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Ssiifsscs. .oJ- | OUR GENERALS. I 0 G D E N'S are Now issuing' in z C their Packets of J | 'GUINEA-GOLD' CIGARETTES EE AX PHO TOS of all the Most J | Celebrated Officers at the Front. | TIIE SERIES COMPRISES ABOUT SIXTY DIFFERENT PHOTOS, ? INCLUDING THE- FOLLOWING:- T Field-marshal Roberts, b Major-general Lord Kitchener A Colonel R. S. Baden-Powell. wf General Sir Redvers Buller. g General Sir George White, A Colonel R. S. Baden-Powell. wf General Sir Redvers Buller. g General Sir George White, k Lieut.-gerieral Sir Chas. Warrea. J Major-general French. J General Brabant. W General Ian Hamilton. 2 General Po'e-Carew. 7 Major-gen. Sir Archibald Hnnter. Lieutenant-general Lord Methuen. X Major-general Chermside. w Colonel Plumer. £ Major-general H. Macdonald. J* Lord Dundonald. Majc>r Dalgety. £ Major-general G. H. Marshall. i g —— Lieut.general Sir Wm. Gatacre. f Colonel EroachvoocL V General 3faxw*II. *| Major-general Sir W. Colville. f4 Major-general Sir F. Carrington, v Lieut.-general Sir F. Clery «t Major-general Wavell. y Major-general Fitzroy Hart f Lieut.-general T. Keily-Kensy. 2 Major-general J. M. Babmgton. 3 Major-general Hon. N. G. Lyttelton. •» Major W. Babtie. V; Major-general Hon. N. G. Lyttelton. Major W. Babtie. V; Bugler Dunn. General Knox. Y Private Fitzmaurice. Mr. Winston Churchill. A Lord Edward Cecil. V C ? ? A SENSATIONAL SALE -i The large reductions made in ail classes of goods in every department BUT 111 view of the necessity for making space for new goods is so sensa- tional in its character that cua- IO-D AI tomers, ur.til they view the goods and xarnine them, deem it impossible that they can purchase such remark- AND able and valuable articles at merely nominal prices. SECtJKB Infinite variety is offered. All the markets of the world are at different periods ransacked to supplv the SALE LAItGE and VARIED STOCK kept at II. SAMTJEI/S Establishment, ST. ALARY-STREET, and these are BARGAINS. at the present time included ia the SALE BARGAINS. WATCHES, iiadies' Fancy Gold Keyless WATCHES. WATCHES. Enamelled Watches, 25s., MATCHES. WATCHES. 3CS. Ijadie*' Keyless WATCHES. WATCHES. Enamelled OctagronWatehes. WATCHES. WATCRES. 508.. 60s. Ladi«»' Oxydised WATCHES. WATCHES. Matches, 10s. 6d. and WATCHES. WATCHES. 15'- 6d. Ladies' Silver WATCHES. WATCHES. Keyle.ss Watches, opal dials, WATCHES. WATCHES. 213, WATCHES. PLATE. Electro-plate Oak Salad I'EATE. PLATE. Bowls, 15it. 6d. PLATE. PLATE. Bronze Elower Vased, 158. PLATE. PLATE. each. PLATE. PLATE. Electro-plated Fish Knife PLATE. PLATE, and Fork, in (use, 6s. 6d. PLATE. PLATE. Silver Hair Brushes, 15s. PLATE. PLATE. 6d.; Combs, 5s. 6d. PLATE. A. POI. has been forwarded to H. SAMUEL by one of the puichasers of his CELEBRATED "LUCKY" WEDDING RINGS, which conveys the evident admiration of the wearer. The Rin; The Rind the maiden cried, As gleefully she tripped beside Her lover 'long St. Mary-street, Fcr here's H. SAMUEL'S Store complete With Golden Circlets fit and meet, Their plighted troth to seal. H. SAMUEL'S "LUCKY" WEDDING RINOJ have the LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. They are Massive 22-Carat Gold, Government Hall-marked, and sive UNFAILING SATISFAC- TION. H. SAMUEL offers his personal consratu- lations in the shape of a New Household Parcel consisting of Half-dozen Electro-Silver Teaspoons, Pair )f Sugar T u^s, and Snar Sifter complete, cr a real Gold Keeper, Hail-marked, or, if pre- ferred, a handsome Nickel Le,r Timepiece. WEDDING PRESENTS. It is respectfully requested that before a wed- dins present is purchased an inspection of H. SAM t EL'S Stock will be made. It very often hanpeus that duplicates are given. It wad the case at a recent 1feddi"!1", wheTe no less than seven cruets had been received from different friends. This can. be avoided at H. for any article that has been pre- Bented can afterwards be exchanged by the recipient without the price paid becoming known, and thus duplicates are avoided. H. SAMUEL'S WEDDING PRESENTS are unequalled in their large variety in tvry class sf manufactures. The MARKETS OF THE weRLD are ransacked to fill this hnse stuck w,th every possible requirement. The air is rife with sounds of strife. Of ¡;trusp;les and pretentions: We need some brighter hopes in store To leaven life's contentions. That better; them that call or send For H. Samuel's list of presents, ;Twill give a view of a world that new In all that charms our presence. GO TO-DAY. GO TO-DAY. O TO-DAY. GO TO-DAY. GO TO-DAY. GO TO-DAY. H. SAMUEL, 7, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. AND AT MARKET-STREET, MANCHESTER. E7461 ^BTISTIC JpUBSTISHING, P. E. GANE. (LATE TRAPNELL AND GANE). CHOICEST SELECTION OF BEDROOM SUITES. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. DINING-ROOM SUITES. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE BEDDING. BBBSTEADS in Great Variety. he Hundred Patterns to Select from. IMMENSE STOCK. LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. Send, fov Our New Catalogue of MODERN AND ARTISTIC FURNITURE P. E. GANE. (LATE TRAPNELL AND GANE), 38 & 41, QUEEN-ST.. CARDIFF. AIM at NEWPORT a.nd BRISTOL. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E P P S'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST— SUPPER NOTICE OF jjEMOVAL. F.D. OWEN, ,G U R G E 0 N J) K N T I S T Has REMOVED from Queen-street to 4, WINDSOR-PLACE I (Oft Queen-street). V ,F;. D OWEN to thank his pati«nt8 and the inhabitants of Cardiff a n, i,^ 8^rrp u n <-1 n g district for their kind patronage and supfK)rt during his piactioe in GardiJT a Dental Surgeon for th-e last 30 years and fie hop*, to have a con. tinuance of their Kina patronage at his New Address at WINDSOR PLACE, CARDIFF. ATTENDANCE DA4Y 9 to,7t t8424 FOR THE PIPE I THREE NUNS TOBACCO NONE NICER—loz., 2cz„ 4oz. SOLD EVERYWHERE. J. & F. BELL, Ltd., GLASGOW. eS429 DAISY CYCLES. 10 Mile Welsh Championship, July 21, 1900. Also First, Second, and Third 25 Miles Welsh Championship, August 7, 1900. Holders of the most Championships in Wales. RIDE DAISY CYCLES AND WIN. AYLIFFE AND SONS. DAISY CYCLE WORKS, CARDIFF. [e8462 Write for Catalogues. Nat. Tel. 832. /o" p. AND A. CAMPBELL (LIMITED). I CARDIFF AND WESTON. "LADY MARGARET." "RAVENSWOOD," Ac., Weather and Circumstances Permitting. AUGUST. Leave CARDIFF. Leave WESTOX. Mon., 20 -12 noon. 1.0, 2.0, Mon., 20- 12,41.45,2.4", 3,0. 4.lip.m 5,0, 5,15 pm. Tues,, 21-6.30 a.m., 12.15. Tues,, 21—11.45 a.m., 1.0, 1.15, 2.15, 3,15, 4.i5. 5.0 2,0. 3.0, 4.0, 6.0. 6,15 p.m. p.m. ^e l„ 22 7.30 a.m 1.30, Wed,, 22 1.0, 2.15, 3,15. 2,31, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6,30! 4.1j, 5,15. 7.B. 7. L5 p.m. p m. p m. Thurs., 23— 7.15, 8,30 a.m., Thurs., 23 — 8.0 a.m,, 1.45, 2.15, 3.1% 4. IS, 5.15, 6.15,1, 5.9, 6.0, 7.30. 8.0 7.15 p,ni. Fn., 24-7,45, 9,1b, a.m, 3,0, I Fri.. 24 8.30 a.m.. 2,3.), 4,0. r,0, 6,0.7.0, 8,0 p.m. 3.45,4,45, 6.45, 6,45, 8,30. 3.45 p,in, Sat, 25-*8.0, 0.45 a.m,. 3.30, I Sat., 25 *8.45 3.0. 4.50, 5.30. *6.30, 7,30, 8.11) 4. US MS. 6,15. *7,15.9.0. P.m. 915 n.m. gPEClAL SAILINGS. NOTE.—A Steamer will leave Ufracombe on Tuesday, Auerw^t 21st, at 9.30 a.m., for Lyn- mouth, Cardiff, and Bristol. MONDAY. AUGUST 20. BFISTOL.—Penarth 11.30 am.. Cardiff 12.0 Noon. Bristol 3 30 p.m SINGLE TRIP to LYNMOUTH and ILFRA- COMBE.—Cardiff 515 p.m. NOTE.—Steamer leaves lifrscombe this day a^ 9.0 a.m. tor ljynmonth, Cardiff, and Bristol. j TUESDAY, AUGUST 21. WESTON and MTNEHF.AD. Cardiff 12.30 p.m., Minehead 4 30 p.iv., Wesion 6.15 p.m. BRISTOL. Cardiff 12.30 p.m., Bristol 4.45 p.m SINGLE TRIP to LYNMOUTH and ILFRA- COMBE. Cardiff 630 p m. XOTE.Stamer leaves Ufracombe this day at 9 30 am. for Lynmoutli, Cardiff, and Bristol. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22. AFTERNOON TRIP to BURNHAM. Caxdiff 2.30 p.m.. Bnrnham 6.30 p.m. Return Fare (anv_Part <>f Steamer), 2s. -EGLTLAR ',RERVICE to LYMIOT-TTIE[ At AND ILFRACOMBE. AUGUST. Leave CARBTFF. TLFRACOMBE Thursdav. 23-8.45 a.m, Thursdav. -3-1.45 prn, Friday, 24—9.15 a.m. Fridav. 24-2.15 p.m. Saturday, 2a—10.0 a m, I 2-2.45 p.m. Mondav, 27-10,30 a.m ) Mondav. 27—4.0 p.m. Tnesday. 28-10,30 a.m. Toe-day. 28-4.0 p.m, Wednesday, 29—10.30 a.m. Wednesday, 24-4.3ri p.m. Steamer leaves LyiiDiouth 30 minntes after Ilfraeombe. Cheap Route to Devon and Cornwall in con- nection with the London and South Western Railway. Steamer leaves Penarth Ten Minutes later than Cardiff except Trips marked For Ptrticularm and Tickets apply Mr. WM. GUY. a6926 70a. Bute-street, Cardiff. JJOCKET jgTAGE COACH THE COACH WTIJL RUN AS FOLLOWS:- TINTERN TRIP. RAGLAN TRIP. Monday Aug. 201 Tuesday Aug. 28 Wednesday as Thursday 30 Friday 24'Saturday Sept. 1 R-eturn FareNewport to Raglan. 7s. 6d. Newport to Tintern. 8s. Coach leaver King's Head, Newport, at 10.0 a.m., reaching Newport on return journey at 7.30 p.m. Seats Booked at King's Head, New- port: Royal Hotel. Cardiff; and Beaufort Arms. Chepstow. F. RUTHERFOORD HARRIS, Proprietor. e8356






Family Notices

By the Way.

Inner City Being Bombarded.

Position at Shanghai.


Baden-Poweil Visited -