THE WEST END TAILORS, 19 & 23, Duke Street, Cardiff, WILL FORWARD PATTERNS |DftfiT OF 1'HKIB NKW ""3 I SPRING SUITINGS, Ifbee To Measure at 42/ 45'- & 50/- NEW TROUSERINGS. To Measure at 10/6, 13/16/- & 18/6 ALSO PATTERNS FOR LadiM' Coats and.Skirts to Order, :£3 3a. Od. Ladles residing at a distance can bn fitted tame day as ordering. (Only One 'ittlng Necessary, TRUE FIT GUARANTEED.

-¡"} BENGER'S I FOOD For INFANTS, (KVALIOS, and the ACU: DELICIOUS-NUMTIVE-DIGESTIKF- GOLD SEDAi AWARDED, HEALTH EXHIBITION, LONDON. Recommended by The Lancet, British Medical Journal, London Medical Record, and the whole of the Medical Press.— Vide reports with each. tin. Benger's Food Is sold In tins by • Chemists, &c., everywhere.

Family Notices
BIRTHS, 'MARRIAGES, and DEATHS can be Inserted in the EVENING EXPRESS at the following rates:—For 30 words or less, la. each, and ld. each extra two words. BIRTHS MARRIAGES & DEATHS DEATHS. HOG AN.—On the. 18 th. Inst., at Rosedale House. Cardiff, Julia, the beloved wife of Patrick Hogan. after a long and painful illness R.I.P. JENKINS.—April 17th, at 93, High-street, Merthyr, W. H. Jenkins, dearly-beloved husband of Mary Ann Jenkins, aged 64. Funeral Public, Gentlemen only, Three p.m.. for Cefn, Monday, 21st. j —c=s T PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. CARDIFF. ifpHEATRE JJOYAL, CARDIFF. In—oe and Manager ROBERT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING, at 7.30, and SATURDAY, at Two, OZOEGE MUSGROVE'S ORIGINAL TOURING COMPANY, from the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, in THE JJELLE OF NEW YORK, All the Old Favourites, including 3*RA.NK LAWTON, the Original Whistler, Next Week:— SEOBGE EDWARDES' PRINCIPAL COMPANY in S" TOY. JOHN HUMPHRIES. ALICE DAVIS, OCTAVIA BARRY, Ac. Office, 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. 362. al3523 jpJRAND THEATRE, CARDIFF. XM Leasee & Manager—EDWARD QUIGLEY. TO-NIGHT, at 7.30, THE LIFE THAT KILLS. POPULAR PRICES. Next Week: Å FATAL CROWN." oSB819 .i8 not in mortals to command success, bat we'll d-) more: deserve it.Addison.. TpHE CARDIFF EMPIRE, QUEEN-STREET. Director OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT. *Dnny Lane Favourites," "Peerless in Burlesque," THE GRIFFITHS B ROS., tThe Renowned Eccentric ..comedians, with New Ideas. An Original Perch Act. by the SISTERS DE VAN. "You're Not Mad, Are YouP-, SIMMS AND SIMMS, ^Mrodaatng a Refined Musical Comedy Performance. MUSIC Al. THE TOURBILLON TROUPE OF REMARKABLE BICYCLE ACROBATS. AA Sensational and Original Performance on the Double Staircase and Somersault over a Table. JAMES'S STROLLING PLAYERS, In their Original and Startling Entertain. mant, comprising Part-singing, Whistling, Mimicry, &c. JENNY RELMORE, Comedienne. CLARICE NETTA, Soprano Vocalist. GEO. BENDON, A Singer of Coon Songs. GEORGE SPRY & FLORRIE AUSTIN, Comedy and Melody-who are always giving something New and Entertaining. NEXT WEEK—LITTLE ITCH. Bicycles stored free of charge. Two Performances Nightly. Early One between 7 o'clock and 9; late one between 9 o'clock ind 11. Box Office open- dailv- (with exception of Saturdays) 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and,? to 10 p.m. iSatnrdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Plan of Grand Circle. No booking fees. e9169 NEWPORT. -NEWPORT EMPIRE. CHARLES-STREET. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT. BERTRAM WALLIS'S MUSKETEER OON- CERT PARTY. STACK and MILTON, the World's Greatest Bar Performers. \DAN CRAWLEY. Mise LIZZIE VALROSE. 1GOB- LINS' GAMBOL." by the PHANTOS. AMY RUSSELL. LILLIAN BISHOP. BERT COOTE and his COMPANY. Next Week:—T. E. Dun- ville, "Happy" Fanny Fields. L18864 ICE U M, NEWPORT. Proprietor A Manager..Mr. CLARENCE SOUNES TO-NIGHT, at 7.30, MATINEE SATURDAY, at 2.30. GEORGE EDWARDES' COMPANY; SAN TOY, From DALY'S THEATRE, LONDON. Beats may now be booked by letter, tel. or telephone (No. 158). 78993 SALES BY AUCTION. CHURCH-STREET SALEROOMS. CARDIFF. "iy~R. A. SETCHFIELD will SELL by lfj. AUCTION, on MONDAY NEXT. April 21, 1902, a useful Lot of HOUSEHOLD FURNI-' TURE and EFFECTS, removed to the Rooms for Absolute Sale. Sale at Two p.m. sharp. 2798s21 CHURCH-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. MR. A. SETCHFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY NEXT, April 24, 1902, a Large Quantity of Superior HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE and other Miscellaneous Effects, Removed to the Rooms for Absolute Sale. Sale at Two p.m. prompt 3155s24 CARDIFF. ON TUESDAY NEXT, APRIL 22nd, 1902. THE DUKE-STREET AUCTION ROOMS, IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SALE of Choice HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, CAR- PETS, &c.. removed from the Residence of a. Military Gentleman who is leaving the town, and the Contents of a well-appointed house in Ninian-road, Roath Park. "jl/TESSRS. J. G. MADDOX and SON -LvJL have received instructions from the Owners to SELL by AUCTION, as above, over Owners to SELL by AUCTION, as above, over 509 Lota of Well-preserved HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, Inoktding 3 pianofortes, 6ft., 5ft., and 4ft. side- boards, 6 dining and drawing room suites, dining and occasional tables, Chippendale and rosewood cabinets, walnut and Chippen- dale overmantels, hall stands, bookcases, Axminster and Brussels carpets, 6ft. cheval bedroom suite, 6 other bedroom suites, pairs toilets, chests, all-brass bedsteads, 9 iron and braS'S ditto, spring and wool mattresses, fenders, curbs, brasses, paintings, etchings, ornaments, Ac., &c. On View Day Prior to and Morning of Sale, which will commence at Two o'clock prompt. N.B.—Our usual Thursday Sale at the Rooms will NOT be held on the 24th inst. owing to the sale of goods and luggage at the T.V.R. Co.'s Goods Station Yard, Cardiff, on the 24th and 25th inst. al3562 SUNSEARAIN SERGE (Regd.) SUNSEARAIN SERGE (Regd.) SUNSEARAIN SERGE (Regd.) Warranted to stand the SUN, SEA, OR RAIN. SUIT TO MEASURE, 558. SOLE AGENTS: STEWART & STEWART, THE CASH TAILORS, 27" CASTLE A ROADE, CARDIFF. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ano CAPITAL and LABOUR CLOTHING STORES, 59 and 61, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. MANUFACTURE CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. BEST VALUE, BEST STYLE, LOWEST PRICE. BOYS'CLOTHING A SPECIALITY Note Address:- CARDIFF BRANCH. 69842 I A PLEASED CUSTOMER IS OUR DELIGHT, AND OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO PLEASE EVERYONE WHO TRADES WITH US. WE HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR SO MANY YEARS THAT IT IS NOW AN EASY THING. CAN'T WE PLEASE YOU? GENTS' Smart and Stylish WALKING BOOTS, 6/11, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6. GENTS' HIGH-GRADE BOOTS, in Glace Kid a.nd Box Calf, 10/6, 13/B, 16/6, 18/6, 21/ GENTS' OXFORD SHOES, in Patent, Glace Kid, and Box Calf, 4/11, 6/11, 8/11, 10/6, 13/6. BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS, Hard-wear Brand, 3/6, 4/6, 5/11, 6/6, 8/6, 10/6. BOYLE & CO., 17, CHURCH-STREET,, 2, HIGH STREET The Boot Market. (Duke-street End). 10, CHURCH-STREET 23, ST. MARY-STREET (St. John's End). And Branches, CARDIFF. e9851-1 GRIFFITHS AND SONS, CLOTHIERS, THE HAYES, 'c FOR FIRST-CLASS TAILORING. SUITS TO MEASURE, from 35/- SUITS FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR, With Square Shoulders, Cut and Made Equal to Bespoke, FROM 16/6 TO 45/- per SUIT. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN HATS, TIES, HOSIERY, &c. Every Description of Gents' Underwear Manufactured at Our Own Factory, and which we Guarantee. » GRIFFITHS AND SONS, I COMPLETE OUTFITTERS, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. e9876 !!H.! CHEMIST TEMPLAR MALINS MAKES COMFORTABLE TEETH AND TEETH COMFORTABLE. ADDRESSES Ground Floor, KING'S CHAMBERS, -< 29. QUEEN-STREET. 2 TILL 6 107. WOODVILLE-ROAD. CATHAYS. i JONT FORGET. 6.30 TILL 8 BUSINESS ADDRESSES. Great Retiring- Sale. N. BERRY&CO. THE OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE FURNISHERS, 34, Queen-street, CARDIFF, Have decided to Retire from Business. after 27 years' successful trading at the above Address, and beg to tender their heartiest thanks to all those who have so greatly honoured them with their kind patronage, and at the same time inform them that they! have LET THEIR PREMISES TO MESSRS. MANFIELD AND SONS, Of NORTHAMPTON. THE LARGEST BOOT AND SHOE MANUFAC- TURERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, who are anxious to take possession as quickly as possible. N. BERRY and CO. have, therefore, decided to allow off the whole of their IMMENSE STOCK Consisting of Several THOUSAND POUNDS WORTH OF DINING ROOM, DRAWING ROOM, AND HEDBOOM FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CARPETS, HEARTHRUGS, OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, BEDDING, GLASS, CHINA, EARTHENWARE, CLOCKS, BRONZES, CUTLERY, ELECTRO-PLATE, Ac., A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 25 Per Cent., or Five Shillings in the Pound. All Original Tickets will Remain on Each Article off which this Discount will be allowed. The Entire Stock is Thoroughly Sound, Reliable, and Up-to-Date, and of Best Finish, for which the Firm have for so many years held a good reputation. To all whom this Advertisement may interest, B. and Co. strongly advise an Early Visit, before the Best Lines are Cleared, as the SALE MUST CLOSE SHORTLY, to enable the New Tenants to Take Possession. ALL OMERS OVER FIVE POUNDS IN VALUE DELIVERED CARRIAGE PAID. NOTE ADDRESS: QUEEN-gTREET, CARDIFF, OPPOSITE NEW CAPITAL AND COUNTIES ■■ v-*ANK.~ e9801 CASTLE ARCADE TOOL STORES 28, CASTLE ARCADE, CARDIFF. NAT. TEL., 01349. J. T. AVERY A CO. |i V# "Sao 0* m..r, gg B» pool, ^WBBPr w jjttBB&KBr WW WMHB TOOLB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Warranted and at Lowest Possible Prices. Send for Illustrated Price List Free. Immediate Attention to all Orders by Post. e9044 For HORTOITa for Females ORIGINAL Feiu&lei only BENEDICT PILLS. only. The Proprietor has received thousands 01 testimonials from all parts. Females of all ages should never be without a box. as they at once remore all irregularities, and are in no way injurious, winch is the case with many advertised pills. In boxes Is. l|d. atod 2*. Sd. Sent Post Free under cover 2d. extra, direct by the proprietor. G. D. Horton (late Chief Dispenser from the Birmingham General and Lying-in Hospital, 63, Aston-road, North Birmingham. Agents:—Cardiff R Mnmford, Chemist. Ac., Meteor-street, Splotlands. lier- thyr: Willis, Chemist. Georgetown. Swansea. Lloyd. Chemist, Oxford-street. Newport: Young, Chemist. High-street. Cannot be nad from other Chemists. N.B.-None :enuin« unless bearing "G. D. Horton" in red aorots 4ach label. Letters answered fre*. eto BUSINESS ADDRESSES SMOKE a_ NAVY tUT CIGARETTES. Q BEECHAM 8 PILLS CURE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, CONSTIPATION, SICK HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, A7id all STOMACHIC TROUBLES. gEECHAM'S piLLS REMOVE WIND and PAINS in the STOMACH, AROUSE SLUGGISH and TORPID LIVERS, ENSURE PROPER ASSIMILATION of FOOD, STRENGTHEN the S-1 OMACH. B EECHAM'S pILLS MAKE you LOOK WELL, FEEL WELL, and KEEP WELL. REMOVE PIMPLES and BLOTCHES on the SKIN, LAY the foundation of GOOD HEALTH. SUITABLE for OLD and YOUNG. B EECHAM'S pILLS JD JL PURIFY the BLOOD and REMOVE SCURVY. ARE MILD, but EFFECTIVE, in their action. REMOVE the result of OVER-INDULGENCE. CURE RESTLESSNESS and INSOMNIA. 'D E E C H A M S pILLS Are SPECIALLY SUITABLE for the DISEASES and AILMENTS OOMMON to FEMALES. IMPROVE THE COMPLEXION. REGULATE THE SYSTEM. BEFCHAM'S PILLS have stood the test of over 50 years without the publication of testi- monials, as they RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. -OEECHAM'S BILLS E8456 P. E. GANE, ARTISTIC JJ^URNISHER F JJECORATOR CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS. NEW AND .UP-TO-DATE STOCK. BEDSTEAD AND JJEDDING MANUFACTURER, QUAINT STYLES NOW ON SHOW. THE KING OF piNG PONG T, ABLES, HI3KEST, BEST. AND CHEAPEST. m THREE SIZEB. P. E. GANE, 38 and 41, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. PIANOS & ORGANS DALE. FORTY. PIANOS & ORGANS PIANOS & ORGANS S P F *NTAA PIANOS & ORGANS SPECIALITIES PIANOS A ORGANS VVCTOMRNVTI IRNNITO PIANOS & ORGANS REGISTERED MODELS. PIANOS & ORGANS Also PIANOS & ORGANS INSTRUMENTS BY ALL PIANOS & ORGANS LEADING MAKERS PIANOS A ORGANS Terms and Fully n- PIANOS A ORGANS lustrated Lists Free PIANOS A ORGANS on Application. PIANOS A OKGANS Tuning and Repairs PIANOS A ORGANS by Experienced PIANOS A ORGANS Workmen. ALE FORTY, AND CO., HIGH-STREET & CASTLE ARCADE, C A R D I F F Also at CHELTENHAM, BIRMINGHAM, &e. Ae. Nat. Tel 1.103. at0918 DENTISTRY. rrUSETH.—Morgan, Dentist* (Ltd.), 56. Queen-street, X Card;* Set from £1 is. e9613 rpEETH.ZuT^ari^ Dentists (Ltd.), 30, High-street, X Newport. Painless extraction by gas. 6a. e9615 COMPLETE Sets, one guinea, singl* tooth, 2»- 6d- Consultations free. e9613 COIIALITE Sets, 2 guineas; single tooth, 58. Qnsli- fled- deatists in attendance. e9S13 PAINLESS Gas Extractions, &t.; by Ethol Chloride, JL 2s. 6d. C9613 L work done by thoroughly exporkuced dentist& ALL work done by thoroughly expsrienced dentists. Every guaranteed. e9613 PENARTH, Barry Dock, Aberdare, Pontypool, A bar- JL gavenny attended. e9613 TEETH.—Faros allowed to ooantiy patients coming T to Cardiff or Newport. 89613 PREPAID SCALE. Small Prepaid A^rortiwrncirta are inserted in thp "EVENING EXPRESS" at the following rates: onc*. THIlKK srx TIMES. TIWKS. 8. D. S. D. S. D. 12 words or less 0 3 0 6 0 9 13 to 19 words. 0 5 0 10 1 3 kC to26 words. 0 7 12 19 Each extra 7 n n words 0 2 0 4 6 OOMBINiED SOA-T, B for Small Prepaid Adver- tisements in the WESTERN MAIL" and "EVENING FXPRE38 WORDS. OXCK. THRRn OTX TXMKS. TI**S. 8 D. S. D. S. D. 12 or less 0 8 1 4 2 0 13 to 19 1 0 2 0 3 0 20 to 26 1 4 2 8 4 0 Each extra 7 n n „ words 0 4 0 8 10 In all cases the natno add address are oounted as part of the advertisement. LOST AND FOUND. LOST, on Wednesday morning, April 16, in or near JLJ Dcgo-xtreet, Oat.bed*al-road. a gold Bracelet.— Finder rewarded on returning same to 6, Dogo-street, Cardiff. «8€6«19 DOMES 110 SERVANTS. IiM< wanted, aged 15, light Housework and Baby. T —18.,' Canton. e379a24 A N'L'ED, an e*perie»ieed Housemaid-Xurse; chil- T T u.en 4 and 6.—Aj.pjy, evenings, 30. Richmond- road, Cardiff. e880s24 GENBXIAJJ Serraat required.—Apply 109, Qnoen- atTeet, Oardifl. e85&22 WANTED, a gnod GeneraL—Apply 74, Stacey-road, Roath, Cardiff. e845s21 WANTED, a resectable Girl, about 17, »» general; no washing.—A$>ply 17, Plasturton-garden*, Car- diff. p871b23 WANTED, 2 gf>fd General# and Coofc-(JeceraJ references required,—-James, Swan Hotel, Aber- ainan. e87Ds23 WANTED, respectable cirl as General; fond of children.—Mr$. Dincer, Adelphi Hotel, Bute- road, Cardiff. e835sl9 USEFUL Girl wanted, about 15, for light work; one child 2 years; evenings tree.—Apply, after 6, Metropolitan Bant, CaWie-road, Cardiff. e883521 MISCELLANEOUS 81 T UATIONS. YOUNG Lady wanted, dnily, in Cardiff as Student- Toacher, to .help with yonnger children; music and painting in return for services.—E 98, Evening Express, Cardiff. e887s25 WANTED, experienced working Housekeeper; about 25 to 35; take'.full charge—Apply E 97, Evening Express, Cardiff. e889s22 B A/R.MA.TT) rfiqiurert in Oiiriiff; bar and smoke room irade; previous expenenoe not neoeesary.—Apply F 1, Evening Express, Cardiff. e391^2 DRAPERY.—Wanted, experienced young Lady for D fancy counter. Also ApprenticeiL-George Edwards, 76, Cowbridge-rooji, Cardiff. e890«22 PA5NTERS.—Wanted, Lettering done; 62 lettera.— Jonei and Co., Cash Giocers, Cardiff. e877s21 FFIGE Boy,wanted; jqst leaving school preferred. —Apply, by letter, C. H. Simpson and Co., Accountants, 10. Cburch-gtrtet, Cardiff. e881921 SHOWEOOM.Wanted at occc, an experienced young Ledy for miiliv»ery Apply, with full par- ticulars, to Lewis Lloyd, Pontypridd. e785s23 SPLENDID opening ocoure for a smart, active Man who can undertake outside agency spare time; would not interfere with present business; liberal k-rrns.-Writ-e E 48. Eveains Express, Cardiff. e9871 SMAlli Boy wafltM.—Apply-Evening Express Office, Cardiff. e9869 "Jl/fTLLI^fiERY.—Wanted, experienced Hand; accus- ITX tomed to t3l'e" orders.—Apply Roberts, 86. Bryn- mor-road. Swansea. e865«33 £ 3 eaVly.—G u9«m(rig employment e#n- where offered Anybody abl« to write.—For proof eend addressed enyelope Manager, Dept. 84b, Ehn IrtVige, Sonthali. nent.T.. <QS5&. 22»- 6d. Weekly.—A salary of 71. 6d. to 22a.6d. offered to either sex [who can write) for their spare moments; work may be done evenings.—Particulars sent free to anyone sanding addressed envelope to M. Trust- cott and Co.. 6a, Glendower, Torquay. e825sl9 WANTED, -steady Man for livery yard.—Apply immediately, with references, W. and H.' Glass, Victoria itcJj, Liaridaff. e,893622 WHOLE and epara time Agents required for Gla- f V morganshire; very high commission; rif'r?nces.— Apply, by letter, Brooks, Artist, Barry. e847s21 S Bookkeeper, Correspondent, Clerk: aged 25: tes- timonials.—W., 3, Commercial-street, Grifflths- town. e8441121 £3 Weekly.-Genuine evening employment every- W where offered anybody able to write.—For proof send addressed envelope Manager, Dept. 84b, Ekn Lodge, Southall, near London. e9873 SCHOLASTIC. ABuEiness Education.—Cardiff School of Commerce, 1, St..Tohn's-equare, coraer of Queen-street, above Messrs. Masters.—Individual instruction Penmanship, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewriting, Mathematics, Languages, See.; day and evening school.—Prospectus, • T A. Blogs and Co. e855d DEESSCT7TTING Lessons (scientific); certificated teacher; mo<lerate terms.—Particulars, 31, Llan- bleddian-gardeas, Cardiff. e84Os21 APARTMENTS. ADAMSDOWN.—Kitchen and 3 Bedrooms to let.— Jones and Co., Cash Grocers, Cardiff. eS78s21 FONT Bedroom and Sitting-room to let; euit~2 gentlemen friends or 2 young ladies.—151, Gleo- roy-street, Roath, Cardiff. eWO21 TWO Unfurnished Roams to let; every convenience; no children.—90. Forest-road, Cardiff. eS29«19 UNFURNISHED Apartments; 2 or 3 rooms; U central position.—5, Guildford-cresceat, Cardiff. c888»25 PREMISES. "RyfESSRS. S. HERN AND PEfiTWEE iVX AUCTKMTEERS, VALUERS, • SURVEYORS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. For List of Business Premises and Houses to be Let or Sold see "Western Mail" daily. Printed Begisterfrek Offices, 93, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. Established 1849. e9780 tyi and 26, Olevedon-terTace, Boath, Cardiff.—An 8 "-J roomed House; hot and oold water thiouchout.— Apply No. 24 (next door). e886525 PREMISES (Continued). ALFRED C. Haime, Estate Agent, 130, Queen-street. TO LET, Double-fronted Shop, Cowbridge-road; com- manding position, 6 bedrooms, h. and c., good cellar. Qucec-street, lar¡;9 Room, 26ft. x 16ft. 6in-. 311 offlcc, stock-room, or studio, close T.V.R., R.R., £ 20 inclusive Llaniahen.—.Stabie, coachhouse, 3s. 28, Afc^rystwith-etreet, house, fhop, stable, and yard, 13s. 42. Redtaver ftreet, 4 bedrooms, h. and c.. 126- 5L Bridgend-st., h. and a. gs.; 2, Oraddock-sk, ae. 6d. 45. Somerset-street, 6*. 6d. FOR SALE, properties near new tram routes. Corner Shop, stable, and yard, South Splott. Gordon-road, 5 bsdrooms, h. and c., dE.400. Llanifben, freebcid residence, 5 bedrooms. Agent for Westminster Fire Office, United Kingdom Temperance and General Life Office, London Guaran- tee, Norwich and London Accident Companies. e9608 rlet, immediate possession, 69. Moorland-road.— Apply Meadows. Cyril-nreeoent, Cardiff. c359s22 liVOK sale, freehold, The Lodge, 61, Clive-road, Car- X diff; ocmmcdious and convenient detached house, containing 9 bedrooms, drawiag-room, dining-room, china pantry, kitchen, with usual offices, scullery, and basement; large well-stocked garden; apple, cherry, and other trees.—Phihp E. Hill, 23, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. e9370 8 roomed HDHM for sale, Coedcae-street, Grange; hot, cold; back entrance; close to trims.—For particulars apply 12L Bute-road, Cardiff. p245a21 ADVERTISE!* has £ 2,500 to Invest o» lHouses in South Wales; smaller mortgages preferred.— Write to Secretary. 11, Diana-street, Cardiff. e852s29 Al l'IiY Co-operative Supply North-read, Car- diff:—Several houses, 2, 3, aiid 4 bedrooms each; rents, 5s. 3d., frs. 6d., 9?, 10s.: baths, gardens, &c.; near Btafcvt-ir and Park-piace 'bus termiinis. e401d A PI'LY to J. T. Saunders, Auctioneer and Estate A'ut, 29, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, for following properties to let:—Dai»y-str(>et, 5s., 78, Saltmead-rood, 6s. 6d.; 50, Court-road, Si 6d.; 201. Carlisle-street, 116.; 5, Adamsdown-square, 12a.; 9. Stepheason-st., 9s-, &c. e9600 BICYCLES, &c. COVENTRY CYCLES. COVENTRY CYCLES. 3s. 6d. PER WEEK. 38. 6d. PER WEEK. CYCLES FOR EVERYBODY. GENT'S or LADIES' 1902 MODELS. HIGHEST GRADE, FITTED WITH FREE WHEELS and PATENT RIM or TYRE BRAKES, 1902 DUNLOP- WELCH LICENSED TYRES; compete, with e-ery latest improvement; APPLEBY'S half-inch pitch Chains; PL ATI1 D SPOKES, and DUNLOP-WELCH WESTWOOD HOLLOW RIMS, METALLIC FINISH; Frame beautifully Enamelled, and all bright parts heavily Plated on Copper; made of the best POSSIBLE MATERIALS OBTAINABLE, and fitted iviih all accessories of the best manufacture, INFLATOR and TOOT.S. all complete, for 3s. 6d. PER VTBK foT f2 MONTHS. Payments to be sent once every month. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED TWO YEARS Thi Machines are delivered on Payment of the first monthly instalment, viz., 15s. fid., CARRIAGE PAID TO YOUR ADDRESS. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. THE MACHINES THEN BECOME YOUR OWN IJSOI TTTE PROPERTY. NOT THE HIRE SYSTEM. NOT TEE HIRE SYSTEM. NET CASH PRICE for I-KDIES' ,C E -;T'S LIGHT or FULL ROADSTER or ROAD-RACER, JEg 8s. each, all complete WE ARE PREPARED TO. SEND ANY r HT-E ON APPROVAL, and PAY CARRIAGE BOTH WAYS IF NOT APPROVED, as we have every confidence of these Machines giving entire satis- faction to EVERYONE. WRITE AT ONCE FOR FULL LIST and ALL PARTICULARS, which will be M-nt POST FREE. NOTE THE ADDRESS: — THE COVENTRY SUPPLY CO.. CMMFOBD-COURT. MARKET-STREET, MANCHESTER. e9830 GOOD Gent's Bike for sale; £ 3; bargain.—Apply 18. Oxford-street, Cardiff.. e830sl9 CYCLE, 1902 X Frame, free wheel, hendsomeiy- plated rims. 'Road Raccr, Roadster, or Lady's; 1 list price £ 18; expensive finish; "New Departure" back pedal brake included; full guarantee; approba- tion 10 days; cash C6 19s. 6d.. after approval; will easily sell fcr £10. Send for free list to-day. 6,500 testimonials.—Bennett Cycle Company, St AJbans. Easy payments e854s23 FOR sale, a gent's Bicycle; Gadie fittings, Dunlop tyros, Bowden brake; gears, 76 and 84: price, £ 5 15B.—Bevan, Railway-terrace, Beaufort. c850s21 LADY wishes to Re 11 her nearly new Safely, not £ 5 15B.—Bevan, Railway-terrace, Beaufort. c850s21 LADY wishes to Re 11 her nearly new Safely, not soiled, with free wheel, back pedalling brake and front rim brake, plated rims. Clincher tyres, blact enamelled, gold lined, costly, high-class machine, with cand?e lamp, bell, all accessories; £ 6 15s.; great sacrifice; wiil eend on approval.—G. Yeaisley, Leacroft Fgrci, Worle, near Weston-super-Mare. e796d MOTOR-CBr; 34 h-p. water-cooled engine; 3 speeds; electrio ignition; seats 3; good running order; cost £200; sacrifice £110: buying larger car.—Ernest _E.. Harris. <^836-. Ril yon thinking of purchasing a new Cycle this season? If so, write for s catalogue or will at the Quadrant Cycle Co.'s Depot, 35. Castle-street, Cardiff, and inspect their large stock of machines; prices from £10 10B. easy payments arranged; illustrated lists of cycles and motor cycles post free. e9814 ARE you wondering what to do with your old Machine? If so, write to the Quadrant Cycle Co. (Ltd.), and see what price they will allow you for it in exchange for a new Quadrant; second-hand machines of any make taken in part exchange for a Quadrant. e9814 A high-grade Quadrant Cycle can be obtained for £ 10 10«. cash, or 12 monthly payments of 21* no hire agreement to be signed; the machine becomes abso- lutely your own property on payment of first instalment. .Write for full particulars to The Quadrant Cycle Co. (Ltd.), Government Contractors, 35, Castle-street, Car- diff <n"xt door to the Angel Hotel). e9814 ALL Quadrant Cycles are made of the finest material obtainable, and for durability, excellence of finish, and easy running cannot be beaten: free wheel, best tyres, plated rims, &c., from £10 108. e9814 A £ 5 Bank of England Note is known ereryhwere, and so is a Quadrant Cycle, but remember there are imitations of both. If you want a genniae Quadrant go to the Quadrant Cycle Co. (Ltd.). Government Con- tractors, 35, Castle-street, Cardiff, or to one of their authorised agents. e9814 A Quadrant Motor Cycle obtained the highest award at the Crystal Palace Motor Show on February 14tli for the combination lever, all the best distinctive im- provement exhibited; one lever does the work of four; write for illustrated lists.—The Quadrant Cycle Co. (Ltd.), Government Contractors, 35, Castle-street, Cardiff (next door to the Angel Hotel). <*9814 A few good second-hand and shop-soiled Machines for sale; all bargains.—Write to the Quadrant Cycle Co. (Ltd.), 35. Castle-street, Cardiff (next door to the Angel Hotel). e9814 GENT'S modern Safety splendid condition; to be sold oheap.—132. Eldon-road, Cardiff. «873*19 ALL Cycle repairs and renovations send at once to Parry and Co., Siren Cycle and Motor Manufac- turers, Mill-lancs, Cardiff. Free wheels, 'Morrow hubs, and rim brakes promptly fitted; lamps, bells, and accessories; lowest prices; repairs; stove enamelling, nickel-plating. Catalogues post free. e9778 CKUSSLAND, Was*, and Co.'s Depot, opposite Fark c Hotel, to have your cycle ovsrbaated; repairs in all breaches: Osmond and Aral oyclss Just arrived. B Dupoaal, Uent.'s Safety Coventry, tree wheel, rim brake, silver-plated Weitwood rims, guanine A.B. Velox tyres, 1902. guaranteed; costly ntsahiae; quite new; not soiled; sacrifice £5 10s.. lowest; will send on approval- genuine barraisL-K. Gill, Wawrlty Villa, Be3;h-road. Weston-super-Mare. e628d FOB Sale, Cycle Accessories, Fitting*. Tools, fto.— On view st Messrs Poweli and On.'s, Cyels K nam oilers and ZWetroVIaUn, 1. Gai&tord-strest eZTOd BICYCLES, &c. Continued. AYLIFFE and Sons, manufacturers of the well- known Daisy Cycle. Write for catalogue. Daisy Cycles overhauled free of charge for two years when built to oMer. One grade only in Daisy Cyeies— highest obtainable. Ladies and Gent's 1902 models, cold and silver lining, with plated or Roman rims, will be found an ideal mount. Daisy Cycles caunot be excelled. Featherweight Racers, Road Racers, and light Roacbten-for finish and easy running the most up-to-date Cycle in Wales.—Address, Ayiifie and Sons, Daisy Cyele and Motor Works, Cardiff aad Newport Nat. Tel. 832 Cardiff. e9768 AYLIFFE aad Sow for Plating and Enamelling. Daisy Cycle Works for repair* to any make cycle. Ayiifie and Sons for 2 speed gear and free wheels. Daisy Cycle Works, CVirdiff, for Morrow Hubs and at teseories. e9768 AS a bird is known by its cote, so is a Rarer Cycle by its world-w'.de reputation. Intending purchasers are invited to call and inspect this season's models, special attention being drawn to No. 2, which, fitted with free wheel, 2 brakes, plated rims, high grade tyres, for either lady or gentleman at £10 1()$., is undoubtedly the best value ever ofie;?<i in the aanais of the cycls trade.—Robert Bevan, Castls-street. Cardiff. e9760 REPAIRS if sent to Morris Bros., Cycle and Motor Works, Pontypridd, .-vways give satisfaction. Over- haul, enamel, and re-plate for 253. if seat at once. Accessories to trade at wholesale factors' prices. 81947 ALL cyclers should sea our stocks of Sunoeatns, Rover, Swift, Star, Bard, and New Hudson's Cycles; prices from £ 8 IPs.; fully guaranteed for two years. A Star Road Raoer, fitted with free wheel. 2 brakes, plated riai.v Dunlop tyres, £ 105. 10s., or 12 monthly payments" of £1 Is. f9760 numb(-r of sbop-60iled Machines to ce.01 Anumbsr of slightly shop-soiled Machines to c' cheap; a!w a greet number of re:s ;ly srood Second- hand Cycles, from LZ 10s.-Robert Bevan, Csstle-streei, Cardiff. c9760 1902-—Ton want a new Cycle Don't buy until you ± have seen the 1932 HumbeTs. Beejtos Humbert, are acknowledged to M the fissst cycles in the world. Humber Cycles, with free wheel, from LID 10s. Special Standard free Hurnbers, splendidly finished, £ 12 12a Inspection invited. Catalogues post free. Gradual payments if required. Hutnber Motor Cycles from £ 45.—A. E. Norton 126, Qaten-streei, Cardiff. e9660 A Choice of Kiga-grads Cycles—Singers. Triumphs, Ragians, Royal Eiifields, Humbers. Inspection invited Catalogues free. Best houss for Cycle >coes- eories, Free Wheels, Brakes, Tyres, Pedals, &e., tc your old machi no.—Norton, 126 Queen-street. Cardiff. <?9660 FR disposaL gent's Safety Coventry, free wheel, 2: rim brake, silver-plated Weetwood rims, genuine A. B. Vetox tyres, 190? guaranteed; coetly machine; quite new; not soiled; racriflce; jBS 103 lowest; will eend on approval, genuine bargain.—K. Gill. Waveney Villa, Beitch-rotid. Westcn-miper-Maro. e498d YCLE rel.)air& of every description executed at W ) H. Thomas and Ca's Celt Cycle Works. Miskin- street, Cathays. cycles built to specification: platers, enamellers; brac;.era; guaranteed workmanship; mode- rate prices. 1'9779 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. TTKM1 sale, Dnnnage Boards, Battens. Scantlings, JO Deals, and Scaffold Poles; in good conditio; cheap.—Coles and Sons, Top West Bute Dock, Cardiff. (>839821 SUIT Lengths, 7s. 6d., 10s. 6d., 12a 6d., 15s, in All Wool. Vicunas, feerges, Tweeds; patterns free; any length cut, carriage pMd.—Albion Woollen Manu- facturing Co., 56, Woodhouse-lane, Leeds. e9844 CROCKERY Buyers can have splendid assortment packages, £ 1 each; 20 doseu articles; hawkers' crates, about 1,000 articles, for E2 2a. 6d.; free lists.— Cavendish Pottery Company, 11, Liilesh all-street, Longton. Staffs. ROCKERY.—400 Articles for 32a. 6d.; lists free.- C Bennett; 25. Broom-street, Hanley. 1692d LADY offers, privately, 10-gainea Cutlery Service; 12 large, 12 small knives, pair meat carvers, game carvers, steel; sterling silver mounted; Government hall-marked; unused; will accept 3,5. approval before payment.—AddreM D 70, Evening Express, Cardiff. e799s23 you seen Robert Lewis unA Co.'s (Custom House-street) PAPER-HANGINGS, Pa-peraangmgs.—Hav» you seen Pattern Drop a post-card, and they will be sent to your house e9668 AR^tST offers for immediate sale 8-fruinea pair Entree Dishes* A 1 quality; detachable handles, forming four dishes; fashionable oblong pattern; accept 40s.; approval, post free, before payment willingly.— D 71. Evening Express. Cardiff. PM23 FSH.—On receipt of 2s. 6<L will forward bass of selected Fish, carriage paid; trade supplied; price lift free.—Edward Lacy, Fish Docks. Grimsby. ejlfid FOR sale, 6 Tea Canisters; good condition; small counter and shelving; cheap.—12L Woodville-rosd, Cardiff. *851 s!9 Sar.^sH—-JuargcsV —MCiety?- Levy's Sate Co, Frederick-street, Sunderland. T7V>R sale, a weil-bullt DOs KenneL—7, Lonisa-street, J Cardiff.. e874s23 CORONATION Photo Buttons—Fine coloured C Photo (with engraving behind size of florin), 6s. per groes; King and Queen, 5s, 6d.; plain King, 5s. per gross; agents wanted.—95, South-street, Rochdale. f868823 CABBAGE Plant.s.-Red Pickling and Drumheads c 2a. 6d. per 1,000 cash.-H. Mason, Plant Grower, Withington. Hereford. e872sJ0 TT^NAMilLLElJ Lettered Swing SigDs; all classes of X-/ lettering.—11, Salisbury-road, Cardiff. <'353sl9 mHE Miniature "Isabeth" Constant Level Inkstand; X will hold sufficient ink for several weeks, constant use; 2s. 9d.'post free.—Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardia.e957Q TT ETTERCcpyineBoot. 1,000 pages; half bound caM; L special value; 5a 6d. post free.—Stationery De- psjtment, Western Mail, Oardifl. e9570 BLOTTING Pad end Calendar for Memos., Is. 9d., post free.—Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff. e9570 NEW Artistic I»ace Shelf Paper, 12 sheets, each 36in. long; 6d., post frea—Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cnrdift. HOTOGRAPH of- Queen Victoria (18 x 24), 9d. p each to clear, post free,-Stationery Department, Western Mail. Cardiff NEW Burglar-proof C*6h Box in various sixes; send for illustrated price list.—Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff. ADKIELIS Dream Book and Fortune Teller, Is., z post free.—Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff. rpHE Simplex Account Collector.—Book containing X 500 forms for attaching to overdue accounts price, IS., postage 3d. extra.-Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardift. e9570 THE "Excelsior" Printing Outfit of Rubber Type, complete with Holder and Pad, la Id., post free.— Stationery Department, Western Mail. Cardiff. e9570 EDDRfG Stationery.—Latest designs in Wedding Cards and Invitstioss; sample book sent on receipt of 5a and 3d. postage.—Stationery Department, Western Mail. Cardiff <9570 MISCELLANEOUS. SPRING is coming, and this house ought to ba re- papered.—Lewis's, Custom Hoose-etreet, for cheapest, newest, and best designs. t9668 IS your Waveh Wrong? The best and cheapest «hop J. in Cardiff for the repair of Watches of every description (English or Foreign) is 38. Castls Arcade (third shop from Castle-street), by James Keir (for tan years vith Mr. Spiridion). Clocks and Mesie Box. Cleaned and Repaired. etc MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED, a good Cob; 14 hands; warranted Quiet to drive and sonnd. Also a crank-axle Cart and Harness to match.—Together or separate offers to 38. Castle Arcade-chambers, Cardiff (by letter) e882s24 WANTED, about 200 good Second-hand Rectangular Railway Sleepers.—Apply Cement Pen- arth. e853s22 WANTED to hire. Horse and Cart, coal trade; i i hauling same (piecework): option purchase.— Terms E 24, Evening Express, Cardiff. e849821 COAL FOR SALE. TA. Strawson, Coal Merchant, Olive-chambers, • Windsor-place, Queen-street. Cardiff.—Best House Coal at current prices. Nat. Tel., 0896- e779d COAL' Coal'! Coal!—Go to the Bute Coal Com- pany for splendid quality at reasonable prices; special .ine, 21s. per ton cash; try it and judge for yourselves.—Send post-card to the Bute Coal Company, 3, NeTrpnrt-road, Cardiff. e806d COALS.—Telephone 01024- Ffa'.dau, 24s.; genuine International, 23*. 6d.; Selected, 22s.; Large House, 209. C-1; Range Nuts, 19s.; Smalls, lOa. 6d. per ton; send direct; no agents.—West E1.:4 House Coal Mer- chants, Canton, Cardiff. e412d rip it Y the Cardiff House and Steam Coal Company X iLimited; for splendid House Coais; from own colliery in the Llynvi Valley; prices moderate; delivery prompt. A,. MAURICE BAILEY, Secretary, 24. Duke-street, Cardiff. ef672 PARK Coal Co., Salisbury-road, Cardiff.—Agents for North's Bed Ash Oca Is Nat. Telephone, 599. • e400d_ COAI.. Coal, Coal!—Get your Coals direct from the collieries Seed for price lw-t to Morris and Lead- beter, Colliery Proprietors and Agents, 2a, Fitaalan- road Ccrdiff Nat. Tel.: Cardiff, 1.026; Newport, 277, 254. 254a. 1523; Post Office. Newport. 561. e9652 MUfclGAL. PIANO —If you want a tiargsin, write for lint of instruments returned from hire, as you can secure a Piano by one of the Great Makers at a less price than the cheap rubblsJ. now so freely ndvertisea; guaranteed, and in mod cases Quite equal to when new.—Thompson and Shuckell (Ltd.), 24, Queen-street. Cardiff; 32, Castle-street, Swansea, &c., &c. e9701 IANOFOKTE. £ 19~19^~lhe~ChaHenge Model! P delivered free to any address; guaranteed for 20 years; all modern improvements.—Can only be obtained of Thompson and Shackell (Ltd.), 32, Castle-street, Swansea, &c., &13, e9701 PLANO by E road wood White, only £ 16 10s.; a marvellous bargain, which should not be lost; in "pJendid order and of lovely tone.—Thompson and Shackell (Ltd.). 24, Queen-street. Cardiff. e9701 PIANOFORTE. £ 25, by celebrated maker; quite p equal to new in every particular; cost double; in handsome case, with all improvements; a genuine bar. gain.—'Thompson and Shackell (Ltd.), 24, Queen-street, Ctenlift. &c., &c. e9701 PIANOFORTE.—A genuine Scdhreiber, only CZ7 p 10s. listed at 60 guineas; perfect in every respect, with Patent Resonator Attachment.—Thomp- son and Shackell (Ltd.), 23, Commercial-street, New- port, Mon., frc., &e. e9701 MARXYN Thomas, ic4. Castle-road, Cardiff, is now clearing his entire stock of Pianos, Organs, Gra- ph ophones, &c.. regardless of cost for eash only. e420d ORGANS, new and second-hand, by all makers, from £ 3 17s 6d. Repair* in all branches.—Heath and Sons. 76. Queen-street, Cardiff. t9647 BR1NSMEAD Pianoforte, in handsome rosewood esse; choics marqaoterie pai^el; iron frame; fall trichord; best cheek astion; £ 35 net cash. e9647 PIANOFORTE by Waddiigton; burr walnut case; P trichord; in grand condition; jE19 19a—Heath, Cardiff. <9647 PIANOFORTE by Cadhy; handsome burr walnut p cut; in splendid condition; a bargain; JE18 18s.— Heath, Cardiff. e9647 PIANOFORTE Tuning—H. T. Webb, lata with P Hesth and Sons; terms Cardiff, 3s. 6d.; estimates for repairs.—Address 8, Clare-street. Cardiff. e271d IF you want a Piano or C~rea, do not be persuaded by any interested person to purohaee until you have ascertained the extiaordinary value we are offering. You will save many pounds, be most liberally treated, Slid get the easiest possible terms by purchasing from us.—Duck, Son, and Pinker, the Great Piano Merchants, Pulteney Bridge, Bath, and at Bristol Catalogue and book of adviee free (Name this paper.) e9656 TALKING Machines of all kinds applied at 96, St. T Mary-street, Cardiff. el642 GRAPHOPHONKS, Phonographs. Sd Gramo- phones kept in stock at 96, St. Mary-st,, Cardiff. RECORDS, Columbia Edison, & Gramophone; thon- ssmir to choo«e from at 96, St. Mary-st.. Cardiff. WE aie the largest talking maohins dealers lo tlbe oountrc el6tt WE sell goods on the easy payment system, or at lowest cash prices. el642 IJira goa.JW -m.fti; Ki—<si» gas»V» 'tee ,mm>e 11 safety lamp toe miners, fcc.; pries. 12s. 6d. *1642 PING Pong and Table Tennis.—Cheapest and best at 96 St. Msry-Mreet, Cardiff. e9669 WE exchange records and execute all repairs promptly at 96. St Mary-st., Cardiff. *1642 fl^ALKING machine importers aud expert*.—Head- X quarters in South Wales 96. St. Mary-st., Cardiff. fTVALKING Machines; make home pleasant.—Call JL and hear them at 96, St. Mary-street. TALKING Machines of all kind* Sold or Exchanged at St. Mary-Jtreet. WRITE for catalogues or call at Talking Machine Aeency. 96. St. Mory-street, Cardiff. *1642 HARPS bought, sold, exchanged; 25 years' expe- rience as harp Tepairer; Erard and other makers in stock.—Miller, Arcade, Bristol. e5816 JEWELLEP*Y FOR, SALE. GREAT Cleaiance Sale at Bosssh's, Pawnbroker and Jeweller. 19. Queen-street Cardiff. GREAT Cleerance of Gold and Silver Watches. Albert Chains, Seals, Compasses. Scarf Pins, Jtc. ("A ENUIN £ Clearance of solid Gold Wedding Rings, Tf Keepers, Engagements, and Signet Rings. GENUINE Clearance of solid Gold~and Silver Brooches. Ear rings, Studs, Links. Bangles, to GREAT Clearance Saie of Clocks, Bronzes, Type- writers, Bicycles, Musical Instruments, Revolvers, Antique Furniture. BEAT Clearance Sale of Opera Glass. Fj«i4 Glasses, Telescopcs. Walking Sticks. Umbrellas, fte. GFNUINE Clearance Sale of Table Knives. Dessert Knivea Carvers, Spoons, Forks; wonderful bargains GENUINE Clearance Sale of Dinner cFuetsTBreak- fast Cruets, Toast Racks, Butter and Jelly Dishes, &C- REAT Sale of solid Silver Spoons and Forks, Cigar- \Jf ette and Cigar Csaes, Matchboxes, fee. GREAT Sale. No reasonable offer refused. Bomvh's, 19, Queen-street. Cardiff. CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &c. FOR sale, new Victoria; painted green; fine lined; middle chrome; green Morocco and cloth; extra light, and highly finished. Surrey Carts: suit 15 hand; also to suit 12 to 13 hands. Four-wheel Dog- cart, walnut body.-Lewitl, Carriage Builder, Clare- street, Cardiff. e9843 HORSES FOR SALE. FR sale, chestnut Mare, 6 years old, about 14 hands, by Arab sirs out of Welsh pony; quiet to ride or drive, and hps carried a lady; warranted seumd; sold owing to being too small for present use.—Apply C. Hayward, St. Pagan's, Cardiff. e9867 FARM AND GARDEN. I GARDEN Netting. Garden Netting. Garden Net. G ting, Cord Netting, beet quality, for covering seed beds, fruit trees, fowr runs, &c., 16 square yards for Is.—Grainger, 8, Working-street, Cardiff. f-9795 FR reliable Garden Seods, go to Walker, Seedsman. Q.ueen-«:reet, Cardiff. _e9?.?- T7WR reliable Farm Seeds, Walkers cannot ba r surpassed e9812 R choice Flower Seeds, try Walker, Seedsman. J; Cardiff. f9812 FOR all kinds of Seed Potatoes go to Walker's Seed Stores, Cardiff *9812 A~ RTIFICIAL Manures of all kinda at W. Br Walker's, Queen-street and North road, Cardiff. *9812 ALL the leading kinds of Sweet Peas at Walker's, Queen-street. Cardiff. *9812 ORTl CrLTU It A L_Sundries of all kinds can be had of WalkeT, Seedsman, Cardiff. e9812 It Pigeon and Pouifry^Mixtures. try Walker, S, Queen-street, Cardiff. *9812 It r, Strar, Corn, &-c., try W. E. Walker, j' Queen-sti»et and North-rqsd, Cardiff. e9612 FUHNITURE, &c. HARRIS'S Furniture Bargains in Newport Market —Bedroom Suite—Chest drawer* (5 drawers), dress- ing table, swing mirror, fashstand, 3 cane-seated chturo, towel rail; complete; polished a nice mahogany or walnut colour; delivered free to your door. e9625 ARRIS'S Celebrated Reliance Suite in Mororca doth, £ 4 15v; unequalled for style, durability, finish, and price: over 3,000 already sold. Send for catalogue: look. on page "1; it's a marvel of cheapnesa —E. E. Harris, Furnitu.o Manufacturer, Th« Market* hall. Newport. e9825 OjEVENTY Dining-rooul Suites in Saddlebags, Velvet, O itc., £ 5 15s.; complete.—E. E. Harris, Mann* facturing House Furnisher, Market-hall, Doek-ftrce^ New;iort. Eetat»lished 5L years «9825 I,WAYS open to buy Furnnure in any qusntitiesj books bought and goods of every description^ cash at ocet-—Woodruift, 77, Castle-road, Cardiff. e4424 —— DOMESTIC ARTICLES. "T «a:, what a charming paper." "Yes, I hoagfeft X that at Robert Lewis's, Cnstom House-street, Cnrdiff." "Then I'll go thare for mine." *9668 THE Patent Eclipse Knitting Machine, the most per» feet Knitter of Socks and Stockings in the world. Simple in construction, lAoIIy to learn, and light running. -Send post-card for price list to Spencer's B&bjr Carriage Warehouse. St. John's-square, Cardiff. e9453-4 MEDICAL REMEDIES. RTIFIQLAX Legs, Hands, Eyes, Trusses, Leg Irons, Crutches, Belts, Children'J Rubber Trusses, Elastia Stocking's, &c.; repairs ur re-wvering dnne; lady atten- dant. Catalogue free.—Note only addresses, Allen Pearce, 7. Char.08-strect. Cardiff, and Broad mead. BiistoL "UPTURE.— Its cause and treatment without opera* R tion; send Id. stamp for book.—Mr. Allsn Psxrcs, 7. l!!h»r'.eii-s'reet, Cardiff. *304d SMALL-Pox and influenza may be warded off of s an attack minimised by Kernick's Vegetable Pills. HE microbes of small-pox and influensa are ren- dered harmless by the invaluable properties of Kernick's Vegetable Pill.. Try them. 131& and 219 per box, of ail chemists and stores. PRING will prove less trying to mest constitution* by an occasional doa* of Kernick's Vegetable Pilia. These don't want adnrtiaing-they advertlss them- selves. 13Jd. and 2/9 per box, of all chemists and stores. SAFE Medicine for Worms in children.—Kernick's Vegetable Worm Lozenges; 7id- aad 13Jd, per box, of all chemists, stores. &:0. ERCULOID'S, Nature's medicine for Brain Faf and Nervous Exhaustion or Debility; la per box; full course, 2/9. HERCULOIDSl the Tonic for Brain and Nerve through all chemists, fra Wholesala Britiak Agents. Kernick and Son (Limited). Cardiff. t9521 -A WORKS OF ART AND CURIOS GEORGE Pearce, Fine Art and Antique Dealer. 115, Queen-street, Cardiff.. OLD picture and looking-glass frames re-gilded equal to new; estimates free on application. ESTIMATES given for all kinds of Picture Framing. <3816 GILDING done at pnrate residences without removal by experience nwlona; distance no objsat IF you want antique furniture renovated send post- caid to Gf>( rge Pexroe, 115, Queen-street, Cardiff. PeaicQ is opt-ti to bay antique furniture, corner ■ Ajf Did angr^HegsL FOR sale, Secretaire Book Case; Oak aad Mabogasy Bureaus. Grandfather's Clocks, &c. DO not fail to look through the collection of Paint- ings and Drawings by ancient aud modern masters. IF you want Swansea and Nantgarw China go George Pearce, 115, Queen-street, Cardiff. OLD oil paintings Lined and Restored^ *9816 I MONEY. THE PROVINCIAL UNION BANK JL continue to Lend Larixe Sums Daily, from £ 19 to £ 500, on Note of Hand alone. or on any ether Approved Security, to All Classes in England ami Wales; all communicftions strictly private; this busi- ness having bpen established a great many years hew grown to be one of the beat known and largwt in the kingdom. Call or write to the Manager, 1. QUEEN-SQUARE, BRISTOL. "-9195 SUMS FROM E20 TO S3,000 ADVANO;IV AT o SHORT NOTICE On Approved Note of Hand, Personal, or Other Securities. Charges Arranged before Transactions are Completed. Mortgages on Property Effected at Current liates of Interest. Tourists' and Reason Tickets Purchased and Arranged for Clients on the Payment Principle. Money Advanced on Second Mortgages. Apply I. W. Lloyd, Manager, FIELDINGS (T.TD.L HAYES-BUILDINGS, THE HAYES, 8933 CARDIFF. THE CHARING CROSS BANK. Established 1870. 119 & 129, Bishopsgate-gt. Within, E C., and ■) 28, Bedford-street, Charing Cross, W.C. (tendon. Assets £ 512,475 0 0 Liabilities £ 209,475 0 0 Capital and Reserve £ 503,000 0 0 LOANS of £ 30 to £ 2,000 granted "at a few hoars* notice, in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, farm and trade stock, plant, crops, &c, without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. Dia* tance no object. Easy payments. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. Deposits of jElO and upwards received as under: — 5 p.c. per on., subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawaL 6p.c. per an., subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawaL 7 p.c. per an.. subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal. Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quar- terly. Write or call for prospectus. The Terminal Deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent^ aixl are a safe investment. A WILLIAMS H. XtALL, JointManagets. MONEY lent privately on reasonable terms—T\ Morris, 7, Clyde-etrest, Adamsdown, Cardiff. e838d

PUBLISHED BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT. w "a M, A WOMAN. OF WILES. vw A Story of Hearts and Diamonds. 1 ■ ■ 11 ■ 0 By ALICK MUNRO. [COPYRIGHT.] CHAPTER XIV. "LES DEUX CHATS." No I hadn't heard it. Five minutes ago I was being refused by the girl I loved. I had no ear for such trifles as carriage-wheels. The servant asked whether there was anything eise that the senhor wished. I said no, and then hesitated, and called her back. Should I ask to see Neenah again? But it would be useless, since a repetition of the charge of insult was all that I was likely to gain. I had stood that when it was accompanied by sobs and distress; but I couldn't stand to have it repeated coldly, and, perhaps, with a quiet disdain. Besides, in any case, she wouldn't come. "My hat, please," I said. The servant brought it. I followed her to the door, and left the houee, fuming. Now a lover who has just been rejected by the girl he loves is popularly supposed to let his mind wander among thoughts of watery graves, and prussic add, and verdicts of "suicide during a fit of temporary insanity, brought on by a disappointment in love." But I don't believe he does. In nine cases out of ten, he does just what I did; he loses his. temper. What business—confound her!—had Hetty to say anything about me to Neenah? There was one curious thing: that little burst of what she called foolish honesty. At the moment she seemed genuinely to wish me well in my wooing, and yet five minutes after- wards she had played me a nasty trick-ø. trick. moreover, which stultified -her own advice to me about asking Neenah to marry me. She was in earnest when she told me to do that. and I don't think she was lying either when she told me also that she liked me a little. Well, the night before she had tried to mur- der me! "I really believe." I said aloud, and came to a dead stop in the middle of the pavement to say it, "that every woman is a mixture of angel and devil, and the treatment she gives you just depends upon which ingredient hap- pens to be uppermost for the moment." "Quite eo!" said Bloxham's langhing voice behind mo; "but you needn't block up the whole pavement, you know. Who's been hit- ting yo*. old man? You look glum." "I am," I explained, as I took his arm, "merely philosophising. You caught one of the pearls of philosophy which fell from my lips. Think of your own female acquain- tances. and say, if you dare, that I'm' not right." Bloxham shot a side-look at me, remarking: "Don't the proportions of the mixture connt for something? Now Neenah Monct'iefi' I "Is nearly all angel; nearly, not quite! No. confound it, not quite all angel!" "And Mrs. Wcdderbnrn-" Bloxham began again. "Is nearly all devil," I finished for him. "Then," said Bloxham confidently, "it is Mrs. Wedderburj who has been hitting you." "Both of them," I said. "Come and have a peg. and I'll teU you." We were passing the Oafe Tavarca at the moment. I took Bloxham in, and over a kum- mel and cognac gave him my diary for the last twenty-four hours. Also I told him about the diamonds and other things. Now it will be pointed out to me that last night, on the road from Cascaes to Lisbon, I had shirked telling him anything; and my reason bad been that I feared him as a. pos- sible rival. Why. then, did I tell him now, since nothing was altered between Neenah and him? Simply because things were so com- pletely altered between Neenah and me that I no longer feared Bloxham. You don't under- st. id this; you say that, since Neenah had refused me, and had really perhaps treated me rather badly-ah, but can't you see? Are a woman's tears, then, to count for nothing in the index of where her interest lies? Bloxham was indignant, and wanted to be energetic. He had impossible notions of way- laying Fraser and Fort and shutting them up in a dark room somewhere; he even went the length of suggesting that we should carry Neenah away from the house in the Rua Nova de San Francisco de Paula, by force, and put her into Lady Bantree's charge at the Lega- tion, whilst he and I busied ourselves in grub- bing up the diamonds for her. "You think, then, that she would tell us the secret?" I aaked. "Yes, since we should use it in her service." "She won't," I told him. "And you musn't lay a finger on either Fort or Fraser. They have the plans, without which Neenah's secret is useless. We haven't." "Anyway." said Bloxham vehemently. "Ncenah isn't fit to hold her end up alone against three snob blackguards as those." I leaned back in my chair, and shrugged my shoulders. "I have a notion," I said; ."tha-t she is, as you put it, fit to hold her end up against any- body, you and me included. Yoa admire her, don't you?" "Yea." "I was afraid of it." I said dolefully. "The widow herself warned me." "Oh." said Charles, making a. puddle with the dregs of his liqueur on the marble table, "not in the wa; you mean. In faot, I "Admire the widow, herself He blushed slightly, broke the liqueur glass with a sudden movement, laughed, and then looked solemn. "I did," he admitted; "but you seam to have put your spoke into that. too. After what you've just told me about her-" "That makes a difference?" I could not help saying. "Well, yes. you know--since sbwa & mur- deress!" "Oh, only in intent," I expostulated. "But it makes no difference to me. I still admire her." Charles shot a. questioning look at me. I think he even shrank back a. little from me as he asked: "But you love Neenah?" "My dear Charlie," I said, "does the fact that a man loves one woman necessarily pre- vent him from admiring any other woman? Tbat's a poor compliment to the sex.. I be. lieve there is really a. great deal of good in Hetty Wedderbnrn; and, what's more, I think, I have seen some of it." Rat at that Charlie only shook his head, and smiled, a trifle contemptuously. "In fact," said he, with a curl of the lip, "we may reverse your decision of a few minutes ago, and say that she's nearly all angel?" "Under certain circumstances," I returned steadily, "I believe that Hetty Wedderburn could be all angel." Nell Williams of Johannesburg! Hetty Wedderburn of the mullet-epearing expedi- tion on the TagtIB! It was, perhaps, hardly surprising that Bloxham laughed again, and murmured: "Rot!" But it wasn't rot; I mean't wha.t I said, every word of it. If Hetty Wedderburn could fascinate, and fool, every man she met, it was reasonable enough to believe that if she gave her mind to it she could fascinate, and be an angel to, one man. Under certain circum- stances I should even, I think, have been will- ing to be the jnan., But I don't want Neenah to hear me say that. "What about Neenah?" asked Bloxham pre. gently. "I shall write to her." "And I shall go and epe her," said Bloxham- "this afternoon." "Why?" "Oh. to lay my sword at her feet, you know! To lielp her to keep her end up against these I j people. I'll be your envoy, if you like. and try to find out what the widow told her about you." "Thankfl!" I said shortly. "You'll do noth- ing of the sort!" Bloxham looked at me queerly, and then laughed in my face. "Wha.t a jealous beggar it is!" he said. "You men in love always seem to think every other man wajits to eteal your girl. But I won't poach; I didn't mean that when I said I'd lay my swor^ at her feet. I only want her to; know thsit I'm the last recruit to her party, II and yours-honest Injun, that's all." "04 I know that, of course!" said I sulkily. "I didn't suspect you. You see, you've just told me that the other woman-but we needn't' discuss that. The point is that I prefer to fight my own battle myself. See?" "Yes," he said, "I see. You mean that a I man shouldn't make love by go-betweens?" "Exactly! So, of coirse-" "I musn't mention you. All right, I won't." I "But you'll have to, if you go," I reminded him. "You'll have to say who told you about the diamonds, and about Hetty." 'I "Fact! so I shall! Thien I won't go at all." "Oh, but-" I began, and then stopped. I did not want him to go. ¡ "After all, why should I go?" he asked im- pulsively. "She'd be certain to think you'd sent, me, and I see with you how that would work. No, I won't go. I'll lay my sword at your feet instead of hers; and we'll hope that that will come to the same thing." "You're a good chap, Charlie," I said grate- fully; for I really WM Relieved by his decision not to go. Why? Oh, because—I don't know! I knew he was loyal as day; and even if he, hadn't been I'vp just said that I wasn't afraid of him; but still-ah, well. I don't know what! my reason was not exactly, that is! A man in love isn't to be expected to supply reasons for everything he does. We parted at the door of the Cafe Tavares. I told Charlie that I meant to keep the II appointment with "Marie at. Leg DeIu Chats in the evening, and asked him to -change his mind I and come with me. He refused; he thought he had told me, be said, that he wasn't going to play the spy on his quests; but he would come round to my hotel in the morning to hear my report. Well, that was, surely, much1 the same thinsr as wearing Marie's white rose and going to the Deux Chats; but I believe the fact that it was so never even occurred to him. I refrained from drawing his attention to this point, because if I had I believe he would have been quite capable of refusing to profit by any information which I brought; and if it turned out that Marie had anything of importance to tell that would have been a pity. I spent the rest of the day in writing and tearing up letters to Neenah. I could not turn out anything that satisfied me. The first was indignant, impetuous, and somewhat incohe- rent; the last was formal, stilted, and wholly inadequate; and the others were anything between these two extremes. Finally I wrote: "Give me an opportunity of defending myself. I do not yet know why you say I insult you. But I love you. At the risk of adding to my offence, I tell you go once more." I posted this letter on my way to Les Deux Chats, and I laughed as I dropped it in the box; for it was my first love-letter, and I could not honestly say that it was a good one. A man ought to learn the art of this sort of correspondence before he is thirty-three. A boy of nineteen would have written something much more convincing. Les Deux Chats was an establishment of a kind which is, perhaps fortunately, not known in England. It did not open its doors till dark- ness had given its frivolity a cloak, and it did not close them till-well, I never yet met any one who could, or would, tell me when it closed its doors It did not advertise itself as a respectable family restaurant, and it. would not have been believed if it had. Con- sequently when I pinned the white rose in my button-hole, and pushed open the swinging doors with their device of two blaok cats fighting across a gas-lit transparency, I felt desperately and delightfully wicked. But the scene inside was sordid enough. There was a long, low room, whose walls were hong with trophies of fairly good African arms and armour, which were worth perhaps about a. tenth of the price for which the manageress would have sold them to you. The room was partitioned off, by Japanese screen-work, into little compartments, each of which had its table, its waitress, and its groap of three or four men drinking and smoking cigarettes. The waitress sat with bar customers, and drank with them; and it was etiquette, when you ordered your own drink, to order one for her too. This. if she chanced to be hungry, she would probably convert into terms of poached eggs and bread. I saw no fewer than three of the girls thus regaling themselves at the same tables at which their patrons were sip- ping their vinbo verde or cerveja. de Bavaria. Poor things! their wages depended upon the number of glasses they could charm their ad- mirers into drinking; and, judging by the tally of little saucers which lay on the tables, busi- ness had not been brisk to-night. I looked around for the companion to my white rose. The hum of a polyglot conversa- tion, morrentarily checked at the tables nearest the door by my entrance, rose again as -each group decided that I was uninterest- ing and thai it didn't know me. At one table three or four Portuguese were disputing about numbers in the last lottery, while their hand- some Spanish waitress ate with every sign of hungry enjoyment the plate of eggs for which one of the disputants had no doubt paid; at another a little fuzzy-haired girl was narra- ting something (presumably naughty) in French to a group of very young men, who bent their heads over the table to catch what she was saying, and punctuated each clause with a delighted chuckle; a little further on two young Germans were noisily chaffing their attendant nymph in their own language, and being answered by her in pure and singularly melodious Castilian; and as my glance roamed round the groups, and felt at last on a face I recognised, a purely English exprenion of astonishment cut sharply across the hum of more alien speech towards me. "Well. I'm blessed!" was the man's remark; and as he caught my eye he grinned, with an expression which seemed to say that he hadn't expected to meet me here, and hinted further that he was mildly shocked at my wickedness. The fellow was Sir Francis Bautree's English valetr-a privileged servant at the Legation. Old Sir Francis called him the most amusing scoundrel who had ever taken liberties with his master, and was in the haljit of threaten- ing to sack him for impertinence two or three times a week on an average. The man wu. the most accomplished goesijj in Lisbon. I strelled across to the table at which "fee was sitting. (To be Continued on Ifcwtda*}