofational Sch°°', Llandaff. Whe^you8"ith?ut Then safely hom talk' read' and think> Rooms to let for Benefit„ Refreshments at Moderate pi? Committees, or other Meetings ner week Regular at of!" B,°ds' Per or as 6!Lrth 2s. One or two ^LCa™on ls- 6d- P« week, and a rWMi to a single man, furntehwi y"situated room8 to let at TeTrms! also a stable. 8hed or unfurnished, on very mode raviaitors to Penarth will find everv „ PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. Trade Mark—AN ELEPHANT. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIA^STARCHfo7piIrit^ and Beauty of Colour. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH foi Lace « Muslins, &c., &c. 8 NS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARt P adhere to tfcs iron. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO>S~INDIAN STARCH~WNRRETAIN its stiffness in the dampest weather. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH is highly recommended to Laundresses. PARSONS, -FLETCHER 4 CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. The increased demand is proof of its excellence. PARSON, FLETCHEF&^CO.'S /NDIAITSTARCH is packed i, i, and lib, packets, also in boxes, and in 51b. papers. ORKS-GRAVEL-LANE, SOUTHWARK, LONDoli. VW MAY BX HAD EVMYVHUU. ul business ddrcsscs. WILLIAM DAVIES, (Late of the Taff Vale Railway,) CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, ALBERT COTTAGES, CLIFTON-STREET. ABERDARE. 3050 TO ADVERTISERS. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, TEA MEETINGS, CHORAL GATHERINGS, BAZAARS, EISTEDDFODAU, &c. ~T ITH a view to meet a want very generaII3 W felt advertisements announcing forthcoming ANNIVER- SARY SERVICES, TEA MEETINGS, CHORAL GATHERINGS, EISTEDDFODAU, BAZAARS, &c., and not exceeding ONE INCH (TWELVE LINES) in depth will be published in this Journal at the following tariff:— ONE INSERTION HALF-A-CROWN. THREE INSERTIONS FIVE SHILLINGS. NERVOUS DEBILITY.—GRATIS, a MEDI- N CAL WORK, showing Sufferers how they may be cured without aid of Quacks. Free on receipt of postage stamp.— Address, SECRETARY, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 2123 IFIANIEL'S DANDELION COFFEE. Pre- pared from the pure, fresh Dandelion Root, and containing in an agreeable form all its properties, the valuable qualities Of which are daily becoming more generally appreciated. As an article of diet to invalids, and those who suffer from weak diges- tion, &c., it will be found invaluable, at the same time extremely pleasant to the palate. Prepared by W. L. DANIEL, CHEMIST, MERTHYR, and sold only in tins, at Is. 6d. each, which may be had direct from the proprietor, and through all respectable Chemists and Grocers. Be sure that you ask for, and see that you are supplied with DANIEL'S DANDELION COFFEE. L058 DAVIES'S (Cwniavoii) TONIC, ^VPERIENT, AND LIVER PILLS, are a most efficient remedy for persons suffering from indigestion, liver complaints, costiveness, sickness, wind in the stomach, lowness of spirits, singing noises in the ears, nervousness, palpitation of the heart, giddiness, headache, piles, gravel, tic doloreux &c. They may be taken with safety at any season of the year and require no confinement to the liouse; on the contrary, moderate demte exercise promotes their good effects. One trial will ensure their being registered as "The Family Pills," so gentle is their action so certain their cure. Sold in boxes at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each* Prepared and sold by the sole proprietor, Thomas Howell, Phar- maceutical Chemist, Bute-street, Cardiff; and may be had of al respectable chemists. Sent direct for 14 or 36 stamps. 109 IFE PRESERVERS. f nfalit Life protected M J and secured against the enemy, Death, by Mothers keeping in tne nouse a packet of "DAME EUROPA'S INFANT LilrE PRESERVERS." Once tried always used. TKKTHINO, Small-pox- Scarlatina, Measles, &c., meet with a ready ef, if the "EU, ROPA POWDERS" are used. Mothers, tiy them, and publish their effect. "Dame Europa's Infant Life Preservers" ve pre- pared only by the Inventor, B. A. GEORGE, Family Chemist, Pentre, Pontypridd and selp m packets,at Is. lid., and 2s. 9d. each, by every chemist in the world. May be had post free from the Inventor for 14 or 34 stamps. Wholesale W. Mather, London and Manchester and Barclay & Sont. Agent in Cardiff, Coleman, chemist 159 K-A YE'fe" w O R S D E L L S P I L L S\ For upwards of half-a-century KAYE'S WORSDELL S PILLSave been esteemed as the b&st remedy for the cure and prevention of disease. They render the doctor unnecessary ir the family. Acting on the blood, they Purify it from all humours, rendering the life-giving fluid healthy in its action, and consequently restor- ing and establishing the health of the invalid. The proprietoi has in his possession hundreds of testimonials bearing witness to their efficacy. Out of many, the two following have been selected BalJintemPle, near Cork, Sept. 1, 1868. John Kaye, Esq.—Dear Sir,—My wife has been suffering from a very sore leg for nineteen years. During that time it has cost me over E120 for different doctors, some of whom gave her case up as hopeless. She was reduced to nearly a skeleton. I got some of Kaye's Worsdell's Pills, and after she took about lis. worth of them she was completely cured, and is now in good health and quite strong. It is the most astonishing cure ever known in this neighbourhood. I shall recommend them wherever 1 c„nn'to an>' person I hear complaining.—(Signed) JOHN BROWN." The Agent at Redruth certifies to the truth of the following ^in XT- v „ T,, Sept- 4, 1868. John NichollB, of Jllogan, near Redruth, Cornwall, suffered severely from burning pains in the stomach and difficulty of breathing. In consequence of this he had to leave work for many weeks. He was recommended to take Kaye's Worsdell's Pills. Before he had taken one box, he was completely cured, resumed work, and is now again a strong, healthy man. He says he will never te without them. This case can be authenticated by W. J. Corin. Sold by all Chemists, ad other Dealers in Patent Medicines, at Is. lid. 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d.per box. 916 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS overcome the worst forms of diseases, and the foulest state of the blood, stomach, liver, and kidneys they go to the core of every disease where no other medicines have power to reach. The GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER cures the following com- plaints :—Indigestion, or wind in the stomach or bowels, giddi- ness in the head, dimness of sight, weak or sore eyes, lasts of memory, palpitation of the heart, lirer, and' bilious obstructions, asthma, or tightness in the chest rheu- matics, lumbago, piles, gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, bad legs, bad breast, sore throat, sore heads and sores of all descriptions, burns, wounds, or white swellings, scrofula, or king's evil, gatherings, tumours or cancers, pimples and blotches on the face and body, swelled feet or legs, scabs and itch, erysipelas, jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In boxes at Is. lid. each, sold by most Chemists or from the Establishment, 34, High-street, Swansea. 2111 WHITE'S BLACK CURRANT COUGH SYRUP Stands Unrivalled. Coughs, Colds, and all Ohest and Lung Complaints instantly relieved and rapidlv cured by the timely use of WHITE'S BLACK CURRANT COUGH SYRUP, a remedy that never disappoints. White's Black Currant Cough Syrup gives instant ease and relief, gradually healing and removing any of the following ccmiplaints, whether recent or „hronic :—Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump- tion, Hoarseness, Phlegm, Spitting of Blood, Tightness, Tickling in the Throat, &c. Read Testimonials as to its efficacy enclosed with each bottle. Prepared with great care only by WHITE BROS., M.P.S., Chemists, Carmarthen. Sold by all Chemists, in bottles, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each and they may be obtained of the following Chemists, appointed Agents :-W. Sims, Aberaman W. J. Thomas, Aberdare; A. E. Evans, Brynmawr; S. P. Kernick, Cardiff White Bros., Carmar- .8 then R. P- Rees, Dowlais J. Phillips, Haverfordwest; J. Sims Hirwain; W. Gleneross, ■Ridwelly • 'T. j. Hughes, Llandilo; A e' Pridham, Llanelly W. Smyth .Merthyr Tydfil; M. Bevan, Morris^ rr ton; G. H. White, Mountain Ash T. Smyth, Narberth • W S Olive, Pembrey K", vwhlia^^t T,! c- Cassett, Pontypridd j F. Dixon, Rhymney k- y11''?:™8. »t. Clears John Richards and JohnDavies, Swansea; W Williams, Tenby; W. Jones Soedy- rhiew. Wholesale :-Sutton^nd Co io, Row Churchyard, Lon- don Pearce and Co., St. raters .Bristol, and of the Proprietors. 1910 Just published, post ^free' DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND cm? TP By HENRY SMITH, M.D., of the Royal University of By HENRY SMITH M.D. of the RoyaTuniv^iSS^f Jena, Author of The People's Guide to He DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, gives Rules for the Cure of Nervous ExhausDimness ofi Sight, Weakness, ^bdity, Painful Dreams, Mental and Physirci uepression, Indecision, Impaired Memory, Loss of Energy, Pains 111 the Back, Timidity, Dizrine^ Love of Solitude, Groundres^ F^ar3 &Ce Gives INSTRUCTIONS by which Thousands of Dr. Smith s Patients have been restored to health and vigour, without th^Mercury, Galvanism or Electricity. Illustrated wth Cases and^^monialg from gratefu patients who have been cured by the NEW SPECIAL MEDICINES. 11 The Pamphlet is sent Fb*B hy post l°hany ^dress, on receipt of two stamps. Should be read by a 1 o value health, strength, anAddress?Dr: H. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, London, W.C. Important tc. Country Patients. CONSULTATION BY JITTER WITHOUT FEE. DR. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for the cure of all Debilitating Diseases, will, ^F the 'ntr-V patients who cannot consult him persopally.onrecevngdescriptions Qf their Case, send his opinion, with ad^ce and direct,^ for the mo8t successful restoration to health and Address, Dr H. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, London, W.C! 2000 RUPTURES—By Her Majesty's R^ a' I;etter8 patent. "WTHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS. V T perfected and l/rJZ ^Exhibitions 1851 and 1862, is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical men to be the most effective invention m tnei curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of » steel spring, so hurtful in its effects, is here avoided, a soft band g being worn r0Und the body, while the requisite resisting p „ 18 suppiied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER fitted with go 'much ease and closeness that it cannot be ae eu.and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had, and the Truss. (which cannot fail to fit) forwarded by po t on the circumference of the body, two inches below the nip, being 8ent to tjje Manufacturer. „Tr T MR. JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 16s., 21s., 26s. od., and 31s. 6d. Postage, free. Price of an Umbilical Truss, 42s. and 52s. 6d. Postage free. Price of a Double Truss, Sis. 6d., 4vs., and 52s. 6d. Postage free. Post-office Orders to be made payable to John White, Post- office, Piccadilly. NEW PATENT. JgLASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPs, ETC., For VARICOSE VEINS and all cases of WEAKNESS or SWELLING of the LEGS, SPRAINS, &c. They are porous, light in texture, and inexpensive, and are drawn off lilte an ordjnafy stockings. Price 4s. 6d., 7s. 6d., 10s. 16s. each. Postage free JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, Piccadilly, London. 2014 WORTH A GJJINEA A BOX! BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, i ulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chilis Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, DisturbedI Sleep .Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great ex- pense) a patent for them, he challenges the whole world to pro- duce a medicine equal to them for removing the above-named complaints and restoring the patient to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be W ORTH A GUINEA A Box I For females of all ages these pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be with- out them. There is no remedy to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of breath- ing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c.. these pill stand unrivalled; and anyone labouring under any of the above complaints need only try one box to prove tnat they are the best ever offered to the public for asth- matic and consumptive coughs, hoarseness, and oppression of the chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almest instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing, and, when neglected, dangerous com- plaints. Let any persons troubld.wItI¡ ny of the above com- plaints give Beecham's Cough Pills a trial. The most violent cough will in a short time be removed. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice that the words 'BEECHAM'S PILLS, St. Helen's'" are on the Government Stamp affixed on each box of the Pills; if not, they are a forgery.— Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, T. BEECHAM, Chemist, St. Helen's, in boxes at is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 86 stamps. Full directions are given with each box. N.B.-Sold by all the Wholesale and retail Drug Houses ia the United Kingdom. 1406 jBusittcss Addresses. D L E WI S, CABINET M A K E B I o AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING, LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufacture. N.B.—An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 ^RKELL'S GREAT BOOT WAREHOUSE, 42, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, Is now OPEN with a splendid STOCK OF WINTER BOOTS. Every Pair Warranted. Prize Workmen. 3087 "WORLD WIDE FAME." PALMER'S COCOA CONDIMENTAL FOOD t. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE.. OSCE USED ALWAYS USED. The cost is less than one halfpenny per feed, it will put Horses and Cows into condition when all other means have- iahed for rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will save 20 per cent. in the cost of feeding. Sole Mantifacturersand Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholesale or retail), also applications for Agencies to be sent to MR. -THOMAS WEBBER, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. TESTIMONIALS OX APPLICATION. 800 Feeds sent, carriage free, for 32s., to any part of South Wales. A sample bag of 141bs. for 5s. prepaid. 2428 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE M'F'G COMPANY, Supplied by CROSS BROTHERS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. HE WILLCO-V AND GIBBS SILENT SEWING MACHINE, Supplied through their Agents, C R 0 S S BROTHERS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE WEIRS, SHAKESPERE, AND AGENORIA HAND SEWING MACHINES. Either of the above may be had on the Easy Payment System CROSS BROTHERS, ST. MAJRY STREET, CARDIFF. 886 HONOURABLE MENTION 1862 FOR EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY. w RIGHT'S UNFERMENTED WINE, Unintoxicating and warranted free from alcohol. Prepared from the finest grapes and preserved in racus. Sold in bottles, half-pints ls. 3d., pints 2s. 2d., by R. P R U S T, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, 8, METEOR STREET, SPLOTTLANDS, CARDIFF (Near the Blind Asylum). Horninian's Pure Teas; Tompson, Berry and Co's Pure Malt Vinegar; Epp's Cocoa; Corn Flour, Scotch Oatmeal, &c. Tooth Nail, and Hair Brushes, Combs, and all articles usually kept by Chemists. 1836 rpHOMAS TRIST, FURNISHING & GENERAL IRONMONGER, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. A QUANTITY OF STOCK AT OLD PRICES. TEA-TRAYS, FENDERS,-FIRE-IRONS, BEDSTEADS, BATHS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, STOVES, GRATES, RANGES. THOMAS TRIST FOR LOCK-SMITHING, BELL-HANGING, EAVES-TROUGHING, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND TIN-PLATE WORK. THOMAS TRIST FOR "LIPSCOMB'S" WATER FILTERS, FARMERS', GARDENERS', AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS, GARDEN-SEATS, LAWN-MOWERS, LAND-ROLLERS, OIL-PAINTS, COLOURS. 2571 2571 AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR GENTLEMEN. MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS have made the fashionable forms of OVERCOATS AND REEFERS for the season their particular study, in anticipation of inquiries from their customers, who will be looking for the Latest Novelties. Their OVERCOATS, made from a fine dress" Beaver, are ex- quisite goods, of a good substance, firm, yet soft as velvet, and what is perhaps, of equal importance, they comprise a variety of beautiful colours. In Brown there are some very rich shades, and there is also a nice assortment of Olive. In Blue, too, they have a good show, and variety of shade. Terms-For Ready Money only. ADDRESS—CARDIFF HOUSE, CARDIFF. 136 Jtotels. BRISTOL. GUILDHALL COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 37, Broad-stieet, Bristol. Dining, Coffee, Sitting, and Stock Rooms. Dinners from 12.30 to 6. Night Porter Sept. 1430 W. T. CROUCH, Proprietor. CLIFTON DOWN FIRST-CLASS FAMILY c HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE. SUITE OF APARTMENTS, from 3t Guineas per week. Break- fast, from 2s. Dinners, from 3s. 6d. Service, 2s. A Suite of Apartments having been recently added to the Hotel, especially for WEDDING BREAKFASTS, the Manager is prepared to provide the same or the most moderate terms. Terms by weekly arrange- ments only. Suite of Apartments, with board and attendance, 5 Guineas each, fires only extra. Bedroom, board, and attendance, in public rooms, 3j Guineas. All meals served to the visitor's order. Private drawing-room for Ladies. Table D'Hote daily at in public rooms, 3 Guineas. All meals served to the visitor's order. Private drawing-room for Ladies. Table D'Hote daily at Sundays at 5. All communications to be addressed, *1428 D. GITTENS. Manager HE VAULTS, WIND-STREET, JL SWANSEA. JOSEPH MANN, Proprietor. Agent for the Licensed Victuallers' Wine and Tea Companies. Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the Finest quality always in Stockf One trial respectfully Solicited. Good beds' N.B.—A First-class Bowling Saloon ou the Premises. 1422 G LOB E DINING ROOMS, AND OYSTER SALOON, 17, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. LUNCHEONS; GOOD DINNERS, 9D., AND UPWARDS (From 12 o'clock till 4.) TEA AND COFFEE TO BE HAD AT ALL HOURS. N.B.—Private Sitting-rooms and good Bedrooms. Im- portant to Foreigners.-lei parle Frangais. Si parla Italiano. Hier wird Deutsch Gesprochen. 2098 ODDFELLOWS' ARMS, MAESTEG. 0 Two Minutes' Walk from btation. Good accommodation BILLIARDS. POSTING. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. 2380 PROPRIETOR—Mr. ILLTID MORGAN (Education. CANTON ACADEMY, LLANDAFF ROAD c CARDIFF. Masters: Rev. W. JAMES, M.A. Rev. EDGAR WILLIAMS, M.A., B.D. For Prospectus, &c. apply to Rev. W. James, Llandaff-road, Canton, Cardiff. 2191 GROSVENOR LADIES' COLLEGE, G BRIGHTON PARK, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. DR. B. TOMKINS, M.A Lady Superintendent of Studies Miss WILSON. Pianoforte and Singing Miss RI MBOLL. Drawing, &e. Head Master of Lady Superintendent of Domestic Arrange- Grosvenor College., Lady Superintendent of Domestic Arrange- Jog_ TomkivS- liients >. j A book containing References to Parents, Testimonials, &c., wil be forwarded on application Q.~R O S V E N O R COLLEGE,. WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL DR. TOMKINS, M.A. (Professeur de Frangais, Compiler of the Bristol Copy Book, &c.) HEAD MASTER: CHARLES BIGG, ESQ. The College is within 200 yards of the proposed site of the new Clifton Station. Very Moderate Terms. Large school-room lately erected. More-than twenty pupils have obtained certificates in the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, several having passed with honors. Hundreds of pupils are occupying good situations in banks, merchants' omces, &c. r A hook (new edition, 40 pages) will be forwarded on application. It contains a lithograph of college, testimonials from parents of pupils, from old pupils, references to parents at Aberdare, Biaen- avon, Builth, Brecon, Cardiff, Chepstow, Haverfordwest, Llanelly, ewportJ Pontypridd, Swansea, Tenby, Trelech, Merthyr Tydfil, &c. The NEXT TERM will commence on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th. No Michaelmas Holidays. New pupils are admitted at any time, and a proportionate charge made N.B.—Clever Youths or Young Ladies who would be likely to pass the Cambridge Examination, held in December next, would have special training, and be taken at reduced terms. Place of examination close to Groavenor College. 2167 ffitsiitess Addresses.' JOTHAM & SON'S OYERUUAIO TOTHAJM & SON'S YACHTING JACKUIL'S. JOTHAM & SON'S TROUSERS. JOTHAM & SON'S TROUSERS AND VESTS. JOTHAM & SON'S VESTS. OTHAM & SON'S BOYS' FCULLS. JOTHAMH& SON'S FLANNEL SHIRTS. JOTHAM & SON'S HATS AND CAPS. JOTHAM & SON'S HOSIERY. DDR .ESS.-27, ST. MARY-STREET CARDIFF. 2941 D. R I C H A R D S, HATTER, HOSIER, GLOVER, &0., 13, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 1816. All who can appreciate STYLE AND QUALITY, And are desirous of 1 GETTING BEST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, Are invited to make their PURCHASES AT THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT. 190 LE W I S H 0 P K I N S, JLJ ESTATE, HOUSE, AND INSURANCE AGENT, REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES FOR THE CARDIFF DISTRICT, No. 16, THE PARADE, TREDEGARVILLE, CARDIFF. Agent for the Estate of the late Chas. Vachell, Esq. Agent for the Scottish Provincial Assurance Co. 2937 m R. P E T E R P R I C E -i-v- CARDIFF AGENT TO THE SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND. Accumulated Fund ze5,200,000 Annual Income 630,000 Annual Premium Revenue 576,386 A purely Mutual Company, very economically managed, and having an Accumulated Fund eig-ht imes as large aa its premium revenue, is the ideal Company for an insurer."—Satmr+ay Review, Oct. 2, 1869. The Scottish Widews' is "purely Mutual, Tery economically managed," and, as the above statement shows, the Accumulated Fund is twelve times the amount of its Premium Revenue. The balance sheets and information which Mr. Cave's Bill com- pels Life Assurance Offices to publish, have been voluntarily pub- lished by the Scottish Widows' Society since 1825, and may be obtained of Mr. Peter Price, 3. Crockherbtown. Cardiff. 1049 AUTUMN AND WINTER CLOTHING. rjlHE STAR CLOTHING COMPANY POST OFFICE BUILDINGS, CHURCH-ST. Encouraged by the great success attained since we opened the above premises, and anticipating a large demand for our WINTER CLOTHING, we respectfully intimate we have bought very largely and most advantageously, and will be found for strength of make, quality of material, style, and price, unsurpassed. OVERCOATS, REEFERS, & MONKEY JACKETS, Boy's, Youth's, and Gent's in great variety, at astonishing low prices. COAT, TROUSERS, and VESTS STOCK is fashionable and varied, at prices less than usually charged for same class of clothing. LITTLE BOYS' DEPARTMENT—Special attention. VULCANISED MACINTOSH COATS AND INVERNESS CAPES, OVERALLS AND LEGGINGS—A great assortment. HATS, CAPS, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, &c. Just added, BESPOKE DEPARTMENT, with a Stock of Woollen Goods suitable for the present season. 2464 BOYLE A. CO., PROPRIETORS. jgoorT: iTo OTSM BOO T S FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER. VISIT BOYLE & CO., CHURCH STREET AND 13, BUTE STREET. LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST FASHIONABLE STOCK IN WALES. Gents' Shooting Boots Lady' Cork Clump Boots. „ Walking ditto „ Walking ditto „ Riding ditto „ House ditto „ Dress ditto „ White and Coloured „ Clump Sole ditto Fancy Shoes & Slippers Boys' in great variety Girls' in every style. SEAMEN'S BOOT SLIPPERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. OVERSHOES! OVERSHOES! OVERSHOES! An immense Stock, Felt and all sorts of Warm Boots for Winter. LEGGINGS! LEGGINGS!! LEGGINGS! In every style. Splendid variety. 2465 YY E. VAUGHAN & CO. STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LLANDAFF-ROAD CARDIFF. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS 77, CROCKHERBTOWN, )r.RnT™ 248, BUTE-STREET, f CARDIFF. 52, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 83, HIGH- STREET, MERTHYR. 98, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 4, ST. JULIAN-STREET, TENBY. Orders received, and Parcels forwarded to Works carriage free, by the following AGENTS: Aberdare Mr. Dance, Commercial-street. Abergavenny Miss Watkins, 12, Cross-street. Blaenavon Mr. J. Harris, London House. Bridgend Mr. Thomas, grocer, Nolton-street. Brecon Mr. Matthews, at Camden Arms, Watto. Cowbridge. MI. Stibbs, Ivor House. Chepstow Miss Rowe, Welsh-street. Crickhowell Mr. Davies, Manchester House. Glastonbury Mr. John, High-street. Haverfordwest.. Mr. Harries, 3, High-street. Llanelly. Messrs. Ace & Sons, Vaughan-street. Llandilo. Miss Punton, Fancy Warehouse. Neath Mr. Matthews, at Queen's Hotel. Pembroke Dock, Mr Brice, Moyrick-street. Pontypool Mr. G. Fowler, draper, Lion House. Usk Messrs. Jones & Powell. drapers. &c. Watchet.. Capt. Nicholas 323 DRESSING GOWNS DRESSING GOWNS W. K 0 R N E R S CELEBRATED DRESSING GOWNS, AT 21s. AND 25s. EACH. Sent to any Railway Station in Great Britain, on receipt of P.O.O. Patterns of Material may be had by Post. These Garments are Comfortable, Durable, and Cheap. LARGEST STOCK OF SCARVES AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SILK, ZANELA, AND ALPACCA UMBRELLAS OF THE BEST QUALITY. OUR OWN MADE FANCY WOOL SHIRTS CANNOT BE SURPASSED FOR STYLE AND QUALITY. BEAUTIFUL TRAVELLING AND CARRIAGE RUGS AT 10s. 6d. ADDRESS: W KÖRNER) THE CARDIFF HOSIER, 27 29 and 31, ROYAL ARCADE, and 178, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. 2360 EP,NICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS for HEADACHES, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, INDIGES- TION, COSTIVENESS, RHEUMATISM, or TIC-DOLOREUX Thoy are easy to swallow, being very small, require no confine- ment indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thou- sands, who pronounce them to be the best medicine in the world. Testimonials from J. Balbirnie, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on "Physiology," author of "A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," &c.: —"I have examined the pills known as 'Kernick'sVegetablePilis.' I certify their composition to be purely vegetable; I have also tried their effect, and consider them one of the best aperient pills for constipated habits that I know of."—"6, Upper Church-street, Bath. Dear Sir,—I have su lered greatly from indigestion, and have derived great benefit from KERNICK'S Vegetable Pills,—Yours truly, A. SYLVESTER." Prepared only bv S. P. KERNICK, Manufac- turing Chemist, Cardiff. Sold in boxes at Is. 10. and 7Jd. 178 K- E-R N Ie K'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES Are the most efficacious remedy ever introduced for Worms. They may be taken by children of all ages with perfect safety, and are also useful for children of delicate stomachs and pale complexions "SIR '-A woman gave two of the lozenges for five mornings, arxl by so doing the child got rid of no less than eighty worms.— DASIEL MORGAN, Nelson." "W. Harris, of Cefncoed, miner's child, had got rid of 140 worms in a week whilst taking a box of your worm lozenges, and she has improved wonderfully in health since."—JNO. PRICE, Cefn, Merthyr. A customer of mine, a short time ago, bought a box of your worm lozenges to try their effect on his child, who was very ill. The little boy got rid of forty large worms and so many small ones Ulat they could not reckon them."—JAMES MEYRICK. From Mr. MORGAN, Pendarran.—"Send me 12 dozen of your valuable worm lozenges; they are curing all the children in this neighbourhood." Prepared only by S. r. KERNICK, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. Sold in Boxes at Is. ljd. and 7W. by the appointed Agents, and most respectable Chemists and Druggists. 179 business Addresses. v • •—- 0 W E L L Co. WILL OFFER, ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9T311 AND FOLLOWING DAYS, 170 DOZ. ZANELLA AND SILK UMBRELLAS, BEING A MANUFACTURERS' STOCK BOUGHT AT A LARGE DISCOUNT OFF ORIGINAL COST ALSO 500 DOZ. CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, CONSIDERABLY UNDER PRESENT MARKET VALUE.' HOWELL & Co., "THE CARDIFF DRAPERS." 13 & 14, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 2458 o RIG I N ALP A I'N TINGS. MR. T. L. HOWE PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, 8, DUKE-STREET, Begs to call the attention of the Clergy, Nobility, and Gel) try o South Wales and Monmouthshire to his CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF OIL PAINTINGS, NOW ON VIEW, BY SOME OF THE BEST MASTEPS4 A Catalogue of which he begs to submit to their notice:- DESCRIPTION. ARTTM. Coast Scene (signed). By Turner. Assassination of Archbishop Sharpe Sir Wm. Allen. T ( Williams, of Landscape Liverpool! Views of Windermere. Howe. Bettws-y-Coed Wilson. Tipperary Boy Cook.f Landscapes J ackson. Landscapes (very fine) Boddingten. Eton College Williums. Hyde Farm Appleby. Dancing Lesson J Steea. Hop Pickers W. Pitt. Spanish Figures Phillip. Fruit (very fine) Hughe8. Landscape (signed) Ruysdael Shipping Ostmle. Shipping Yandevelde. The Old Mill Old Crome. The Falls of Westmoreland Stubfes. Gipsies Encamped Travers. Mythological Rubens. Pair of Landscapes Van Goyen. View in Rome Guardie. Cattle Duvall. Figures -French subject. 29 LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, JLJ GARDEN SEATS, TABLES, Galvanised Wire Netting, Croquet Netting, Indiarubber Hose and Brass Fittings, Watering Pots, and every other requisite for the Lawn or Garden in great variety. The Largest Stock in South Wales to select from of BATHS, TRAVELLING BOXES, AND JAP-KN GOODS CROSS BROTHERS, SAINT MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 968 OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. THE SAFEST FAMILY APERIENT. In Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9cL, 4s. 6d., and lis. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. C These Pills consist of a careful and peculiar admixture of the best and mildest vegetable aperients, with the pure extract of the flowers of the cammomile. They will be found a most efficacious remedy for derangement of the digestive organs, and for torpid action of the liver and bowels which produce indiges- on and the several varieties of billious and H"'3r complaints. They speedily remove the irritation and fev«Hsi state of the stomach, allay spasms, correct the morbid cone jn of the liver and and organs subservient to digestion, pro/note a due and healthy secretion of bile, and relieve the constitution of all gouty matter and other impurities, which, by circulating in the blood, must injuriously affect the action of the kidneys, thus, by removing the causes productive of so much discomfort, they restore the energies both of body and mind. To those who indulge in the luxuries of the table, these pills will prove highly useful, occasioning no pain in their action, unless they meet with an unusual quantitv of acrid bile and acid matter in the stomach and bowels. To Europeans on their arrival in India or China they are recommended as a preser- vative against the fatal disorders peculiar to tropical climates. Their occasional use, if combined with the strictest attention to diet, will be frequently found to remove at once. by their iufl uence overthe secretions, that congestive and unhealthy condition of the liver which is so often the earnest antecedent of severe febrile and constitutional disturbance. It must be understood that tbese pills are not recommended as containing any new or dangerously active ingredients; on the contrary, they are characterised by a remarkable simplicity of combination, and whatever merit they may be found to possess depends as much upon the selection of pure drugs, and the unusual labour and attention bestowed upf;n their subsequent preparation, as upon the acknowledged pecu- liarity of their composition. They are not recommended as a panacea, nor are they adapted to all complaints; but a a mild and efficacious aperient and tonic in the various forms of indi- gestion it will not, perhaps, be an exaggeration to state that they have been resorted to under all systems of diet,changes of climite or atmospheric alternations, with an extraordinary degree of stLecessfor72 years. This celebrated family aperient may be had throughout the United Kingdom in boxes at ls. lid. 2s" 9dn 4s. 6d., and lis., as well as in India, China, New Zealand, and the Australian colonies. CO C K L E' SAN T I B I L IOU PILLS, c THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9<1, 4s 6d, and 118. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In use 72 years for INDIGESTION. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 11. OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, c In use 72 years for BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 11s. COCKLE'S TNTTBILIOUS PILLS c In use 72 years for LIVER COMPLAINTS. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. 1088 publications. BEST ADVERTISING PAPER IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. NOTTINGHAM DAILY GUARDIAN. -^1 A FIRST-CLASS DAILY NEWSPAPER. Price ONE PENNY. Has the largest circulation of any Daily Paper in Nottinghamshire, and adjoining counties. Saturday's issue over 20,000. A most valuable medium for advertisers. Rates of charges and copies of the paper sent free on application to the proprietors. THE NOTTINGHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN. Published every FRIDAY. Price (with supp ement) TWOPENCE^ Has a large and high-class circulation, and is acknowledged the great advertising medium for Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire Lei- cestershire, Lincolnshire, and neighbouring counties. OFFICES: SHERWOOD STREET, NOTTINGHAM. 2337 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IV THE NORTH OF ENGLAND. ESTABLISHED 1764 THE NEWCASTLE WEEKLY CHRONICLE Published every Saturday, Price Twopence. THE NEWCASTLE DAILY CHRONICLE, Published every Morning, Price One Penny. Chief Offices. Westgate Street (Opposite Central Station), Newcastle-upon-Tyne. London Office.—10, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 2097 BIR MING HAM MORNING NEWS." EDITED BY MR. G. DAWSON, M.A. The Family and Commercial Paper for the Midlands. FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS DAILY.—ONE PENN-XJ CENTRAL OFFICE 88, New-street, Birmingham. LONDON OFFICE 16, Moorgate-stroet. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SOUTH WALES TOPICS. 91 Of L I V E R P 0 0 L DAILY ALliluN. IN SWANSEA, The ALBION arrives daily at 4 o'clock on sale and delivered by Mr. CORRIN, Bookseller. LATEST TELEGRAPH INTELLIGENCE; SPECIAL REPORTS of the Liverpool and Manchester Markets South Wales 3YIeW and Hardware Markets; Glasgow Pig Iron and Clyde Su^ar Markets. The Shipping Intelligence of L,,i. -ALBION will be found of the greatest commercial value, its shippin advertisements, being most extensive in number. Every LIVERPOOL Every Saturday. WEEKLY A 1 K ION. Saturday. PRICE TWOPENCE. Special Prize Essays on The Liquor Albion fo particulars.-P.O.O. payable tn ALFRED FTMY > > "(}7 THE GLASGOW HEKALDi Greatest Advertising Medium in Scotland.\ COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS Regarding Sugar. Iron, Cotton, Wool, &c., &c., Early, full and reliable reports. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, Specially reported from Lloyd's and other leading ources. The ulasgow WEEKLY HERALL, W is a large double shee' nf 50 long columni. And contains the General and District News of the Week, w A first-class serial Story, Literature, Politics, Poet-.y, Wit alJJ Humour, Shipping and M ,-ket Reports. One Penny each. The Weei> "era:d posted for 0s. 6dfper annum. • ■